Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 02, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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A Pioneer of 1845.
iKa Oretronian:
Jonas Davie, aa Oregon pioneer of
of KhfuliU T.inn Pn
1845, now remui-B
iim-itiH vopteruav on ousinesa.
.asm ; v
- i iu.n nino w t mi I in A mi-en
He croflseu tu - - -
. fltnrtari irom rtew Lonuun. iu..
10 ,,, flhIot.
pot wii.-
nias "J . T... 'll,lla ...l
their ox w " . T. i"i. ,T..
there mm' in.. .e- r,r" " ;
DimHIO U..H,D .L ......
, . , . r
rASflaee vuib n'"u""" - . - . - .
thenioum ui u -
the ituinicnimo - -"ry
;l ..nrn u-llHFB Portland Stands
onenmc ei'- ; .i.. ....
now, "i c"u'" r, :.. :.:r. ... ' .i.i ,,...
coming, " ", rr r . v.: .
inuld bo built hero within the next hull
?'ri',r'.;...... t.l to toll
Mr. Olivia i'"" -
r, Indian attacks bullion the way out
here and alter he bad Bellied in the Wil
"auelte Valley. He served all through
the Caynse War, and also took a hand in
the Indian wars oiiouu. .,.,,,..
So aires ol fertile land in Linn County,
id is also landlord of a hotel in the
mall but rapidly growing town of
S1ln lila 50 vearsof (arming in the Wil
lamette. Mr. Davis has never seen ea
of wheat as thi year, and
lie thinks ho will hardly realize his tax
e9 out of hiB share of the crop. He is a
great believer in Fall sowing, and has
already 50 acres of wheat coming- up
n r... farm. Hq has found that
continued rains in April often interfere
with ul jwing and sowing in the Spring,
nn,t H,nt lonrl which cannot be sown bv
May had better be summer-fallowed for
rail Dowirnr the followincr season.
Mr. Davis is preparing to visit his na
tive state, Pennsylvania, which he has
not Been sinco he left it, in the Spring of
Bishop H. L. Berkley will Bpeak for
Bryan at Eugene next Saturday.
Co. G. have begun arrangements for a
military ball on TbauKsgiving evening,
Sw. 28.
TIiq McMinnville is a light dratt boat
that will run on the Willamette. These
valley boats aa a rule have a hard time i
Civile Vauehn.vesterday afternoon was
examined at Jeffercon and upon waiving
exnmi'iation was taken to Salem to await
the result of his murderous assult upon
Lulu Jonea and the action of the circuit
The result of the football game at
Walla Walla, yesterday was as follows :
University of Washington, 11; Whitman
College, 11.
T. h. Curtice, engineer in charge of
the survey for the exuntioo of the road
being m nd i; oelwa d, came in last even
ing on u business trip. The party is now
atlDdent'irJeiice pr.uie.
The Willamette valley farmer will
continue f t-tnini by whoat, lie needs
lit with several other -things. But he
win Dure ana mo-e diversity ma uuai-
ness jus', me same it is .g-'tting mat
way with a Btrong current.
G. VV. Vaughn was arrested at Wasco
ibis woek on ilio cbarge of having Bent
pbscuue literature throuuh the mail. It
s laid ibat he sent the letters to rum
en and then m da the complaint him-
x, mien uie real state ot lacts was ats-
The ladies of Manzanita .Circle, Wo-
eo oi ooucralt, are making arrange-
True Economy
The difference of cost between a
good and a poor baking powder
would not amount for a family's
supply to one" dollar a year.
The poor powder would cost
many times this in doctors' bills.
Royal Baking Powder may cost a little
more per can, but it insures perfect,
wholesome food. In fact, it is more
economical in the end, because it goes
further in leavening and never spoils
the food.
Royal Baking Powder used always
in making the biscuit and cake saves
both health and money.
Sharp remarks sometimes strike an
There are beroeB in everyday life.
The older a man gets the less he knowa
about the great social problem.
The love of a1 woman worth having
can't be bought with bank bills.
Never endorse anything that is coarse,
The principal expansion in the Phil
ippineslis the saloon.
Many a person with a pretty face has
an ugly heart.
No habit grows faster than lying.
When a patient man does gee mad
look out for a cyclone.
Strength and grace go well together.
Fortunate the man who can call today
his own.
One's errors are all on the surfac.
The knock downnrgumenta are all on
our side.
Want of decency is want of sense.
Somo nen live by inches, others by
Electric Lights. No agreement ha
yjt been reached but woo n the Electii0
Light Company and the city in reference
electric lichts for the streets. A spe
cial meeting of the council will be held
tomorrow night. On account of the nec
essity of putting in new poles the comp
any does not wish to include the lights
in the eastern and western part of the
city on a year's contract, aud it is very
uncertain now whether terms can be
agreed upon.
You cannot, if you value good health, afford
to use cheap, low-grade, alum baking pow
ders. They are apt to spoil the food; they
do endanger the health. All physicians will
tell you that alum in food is poisonous!
Miss Jones Better.
Miaa Lulu Jones, the victim of the
Jefferson tragedy, rested well last night,
and it is now thought has good prospects
of recovery, having passed one critical
stage. All that medical skill can do is
being done to save her life.
Young Vaughn in his con lose ion of the
deed declares that he didn't know why
he did it. That the imnulse came into
bis head and he struck the blow. This !
ia not justified at all by the circum
stances, and there is no doubt at all that
it was premeaitateu. ic is learueu in at
ten days before he placed poison in her
lunch at the school house, but fortunate
ly it was discovered. The plea of insan
ity will be a difficult thing to substan
lidte. HiB mind has probably been
weakened by abuse but otherwise he is
as bright as moBt boys, ft pretty good
scholar and behaved himself at home,
keeping good company. Had the girl
died it ib doubtful he would have been
permitted to go to Salem, where hp now
A telephone report f torn Jefferson at
preBS waa that Miaa Jonoa continued to
improve. Her appetite was excellent,
flhft wnq fullv conscious and felt we 1
enough to get up, hut of couae was not
permitteu to ao ho. com ui uoi c;n
ui lauKO- i uoiuiu.m -
enta to give a Hallowe'en social at the swollen shut, and the danger is Irom tho
.aMUhao I, all navf a....n.. n..ann. lAan.mnl!nn llllt Dr. Hawk VaSC-inU-
Sober 80th. Refreshments will be dent she would Bnally recover. Her will
irved.ganieB will be playt-d and a gen- power is great and a genial disposition is
il ood time had. A small admission ! helninu her out. The interest here is
01 ten cents will he chanred at the ' ireneral with a universal expression oi
or, and evervbodv in invited to come ' hooe for the Klrl'a lecovery
!':-. i ' . -
"iviijuy tnemseives.
R. Alexander, of Lebanon, has ac
ted a position in the state printing
udge McFadden and E. R. Bryson,
raioent Oorvallis lawyers, were in the
ia.. BVOUlUg.
D, Schnrff. n volnran fnmmnriinl
;eler of Portland, has been in the city
'lias Flora Mason went to Euzene this
prnooo accompanying Mies Marguerite
uo iusi lar on uer trip to raseaena,
'rink Paxton, a native of Albany,
lipeak in this citvon Out. 30. Mr.
ou is a son of A. B.Jfaxton, Albany's
rc Jiioioaranner.
wirer ui rtiiao, is in tne city ana
rowr. are earnestlv reauested to bo
From the Criterion :
The Blacklaw boys finished digging
their potatoes laBt week. They had Beven
acres that averaged 200 bus-els r acre
Mws Wodtli, of Foster, left yesterday
for the east, where sbe will uiiike ar
rangements and soon leave tor India,
where she will work aa a missionary.
Geo. Leever returned' to this place,
Saturday, from Walla Walla, where he
has spent the summer. He states that
money ia plenty and wageB good in the
upper eountry. He re.ueed two schools
at 4fi0 ner month.
The irregularity with which the even
ina train comes in fiom Albany is bi-
From the Democrat Spt. 14 to Deo.
21, 1883:
Hon. Henry Gilfrey, reading clerk of
the United States fceriute, waa in the
Milt A. Miller, of this, is now
editor of the University column in the
uregon btato Journal at Eugene.
Born, near thir city on Tuesday. Sept.
18, 1883 to the wife of Jas. Nanny a
Born. Sent. 22. 1883, to tho wife of R.
Thompson a girl.
The liberty pole of Linn Engine Comp
any No. 2 was raised Oct. o in a very
succesBiui manner. .
Seven familiea have arrived in Albany
from Illinois, and have gone to house
keeping in our city.
Mr p. Jas. Finlavson. livintr about five
miles from Albanv, was murdered Nov.
3 by her nephew, Cbae. Finlayeon, who
tied Due was eapcureu now, is ana con-
essed the crime
A match factory wai established in
Albany by Duffey & Gerard, who came
here from uaiiiornia.
The citv election rosnltcd as follows
Mayor, J. L. HiU 192, W. C. Tweedale
149; recorder, N. J. Henton 220, C. G.
Bnrkhart 119; marshal, 1. O. Dickey
188: Geo. Burkhart 156; treasurer, S.
Heitenbach 180. O. W. Watte 156: The
following councilmen were elected : FirBt
ward, Jehu Bnggs; second waru, jonn
FoBhay ; third ward, Jotin leom.
In Mm firemen s election John Hon
man of No. 2's was elected cniei. and vv,
R. Blain of the H. & L, Co, aBBiatant
chief. W
Born, on Monday, Dec. 10, 1883, to the
wife of M. Sternberg a uoy.
A Pullman palnco car pasaed through
Albany a day or two ago. We under
stand they will be run regularly twice a
week new.
The examination of G. W. Yaughan
before U. S. Commissioner Huntington
yesterday afternoon resulted in the de
endant being held in bonds of 200 to
ear before the U. S. grand jury at
Portland The case ia a peculiar one.
Some time since Vauehan laid before
PoBtal Inspector Clemens at Portland
iome letters containg obscene language,
bieh had been delivered to mm at tne
Wasco pOBtoffice, and asked that the
matter be investigated. Upon investiga
tion Mr. Clemens concluded Yaughan
was the party who wrote the letters, one i
from Albany and one from Salem and
had then addressed to bimBelf. There
upon Mr. Clemens had him arrested
ExpertB claim the handwriting of the
tetters is identical with Vaughan's. The
supposition ia that Yaughan deeded to
get Bomebody into trcuble, and adopted
tne memou oi uuuuiug uubiuuu icusid
through the malls. The Dalles Times
M nn mainour. Vausban formerly resided
in Albany, while here having some ob-
Bcene letter experience, as wen oiuor
kinds oi experience.
rag .irtt.u '""--non The
f I meet with the lodge tooight. All train oue at 4:16 and farmers fre
vmberd are earnemlv KniiRtprl in ln .... .,.; inr thm evening mail and
tUttU"!' ".u "rs H nut reach here
SOmeiluien iu. ...... , . , ...
:.Tii n' A netition shou'd be
""s.chusettes, where he had been sent to the postal autnonuea u..u
remains ot nis mother, wno ' greater reguiani.
... m-.i, UnimM has revoked the
coniracv iw h """ ---A , nta.
Pres deDtut eicctiou, "j ,,-
fords Ellis because of the protest of the
ocal typographical and pre-smen un-
conirav-v nrV,bability, to
til. mow,u""i r , ...
the Irwin-rlodson
' tbis city about a month ago,
n. Geo 0 Brownell.ot Oregon City,
,wa to Bpeak in Albany tonight in
oi Mciuniey, waa taKen
W I1' at his home and has cancel-
'i valley eiigngementB.
rt Ashbv WHnt in Ptirtlnnil VM.
'.'.called there bv the serious illness
wve. it was renorted on what
opposed to be correct; that he ha 1
"weare clad to learn that this
.robablv a mintjiki. nml th.t he ia
hlerday was Earl Fronk'i fourteenth
t. About twenty-five of his
M SO vave him a (Tormina .tirnrl.A
11 hiB father hnma n 1? I I-... h
i Tbe AVArtinn n-a . atu.n. 1 . A a.
""oner iu games, etc.
rircnit court: New case: W C Mor-
ran aot Elizabeth M Nickereon ot al
Foreclosure weaiueriora ot ivyait,
torneys for plaintln.
Deed filed with recorder, A M Holt to
rr n nitamherlflin and L T Berrv,
slaughter house property in Woodlcs ad,
Prnhatn. Tn pfltnte ctl Steohen Stoltz,
neraonal nronertv oroered sold. Filth
account filed" in estate ol 1) V Michael
h L Swan appointed administrator oi es.
tate Isaac Koush. bonu, siouu.
Co., whose bid of
Tim came of foot ball on Saturday !
tween the U. of O. and the Salem eleven
promises to be a first-class one. Salem
.a. . nr-.rlr tAm with Biahoo who did
such splendid work for the U. of O. last
year aa one oi tne uaivei, uuu ib ..iu .w
h. ..mUsntnl .ictnrv. The DeMOCKAT's
prediciion is that the U. ol O. will win
by a goou score.
mariied, the casualties In the
Tines since the beginning of the
;r-"n are aa lollows: boioiers
" action, 582; deathaand wound.,
dtatha from r1i..M. nrl nth.r
K 1,864. Toul death., 8,644. Num-
viuiBrt wonnued, n,iow. lotai
lAO. wnnnrlprt A Mil Th.M h.v.
tOllDhta t ,1 1 - V..-
'M large number ol death, and
iC Imm lti InnnmBMhU .Irir.
FaT"!? th '"'"rgsnt. in all prt
"... . .
the Irwin-noUBon vu.,
li 12$ 1000 waa the same as that ol
Lilird 4 Hill. Tha Irwin-Hodson
Co! ia Tahop and has a right to the
union label. uregumu.
Goou SriAisa.-Hon. Fred V. uoi
man. on. ol Portland's bright attorneya,
and Col. Robert A. Miller, of Oregon
CHrrapoke tbi, afternoon to a fair aiz-d
Vi-T, "r . ,u onnrt r.iom on the
H.. -iwu-fact. on th.
ijliSbl, than b, the.. m.D.
r died at Oregon City
nr. ""., . hr,b.nd anl
As Ustaxko Doo Here is one on the
onnndniaster. Liat evening mr. uavu
waa informed confidentially that Father
ut..a. hmA . Ana which had not been
uxeJ.aoeatlrthia morning Jobnny lit
.... i r.-..v... M.lav.r'. rp.idence with
buainesa in .very atep. ne
a .ii Ha waa chained to the
porcn wnere ne u. -
year. To get even with the Joker John
ny aocceeded in getting him to go to the
east end of the town to aee a rawoooed
horse that la i eaie, mmd. i f.
even tb. city pound.
Men frequently kill Ihemeelvea by
their own words.
Never strike a man for a favor when
beia immersed in the cogibundlty of
Is flattery tho food of fools?
He who does the beat he can acts well
his part.
Whnl'a the use' of lea mint If kent
shut up. ' j
Tbe mud-elinser is now drawing pic
tures for comic weeklies.
Few men who stuJv themeelven have
their lessons. 1
What's ttip odd jnst eotni ii right
Let the world talk.
When it comes to characler it ia bttter
to btti'd up than tear down
From the News:
A.J. lobnson left on Friday last for.
another tou. of inspection of the banks
ot tho part of the state, and will not re
turn until about election time.
County Superintendent Jackson will
hold a ljcal institute in Scio auriug tho
winter. It is probable that Slate Super
intendent Ackerman will deliver an ad
dress during that time.
Dr. and Mrs J- W. and daughter, A nna.
Arrived In Scio, Saturday, and will visit
with relatives for a while. They have
decided to locate in some town in South
ern Oregon, but do not know juat where.
A. O. Hopper was here from Spokane
Saturday of last week, looking over the
rem aii a of the flax fibre factory. He ex-:
m-eased himBelf as wed nieased with the
outlook, and stated that by another har
vest the company would be ready to tnke
care of all the flax straw our farmers
would raise.
There is some tain of the telephone
line extending their system from this
city to Jordan, and the people of thftt
section have been asked to provide tbe
poles for tbis purpose. Our people will
probably be aeked to help in the matter
of supplying the poles, and we trust that
they will seo their way clear to aeaiBt, as
the extension of the Hue will mean a
good deal for this city.
TubO, A.C. is an expensive institu
tion. Here is the report for the last
For anlaries, $9.769.05 ; incident ala
$7,729.16; total, $17,498,21. The total
annual salaries amount to $40,37:1.
The Gazette Bays:
Quite a change is to he mad a fhoitly
in the management ol the ladies' dor
mitory at the 0 . A. C. Mhs Snell, wno
has had charge of this institu'lon for a
number of years, has askfd to he reliev
ed of theso duties on account of failing
health, and will tnke up her roeidence in
her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. T.
Callahan will take charge of the man
agement ot the hall, while Miss Chntu
berlain aud Miss Crawford will have
clmrgo of tbo discipline.
This Fiuteiikal Union. J.J. Stiugill,
guide of the Fraternal Union, is iu the
city, and tonight will meet with the
order at the G. A. Ii. lull at 8 o'clock,
and nil members and friends are iuviifd.
Itie Fraternal Union has an excellent
record It was organized in 18!Hi uud
has paid fortv-elght death cn'mits, $:Md,
239 U beueliciarits, and has n go'id re
servo. The order admits inou and wom
en on an eqnality. It is a part of tho
National Fraternal Congress and the
American Insurance CongreBR. Mirny
of ur people will consider it a privilege
to hear Mr. Sturgill tonight.
Four Yhahb Aao. Several have neked
for the vote of four yeais ago in Linn
county. Tho averauo vole for the Bryan
electors was approximately 27.10 und of
tue ,m eis. in ley electors auuu, ol the mi
mer electors .15 and the prohibitionist
75, a total of 49u0, the acttihl ballot being
1-ligL.tly over 4900, giving liryan a plu
rality of approximately (170. There as
a differentia of 13 between the highest
and lowest. Bryan ole c ore and 14 in the
case of the MuKinloy electors.
fnnt hall leirn which
necta to down ii UofO boys this fttttr
r -ill li..nnll.A!ini:
j.rtia n er,:Red and Jndd. to.rda;
Yon"g Graham, lacklea; Ol.o.-e-d
Bonb.m, end.; Bi.hop and Evan.
Jobn'Loomis, of Newport, was In the
ty today.
Tom Morrison, ol Salem, is In the
Lottie Ketchum ol Portland, ia in the
the cily.
"Rr-nistrict Attorney Lord, of Port
land, was doing business in Albany yes-
W. M. Brown and J. E. Drucks. two
of Lebanon's leading businessmen, have
been in the city today.
n... K. O. Smith, the well known rnin-
inrr nrasneotor. a former resident ol aid
any, has been in tbe city to-day,
Fred H. Myers, of Salem is visiting at
(ather'a William Mrers. Mrs
Wright and daughter, of DallaB are also
at borne on a visit.
The ladles of the Rebekahs last night
gave Mrs. D. F. Hardman a birthday
surprise party at their hall.a vary en joy-
tile attalr, greatly appreciaieu uy an.
J. R. Whitney, of the Herald and his
braher lohn, of Eugene, are at the
former's BreitmbuBh place f-r a Bhort
autumn outing.
J. B. Wirlz, of Lebanon, has returned
from a trip to Portland. He looks lor a
big vote for Bryan in the etate, one that
will aurpriee some people.
Charles Bilyeu and Fred Westbrook
returned last night from Independence
prairie where they have been lor txo or
three mon'ha working on the O. & K.
survev. The wora win ue cuiupiuieu iu
few days.
Miaa Golda Eaton Finz-r, a aiBter ol
Mrs. Marvin Turner, ol this city, and
Mr. (inv O. Stafford were united in
marriaa-eat Fnirlield, Wash., on last
I'rof'B. Wann and Bishop, ol Mon
mouth College, were in the city this
nonn on their wav to Eugene, taking ad
vantage of a short vacation on account
of the institute being held at Dallas
m Wvrant returned last nitrht from
Irevond ldantia, where he has been a
member of tne C. & E. surveying party
hir.h ha. heen maKlnn a turvey oi uie
line eaetwa-d. The remain ler ol tue
nartr will be out In about ten aays
nl. Thrasher, the Modern Woodman
of America ruatler came over from Cor-
vallis today and will cnop arouna aiu-
nv fnr . few dave. He haa been organ-
iiing iddgea in Marion county with auc-
The Journal aya cf a musical In ha-
lem : "Mis. .Mergnerlle Aiaeraon cnarm
m! the audience with her rendering of
,,r it.i. Rn Hlu. ana was comneuvu w
respond to an enlhUBia-tio encore and
sang very sweetly, "11 Vou Ooulu Read
Willi , in 11J noan.
Mre. Louia Jonea return-id this noon
from Jefieraon, where Hie haa been lo
.... .I.,., tn.l.w. Mis. Lulu Jonea.
She lelt her greatly iroproveu i .-
I.m nroanect. ol recovery, mi jour;.
has oot yet made a compl.l. .tatement
it being deairea 10 iepu hui
remembeta vonug auurj uu,uK u,
when ahe became inaensible and knot a
noihlRg laither, hot unrter.tande tb.
r... ii.. , h.r .knll waa cracked. She baa
not been pei milled to give th. con
versation beiwef-n them on her going
Into the hall. H.r evea are badly awol
l.n.hut .h. ha, a good appetli. and
' feela atrong.
Tho census of California has boon an
nounced. It is:
1 .485,053, an increase of 276,223 over
1890, or 22.9 per cent. The population in
lHRn ... ftfVl.ftQj an increase of 343.430.
or 30 7 ner cent from 1880 to 1800 Tho
nnnnlatlnn in luuu la more man sixteen
times as large as that in 1850 when the
first cenius of tbe population of the state
was taken. The total land aurface in
California ia 155,980 square mileB. There
are 67 countlea in the unt eleven
of which have increased the population
rtnrinr the decade. Los Anueles oounty
nhnnn me lariBet increase. uui mure vumi
ihraicmiarterB ol this is due to increase
in the city oI Loa Angeles. . Oounties
showing decrease are Alpine, Butte, Col
uso, Dal Korte, Eldorado, Lake, Plumaa
Stera, Stanislaus. Tulare and Yuka. The
populatirn oi Almedais 16,404; Uerkely,
13,214; Eresno, 12,470; San Diego. 15.
700,; Stn Jose, 11.600; Stockton, :7,6o6.
Deeds filed:
John Lants Sr to John Lautz Jr, 60
acres sioutr
MarLin Swyler to Uenrietta, 51.88
acreB lv' uu
Miniuii claims filed bv W i Chirk to
the Olark, James Craig to the raig, J C
Wolf to the Wolf, Frank McOnn in the
iticOann. and notice ol waHJariiiit bv
Frank McCann and J Cer Woliall iu
Qtiartzville mininic district
MortgageB lor fisuu, fuu.und fiuuu.
Chatel mortgage for $oC0.
Circuit court : New cases. JP Wal
lace agt W O Wallace et al. Foreclos
ure. G W Wright attorney for plaintiff,
Probate: In eBtate of J H Howard
inventory tiled. Cash $-112.70, real
property $750, personal $1015.9:', Total
$2109.63. Personal property orrtered
InThouulb Again. J. G. Boulin, a
restaurant keeper, near the depot, was
arraigned before City Recorder D. S.
WoBt, Tueaday on a charge of disorderly
conduct, R. Reed being tbe complaining
witneee. Tbe testimony showed that
p.nnlhi. who lives with hia wife mid
adopted daughter, mistraata the latter.
at t tinea ana on monu-j wvwuu.n mm im
home and spent the night ala neighbor's
and tiie trouble Tuesday arose principal
ly over the charge preferred uy uoutin
against several whom he claimed were
unjustly taxing mo pari ui mo kh, ho
finally forced an encounter with Mr,
Reed, who after warning Boulin not to
ftilufttit-R unon him knocked him down
twice before hiB command was respected.
The trial resulted in Boulin being fined
$25 andcostB which he paid. Roseburg
riaindeaier. iiounn lurineny romucu
up the Hanticm, rnd was one time in
trouble on account of being charged with
selling liquor without a license.
In the Recorder's oflko.
Deeds filed:
E F Miller to O H Wain, 200 acres $1000
Power of attorney Louis Clark and
Chaa Archer to Dr IS O Smith.
Mortiraee for $150.
Chatel mortgage for $375.
Clerks tffice.
Circuit court: New cbbo, John F
Ruckel agt Margaret Roach et h! suit for
deed. H O Watson attorney for plaintiff
Probate: In oa!ntn ol Jos. Hariison,
answers tiled.
In ealate of Carulino Simons Irvcntorv
filed. Personal ptopeny $5.60, real
property $475.
The rem-iine of Mrs. Dtiboieo.who diod
in the asylum ut Hulem yeutTdayvhuie
she had been for two;ve years, wuro
brought to Albany this noon auu hur.ed
this afternoon in the Masonic cemetery.
Her husband was at one time proprietor
of the Cheuiekutii hotel at Salem, awl
many years ago they resided In iiltinny.
Joe Dubois, of McMinnville waH anions
IhoBe who attended tlm interment.
TheaafoofW. S. Hearst, h p buyer
of Aurora was cracked WeJnesduy ninht.
Juttt after being blown up two citizens
came along, one an employe in the more,
who wont alter tue proprietor, wmio
he was gone the other man kept gunnl
but wbb fiurpiised by tho hurglhrs who
knocked him down and eacapeu wiino'ti.
getting any of tho money that wan In thu
Let the rooster
erat cuuaru. fnrmRr-and Bo
... r.hanAD. wnere me u"'.". . l.. . r..n.
5 ,-ided, for buri.1. M ,.; - mi, ;oa tm, h.,
hr" Tan 'woman who dejtb will
rgretted ty . large eiccU of iriwde.
TAULKER. On Oct. 24, to Mr.
Mrs. Andrew failker, c girl.
Eggs are 27 cents.
W . R. Graham will open a tailor shop
in the Cusick block in a few days.
Tbe Strangers of New "Vork will be at
the arnnry on the 12th of November.
Fair this afternoon, tonight and Sat
urday, warmer tonight. F. M.French,
Mr. Frank Will yesterday was inform
ed of the death of his father NicholaB
Will, at Kirksville, Mo., at tho age of
79 years. Mr. will recently visited htm
there. '
There will be an open meeting of the
Fraternal Union of America thia even
ing at the G. A. R, Hall at 8 o'clock.
Everybody invited. Come and hear our
plana. Committm
The number of pupils in all kinds of
aM.rviU in the United States is 10.738.302.
This ia probably jut about one-lifth of
the population of the United States-
The Albanv Athletic Club have rented
ittfl former noat oltice room for the winter
ad will hold sessions there during the
nesnan en -rani nil In hand ball, haiket
ball, boxing, tumDiing, eie, a uoe piacs
for the purpose
The Albany bigb school team received
a chailenne from Multnomah for a prac
tice game ot foot ball bnt it made their
hair a land on end and of couree wa not
accepted They will probably try the
fortiana nign kuooi warn mougu id
Get a chicken fnr your Sunday dinner
oi tbe Albany rouitryn9nae on oroauai'
no iiraMt. dot in oi rimi. vubuuij vkviu
tve Doultrv house In the citv. Poultry
d rested eirefnlly and selected for the
Albany market, urder eariy in me aay
' There are twenty one traina of freight
Htrat mA between Portland and Alb
land, on account ol a tack o! engines to
haul i. Tbecotnpany have a ruih order
for flftv.eiffht new emiinee aadlr needed
in the butineu on account of a large
Dumber ol old eoginee having given ou
tod become unsemcaow.
nti'j'. G jwk. -in ttijfi:! D." i
wild while goose took up wit1. a
me whito geese of Mr. J. If. W dl co,
Grand Prairie. The moceedinti nt:i'ir
during the northward luuiiigration of
ild ieese tlilu noose Uisappeareil but re
turned last fall and remained latu lnt
nring when it again dlsappearer), i)a
the evening ol the 23rd iuat it nani re
ar ned lor ite usual winter a sojourn witb
Wallaces cot-to, hven the ueee
ke to winter in the vicinity of All'iinv,
ho queen city of tho central WillHine'.te
Harry Kallmareh and Mr. Hranden
ry went hunting yestenlay. Upon
return they told the following: A
awk ctught a couple ol chickens
;w Into a tree wi h them. They fclro
the hawk and It fell to the ground wi
the chickens. The chickens we-e no-
armed and were given their liberty.
The boya consider this an extra haw
atory and may irameit.
TheDallesT. M Don't yell "pros
perity" tw lood in an inland empire
farmer'a ear juet now, It might nmV.o
him mad wben wheat is 40 cent a
bushel, at The Dallen, 30 cents In Hher
man county and 34 cents in Umatilla
county. There are aomo things It uill
not do to talk tjo loudly about at certain
A warrant la out f? the arrest of Jim
Arnftt, a former retident of Lebanon.
He is wanted at Portland on the charge
of assaulting and robbing an old rmin
named inn. He waa at iitii i houeeanu
was Bitting down to eat wnh him, when
he excurted htmnelf to go and waah him
self, but when behind the old gentleman
grab Wed an Iron rod an atrock him over
tnenean. t j ill was ame to uee to a
neighbor which he reached with neirt
anc. Arnett vol only a revolver. He
evidently thought the old senlleman had
some money hid in the home.