Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 21, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    1k iMt
FP.NUni.Nb Ed. aud Prop.
Entered al tbe font oriioo ai Altmuy
tVfljCOC, d8 second olaas inau mailer.
" AJFairOutsideJs
a Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth."
Good health, inwardly, of
the kidneys, liver and bowels,
is sure to come if Hood's Sar
saparilla is promptly used.
This secures a fair outside, and a
consequent vigor in the frame, with the
glow of health on tho cheek, good
appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood.
Catarrh "I have had no return of tns
catarrh which troubled mo for years, since
Hood's Snrsaparllla cured me." Mas. Jon
Maiitw, Washington St., Ogdensburg, N. Y.
Dyspepsia -"Complicated with liver
and kidney troublo, I suffered (or ycari
with dyspupsla, with severe pains, flood's
Sarsapnrllla mado mo strong and hearty."
J. JJ. Emkuton, Main Street, Auburn, Mu.
Tweed Sou,
t llnod'B ruin euro llycr lllg ; tho non.lrrltfttfng mid
only cathartic to take with llood'i BarnnjarliliC
Public Sale.
" a
I will sell to tho highest. bidder, on
my farm V, miles southwest of Albany,
on Saturday the 29th day of September,
11)00, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. the
iollowing described property, towit:
I mare 8 yoars old, 1 mare 5 years old,
1 horBe 1'l years old, 1 3-year old colt
eirod by Multnomah, 1 bay Ally 3 years
old sired by Multnomah, 1 spring colt, 3
good young cows, 3 yearling steers 1
yearling heifer, 2 steer calves, 1 heifer
calf, 1 wngon, 1 light hack, 1 eld wagou,'
1 harvester, f preBS drill, 2 plows, 1 steel
harrow, 1 mower, 1 hay rake, 2 sets
harness, Bevernl sets of doublelrees, and
other things to numerous to mention.
Terms of ealo : All Bums of $10 and
under, cash. Over that amount, 6 per
cent discount for cash, or 1 years time
by purchaser giving noto with epproved
security and bearing interest at tho rate
of 0 per cent per annum from date until
paid. 11. M. Pai.mhk (Si Son.
I. 0,, Auctioneer.
FOR SALE. A cottaite with five looms
In a good location, at a bargain. En
quire at this oIlicQ.
For Sale.
533-3 acroa of the'JFry eslato. All un
der cultiva'ion, 27 an acre.
MltH. M. A. KtlSSELI.,
Ynquina City, Or.
FOIl RENT. Nice furnished rooms to
rent. Call on M. W. 1'i.rker at Second
and Baker streets.
WANTED. Forty Nanny gnats. Write
Frank lilodgett, Albany, Or;
WHEAT, The highest market pric
I aid for wheut. 11. V. Alititiiri.i.,
DiisiocKAT building.
WOOD FOU SALE. 81)0 corda of oak
grub cord woo l, at $l,fi0 per cord, al
my farm I'imilus southeast of Albany.
J.O. Km-.
WOOD WANTED. On subscription, at
the Ukmocu.vt olliru. Will take all lite
wood brought. Doat wait for tlio fall
Foil Salk. A comfortable, well built
four room, furnished cottage at Nyo
Creek. ,
HONC. W.Vll I'ON.i CO , Mwond St.
near I. you Htrcwt, Albany . S.-IU Ol-i
uum) t"i dtcini', Chinese tin', Chinese tea
and nut oil .
Mowers, Rakes
and Repairs
Ohling & Hulburt.
Fine Cattle or Sheep
Ranch for Sale.
6110 acres, about 00 acres in splendid
cultivation, pleniy goon pa uuo, wwur
i . full, hnnait. tmrn. nrch irn and
fences. Located in Linn county, one
mile Irom 1'. I), store, churches and
school. Will so'.l for :!000 or exchange
for smaller farm within 12 miles of Alb-
Geo. D.Bartoo, Albany,
Oats Bought
Or taken on ttnrngo at our wnrelnme
eorner Seventh and Railroad streets.
M Senders & C c.
Sacks furnished.
Standard Oil Politics.
Four jears ago, when the Democratic
candidate, Wm, J. Bryan, came to New
lorn; in tbe course of a campaign which
ended in hie receiving the votes of 6.5C2,.
925 of his fellow citizens, the overzea'oue
officials of the Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western Railroad hastened to show
their sense cf courtefy by hanging a Mc
Kinley banner over the doorway of the
Hoboken station through which Mr.
Bryan passed,
i. Similar exhibition of corporation
hoodlumiBm, in this campaign has been
given by tho Ohio River Railroad a
Standard Oil corporation in its refusal
to attach Mr, Bryan's special car to lis
express train from ParKeraburg to Whee
ling, in (Vest Virginia.
As Mr Bryan was permitted tj purchase
bis ticket and reach bis destination bv
the regular tra'n, no harm was done ex
cept to the the unmannerly corporation.
The Americans are a polite people and
expect courtesy to be shown even to the
other side in politics in the heat of a
campaign. Just how many votes to Mr.
Bryan this Standard Oil discourtesy will
be worth, in West Virginia and elsewhere
it is not possible to know but it will be a
good many World.
Mr. B-yan aayBi
You can eland one tniBt, jou cunatnid
a dozen trusts, but trust u may get co nu
merous that you cannot Btand them.
Put the leach on an able-bodied man and
let it draw ell the blood it wants and the
man will still live ; but you cover him
with leacbeB from bead to foot and let
them all draw blood, and he will want to
take something for the leach habit.
(Laughter and applause.)
Now, tbe trust question must be diB-
ouased from the standpoint of tbe princi
ple involved. D: not say that there are
good trusts and bad trusts.
You might as'well say there are good
Kings and bad Kings, and thue defend a
monarchy. I care not whether a King
be good or bad, I hate a King. (Great
applause and cheers.) I care not wheth
er those who Btand at the head of trustB
are personally lovable or personally de
testable, 1 bate the system of private mo
nopoly, no matter where you 0nd it (ap
plause), and if you are going to strike at
monopoly you have got to strike at tbe
principle of monopoly.
You cannot Bimply try to keep the bid
ones from being worse, but I say if you
are going to Btop roooopoly yon have got
to strike at tbe root of it, and you have
got to take tbe stand that any nionopol y
in ptivatobanda Ib indefensible aud in
tolerable, There is where I draw the
line between a legitimate association of
capital and an illegitimate combination.
Whenever men attempt to contiol she
output and the 'price, then they enter
apon dangerons ground .
You cannot tolerate a monoply, for
the tendency to monopoly ia necessarily
to gather the wealth of the country into
fewer and fewer hands; the neceBeaiy
tendency of monopoly is to amnse great
fortunes in tho banc's of ftw fnd 0 dis
tribute increasing distress among the
many .
Mr. Bryan urged particularly on the
atuliouce his belief that such monoply
meant the closing of the door of oppor
tunity belore. tbe young men.
Mr. Hrvan takos a liberal position on
the subject of pensions. He says :
The patty expresses us prttie in me
'ilti,ra nuil nxil.ira nf nil nur Wllifl. and
declares itB Iptitpose to deal generously
with and their dependeutB. A lit
eral policy is natural and necessary in a
government which depends upon a c'ti
len soldiorv, Ins'ead of a Iniyo standing
Arttiv . Self-intereBt aB well bb uratitude
compels the Government to make butitu
iiul provision lor those who, in the hour
Bf danger and at the great paciilico of
business, health aud life, tender tleir
services to thjir country.
L'he pension laws should bo construct
il according to tbe generous spirit which
prompted their passage.
The democratic party manes no war
apon honestly acquired wealth ; neither
dues it seek to embarasscorporatiouB en
gaged in legitimate business i but it does
piotest against corportaions entering
politics and attempting to iir-smiie con
trol of the instrumentalities of govern
ment. A corporation ib not organized for
political purposes and Bliould be com
pelled to con linn itself to the business
described ill its charter. Honest corpor
ation! engaged in an honest business nil1
tind it to their advantage to .".id in tbe
enactment of such legislation as will pro
tect them from the undeserved odium
which will be brought upon them by
thiise. corporation! which enter tbe poli
tical arena W J Bryan.
Sii.vku I'l.ATtso. J. Senper. of this
county,'" ie nt C. E. llrownell'a etoro
where bo is prepared to do tho celebrated
lioyal Silver I'lating in a liret class mini-
Ml. I t...i.ia .! tn-ba.
Ill'l V'tM "WHO, !..a ...... .Ulna, tlUVl
other ware made as good aa new. For a
reasonable price your waro can oo placed
in splendid condition.
'Ft... 1W. ... t..i, Brtnn Mr
iters work and takes pleastue ill recom
mending ii to mo puouc.
A Finis tirx Tho Hkmockat otlice
has iust received direct from tho factory
a tako down repeating shot gun, model
ISiii, one of the tlnest guns ever made
sure di'.ttli to Cliineso pheasants in sea.
son. It is for sale to sonio ono .who a p.
i!cciutc n good thing
From the E. A.:
Z. H. Rudd. of Alrany, visited in
Lebanon over Sunday.
Miss Sue Brat:kenridge, of Albany, ie
visiting her sister in this ci'y.
Rev C. G. Harmon and (amily will
move from DalUs, Or , lo Waitsburg,
Wash., this week.
Miss Minnie and Ebert Thompson
have concluded to utteud the state un
iverity instead of McMinnville college.
They left this morning for Eugene.
Mr. ThotnpBon went up with ttiern to
spend a day or two.
A petition is being circulated asking
tbe city council to release the bondsmen
of City Treeeurer Rice. The city treat-
urer Pact about J.iOU ol cltv I lnds depo
ited with the Lebanon Banking comp
any, which failed a few montiiBsgo. Tne
bondsmen are J. G. iteetl and J. Michois
"YheS. A. War.
Lourexco Mahoues, Sept. 18. Fight
ing ie proceeding at Komatipooit All
the available men have been Bent to the
frontier, ft ie expected that tbe Koma
tipoot bridge will be destroyed. Tnere
iB great uneasiness here.
Foil's House. Bob Huston steps high.
He owns a two-year-old colt, and at the
Slate Fair Monday the animal Kcoctted
out all comers in the pacing race. The
contest was two best in three, mile heats.
The first two heats were taken easily by
Mr. tiuston s coir, named pv tue way,
Uobert, H. Four prizes were offered, aud
but two other colts were entered, so that
tho winner took both first and fourth
money. The aggregate was something
over $200. One of the contestants was
Seattle Chief, a two-year old with an an
cient linenge, but not enough wind or
etridetolay out Hubert H. The latter
IB ont of Mr. Huston s well known mare
and the sire is Coenr D' Altne. Corval
1 ia Times.
. Adjourned. Tbe meeting of the Pro
hibitionists of the city to nominate a
city ticket waa adjourned on account of
tne lecture at tbe Uollega lo meet next
Monday evening. Sept. '24 ill, at 8 o'clock
at tbe W. C.T. U. hall. Tba friendB of
tue cause ot 1'iolubition are earnestly
invited and urged to attend By order
oi r,ne Aioany i-robioition Ulub.
ie loves fflc-?
The dainty flower oracle may tell her
true or false, but some day the prince
will come and she'll dream the dear
dream of home life and motherhood. In
that dream nhe will see herself always
happy, always with a smile for the hus
band, ana a kiss tor
the baby. What
a pity to wake from
such a dream, to
almost loathe her
husband and hate
her child, because
cruel pain has
blighted her body
and warped her
mind. How many
a-woman has had
this sad awakening
from her dreams
of home and love I
There's help and
healing for every
woman, who'suffers
from -womanly dis
eases, caused by
girlish ignorance,
wifely- neglect or
the strain of ma
ternity. Doctor
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription makes
weak' . women
strong and sick
women well. It
heals diseases of
the delicate organs,
practically does away with the pains of
maternity and eives the nursing mother
vigor and vitality.
"Two venrs npo," writes Mrs. Kattie Auliker,
of 74 Pnt Street, AlUnnce, Ohio, ."I used two
butties of ' Favorite Prescription ' and in April a
met; bnuv was norn, ueiore me nocior cnine. i
was not verv sick. Unbv is now fourteen
months old and weighs 30 pounds. Before
cominencinir Dr. Pierce's Fnvorite Prescription
I had to vomit every day but after I got the
medicine, from the first spoonful that I took, I
stopped vomiting. It is a Ood-seud for women."
When a laxative is needed, use Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets with "Favorite
Beware of Ointment for Ct-tarrh
that Contain Mercury
H8 mercury will surely destroy tho soma cf
smell Mid comretely derange- the whole
system whsn enftruip it through the mu
cous surfaces. Such articles should nerer
be UBi'd euept on prescr-ptions from rep
utable physicians, tin tho damage they will
do is ten folil to the pood you can possibly
derive from thorn. Hull's Oatnrin Cure
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,Tol
000, O., contnins no mercury, and is token
internally, aotim? itirfctly npoa the UloMl
aud mucous surf act a of tho system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken internally, and
made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. UMeney A
Co. Testimonials freo.
Sold by oniffpists, price 7oii. ptr bottle,
Hull's Family Pil's aie tho b&t.
College Students .
We want jour trAde
and will trent vou white
(J. E. Buowneli., 2nd St.
In the mutter ot thfl eslnto of Richard
Karwell deceased, notice ia hereby Riven
that the undersigned executor ot the last
will and testament of the eaid Hichard
Karweli deceased, has tiled his Hiuil ac
count in said estate ami the court hus fixed
the hour of 10 o'clock ft. m. Oct. 15. l'JOO,
(or lhe Hearing of objections thereto ind
il;o rettlement thereof. All persons having
objections to said account ura hereby Lot
iried to be present at the hour fixed in the
court room in the court house. Albany, and
p-eseut the same if any to said account.
D.ited, Albany, Or , Sept. 12, UU)0
WANTED, Three dozen brown or white
leghorn bens and two roosters. Earlv
tpring or lute fall. For particulars call
at tho Dkhoi'kat otlice.
At Cost !
Wishing to retire from the Har
ness business, we offer the largest
and best stock of harness and sad
dies in the Willamette Valley at cost
for cash. This will offer an oppcr
tunity for farmers and others to pro
cure the very best harness at lower
prices than ever before offered. Any
one wishing a good harness business
entire will also call on us.
Osteopathy is the science of treating
disease manually by tun adjustment of all
parts and oruans to their Mitural relation
with each other, t! us removing .he irrita
tions resulting from their abnormal rela
tion, and removing obstruction to the yital
forces aud fluids oi the oody; andb atim
u latin i? mechanically all organs to their
proper tuhction or inhibiting abnormally
active processes or movements of portion
of ttie bodily prganii-m. It, therefore,
must havo for i'n foundations 0 thorough
and comprehensive know'edge of human
amatomy and ptysiology, and of thw nor
mal and abnormal action and metabolism
of all parts of tbe bodily mechanism.
Osteopathy recognizes in man a most
perfect and intricate, and to a certain ex
tent, se'f recuperating machine, which
with evi ry part oi o. gan in its proppr pos
ition and relaiioo with every other pari will
run smoottdy and pert'tctlv; and (hat after
replacement of parts displaced hy accident,
or any cf the various force incident toils
surrounding und movements, a restoration
(jmclunle of American School of Osteopathy.
SALEM Monday. VediieKls.v and Fridav: hours. !) tn 12 n.. m 1 toSn.m.
OVv'r Welter's grocery.
ALUAN I lnesdny, Thu'sday and
m,, Mcllwiiin's Uldg, 1st stret.
In order to close
the next sixty
all my Bicyc'e Sundries at cost.
' Mir vPSSkT1
Gw i I
Try Parker Bros.
For the best Groceries,
Baked Goods, and
Fresh" Produce and Fruits.
At Cost !
of function and h hlh will supervene All
rccogniz-'s these 1 OLditions in the tnfin-
tely lesB complex time niece, drhen bv a
spring of human make; why do no wosre
uem also in tm mechanical bouv. differ
ent only in that it has driven by Lhe Hod-
ijiven spring ot force, called life?
'treated successfully by Oateocothy, Ner
vous, resulting in h"aduc!ie, Insomnia,
Loss ot appetite, Lmss ot Mesh, lonatipti-
Lion in its worst forms, stomach and liver
troubles, many kidney disorders, consump
tion in its nrst stage?, Asthma, Uatr.rrn,
Br mchili-, Tonsiluis, Female diseases,
painful suppressed, and increased Menses.
The results in these troubles alone are
sufficient to recommend the treatment to
all suffering women- Rheumatism in all
its forms, eje trcubles, give excellent re
suls, lumbago, curvature of spine, etc.
Consultation Free.
My previous practice haB eriven me a
wioe experience in the many forms of dis
ease and I will give an honest opinion of
cases coming to me for consultation of
Saturday; hours, 9 to 12 a. in.; 1 to 5 p.
out my stock, for
davs. I will sell
in price and quality aro rich in ornamen
tation ;ind graceful in design, and, be
sides being an ornament to your parlor,
are constructed to give out more heat
with lesH consumption of fuel than has
ever been made before. Why use an old
and troublesome heater, when you can
buy a handsome one at tho prices that
we are selling at. ,
Call and see us.
comes with the US') of the Magnolia
Flour, brings smiles to the
housewife by producing tbe finest bread
and pastry. Flour like this is obtainable
only from Al wheat ground properly.
Where it is sold, it is bought largely and
constantly. Don't do consumers a bad
turn by selling some other inferior brand.
Magnolia Mills.
s 2 a
B 9 ,
3 5 ; ?3
e ' z.
2.' 5
' E
a 3 2
U -1 5
' HI
S ;
i I ? 1
W- ill
W s- .
r ' m "i
W f r.i
The Best
In Albany by the
LOffe- Photo Zo.,
In Fromac Brick.
The loading gallery of Aloany,
The only-up-to-date lirst class
studio in town.
All work to please
Albany Orecon.
Offices Bans of Oregon Building.
Only Bet of Abstracts of Linn County
Oomp!ete st ot maps and platP
Littler & Littler
Broadalbin St.,
Albtiny, Or.
ao. Collins D D S
A. Jack Hodges I) D 8
odd Fal.ow's Temple, Albany, (.
That Tooth
needs attention
Remember it can be filled
or extracted without, nain
Crawford Block, Albany, Or.
Physician and Surgeon
Hill Block - - - Albany, Or.
THE K. 0. T. M.
every Saturday evening at K, 0. T. M.
nan. visiting Anights invited,
C. S. HARNISH, Uommander.
Willaruet'e Camp No. 6465 meet every
second aud fourth Saturdays of each
month in the G. A. R. hall. Visiting
members are invited.
C. G. Bobkhart, V. 0.
E R Huston clerk.
M. Senders & Co,
Hay SEd Gat Warehouses -
St vcntli and Railroad Streets.
Ws e; e prepared to take on storage
rkd Lay, will buy your oo ia any
qaacity at top market pr'cc.
yjats bought in car lots at any ship
ping point.
Insurance, Hay, Grain aDd Woo'.
FOR RENT. One of my stores. Fo
particulars call at store.
J. Gradwohl.
all persons interested that the under
signed has been duly appointed executor o
the last will of Mar'in Payne, decsased. b
he county court of Linn county, Oregon,
ncl has duly qualified as such executor.
All persons having claims against said es
tate are hereby requiied to present the
same to me at the otlice or the Linn County
AbitMctCo. in Linn county, Creeon, with
lhe proper vouchers, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated this 2th day of Ju'y, 19U0.
B. M. Vatsb, Executor