t tmtwt SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Else, apjwdor. It cures ainful 8'ji.irdne;, mjrvous feel ind in rowini mill, i.nd in-iUnily takes th ins; out of corns an 1 binnns. It's the reu'o-it comfort discivery of tho age. Alloa's Kini-Eisa in ikes tilit or nuw boos tV.il easy. It is a certain enre for wentintc, odious and hot, tired, aohiaij cut. 1 i y it today. Sold by all dm a gists .ad kio stores, liy mail lor 25u in iUuit. Trial pnekajfai FKKB.. Al'.'reis, Mien ! Oliuslond, l,) Roy, N. V. Is This l'ltiin Enough? It y i'i h ivi a mgynif cjnh and lire !um ;l !'., iro to a dru,; stoic, and gut a b. .II ii' ut Sliiloh'a Consumption Cure like': .; j-tliirdi ol it and thou, it yon are not li'n ili-.ml, return tins bottle lo tbe .lr.. ,.,!., and ho will r.iturn the money , ' .. t V . .,n ,..inl.l ink more. ols. io cl, :.) (is and!. 00. Fur sale by Fred 1 ... v;: .i:i. '...KI If ''0:1 should remember that no oilier medicine in like Sniloli'e Consumption (J.uoinau. respect. If other remedies layo lanei... 11 ibiv- . 1. ..... ........r... UT IV VOll tiiat, n au uio ....... ...... v rdiouli try Sliiloh'a. Always sold undor h native Guarantee. II it does not he. p you, the linguist muet give baek your J ' ,,r . ... r.n..,n .....I 41 till 11 lint money, JO cis., "u 1.10 t-- tie. .''or ealo by Fred Dawson. t 17...., I,.il,t 'C. , nUtmtun of the n-iniber of -i,v dir. he larjre majority die i 11 1 u.i'.io.l. Tnis disease may I u wi'.h an a pp irently harmless .v i I, : j ..in: 1 c m i) -' enrol inn.am.iy uy 1.1 Fn.li.' imat null bUllirs i l ' l uMnt.e.'d In en re, and relieve nil Vricai)!. a il W. Fo: sale by ill ib ll ' 'ists. 1 I'liu Excitement Not Over. IV.) null at the dr.it; store still conlin an ) b.f.l .. .1 . . ., .....j ,.,. ,, c. i lor , ..1 if .... -,, it ,iu ,n tnr tl.n Throat anil I i.i i's lor the care of Coughs, Colds, Asi.li ;to.u OH:! fails Iltlll iu, UcJuoliilii and Uoiniimption 1 . IVi Is.lul. t lie standard faiuilj re :. is .10I1I 01 a iruarautee and never 1 1 iu'ei'iitra s itisfaolion. I'rioo 25e. i I :. 11..-1...1l. ,.f Mitncv Thro.vn away uy women annually in the purchase of cosmetics, lotions and p .w dura, none of which over accomplishes its o'lject. Beauty depends on hcnltliy bluii I and good digestion, such as Karl's Uov.i.' Ho.it Tea guarantees you tor 2o eta. and 50 els. par package. Take .t and wo Kiiaranten your complexion. For sale by i red Dawson . A Cin il Tlmif. Our 0 real-1: rand. nolhers' parrels con '.aini'.l too s inio herbs oi all liualinir fonnil in 1( irl's Clovar Hoot Tea. They (rave our .111-: mtirs strength, kept tho blood pure, and will do the same for yoa if you say so. l'ruiii i" cis and .1) ct.s . F01 Balo by I1 red thivuon.i Sodavillo water on draught at F. 'H. I'feilTer'u. A healthy drink. Ilcniily In llluuil Dtcii. (Van blond means a clean skin. No 1. I.. ,,.ill..i.,l It I H. 1 IlIlllV t iltlllH- tic i-l'i-aii yinir blood and keep ii. clean, by stil l ing up the luzv liver and driving all im ptuilii-s from the body. Ileum to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blaiklieads, and Hint sii-ltlv bilious eonipk.xiou by taking Ciisnii-i'ts, beauty lor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. 25 J, 51)0. T. .1. SliW'8. Attorn ; at Law, Notaiy l'nblie. Collodions and settlement or. estates a npjcuiltv. Olli'.o upstairs over post ollico. Nd-To-I'iw nr Firry t'ntii (limriitiuicil loliticci, lialiil. euro, iiiiilu. . waS bleu slioi.i;. lilootl pcre. fiilc.l. A.U tlrtnn;istj. G. A. PRICE. I'liiiiUiiB ami l'a pur Ihmniiin. K.i'idence In Tierce lluilding. First class work iruarauteed. I'aper lianging lf cents per roll, lieferences (urnished. For Bargains In Farm Lauds, Timber Lnnda"aml Oity l'roperty, call on or write S. N. Si'lOELE A CO. Albany, Oregon W 1 1 ITU SEWING MACHINE, Bran now, taken on advertising, for sale cheap. No old machines needed. Call on tho Dbmociiat BELGIAN HARES ! ! Califoruia Bolgiau Fare Association, L. CAPITAL STOCK M000.OO Importers, Breeders and Jobbers. Own more imported and High tirade Animals than any other company or in dldidual in America. We guarantee all our animals and ped igree to bo as represented, or money re funded, The breeding ol HKLtil AN HARKS is the coming popular industry iu America, Write for cataloiiuo to, Ciliforula Belgian Hare Association, 1'incdii, Culil'orn. Lebanon. From the F A. Mrs. E. O'Neill, of Albany, is viaitinn Mrs. J. O'Neill in this city. C. H. Vehrs, the dairyman, received carload 40,000 pounds of bran yes terday from Albany. Dr. Lamherson was called to Foster yesten ay to set a broken limb for Mrs. ISiohols, mother 01 A , J. an 1 Wm. -Mtn- K. A. McCullv and sisfer, Miss Cora, ill have charge of the Shedd school the coniiii)! school year. In 1SS0 r.ebanm had p. population of 270. In IS'jO it had increased to 82U. The census this year will show a popu lation of about 1,200. Li Coney returned veslerday from Fish lake.' Ho reports that exiling is now Hood at the lakeB. Wo are inlebtedto Mr, Couey for a mess of line trout. Brakoman Een Dodae was in Lebanon Wednesday. He is now working on a passenger train running between Port land and Sheridan. W.J. Cartv (tho Lebanon Banking Co.) has brought suit in the Lane count) circuit court again.,'. T. L. Carly, rcceiv- the Maiket bank ol Ivnoxville, Tenn., lor correction of clerical error in eed to certain lands in bane county, Judge Barton and F. J. Miller, cf Al bany, were in Lebanon Wednesday. They went up and surveyed a location for a new bridge that la to be built across tho Kantiam at the uiouth ol McDowell reek, four miles above Waterloo, iho bridge will afford a crossing for a new road that is being opened. Married, in the Episcopal church in Redding, Cal., Thursday. June 21st, at II :U0 o'ciock, Mr. K, H. Scott, of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and Mias Alice Wither, lonnerly of Lebanon. Mr. Scott is a mining expert, besides owning mining locations in Siskiyou and Trinity coun ties, Calif. The bridB is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. WitherB of thiB place and is a charming young lady, Will & Stark. STOP at their jewelry etore, for the best line of goods in the valloy, in jewel ry, silvorware, watches, clocks, etc. In wat'dicB they have a tine lino of standard makea from one coaling a few dollars up to tbe moat perfectly made to bo Becured. Their line of elockB IB a good one embracing the best novelties, Their Bilverware goods are the best to be secured hero. The very popular cut glass goods will be lound iu their stock in the latest shapeB and designs. An elegant line of rings, earrings, studs, etc , including some lino diamond goods. Souvenir spo dib and other novelties up with the times. Courteous treatimtnt and reliable goods insured. I'o Kootenai Mines via tho () li k N T he '.Spokane Falla & Northern Railway, will change time, and will establish double daily train service between Spokane nnd Itosslainl, eloee connection being made tor all vootonai territory. 1) iy lr in will leave Spokane 10:35 a 111. arrives Kosdnnd B :l)0 p. m., arrive Nel son 8:00 p, 111. Night train will leave Spouaue !l:-li) p. ni., arrive Hosslaiid (i:30 i. 111 , carrying a palace sleeper. i'assengcrs arriving at Spokane on 0. R, No. 4atll:ll0a. m., make close con nection with tho S. f. A. N. day train, and arriving at Spokane on the O, R. & M. No. S at 5:45 p. 111., made good con nection with th S. F. & H. night train. Ci.DjBiNa Uatkm. AVeekiy Dkmocrat ind Examiner $2.50 and Tlirice-a-week vVorld $2.00; and Republic If 1.75: nnd Orogonian $2.25 ami San Francisco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly lour-'ial 2.00 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature Albany Market. Wheat 40 cents. Oats 27. Kggs 12 cents, Mutter 16 to 17 cents. Potatoes 40 cents. Hams 13 coats. Sides 10 cents. Shoulders 8 cents. II. tw A,-o ..ui lkitlni'ys r rtr ItotiliB' mi, 1.1 Phlnrurenll kliliu'v Ills. Sam Sly fruo. A.l.l. M .'ill im UbhumIv v. (' hint mi or N. Y S1XTKK"CKNT LOANii. I have a limited amount of money to loan on tirst-class farm security or improved busineaa property in Albany. Interest six per cent for particulars call on or address. II. F. Mkiuui.i,, Democrat building. Albany , Oregon GO". EAST GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Shorlosl aofl Qiicteii Line To St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis Chicago and all pcinls K.ist. Through I'alace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Bullet Saioking Libtary Can Daily trains; list time; service and scenery unniunleil. TicKots to points K.nf via Portland and tho Ureal Northern Ky.,on salo at : O . R. N . Dock office. Southern Pacific Depot Ticket Ofl'oe, Albany, or Ureal ; Northern Ticket Office, S6S Morrison St., t'ortianil. For Kates, Folders and full in forma tion regarding Eastern Trip, call on or id Iress, I A. B. C. Dksxiston, City Pan. and Ticket Agent, Portland drove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. The formula n plainly printed on every bottle hence; you know just what you are taking when you take Grove's.' Imitators do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy their medicine if you knew what it contained. Grove's contains Iron and Quinine put up in correct, proportions and is in a Tasteless form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the malaria o:t cf the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that Grove's u the OHijiasS and that all other so-called Tasteless Chill Tonics arc imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows that Grove's is superior to all others in every respect.. You are not experimenting when you take Grove's its superiority and excellence having long been established. Grove's is the only Chill Cure spld throughout the entire malarial sections of the United States. No Cure, No Pay. Price, 50c. TF.RM5. Jaily Dkuc rat, 25cent.B per moulh 13.00 per yea. , in advance, 30c permonih not in advance. By carrier, 10c pel week. 10 per cent added it allowed to run over niontha. Single copies 5c. Wkukly, $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end f your; 1.75 for second year; $2.00 for bhird and oreceedintr vears, when not paid in advance. ClubB of 6va new aubscribera at 85.00. TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder to be shaken into the shoes. Your feet feel swollen, nervous ar.d not, and got tired easily. If you havj smart ing feet or tighf shoes, try Allen's Foo -Kaso. It cools the feet and mokes walk ngeasy. Cures swohen, sweating fee ngrowiug nails, blisters and callous spot, Keheves corns and Ouaionsof all pain a gives rest and comfort. Try it tod S ila by all druggists and shoe storos 25c. Trial package free Address, A Olmsfead, Lo Roy, N. Y. ltrcut;i witli you wlii'Uiur you ctmUnue tlin Iit'rvo-kilin lubatcn tuiliit. NO-TO-1IA". n'Jt iiiirvotiMilif Ircas, exi)ilBtueo ttiif". inirilleb tho blood, m- utorcs loat nifititioud.-anTjil 000 hoxca makes you str(mii-rf3 I B I 'Lpaold, 400.0M in hiMiltli.iicrvijrfra' 9 i WflSiasusfiircil. liuy ami POCkct-rfyRyVTj NOTO ItAC! from book. .i?iTyur own (iniirKist, who awiu vouch foriis.Tuku invuri Tvlll nnllonllv. (in rtim I'litl v. Olio box, SI, uttually cures; 3boxt'B,S.M inidriiiitood topurtr. or wo rcfiin.l monc. Uinlfig UijfdjCo., itlesei Bontreal, Her) X th FOSHAY 4 MASON Wholesale & Retail DRUBQISTS ANDBQOKSEU?!. iLBANT, OREGON. Pure DrugB and the flneat and Largest Stock ol Stationary and Books n the Market, NEW VORK WORLD '1 liricc-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week . . . . . 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar nbllBhedevttry HernateHay exreptSun J The Thrice-n- Week Edition of TnE Net Yokk Wonr.n is first among all "weekly papers in ai'.o, frequency of publication and the freahLSss, nccuracy ana variety oi Usconteiua. It has all the merits of h tfreat $6 daily at t he price of a rtolla weekly. Us political news is prompt, coin LEGALDIREGTORY Albany W R Bilyeti, Foshay & Mason block H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block J N Duncan, P O block, T P Uacklcman, Pearce block Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N 11 Humphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank building, L H Montanve, Pearce block, J C Powell, P O block. O E Sox, PO block. L L Nwann, Hank building. H 0 Watson, bank building. Weatberford A Wyatt, Bank bnildlu Whitney Newport, Ouaick block. G W Wright, PO block. Lebanon." P M Garland. Brownsville A A Tussing. T J Wilson , PATENTS-: DESIGNS TRAOE.MARKS RKS AND COPYRIGHTS . OBTAINtO ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in " Inventive Aro " lHHik"Uowtoobtainl'aicntaM FREE r Chargt$ modtrat. No fee till patent iB secured. 1 I Letten. strictly wnfl.lential. AdilreK, I - i 'JUl LawTfer, Waihington, u. C Ufllttilo pern'iii ol a mff!ititcl or InTentlvc mind ttrnlrlniiktrlptotiie l'urli ftxi-otltlon. wltbsoo4 ITT Mil riJMWlpUl,!, (li.Mlltt wrllfl TU TATENX liKtOItU.Unltlniore, MC Chills 2nd Thomas Brink Has the oldest eetftblished Furniture IiouEe in i lie city, lie keeps the finert otock Furniture in tlia val ley. Give iiii ' ' fall and look over liis fine i:nodo uti' -r,H liifl prices be fore you buy. J. Joseph. ALBANY -OFFERS A MAKES M,AKES lfc HighQrade College Education To every boy and girl that has the ambition to attain one. The course ia complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, A1ATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES The Normal Courie leads up to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Cou"w has now become a Business College Equal to anything in the State. Now illustrated catalogue. Board at the Students Club at actual cost price. For particulars write Albany, Oregon. Conallis & Eastern Railroafl. TIME CARD. No. 2 For Yaquina: Train leavea Albany 12:45 p. m. " " Corvallis 1:55 p. ni. " arrives Yaquina.... 7:25 p. m. No. 1 Keturnirir: Leaves Yfquma 6:00 a. m. " CorvHl ia 11 :30 a. m. Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m. No. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m. ArriveB Detroit 11:30 a. m. No. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:20 p. in. Arrivea Albany 5:45 p. m. One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern Pacitic trains, giving direct service to and from Now port and adjacent beaches. Trains for the mountains arrive at De troit at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breitenbush and SantiaiD rivers the same day. Edwin Stoss, H. L. Walden, Manager. T. F. & P. A. J. Tubbnk, Asent, Albany . OUR CAPACITY Is Unequnlcd In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed-" In Oregon. 7e have the best stock it select from and our prices sro always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Fri.iter 1 M Lounges, Couches Bedroom suits, coarEe and fine Rockera, Baby Carriages, Go cartB Badding, Spring mattresses, Matting Hide boards, fine extension tableB etc. Qtiici salfin anft sua!' ofit OSQAR FACTORY Proprietor. COLLEGE THOROCJGH - WALLACE HOWE LEE, "President AND- S00 PACIFIC LINE. Direct route to and from all Haste, t points and Europe through theGRANL' EST SCENERY in America. Through first class sleeping and touris cars from coast to ST PAUL TORONTO MONTREAL BOSTON Without Change. Royal Mail Steaisllj Lta TO CHINA, JAPAN and AUSTALIA For full information regarding rate etc. apply to . S.N.STEELE, H.H.ABBOTT, Albany.Ore. Agent Portland, Ore. E. J. COYLE, A. G. P. A, Vancouver, B. O. A. sCavcataanaT.'ftilo MartBObtMrwd and all Pat-J Pent businrda conducted for Moderate Fees. Bpmlmodcl.urawinROrphoto. Yi eaaTim iff itcnUl.lefreoofclnr(. Our feo not due till 'niitentii (-oured. A Pamnhlet "llnw toOb-t t uia Pattits," frith eont of same lr the E- B.1 iMil romQ oouDUlo aent rroe, Addreaa a A. SNOW & CO. . Ptnt Orieo, WasNiPtarcN. D OA Bridge Notice. Notice is hereby given that at a regu lar meeting of the Common Council 0 the city ol Albany, Oregon, held on the 13th day ol February, 1900, the follow ing resolution was adopted and order made. Resolved, That the wagon bridge now located in the city of Albany and extend ing across the Willamette river and be ing partially in Linn and Beaton connt ies at thiB time unsafe to be used by the traveling public. Therefore it is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the city of Albany that all travel be suspended on said bridpe from this time until further nc tbe uiven by the said conncil and that due notice be given to the public ol the suspension of travel over and along said bridge by publishing a copy of this reso lution and order in tbe Albaky Demo crat a newspaper oi geueral circulation in Litiu and iScntoncountiee Oregon, dur ing the pleaEure of s. ld Council and fur ther by poBting printed copies oi this resolution and order at the annrnnnhes of said bridge on either side thereof in conspicuous places. Lone by order if the Common Coun cil oi the city of Albany. Orojjon. In witness whereof I have heieuuto set my baud and caused 10 he aflised the Eeal of said city. tuts j-tth dav of February, A, D. 19C0. V, H. Davis, .Mayor, L S.i Attest: J. S. Van Vi.ki.e, Kcoorder of the city of Albany, Or. SOUTH and EAST SOUTHERN PACIFIC Trains leave Albany for Portland ni:d way stations at 4:47 am, 7:00a m and 3 .Oi p m, Leave Portland 8:30 a m 8:30 p c ilbany 12:35 p m 11:30 p m Arrive Ashland. . . .12:30 a 111 12:05 a m " Sacramen! 0 . . 5:00 p 111 4:35 a m " &m Francisco. 7:J5 p iu 8:loani Arrive Osden " Denver " Kansas City. . , " Chicago 5:45 a m 11:4?. a re 9:00 a ui 8:10 a m 7 :25 a 111 7 :25 a in 7 :45 a 111 0:30 am Arrive Los Alleles. . 1:20 pin 7:00 am '' KlPaso 6:00 pm 6:00 p ni tort Worth... 6. -30 am 6:30 am " City of Mexico 9:55 a rn 10:30 am ' Houston .'3:35 am 3:35 am ' New Orleans.. 6:25 pm 6.25 p ni Washington . . 6:42 a m 3:42 am Ssew York... .12:43 p m 12.43pvu Pullman and Tourists carB on both tra!",s.-, rlCh'air cars Wacramento to Ogden and I'd Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japsiu China, Philippines, Central and South" America. bee O. K. Frokk agent at Albany etJ tion or address t C. H, MAItKUAM.tx. 1'. A, Portland, Or. I Atlantic Salt Lake, Denver, jr; Fast bxDress Wn,.n nmai.M v.un.,1,, i.ttu- iviau pm eas Oity, St Louis. 8 :45 n n, Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spok Spokan Fiver ftnft. Tinnannnl.' a nn' V. ! '""..je"1, "ye 6:00 pm Paul, Duluth, Mil 8.40am wauaee. unicago, & East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 D m For San Francisco Sail every five daya 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER i B m Sunday STEAMERS. Ex SuSdav Saturday To Astoria and Way ! lOpm Landings. 6 a m WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 p m Exbun. Oregon Oity, Newberg, Ex Sen Salem, Independence and Wiy-Land'i 7am WILLAMETTE AND S-sn. Tuesdav. YAMHItT.uiu S .30 p m i'hure., Oregon Oity, Dayton, Werf87 and Sat. and Way-Lands. and Sa't 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 nm Tuesday Portland to Corvalli- Monday InJfa', and Way-La"ding. Wed., and Sat' and Fri PmrU SNAKE RIVERSm Oaily Ripana to Lewiston Daily W.H.HURLBURT, Gen, Pass. Agent. a GE.NGS, Portland, Or, Agent Albany. ' F'UIST N ATlOiVAL BARF. 07 Ar.SAHT, ORBeoH) Pfosldeut.., M 71;ePrelilQl ,, ahlor ....-LFLINfl . B TOCNO inMOALWa uKNKHAbDftnklujfoailaM ACCOUNTS KEPT aWect to theci IQHTKXCHANOK .PJl,l.grphlo tr o.l.r, ,0 o Me To-k 8d Frmcltco.Ohlctgo.ndPoitiui LSOTION9 .ADKon lnor.bU timi 9 E Toom" I Ll-M) r 1 Ooouwu" l. I Lnnt-B i 0 B. Plikk.ii, 3TREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Tne motor on the Albanj Street Kain, will connect prompty with all trains ton ' from the depot, day and jitbt. Special trips will be roade at in,.J rate. r Moob Tercut ,1