THURSDAY. Death of Mrs. J. E. Enyart. Mrs. J. E. Koyart, of Medtord, died tbia morning at San Francisco, from the effecte if an operation performed upon her, news ot which has been learned with great soi row by ber relaiivea and many friends here and elsewhere. Mrs. En yart aa a daughter of Mr. Sylvester Cannon, and a eisier of Mrs. Maaton and Mr. Anderson Cannon. She was mar ried a year or two ago to Mr Enyart, a Medford banker. She wsb an accomp lished woman whose death will be re gretted by many. Lebanon. From the Criterion: Mrs. R. O. Miller, who recently under went a surgical operation in Portland, is recovering nicely, and is expected to ar rive borne on tonight's train. J. M. Lindley, of Lacomb, returned home last Friday from the Palouee coun try, where be had been running a thresh ing engine. He received $5 00 per day for his services. C. G. Patterson, J, D. Breed and Wal ter Bass returned last week from their deer bunt. They had poor luck until they returned to the Walton ranch, where their luck changed and Buss got eight while Patterson got two. Dr. Foley had a narrow escape las week, caused by tasting some aconite The labels had been torn off the bottles aud the doctor was tasting the stuff to see what it waB. As soon as he discov ered what he bad taken he rushed up to Dr. Jones, who gave him the necessary antidote and eaved bis life. As it was, he was in a critical condition for several hours. Scio. From the Sews : II. 0. Gainei has sold lo W. -M. Ee of MillerB Station, Ore., his 200-acre farm, situated three miles south of Scio. James WeBley, brother of Joe and Cbae. WeBley, of Palacky, Kan , is visit ing in Scio. He ia very favorably im pressed with the surrounding rountry. He returna to Kansas shortly and will tty to induct hiB parents to come out to this state. The work on the new building at the flax mill is progressing very rtpidlv. The steam fitting and shelving for drying the flax is completed and everything is ready for the installation of the machinery, which will be in running order in about a week. GRAFTS. 'Tie tho love of the moon that moveB the tide, aaya the lovely K.lla Wheeler Wilcox. Abou lien Adam's name headed the list because the. names were arranged al puabeticuliv. But there is a better rea son. Ministers wh.ipe wives are Lomely gen erally kiss the bride. It is no wonder the waves moan louder after the foolish lovemaking of the otuiug season along the beach. It Is a wonder there are any V's and X's left in the Uuted States after our tourists return from the PariB exposition, Sermons against pugilism should be shoulder strikers to be effective. The man with too much wealth is not hiB own mister, but is ruled by his mouey. Young men, beware. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Lee a 12 pound eon. Residence Santiam. E. F. Skipworth, of Eugene will speak for Bryan and Stevenson in several places in Oregon during October. He is one of Oregons most forcible speakers. Dr Bill returned last evening from Wells where he bad been to attend Jos. Kidder, who had a knee badly cut by a wood saw. There are about one hundred entries in the trotting races at the state fair, be sides the runners. It ia a good idea .to keep your eyes on young Oregon trotters. Frequently they are heard from in the east. It takes nearly two hundred extra stalls thia year to meet the (demands of the exhibitors of 6tock at the state fair, indicating what an increased intorest there ia in stock. Some of the exhibit of the state fair of California now being held at 8acramento will be sent to Saiem next week, giving Oregonians an opportunity to see a sam pie of the fair held in that state. JohnCatlin haB returned from the Siletz agencv, where be haB been assist ing in dolngsome surveying tbere. On a previous trip thia year he sa the wonderful spectacle of forty two elk in a herd, but thia limeeaw only tvro, though he run across their trail. New patents : T J Demoreet, Garfield, Wash., compressed air water elevator; B F Kent, Eugene, Ore., lamp bracket; J 0 sbarpless, tairhaven, WaBh.. fish trap; 0 M lrapp, Tacoma, Wash., liquid hydro carbons for fuel and heating; J E Wormaid & 0 W Ames, Spokane, Wash,, acetylene gas generator. The Democrat office has just received a late Webster's International Unabrid ged dictionary, which some people con tinue to think as fine a dictionary as thorn is in existence. Being already PhreBty wellsupPliedit.will be sold to some one who appreciates a high grade dictionary. . . . -an in Onkville ves- A tai y-uu pi ij - terdav to attend the fiftieth anniversary teraay i " ,...- -hnroh t hern Arercieea Ol niii.w.t - . ex. 'sea - h.a hno. and nettimr Some by moonli bt." Ibey report the ex- uu . 3 . infarofititiir character. ercisea as 01 3 ,u w; valuable in a historical way in connect ion with the early missionary work of Z "a, when it took "aand" and a r . . , 1 hnmin ti to come ont l0e?e.cros7.h7 plain, to' preach the gospel. . . tiAvA arrived at Forest Grove from Beaver, Furnace county. IeD , ana , P ilv O.Y. Thomas uu son F J. Ramsey, and J. Rosebary. MrVuon.bury.ofih. S- P. uvea the newspapers of the state for increasing "he &eot m. nl JZ farming and particularly dairying. N m m m a w " -At4Soutey, Pure- For the third of a century the standard for strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder is "just as good as Royal," either in strength, purity ' or wholesomeness. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., FRIDAY. Hammond's New Road. The following has been figured out about the purchase recently referred to n the Dekocbat : A. B. Hammond, the Montana capital ist who controls the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad and the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad, baa recently shown his faith in the Pacific coast states by pur chasing another important utid valuable piece oi railroad property, the new road running from Eureka, California to the ceaat, the Eel River & Etareka Railroad , together with valuable timber lands and other enterprises and industrial under takings connected with the road. As a result of the purchase of this valuable piece of property Mr. Hammond, It is expected.will boou remove from his pres ent home at Portland to San Francisco. It is believed that his purchase of th several properties now controlled by him on the coast will ultimately lead to a splendid system of railropds in Ore gon and California, with a main line run ning north and south parallelling the coast line, and that the purchase of the several line already controlled by Mr. nammonu was the result ot a caxelut plan with this idea in view. This would, in the end. be of vast ben efit to Oregon, and would reBU't in bring ing about a new era of prosperity, ecarce- ty.dreamea 01 by the most enthusiastic Oregonioas in the past. Bio Poultry Sale. A. S. Hart and Arch Blackburn have sold a 1 their fancy fowls, Black Langshans and Black Min orcas, 212 in all, to the Oregon Poultry Co., of Poitland, lor $289, and the birds will be shipped tomorrow. They includ ing the highest scoring Black Langshans on the Pacific coast. Mr. Hart iuteuda to gradually gather about his back door another flock of fancy birds He has an ear for an aristocratic crow and an eye for line plumage. Divorce buit. Minerva Ison haB sued Ji hnlsom, Jr., in the State Circuit Court, for a divorce, and she also askB to he re stored to her maiden name, Monteith. the complaint states that they were mar red at Albany, Or., January 11, 1894, and that the defendant deserted the plaintiff March 3', 1849, and further that, he failed t provide for her. Isom is now in Alasaa. Oregnnian. A. B. Huddleson, of Jefferson recently exhibited peaches weighing eleven and twelve ounces. The once familiar face of Ex-Conductor Wilson was si en at the depot Ibis noon. There are eighty-one pickers at the hop yards near Albany. About 200 boxes a day are picked. Geo. W. Davis, proprietor of the Pioneer stone quarry at loleuo, was in the city yesterday, Hu baa closed tho quarry for the season after a big buai nesB, furnishing sione for the San Fran' cisco Call building among, other con tract. Mr. Hale has retired from the People's Press and will devote bis time to pas toral work in the Unitarian church and socialism. His son-in-law Elmer E. Arcberd is now editor. He promises a special department devottd to social ism. Hi Richards and E. A. Parker arrived in Albany 1 ast evening rom Crook coonty. Conrad Myeis and Marietta eSnow were mairied in Latie county yest rday, a sign that winter is coming. Mrs. Pcckert, of Tacoma, a sister of Ex County Assessor Frank Deskins, is in the city the guest of F. B. Tinkle. Mr. McKnigbt, of Portland, father ot the McKnight Bros., came up on the noon train on a vieit at the faim of his eona. . Fast Picking . Oje day this wek Maeter Clifford Walter, aged 12 nearly, a grand eon of Cept. Jason Wheeler, nicked 40 boxes tf prunes in Mr. J. T Peebiers orchard near Albany, in one dav. The first twenty boxes bo picked in right boura and Irom trees of which it took tbe fruit of six to make a box. Forty boxra a day is considered a good dava work for any grown person. But few can keep it up dar alter day. Itia not etrange that tbia boy did not pick very many next day. I t i I -'7 ? I Many low priced , Imitation bak ing powders ar upon the market. These are made with alum, and care should be taken toavoid them, asahiro is a poison, never to be taken in the food. 100 WILLIAM ST.. NEW YORK. A Fiftieth Anniversary. At Oakville this afternoon is being cel ebrated the fiftieth anniversary of tlie Willamette church of that place, an event of importance in the pioneer his- tor of the state. The congregation w?s organized on July 9, 1850, but this is the j firB! opportunity to commemorate the occasion. Followijg is the program in commemorat on of the event : I Paper, Early Christian Work in Ore- 1 gon Uyrua a. Walker, Albany, Or. The beginning of the Unitea Presby terian Church of Oiegon C. H. Stewart, Albany, Or. History of the Willamette Congrega tion Mathew Acheson, Shedds. Or. u ,v rnu ,..'-.. iteujiiiiBc0ijctj8. i; iiio ruuuuer oi vv iiiuiueiLe xvev. x. o. nenuau, u, xs., j by Rev. T. J. Wilson, Eugene, Or. I (2) The first Pastor of Willamette Rev. S. G. Irvine, D. D., by Rev. W. G. I M. Haves, D. D., Pullman, Wash. j (3) The Ru iug Elders of Willamette ' Rev. A. M. Acheson, Eleanor, 111. (4) Capt. Jno. Smith and the Warm Sprin Indians Rev. J. A. Speer, Warm borings, Ur. (5) General Reminiscences. Got Nine Deer. W. H . Hogan, Cooper Turner, M. Armstrong and Rev. Feuton and broth- ' er returned last night from a hunting I trip near Upper Soda, where they found considerable sport during their few days I stay there. They killed nine deer in a I and brought back enough to enable the Democrat man to vouch for the fact. On one occasion five deer appeared to gether on the trail where Several of tbem were waiting, and they had a deer pic nic for a few moments. Killing four out of the live. On another occasion two of the men run upon seven bucks and d.dn't get one, in fact got only two or three allots at tbem. One of their ex perienced was a small scare one night when sticka and rocks were thrown upon their tent ten or fifteen times by some nnn in fhn dark, qnd it hnft henil rltrnrpri out.that it was a Crook county man who went crazy anu uau uiaappeaieu iu me mountains. They saw nothing more ot him niter that night. Paul Belts lo John F. Bells, eral puces land $ Mattio Crune to G VV Apger, 3 loti Lebanon Viola Rainwater to W B Blanch- 300 ard, lot in Brownsville 35C Assignment of mortgage for $2600. Mortgage for $1100. Circuit court: New cases: Milwaukeee Harvesting Co agt Allen & Clark, Recovery of money, attach ment. Wataon & Swann attorneys for plaintiff. Bonnie Smith azt First National Bank and (i. W. McHargue. Injunction. L. L. Swann attorney for plaintiff. LicenBe was iapued for tbe marriage of John L. Wendorf rf Multnomah county and Belled, rialvorron, ot bhedu. A married woman who has been liv ing with her husband lea years says that if aha had the privilege of voting ehe wculd support ttte smie man ehe had been Buppoiting Bince she was mar ried. MARRIED. INuRAM PlERfOlNT.-On Sept. If, 1900, in Albany, by Rev. Smick, Mr, A. W. Inziam. boo of Hon. W. H. In gram, and Mies Jetsie (J. Pierpoin', both of Sodaville. Tnev have tbe best wishes of many frienc's. WAsHBURN-LASELLE. On Wed nesday, Sept. 12, 1900, at tbe horra of the bride'B parents in the country, by Rev. H. L. Reed, Mr. George Wash burn, and Mies Josie Francis Laseelle. The ceremony was private, being at tended only by relatives. Alter a wed ding repast the happy couple left for Portland on a bridal trip. Mr. Wash turn ia a popular voting Albany man, a tailor in th tailoring denartoient of the Blain Clothing Co. and the bride ia an ac- compi aneu teacher ana an estimaoie young lady. They have the beet wishe of many friends. Brownsville. The Rev. S. H." Jonea preached his arowe.i seruton in the riesbytertan church last Sabbath evening and left for Ireland on Monday morning. Henry MeFarland was it Albanv at j the beginning of the week. His son rrank has gone to visit with relatives at Seattle. At a recent social rin of the "Pheasants" it was unanimously re solved to leave the Brownsville district unless farmers aided uncle Sam in hiB clemency to protect the "Chinese." "Denominational Durtors" is the fad phriue here. The Christian or Camp belile church has three physicians ho attend their service. The Preabyuriana have one and the .Methodists aud Bap tists have none, eo it i i hoped the latter two denominations will soon bo repre sented and then we will have six doc tors in Brownsville. Farmers here aay had it not been for the cowb or lor the sheep they would have this year been in bankruptcy. Di versified farming ia a good plan, and for thia purpose farmers should follow a ro tation ot crops bused au common sense as well as on scientific principles. The hop yards here are well fi led with pickers aud the entire work of picking is expected to last about two weeks Irom now. The crop is excellent and price outlook promising. A puDllc meeting of thoso interested in the construction of the new road to the Bohemian mines was held here ou Mon day and a committee of which the Hon. W. P. Elmore is chairman was appoint ed, to look after and further the prospect. I News must be scarce in Prineviile, as the papers there are lamn ing it to each other red hot. If each of them tells the , truth Prineviile people should keep j their eyes op u. j The M, E. conference will meet in j Asuiana next weak. The state press association is also said to he down for a meeting tbere the same week. Afhland will need to impoit tome special polite men. - (from 4th nni Looney, B. TV. Beginning -uF"n w. corner ot D. 1 C of Francis Simp son, nouiictuion to, i. 11 a., it. 4 TV.; running thence B. 51.SS chains; thence S3. 11.50 chains; thence TV. 61.76 chains; thence N. 11.60 chains to beginning, containing 10.11 acres, except 21 acres off of E. end to Mary A. Looney. Also, beginning 11.69 chain9 S. of N'W. corner of D. li C. No. 7G; thence K. 61.76 chains; thence S. 8 chains. Also, beginning 11.69 chains S. of NW. corner of D. L. C. No. 76; thence E. 61.76 chains; thence S. 8 chains; thence 2. 4.60 chains: thence S. 3.05 chains; thence W. 56.24 chains; thence N. to beginning, 61 acres, excent 26.16 acres to Mary A. looney Looney 26 22 Looney, Mary A, ooney, iviary a. iseginmng 33,1,3 chains E. of NW. corner of D. L. O. No. 76, T. 11 S., R. 4 W. ; run ning thence E. 18.25 chains; thence S. 19.50 chains; Ihenco E. 460 chains;; thence S 51.50 chains; thence W. 22.75 chains; thence N. 71 chains to beginning, contain ing 152 acres 55 43 Looney, Leroy and Virgil Begin ning 13.50 chains N. ot SW. cor ner of r. L. C. No.. 76, T. 11 S., B. 4 W.; running thence N. 23 chains; thence I'l. 56.12 chains; thence S. 23 chains; thence TV. 55.85 chains to beginning, containing 128.77 acres, except 52.32 acres deed ed to Mary A. Looney 21 60 Looney, W. H. Lot 4, section 26. and lots 3, 4, section 36; lots 1. 2, section 35, containing 67.2 acres. Also, beginning at SW. corner of D. L. C. No. 70. T. 11 S.. 11. 4 Vf.: running thenco E. 55.67 chains; thence N. 1350 chains; thenco w 65.S5 chains; thenco N. 13.50 rhnlns. cnntnlnlnir 75.27 acres, ex cept 30.71 acres off of end, assessed to Mary A. Looney. Also, begin ning at SE. corner of P. L. C No. 02, T. 11 S., K. 4, TV.; running thenco TV 8.10 chains; thence N. 2.00 chains; thence E. 8.10 chains; 1 thence S. 2.66 chains to beginning, containing 215 acres 39 76 Love, John 'Beginning at a point 25.65 chains N. and 6.27'$. chnlns W. of a lA section cor between sections 4 and 5, T. 15 S.. R. 4 W.; running thenco TV. 200 links; thenco S. 20 deg. W. 700 links; thenco S. 30 deg. TV. 100 links; thence S. 16V4 deg. TV. 1100 links; thenco E. SliS links: thence N. 39 degrees 23 min. E. 21.57 links to beginning, contain ing 7 acres 2 78 Lovland, II. D. Sii. 'A of section 36, 1. 13 a., u. 1 I'J.. we ucres.. c!i. WachSKSl,glnot i corner ot D. I. C re. hi, i . 11 S . U. 4 TV. : running thenco 9.50 chains: thence southwesterly ulong a slough to N. line of Cyrus TVestlnke's notification of said J. Lnyton; thence W. on said line 6.50 chains; thence N. 10 chains to be ginning, containing 8 acres Low, Thomas The NW. cf SB. 'A, section 22. T. 10 S.. K. 2 E., 40 acres Mack. Helen M. Lot 3, block 22, Summers' Addition to Soilavllle.. Macky, John C.-E. & of SE. of NW. A, section 12, 1. 10 3., R. 5 E., 20 acres Macky, H. C.-dleglnnlng nt NW. corner of the tract deeded to JJ, S, 'Musters In D. L. C. No. 41. T. 13 S., R. 2 TV., and run N. 5.3014 chains; thence N. 87 deg. E. 2.S4 chains; thenco 8. 2..WA chains; thence 87 deg. W. 2.84 chains to bo ginning, containing 1V4 acres Macy, George Lots 2 and 3, block 6, Harrlsburg Malone, R. Lots 1, 3, 4, block 1, Sweet Home Maus, E. N. V4 ef 810. Vi ot section 22, T. 10 8., R. 2 K., 80 acres........ Marcelns. Louis C Lot 6. block i, Kirkixitrick's Third Addition to 'Lebanon Marlon, Sarah E.-Lot 4, block 9, So daville ;":,;. Marlcy, P. H. NE. 'A ot section 20, T. 10 S., 11. 3 E. 160 ucri'S............ Mnrley. P. H.-8W. A of SW. 'A, ot section 34, T. 14 S., It. 1 W, 40 Marlcy, pV'h. Slil'li'of "section 34, T. 9 li., 'It. 1 W., 160 acres pun Vi 'AVM io Yi 'N-'It ,'jl 'l' SE. of NW. '4 of section 14, T. 9 8.. R. 1 TV., 120 acres Marlcy, P. H.-XH. 'A ot secllan 3, T. 10 S., R. 1 TV., i' acres . Marley, l. H. W. (4 of N'W. A and lots !, 2, 3. 6. 6 and 7, section 10, T. 13 8.. R. 1 W.. Wi ocri........... Marley, 1'. H.W. A of N W. of section 16. T. 13 8.. A. 2 10., 80 acres 71 1 4S 4 41 3 70 1 57 2f6 07 47 3 70 1 11 4 44 3 33 4 44 6 48 2 22 3 87 35 37 ? 17 83 Martin. 'M. 815. Vt ot NE. Vi. anil WE. VI of HK. vt or section 41, i. 14 8.. R. 2 TV.. 80 acres..... .......... Martin. Ella M. Block 6. TVenocrs Adult on to Norm urownsvniy..... Martin, Ella M. I-ots 7 and 8. uiock 2: lots 1 and 2. lilocK 0, urora dltlon to North Brownsville...... Martin, Ella M, Ixjts 1 and 2, BIOCK 12, Norm BrowiiBvmo Martin. Ella M.-Lct 2, block 9, Brownsville Martin, Thomas, HelrH-Bcglnnlng at a point 20.18 links N. and KSVi links N. of V, section corner stake between sections 4 and 5. 1. 1 a., . 4 W.: running thence N. M7 links; thence 8. 39 deg. 23 mm. TV. 21.57 links; thence E. links, thence N. 40 degrees and 51 min. E. 1500 links to beginning, contain. 6 acres more or lex" yv,""; Mason. Miller Morrls-N. J4 of NW. Vt ot section 16, T. 10 ., R. 1 W., 80 acres l"oY,V Matalskl. Mary-Iliglnnlng at SW. cornir of 1). U C. of It. CI. Cu- 8 51 sick, section 29. T. 9 S.. R, 1 X.l running thence E. 4'4 chains; thence N. 22i chains; tnence W. 4. chains; iheiu-e S. 22li chains to beginning, containing 10 acres.. Matchetl, James Lots 3 and 4, block 2, Cowan's Addition to Leb anon 13 50 jiuicnett, jumes lots 2 and 4, block 4S, Waterloo. G 76 Matthews. Susan L. K. Vt of block ju. Woodle's Riverside Addition to Albany 2 1$ aiuyer, E. A. Beginning 660 feet E. or CN'E. corner uf lot 1, block 26. in William Ralston's Addition to Ibuuon; running thenco S. 264 feet: tlH-nce 10. 3tlD feel; thence N. 264 feet; thence W. 320 feet to be Ktnnintr. contalnlui; 2 iht... l, Fr 11 s.. It. 2 W , Meyer. Mis. Ida 4. block 12. J. M. Knlston's Addition to Lebanon Merrlsh. o. W.- .NK. H of section 30, T. 12 a.. It. 2 E . 1,W iter,. S6 10 so S 70 2 20 8 S! "3 9S Mayers. Ails. S. K. and 11. Lots 1, 2, , anu idccK 31. In llalsey Mayers. !Mrs. a. E. and B. Lots 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7. bloek 37, ilulsey Miller. Earnest U. L.' c. ot John '.Miller, sr., notiticntlon 2;V.Hi, T. 13 S.. 11. 4 , containing 320.73 acres. Miller, Anna J. W. of SW. section 2S. nnd NI3. '4 of Sl-J. A, and lot 1 of section y, except 2', ucres, amount remaining, 130 acres, all In T. 13 s., H. 1 w Miller. M. li. D. L. C. of Ulnegan and wife, notiticntlon 2116, T. 12 a.. 11. 1 W.. containing 319 acres.. 1 7! 30 03 H 10 56 Miller, M. iB. The E. 100 acres off of -&w. i or section 33, T, 12 s., u. 1 'W.. 100 acres Miller. M. B. E. 100 acres off of NW. or section 4, 'i; J3 it, l w., loo acres Miller, a. 11. Tho undivided Vj of me rouowing: Beginning a. l ileg. and 11 min. W. 35 feet from WE. of D. L. C. No. 47, T. 13 S., It. 1 W.. and running thenco S. 74 deg. TV. 216 feet; thence S. 16 deg. E. l;cl feet; thenco N. 74 deg, E. 223 feet; thence a. 19 deg. TV. 132 feet, con taining 2-3 aero 74 Nanny, James Beginning 80 rods TV. frmn S!3. corner of section 13. T. Mitchell. lsabel-Lots 7 and 8, block 30. In W aterloo 4 ot; Moench, (Alary Lot 3, block 6, Sweet tioma is Mond::y, (Mrs. Rachel Beginning 335 icce a. ou aw. corner or acnooi ing's Addition to illarrisburg; run ning thence S. 100 feet; thence E. 50 feet; thence 'N. 100 feet; thenco TV. 50 feet to beginning, containing acre 74 Montague. O. B. The NE. y, of NW. '4, and lot 1 of section 2, T. 13 S., M. 1 W., 60 acres 1 48 Montague. C B. Lots 1 una 2, In section 36, T, 13 S., R. 1 W., 65 acres 2 41 Montayne, IMrs. K. E. Lots 5 and 6, block OS 40 SO alontellti Clara ri. uegmnlng It.ti cnains 'is. ot au. corner ot unvia ljivton's D. L. C section 14, T. 11 3., . 4 TV..; running thenco TV. T6.ii5 chains; thence N. 12.S5 chains; thence 'V. 35.25 chains: thence N, ' 5.15 chains; thence E. 114.08 chains; thence ii. 18 chains to beginning, containing 157.50 acres: except 27.S3 acres sold to. T. A. Shaver, vol, 50, page 439, leaving 129.67 In T. 11 a., H. 4 TV Moore, E. TV. S. A ot SB. Vt ot sec tion 30, T. 15 S.. K. 2 TV., SO acres.. Mocre, W. H. STV. A ot SW. A of section 7. and NW. & of NW. or section 18, T. 13 S., It. 1 TV .Morgan, TV. J. NW. of section 10, T. 13 S., It. 1 K.. 160 ucres Morgan, John-lNW. . of SW. Vt, section 8. T. 13 S R. 2 TV., and NE. Vi of SE. of section 7, T. 13 S.. R. 2 TV Morley, P. H. Beginning nt NE. corner section 34, T. 14 S., R. 2 TV.; thenco W. to a point 5 rods W. of a certain tract; thenco S. 80 rods; thence E. to section line, contain ing 60 acres 37 00 2 96 796 4 44 Morris, Polly. A. Beginning 30 rods a. or 'ivvv. corner or-section 69, T. 13 S., R. 1 E.; running thence S. 81 rods; thenco E. 25 rods; thenco NE. 58 rods to center of S. Santiam IRiver; thenco down saht river to beginning, containing 20 acres Morris. I. J. Tho 8'W. 14 of SW. section 10, T. 12 S., It. 1 .TV., io acres Morris, J. S., Trustee Lots 35 anu 36 In Solo 1 85 4 21 2 48 0 20 Morris, J. N., Phil Cohen, agent- Lots k 2, 3 and 4, uioctt 2, Auocy s Audition to Albany Moyer, J. M. and E. D.E. 40 feel of lot 3, block 24, In Albany Moyer, E. !D, and H. B. The undi vided of SE. of section 32, T. 14 S., K. 1 E Moyer, E. D. Beginning 4.8S chains E. and 2.60 chains N. of NW. cor ner of D. L. C, of James Biakely, No. 41, T. 13 S 11. 2 W.: running thenco 'N. 30 deg. E. 1.75 chains; thenco S. 65 deg E. 12.79 chains: thenco 8. 3.22 chains to N. lino of said claim No. 41; thenco W. along said lino to W. bank of Calapoola Creek; thenco up said creek to mouth of mlllrace; thence up said race to point S. 62 deg. K. of be ginning; thenco N. 62 deg. W. 1H0 licks to beginning, containing 120 acres livers. Mis. Nellie Lot 6, block 7, flack's Third Addltlou to Albany.. Mvers, ,M. '.. Estate of Lot 8, block 8, Woudie'a Itlvcrsldo Addi tion to Albany Myers. Henry h.S. !4 of S. 14 of 2 IS 7 76 section 28. T. 11 S., R. 1 E., 160 ncres McAllister, Mehala Lot 3, block 1, iMAIIUieH Addition to Hhcdd... 144 37 i 34 7 40 Mcltrldo, Mis. Knto Lot 1, block 77, Alontclltt s a. Aiumion 10 Aiimoy.. McCul tney, Henry Lots 8. 0. 10 and II, bloek 4, IMoCully's Addition to llurrlsburgj MiOy Mis. Sarah D, I,. C. of William McCoy, notification 250. T. 14 S, It. 1 W., except 461.45 acres which has been deeded away, leav ing 178 acres MeClarv, T. J.-NB. Vt ot section 22, T. 10 S., It. 3 E., 160 acres McCord, J. and W. E. S. V, nt SIO. 3 46 6 55 l4 OT seciiim j unu it. va i Vi of section 15. and lots 1, 2, In said section 10, MS ncres, T. 10 S., R. 1 TV McCormick, Francis SIO. 'A ot sec 16 55 4 44 tion 30, T. 13 a.. II. z c, iw acres... McCulloch. Mrs. E. E Beginning 24 feet N from SW. corner of lot 4, block 2. In Sodaville; running thenco 10. 40 feet; thence N. 22 feet; thence TV. 40 feet; thenco 8. 22 feet to beginning .... 4 91 8 10 Mc lJiinlel. Mrs. H. Lots 3, 4. 5, S, block 18, ti. a. nnu a. v. Jiayea Addition to Hahoy .,,, uiwRy 11 A llei?lntilnir at N W. corner of 810. Vi. section !), T. 10 8., R. 1 TV.; thenco 8. 13.01 chains; thenco E. 80 rods; thenco N. 40 chains; thenco W. 811 roils H. 2.1 deg. W. 27.14 chains to beginning, containing 320.20 ncres. AIto, be ginning 53 1-3 rods B. of . cor ner of section 16, J . 30 8.. It. 1 W.; running thenco 8. 100 2-3 rods; thenco E. 160 rods; Ihenco N. Wii-i rods to beginning, containing 100 2-3 acres. Also, 8. of NW. 14 and N. V4 of NW. 'A, containing 160 aercH oi McDonald, Mrs. Augusta Beginning at SIO. corner of J L. Martin S aero of land In ilarrisliurg, run ning thenco. 8. 80 deg. W. 52 feet; thenco N. 4.1814 chnlns; thenco N. 80 deg. E. 1514 fcef, thenco 8. 4.18 chains to beginning, con taining 1-3 acre 4 10 McDonald, Ella N.-Lot 7, block 31, In Albany ;"IV,V 12 m McDougall. D.-Beglnnlng at Nil corner of Hmlth William's D. L. ;.; running thence W. 13.25 chains; thence S. 77 chains; thence .E. 13.25 chnlns: thence N. 77.02 chulns to beginning, containing u'-ion. sections 20. 20. T U .. It. 1 W.... McDowell. David N. V4 of D. L. C. of Dnvld McDowell, notification 5444. T. 13 8., It. 2 W....... McDowell, Sarah A. Beginning at a point 2.01 chains 8. nnd 10.75 chnlns 10. from NW. corner of section 6, T. 14 8., R. 2 W; running thence N. 14.65 chains; thence JO. 3.87 cnnlns; thenco S. 13.25 chnlns; thence W. 3.50 chains; thence 8. 1.40 rhnlns; thenco W. 37 links to beginning, containing 6.15 arm.... MeKlhoes, Mrs. M.-Ix,t I. block 12, Ralston's Hecond Addition to Leba non : Mctlhee. Waiter, Estate Beginning at NW. corner of line of II. J. C. Averlll'S 1. I C. claim No. 82. T. 11 8., R. 4 W., and running thenco K. 14.65 chains; thenrx 8. 9.M chnlns; thence W. 14.6B chains; Ihenco 9.91 chains to bg'nnlng, containing 14.50 acres. Also. 8. pnrt lot S in section 21, T. 11 B., It. 4 TV., containing ?v acres 6 48 1 40 47 3 37 m Meliityr. Miles Lots ", S, block . Kesllng s Addition to Brouwsvllle 1 88 MeKeiirle T P -w. u of w. (4 nnd E. V4 of N W. Vi and N10. Vi of SW. i, section 16, T. IS s., K. 1 W.J 2M acres , MePherson Ella R-Beginni"ng'-'sr 81 deg. N. 132 feet from tho SW. corner of lot 6, block 3. Western Addition to Albany ;ruuulng theueo S. 81 deg. W. 264 feet; thence N: deg. W. 3iW feet; thence N. 64"t lies. E. SUl.ftl tivt: thenee N. 3a deg. 10. 2O0 feet; thence S. 9 deg. E. 500 feet to beginning, icuUtii- Ing 2.3j acres 2 0s MeRea, Nell TV. of NW. u of . section 20, T. 10 S It. 6 E., SO acres 3 53 Mcb'etgll, M. N10. 14 of section 20, T. 12 S., R. 2 E.. Itvr acres 4 41 Nanny. James Beginning at STV. corner of NW. Vi of section 35. T. 11 S.. R. 3 V.; and running thenco IV 2b,i6 chains; thence E. 36.88 chains; thence S. 20.56 chains; thence TV. 36.S9 chains to begin ning, containing wi.13 acres 33 li Aaiuiy, James Beginning 30.65 chalna w. of NE. corner of SIO. Vi of NE. Vi of section ;6. T. 11 Jf'? "'" ""d running thenco N. 711.90 chains; tlieuce W, :iii) chains; thenco 8. 7ti.U0 chains; thenco E. 12.50 chains to begin ning, containing 9J.10 ttcies 26 90 s- 3 w" running thenco E. 2U.25 cllalns to center of deep ditch: thence N. SO deg. 30 min. W. 6.50 chains; thence N. 15 deg. TV 8 chains; thence N. 1 deg. TV. 8 chains; thence N. 14 deg. E 05 chains; Ihenco N 45 cleg. W. 12.50 chains; thenco N. 16 deg. TV. 42.26 chains; thence TV. 24 chains-. thenco S. 30 chains; thenco E. 20 chains; thence S. 40 chnlns to be ginning, containing 163 acres, less I. 15 acres for road,.,,,.....,... 27 20 Nanny. James Lot 2, bloek 77, Mon- telth's Sodaville Addition to Al bany 21 13 Nraii, Jennia N. Beginning at NE. corner of NW. Vi of section 35. T. 9 S., 11. 3 10.; running thence S. 40 rods: thenco TV. 20 rods; thence N. 40 rods; tlieuce E. 20 rods, to be ginning, containing 6 acres 1 3!r Nichols, John The D. L. C. of William C. finllagher. notification 2323, T. 12 S.. R. 2 W., except a strip 100 rods long 45 feet wide off of TV. end of said D. L. C, and except 1 acre In SE. coiner of said ciaim. Also, beginning 21 rods TV. of SE. comer of said claim and running thenco 13. 21 rods; thenco N. 501,2 rodj; theneo W. 6 roils; thence southerly to beginning, con taining 414 acres 77 70 Nichols, John Lots 1, 2. ilock 21, nod lots 1. 2, 9. 10, block 3. In Knlston's Addition to Lebanon 17 C6 Morgan, C. E.-SW. Vi cf NW. Vi. section 5, T. lo S R 1 W 40 ncres 1 1 Morgan, J. C NW. VI of SW. Vi, section 5. T. 15 S., R. 1 W 1 11 Myers, E. D.-S. Vi of NE. V4, section 5. T. 15 S., R. 1 10.. 160 acres i 40 Nlckerson, TV. H. Lot 3, section C. T. 10 S., R. 3 E., 36 ncres 93 Davis, T. T. SE. 4 of SE. Vi, sec tion 29. T. 9 S., R, 4 10.. 40 acres. 1 11 Orton. Cordelia E., Heirs of E. V4 of NE. Vi of block 111, Hack's Ad dition to Albanv 22 47 Osterhoudt, Lucinda Lot 2. block 105, Hack's Addition to Albany 20 It! Palmer. Gussle Block 0, Hack's Fourth Addition to 'Aibony 5 S8 Pnlmer, Gussle .Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, Schmeer's Central Addition to Al bnny 2 08 Palmer, Mrs. Rebecca Lot 4, block 110. Hack's Addition to Albany.... 18 8) Parker, H. TV. SW. Vi of NW. Vi of section 36, T. 9 S., R. 8 E., 40 acres gs Pnrrlsh, Ben Lots 1. 2. section 35; lots 3, 4, section 36, T. 12 S., R. 2 W., 78 acres 9 25 Pntton, TV. J.-W. V4 of SIO. Vi ot section IS, T. 16 S., R. 2 E., 160 acres 6 98 Pnxton, A. B. Lot 6, hloclc 11, in Albany 21 70 Pearson, Slmpsori That pnrt of N. V4 of SE. Vi and S10. Vi of 813. Vi of section 17. and 810. Vi of N 10. H ot section 20, T. 10 S R. 6 E., 80 acres 1 85 Pcaso. Hiram a! NE.' 14 'of' section II, T. 10 S H. 5 E... i 44 Pcasiey, Joseph S. V4 of SW. Vi and NW. Vi of SW. Vi of section 28, nnd NE. Vi of SE. V, of section 29, T. 18 S., R. 5 E 160 acres 4 44 Perrln. 3. C. and C. 10. Ixit 9. hloek I 65, and E. V4 of lot 8, hloek 5, Hnr- rlsburg a ret Peterson, Anna Tits 1, 2. section 17, T. 13 S., R. 1 TV., 30 acres 1 11 . Peterson, Gens NE. Vi of SIO. Vt, section 21. and W. VS of SW. Vi and SE. Vi of SW, Vi. awtJan &, T. 10 S., R. 5 E.. 160 acres 7 05 Phillips. E. H. Tho undivided 2-3 of SE. Vi section 16, T. 12 8., R. 2 E., 107 acres 2 6 Phillips. Phillip Lots 1, 2, block 28, Hnlsey 1 11 Pierce, Levi N. Vi of SIO. Vi and S. 1,4 of NE. Vi. section 28, T. 31 S., H. 1 E.. 160 ncres DCS Porter, O. T. Lot 5. block 1, Hack's Addition to Albany 32 Pound, J. R. Lets 7, S, block 2, HHPs Addition to Sodaville 3 35 Pound, TV. S. SW. '4 of NW. Vi of section 1, T. 13 S., R. 2 W., 40 ncres 1 85 Powell. Mnrgl Pnrt of lots 1 and 8. block 55. Albany 18 60 Powell, Mary A. Beginning 35.25 chains N. of SE. corner of SW. Uof seetion 21.T.1JS..H. 3 TV., nnd run ning thence S. SO deg. 42 min. TV. 21.82 chains: thenco N. 33.45 chulns; thenco N. 89 deg. 42 min. K. 21.82: chains; thenco 8. 33.45 chains tty beginning, containing 73 acres 4 00 Powell. S. M. Beginning at SE. cor ner of TV. ',4 of SIO. V4 of section 27, and running thence N. 210 rods: thencts TV. 20 rods; thence 8, 210 rods; thence E. 20 rods to begin ning, containing 36 aere. Also, SIO. Vi of NIO. 14 nnd NR. Vi SB. Vi of section 27. T. 11 8., It. 1 TV ltr 53 Powell, J. A. Beginning at SIO. cor ner of J. A. Settle s D. L. C, lioti llcatlnn 1205, T. 11. !2 8., It. 2 W. running tlieuce N. 31.08 chains; thenco 10. 53 chains: thenco S. 31.20 chains; thence N. 53 chains to beginning, containing 165 acres .... 45 6 Powell, A. T. Beginning 20 rods N. of S. TV. corner of section 20. 'I'. 10 S., Tt, 1 TV.; running thence TV. 300 rods; thenco 10. SO rods: thenco 8. 160 rods; Ihenco E. 160 rods; thence fl. 160 rods: thenco TV. 81) rods; thence N. 20 rods; Ihenco W. 160 rods to beginning, and a u, of SW. Vi or SIO. , of section 17, con taining 300 ncres 21 SS Powell, A. T. SW. V, of SW. A of section 17. Also, SIO. 14 of NW. Vi of section 20. and beginning nt HIO. corner of D. L, O. of II. M. Brown, claim No. 87; running thenco N. 40 chains; thenco TV. 20 chains: thence 8. 40 chains; thenco E. 30 chains to beginning, contuln ing 160 acres 21 II Price, Timothy, B. S. Matlln, Agt. Beginning 67 rods S. of NW. cor ner of section 26, T. 11 8, R. 2 W.; running thenco 10. 35 rod.: thenco 8. 23 rods: theneo W. 61 rods; thence northerly to begin ning, containing 7 acres 74 Prlchard, J. M.-IO. V4 of NW. Vi and lots 1. 2, section 0, T. 10 B., It. 2 E., 170 acres G 18 Projjst, Sirs. I,. E. Beginning on S. , lino of D. L. c. of Robert M. 'Moore and wire, claim No. 39. T. 11 S., It. 1 TV., 9.02 chains from SIO. corner of said claim, and running thence N. 47.40 chains; theneo TV. 9.02 chains: Ihenco 8. 47.40 chnlns; thence 10. 9.02 chnlns to beginning, containing 42,75 acres 67s Pym. Jane E. Lots 1 nnd 2, block 2, Bridges' Addition to Shclburn.. (1 Qulmby. E. TV. SW. VI of section 16, i. 13 S II. 2 K.. iCO acres 4 Qulntzan, N. I. NIO. V4 of SR. Vi of section 3, T. 16 8., It. 4 W., 40 acres 9 96 Raines. V. U. SE. Vi. section 36, . T. 11 8., R. 1 E 160 acres . 0 4t Ralston, Wm. and .7. M. Beginning at a point N. 87 chains from Inte rior corner of D. L. C. No 49, T. 12 8., R. 2 TV.; running thenco TV. 5.89 1-ft chains; thence N. I cha'n; thence K, 6.83 1-3 chains to b-giu. ning. containing 62-100 acre, except V4 acre sold to Rollings St Dubrllle. 10 80 Hound, Harry. J. A. Thompson, agent Lota 6 and 7, block 4, Kos- . ter J 13 Ray, TVm. and Peneloe The undi vided 1-11 of TV. '4 of NE. H of K. V4 of NW. Vi. section 5. T. 10 S., R. : E. 14 acres 49 (To 7lh taB'ea