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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1900)
I T Bushes ot Money Thrown away oy women annually 11 me purchase of coametics, lotions and p .w Sera, none ol which ever accompLa he. u . ,..., lannni ii on healthy bloo 1 ana go 1 i oigwwuu, ... -- - , Clover Rot Xe.i guwantees you lor J8 els. an 1 50 ou. p M. ' " ,. ora, lies roar comlelon. ror saie by fcred Dawson. Is Til's Plain EnouRli? IfynhWi a ot?in ough and are i..: .' a ..i, t j ,lr.i stoie. and get a uJ ..( "siiilnh'a Cmaumptioa Cure rLVi-i'iirdiof it and then, if you are ,. h.n.ii.wi. riturn thi' bottle to ine j .nlhj will return the money I th it f tir? N ana could ask more 25ct,5Jotiai.t 1.0J Dawaon. Fur sale by i'retl l-i)rej)i.a'-ttiitio of the number of dnhi. intii-.tli) Urge miprilydie .in. I'nia disease may i in ajjirentty harmleaa n.ii viiion b; uu.-dl instantly by xr. 1 ... i .i...n fi- ihi rhmatand bungs ii ,uriiv-lt c ire an 1 relieve all IVu. r.;. t d 5);. tor sue ny all dnjtHtt . Nothlni! Lute It. Ton should remember that no other medicine ia like Sliiloh'e Consumption Dura in aav respect. If other remedies lm"B filled ti relieve yourcough or cold that ia aW the mire reason why you should try Sliiloh'e. Alwiya Bold under a nnsitive imirantee. 11 it floe) not ue you, tin druggist must give back youi money. 25 eta., 60 eta., and 1.00.a bot. tie. Jr eale by f re i lmwsou. v la Blood Deep. Plm.n l.lnnd means a clenn skin. No t i ;i,n..f if Pnornrptn. Candv Cuthar- tie clean your blood and keep u clean, by .... 11. n l..u lii7pr mill driving, all lm purities from tlio body. Begin to day to banian pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that Bicklv bilioilB complexion by taking CnBcurets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c. 4c, OUC. f',i.n.:aiNa Ratrs. Weekiy Dbmocrat ind Examiner $2.60 and Thrice-a-week uir-l,i i9.M1: and Uenublic $1.75: and n.nuniiinn 2.25 and San FranciBco Weuklv Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly lour ial 2.00 SHAKE 'INTO "YOUR SHOES Allen's Foot-Eue, a powder. It cure painful smarting, nervout feet ana in growing nailj, and intanily takes th sting out of corns and binbna. Its Ihe greateat comtort otscivary or. iue ts aiiu.'. v.mi-Kian ir.akoB tiaht or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain enre for sweating, cilloua ana nor,, ureu, nuiius feet. Try it today. Sold by all rtro agists and rnirifi stores. Bv mall for 2oc in stamps. Trial packages l Kb c,. Alien S uirosteaa, be Roy, . i . l lic Excitement Not Over. at the dr.iz store still contin ues and d lily sores of peiple call lor a bottle of Kim as miaaui lor rr.e i"" AndL'ingaforthecureof Coughs, Lolda, Asthma, UronenitH ani waiuninio" . Kemp a Balsam, tha stancli.r.1 lamil) re medy, is sold on a gu iran'.-e and never fails to give onl:r9 aitisfactiou. Puce 25c. an 1 5 Jj. AGuidTlnng. fi..-ci.a.i. r;rml.nothRrs' iirret8 con tained tha a ime herbs of all healing found in Kirl'a Ulovar Hoot Tea. They gave onr ancest irs 8troig:b,kopt tha blood pure, and will do the aame for you it you say so. Price 23 eta aid a J c'.s. roi saie j nou Dawaon. Y CASTOR I A For Infaats and Children. ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of This Pnper Una Year. Farm Journal S Years. un.,,. Dim wuurcu flurmeatei ...I,.. n( nianc ,-ir orirnn. Svatom the Maen louch Mid techuiuiie. Keaidence Fifti;e'-iroat,t!PPoaite U P chinch. Albany Alnrket. -Wheat 43 -outs. Oiita 27. Eit;a 11 iionts. Butler IS to 17 cents. 1'olatoo.i 40 cents. Hams 13 cnata. Sides 10 cents, Shnnl!lerB8 cents. Pay up and gal both papers at price of ne. Wo want more new subscribers to our Weekly; we therefore continue our ar rangement with the Farm Journal by whicn wo can son 1 Ihe Democrat and the Farm Journal 6 years, both tor $1 Ana nrn m ike the saniB olfjr to ail old subscrib er who will pay all arrearages and onfi yenr in advance. Yon know what ours ia end the harm Jouraul ii a gom practical, progressive clean, hinest, useful paper full c! gumption, full o sunshine, with an im mense circulation am jng the best people veryvvlmro. You ouilil to take it. Daily subicrioori p lying in advance an ulso fio;ure iu. GREEN SICKNESS Is rsthw a oommon dlMus and la vat wit mongst yonnf women. It Is eauwd from Impoverlihed condition of ths blood. Being biooa auftaw uniww.i can b earsd by H IJDYAK, the sraat veritable remedy for the blood and nerves. IICOYAX will en rich the blood and give It back lu color. Thebloodbelng in a poor condition, none of the organs of the body are property nonrlibed. HUI YAN will mum the blood to become pnre. ni!IYA. winreitoretheorganitoaheelthy condition. HIIVVAX will brlnr back the Mnnm to the cheeks and came the green tings to dlneppear. If you have the eymptomi, take lltJIIVA.V now, and they wiu leave yon. THE PRINCIPAL SYMPTOMS ARE: 1. CONSTANT HBADACHB. HUDYAN will make the blood pure and nutritious and the headache will disappear. B. OREEN1SH, OR YELLOWISH GREEN COMPLBXION.-IIUOYAJI will make the complexion red and rosy. 8. PULSATION IN THE NGCK.-Thlslsdne to the watery condition of the blood, ana will disappear ahortly after the use of II Vi YAJI Is commenced. 4. WEAKNESS AND PALPITATION OP THE HEART.-1IWIYA5I will etrengthen the heart aad make the beats full, strong and tegular. IIUDYAX Is the remedy that yaa want. The color will return to your checks. Your headache will disappear and you will no longer annpar weak and mlsorable. JIUDYAN will restore the functlona of natnre. Remember that IIDOYAX Is for men and women. Go to your druggist and get HUDYAS and follow the directions as given In the circular. IIUUYAS1 Is soid at W ceuia per pacange, or 6 packages lor 12.50. If your druggist docs not keep It, send dlrec' to the II U OVA SI HEJIKDY COMPASiY, 8an Francisco, CaL Remembor that you can consult the HUDYASI WOCTOllr F1IBK. Call and see the doctors. You may call and see them or write, as you desire. Addrca Hudyan Remedy Company CsMisf Stockton, Market and Elllt Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Notice to Stockholders. NOTIOH lb H EKE BY GIVEN THAT iho Annual Melii:7 of the Block liohlora ol Albany Farmers Co., will be held ut the ollice of anid company in Allmiiy, Una county. Oregon, ou the isti, dav of May. 1000, at One o'clock p. m. of SBid day, f r the purpoBO ni ol,.,.tini seven (71 dirootora to L inr the tx.-tn ol one year, and the traduction ol such other business as may come beloro the moatimr. Dodo by oidor ol tlio Board ol Direct rS" M. H. Wilub, ProBident. Attest: Puss. 13. HAitHiiaiib, Secretary. TRY ALLEN'S F00T-EASE A powder to bo Bhukrn into the shota. Your feet feel Bwollen, nrvous and not, and got tired oaiily. IE you hav bmart ing feot or tight bIio;ib, try Allen's foo. Ebbo. It cools the feot and makes walk ngeasy. (Jures awohon, Bwcatius feet, ngrowing nuils, blisters and callous spots rlelioves corns anu ou lions oi an pain nn givos rest and comfort. Try it toda S)la,by all druigis'.e and alne stores f 25o. l'rial p icltags (we Address, All Olmitoad, Li Boy, H.X. NORRIS & ROWE'S - m at Big I rained Animal SHOWS. At Albany, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9TH. Performances 2:30 and 8 P. M. Grand Free Street Parade at 11 A, M. Enormous Waterproof Tents. 300-Performmg Animals-300 Theie are the big moral shows that delighted 109,000 at Mechanics Pavilion, San Francisco, recently, and received tin unanimous indorsement ol prees and public, EVFRY ACT NEW THIS YEAR Trained Elephants, Trained Zebras, Trained Ponies. NOW TWICE LARGER THAN EVER BEFOEE Trained Monkeys, Trained Goats, Trained Dogs, Bring the Children. Only Educated BOS INDICIS Bridge Notice. Notice ie hereby given that at s regu lar meeting ol the Common Council o the city of Albany, Oregon, held on the 13th day ot February, 1900, the follow ing resolution was adopted and order made. KssoiVKn, That the wsgon bridge now located in the city of Albanv and extend ing across the Willamette river and be ing partially in Linn and Beaton count ies at this time nnsafe to be used by tke travelinc nnblic. ihereiore it is nereoy orunreu uy me Common Council of the city of Albany that all travel be euspenaea on emu bridge from this time until further no tice given by the said council and that due notice be given to the public of the suspension of travel over and along said bridge by publishing a copy of this reso lution and order in the Albaby Demo chat a newspaper ot geueral cin-nlalion in Linn and Benton countiee Oregon, dur ing the pleasure of s-ld Connci! and fur ther bv rjoitine nrinleJ copleB of this resolution and order at the approaches of said bridge on either side thereof in conspicuous places. Done Dy order "t ine summon uounv. ft of the city of Albany. Oregon. In witneEB whereof I have hereunto sel my band and caueed to be affiled the seal of said city. This Htb day of February, A. D. 19C0. W.H.Davis, Mayor. L. S. Attest: J. S. Van Wiwkle, Reorder of the city ol Albany. Or. G. A. PRICE. l'aintliiK ami Paper Hanging. Rosidenco lu Pierce Building. First cliisa work vunranteerl. Paper hanging la cents per roll. Heferonces lurn'.slied. VOTE FOR California Seeds Given Away, Until Auirust 1. 1930. anvone fondiiig name and f'lll addreae, with 10 cents in auiba to defrnv noataire. uucking. etc.. will recoive kiiisk a package containg a choice sileclion of firat (lowor or vegetable aeod. A 1 are of the tlaeat (Jul l torn var- iuty, grown at Una place. All wo nBk ot you ia lhat when thov are grown and ma tured, you will toll your neighbors or friends tuat llinaooua camo irom us. ovra which you p.ofor, lljwor or vogeUblo seeds . K t. fMOND a UOHlfiltlSS Bliwu uu., Box 2(16, Santa Paula, Cal For congressman Dr. B. Daily, ol Lake county. For food and dairv commissioner WH- linm Shulmeric, of Washington county. For presidential electors Walter fierce of Pendleton, Dell Stuart ol Portland, Ernest Kroner ol fortianu ano jouu Whltaker of Benton county. For aiatrict attorney John A. JeffreyB of Salem. RepresBntativfa J I Whitney, C B Montague and W II Injiam Uouiilv judge tt i raimer Sheriff (ieo Mcllarsue. Olerk W F Hammer Recorder Ed Meeker, Assessor T J AitderBon. TreaBurer tt B Miller Superintendent W I, Jackson Commiaeioner H B Sprenger Surveyor T A Uigge. Coroner J O Norman For Bargains lu Farm Lamia, timber Lands and Oity Proporty, cull on or write V 8. N. Sl'KKLU & OO. Albanv, Oregon T. 1. StittfS. Attorney at Law, Notary Public Collections and aettlemont of cstntea a specialty. Ollie upstairs over post othce. Notice of Firat Meeting, of Creditors In the District Court of the United sta'.ea for tho District of Cregon: In the matter ot J. v. t'lpe, oana- rupt, in oaonrupicy. , To tlio creditors ot t. . ripe, or Albanv.Oreiron. ia tho county of Linn an! iai.ript nfnresald. a bnnkrUDt. TVIOrlOli IS HI'.KKUK UlVI'.iN itifti IN on tho lSJth day of Apnl, A u law, timaniil J. V. Pioo wua dulv adjudicated bankrupt, and that ths firat meeting of his creditors will b held at Albany. Ore son, in my office, on the KOth day of Annl. A. ).. 1900. at One o'clock in the afternoon, at which tinio the saidcreditora iray attend, prove their claims, npcoint a trustco. exunino tao bankrupt, anil trar. sact aush other busiiioa na may propor y come before aaid raeoting. Dated April 1U, 1UUU. H. Bryant, lloferee in Bankruptcy WlIirE8EVIXG MACHINE, llruti now, taken un ndvertiring, for sale choap. No old machiuoa noedod. C.ill on tho Dbmochat .mini. TERMS. Jmi v llixr rat. 25 cents Der mouth 18.1)0 per yea. ,in advance. 30c permonth not in advance. By carrier, 100 per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run aver months. bniEie copies oc Wrbklv. 1.'26 In advances 1.50 at end )f year; $1.75 for second year: $2.00 for ihird and Dreceedinir veara. when not paid in advance. Cluba of fivi new subsenbera atjs.on. In the World. New Special Featur03 : $10,000 Troup of PERFORMING SEALS. The smallest Living Periormei , MAJOR MITE Foeitively the Smallest Living Comedian. Don't Miss tie New Bi Parade. SOUTH and EAST VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC Shasta Eoute. Trains leave Albany for Portland and way stations at 4:47 am, 7:00akmand 3.0tpm. Leave Portland 8 :30 a m 8 :30 p m " Albanv 12 :35 p m 11 :30 p m Arrive Ashland 12:30 am 12:05 am ' Sacameir o . . 5:00 p m 4:o5am 1 San Fmixisco. 7:45 p m 8:10 a m Arrive Ogden 5:45 a m 11:45, a m " Denver 9:00 am 8:10 am " KansasCity .. 7:25 am 7:25 am " Chicago 7:45 am 9:30am PRICES Adults, 25cts ; Children, locts. Thomas Brink HftB the oldest established Furniture House in the city. He keeps the finest stock of Furniture in the val ley. Give him a call and look over his fine goods and get his prices be fore you buy. Arrive Los Angelea.. 1:20 pm 7:00am. ' El PaBO 6:00 pm 6:00 pm. " Fort Worth . . . 6 :30 a m 6 :30 a m " City of Mexico 9:55 a m 10:30 a m " Houston 3:35 am 3:35 am " .New OrleanB. . 6:25 p m 6 25pm " Washington.. 6:42 a in 3:42 am " New York. . . .12:43 p m 12.43 p m Pullman and Tourists care on botl trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ocder. and El Paso, and tourist cars to Cnicago St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. , Connecting at Sau F ranciBco with se eral steamship line3 tor Honolulu, Japnj, China, Philippines, Central and South America. I See 0 K. Frosk agent at Albany tta uon or aaaresa C. H. MAKKHAM, (r. P. A Porlland GO EAST VIA GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY SMslaiiQiictU Line Minneapolis llrettfwlth you wtirthcip yon rontlnii thfrT nervo-kllhutttoliKiTo hritiU.NO-TO-UMft,J r'Uiooi tUu ilfitre for toban'o. wllilr PR o'lt nroulllrc,oii)flinlciv-j .111 FUtjPt tine, puTidvi tho blood, tjjM I k - tort-i loit nianhooU-rfTal I fcT?0?0 niftkot you (ronitT tlld' 4p0.00t la health. nerTflJijn m U IMV9CV.US "ujr Ifm 1 1 AflllTouphforos. Tke it with rm Kbox.t., OBUftlly cures; Jbtn,JM M LVrrnirantiii( tn euro, or K rrfunti met net. MBT Itwaxi KmWj CtolUiip, trl Bu I nfc orvallis & Eastern RailroaQ. TIME CARD. To St. Paul, Duluth, l.i..n(.n nml nil rjcints Kist, Through I'alsco and Tounat Sleepura, Dining and Uuffet Smoking Libinry Oari Dailv traina; fist time; aervice and sconory uneiiualed. TicKa'a to points nnd ihe Groat Northern No. 2 For Yaqnina: Train leaves Albany iz:io p. m. " Corvallls 1:55 p.m. " arrives Yaquina.... 7:25 p. m. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina 6:00 a. m. 11 Corvallis 11:30. m. Arrives Albanv 12:15 p. m. No. 3 For Detroit: Mares Albany 7:00 a. ni. Arrives Detroit 11:30 a. m. No. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit 12:20 p. m. Arrirea Albany 5:45 p. m. fin and two connect at Albany and r. in via i ortianu . . Mrv n a,, tmm N. Kv.. on ante at ,,," v .. . , L 'Our Native Herb Tablets, Tha Brrjat Riood Purifier. Kidney and Liver Regulator, Guaranteed by onr REGISTERED GUARANTEE to cure all diseases aris ing from Impure Ui.ood and iniative Liver or Kidneys. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00 THE DOLLAR BACK !K YOU ARE NOT LLRHD. T li.i. ,,P,l"Onr Native Herb Tablets" for Constiration and Liver Trouble of nver twentv vears' standing. Tliev cured ma almr all other remedies failed. Al- bkht Cauoskt, Ovtreeer, Uoidtr City Mills, Fall Kfver, Maes. THEAL0NZ0 0.BL1SSC0., SOLE PROPRIETORS MB Case, Agent, Albany, Or Medicine mailed upon receipt ot price, O . R . 4 N . D olh :e bouthern t aoino i-i- , ' the n,,,,, artiTe ,t De- Depot Ticket OlSce, Albtny, Northern Ticket Oftice. 122 I bird l'ortland. , For Rates, Polders am, full informa tion regarding Kastorn Trip, call on or tdlreis, A. B, C. Dbiimistok, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland port and adjacent beachea, aJH . trolt at noon, giving ample lime to reach ireei, . ..., I. on the Brsitenbnah and Santiam riven the same day. Edwin Stohi, H. L. Wt.i)N, Manager. T. F. A P. A. J. Tcknm, Asent, Albany. Lounges, Couches Bedroom suits, coarEe and fine Rocker6, Baby Carriages, Go carte Bedding, Spring mattresBes, Matting Side boards, fine extension tables .etc. Quid sales ani sniil' profit ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor ALBANY COLLEGE OFFER8 A THOROUGH , High-Grade College Education A. j d, Cr. j Fast Sal Lake, Denver, rt Fast Mail Worth. Omaha. Kan. Mai! 8pm Bas City, St Louis, 6:45 n in vmcago ana taBt. Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokan Flyer ane, Minneapolis, St F'ye' d:45pmPaul, Duluth, Mil- 8.00am waufcee, Chicago, & East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 d m fur ouu cruuuiaci Sail every five days 8pm COLUMBIA RIVER 4 m Ee Sunday STEAMERS. Ex Sundav ;.iuiu. luanwiia nuu Tray- lOpm Landings o a in iubLHME,i iii ttiv. 4:a0 n m 17vv:..n t n xt , n .r oniem, inuepenaence and Wiy-Land'e 7am WILLAMETTE AND 8 :30 n m Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV. Monday uiwuu vur, iayion, wed. To every boy and girl that has the ambition to nttain one. The course is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, 'ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES HISTORY The Normal Course lrads up to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Cou"e bes now become a Business College Equal to anything in the State. Now illustrated catalogue. Board at the Students Club at actual cost price. For particulars write I'bnrs. and Sat. and Way-Lands. and' Sat 6am WILLAMETTE RIV. 4 :30 n m lueauay rorimnu to uorvallia Alonlay nonr , anu i ay-Land. dub. Wed and Sat. and Fri Lv Riparia Lv Lewisloi ll'.'Uam SAKE RIVER 6:30s m Daily Riparia to Lewiston JQsviy W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Aaent C. G. RAWLINGS, Portland, Or. Agent Albany. OS i V III roMG CO, Second St eir Lyon street, Albany. Sella Cht . i i t i, J ti t isi rice, Chinese h i I n it oil. FOSUAY k MASON Wholesale Retail DRUQOISTS AND BOOKSKLLIIS LBANT, ORIOOH. Pnre Drugs and the flneet and Ltrgeit Slock ol Stationary and Book Tfet.1 tbe Market. Albany, Oregon. WALLACE HOWE LEE, President SIX PER CENT LOANS. I have limited amount of money to loan on flrst-class farm security or improved bnsiness property in Albany. Interest six per cent for particulars call ou or address. H. F. Mikrill, Democrat bnllding. Albany, Oregon 3TREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Toe motor on the Albanj Street Kali will connect prompty with all trains toat from the depot, day and jight . Special trips will be made at speci rtes. H. Moori,. Condbd FIRST KITIODaL BARF, or itiui, oaaaev) Prldit. riMPraaMMt. Mr. UUSh 8 t TOUKS .1, W. LAMOBOli TURSACTS A OMR KSALMaUbilbsalBtsS ACCOUNTS KEPT .okjKl 10 ib.cS IOIIT KICOAMOI ci.lrrpkU Ir r.w.r, u N Vft-k 8ft fnaelfleo,Oal(aroBd Ptill. t.OTIOm JADEnn fa.oratla arrca Maamaall 9 K Tova X W lavatf', P nooawti' I. Tutf O I. . .rir3"r.. -L- . ' ' ' HEW YORK WORLH Thrice-a-Week Edition 18 Pagea a Week . . . . . 156 Papers a Teai For One Dollar wkllakedeverr JMraalcaayexeeaila TheThrice-a-Week Edition of The Ne Tore World is Erst among all "weekly papers in size, rrequeacy ot pubhcatioi and the treebLssa, accuracy and vanet' itaoo.itenta. It haa all the merits ol great $6 daily at -. he price of a dol weeklv. Ita political newsia proaapt.eoi