She Strntad Our WaahloKtoo M'ia Says. Tfre respectlva report of the expeuJ. 1 -terns o( Commie... oner IVck and Director Xrtli bone hare been laid before Co 1Ctm. The chief difference between Item is that Pack does not charge for &cm fare and Ratbnone doee. In other pcrtuMlan the accounts bear a strong family resemblance. Probably BoM will be able lo syuipA thu. with his creditors now that the ' 3few York courts have cut bini off with a 3 itunce nf a quarter of a million a year. XfiH election has been over for a month adlnu M. D'ckineonand other would be organisers of the democratic party utrenot.yetfiotten beyond the "where ' in their efforts. Ai nrly 11 i -Jin m.fca ji imt White hat been pardoned by Governor ' f tngree for robbing the state on the . ground that, there are other rascals in tin world. But then, .as he plead for Tpxrdon on the ground that his accom plices had assured him that they bad a pall that would protect him, perhapt hie " par Jo a is not bo very remarkable after It. We want to know whether or no Mr. Hs mi a is to umpire the umpire, "C3 The dfbcloBure in the ', Senate; of tke "tact that even the Davla amendment wil t permit the United States to fortify - the Nicaragnau canal and that Its only -dTect will he to allow the United States As send ItB fleets to hover off the 'moutbe of thai waterway and wait for the ene my's vessels, is simply astounding. The Uneaty at negotiated by Secretary Hay, on Id, it'now appears, pledge the word -vA Che United States to keep entirely ' way from the canal and allow an enem y - 4 free coarse to and through t. The House has passed the army bill ' liat his stricken out the staff feature, -which couBtitutpd practically' lis only aod f) t iua, . However, the Senate how fits a chantte at the bill and will uertain- Sjr put the reform sections 'hack. What 4u ultimate result will be, remains to seen. What a contrast brave little Ilollun retf ma to Germany and the United - State a 1 Emperor William, who sent so - wcrin a telegram of congratulation to - Kruger who he crushed the Jamieeon ril and Unc e Sam, who protested so energetically against the Weylerir.atinn f Ouha, seem now to have drawn in Their horns. Tt.a 1'ieil rv aow raising the long yell became 'Oou UTflrtB wants to reduce taxation too much, It's all a (inflation of beet , the reduction of the revenue from ithii source being the trailiiional $10,000,000 straw lhAt breaks the bank, lint then, what can fie done? The hrewora paid their nun sign subacripiiotis lika little mm. and - now they want their reward. Will they . iintit? We!, rather. fi antral Murcierts preparing to invade tC'iglanri, according to his own acnount. HerKofurf, li'nernl Mercier haa been familiar lo pjople ih side of the water tUiefiy tl.roiiph hla connection 'with the Dreyfus ctar. It never occurs to tho adralnietralion that perhaps It cauld mnnage to do with nt the beer tax too, il it would cut off Kpeuditnres a triflo, Kcouomy in gov atnmenr, is one thing uf which the Ht VuhlieAni have nol even a rudimentary -)ncspiion. If tiny had, they wculd 1owb boiiih of their btrongeet supporters. It s pretty bard .o learn, via 4JJreat Brimin, that the Hrit iaU Government justifies Kilcheuer's W.tyt.!nr,Uon of South Africa by two clauses In the laws of war as laiJ dwn the UniUd States war department alter the Philippine troubles beaan. The Vaited States is getting into awfully bad fuuipttny the o dajs. Tnere a:e abtui as many things th oext slate liai8lrtture Bhould not do, as tlier. are it should do. There is no better p'ac iu Orngou lor aeciirhig.' Curtain. us presents than in Albany. Head the coluum- of tho Dkmo bat and oiil upon the live in-rc'ianis of the city. The llaer uontmut to be In (bo tUht ud the war Is not yet over. Theie wars ire not over nnttl they are ended. Ours -js alto ftllltctrd In the be dithcult for the slate to twaae a ori reaction fur IT. S. aenator ban by choosing Mr. Oorbett, a nice, wealth? oUi gentleman ol Portland, One poorer selection would 1 MeBnde A census of Sarm aod all of Itssuburbs weJiouttbowta population ol a little ver fi.OOO people, which Is substantially rr I Halem lias a population of swat 2,000 outside of lbs city limits. Bt then all cities have suburbs, ami the pulatlou Uvea In the census Is thai of Cfcacity Ittflt, so that the capital city will :.avt lo go on tta ceums figure o lb same as Albany does on lis gnresof3,Ut. We have some prstt rood suburbs our-oll, substantialiy a part the city, embracing people wbo do all their trading hers, getting their mail here Washington Letter (Prom oar regular Correspondent.) Washington, Dee. 12ib, 1900. There is a war on between the men wbo boi-e McKinley'a campaign anu Mr, McKinley'i cabinet. Toe men who bossed the campaign compelled the I republicans on the House Ways and Means committee, to make a reduction of 25 cents net a barrel, in the beer tax. although it made the total of the Reve nue reduction bill, now before the House exceed $40,000,000, instead of keeping It 'Bide of $30,000,000 as recommended by Mr. McKinley. The Cabinet objectB and has been even talking of fighting the boiBos in Congress, but a word from Mr. ; McKinley will probaoly result in making it plain to them that the bosses are not doing more than they were bound to do. One republican, Bpeaking oi the Cabinet aicks,said: "Why instead of kicking, these men ought to be thankful that the brewers aie not demanding the $1 a bar rel rednctiou tney were led to better before the election, that they would get, these men la the cabinet would know a whole heap more about practica politics if they would work for awhile with men who raise the money for a na tional campaign. Of course, Mac will quiet them ; he knows,'' Some are pre dicting the bill will be allowed lo fail In the Senate. Representative Richardson preeented the minority report on the Revenue reduction oill. It doeB not op pose any of the reductions made, but fa vors a more extensive reduction In war taxes. The Senate haB always been an extra vagant body, especially In its expendi tures for its own luxury, and the fact that the Committee on Finance has just paid $4,700 for refurnishing and redec orating the room in which it meets shows that it is growing more so. The s'ory of Ra'.hboneV extravagance with Cuban funds, which was quite as diegraceful as Nee ley's stealings, is fully told In a namplet of 292 pages, now in the hands of the Senate on Relations with Cuba. Although Rath bone paid the nnney out on vouchers, they were "ouchers which he knew that no honest auditing cffljer would pas. In fact, vouchers amounting to 8G9,0l9. 21 have been thrown out by the auditors began sa of the nature of the goods for which they charged, such as (110 a month for rent for coachman's house, enameled bath-t:b and other bouse fit ting for one Madam J-jrrins and House bold furnitnre and furnishings of all kinds, including such Itemi as "lining, furniture with brocaded silver and gold,' and harness and other stable paraph an a- lia. Although these vouchers have been disallowed, the money had already bie paid from the Cuban funds. It will In common honesty have to be made uood, as well as the Neeley stealing, and it ib likely that the task uf making goad will fall entirely on tho U. S., as there iB no probability uf recovering any consider able sum either from Rithhone or Neoloy, Teuchcr'rf Institute. Fellow-TeaMierB of Linn County and Friends of Education You are cordially Invited to attend this session of educational work, which will certainly be one of the most profit able "educational rallies" i ttiie county for a number ol years. The work of the iiiBtitnte will he under the efficient management of State Super mtendent Ackuitnan end an fxecutive committee composed of the leading edu cators of the state. The instructors anJ lecturers- will be of the heat talent mf thia and other states, who will inform the teachers on all tiut important phases of school work Uov.T. T. Oeer will deliver an ad druse relative to educational Interests on the evening of December 27th. Indica tions point tJ the Uct that manv teach ers will be present from all parts of the slate, Tearhere, we live in a progress! re age, and no teacher or class of teachers date hope to a ho do not avail them selves of auch opportunities for Improve ment as will be preeetiteJ at this associa tion. We live at a time in which teach ing Is actually a profession and not stepping Btoue to some other occupation, a has long been the custom. I am quito sure that the majority of the teachers of Linn county are of a pro gressive cl.-sand that yon be will present at the institute. I hope that there is no teacher dri:td to so low an ebb in school work as to rvqiiiie the enforcement of th- law regu'aiing attendance. All railroad licei have made a special reduced rate ot one and one-third (are for round trip on certificate plan. " Again inviting you tobe present, I m, Yours trnly, W, L, Jackson, Bapt. of Schools, Linn Co. WhentYsr .OT.r.ftsar. propoiMl lo Orron th. Pihoiirit will b. found U.Inst thtm. Tb. monf J ol tb. prcpU honlj b. as ri.idlj .nardtd .. tbat ol Th. ChinM. mnddl. mms lo be 1. much ol maddl. . .T.r, and Mill. msnt 1. rat In th. tutor. That, is grrat gam. or.rabplng on lo eonote til with It. There Is no call for dividing counties and states just new. Wa have all tbe omces aueauy we can well support. England is again aroused beciseche Boers have lien doing a little whipping (iiouiaBivtr una won't oive no as smbuv as was deirod. Under the head- of "boiled cabbage" a Salem paper announces the r'etb of President McKinley rs former fecxetary J. Addison Porter, TheDsMoestAc has received a buadle of pamphlets from Portland, headed "An ExpoBureof the Boys and Girls Aid Society . ita improper and uajuet metaous is it a grait." Tbe Lane board of equalization reduc ed tue value of land 20 per cent, linn county will pay considerably more than its ehare of state taxes under the pees- , ont hit and miss arrangements. In order to get even with tbe state- tb j Laoe county board of equalization re ducr-d the asBesement In that couaty boat one million Holla -s Evidently some Rind of an equalization board is neeaea. yThe bueiness men of an eastern' twn Uave just formed an agreement to not do any more advertising on tbe varione program and other placard scheme and to confine it to tbe legitimate field c4 the newspaper, nbicb makes such things a life business. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. and the recently organ iad Temperance Union, of Junction, have begun a crusade on the saloons of that city for the purpoee of stopping at least the Sunday opening. a. ween agj snnaay tney paia toe sa loons a visit and found some men around who were ear prised. One man in-trying to get away run his bead into a bavrel. Baker City has an enterprising young man, equal to many ot the financiers of the country. He runs a lumber delivery wagon, wiine naming lumber lor oth er peopU he helped himself to enorgh w ouua a couae lor mmseit, ana even secured the nails without cost if he had not been diecovercu. Queen Victoria sent the following speech to parliament last Saturday: "My lords and gentlemen, I thank you for the liberal provision you have made tor cue expenses incurreo ny tlie opera tion of ray armies in South Africa and China " "My armies" doeBn't sound rig lit to a good American. A Portland weekly paper, which hsB PYidently been snubbed some time, is making an issue of the Oregon Tele phone O . "Lontt waits, imnudent. eaucy airla and miserable service," ehoutB the paper. Tbe Albany service is excellent, toe ami are ol sweet di9Do- sition and very prompt, and li the wuth was known it would probably be learned that the Portland service is as good as a telephone service can be. In the na ture of things there must sometimes be waits, aodgirls must eometimeB get mad, At A. 0. Beam's. Just arrived a frcah lot of firs: class Walnuts, ilrazill nuts Pecan nuts, Almonds. AIbo all kind of candy, just made for wiu unnsimas ir.uu, Rainns, CurrantB, Mincemeat Citron, et. Come and examine these and other goods, ;i;et prices and be convinced. A. O. BEAM. You can bu cuRdo of nervous diseases stammering, had habitp, Blchoholism druir habits and sexual diseases. Ab) sent treatment. Instruction in persona, lunHuu'iBiu. ouua lur iiiarubiiro. .insil- tnte of Psych llogy 7lhaud VubIi.,S8. Portland. The Ex;iraiwnt Not Over, Tne ru.h at ih druftstori still coutinues mil .corei jt p u -la call lor a bHtte ol Kemp's U il.ui f r the Threat and Lungs lor the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma. 3roqchitH and Consumption. Kemp's Balaam, tbe standard lainily rembedy, s Mid on a (ruarAntee and never faiiB to.giTe mure saudiAHion rno v ic and 0J0. A'.hHny Market . Wheal M) tents. Oats a IDgirs S8ivnts, butter IMo 17 cents. Potatoes DO cents. Hams 18 rAjiti. Sides 10 oents. 3ho3:ders8 cent. A Few Pointers. Tbe recent statistics ol toe nuruher ol doaths show that the larire majority die witn eoo.nmpttont mis dt.ea.e may com"enco with an apparently harmless conga wnicn can oo curnd instantly by nemp s oaiaim ror tne inroat and bnngi, which if iruaranteed lo cure and relieve all caw.. Price 23c and 51. For sale by all arnggisis. You can't afford to riik jour lile by al lowing a cough or a oold to develop into pneumonia or consnmphon, One Mindte iougn uure win euro tnrott and long trouble, quicker than any other prepara tion known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy lot croup. Children like it and mother, endonn A Masoa. Mr. Oorbett has .ni.grd rooms at Salem for tb. senatorial flght. To. old proposes to mad. il tb. fight ol hit lir. Oorbett lor U. S. sen.tor. Is Oregon a. bad off a. that, at a Urn. whoa th. slat. oatd. a jroong a. J vigor man sllv. to lb intends ol the entire staU. TELEGRAPHIC England's- Wk . LcNDONj.Dec. 17. Soi-I &alisburynd his colJeagases muBt tvdmy feel greatly relieved that Parliament wn prorogued Saturday. A grim irony m.w attaohes to Lord Koberts' deBcriptioa of the war as over. Yesterday tho War oflice, for the Urst titne in manv months, remained- open throughout Sunday, in repone to the demanoot public an a set y to learo tue latest news. Lor a Kitchener Is resorted to haTe snt a fresh and nrgenl rt-qost to the- government loaena out. every avanawe jjiounttd man. Our Wei. Manila, Etc. 16. Advice from Ho Bo-. 'upon lhat the American troons have been northward and westward for eavep al days and that detachments of the Sixth, Eighteenth and Twenty-eiith reg iments have been active near their sta lions. The insurgent looses ddring the last 10 days there have Uea five LkilleJ,. seven wounded and 40 token nnaonecs. The Americans have lost two killed and rnree woundtd.. A Shlpwreak. Madbid, Iec. 16. The German train ing frigate Gneisenau has foundered oft Malaga, uortueast of Gibralter. The Malaga life-sariug boat made three effeorts and rescnetl 15, but the weight cans'ivd the boat and 12 were drowned. The other three were ruvmi; by meand ot ropes thro wo to them. The port authorities saved many of the Ban-Tors. Tlw Chinese War. Pit KIN. DeOv 16. Definite instrnnHrvn supplementing y est -rd ay's communica tion from London have been received dv bir earnest Mason Satow the British. Minister. nd he now rinmnnHf) n. mnrli. fication of a noint in the ioint note which. i-ud luieiu wnvuyH generally regard as- iiupwriout inn rneaon lurtner aeiay, as all the Min'stent must communicate anew with, their ivMH'ctive eovvor- ments. A Lyrckliit; Jim Henderson and Bad Rowl.n.ip. bo WPvlfild. mnnlprprl -n.nrl rnl.hul .-1 -J.a Simons, a wbite barbr, eariy tips u". uK ncir t-jruuuim tuuigui. id ine jail yarw bv ft mnKnf t&On Ttia no,..rn.o rested soon after the "murder occurred,, huu annuugu Aowianas ciotlitng. had blood stains on it, they claimed tbiiy were luuuurm. Bad Wreck. Vancouveii, Decv 17. News ol the worst marine disaster of the season in uritish Uolumbia was brought here to nichtbv the steamer Czar. irom. ITninn Bay on the est side of Vancouver island The steamer Alpha was wrecked on a reel near tue tri trance to U mon bay and not a vestige of the 1 000-ton steamer re mains. Aer manae'nc owner, can tain. purser, three engineers, two able-bodied seamen and a stowaway were drowned. A Good Bill. Washington, Dec. 17 Representative Rav of New York, in the House and (senator noar, in Uie senate today intro duced bills for tbe suppression .of train robbery in the territories o th TTnirprl States and elsewhere. It provides the death penalty for thoee guilty of a hold up, in case tbe death of any person on tue train result?. Ia ca-e no one is killed, tbe penalty is made hard labor irom to 4U rears. Boers Defeated. London, Dec. 17 Tne tepo't oL an other severe battle resulting in a British victory, is current hero. According to the story, the lighting began at day break tod ,1V and lasted for ftavarn. hnnra The Boers, who numbered from 1500 to 2000 men were surrounded at Orange river and totally defeated with very heavy loss in killed and wounded. A number of Boers it is addjd, were cap- It Must Die. Wabiungton, Dec. 17. The subsidy bill L not dead for it may ba revived av, mo nexi congress. It cannot naaa this nppHinn. A1ra,i there has been organized a determined minority which will defeat tha h l) an.i force an extr.v session if Hie friends of tue subsidy insist on putting it ihr.mgli The President Comma. Washington. Dec. 17 Prefudont RcAfi of the Union Iron Works, San Francisco me uuiiiiersn the new battleship Ohio, Baw the President today and received bis assurance that if nothinir occurred to prevent, he wou d go to San Francisco some lime next May to witnesi the launching of tb- hjg vessel. The exact aaie uas not yet wl-co decided upon. Gas . iscovery. Kosalib, Wash., Use. 17. The excite ment over th discovery of gas in the country west of Rosalie isincreasiug as new proois oi me existence ot natural gas are discovered. .Tn ere is no longer ui.y uuuui nisi natural vaa or a good n uglily exi.-tfl in a lase scods of conntrv lying al .ng Pine Creek to tns west of uere. . Washington, Dec. 18 Tner premises m i'tj a uig ngm over mo n pkins reap portionment bill when it is Uken up in the House after tbe holidav recees. The Kepresenutives of the sta?e which will lose representatives in the bill are orga nizinfir for tbe tmcro-lA. THm mAn. i . uituu)! ui iuv uensus committee strength among the dissatisfied mem bars. Who Gets Them. Washington, Dec. 18. The Board of rssval uonstruction c nsidertng the bids for the construction of battle-ships and cruisers, has settled on these points: One of the armored cruisers shall go 10 the Crninn. one to New nor t New- ana one tome umoi iron works in Ual- itoroia. Une battle-ship will to the Fore Kiver Engine Worki Kt Qoincy. Maes. Ci) Chicaoo. Pec 16. At the con roc t inn exercises at the Cniverfiy of Cbimiro, f resident narrer an noun ceo mat John HockefelUr had made another sift of 9t.500.OOO to the institution. Of this turn. 11.000.000 il to be urd as an n dowmeot fund. It Is also stipo'aed mat the vi.uw.uuu is to be m nniverritvs oame and ia to be considered its abso lute propertr for all time. bone m! poor look lDf em i tb wont kaid of a coo.- " Eureka'. Harness OilTm naeftnljrmakmthchaTSEwand tb Jl Ijoim lor.k belter, hue iokt-s tbs 'jVL ' IvsMtiernoft and pllabkpma It in con ihi ai' tUt'on to lostr-nrice na long H WvmWWt u lt onilnwy would. . W irxXmilf. Sold iutMtT la ciu-dl 11 J!'fr.l, MHi. Mbit by M&v OIL CO. iJffMk Your VnSim Horse a Chancel fjjpy pr taot Cass. Washington. Dec. 18. Amu men I in the Porto SRicanPhilippinKs cases, in volving the status of those countries to the United StatB waay resumed fin the Supreme Court today. Xhe wabespread interest in tss cases was shown oy toe large attendance of orominent members of the-bar aod by a'orowd of spestators wnicr niieu the pubtiearea oom over bowed in the corridor: The River ana'JIai bor Bill.' Wa3Hington. Dec. 18 The House committee on rivers and harbers-expectB to have its bill completed before the hol iday veeess. Ab the bill ' nearer eomple- biuu. vriiu .lie uuniDuing contracts pro vided for the total is mounting-, up far beyond tbe original anticipations, and at tit last mo.aent itu has- been found necessary to scale ail around. It ie un derstood that the bill wfth continuing contract e as now provisionally agreed A BoerrVlctory Caps Town, Dec. 18. The Boers 'who croBBed the Orange river ints.Gape Col ony west of AliwalJ north on Saturday ewfoumerea tne uape itiups- and lira bant's forces. The British retired witb loss. BuHhelH or Atona. "hrnwn away oy women annually in the Sci chase of cosmetics, lotions sod p.w ers, none of which ever aceomplinhes lisooject. jseauty bope&Gfl-on nnaltby blood and good digestiou bucA as Karl's Clover Root Taa guarantee you for 25 ctfl. and 60 cts. per package. Take t and we guarantee your complexion. For sale by Fred Dawson. DeWitt's Witch Hate SiUve will qoick y heal the vxtmt burns and scalds and not leave a seas. It can be applied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and eooth inanQfct. TTah it- fur ml an. Bwi eas. Bewnre of wortbteas ounterieils. vosnay sc imspod- PaV TT-ThA hrwlra nn.1 auA..K.B t th Albanv Dressed 'Beef Co. contracted vh4i,i(iwiibyh uucd piacea in my hands for collection. All parties imlAhtcul In tli a Arm am 4 1 at my oflice aod settle the same with out delay, T. J. Stitxs. Don't Tobacco Spit nrtn.Mi7'.,oi:r !.ire At. To quit tubucco euslly nnd forever, be mag netic, lull of life, nerve and vigor, tnlce No-To But!, tlie won tie Mvnr Iter. Hint makes weak met strois. All druggists, 60c or f I, CurecuaraD teea Booklet und snmple froe. Aildres Sterling Remedy Co.. CMi-agQ jr New Yorls ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thnt tho under siirned was on the 13m day ol December 1900, by order of !he county court ol Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed uiminis tratoroltne estate of Margant Bodino, deceased. All personB having elkims against said deceased are 'herebv notiEed to pressnt their claims daly verited to the uniers gned at his lesidence in Linn county, Ojegon, within s months from the date hereof. Bated Dec. 15 h, 1900. ., U, H. Bodihe, UKWITT & S.1I, Attorneys for administrator. NOTIdE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HBREBT GIVEN THAT ,u . . u,0)'!Hf"i. administrator of h? estate ol I J I . C Powell, deceased, ha. this day filed his final account in the mat" ter of aio estate with the county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the county conrt ed Monday, January the 7th, 1901. it One o'clocs p. m., of Mid day, as tho time for hearing objeitions to sucn final account il We "e w"lenil!nt of Mid Boy. 23, 1900, T. J. Stit, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HERE J Y GIVEN THAT i it " bean duly ap- i. . "'noarn, de- ?.Z . i . ' "'u"0": h"'" claim, against th. same to uie proper!, verified as by law required, at my home near Scin, Oregon or a. th, office rf r J Wil.oo in Oswo. wilbin us month, from the daie Tan Attorney for Administrator. A0MINI3TRATRIX.N0TICE jSJOTICE IS HEREBY TBAT THE ' by uTenty Judge of Linn cmnty, Oregoi. and all irt, r2, . .J" P" 'be same prop. withi. ai, .7,.'ZL".? "?n7-. r n """U OTOHt, GRAFTS. Some people are not a. polite as an ocii.i, u iMBj uj iju. rviurn call.. Alwavs refuse t mair wbo emokea ni. Ohe should be on one1, good behavior An Albany man Is said to have bad aiuro-vpuiuj.u uBiiuciaaiione recently. A carpenter goes driving often enough There Is a fine field for th. increased circulation' ol money in. Oregon during ha Mn.tAriol Mnlori Many an Albany roan'e pocket book will look lik the head' ol a loot ball player by the time his wife get. tbrbugh There's manv a slin betwenn h.h har,A ou aiag pin. Walk Up and Leek Around for Your Holiday Goods. Thomas Brink bau just and IB receivint. one of the largest etock of ladies and ge nt R3cke And a fine lies-of Femitn all kicds and vou wili save money by givingchim aeall before yon buy. His (wurm uu ru 1.-U1B priCbS. To Horm. M.N. Wishina othor bubiueaa I offer for sale the furni ture t( the Revere House-and will give a lonjc leuoe oo the property at a reasonable rent... OKAS. PnirncR, ANNOUNCEMENT. Bargains in Pianos Until Present Stock IB Sold. Pianos selling lor f 400'now 25. Ocbera worth $323 sow $275. Pianos worth $250 now for the Bmal- jum.of $190. A'.pecial bargain in a-larra fnni.v Kim.. bail.;: have $100 oaiili on this piano by a party who went into bankruptcy. Will goforDalancodue. This is a "snap." Two exceptional fine- Square Pianos for very little mousy. These.are fine for hall or lodge rooms use. i!is is no advertising fake; . mean ust what we say. (Jail and .at sfy yonrselveB. Ih vou want a niaran now ia your chancer-bo.sec&re a bargain K. U. Win. This Paper One Year. farm Journal 5 Years. Pay up and gei both papers at price or e. We want morn new subscribers to- our Veeklyj we therefore continue our. ar rangement with, the farm Journul by hicn we can senl (he Dkuocrat andithe Farm Journal 5.years. both for $1 .25. And ie make t be same offer to all old nubscrib xs who will pay all arrearages and ooh ?ear in advance. You know what ours U and tha Farm lournal i a gam practical, progressive ciean, honest, useful full ct gumption, full of sunshine, wito. an im- mensti circiutuion amon tne nest peopu "eryhere. You ought lo take IS. Daily sutKcrioeri plying in aJr.ince u ai ho ie:are i.. l-r-. Tr.t nr,.y CrillK. OWr HLr.A;. blow) f(c 1 tlrusvlMr. SHERIFFS' SALE Dy virtne of an execution and order of 1. issued out ol the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Linn county to ui. dir ected, delivered ind dated the Ilth day of Huvemuer, iwu, in a certain suit wnerein Charles L Adams wa. tilaintiff and (tath- erine MoNary, Sarah A Smith, Ira S ner nusoana, Anna L, MoNary, Lil lian McNary, Angelo P McNary and Nellie McNary his wlfe.r Huirh P Mi-Nan and Rita L McNary his wife, Lawrence A NcNary, Wilson 1J McNary, H P Mc Nary, as receiver of Williams & England Banking Company, a corporation, the Whitman Barnes Manufacturing Gomn- any.a corporation.was defendants in which said suits the said nlninfiff hmmm) a judgment again.-t the defendants Oatherins oicnarr.aarab A Smith, Ira A Smith, Anna L McNarr. Lillian M Mr-M McKary, Nellie MNary,Hugh P MoNary. rvua u ncnary, Lawrence A McNary and Wilson R McNary, on the 13th day of November 1900, for the sum ol four thous and dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per centum per annum from Ihe 6;h day of July 1S93, amounting to four thousand four hundred thirty-two dollars, and for Ibe sura Of four hundred dollars attorney's lees and lor coits and disbursements aied at twenty one and 60 100 doll .rs; and, whrrein. it i. order d fiat tbe mortgaged pr.'mues descr bed as follow, towit: All ol tbe Donation Lmd clarm of B P flreen wood. Notification No 3208, Claim No C4, in towuship 15 ou h ol range 3 west ol Willamette Meridian, containing 322 .01 aciea, also beztoniug at a point on tbe west boundary line of suction 32 i said township and range, wticb ii 12.50 chains north of the touthwest coiner of sections., and rcnning thence eait 40 chains, thence north 16 Si chains, thence east U chain', thence north 11.11 chains more or !e to the south line of raid D L U No 64, thence westerly on Ihe south boundary line of ia:d I) L 0 to Ihe sonth weil corner thereof; ihsao sooth 27 73 enains more or less to the of begin ning containing 12A SS iutw. mnr. nr left both of ssid tracts containing tn the ag araga'e 448.50 acres mora nr Im.: he sold to satisfy said judgment and all costs, notice is heiebf riven thai I will on Saturday ,I6th day of Janu'ary,1901, at the front door ol the court boose. In tn. city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon at the hour of Ons o'clock p n. of said day sell at public auction to tbe highest bidder for Cash In hand Ika h-mi-h.fnM A- seribed real property to satiify said judg- Iated this 12th d.r of December, 1930. O. W. McHARtlUK, Sheriff of Linn Couaty, Oregon.