Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 31, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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No inferior or impure ingredients are
used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen
ing its cost ; only the most highly refined
and healthful.
Royal Baking Powder imparts that
peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy
noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls,
etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is
unobtainable by the use of any other
leavening agent.
Frum the DKMOCRAr Sept. 23 to Deo. 9,
O.H.Irvine is studying law under
Judge Flinn. Ho has some points al
ready upon which he and BlackBtoce
Ralph Fisher is now night clerk at the
St. Charles.
The Blackstone Debating Club was
organized. Of the list of members the
following are now in Albany: MeesrB.
Hackleman, Hochstedler, Bilyeu, Hew
itt, Nutting, Sox, Duncan and Curran,
Folk is selling at 7f cents.
Chicken-pox prevails among the
children in this vicinity.
A big match hunt was held on Thanks
giving Day, D. D. Hackleman and D. B.
Montuith acting as ca,-tains of the
teams, Hacklcman's team scored 3019
pointB and Monteith's 2120.
Born on SaturJay.'Novenibir 23, 1881,
to Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Dubruille a girl.
A game of chess is beinu played by
letter between Dr. Davis and O. T. Por
ter, of this city and Ed Hirsch and T. J.
Stites, of Salem.
The city election was held Doc. 5. I.
C. Dickey defeated David Froman for
Mayor by 33. N.J. Henton'a majority
over E, R. Ski pworth for recorder waB
39. I. G. Dennv was elected marshal
over J. W. AnderEon by 03 majority
FredMuller's majoritvover Louis Miller
for treasurer was 77 The following
conncilmen were elected: First ward, M.
M.Harvey; second ward, John Hoff
man; third ward, E. J. Lanning.
James Thompson, jr., was in the ciiy
C. H. Ralston, of Portland, is in the
city today.
Ex-County Treasurer I. M.;Bruce is
in the city today.
Dr. and Mrs, M.M. Davis, of Yaquina,
were in the city today.
Prof. Frichard, of the O. A. C, of Cor
vallis, was in Albany today.
Mrs. Hollenbeck.returned to her home
in Eugene this afternoon.
Roy Laporte returned home today
after an absence of several months.
Rev. J. A. Sturtevant and sons have
returned from the popular Cascadia.
Mr. H. F. Merrill went to the Bay this
afternoon to join his family and remain
a week.
Mios Christine Pipe returned from Cor
vallis today accompanied bv Miss Merle
Simpton. -
Mrs Tbo?. Blower, wife of the C. & E.
bridge' carpenter at Yaquina, has been in
the city vibhing friends.
Judge L. Flinn returned last night
from Breitenbushhot springs, fast grow
ing into a popular resort.
Mr E Thrall, who haB been selling
wagons around Spokane for some time
arrived borne today on a short trip.
Mr and Mra. Joe Purdom, of Eastern
Oregon, are in the city on a visit with
the relatives and many Iriends here.
Mrs J W. Ellison and family return
ed last evening from their summer out
ing taken at Berry, on the C. h..
Mrs. Donaca, of the post office, is tak
ing a several days outing in the third
ward fixing things up in her new home.
Vf Tt Freeman, of Portland, 19 making
nr!i cvcling in the east this year.
Ye'urdayCdfd fifteen miles in 26:05
3 pastGrand Master D.C. Herrin has
gone to Ohio to do field work ?r the
A. O. U. W. He is one of tbe lwst;.rost
le'rs in the U. S.
Rev. Mr. Kennedy 'ot San Mates, Cal.,
has accented a call from the Congrea
honM church ofthis city and will pro
bably be here to preach the first Sunday
in next month.
Parker, a eon of E. A. Parker,
oUhUcTy. bi. been appointed post
master ai ! foe. Crook j;8g
''lasMt'wyman, who has beenUwork-'"uTSV-n!
vTing tbeMathew. 4 Peacher stock of
Alum is used In making cheap baking powders. If
you want to know the eflect of alum upon the
tender linings of the stomach, touch a piece to
your tongue. You can raise biscuit with alum
baking powder, but at what a cost to health I
Still They Come.
It is announced by Hearst's Chicago,
American that Kev. Wallace R. Strubole
national secretary of the United Christ
an party of the United States, vice-preB
ident of the Yountr Peoole'a Temueranc
Federation of America, leader of tho
noonday temperance meetings in Willard
Hall, Chicago, a noted evangelist and a
lifelong republican, has renounced the
McKinley-Hanna party had tendered
nis services to the democratic national
comndttee for this campaign frrthe pur
pose of assisting in the election of Brvan
and Stevenson. He advises all other
Christiana to do likewise. Stubble is a
former Portland man.
While in bathine some other bov ex
tracted the sum of $1.10 from the pocket
01 iesiey waiiace.
The Remington typewriter has receiv
ed a diploma of the Grand Prix the
highest award of the exposition.
There are ninety-one inmates of the
soimerd nnme at Koseburg, all it will
hold, and others going there will have
to take their turn as others die or leave.
The population of Philadelphia is
1,293,697. The population in 1890 was
1,046,964. The increase during the past
iu years was zio,;oi, or zu.o per cent,
which seems to be a popular per cent.
When assisted by a newspaper people
soon gf 1 on to a iioou tiling. A. X . Wc
Culley, the east end grocer has already
sold 325 boxes of H. Bryant's peaches.
The peaches are line specimens of the
A party of Warm gorillas Indians ar
rived at Silvies River from Stein moun
tain. One of their number died while on
the mountains, and his brethren took
him back to the reservation, a distance
of 200 milcB. The delurct Indian was
carried on horseback. T. M.
Fred Dawson returned last niirht from
his Mt. Jefferson trip, bringing Lis burro
nome lu a crate. The burro was a very
efficient traveller and did good work.
Mr. Dawson after the trip to Mt. Jeffer
gon remained at the hot springs for sev
Bral days.
The Woodmen of the Wor'd yesterday
elected the following officers: Head
Consul F. A. Kalkenuerg, of Denver;
Head Auditor Bertschv.of Denver : Han.
Clerk Boak, of Oakland ; Head Advise-id
uartnoiomew, ot San Diogo, Cal.; and
Head Banker, E. V. Cooner of Pnrtlmil.
re-elected. Head managers, VV. 0. Haw
ly, of Salem, Or. ; O. A. Koepfii, Seat
tle, Wash.; and G. V. Peuson, Lovel,
uoio. ; neaa tiscort, w. A. Wyman,
Cheyenne. Wvo.: Head Watch man. N.
O. Baldwin, Seattle, Wash. ; Head Sen
try, Dr. B. L Sleeves, Idaho; edilorand
uuuuuiier 01 tuo ratine woodman, A. Ji.
Keith, Helena, Mont.
Clarence Purdom, of the freight office
at Grams Pass, is in tho city on a visit.
He will go to Portland tomorrow. Al
bany was bis boyhood town.
"Great Haste is Not
Always Good Speed'
iFSany people trust to lack
to pall them through, r.' ere
often disappointed jjj not
ditly-dally in mat lets of
health. With it you can
accomplish miracles. With
out it you are 44 no good. "
Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels and
blood healthy by the use of Hood's Sar
laparilla, the faultless blood purifier.
Dyspepsia' I know a positive relief
For dyspepsia and that 1b Hood's 8a reaps
rllla. It cured me. My neuralgia alto
stopped." W. B. Baldwls, 164 Oak Street,
Binghamton, New York.
Tired Feeling-"My appetite was
capricious, my liver disordered and I Was
tired. Hood's Sarsaparllla relieved It all.
It cured a friend of mine of female weak
ness." Mr&Jesbik A. Mkabns, Clayton, DeL
llood'a Hllicnra IItcHIIi; the non-lrrlUtinf and
aiyciTthrtic to tk with Hood' HiritptriUfc
A b.g crowd came from Yaquina tbia
oooq mostly for oilier points ou their
wav liome. well tanned bv the seabreezes
and lrokiocr as if the tuting bad done
ihem gui d, nil kinds of -peop e, tall state
y tamn g ris, Biiorigins unil wiangine
toureeii insured agunet acci-
eler e
Acrid jnt Insurance Co.
(From 4;h age) I
Looney, E. Beginning at NW.
corner of D. I. J. of FranelB S. nip
son, notlllcntion 70. T. 11 S., R. 4
W.; running thence E. 51. S8 chains;
thence S. 11. Bo chains; thenco V.
51.76 chains; thence N. 11. ft) chains
to beginning, acres,
except 2L acres off of K. end to
Mary A. Looney. Also, beginning
11.69 chains S. of NW, corner of .
D. L.. C. No. 76; thence 13. 51.76
chains; thence S. 8 chains. Also,
beginning 11.69 chains S. of NW. .
corner of D. L. C. No. 76; thence
15. 51.76 chains; thence S. 8 chains;
thence EX 4.60 chains; thence S.
3.05 chains; thence V, 50.24 chains;
thence N. to beginning, 61 acres,
except 26.1C acres to Mary A.
Looney ' 20 22
Looney, Mary A. Beginning 33.63
chains K. of NW. corner of D. L. .
C. No. 76, T. 11 S.. R. 4 W.: run
ning thence EX 18.25 chains; thence
S. 19.50 chains; thence E. 460
chains; ; thence S 51.50 chains;
thence W. 22. io chains; thence N.
71 chains to beginning, contain
ing 152 acres 55 43
Looney, Leroyi nnd Virgil Begin
ning 13.50 chains N. ot SW. cor
ner of D. L. C. No. 76, T. U S.,
R. 4 W.: running thence N. 23 ,
chains; thence i). 56.12 chains;
thence S. 23 chains; thence W. 65.85
chains to beginning, containing
liS. 77 acres, exceot 52.32 acres deed
ed to Mary A. Looney 21 00
jjooney, . ri. ot , section zo.
and lots 3, 4, section 36; lots L 2.
section 35, containing 67.2 acres.
Also, beginning at SW. corner of
D. L. C. No. 76, T. 11 S.. R. 4 W.;
running thence B. 55.67 chains;
thence N. 1350 chains; thence "W
55.85 chains; thence N. 1 13.50
chains, containing 75.27 acres, ex
cept 30.71 acres off of end, assessed
to Mary A. Looney. Also, begin
ning at SE3. corner of D, L. C.
No. 62, T. 11 S., R. W.; running
thence "W 8.10 chains; thence N.
2.66 chains; thence E. 8.10 chains;
thence S. 2.66 chains to beginning,
containing 215 ncres
Love, John (Beginning at a point
25.6o chains N. and 6.27 chains W.
of a M section cor between sections
4 and 5, T. 15 S., R. 4 W.; running
thence W. 200 links; thence S. 20
deg. W. 700 links; thence S. 30
deg. V. 100 links; thence S. 10&
deg. W. 1100 links; thence 13. 398
links; thence N. 30 degrees 23 mln,
E. 21.57 links to beginning, contain-
Ing 7 acres
Lovland. H. D.-SE. W of section 36.
T. 13 S., R. 1 E., 160 acres 4 44
Low, Phillip, Estate of Beginning
15 Chains N. and 8.12 chains S. oC
NiE. corner of D. U C. No. 51, T.
11 S R. 4 W.; running thence E.
9.50 chains; thence southwesterly
along a slough to 'N. line of Cyrus
West lake s notiilcation of said J.
Lay ton; thence W. on said line 6.50
chains; thence N. 10 chains to be
ginning, containing 8 acres 74
Low, Thomas The NW. of SE. V,
section 22, T. 10 S., R. 2 E., 40 acres 1 48
Macey. J. C. N. of NE. of NEi.
Yt of section 30. T. 13 S., R. 3 W.,
and NW. Vl of NE section 31, T.
15 S., K. 2 W 2 22
Mack, Helen M. Lot 3, block 22,
Summers' Addition to Sodavllle.. 59
Macky, John C E. U of SOS. of
NIW. U. section 12. T. 10 S.. R. 5 E..
20 acres 74
Macky, H. C Beginning at NW.
corner of the tract deeded to D. S.
(Masters in D. L. C. No. 41, T.
13 S.. R. 2 W.f and run N. 5.30'
chains; thence N. 87 deg. E. 2.84
chains; thence S. 2.30 chains;
thpnrp 87 dec W. 2.84 chains to be
ginning, containing 1 acres 4 44
Macy, George Lots 2 and 3, block 6,
Harrlsburg 3 70
Mn onn. R. 'Lots 1. 3. 4. block: 1
Sweet Home 1 57
Maus. vi.n. V, or sm. of section
22, T. 10 S., K. 2 E SO acres 2 9G
Marcelas, Louis C Lot 6, block 3,
Klrlrnfitrlok's Third Addition to
' 'Lebanon 67
Mnrlnn 3nra.h 13. Lot 4. block 9. So
daville 47
Marley. P. H. NE. of section 20,
T. 10 S.. R. 3 E. 160 acres 3 70
Marley. P. H. SW. lA of SW. U. of
section 34, T. 14 8.. IR. 1 W, 40
acres 1 H
Marley. P. H. SE. Vi of section 34,
X. 9 S., IR. 1 W., 160 acres 4 44
puu ft 'AVM jo 'Nr-'H. J. '.tupi
SE. 'A of 'NW. Vi of section 147 T.
9 S.. . 1 W.t 120 acres 3 33
Marlev, P. H.-WB. V of section 3,
T. 10 S., R. 1 W.. 160 acres 4 44
Marley, P. H.-AV. of NW. and
lots 1. 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7, section 16,
T. 13 S.. R. 1 W., 186 acres 6 48
Marley, P. H.W. u of NW. Y4 of
section 16, T. 13 S., R. 2 E., SO acres 2 22
Martin. M. SE. 4 of NE. and
NE. W of SE. Vk of section 27, T, .
14 S., R. 2 W., 80 acres 3 87
Martin. Ella M. Block 5, Webber's
Addition to North Brownsville 35
Martin, Ella M. Lots 7 and 8, block
2; lots 1 and 2, block 5, Gross's Ad
dition to North iBrownsvlile 37
Martin, Ella 'M. Lots 1 and 2, block
12, North Brownsville 7 17
Martin. Ella M. Let 2, block 9,
Brownsville S3
Martin. Thomas. Heirs Beginning
at a point 20.18 links N. and 03'
links N. of section corner stako
between sections 4 and 5, T. 15 S.,
Tt. 4 W. ; running thence N. 5.47
links; thence S. 3!) deg. 23 mm. W.
21.57 links; thence E. 400 links;
thence N. 40 degrees and 51 min.
E. 1500 links to beginning, contaln
6 acres more or less 2 7S"
Mason, Miller & iMorrls N. of
.NW. V of section 16, T. 10 S., R.
1 W., 80 acres 8 51
Mason, Mrs Rebecca Iots 1 and 2,
block 48, and E. 2-3 of lot 7, block
48, Albany 51 16
Matalskl, MaryBeginning at SW,
corner of D. L. C. of R. G. Cu
slck. section 29, T. 9 S.. R. 1 K.;
running thence E. 4,4 chains;
thence N. 22& chains; thence W.
46 chains; thence S. 22ty chains'
to beginning, containing 10 acres.. 50
Matcht.-tt, James Lots 3 and 4,
block 2, cowan a Auamon io ieD
anon ::'.:".
Matchett, James Lots 3 and 4, block
48, Waterloo
Matthews, Susan L. E. Vn of block
13 CO
6 7G
10, n oodle s Kiversiue Aaumon io
lAlhnnv 2 48
Mayer, E. A. Beginning 060 feet E.
or INK. corner oi lot i, oiock zo,
in William Ralston's Addition to
'Lebanon; running thence S. 204
feet; thence E. 330 feet; thence N.
264 feet; thence W. 320 feet to be
ginning, containing 2 acres, In T.
11 B . H 2 V EC
Meyer. Mrs. Ida Lot 4, block 12. J.
Ai. Kaisi'm s Aunuion io ijeuunuu
Merrtsh. O. W. NE. H of section 30,
T. 12 a,, H. z K.. iw acres a iu
Mayers. Mrs. S. E. and B. Lots 1, 2,
V anu s. uiock J, in naispy 2 m
Mayers. Mrs. S. E. nnd B. Lots 3,
4. a. t ana i, oiock &i, riaisuy 2
Mickelson, John O. Lots 1 and 2,
block 3, In CrawrordflViiie 10 w
Miller, Earnest D. L. C. of John
Miller, sr., notiiicntlon 2596. T. 13
a., it. v., cumiiiniiis twu. (.i iu:il'u,
Miller. Anna J. W. i4 of 8W. Vi,
section zn, ana mis. 14 01 bis.
and lot I of section 9. except 2
acres, amount remaining, 136 acres,
nil in T. 13 S.. R. 1 W
Miller. M. A. Lota 6 and 7, block 3,
in Kaiston Aoin.ion 10 Leoann..
Miller, Mnfcgle O. Lots 7 and 8,
block 8, Fairdale Addition to Al
bany Miller, M. B- D, L. C. of lilnegan
and wife, notification 2116, T. 12
a "O 1 W nnnlalnlno 310 nnrna
MIlfer. 'M. B. The E. IW acres off of
w. '4 or section 33, t. vt a., u. i
W.. 100 acres
Miller. M. B. E. 100 acres off of NW.
! 1 n -r.ntlnn i T 11 U Tt 1 VI' llrfl
74 ui m.. w u., ... m. .... .uv
Miller, Mrs. A. A.N. of NE. V4
of section 18, T. 14 S-. R. 3 W.,
80 acres
Miller. O. H. The undivided of
the following: BegtnntnK S. 1 dt'K
and 11 mln. W. 355 feot from 8K.
of D. 1. C. No. 47. T. 13 R.
1 W.. nnd running thence 8. 7t deg.
W. 216 feet; thence H. 16 de. B. 2
fpet; thence N. 74 dg. E 2"i1 ftt;
thence 8. 19 deg. W. 132 feet, con
taining 2-3 acre
Mitchell. Isabel--Lots 7 and 8. block
30, in Waterloo 4 0C
Moench, Mary Lot 3, block 6, Sweet
'Home 19
Monday, Mrs. Rachel Beginning 335
feet S. of SW. corner of School
ing s Auumon to Harrlsburg; run
ning thence S. 100 feet; thence E.
50 feet; thence (N. 100 feet; thence
W. 50 feet to beginning, containing
Montague,'C.'B! The NeV ii of N' I
and lot 1 of section 2, T. 13 S.,
irv. i v., w acres i
Montague. C. B. 'Lots 1 and 2, In
section 35, T. 12 S.. R. 1 W., Co I
acres 2 41
Montayne. Mrs. K. E. Luts 5 ai-.J
6, blcck 6S 40 30
Monteith. "Clara B. Beginning 17.71
chains N. of SE. corner of David
Lay-ton's D. 1. C., section 14, T. .
11 S., R. 4 V running thence W.
76.S5 chains; thence N. 12.S5 chains;
thence W, 35.25 chains; thence N.
6.15 chains; thence E. 114.08 chains;
thence S. IS chains to beginning,
containing 157.50 acres; except 27.S3
acres sold to T. A. Shaver, vol. 50, ,
page 439, leaving 129.67 in T. 11 S.,
R. 4 W 37 00
Monzrngo, William Beginning 1.50
chains S. of SE. corner of D. L. C,
notification 2t'cy. T. 14 S., R. 2 W.;
running thence N. 4.ol chains;
thence W. 12.H5 chains; thence S.
4.11 chains; thence S. SI deg. E.
12.97 chains in heirinnlne-. contain
ing 5.58 acres 3 70
'Moore, E. W. S. of SE. 4 of sec
tion 36 T. 15 S.. H. 2 W., SO acres.. , 2 96
Moore, L. O. Lot 1, blk 4, warren s
Addition to Amelia. North Browns
ville . 3 46
Mocre, W. H. SW. of SW. of
section 7. nnd NW. W of NW. U of
section IS, T. 13 S., R. 1 W 7 96
Morgan. W. J. NW. hi of section 10,
T. 13 8., IR. 1 E.. 160 acres 4 44
Morgan, John-INW. hi of SW. Yt
section 8, T. 13 S R. 2 W., and ...
MB, 4 of SE. & of section 7, T. 13
S., !R. 2 W 4
Morley, P. H.-03eglnning at NE. ,
corner section 34, T. 14 S 'R. 2 W. :
thence W. to a point 5 rods W. of .
a certain tract; thence S. 80 rods;
ihoiinn K! to sfiftlnn line, contain
ing 60 acres 2 59
Morris, Polly A. Beginning 30 rods
S. of 'NW. corner of section 28,
T. 33 S., R. 1 E. ; running thenco
S. 81 rods; thence E. 25, rods; .
thence NE. 58 rods to center of S.
Santlam (River; thence down said-
rtvni- in hpirhllllliir. nnilt Jlilllllir 20
acres tOQ
Morris. I. J.-Tho SW. Of BW.
14, section 10, T. 12 S., R. 1 W.,
40 acres 1
Uirric T ft IVltuldti Lntt II lilt
36 In' Sclo '4 21
Morris. J. N., Phil Cohen, agent .
T.nt 1 9 3 nnd 4 hlni'k 2. Abbev's
Addition to Albany 2 4S
Moyer. J. M. and E. D. E. 40 feet of
lot 3. block 24. in Albany ' 6 20
Moyer, E. 'D. and IT. B. The undi
. viHoii u. nf SR. V. nf Hectinn S2. T.
14 S., IR. 1 E 2 22
Moyer, E. D.Beglnnlng 4.88 chains
E. and 2.60 chains N. of NW. cor
ner of D. L. C. of James Blakeiy,
No. 41, T. 13 S., . 2 W.; running
. thence 'N. 30 deg. E. 1.75 chains;
thence S. Go deg E. 12.79 chains;
thenco S. 3.22 chains to N. line of
said claim No. 41; thence W. along
said line to W. bank of Calanooia
Creek; thence up said creek to
mouth of millrace: thenco up said
race to point S. 62 deg. E. of be
ginning; thence N, 62 deg. W. 100
acres ....,......,.......
Myers. Mrs. Nellle-I.ot 0, block 7,
Hack's Third Addition to Albany.. 7 70
Myers, M. C Kstnte of LoL 8,
vli 1. D lirl.1. Ult.nruliln Addi
tion to' Albany 77
Myers. Henry D. S. ',4 of S. V4 of
Z oo n 1.1 a -H 1 P! 1 Jl
ncrps 1 H
McAllister. Mehala It 3. block 1,
McAllister's Addition to Shedd... 37
rrt,i V.l. T .rtt 1 blnpU 77.
Mnntrf'th's 8. Addition to Albany.. 4 34
McCartney, Henry Lots 8, 9, 10 and.
rHarrlsbura 7 40
McCoy. Mrs. Sarah D. L. C. or
iWllllam MoCoy, notiilcation 266, T.
14 S, R. 1 W., except 401.45 acres
ing 178 acres 9 40
Mctflary, T. J.-NE. V4 of section n,
i' in S. R. 3 E.. 100 acres
McCord. J. and W. 10.-S. of SB.
4f section 10 and N. ?'
of section 15, and lots 1, 2, In
Tt 1 W A 66
MoCormlck, Francis SIS. J4 of sec
tlnn no T. 13 S.. R. 2 12.. M0 acres... 4 44
McCoy, J. H.-34 acres oft of follow
lnft: All ct the D. I.. C. ot Powell
Ames, lying and Bell In section
36, T. 13 S., R. 1 W.. and section
31 T 13 S., R. 1 E.. except 3.87
acres sold to A. Parker, contain-
. n,E ir. -n-ns Alan iiift
i.m toil.. D. nnd H.'C. Ames.... 0 211
McCulloch. Mrs. E. E.-Beglnnlng 24
feet N from SW. corner of lot 4,
block 2, In Sodnvllle; running
thence E. 40 feet: thence N. 22 feet;
.i w jn font ' thpnpe S. t&
in hnHnnlnt. 4 IU
McDanlel. Mrs. H. Lots 3, 4. 5, 0
A,T,llttnn to Halsev 8 JO
McDonald! R. A. Beginning nt NW.
corner of SE. section , T. 10
S., R. 1 W.; thenco S. 13.01 chains;
thence E. 80 rods; thence N. 40
chains; thence W. 80 rods S. 23
deg. W. 27.14 chains to beginning,
contnlnlng 320.20 acres. Also, be
ginning 031-3 rods S. W NW. cor
ner of section 15, 1. 10 o.. it. i
W.i running thence S. 100 2-3 rods
thence E. 100 rods; thence N. l2-3
rods to beginning, contnlnlng IOC z-3
ncres. Also, S. of NW. K and
kt i XTr J. nntninlnir 160
icre? . : 0198
McDonald, Mrs. Augusta Bcglnnlng
at SE. corner of J. I.. Martin s
acre of lnnd In Hnrrls1)urg. run
ning thence. S. 89 deg. W. t,2 feet;
thence N. 4.1814 chains; thence N,
89 deg. E. 15V4 feet; thenco B.
. low lif.irlniilnir. con-
tiilnfng 1-3 acre -".':"."'.' 10
McDonald, Ella N.-Lot 7, block 31,
tn Alhnnv 1 40
McDougall. D. Beginning at NE.
corner of Smith Wllllnm s p. I,.
C; running thence W. 13.2) chuins:
thence S. 77 chains; thence K 1.1.25
chains: thence N. 77.02 chains to
1 nnn,nlnln. 101 M. DCrPS.
Kectlons 20 29. T 11 S.. R. 1 W.... 0 48
McDowell. Davld-N. of P. L.. C.
n. 1-.n..l.1 11 fit! flefl 1 1 (in
5444. T. 13 S.. R. 2 W , 7 40
McDowell, Sarah A. Beginning at a
point 2.91 chains S. nnd 19.75 chains
E. from NE. corner of section 0,
T. 14 S.. R. 2 W; running thence
N. 14.65 chains; Ihence E. 3.87 .
chains; thence S. 13.25 chains;
thence W. 3.50 chains; thence S.
1 An hol.. thnnn. W. 37 links to
beginning, containing 6.15 acres.... 6 47
McElhoes. Mrs. M. Ixit 1. block 12,
cj..l-.nn'n annA A.l.llllnn tn T.nhfl.-
non I 3 i.7
McOhce, Walter, Estate-Beginning
at NW, corner of line of H. J. C. ,
Averlll's D. L. C. claim No. S2, T.
11 S., R. 4 W.. and running thence
E. 14.65 chains: thence S. 9.91
chains; ttvence W. 14.65 chnlnB;
thence 9.91 chains to banning,
contnlnlng 14.50 ncres. Also. 8. part
Inl t In .ullnn 91 T 11 8.. R. 4
W.. containing 10 ncres 3 21
Mclntvre, Miles Lots 7, 8, block 0,
Kef-ling's Addition to Bronwsvlll" 1
McKenzle, T. P. W. V. of,W. A find
E. 14 of NW. Vt nnil NE. '4 of SW.
i t ti i rr is a Tt 1 w..
280 ncres ' " ' "
Mcpherson. Ella F. Beginning 8.
81 deg. N. 132 feet from the SW.
corner of lot 6. block 3. Western
Addition toAlbany:running thonca
8. 81 deg. W. 264 feet: thenco N.
9 deg. W. 306 feet: thence N. f,44
deg. F,. 3.10.05 feet : thence N. 58
deg. E. 200 feet: thence 8. 9 deg.
E. 500 feet to beginning, contain
ing 2.35 ncres ; ' c9
McRea. Nell-W. of NW VA of
seellon 20. T. 10 8., R. 5 E , 80 acres 3 53
McFclgll. M. NE. H of section 20,
T. 12 8.. U. 2 E . 160 neres 4 41
Nnnnv. James Beginning nt SW.
corner of NW. V, of section 35. T.
II 8.. R. 3 W.: nnd running thence
N. ?6.56 chnlns; thence E. 36.88
chains; thence fl. 26.56 chains:
thence W. 3B K9 chn'ns to begin
nlng. cont.iln'ng f n scr'S 35 15
Nnnnv. Jnmes - Beginning .JiJ.
chnlns W. of NR. earner of Blv
of NE. 'i of section rn T. 11
R , B. 3 W.. nnd running thence
N. 79 90 chuins: th'nee W. E50
cbnlns; tbenee 8. T9.90 ehnlns;
T.- io rj nnnln tn lievln.
ninr. contilnleg 9"6 n' es ...... 25 90
Nnnnv. .T.ime.-Beg nrlng SO ro-ls W.
from SE. corner of srctlon 13. T.
13 8., R. 3 W.; running thence 13.
25.25 chains to center of deep d.tch;
thence N. 80 deg. 30 mln. W. 0.50
chains; thence 15 deg. W, 8
chains; thence N, 1 deg. W. -6
chains; thence N. 14 deg. H . 65
chains; thence N 45 deg. W. 12.50
chains; thence N. 16 deg. W. 4J.'.'S
chains; W. 24 chains;
thence S. 30 ehnlns; thence E. 20
chains; thence S. 40 chains tu be-,
ginning, containing 163 acres, less
1.& acres for road
27 20
21 1.
Nanny, James-nLot 2, block 77, Mon-
teiin s souavuie Auutuon to Al
bany Neal, Jennie N. Beginning at NE.
corner or in v. H or section Sii, I.
9 8., R. 3 K.; running thence S. 40
rods; thence W. 20 rods: thence N.
40 rods; thence E. 20 rods, to be
ginning, containing 5 acres
Nichols. John The D. I,. C, of
William tlallagher. notiilcation
2323, T. 42 S R. 2 W except a
strip 100 rods long 45 feet wide off
of W. end of said D. L. C, and
. except 1 acre in SE. corner of B:ild
claim. Also, beginning 21 rods W.
of SE. corner of said claim and
running thence E. 21 rods; thence
N. 60V rods; thenco W. 6 rods;
thence southerly to beginning, con
taining 44 acres
Nichols, John Lots 1, 2. block 24,
and lots) 1, 2, , 10, block 3, in
Halston's Addition ti Ltbnnou,...
Morgan, C. E. SW. of NW. V4.
section 5, T. 15 S., R 1 V 40
Morgan, J. C NW. Vi of SW. U.
section 5. T. 15 S.. R. 1 W
Myers, E. D. S. V, of NE. . section
5. T. 16 S., R. 1 E.. 160 acres
Nickerson. W. H. Lot 3. section 5,
T. 10 S R. 3 E 30 ucres
Dnvls. T. T. SE. V. of SE. M. sec
tion 29. T. 9 S., R. 4 K., 41 acres.
Orton. Cordelia E.. Heirs of E. W
of NE. A of block 111, Hack's Ad
dition to Albany
Osterhoudt, Luclnda Lot 2, block
105, Hack's Addition to Albany
Palmer, Oussle Block 9, Huck's
Fourth Addition to Albany
Palmer. Oussle Lots 1:1. 14, 15, 16,
Schmeer's Central Addition to Al
bany .'
Palmer, Mrs. Rebecca Lot 4, block
110. Hack's Addition to Albany....
Parker, H. W. SW. of NW. Vi
of section 36, V. 9 S., R. 3 E 40
Parrish, en-Lota 1, 2, section 35;
lots 3, 4, section 36, T. 12 S., R.
2 W., 78 acres
Patton, W. J. W. Vj of SB. U "f
section 18, T. 15 6., R. 2 E., 160
Paxton, A. B. Lot 6, block 11, tn
Pearson, Simpson That part of N.
77 70
17 CO
1 11
4 40
1 11
22 47
20 16
C 98
18 09
1 85
9 25
6 92
21 70
oi u. 'A anu bt'j. ot sru. ft
of section 17. and SE. U of NE. 14
of Bection 20, T. 10 S., R. 0 E 80
Pease. Hiram A. NE. ft of section
11, T. 10 S R. 5 E
Pensley, Jo.iephS. 1,4 of SW. 14 and
NW. Y of SW. 14 of section 28,
nnd NE. ft of SE. 14 of section 29,
T. 10 S., R. 5 10., 160 acres
Perrin, J. C. and C E. Lot 9. block
55, and E. 14 of lot 8, block 5, Har
rlsburg Peterson, Anna Lots 1, 2, section 17,
T. 13 S., R. 1 W., 30 acres
Peterson. David Ixits 1, 2, 3, 4. 0, 7,
8, contululug 142 acres, section 24,
1 85
4 44
4 63
1 11
1 . 12 B., K. 1 V..
Peterson, Gens NE. ft of SE. 14,
section 21, nnd W. of SW. 'A and
SE. Vi of SW; ft, section 22, T.
10 S., It. 5 E., 160 acres
Phillips, E. H. The undivided 2-3
of SE. jl section 10. T. 12 S., R.
2 E., 107 acres
Phillips, Phillip Lots 1, 2, block 28,
Pickens, S. D. SW. ft ot SW. 14.
section 20, T. 13 S., R. 1 E., 40 acres
Pickens, H. J. W. It of SE. 14 nnd
E. 14 of SW. 14. section 2, T. 3
8.. R. 1 E., 160 acres
Pickens, John W. W. V4 of SE. Vi
of section 20, T. 13 S., R.. 1 E., 80
Pickens, 'GoorBeW.N!ii of "d. Ij.
C. of Wililnm Pickens, c'aim No.
43, except 40 acrt'R off of SE. cor
ner, contnlnlng 120 acres, In flec
tions 29 mul a, T. 13 S., R. 1 K.,
120 acres
Pierce, Ievl N. Mi f SE. and
S. of NE. Yi. section 28, T. U
S., R. 1 E., ICO ncres
Plller, B. 11. Lots B, G, block 1, In
Goltra's Park Addition to Albany
Porter, O. T. Lot 5, block 1, l-lnck'ti
Addition to Albany
Pound, J. R.Lots 7, 8, block 2,
Hill's Addition to Sodavllle
Pound, W. S. SW. H of NW. Y. of
section 1, T. 13 S., R. 2 W., 40 acres
Powell, Mnrgl Pnrt of lots 1 and
S, block 55, Albany
Powell, -Mary A. Beginning 35.25
chains N. t.f S'lO. corner of SW. '4of
Hection 21.T.12S..K. 3 W and run
ning thenco S. Kit deg. 42 mln. W.
21. K2 chains; thenco N. 33.-I5 chains;
thenco N. 80 deg. 42 mln, E, 21. S2
chains; thence S. 33.45 chains to
beginning, containing 73 nitres
Powell, S. RI. Beginning at SE. cor
ner of W. Ys of SE. of section
27, and running thence N. 210 roils;
thence V. 20 roils; thence S. 240
rods; thence E. 20 rods to begin
'ning, containing 30 acres. Also,
SE. of NE. Yi and NE. Y SE.
Y of section 27. T. 11 S., R. 1 V
Powell, W. M. Beginning 4.70 chains
E. 11.51 chains 8. of NE. corner of
NW. Vi of SW. yt of pection 4,
T. 11 S., H. 2 W.i running thence
E. 28.24 chains to Santlam River;
thence southerly up meanders of
said river to a point 1.19 chuins N.
of NE. corner of lot 7, section 4,
T. 11 S., It. 2 V.; running thence
W. to Fry Creek; thenco north
erly along E. bank of said creek to
beginning, containing 9 acres
Powell, J. A. -Beginning nt SE. cor
ner of J. A. Settle's D. L. C, noti
ilcation 1205, T. II, 12 a, R. 2 W.;
running thenco N. 31.08 chains;
thenca E. 63 chains; thenco B.
31.20 chains; thence N. 53 chains to
beginning, containing 105 acres ....
Powell, A. T. Beginning 20 rods N.
of S. W. corner of section 20, T.
10 8., "R, 1 W.; running thence W.
300 rods; thence E. 80 rods; thenco
H. IU) rods; thence E. H10 rods;
thence S. 10 rods; thenco W. 80
rods; thence N. 20 rods; thence W.
100 rods to beginning, and t Yt ot
SW. Y of SE. Yt, of section 17, con
taining 300 acres
Powell, A. T. SW. Y of SW. YA of
section 17. Also, SE. Y of NW.
of section 20, and beginning nt
SE. corner of D. L. J. of II. M.
Brown, claim No. 87; running
thence N. 40 chains; thence W. 30
chains; thence S. 40 chains; thence
E. 30 chains to beginning, contain
ing ICO acres
Price, Timothy, B. S. Martin, Agt.
Beginning 57 rods S. of NW cor
ner of section 26, T. 14 8., R. 2
W. ; running thence B. 35 rods :
thence S. 23 rods; thenco W, 63
rods; thence northerly to begin
ning, containing 7 ncres
Prlchard, J, M.-E. u of NW. Y find
lots 1. 2, section 6, T. 10 ti., R. 2
E 170 acres
Prlne, W. M. Beginning nt 8E. cor
ner of L. F. Crabtrec's notiilca
tion BW, T. 11 8.. R. 2 W.; run
ning thence N. 20 chains; thence
W. 100 chains; thence S. 20 chains;
thence R to beginning. 200 acres,
except, lot No. 4
Propst, 'Mrs. L. E. Beginning on S.
line of D. I j. C. of Robert M.
'Moore and wife, claim No. 39, T.
11 S., 1i. 1 W., 9.02 chains from 8E.
corner of said claim, and running
thence S. 47.40 chains; thence W.
9.02 chains; thence H. 47.40 chains;
thence E. 9.02 chains to beginning,
containing 42.75 acres
Pym, Jane E. Iots 1 and 2, block
2, Bridges Addition to Shelburn..
Oulmbv. E. W.-8W. Va nt section
2 86
1 11
4 44
4 44
G 05
C 55
2 48
3 35
1 85
18 GO
6 18
6 75.
4 44
2 90
C 44
16. T. 13 8.. It. 2 hi., 1G0 acres
Qulntzan, N. I. NE. of SE. 4 of
section 4, i. it o., u. w., w
Raines, F, B.fiE. Ya, section 3b,
T. 11 8.. R. 1 E.. 160 nores
Ralston, Wm. and J. M. Beginning
ni a iK)ini in. cnams rrom nue
rior corner of D. L. C. No. 49, T,
12 S., It. 2 W.; running thenco W.
6.R9 1-8 rhnlns; thence N. 1 chain;
. thence E. 5.S9 1-3 chains to eu I li
ning, containing r,2-W acre, except
Yt acre sdd to Rollings & Duhrllle.
Round, Harry, J. A. Thompson,
ape nt 'Lots 6 and 7, block 4, Fos
ter 10 80
1 4$
Ray, Wm. and Penelope Tho lindl-
vmeii or w. or iNi-;. & or
E. 'A r,f NW. 4, section 5, T. 10 8.,
it ! E, 14 acres
(To 7th page)
A Harvest Supper.'
Yesterday afternoon vie accepted an
invitation to take supper with the bar. ,
vetting crew of Githene, Bayne & Co.
We found the at para tor and engine oh
the farm of Mra. Eagy. The crew coq
liete of thirty hands, ten wagone are em
ployed to deliver tbe grain and five stal
wart men known as "elevators" deliver
the bundle in the field. An avornge flays
work is 1200 bushels. Work commences
at 6 o'clock a. m. and tbe evening whie
He Bounds at 7 :80 p. m Tbe tiret man
we wet was Frana Bayne. tbe engineer.
He is ably assisted by Mr. Mike Coon
V Bayne situ around and Coon does tbe'
work.) Mr. . 8. Dvis, oi Oakvillo, is
chief of tbe; he has
t o la. go tanas and me engineer bas not
bad to toot for water tbia season. Tbe
next man we Jraet nua the commiEsary
general ol tbe company, Mr Geo. .
lilt hens, his work is to supply tbe men
with food anu water ; be buys butter,
eggs and vegetables from the farmers and
alwayB bas a supply ahead. Messrs.
Holgate and Wbyle strnd in frjnt of tbe
cylinder to regnlate the leed. Porttr and
Howard run the "bagging" department.
Kalph Cole is bag jigger. Messrs. Deady
and Tbarp carve the bundles as they en. '
tertbe cylinder. After the evening whis
tle sounded we were ushered into the
large and commodious cook wagon where
we found our old friend O. A. Jobncun
looking happy and contented. Mr:
Johnson w chief cook and is ably assist
ed by Mr. S. 6. My ere, a supper good
enough for a king waa on the table and
we don't wonder that tbe harvest hands
are all healthy. Twenty-four men are
seated at the laole which is as compute,
ly furnished as a restaurant; cups, bsu
cers, plates ai.d a complete Bet of glass
ware, also as nice as silverware as can be
seemed in the Btate. Mr. Johnson does
bis own baking and always has a large
supply of pies and cakes, warm biscuit
is sorved every morning. Forty pounds
of beel is used every day besides bacon
and Chickens, coffee, tra and milk are al
ways on the table. M r. Johnson has had
thirty five years experience as cook, nine
harvests with Githeus & Co
Tbe company have had fourteen days
run and mill have ten more. They are
doing first ciaea work. Mr. V . E. Gil li
en's U geoeral superintendent and J, W.
Wol'e iB superintendent of separator.
L, R. B. .
The greatest fault with some men and
boys is their association.
There are Bharps in the Albany Band
The more troubles are nursed the
greater they grow.
The man learning toplav a horn also
plave lerrifica'ly upon his neighbors
Suine neoD'e overdo evdrvthing thov
do '
The best men bo.ut the least
Nine Albany womon out ot ten would
get mad it their friends told them what
their mirror does; everytime they look
into it.
Good nature can be seen in the dark.
The man driven to desperation always
bas a big hand in it himself.
The envious person sees no good in'
anything. .
It is what you are that countB, not
your ancestors.
Tho boft moral to a good ninnv books
ia our midst is "Don't read tLem."
A Close Call.
Mr. L. T. Berry, of tho Alb.ny Pressed
Beef Co., met with a close call Io a fatal
accident yesterday afternoon. Ho was
coming to Albany and was betwoon this
city and Tangent when he enrne lo the
S. P, track near the Munkers farm. A
barn obstructed his viow'and he was al
most to tho track before seeing the ap
proaching overland. His horse became
frightened and sprang across the track
direct'y in front of tho engine, which
struck the rear end of the wagon, throw
ing Mr. Berry upon tho ground and
broaking the wagon. The train stopped
and brought Mr. Berry to the city. Ho
is bruised some but not injured seriously.
It was only a fcw.inchos of death though.
W. A. Spencer, engineer with N. H.
Batcmnn's steam Ihreatiing cre- of
Brownsville, was in town over Sunday.
He reports threshing well along, arid interesting account of thoirllast
week's run. Mr. Bateman has a bian
new Niagara P.tts Separator, self feeder,
and an 18 horse power Uussel Compound
engine. The machine was started the
first of tho week at Hotelier's place near
BroA'DSvilln and threshed down the Cal
anooia, closing iho week's run at Ort's
place near J'lainview. They threshed
9000 bushels of grain or an average of
160J bushels per day. With this outllt
Mr. SounCCr think, 3000 bimlinlB nor ,lnv
could b threshed in ordinary seasons.
Tm Bottle Bbokb, Mr. 0. Q. Burk-
liart has received a proposition from tbe
Indiana glaBS factory people heretofore
roforerd to,which breaks the proposition
n'lo... 1II....I. 1 . ,
. . wiir io i;uui;eriivJ. A UOIlUa
of five acreB of land and $10,0CC in cbbH
for a $30,000 plant is demanded. That
might be met, but the lac ory has to be
guaianicea oit coal laid down at the
maximum price of $1 a ton, an impossi
bility by 4 or $5, anil to be assured of
the ability to securo suflicicut sand.
Another Runaway. Runaways seem
to be epidemic these August days. This
forenoon an exicting one occurred near
the depot. The team of Charles Poebler
started from near the brewery and ran
east, at tho railroad track turning'upon
the track, and running down it 'until
stopped by a culvert, where l e wagon
was tipped bottom .ido up, and the con
tents some pears and boxes, tipped out,
while the horses were partially in tho
ator under the culvert. The outfit was
a strong one and little damage was done.
Deed, Ella May Mach to 8 WDug-
I kit, interest in niocK in Scio... 1
mortgage ior iu.BZ anu $100.
Hatisiactlon of mortgage for 250.
Hop contract J. R. Carlwright of Har
rlsburg, 75 seres, to J. M. Russell A Co.,
6 cents advance, $250 rental and cents
per pound cotutnlsjion foi selling.