MONDAY. Court convened this morning with thirty cases on the docket. Only three, perhaps only two, lor trial. W. 0. Tweedalo and W. H. Warner were appointed bailiffs. Three true Informations were found againBt Arthur Ziegler on account of the forgerv of the name of Frank Jackson, the hop man tn three checks and the tronsler ol thein by fraud. A true ihfo utution was found against A. W. liepbuni, for laiceny in a dwell ing. Thit is the case of the larceny uf things belonging to Sam Dugger frem.his trunk in the Husb House.. Every juryman responded to his name, and only one was excused, S. E, Young, and exempt fireman . The following cases were disposed of: A J Fox, et al agt Ehriam Fox, eject' merit. Settled. E Kirkpatrick agt L 0 Thompson, rec. ol money. Uontioued. Mitchell, Lewis & Stiver Co. ast 8 M Rates, tec. money. Judgment by default. EUnarian Smith agt .1 H Carpenter et al, rec. money. Judgment by default with or.ler tc eell propei y. Geo D Barton agt D Nenl, rec. money. Settled. E Kirkpatrick agt J Houck.reo. monep. Judgment by default with order to eell property. K L Sabin agt Penchfr & Matthews, rec. money; attachment. Judgment by default. Portland Flouting Kill Co agt Henry Ohrt et al, lec. monev ; attachment Set ed. 0;P Ilaj B ex agt A B r-ul M B Miller, rec money. Judgment i,y default. H 0 Breeden,a priva v corporation agt EELarlmore, rec. rootiey; attachment. Judgment by default u itb order to sell property. Henrietta Randall agt 8 M Bramwell nd J C Bramwell, tec. money; attach ment. Settled. A G Prill agt Matilda Crume Garland, rec. monev; attachment 8ettled. Milwaukee Harvestirg Co agt Allen & Clark, reo. money; attachment. Judg ment by default without interest agt Allen. Dismissed as to dark. David Foren agt John M Smith, rec. money. Judgment. W E McPherson agt 8 (V Reece, rec. money; attachment. Judgment by de fault, with order to sell property. S H Friendlv agt Sherman Hays, rec. money. Continued. - B S Lehmaneky agt R F Simpson and Lizzi-' Simpson, rec. money; attachment. Continued. On trial, Oregon agt John Craft. As sault with a dangerous weapon. The tT. of 0. wiUplay Stanford Nov. 10, Nevada Nov. 15, and liarkelay Nov. 17. Bv the time the last gamea arrives the chances are that the Webfoots will be banged up too much for foot ball. Phil F. Rogoway, of Portland, has written a play, The Day ol Atonement, which will be presented ac Marquam Grand on Jan. 7. Phil's brother Mike was an Albany barber at one time, and did some amateur acting. In foot ball Saturday Brown defeated Chicago 11 to 6, Pennsylvania Columbia 30 to U, Harvard wesipotm zu to u, xaie Weal) an 38 to 0, Ann Arbor Perdue 11 to 6. ieconsin Upper Iowa 64 to 0, Cor-, nell Union 11 to 0, Princeton Lafayette 5 to U GRAFTS. Some people never use their wit. The biggost fools have a' wherefore f,.r every why. A woman a' ways knoas what's what Some people act as if they thought re ligion was intended juet to he mended. Boiled down half tne speeches have as much argument as a hogs bacK has wool. There is happiness in leaving cold lead alone. A. pretty woman has as many lollow ere as a thief in the day time. The young man without an aim will 1 die whittling wood boxeB. A thousand dollars a .year will make all docli iiics plain and clear Old Kick's an imperialist. It is not the clothes that makes a hoodlum. Whipped into line by the lash of a boss a man may be of the same opinion y. Obituary. College Notes. Wra McCoy, a resident ot Lion county for over fifty years, and until About three years ago, died on October 2, at Ocosta, Wash, Ue was born near Harrisville, West Virginia, on July 1, 1817. He moved with his parents to Ohio when four years of ago and to Illinois when 14 veara of age, residing near Monmeuth in that state. In 18-15 he came to Oregon locating in Linn county, taking an active part in tne upbuilding of this county, coming here with his brother John Mc Coy, also prominent in the early history of the county. Ho is said to have been ; a member of the first legislature. In 1848 ne was active in the uayuse war. When the cold excitemont reached Ore gon he left with Owen Hear and others lor ualilorma, soon returning, in lttoz he went back by way of the Panama canal to Illinois returning with a band ot cattle. In 18G8 when over fifty yeara of age he was married to Mis- Ann Can non, of Waitsburg, Wash., who with two children, Clyde McCoy and Mrs. Fred jouiey, survive mm, ue was an excel lent man, a good father, husband and citizen, an honored pioneer citizen who played bis part well in the development o this country. A Gollege rush is a new thing for Alb-ny. The A. 0. L. S. have challenged the acuity to a political debate. Thomas Robrrlson, of Hiltsboro, and Edith Ulem, of Albany, entered college ast wet'K. President. Emma Sox; vice-president, F. O. Stellmacher; secretary and treas urer, m. a. AcneBon. "ineie are tue of ficers of the junior class. The Senior Preps have effected a clas8 organization ana elected tue following oin cere: rroBiuent, vv. L, Marks; sec retary, Maude Morrison; treasurer, Ol iver Hickey. Rev. Hayes, of Gran is Pas", led the devotional exercises and gave one of his inimitable talks in chapel Wednesday morning. Mr. Hayes has few equals for teuing mnny stories. Jacob NorcroBB, who recently died in Spokane, Wash., was one of the charter board of trustees ot Albany College. Out of the fifteen charter members only tnree are living. Considerable enthusiasm was shown at the ineeiincr of the A. O. L, 8. Satur day evening. Messrs. Graves, Torbet, Morean. Layman. Burknart. Barrick Newell, Dickinson. Nelson. Mack. Speer, Meyer and Garrett were received as members- Frank Stellmacuer waB ap pointed debating manager and will soon arrange 101 some lncer-couegiato ue Daces Home from Europe. Mr. Phil Goodwin arrived home last evening from his European trip, after a very pleasant and satisfactory exper ience. The Paris exposition is a great thing, but is to a certain extent a repro duction of the world's fair at Chicago, in fact many of the identical things seen there have been on exhibition at Paris, and yet there are plenty of new thingB to attract attention like the X-ray ma chines, etc. He was as far east as Ber lin, where he saw the emperor ride by. Germans - consider the emperor some what necdliar and- yet they believe in him and give him a hearty support in Europe as wen as tne TRAGEDY AT JEFFERSON. A School Girl's Head Crushed Clydj Yatmhn. by , m i i . . nB4-n.. r-Am n,- ail uis measure, jurupo won uu iue ttH:ac W. C. Breckenridge returned this noon from the eaBt, where he had heen to attend the grand encampment of the G. A. R. at Chicago, and .visit relatives in Illinois and Kansas. He reports a pleasant trip. J. A. Gumming left; Saturday night for Iowa, where his mother and brother who is not well will go to Uaiiiornia lor the winter. Mr. Cumming lilces Albany though and intends to return here to re side, which bis host of friends hope he will do. John Foshay and daughter. Miss1 Anna, of Albany, are here attending the Baptist convention and visiting Mr Foshay'a brother-in-law, Nathan wheal don. For a number of years Mr. Foshay baa been one of the leading druggists and stationers of Albany. The Daliea T. M. Miss Minnie Monteitb, of Albany, was married to Casper Van Oran, of Pen- dleton, by Rev. J4. P. Hill, IX D of the 1 First Presbyterian church, Wednesday, October 17, at 8:30 p. m., at the resid ence of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. ManBfield, 89 'I'anth ait-Ant. The bride was eiven awav by M. S. Monteiih, her brother. The rooms were beautifully decorated and the octaaion altogether a very happy one. Only reiativeB and a few intimate fnenda wcrj present. The bride is a daughter of the late John Monteiih, a well-known Linn county pioneer, and sister of M. 8. and Walter Monteitb, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. VanDran have departed for thtir home ;in Pendletun. Snnday Oregon! an. Th Sunday Oregonian gives tne io lowing account of the McWilliams-Wil-liania wedding: A prety wedding oc r.nrpMl in Wam-.o At the home of the Drs. Beers, October i7, at 9:30 o'clock a. in which Mary Louise nmi-u s, v any, who has Deen their guest during the summer, and Dean S. MeW.II.ama, a merchant, ol iiaisey, wore wm wuw intr paities. The bride wan attired in a Born in A lhasy. The Orrgonian pub H-hes the picture of Frank Pax'on, one of the republican electors and gives the followiog sketch of his life, showing that he is conectcd with enough corpor ations to make a good republican elector : Ossiiin Franklin Paxton was born at Albany. Or.. January 4. 1858. He was educated at public schools of Albany, San FranciBCO and Santa Clara. Cal. He graduated from Portland Hih School in June, 1878. From 1878 to 1879 he was private secretary to the governor of Or egon. He studied law with Thayer & Williams, and was admitted to the bar in July, 188). He was County Suptnn tendent of school for Multnomah coun ty from 1882 to 1886. and represented Multnomah county in the legislature at the sessions of 1893 and 1895. He was nominated for the State Senate in 1896. but resigned on account of lllnetp. He was chairman of the Multnomah County Republican Convention in 1900. and nominated r.r presidential elector, ue is a mem her of the Board of Regents of the State Normal School at Monmouth, and is member from Multnomah couuty of the Republican State Central Com mittee, f rom 1894 to 1896 he was re ceiver of the Portland Consolidated Street Railway Com nan v. He is now president of the Portland Railway Comp any. He is a member of the law firm of Paxton, Beach & Simon. A Business Changs James K. Berry, who has been with Duly "the fixer" o Corvallis, for three years, has purchased a half interest in tha Merrill Bros, shop and thu firm will hereafter be known as Meirill & Berry. A lathe and complete set of tols recently purchased makes this a first class shop in every respect. A clean up-to-date fish market has been opened by them in the room adjoining tueir Bhop where nsn oi an Kinae iresn irom the coast daily, may ue nau. Rev. Robert McLean, of Portland, has accepted an appointment to take charge ot ail tne missionary worn: oii.tne rrea hyterian church on the island of, Cuba. In an nililrcHR in Albany a vear or twe ago Rev. McLean stated that he would probably give his services in this line of worn, reierring to uuoa. A blood curdling tragedy occurred at Jeffere-n this forenoon. The particulars are g'ven as follows: In the public echrols of this city, of which Luther A. Wiley is principal, about 9:39 o'clock the jauitor of the scboil. Clyde Vaughn, a young man nine teen yearB oi age, told the principal that Home one wished to Bee Lulu Jones, a 14 year old girl, and she went out into the hall, and nothing (nriber was thought of it until when after some time Bhe failed tn appear Prof. Wiley went to find her, finally going Into the basement, where he was horrified to find her on the floor with her head crushed in and a bloody ax lying near. She was thought to be dead, but prove i not tn be, and medical assistance was immediately se i cured and Dr. Wallace of this city seni nr. she wau alive at presB time out without any prospect of her recovery. Ulyue vaughn had disappeared, and i) was learned had ned from the city, lie has not yet been captured. He is nine teen yeara of age, has red bair, very freckled face, is 5 feet 11 inches and weighs 155 pounds. He is a brother ol Mrs. G. W. Munkere of this city. The victim of the horrible affair is a eister of Miss Jones of the Albany Bcboole an'1 Louis JonoB of the O. andE-, a popular girl with a splendid character. The Vaughn boy, who is said not to ue very bright is reported have been in 'ove with ihe girl, and because she did not like him sliuck her to death. A report from Jefferson at prees time was that the gin couiu uveomyaiew minutes. n&nta man known aB Texas McDaniel was seen to come from the place where the pants were. He was also Been to board the afternoon train northbound, getting on at the crossing. Mr, Henry Kirsch is declaring that one of thb men who recently held him him up, the t el low who held the lantern had a strong resemblance to Dr. Barker, indicating that the matter has been turned into a joke; At the time the Dr. was sound asleep. Mr. Alex. Brandon, one of Linn coun ty's best known pioneer farmers, this afternoon was committed to the asylum. This was the result of a kick in tha head four or five yeara ago, from the effects of which he hus never recovered. His bead is filled with imaginary family wrongs. Mr. Brandon's; misfortune is generally regretted. The Albany Book Club has elected the following othcerB lor the coming year: Mis. H. C. Watson president, Mrs. W. 0. Tweedale secretary and treasurer, Mrs. A. H. Martin. Mrs. E. W. Lang- aon, Mrs. H. F. Merrill commttteeon books. This a prosperous and popular organization, xne una a am cuuo, Norton Goodman Winnard, has been presented a silver spoon. EgiiS have advanced to 26 cents. Th big demand for eggs in Alaska has a; si 8 ted the market in a material manner, G. W. Simpson came up from Port and laBt evening. J. H. Maple, of Seattle, a former lesl deat of Albany, was in the city today. Hugh M. Perry ioft this afternoon for British Columbia, to resume work in the blate Creek mine. J 09. H. Ralaton, the telephone man, i now of Portlaud, spent Sunday at home : in Albany. Mrs. J. G.'Gibton and daughter, re turned toaay from PeoiiSylvania where Mrs. Gibron formerly resided. A recent copy of the Sandlego, Calif., Tribune save "Mrs. V. B. Winn and Miss Lata R. Winn are here from Al bany, Or. Mrs, F. E. Hineman, of Albany, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Royce, returned home this afternoon. Eugene Guard. F. E, Blair, the popular drummer, for Wadhams A. Kerr, wai in the citv today showing Mr. William Wadhama of the arm over the territory covered. Dr, William Hushes, of Gates, reached Albany Saturday night direct frcm Nome, where be bad the oual experience so far m gold from the sands was concerned. The district convention nf the Degree nf Honor nlll b at the A. O. U. W. hall in this citv tomorrow beeinoine at t:80 o'clock in tint forenoon There promises to be a good delegation here irom other plmw. To Hotil Max. Wi-hing to engage in other bohinraa 1 offer far Dale tha furni- tarn nf th Rimm HnniA And will iiive a long leaae on the property at a reasonable Vtll. CiiAi. Phiftu. License was issued today for the mar riage uf W. K. Werner and Dora Evans, TheUofO Icotball team will play Nevada at San Francisco on Nov 15. CIRCUIT COURT. Brownsville. Thj ladles of theO ngregailonal church will give a fair on the 13th and 14tb of December. Kancv articles will be for eale and nnrved during both days, with musical and literary entertainments n the evening. r TUESDAY; Arthur Pacuer. lor men y oi thia city, ia clerking in the hotel at Junction. R. Lt Burahart, of ihis city, whb reg istered at the VvilJainette, tiaiem yesterday A itated communication of Barzillia chapter No, 16 at the MaBonic temple tonight. Members of Green leaf Lodge are ea pecialf requested to welcome the dele gateB from the nc-irfhooring towns. Mr. G. B. Hoyt, of Jefferaon, and a member of Salem's Illibee Club was n the city laet evening. Mi. R. W. Moses, druggist of Craw fordsville, was attending to buineea in Albany yesterday License was issued today for the marriage of Frank cf. tinaw and Luella M (.'Kinney, the former of Ballard, Waeh. Mr Henry Jacobs, a commercial trav eler, of San Vrancitct was in the city ye. terriay and spent la&t evening at the Alco Club toouu. He is a crack bowler. MUs Marguerite Hopkins will leave tomorrow for Pasadena, Calif., where Bhe will go for the benefit of her be .lth, taking with her the best wishes of her host ol Albany irienci. The old school house on the top of the hill Bouth east of town wbb entirely dit troyed by fire ou Saturday night Ust, The fire i9 thought to have been the work of an incendary. Rev. Phillio Starr, fathor of Dr. Starr. of this place, died on last Sunday morn ing at a. m. A snort service was neid at the home of the Doctor in Browue ville on Monday at 4 u. in., the mem- Ders ot town tamng lart, tus remains will be removed from Brownsville to Halsey where a funeral eervice will be held in the M. K. church of Halsay and the interment take place in Ihe fckltey cemetery. The woolen mill is rut-ning short time. Lack of wool ib said to be the cause. Toe present manager, Mr, McGhee, will 60or leave tor a more deeirable situation se cured at the Salem woolen mills. W, C. Copley has eoce with M. Sayere on a hunting tour. They expect a big "bug" betore the onen season cioteB Curan is sueh a good marksman, ere a things are expected Irom the expedition, , Popular Books. There Is & general desire among people to read the latest books that are buint; most talked about and read by literary people.,- Everybody's Magazine, ol New Yo.-k, which by the way, is one of the best published, monthly gives the pop ularlty oi the current books of the day as indicated bv the demand for them in th nook stores and libraries t f New York Otty. Following is the order for the past month. The Cardinal's Snuff Box, by Henry Harland. To Have and to Hold, by Mary Johnson. A Gentleman from Indiana, by B .otb Tarklnuton. The Redemption of David Gorsen, by Cues. uoss. Ern Ho len. bv Irvinn uacheiler, fatroon Van Voikeoberg. bv Henry The 9tephenson. The Master Christian, by Marie Cor Hi. Quisaute, by Anthony Hope Mistress Penwick. ov Putton Payne The Keign of Law, by J.mej Lmo Allan. Un eavened Bread, bv Kohert brant, A friend of William Stearns Davis. benator North, by tier rede Atberton. la hen Niahtliood a in Fliwer, by Edward Gasoden. A. W. Hepburn, who wa, fined this beautiful traveling costume of gray and forenoon b Judge Burnett, w-nt to carried bride roees. The party enterea ; uorvmus, tins io-noon accompauieu ny tha Dr or to the strains oi mo - n euuing " ."- .............. ... .... March" from Lohengrin, rendered by Miss Bryani, of Albany ana took their places under a true-lovers bow, su-pend-ed from Garlands of delicate white Bow ens. Kev.H. L. Breightil. of Wasco, officiated in a very impiessivf manner. The p.rlors and dining-room were elab orately decorated with pink and white carnations and palms. Alter a d.iniy wedding breakiast m pany " Columbia Southern for their future borne in Halsey. Albanv olW I" chu k Ml ol Me this tear. New societie, and .. fratute, in ihe work bave added mateil.lly to th. inl.retl- Tb main object in reducing tbe price of oar wail p.per i to wake room for new stock. Everything bright and new Come and ree Low ebp. 0. A. C. Mr. Bowen. formerly ol the Portlana Telegram, is in the city in tbe interest ol a book ne is preparing on tne rosource. of Oreg n. In connect! in with the work he is giving l ime dne illust rations ,M the prominent pia,'s in tbe state 'lie i. g'Stified at I tie prosperous appear .nee ol Albany. The Lsdy Bachelor'. Club lot nighi treated themselves to ao oysier supir at Pleiffer'B This Club has bteu grow ing gloth.nsly I'M, but l atill In th. ring .mnvins e.ine nveit croa oi -roiinv wiuin anywhere in the United rjtetf. The gathering lust night w.s as uoal eiclnsive and ejov a 3le. S-.Cliumgv ot a. V Wednesday. Court adjourned at 1 :30 o'clock iliia afternoon after a very short session. There were outy two jury trials, that of the state agt. John Craft and Mrs. Moon agt. the ci y, The following business was disposed of: Tbe case of the state agt John Craft, chaiged with assault with a dangerous weapon xas holly contested. A conflict of testimony was presented that was in tproBtiug, The jury after beiog out a abort time last eveuing returned a ver dict of not guilty. In the (use of the State agt Arthur Seigler, indicted foriforgery.. L. L. Swan wan appointed attorney to loo It after tbe interests of the defendant. The cane was a plain one against &eiglor,aud last even ing before the adjournment of court be plead guilty and was sentenced to the penitentiary for two yeare. In the case of the State agt A. W. Hep burn, by consent of the district attorney the defendant plead guilty of simple lar ceny, the value of the property stolen be ing ihs than fob anu waB sentenced to pay a nneoi ?ou, which haB heen aone. n paBeinii iiu sentence me juuee gave some very excellent advice in reference to talcing property not one's Betting lorth n ulum laucuhee that tner is notmnz in securing property without giving full recompense even n one can uo it wiinoui being detected, and advieing the young man no tv when there is time to do better nd make a man of himself. Oregon agt John Craft, assault with a angerous weapon. Tried and found not guilty. E izabeth H Devine azt George Hardy, ejectment. Settled. Milton Hale agt M V Bilyeu, rec money. Judgment for plaintiff, Sam Bromberser Btrt W M Donlln & Co., tec. mouoy; attachment. Oontin-ned. J S Mom is & Co act Matilda Orutre (jarland, recovery of money, attachment. Continutd, George Moore agt Bros, rec. money. Continued. S E Young agt Chas S Smith, rec monev. Continued. Ann Smith agt 8 0 and Dan Hart, rec, monev; attachment, won suit by plain- uii. Elizabeth Kobson aut Juliet Hamilton anu Micunel tiorrisan. rec. monoy tiebmeut. Judgment agt Hamilton. uonnuued as to Uarrigan. Addie Moon. res. act Oily of Albany appellant, apuoai irom malice court, Tried by jury. Non suit granted on mo tion oi delendant. J A Bradley Bat R H SnodaraeB and William Baasett. rec. mrnev. Judgment tor piaintm. W S ? lumps cm a;t J F pjwall. Sale confirmed. SANDERS, STUART, SKIP WORTH. A good Bized and verv appreciative audience gathered at the court honpe ast night to hear lion. Del Stuart, demociatic presidential elector, present fomoof the living ieeuea of the day. Previous to the speech of Mr. Stuart, Mr. Saoders, a member of tbe second regiment, a bright voung man com in a from The Dallas, was introduced and spoke for an hour on the Philippine question, presenting a convincing arrav of facts tie showed how we had armed the Filipinos to fight the Spaniards and when thev surrendered, how we trrned over 1 ICO prisoners to them. Aquinaldo declared from the Btart that under our cons itulion we could not tako the is lands as a colony. The conduct of the preeident that followed was tbe wo'Bt double dealing in llie history of the United States and precipitated tha war with the Filipiuos which even after Blurt ed could have been stopped but was pro longed an ii hb uetm lor political ptupos 1'hn l . " I I. GRAFTS. Who ever baw a boy as go sd as mother wanled him to be . ' If you think your best airl will bean angel when married you'd better remain an olu bachelor. The next thing to wisdom is silence. Don't forgat pay day when you run in aeot. Women certainly kiss each other ju?t to Kbep in practice. Jf a woman makeB up her mind better cry to stop a lexaa.tornado. The soldiers there know it and hava nerallv beenauainst thnadministrattDii ntil getting homo and netted into lino again On the last trnntportof 703 eol mrsbVZ voted in favor of sucportins ' Brvan. Be showed the fallacy of trada expansion in connection tvith the is- inus, ungiaDU already gettmv three mee the small trade we got. Tlfe spirit trade is to buy the heat artic a at the cheapest price. The spirit of imperial iem is already here. In reference to keeping tne nag up he Bliowed how the mted mates must nt honor lower it om Cuba, will lower it from Pekin rnd recently lowered it in dishonor from a Btrip of our land in Alpeka, The youug man's points were Bitarp on the argu ments nf the republicans of tho islands having been consecrated in blood, (only ore-tenth ol them now), of tho hand of bod being in it, of tbe fool manifest satiny cry and the civilization carried nto the islands by our soldiers in the hapeof brolhelB run in Ihe Interest ol the ofiicere. Mr. Stuait then Bpoko for awhile. treat- ng the subjects of trudts and imperial ism in a comprehensive manner. On the subjects of prosperity be declared that we mtiBt go down to tbe foutiuatton to ascertain tbe extent of it and not look at it superficially. He Bliowed how Mc- hjmey waa responsible tor the ueteiu ot tbe Nicaragua raiml meatture at the be hest ol Huntington, and tbe Hulu treaty was bandied without glover. ilou. It. Skipworth. who was pres ent, was called upon and made thingB lively lor ten minutes in some general remark b in which he lashed it to the Dingley bill as the breeder of trusts and Bhowed how the Wilson bill had put money Into tbe pockets of the farmer. He traced hard times and projperitv to their true suurcoB. to MIbb Jennie Ltbel 3wvart. of 432 Eas t. Seventh street, tool carbolic bcid with suicidal inient lat Friday, and died bortly aftematdB. An attempt hae been m adu to keep tbe matter secret, and tbofft wbo took part in holding tbe cor oner's inque-t wert pledged not tn reveal what they knew. Tbe verdict waa "aui cide reHiiitiim irom despondency." The taut iL't Alien biewart was widely known, especially in fraternal circles, caused wonderment that Bhe uhnuld be ml and buried tirfore efiurcHy any one ia uf it. A staled, she died Friday. She was bnned Saturday. Whe was very popular and well known nmrnjg the lodges, and many of her friends chuiioi realize thit she iidead. Txlivrim. Mark Hanna recently to ' b one of two factions in Texas, whereupon Mr. Green, a son of tbe famous Ilettief of the other aide telegraphed : 'Your telegram of the I2ti Inst, ad vising me that alter a mori eihauitnt iuvetigalion and nreful consider .lion you have decided lo recognize the Lyon Oomm'ttee reminds me of the wise re mark which you rucmtUy made to me in Chicago, that both tou and I we e foule to ba in politics. Yon bave been kind enough to help m out of politic B, and whenever l ran return me lavor please call on me. Most people are going to do gool morrow. If the new woman would only propose mere wouia ne several uarriaaes in Al bany before ChriBtmaB. There Is nothing harder to give than an office when It is once gotteu. Tonight and Wednesday partly cloudy, wiui uuuaeiunui ngiit rums. The H. A. G's and P. S A's are mak inu arrangemeuts to fight it nut In a foot D4ii game on tue college campus, Salem hop men are getting excited anu some oi them believe the price will reacu zu cents. All members of G. Co., are reqni Bted to ne present at the ami tonight, there is also to be business of import ance. jjy oruer oi ueut. in command. The child recently born to tbe wife Prof, A. 6. McDonald, of this city, is remarkable baby In more resppct tha on. It wa bora with a tooth. Cor valliB Gazette The Epworlh Leauue of the M.E, church will give a Hallowe'en social at theG. A. R. hall on tbe evening of Oct. tl. It promises to be up to tbe League usual live m alio we en entertainments, New patents: W Anderson, Scan- poose, ure,, machine lor pitting Iru J McUorkell, Helix, Ore., weed cu ler H h Aedrow, Anacoites, Wash., dn saw. Engineer Stroud, ol Roveburg, Ftiday nlxht heard some one enter his Iioubu a window. He went to tbe top ui me Hiiir just as the burglar Btariei: up nairh lamp in band. The engineer began () nr. if lor himnuit and etn plied twi barrels, but missed tne mark, and by sin utu the ouriar wa in the street, Mr. A. C. Holt, of the AlbanyI'rersed ueei uo. uas bjiu iim micron in in buainesa lo Mr. H. 0. Cbamh. rlaio. wh will assume his new duties next Monday, Mr. Mr. Holt ppreciattis the i-olendi patronavie in the oast and as Irs for a con unuance ot it lor bis u xesaor. Albany bat a right to be prosperous without some fool sheet op the valley every time tbe fact it meutioned laying the credit to Mark Hann. We are situ ated for it, though the low price oi wheat and the poor crop is working some aatnt na, bnl e are lutlicienily large now to liar a divaraity o- interettts that keep tbintrs moving, a gocd wools n mill two fln chair factories, two Hut class flonr iohl, a splendid creamery and an other ona railing, good bank?, a lew Arttclaa store, so tie decent newepa prt and several othr indnmr ei hidi ! being the Miiroad center of the valtev hiviog twelve to fifteen paaenwer iriti i daily . Letter Llac. Following is th list of letter remaining in tbe Pottofh'ce at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Oct. 23, 1900. Persons calling for theoe letters mutt give the date on which advertised : Canner, Mr John Cheadle, Miss hh.i llHithr, Mr n filodeett, Williaji firm. Mr L F Gaff, K K Hudson, W u Miller, Mi F M Heirrt, Mrs Hurlali Peirce. Mr H H Thomn. Geo Trask, AliCtf Lane, Kev C W I.nrMice. Cibrne M.-C'ar n, Mr Frtm Hheliatrear, Mrs W Yaiea. fnhn Koriion, Mrs G ird S 8. Tbaiw. P M Oakville, Our ru al free delivery 1b now run by a pair of whitefaced boraea which gives it a nice appearance on a cloudy duy. Mr. Higgonbottotn, of Moru. was here last week eecuting a renter for his farm. Mr. J. J. Cole will take chatge of nis property for a year. Jim Moriran haa resiimed his place as prune drier and lias invusled his capital In Block. He line bointht a wide rimmed white bat and a pair of suiira and as long as Mait Scolt cam get around Jim will have his own way . MisB Fay Banks ddtinhter of Rev. L. A. BankB, is visiiing fr'ends here. Mr. Ed Oouey, of Jt-ff rson, Is visit ing friends here. Ed Davis has our thanks ft r a nice China nheaBant. It wan vounsand ten der. Call again Ed. Next II We were surprised last week to see so many new improvements and so near home. In toiWi Uakvil.e our Germaa friend and stock raintr hai built a large silo, and tin the next block we found our ScoUbIi friend H It. Monison, with two hired bands hupilv enuaued in filling an other large silo. Mr. Hoflirh ma''e us a hurried vistt last week He ss thai his neighbors are all anxious about "rural free deliv ery," and will not stop the agitation till they get It. We whb them miccuss. ItOMH Bun. Lebanon. John Startevant has returned from fie Klondike country, Abt-ka, a ier an ab sence of about a yurtr and a Hull W. II. Ross left Saturday fnr Portland Denver, 84 It Like Uuy anil Pnoenix Arizonia. He will annnd the winter In 'he Utter city for tr e bntflt of his health. Rttv. W. V. McGhae and family left i Moday nluht fur Aberdntm. Texas. where tie will remain for ai leet n year. tiiaa,(ed mother dvei rhero and la In poor I'enllh an. I bin desire lo he near her In her extreme ave is on of (he reisona why he ha iff) no ti Text-. -0'tiite Grovp N'Wet. Our j,b printing departm-nt hai lust irnttrii out a neat ftrn rntu nr.d constitu tion and bv Ihuh lor the Ladi'ti's Liter ary cltih The i'hib i nniuol nf fifteen ladit-H of tue el, : Mr. Monta 2ie, Mrs. Davdi.po". Mrs I O. Mayer, Mrs HovIp, Mr- Y-miii., Mrs. J. 0. B.KHh, Mre.Oartv. Mr. M'rII, Mrs. Kvereit, Mrs. M . t. Milfr, Sir. Gar land, Mr. Kirkprttrick, Mr. Hrogain, Mn. Buhl, Mrp. ''oer. liinolH.-en are: Preidfn', Mrs, Yoim; senrt-tiry, Mrs. Power; irraiurer, Mr. Lvuritt. Grr a Ciiukbm, one nicely dresred and selected for ha Albany market, at tha only exclnslve poultiv ho tse tn the city, at the foot of Hroidalbil street. Mr, Frank Thitn p m haw clmrgn nf the m tic and is fttlin to uivH toe poop la O y uf,nt thiiiK1. ttinikntil fol fin 'av are pGnintU dIiver-d. Th-re I a god dfliation t'reit at lUn di't'ict ci.viili'iii o' t'io Ivreo of Homr, whii-h tufin '! work tbi fore not n I wid clie witti a lunqiitft to night.