4 ft n i SUaip Points- l-(,-inaer qiiHtion Bteim liktly - ti OBCltliiwei'tol coal etrike. l'ow ,! m ay ' Pl'" t,,,""- Tl. dmlobtrMou l.a. succeeded pre'ly wtl! in ln-epinii Cuba out of poll liet ': the Nesl.J lieclowire . A ti; ol vsnireance is promised nil" l ho Tin T Iho ell AMCt B are inn i-'- An Old Orcgnnlan Editorial. ill have influence, enouiih to. New Ti. Hi.nrinoiiB riaislrali.in York meal ineao eiihor a areatly in cwisd republican or a uroatly increased .fe.noci.tic vote. Those who believe it meant) a larner vole for McKinley '.Uiaii I.-got in 1890 will btliovo a-iy .1. if the fashion to snier at Hteveneon - . I. aouiot caninaiBiier und to draw owpimous between him and Kouaevelt. Such are really all to the auvuiB l tUo former. There io more seme, and lot.ii- in one of StevenBon'B epeecliei limn 10 a dozen ol IlooBevell'a. Ibere is souethiiiljol a conlrait be- twi:n the ireatment ol prieocers laken h l.t.- Kiliui.ios and thoee taken by ;tlit 4r.iricaoB. .Captain Shields aud bis U'y men have been liberated unl.armeu !, assertion that they were cap ..rlv in show what the rebels aniil.l do. liut what lias become ol ..... iMiiniuna tAken nrUonore by the American forcifi? V.anchuriaistoobig for even Iiussia Ut f,a)lnw at a mouthful but it can, end will, be devoured In successive morsels. Ae Colonel Bryan bo well Btated in re ply to the Cornoll etudente, he stands on wlvcr exactly where McKinley stood muie lix yeaiB aiio belore he found it WiXieaary to ho the knee to Wall street in .'cder to (jet the nomination "pressed milk" if the latest. Ooe ol lb a .Aj-iicullural experimental stations (Wo found that by lubjoctinK milk for an hour to a pressure of 220,000 pounds, it Trill lieop Bwett lor four days. "In that little phrase, ("resident Mc Klnlc y'a stiitouient that it waB the duty nt the Uniled Slales to nive the Filipinos good itovernmenl), as in a seed, isicon uiued ibe norm ol all dospotiBin and all tvtannv, Free g Y.rntnent is not a Rift. tl'is a uirib riK.nl." Speech by Senator tfoar in the Unitod States Senile. a h i ,, Is ball tiutb is the won t lie qfull. Governoi llootovell'e assertion trial Senator Cockrell was responBible for Uiepri-sent U, 8. arniyis of this char HCter. lor Cockrell permitted ihiB army, 115,000 ol whom are volunteers) on y Iter President McKinley hail Jomaudtd a. tegular army of 100,000 men. Certainly we will concede that MeKiu lae has done some wise and statesman like cliinua. But it was before he bosred th kueo to Wall street and waa nomina ted loi the Presidency In thoee early days, ho held a good many democratic ..principles. The piice of coal went upwards by ele vator, nut it will probably comedown by bw rei,-ht. Here is an editorial Iroin the Morniuic OreKon an, ol April 25lb, I8i), (referring to Ibe McKinley Bill. -LOOK OU 1' FOU SQUALLS'' is the head.) Tariff reversion was imperatively da minded, and the ci.ndit'oua Jf Ibe coin' aire made some modification ol the silver policy ol Hie country urgent. The Re publican 1'aity attacked both problems. It is not premature to say it has tailed with ball. ItstariO bill is a disap pointment It undeitakee to bring sbctt the nfces sary reduction of ibe revenue by indirect and clumsy methods, which diminish the nossible benefit to the coimimer. IT SHOWS A TOO IKNUISB UAiir. FOU THE INTERESTS OF THE MAN IIKACl'UUINU MONOPOLISTS, Ah'O OFFERS THE RURAL CONSUMER A PETTY TARIFF ON BUTTER AN u EGGS INS'.EAl) OF A ItKDUCnOS UPON THE MANUFACTURED G'JUDS He: has TO BUY. H increases the duty on wool BeOA UsE THE WOOL GROWERS ARE ORGAN IZED AND POWERFUL, but leaves hides on the free list BECAUSE THE WESTERN K.1.NCHMEN ARE TOO POOR AND SCATTERED TO RIVAL THE INFLUENCE OF THE M.W ENGLAND LEATHER MANUFAO I URER3. It promises.proleciion to the Ameri can producer wllh one voice and Winer, ers of reciprocity treaties with 8fanifln- Ameriua to the Eislern iuinorter) with anot II thiftB and (alters, tiafiics aud evades, djublrs, hesitates and Ib lost, it lea bill to catch campa"(to contributions, not to attract votes . It will not help the party n the next campaign. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS ON THE HIGH R AD TO THE DEVIL, ana will arrive there presently, it doesn't pull up. If the history ol tbe rest of this session ol congress is like what baa already past, the omwressiunil elections next fall will be an agreeable surprise for our friiuide the enemy.1' these tropical Asiatic islands, and they are not met, as tbe Hawaiian arguments are met, by tbe lact that Hawaii is in our rightful sphere ol influence and eisenti 11 A-n-ricai. f-jr tha I'liilippinis ar no'. Oir el-da in Cuba will be sub served a. they are in Mexico, Central and Sintli Aineiica, bv the withdrawal o European dpminatiJn and by recogol .ion of our biiiemony. Thu will even sen with Hawaii if annexation fails. Bnl lu tuecase of the Philippines we baie u necessities or inteests. European pis Bission in Asia concerns us noihlng ex cut that we have lair trade facilities We have there no puitpose of offense n delenEO. At the most, a naval aud coi . ing etation should be the limit ol our t siroe there." (Morning O.egonian, May 9th, 1808.) Awful Disaster. New Yokk, Oct.l 29. Two hundred people were killei aud two blocks of buildings were deamyed by a fire at noon today caused by u Irigliliul explosion. Train Wrcci:. Pbiitlaxd. Or., Ot. 29. Six u,,. killed and twenty-one injured by a wreca on the west bound Northern Pa cific train. Krugcr la Trouble. n.n.u ni -in F.trRivn office ofilcials brieve 'President Kruger will travel in cognita during hie visit to the European The repuulic is not a proaigal Boni it has not Bpent in substance in rioiou. living. It is cot ready to retrace its tens and with shamed face an voice solicit an bumble place among tbe ervantfl of royalty. It baa not Binned against heaven, and God grant that the crowned heads of Europe may never have occasion to Killed the fatted cnlf to commemorate its return Ironi rel'ance pon the will of tbe people to depend- nce upon the authority w.,ien nown ... . . . . i i .nr rom regal Dirin or euperior i-jhoi- , Bryan. Man's opinion ol what is to be is ball isb and ball environment. Avarice Daiute destiny with a dollar mark before t, militarism equips it wl.h a ssord. . Bryan. Alvord Arrett.-d. Boston. Oct. 29. Alvord, lUe Kew York bank defaulter, was arrested here today. Troublesome Filipinos. ii,iu. o.-t. 28 While scouting near T.noc. a detachment ol the Twentieth and Twenty-eight reiinenie, undor Cap. yv:r , " .7i.i. ; it in each city long enougu w periuib visits uetween ivruger aim mo -the nation. His stay in Paris will not exceed 48 hours and perhaps not 21. 1 he French government win not oner jvromri any formal function. A KodIIsIi Boy. a . qo Hnrrv fientrv. 17 itt'ed suicide, yesterday afternoon at Deep River by sliooting bimselt througu tue neaa wuu He had been working in a logging camp wilh his lather but for the past few days bad remained at tbeiamny reeiuence, bo cotnolained of being sick. Snow in E. O. (1,,,,,,-tt rinl Biy The first snow o the season in-tlie Heppner hills fell yes tcrday. It whitened the ridgs Hon it. ,;ml,a-o.l u. jbr nf thn weBlern sou of the Blue mountains and extended to within 7 miles ol Heppner. in hours the snow had disappeared from tte open hills. The Boers. Dloehfontein. Oct. 26 The tejegraph Iu Eugene some IiooiIIujib tried lo make more noi.Be than some college rooters, An exchange saya tl at married men knnv ft thine or two about women, x es. and women know three or lour things about men. The Roseburg Review says the Ore- gonian Is treating W . M. Colvig very Bh".bilv, that it printeJ a picture ol bim true to life. . ' . .: .i' ai,a,.lrn.l hv alMlineur- llna cm aiill intArrunted and mails ue ,'i .i,i, riiiB under the com- lavnl. owinir to tbe Beers derailed a train mand of a white man, whose nationality 10 miles from Edenburg. All Boers over is not known to the Americans. The in- 14 years old living outside a radius ot iu lUrgenw lur i u " -T -J'" ;-r l,,,,ht. hnrr, to trenched. Alter a neroiu jnpw oy xnvisu -.luujjr, - Beittler drove on tne enemy, aiiiiug preveui. lueii icjutuiuM than 75. The tight lastea lor iwo uuu.e n.nia; p.pir-lr and three privates were c, i, ft),. lmn,i. m J I. .. ..n Ihait arl.f&Va r iirhtiv WOUUUL'U. auu iwu u. vu n ql sou are uuuimg ana itiHp.i. Bn,inun iTvpn hanks are be. rinlitiiiR Continues. coming afraid ol those living beyomi t ne oo Avnlinrr to a d s- meana, .tl f.nm r-Jna Tiiiin In the Dailv Mail a force ol Boers attacked and surrounded "Hon. Wallis Kash, republican, of a party ol Cape police Willi a convuy near NsBlifiii0 Lincoln county, who, It was WSJ ae3 'nes'S: a-ounced. would deliver a political ad- , ' nw rtoii I ArB. in TTinnco Tiinpdav afternoon, an nearly half o' vUomr in Orauge River rived on the "earner that ornmg but ( n imv. T ur?f Jri CMViaou lUW cum' ou nwuuui, ib... " mandoea of eumr fuch, out are cftpa bleloi combination K.r nrQ operations, Heavy Storm La Crossb. Wis.. Oct. Sc. In the 24 hours nrecedinz 8 o'clock tine ruoroiog 7W inchee of rio fell in thia Cn-y The Btorm waa me severeai. iu uim un-jr, Kn..,K it. vraa cflncrallv (elt within TA- HniHof 50 miles from here. The Mil- -The Iuuicnce of Inipcrinlism. Al tha bt'ryinnini' of the third chnpter of Vol. I. ol flibli'm's "Docline ami Fall of the K otntin Kmpiro" that groat historian ucclurcs: Tlm oImIous definition of a nioimrchy Bee mi to ho that of a state in whioli a siniflfj Hrou,li:r whatBoevernatno te muy bo ditttiiiKuialiutl, is intruded with tho t it-cat ion of tho law?, tho uiinnnemt'nt of thi! ruvonuu nnd tha command of tho urniy. Hat unlcHH public lib -rty in pro tottel by intiepiit anil vigilant nuarilinns, uutbority of bo foniiidiiblo a magistrate will noon tlogtnoruto Into despotism.'1 Mi . Ml K inU-y haa already dogenorated cto iho absolute dtopoi in tho Philippine whtTt he in not alone the executor but the tnuki-r of tho lawM, and if thoo conditions awto cont unto wo have anomalous nnd irorieuloui K;verntnet tal rotnbinntion of a froi' republic, with its elected President of h hee H)tl iu Iho West, who la tho despotic ruler of millions of snbjtvts in the Kiut. Lincoln Fiiiil, "I belifvo this gow ornniint cannot euiluro pennaueutty half sIavu aud naif free,'' and tho wiiiilom and truth of this pro be:y were demonshattnl l-efotn Lincjln'M death Should not every tiue American dwlare by his volo, "I bo tiovo ill i uoveriimen'. cannot endure priii.in'nily hn't ile.piitiin. and half re -mbltc." or w H Ibe AnieriiMn peoplo de ile tli.it it in ife lo try the experiment of (toverniuenhtl l)r. Jekyll ami Mr. Hyde as 4hhedor the Atnenein republic V.t, E-litnrial Morning U egoniao, April 26th, 1803. "TllR TROUBLE WITH I'UE MuKlNLEY BILL, THIS WK3L HAS &. UiGHT TO COM 1LIN OKT11E HILL, in epito ol tL potty bribe of increased duties on aiiri- cultural'productB. What the West wan ed was not more protection for itself, bat lees protection for the Eastern) Mauu fuc turer who haa grown rich at its cost. The West deuiaoded. cot dearer lartn prudnctb, but cheaper farru supplies. bugnr, clothing and iron implements, UK McKINLEY BILL STI8FIE IT NO MORB THAN THE MILL' BILL. The former enriched the Eastern Manufacturer by giving hlru f oe raw mntetiaK Tbe latter eur'che1 him Ly maintaining, aud sometimes increasing, ttiodutieBOD bis waDufectured goodp, except Id the single item of raw pnitas THE BILLS ARE CONBTRUCTKD ON the paine PRINCIPLE, ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL MON OPOLY DICTATED BOTH. THti TRIAL OF THE TRUST IS OVER THEM ALL. This Is why the McKinley bill is coldly receive J. If the Republican leader had the courage to follow the line of policy indicated by the popular condemnation of the Mill's Bill, and to frame a measure which should be simply its reveree, he mitrht of Lad trouble to pass it through the house; hut he would have found the country be hind hitn In support of it, and (he Re publican patty would have been in better shape lor the next campaign. The scheme for such a bill Ib very simple The people of tbe South, of New York citv, of New Jersey aod Oonneticut think rue trade a good thinn. Give it to them then. Put everything produced or mar. ufacturfd in those staleB on tha tree litt This ought to satisfy them and the rest of the country would bear it lor their enke. We hope the next Republican Taritr Bill, if tne patty ever has a chance to frame a r other, will bu upon these .lines. It is humorous to hear these fellow who are at heart free ellver men tellinfi about democrats who are at heart gold standard meu. that the lt.lmr.no man am ftli buSV. OMV a fOW reoMnn hanrl ffhAII the time C&tafl Btld the snoakiotf was poBfpned." Florence West, in ouier worua pmr Mr. Bryan while in New Yorkreceiv ed tbe following dispatch, from Warrtn- Ga: If you are elected we propose to build The end of the Boer war doesn't SEero to bs very tangible. The English have just been defeated again and President Steyn is doing uusincss as pniueut. After being defeated by an athletic team in its first game the U. of O. will need to rustle and get o a reputation before it faces tho California elevens, and while getting it would do a big thing if it gut Bishop again. Hallowe'en occurs next Wednesday night. It is possible to have a good I time on this occasion without the hood- lumisin that sometimes prevails. There is nothing in the destruction oi property. Let the celebrations stop wun innocent jokes. ' ' waukee roud suffered much damaae to . nnpn . lftr. cotto mill with its trackB, and no trains have arrived authorized ca piulof half a million dol frnm the East for 24 hours. i.ra i Mn lirmvinMl. We bavp confidence in you, and the " V.mnirB Rtftta of the South is yours Carrol this city and Clark OOarr, bob ' Fred , President ol B olUlark JSUarr oiuaieauurg, in., riaiilM Mlir Oo drowned in i Lake , Was ungtor, early t .is LjCdAllegn, in addition lo tel.. th. ;'"?he boSierhave noV- been recov f'- .e ,. f au es fed Warrenton, Ga.. is Secretary of the Trricedv. Georsia Utate BankinK Association, and Skatti,e, Oct. 23.-James Slorali, 15 one of tbe riiflit-liaud men of the great voara a saloonkeeper here, killed Annie Witham Bank.nE System, and also rants ii:.l...il .ll utnn hia ni ntroeq. amOnif IU weailuiesi youug uiou '. -...-i nc . i i.n i.llla.1 1 Genriria. " ""Tl ; f "T. "''".'"I" Thi. i. verv refresllint alter some rme.c.using an csUan'gement" Irom the etnff that ba. been appear ,n tl.e tlio woman. I SUMMONS In thk Oibcpit Couiit op TnB gT UBKSON rOK iJlRH BOUNTY. John Conner, plaintiff, vs A .1 p; J Pitner, bu wife, Arabella O Arcberj Arcuur, uu uuuiiu, mien 1 d olfnn ...I tt P Uuri. .1.1 'A To A J Pitner. C J Pitner. hellfrG Ar:her and Archer, hiJ UUnar auuva intuitu ueifnuanli, IN THE NAME OF THF ST VI OREOON, you are hereby it-fiuipf,i , pear aau answer me complaint of thel uameu p.uiuLiu uuw uu uie m the entitled court within the time pre, in the order lor the publicalion summons The order for the nni.i; of this summons was made by the II M Palmer, judge of the couutyl of the state of Oregon for Linn courJ tb ibtb day ol Iseptembw, JitOO. au icribea that this eumruons shuli .ni lisbed once a week for nix mr eeks. and the date of the Rrt nn.i hereof is the 28th day of September Ana you are ner;oy notified that fail to apcear and answer said comp! bereby required, tbe plaintiff will to toe win ior ine reiiti aeraatded said complaint, to wit: A decree t J plaintiff have and recover juJ against tne uerenuams A J Pitnf Pitner and Arabella 0 Archer, for t ol $1600.00 and accruing interest attherato ol eight per cent per fiom the 4th day nf February, I9Q me iuiiiiui miiu ji fiiou.uu aitorneyl and for tbe coats and diaouremeita suit, and further decreeing that llJ gat e or tne aeienaants A J Pitner a ruuer to iue piuintiu. mado nn a on tbe 25th day of August. 1K97 , coraeu on me zmu aay or Auptiiil the office of tbe Count? Records 'i county. Oregon, in the Records ofl gagea, Vol ume32, at page 463,be for and that the premises therein descj roiijwn, idwu: jjois one(i) and I and the west half of lots eeverJ igiit b) in tjiocK three (3j in Sethi etb a Hares' Addition to thai Haisev. ;n unnuountt. Urnonn by the Sheriff of said Linn the manner described by law, and I proceeds of such sale be applied lows, towir: r iret to tne pHViuel coats and disbursements of this 1 the expenses of the Baid sale; s l the payment of tbe juugment reed ma yituiiuu. iu iuis suit; tniru, I plus, if any, to be disposed as I maybB advised and may direct: I ther decreeing that the defenaJ each of tbeni be forever barred J closed from asserting any right ini-rai in or to ine saia pre mi further decreeing that the suid Si tbe purchaser ot the said premise sale in tbe immediate poeteesion and further decreeing that the pi cmion lBRue ior tneentorcemsnt ot cres. and that the uUintiir havr I over for any defioiency reoiaiJ applying the proceeds of sale! said judgment; aidforfiuch otbl as to toe court may Beem proper! Hewitt ij AUorneys for 11 . i I:. inX .i. re Transvaal war, ea9 Lord Roberts iwr,nrnfBnrMfirtrnnar.iivanhil- iaover. Nothinn remains except oloiry at Oxfurd University, died today whip the Boers at lii'.Uo p. m. me uisease waa an auwv ion of the liver. The New York Hre. Imperialism wouia be profit bte to the liny cotitractirt, it would be profitable 11 the ship owners, who would carry live jUlitMi to tlhe Philippines and bring 4 Mil anldiert back; It would he profitable 14 those who would isiis upon the fran- Hu?es aud It wsuld be profitable to the rlals whose lalariet would be fixed fcore aud paid over there; but to the farmer, to the laboring nun and lhe vtv. mi )rlty of those engpd to other ooBUpatlons It would brinn expenditure without nturn and ris'x without reward, J. Bryan. .Meant It Then. tYl-en the war brcke out, The Orv- Kouinn predicted that one of the firet re sults of victory would be demand for ex tension of empire. Evidence cf the presetK-e ol this fever of conquest in thy national blood already appeals. Dj maud is (reety voiced for permanent poeeeesion of Porto Rico aud the entire Philippine archipelago, and it it clear that only the diitinc. promise contained in the joint resolution ol congress re strains the colonial advocates from in tiitina also uton '.he appropriation ol Cuba iteeK. Tbe London Spectator t shrewd enough to anticipate and encou rage this sentiment. 4 We hope It Yen- tares, 'that the Americans will keep the Philippines, and that they can keep l hem there is no doubt whatever.' Such an outcome would be in every way to ue'reuretted. II we do not wan Cuba, much lass do we want the Philip pines. There t doubt ai to the anfit nssi ferislf-zovernment charted agains tbe Cubans; but thete is no doubt of i as far as the Inhabitants ot the Philip pines are concern fd. All the arguments urged ocofntt strains t the Hawaiian annexation by thoiihtlnl American! art applicable with greater force asalort The PendMon E, O, devotes two- thirds of a column to the apeaking in that city of Hon. M. A. Miller, and L. b. liryan, wno were wen receivea. uur inp hie BDcech Milt remarked that on Nnv. H the voters of the country would atop licking revenue stamps long enough to net tue rupuuiiuaus. Who would live on tbe Cono. Ac- onding to one of Rev. Agar'a stories. A little pager (tets under a toe nail and io three davs vou either have to have the toe cut off or lone your life. Tbe result is a good many people short ot toes. The umebnarlee once a day have an ex pert go over their feet hunting (or jiggers, A large and enthusiastic republican meeting was recently held at Springfield, in Lane con- ty, according to the report sent out. P.y actual count there were 23 present, it wasciaimeu tnat two orynu men were converted, there were only two nrosont. and neither charged a whit. This is given as a sample of tome of the decoptive thunder oi uieuay. Wo are not about to enter on a car eer of foreign conquaat, but our position in the world requirei us to havo naval stations distant from our own shores. Wo need a naval station in the East In dies, another in the West Indies and we need Hawaii. All these the lortunc ol opp irtunity now oilers to us. We do not want to keep i lie ruiiippine islands, but wo should keep a naval Btation there." Morning Oregonian, May K'th, XiH XS J DtSEA.SE. New Yobk, Oct. 29,-As the result of a 4Ishort LeMOn on the Meaning iiall Are. several explosions of chemi- FfltMlflr Wnrd. u r u ir i - Disease is the opposite of ease. Web 1 Rter defines disease as "lack of ease, un- ftntu tnl b occurred in Tarrant x Co. 8 AtntelftL Warren and lireenwicn streets. totlay ana Diew oown a unzeu uunuiuga and badly damaged a score ot others easiness, trouble, veiation. diiquiet." llie toss ot 'lie is not Known, nu. irum ig A condUioa iu9 t0 aome derangement all.sonrc.ea of informstion it ib gatherea . hBlcal orBaoieQ1. a vast maiority that there are perhaps tne bodies oi au m '..di f which oeoole Buff ar petsons in the ruins, thougn, d-cause oi . dQe to lm blood Dia&a8e 0( thiB the hot debris and the slowneas ol tne w cuJ"od b Hood.fl Sar8apariia moving o it, no rie had been removed vblch pUrlaeB, 6nrtcheB and vitalises the up to midnight. Chief Croker of the blood v Hood'BSarsaparitla cures scrofula, salt rheum, pimples and all eruptions. It Fire Dopanment said tonight that the loss is fully $1,500,000. toneg the aiomft(ja aQa createa a good ap- WorK Keflitmeu. petite, and it gives vigor and vitality to Pun irxri i.ni i riff ft Tivliw wit- thfl whole bodv. It reveraas the condition nesBed an almost general resumption of of things, giving health, comfort f and work in the anthracite region, where ior ease- in piaceoi -aifleaw six weeks the mineworkers have been on str'ke for an advance in wages, a reduc' (inn in the orice of oowder and in sever al districts the abolition of the sliding orjilft nf wacres. In a tew instancea col lieries operated by individuls and small companies have tailed to resume, Roosevelt Assaulted. Klmira. N. V Oct. 20. For the first This Paper One Year. Farm Journal 5 Years ray up aod prel both papers at price ot ;e. We want more new subscribers to our . i n . ; . n iZ r wilh 9 farm Journal by rr,T , j " wnico we can son! tne Ui Contest Notice, Penartment of the rnturinl States Land Office, Oregon Oil iu, juju. i A sumtientconteBtntfidnviiliJ fitod in this ofhee by Jorepb 11 conieatanr, atrainvt homeiteud I lUObl. made Ju v 16. 1H02 forSI of aection 14, TowLehlp 12 S if oy j times u uaivin, conteotee, in is alleged that contestant is I q -j united with t-.e Dresentcondil same; alBO that tbe entrjmarij Calvin has wholly abandoned eiJj the past hve years and during:? ine said entryman has not rcf nor baa he in any wiBe colttval proved and claim In any mai ever nor oas any one acting tor nis aosence nas not been due ployment iu tbe army, navy corps of the U 8 as a prtv ite sol seaman or marine, daring tb($ bpain or any other war in whl may oe or is engaged, saia hereLv notified to BDDear.resoo evidence touching said allegi o ciocK a. m. on iNovemberia, the Register and Receiver at States Land Office in Oregon Ci The said coitestant bavin ir, afficlaTit.filel August 8, 1904 tacts which show tout atter ui perfonal service of this notice made, it is hereby ordered w tnat sucn notice be given proper publication. Cuas B Mookbs Wm Galloway, Receiver. Tho republicans have another Bur- chard. At a recent banquet in New York City, Senator Scott, one of tne speakers, said : "I believe in (rusts, they are a gxd thing. If it were not (or the Standard Oil Company thij prosper ity that we have wou.d not be h9re to day," The remarks, which let thecal out of the bg, waa received with von sternation. and an effort was mad t keep them out of the press, bur it failed with the local preae. Senator Prati though reached the republican associated press and aucceede J in keeping th re port irom it. The following lrom tbe Ortgon Week ly published by the U. of O. will shock some ol the Albany people, who don't tike noise : The grand rally of the rooters Friday night as the best of its kind io the his tory of our Institution, an l demonsirattd that the true college spirit Is witb as to stay. The songs and yells aod pande monium of the horns and bells awaken ed the people of the town to a realisa tion that the 'Vartsity does not lack lor football eathnsiam. Tbe U. of O is in debted not a little to tbe faithful work of the rooters. or. Theodjre Uiosivelt was assaulted do the streets oi i.imira tonignt on nis way to l ie nlace ol meeting lie was carriage with ex Senator Fassett, and at several points aiong ine route was peitea with eggs ana vegetables and create a with vilest epithets. Alln Day Njiw Youk. Oct. 21.). MAnd I am feel iiH tolerably well, 1 thank you." mis was mt iryans response wnsi old tonight that he bad made 30 speech es duriug the dny and thus broken his , own record for speech making. As a rule, the slee lies were not so long as oo mo3' occasions. The N, Y. Explosion. Kkw Yohk Oct. SO. All the effort ol the aulhorilit s are now d irccted to clean ing away the debris of the Tarrant nnd o her buildings wrecked by the great ex plosion of yesterday in tiie desire to Hod out haw many bodies are buried in them and to ascertain ihecauu of the explo sion. Goorge Murray, inspector of combusti bles, cave out the following statement: It is mr opinion that the explosion was due to chtmical action whi"h took J lace during the comp moding o( drugs nut what the the exact cause was wj cannot tell until we get the formulas used. New York for Brynn. New York. Oct. 80. Executive Chair man James K McGuire of 'he democratic state committee, gave rut tonight the tirst estimate from the democratic state committee bow tbe state would He sid : wmcn we can seal tne Democrat and the Farm Journal 5 yearB, both for $1 .'25. And we make the same off irto all old subscrib ers who will py all arrearages and one. year in advance. Yoa know what ours is and the Farm lounal iia gem practical, progressive ciean, honest, useful papsr full ci guraptioi. full of sunshine, with an im rnenw circulation amon the Mit peopl ery where. You ought to take it. Daily subcrioart piyin3 is a.lvance an mo .e.Mra u. Minister's MUtake. A city mini iter wai reoentU handed a a at to be reiJ from nis pulpit. Ac coaipauyintc it a clipping from a nbwpipeL- o U' in upia Cto miner, i he clerymta stir ted to real tbe extract and toaoa mu it begin: "late Kemps Balsam, tbe Wat Joii.t Cure.'1 This was hardly wa i. h4 b u exoutd an l. after a moment't hiut'.to.h-i turned it over. and foand on the other side thd muter uteod- or thoueading. First and Foremost '.in the field of medicioe is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It pos sesses naequulled merit and euros all dis ease cauied O' promote 1 by impure or in?poverihe4 blood including rbeuma Lism, dyspepna, catarrS. All liver ills are cured by flood's Pills. 52c, nnl7 is Dlood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, CsnHy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep K clean, by atirrinv nn tha Km Ai .if Our canvafa of the state aivea Bryan purities from the body. Begin to-day to 60,000 majority and it als fhows that banish pimple, boils, blotches, blackheads, the republicans will not corns to the 1 n(1 tht sickly bilious completion by takii Bronx wi h more than "0 000 maioritv. rK-beiuty for ten cents. All drug. I guts, satisfaction guaranteed 2i.f0c. Contest Notice. Uenartment, of the Iattrl States Land Office, Oregon Cl August y. iyw. A sufficient contest affidavit filed in this office by Wai ace contestant, against homestea watt, mane uctooer it, ia. of Section 14. Township 12 8 by tinker iNewman, Lonteiret' is alleged that contestant ent conditioo of the name; t-t-aid entryman has wholly i tract for tbe nast five Years m said time he has not reside any way wine cultivated or ' claim in any manner whatev acting fcr him. That his at been due to bis employment navy, marine corr-s of the t' soldier, officer seam&n or tal tbe war witn pain, or aum war in which the U b mav Said Baker Newman or hs b representatives are hereby n; pear, respond and offer evtN said allegation at 10 o'clock i ember 12, 1900. before the Keceiver at the United Stat in Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant havii i affidavit, filed August 8,lw0 which show that after due 1 onal service of this noticcaij it is hereby ordered and dire notice be given by due and pfl lion. I CHA8 B MroKj vm Ojllowat, Becein So-To-bv ror Fifty Gtnntetd tobacco haWt ci M uxac. biooO oore