Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, June 01, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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F P. NUTTING, Ed. and Prop.
Entered at the PostOmoeat Albany
regon, as second olass mall matter.
Rdmemberon next Monday to cait
your vote lor Mr. Spienger for county
By all means vote,
home on election day
of suffrage.
D Dot stay at
Uao yonr right
Dyspepsia 20 Years
Could Ent Only Stale Broad All
Else Caused Distress.
' I have derived eo much benefit
from Hood's Sarsnpaiilla, after having
been a sufferer for more than 20 years
from a bad stomach trouble, that I
would like to tell about. For years I
was obliged to live on stale bread and
the juice of beefsteak. I had a great
deal of inflammation and gastrio
troublo and waB twice at death's door.
A friend told mo of Hood's Barsapa
rilla and I decided to try a bottle. I
derived so much benefit from it that I
got three more, and after taking them
felt that I was entirely cured. I am
now 85 years old and enjoy excellent
health for ouo of mv years, but every
spring I take a bottle of Hood's so
that Ifmay feel strong nnd well during
the summer, and I recommend it to
anyono who suffers from dyspepsia
or indigestion." Mrs. A. . JUitsoit,
12 Masou Street, Kulem, Mass.
All Run Down -Torpid Liver.
" Every spring I suffer from torpid
liver and the debilitating influence
of tho change from cold to warmer
weather. Last spring found mo un
usually run down, having nursed
four of my children, unassisted,
through a sicgo of scarlet fever. I
took Jlood's Sarsnpaiilla and passed
through tho trying months without
any inconvenienco whatever. I be
licvo for persons having an inactive
liver and poor blood Hood's Sarsapa
is a good medicine." Mits. E. B.
Gitoss, Findlay, Ohio.
It is because Hood's Sarsaparilla is
Peculiar to Itself that it effects such
remarkable cures. Try it.
Steady, honest, capable,
ill make a county judge
ashamed of.
Mr. Palmer
never to bj
A brewery has been struck by the
same bolt ol lightning that knocked down
two Methodist ministers.
Do'not fail to put a mark before the
name cf W. F. Hammer for county cleric
He is a gojd man for tie position and
entirely competert.
Here ia one thing every democrat and
every populist should do on election day
vote for Ed Meeker for county record
er. He is entitled to every democratic
and every populiBt vote in the county.
An active, energetic man, one always
on the alert, quick to discern and ready
to act, is the kind of man that is wanted
to fill the office of sheriff. G. W. Mc
Harnue fills this bill in all particulate.
See that you mark opposite Lis name
when you come to vote.
Victory ft Hand.
Editor Democrat:
It has been the privilege of the writer
to look closely into the political condi
tion In Linn,county during the prase nt
campaign and having done so in a spirit
devoid of partisanship, and with a view
of ascertaining the result of tb. balloting
next Monday.I bave no hesitation in
saying that the republican partv will
suffer one of the most crushing defeats
that has ever oefallea them In this conn.
tr . This ib predicated upon the contin
gency that the democratic and populist
votes are reasonably fully east nextluon-
day. I want here and now to mate a
last but earnest appeal to every populist
in tbe county to not tail to vole and Nto
Bee that every democrat and populiet
in his precinct votes. H all do tbis tbe
victory will be a most glorious one. This
is intended for him who reads ttiisarti-
cle. Fides.
Ho Your Duty.
Well Pleased
describes the feelings of thoee who are
using our oew Wall Papers. We shine
in our patterns and moderate price i. The
largest assortment of new designs. Beau
tiful re is, greenB and Losoon smokes,
superb combinations, charming and
Masonic Temple BuiUin
Of eourso, tho Cuban acandal is entirely
confined to the civilian appointees and
the War Department ia innocent, Of
course it ic. But still we should really
like to have seme furthor information as
to that 32,000 a mile railway.
The United States doesn't need to own
tho whole of Asia in order to get its share
uf tbe oriental trade' All that is neces
sary is rustle. Hence all this oriental
trade areument in connection with th
from each-other. They are known by
their flour. Wa are very particular about
tbe qualitv of the wheat, we buy for
grinding. Our brand is famous to' its.
gustrntiingand uniform excellence. Gro
cers T.HD sell IV ntsver ion
cheir business Wheat ran't be conveit-
n democrat or oopuliet can forete'.l
how much depends upon his doing his
whole duty on election day. Do yon
. .I.- Ih. aliinilnn ftf Hnitlfl f.andl
7 ' "Zend noon ihe effort putled into sny thine bftter than our Magno
date may depend upon the ettorl pu u vmh pricei 70 centB per
lorm to Becuro uio oitui'"". I eack.
m oBi-uro th vote mat wouia eiecu
Daly to cougrees. Let every tone labot
to eecure support for Mr. Daly for Tongue
has proven himself to be inefficient and
derilent. Libor all day next Monday as
though you needed just one vote more
for the ticket .
From the Li Grindo Chronicle.
When a stale sc-iatcr Trim Linn county
a dozen years ag , Hon. J . IC. Veather
ford, one of the ablest democrats in the
state, made a determined tight in tre leg
Philippines, which continue to grow in j islature for the repeal of the law that pre
size as an elephant, iB the thinnest kind vents a railroad man injured by the care-
-Mrs. J. V. Tnomas
repaled "to 7o fashionVble ss , -rom him what they had said And yet
making, asaisted by Miss Botlemiller, the administration contends that .there
an experienced dressmaker, recently 1 jB B0 Anglo-American alliance or under
lain Portland. Rooms 3rd aleet.just Bt(ln(iim, .
east of the O. &. E. railroad.
of lessneas ol a teilow employe irom nwuver-
iug damages. The legislatire was domin
While the Boer delegates were talkinir -i-j ,ien a, D0W by the master hand o
with Secretary Hay, tbe British ambas- joe gimon and the rein f demanded by the
sador was waitine in tbe ante room with railroad emnloves was not granted. And
tbe intention of seeing. tbe secretary as
soon as tbe Boers left and finding out
Magnolia Mills.
The Best
In Albany by the
Long Pnoto Jo.f
In Froman Brick.
The leading gallery of Aloany.
1 he . onlv-up- .o-date first class
studio in town.
All work to oleasc.
Albany Oreeon.
Office! Bank of Oregon Building.
Only set of Abstracts of Linn County.
'omp'ete set of maps and plats
Littler & Littler
Broadalbln St.,
Albany, Or.
A new line of Groceries and Provisions, etc., recently opetedat iorrcer
Milloy Bland corner 2nd & Jackson.
Market price for country produce.
General delivery for city. Telophone 132.
Yons patron age is respectfully solicited.!
I III Un ...llaf . Innir as the Mnlt.
laere win ura uu muo. e
nomuh ringslers dominate the legislature
of the state, Vote for no man blindly,
Gef jour pledges, find out where the can
didates stand before you delegate them
authority to represent you
All honortoThe newspaper men who I The Cottage Urove Leader boasted o
have served in the African war. Twelve Prosperity on its streets on account
ol them have been killed already, and f work in the m.nes a,d immed
many or the survivors havebeen wrecked ately t ie R-gister jumped up. clapped
u . , ,, . .!.. itahaods, and yelled what a break had
I U " , " BUU " " " ' been made, ouo that would hurt the
LOST OK STOLEN.-An overcoat black, no Victoria mosses, no promotions, no , umon Thla tra Blat,mf.nt i. a
noar y now, ( isappeareu on pensions, anu yenney . gre.ver u i anmmeots of some of 'the
republicau papers. As Mi. Woolly intim
! ated about the only argument the repu'i
It will not surprise the Democrat if llcan party lias is the cry of "rrosperi'y;
Mr. Tongue la defeated for reelection by , prosperity, piospeiity," which every
conslderble of a majority. There is a , body is glad to tee whf re it is deserved,
.irnnntidothitwav A republican who and Is bound to occur in mining camps
hay at will probably vote his ticket straight
! with the exception of for congressman
FOB SALE. One and a half If. P. en
gine, in good ore'er, with 4 II. P. up
right builer, fittings complete. North
from Albany Vyi miles.
J. M. Conck'-in, Sr. ,
UUUIl- lion, - , ,,u..v.Uhw, j .- - "
day.iMay 1, from my buggy, while in more 00ntinUouB risks thn any equal i
B-S V V. Gorr. of sold.ers In the entire army.
HOUSE FOE RENT. 2nd hand furnit
ure and carnets for sale cheap if taken
nnnn. Inouire of 11. F. Mcllwain,
cash store.
FOR SALE. A few tons of loose
Tho Albany Nurseries.
FOR S VLE .Two work horpes, a voung Bam to me ukmocuat man n mw uays
!.,' nr will trado for a driving iiorso. at0 that Tongue stood forj legislation in
' the interest; of the corporations and
: trusts, while Daly wonld represent the
iniin. nr will trade for a driving I
Cull at tho Dknockat otlice.
and among the truatB and mouopolies.
WANTED. Girl to lo t?,"p' ',0' people, and that the stare would beniuch
worK. ni. IMII.U. -
E. lliidgolord.
FOR RENT. One of my stores.
, better off with some other man in
position. Ho doesn't like
particular call at storo
"or record and will voto against him. And
thero are many others.
Close to Election.
Foil Sale. A comfortable, well built ,
four room, turnisiicu coiuigo ui. "j".
Croek. . j It is only a few davs until election, and
T7, on' i nn,l farm of 228 acres, the campaign is neatly ended. It baa
123 acres in cultivation, orchard, first been a clean one on the part of the union
carried on above board, not
..i.. i.,.ii,iincra and cood water, situnt'
ed two iiulos west o e undorhandid. If the full vote is caal as
iutlicftted by the reg.Bration, and there is
' ..rv 1 PA,,nn in;u.ta ihiil ift trill Ha thn
iunuu w ..
Baltimore Block, Albany, Oregon.
and invites the ipub'ic to call acd examine
yoods and j rices before purchasing elsewhere.
I urnish hearse free to those purchaBing undertaking goods from me.
Telephone, Black No. 401.
io. Collins D D S
A. Jack Hodges D D S
jdd Fel.ow's Temple, Albany, Ot.
That Tooth
needs attention
Remember it can be filled
or extracted without Daiu
DR. , .L. HILL,
rbysician atid Surgeon
Hill Block - - - Albany, Or.
Stanley Stewart,
union ticket will be elected bt a large
COWS. 20 milch cows lor sale. Inquire llla jority. This is not a mere political
ot 11 . Rryant. 1 statenint but a statement bared on
, . excellout ovidenco. Among the union
Mr firadWOlll'S BusineSS. 'force-there is a general unanimity of
mi.Ulaunuiiis sentiment In roloronce lo the ticket, one
. - ' bave become known,
....!.. il,n iranoral public that is answered with an expression of
that 1 havo como to tho conclusion that eatl8m.tion d the vote receivid by the
. in l. I II. n fnlurn WllOlO- . . .... .... . l
mv business um , ". ,,, different candidates wil1 not vary mucu
Z ' business will ho in the ' WMaj I m
Biilo and Kotnil Grocery, and that 1 will ,
not add liquors or patent aal ( acco:
an mo in."
public and im my cubvoih-Stats
I ortor for 10B6 prico i .
eaine as 1 sold for fo,mr ns" st ated.
Mocha and Java coffeo iOcpot lb., reg
ular price 40o. My lavoriw ..v-
per lb., regular price 2oc. ,
3 cans Finest TomatooB -oc.
I dosiro to buy Bomo egs eitlior in
tradoorcash. . .
Sugar wholoBaie anu revi.i. ,
joct to the change of the niarket.
accordi-g to tho present outlook. There-
intonded to do, but 1 will keep on Belling Ior ft Br0Ug pull together will mean
lllVU".. . 1 I ..-Innn fnr Hilt ' . . . . .. .......
all my goods at reuueuu igood deal lor tne vcum,
cash. , ,,, .! "
I also call ttie nitcm.iuu u.
or Ohio, City op ioi.kio,
1.1THAS Coontv.
Frank J . L'hkky makes calh tnat he
is tne senior partner of tho firm of F
Curmby & Co., doing butineFS in the City
of Toledo, County nnd state atoresaio, ann
that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
HUNURED DOLLARS for each and every
crse of Oataarh that cannot be cured by
tho us of Hall's catakii lukk.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
tr.y pn aenco, this 0th day ot December, A,
j tKA1 Notary Public
Hull'. Clnnrh Dure is taken internally
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfacis of tho system. Send for lestim-
oiials. Iree- ,
F J CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0
Sold by Drueeistt, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Wall paper the Iftost designs and
shades. Look our line over before buy-
, ing elsewhere. We save you money.
We cliipi drTTiT beef to order in any
untity. . . O. E. Bbqwnell,
Buy your.
Haruiate -,
it s a
w w
for health and enjoyment are sure to be
sought on a good bicycle, and there is
none that can beat the 1900 Crescent or
Sterling wheels. Many follow but none
lead the Crescent or Sterling wheels any
where. They arc always ahead and
maintain their superiority over any on
the market. Careful, honest and skilled
construction and speed is the secret of
ltssucceBB. We have them at $20.00 to
$50 00.
For a woman to come to that period
known as change of life. It is almost
always a penoa oi suncrmK, "lc us;
raneement of mind and body is some
times so great that the family life is ut
terly marred by the unhappy wife and
niotner. At sucn a nine every wuum.i
needs just the help that is given by Dr.
Vierce s f avorite rrescnpnuu. ai. nuiw
with Nature, soothes the nerves by nour
ishing them, and cures diseases cf the
delicate organs. In brief, it makes weak
women strong; sick women well.
"Favorite Prescription" contains no
alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor any
other narcotic.
I have taken (our bottlM of 'Favorite Pre
scription' for female weakness and change of
life," wrltee Mr. Mule A. Bowman, of New
Mntamora, Washington Co., Ohio. Before I
, ..n.... j, T ivmiM nnl do aiivthin?. I had
luch palm in tuy head and In the back of my
neck (hat 1 thought I would lose my mind. Now
1 can work every day and do not suffer. I rec
ommend Favorite Prescription to all women
uOerinB; In the period of change of life. It ia
the best medicine I have ever found."
Every woman should send for aVw
copy of Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser.
Send II one-cent stamps to pay expense
of mailing only for the book in paper
covers, or ji stamps for cloth, to Dr.
H. V. Pierce, Buffalo.N. Y.
and that thought, after full considers
tion, wsb that it would In every way. be
to their advnntage, to trade with F. E.
Allen & Co. because they always bave
the fat of Tns lanh in fine eatables of all
kinds. We have mild California Cheete
and the celebrated Woodland Cheese and
we pride ourselves on the toeBt Coflee in
the cilv. JuBt opened up a fine lot of
Eastern Hams ard Breaskfast Bacon.
See our Bhow window for Dried Fruits
and Table delicacies. In short we Bre
prepared to furnith you the best goods
to be uau at ivpbeuubu-.o mwi
I fl I . l V""t-
Music Miss Muarca Burmestei
eacherof pianc or organ. SyBtem tb(
Mason touch and technioue. Residence
Fiftbctreot,op30Bite U P church.
Ho-Te-Kw for nrtjr Ceau . .
aranteed tolen habit cure. mskv. wal
imu, blood pure. wo. si. AH drusgiais
Noticiis heieliy given that funds are
on hand to pay city warrants Nos. 1 to
S) inclusive of the issue of 1899 Inter
est on said wsrrants will cease with the
dale of this nolire.
Albany, Or., Dec. 27, 1899.
. E. I'arkir, City Treasurer,
NoUce in " lnrenttT Asa
Hook "How toobUin raMoto"
Chant moderate. No t till TuiUnt it iwcured.
Lett n strictly confidential. AddretK,
t. Q. SIGGERS, PiUnt Liwrtf . WBihlngton, 0. C
To the Music
Those contemDlatincr tak'nir ur tn
tudy of muslo will find it to their inter.
est to investigate the advantages offered
uy AiDany uouege. ibe following
branches are taught:
Mr. Wirtz, Musical Director, is a omA
uate of the Chicago Conservatory of Mu
sic, and has studied with such artiste as
Seeboeck, Ziegfeldt, Koelling, Falk, Gar
wood, Ruff, and the late Dr. Karl Merz.
These men are masters in their respect
ive uvparLuieuMj uuu musicians oi world
wide lame.
Mrs. Wirtz, instructor in vocal music.
is a pupil of Mr. William Nelson Burritt
who is known to be one of the best voics
teacberB in America today. Mr. Burritt
studied eight years in Italy and Beverai
years in London.
The methods UBed in Albany College
Conservatory are the latest and most ap
proved, being the combined result ol
superior instruction received experience,
and the acquaintance with the methods
of our eastern conservatories.
Tuition reasonable. PuDils mav'entei
at any time. '
tail term opens Sept. 19, 1899.
For further. information call on or ad.
Pressident Wallace Howe Lee.
THE K. O. T. M.
every Saturday evening at K, O, T. M.
nai. visiting Uniybla invited.
C. S. HARNISH, Commander.
V illamet'e Camp No. 6465 meet every
second and fourth Saturdays of each
month in the G. A. R. hall. Visiting
members are invited.
C. G, Burkhart, V. C.
E R Huston clerk.-
Try Parker Bros.
For the best Groceries,
Baked Goods, and
Fresh Produce and Fruits.
M. Senders & Co,
Bay and Oat Warehouses-
eevenu and Railroad Streets.
We f prepared to take op storagt
3elc3 hay, will buy your oat in anv
inanity at top market pre .
v..ts bought In car lots at any ship
ping point.
Insurance, Hay, Grain and Wocl.
H. F. Tlerrill
L Lolfections promptly atte.ided to, cor
spandeoce solicitel. Office in Us bo
bat building.