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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1900)
MONDAY. A ROUGH EXPERIENCE. A letter just received from Alaska tells of the rough experience ot Frank Froman, of this city, and Mr. Stump, of Monmouth, while on their way to Cape Nome. In order to get in ahead of tne May rush they lelt in March intending to make part of the trip on fo-t. They took a steam launch from an Alaska port. While outat sea the eLaft broke and the 'nunc 1 floundered for two days, every minute seeming to be the last of it. 1 lie men cn board were finally pick ed up hy a schooner. A storm set in and blew the sails to shreds so that the tents of the passengers were used. Mr. Froman and Mr. Stump had decided to get to the first point touched by steam ers and make the temainder of the trip by water on a big vessel. Mrs. Stump left Monmouth today for Nome ti join her husband. Will Not Accept. Office of the countv executive com mittee OF THE PARTY. Albany, Or., May 4th, 190u. Dr. Xi . H. Davis, chairman i f the Re publican county central committee, Alb any, Oregon. Pear Sir: It affords u much pleas ure, on behalf of the cand dutts on the union ticket for Linn county, to extend to (lie republican candidates through you a friendly challenge to a jjint dis cussion of the issues in this campaign in . the various piecincts of thee unty. We shall be pleased to meet ymi at your ear liest convenience make necessary ar rangements for such joint meeting. . Geo. D. uaktojj. Chairman Peoples Party Cen. Com. ' ' ' ' 13. M. Payne, Chairman Democratic Central Com mittee for Linn Co. ' ' The republicancommit'ae have refuFed to accept the invitation. It is under stood they will start a week la'er in their canvasB, following the democratic-peoples party candidates. ' Following is the answer : Headquarters of the liepublican conn i ty central commitee. ., 1 Albany. Oregon, May 5th, 1900. . Mr. Geo. D. Barton, chairman Peoples party centra! com. and Mr. B. M. Payne, chairman Democratic central com. Gentlemen: On behalf of the candi ' dates on the the republican ticket for Linn county, we are compelled to say in reply tu your favor of the 4th ins'. : that on account of arrangements al ready made, and the very short time now left for the campaign, we believe that it would not be advisable t try to arrange : a joint discussion of issues as per your suggestion. We fully appreciate the spirit of yout friendly challenge and regret that the limited time and arrangements already : made will prevent us from accepting the - same. i ' Very truly, W. H. Davis, Chairman. J. R. Whitney, Sec etary. This Week's Show. Next Wednesday afternoon and night , NorriB & Rowe's Big trained Animal Shows will exhibit in this city, under their enormous watei proof tents which will be located centrally. Performances will be given at 3 and 8 p. m. A grand free spectacular street carnival and child ren's fairy and parade will be given at 11 : o'clock of the morning ol the exhibition, at which time the entire company of over 300 animals actors will be seen, decked out in their georgeous trappings. N orris & Rowe's Shows is looked forward to by the amusement lovers of this city with much interest, because the show is pnre, moral and very instructive and each visit Noma & Rove's Shows have paid this city, the - show has been enlarged and improved. The present season has been : no exception to the rule for the show is now fully twice the size of last year and many new and valuable additions and mprovements have been made. Forest Grove Wox. The final debate between the U. of 0. and Pacific Univer sity, of Forest Grove, in the intercolle giate contest took place at Eugene last Saturday night and was won by Forest Grovn. who had the affirmative of the .question: "Resolved, That Government owner ship and operation of territorial railways would better subserve the public welfare than doeB the present system of owner ship and operation by private corpora tions." :The nidges were District attor ney John H. Hall, of Portland, Judge H. H. Hewitt and A. S. Hammond, of this city. Base Ball. At a meeting at the office of Judge Whitney last Saturday evening : a base ball club was organized for Al bany. Arch Mosier was elected mana ger, and was also chairman of the meet ing with Stephen Whitney as secretary. Chas. Biiyeu is captain and Clyde Ash by, field captain. The makeup of the club has not yrt been decided upon. There will be a first and second team and the best men will go into the first team It is pretty well settled that Joe Doraey will catch He is first class, having played with one of the eastern state leaU' s. The Albas y. This afternoon the steamer Albany left for Portland in . charge of Capt. 2umwalt. The Albany not being allowed to carry sufficient steam to -climb the Three-mile rapids was of no use to the Central Navigation & Construction Co., hence was returned to its owners The 0. N. & C. Cr. is ar ranging to get another boat to handle i construction material between Portland ' and here, that ill be able to get through swift wate), and will probably have it in commission in a short time. The Dalles T. SI. ' RAINWATER. In Albany, on Sunday, I to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rainwater, a ' boy. All djing well. j : A street dsg show wan given today forenoon and afternoon with a high dive i ' act. . - . Linn County Council P. of H. The Linn County Business Council wa8 held with Charity grange No. 113, May 5, 1900, The hall is situated about thirty miles south east of Albany in the midst of a fertile farming land and close to the foot bills, where thousands of cattle graze and which are at the present prices, profita ble to the producer. . At the appcinted hour a rap ol the gavel by. our worthy pr-eident, O. L. Sbaw, was tin signal that another days' work was betorH us. The work of the day opened with a song by the c'-ioir of Charity gran 2 e. Kolt call, gra-ies represented were Uak p'ain, Tang-ut, Grand Prairie, Har mony, Sanii no, Halsev, and Charity. Minutes u previous meeting read and improved. The committee on road work made a favorable report and advised plans, if carr ed out, will be p easing to all. Other business matters of importance came up and were discussed until dinner was announced, when the patrons retired to the dinning hall where a sumptuous feast awaited them, which had been pie parad by tho sisters of Charity grange. The noontide hour was spent in feasting and fraternal greetings. .The afternoon session opened by a song. The questions give out at previous meeting for di cuesion was then taken up and ably dis-ussed. Tne following ee'ected fordiscussion at next meeting. 1st. What is the best mode of can ning vegetables? Leades, Madames Springer, Walker and Lecper. 2ud. What is tne best feed for dairy cows and what breed is preferable? Leaders, T. Froman, H. B. Springer and and C. L Shaw. On motion the council held an open meeting for the r?st of the day, whicb was spent in discussing questions ana and soeatting in general. W. W. C. - Deed filed: " ' A M Holt to S I Berry, 1 lot bl 46 Albany $ 500 Levi Douglas Oy Bheriff to J F Mc Cartney, 80x110 feet and 80x164 feet Hurriahnrg 3200 Anna Smith to Leona Hass, 2 1 acres 360 H Bryant to Leonard Hass, 14.68 , acres .v. : 1 L Fo';ey to J H Most. 2 lots Leb-- . non 65 E Keebler to Edward Myers, 32 48 acres . ... 1100 Mortgages for $100, $300, $360. Assignment mortgage of $259. ' Chatel mortgage- for $100 and $.'50 and $161.28. Registration over 4270.- Admitted to citizenship John Wadtli, M Weisner, B L Holmes, T W Holmes and Geo Caurse. Probate. Will of Samuel raitted to probate. E W Nixon' execu tor without bonds. Value of estati $15, 000. Property given as follows : 655 acres and notes and accounts to wife, during life or widowhood, not to be sold or mortgaged, otherwise divided equally among nine children. Ail other real property to be'Bold and divided among children. : . v ; r ; . ;j j The youg people of the A.O.U. W. have begun the rehearsal of Josiah's Court ship, a pleasing comedy, which they will present in due time. Mr. Richard Emres, a resident of many years of Orleans precinct, this side of JefferBon, died Saturday eight. He was a member of the A.O.U. . of Jef ferson. Hilda Hobsou, alias Lottie Smith, who recently did Albany, was in Salem Sat urday and MuMinnvilie. today, raising funds from an indulgent public for her commercial education. A report to the Oregonian from nearly every county in the state indicates that the registration 1b piograssing well, with a prospect ol a lull registra ion by the 15th. Linn county makes as good a showing as must of the counties. Mr. J. S. Morgan ol this cittr. received a diBpatch from Walla Walla that lus brether David had died in the hospital in that city. He had been residing in Lewiston but had gone there Jfor treat ment and care. The deceased was 66 years of age. He was a resident of Albany many years ago. . The Portland Academy base bill team defeated the Bishop Scott team last Sat urday 16 to 12. The P. A.'s made 18 scores in the first four innings knocking the B. S. pitcher out of the box, A change of pitchers and the B. S. were all right. Fred Weatherford is catcher and captain of the B. S.'s and Rockey Mason 2nd tnsi-. The Stats o.lioers of the W. C. T. U. have planned u series of Institutes to be he'd in the various counties of the stale whinh are mee'.ing with great euccese. -he oiiujeits discussed and papera road are of general interest to Cluitian and all temperance workers, 88 well as tlvms engaged in other reforms. The one planned lor this county will be held (his week, May 10 and 11, in the W. C. T. U. Hall. Mrs. Ydditon well and favorably known will be here throughout, spe ik ing Thuridav evening in the Baptist church and Friday evening in W.C.T.U. Hall. K.- W. Fry, oi Lebanon, was brought to Albany last night and an operation was pieformed upon him today, with what result is not yet known. Dr. Wal lace was assisted by Dr. Jones of Leba non and Dr. D . vis. . The two ah ewilla had an encounter near the residence of Jas. this morning over the matter of swill, both trying to get it at the sr me place. One knocked the other down with a club. Uufortuna-ely n either was killed. Wax Candles Nrtthinp ft! drill an Tnnnh HV Or ixtndnir n thn swift I v rarl tit lift-lit from CORDOVA Candles. Nothing trill contribute more to th rustic ioccbm oi me juncneon, tefc or dinner. The bvwt decorative cm rile fnr t hit almnloat or I ha moat elaborate fanction for eot- nd the mot delicate tints tij 1 AitDAHU vo, And told ererrwhera. B HI room LI 1 I Olson's Body Found. The body of John M. Olson, who was recently lost beyond Sn eet Home, was found yesterday morning about ball a mile from his cabin. He had evidently been lost and wandered to near his place without knowing it. Just how he died will cot be known until there iB an ex- amination by a Lebanon doctor, who left been a residont of Linn count v about year, living most of the time in Albanv, but going to his claim occasionally. He was a member of the Maccabees, had considerable money iu the bank, and is reported to have been worth thirty or forty thousand dollars. Little is known of his past though. Attention! Indian War Vet erans. There will be a mectsng of Camp No. 17, 1. W. Vs. held at the court house in Albany, Saturday, May 12, 1900, at One o'clock p. u. sharp, for the purpose of d.scussing important matters,and taking some ac.ion and to eiect delegates to the Granc camp at Portland, June 14,51900. Don't fail to come. Jason Wheeler, Captain. ' C. H. Walkek, Orderly Sergtant. Clini. Bowen, of Salem, has been in the city on a Sunday visit. Mr. A. Wheeler went up the road this noon from Portland. '. Air. D. F. Ha'rdnnri, oi the Biateland board, Bpent Suuday in Albany with his fam'ly. Sheriff Withers, one of Oregon's best officials, was in the city todav tn his way to McMinnville. Lawyer C. G. Nixon, of Riparia, whose father recently died at Harrisbug, has beau in the ci y today, Mr. U. W Taylor, the house mover and raiser has just rniumed fiom a trip to Walla Walla and the Palousecountry. He was greatly pleated with the looks of affairB theie Yesterday wab the 80th birthdav oi Ex-G vernorjohi Whi'eaker of Eugene Though he has been afflicted with par alysis liia health otherwise has been prefy good. He waB one of tne moat upright oltiicials Or gon haa ever had. The Ladies Musical Club will meet this week at the home of Mrs. S. E. Young on Tuesday evening inBtead of Thursday aa usual, to accomodate those who will attend the My festival. Fread & Churchill, two experienced candy makers, will formally open their store in the Myers block tomorrow morn ing, with a fine line of confectionary, Including much of their own make, as fine as anything that cm be Becured. Call and.eee for yourselves. .' Col. F. J. Parker.'of Walla Walla Statesman, has been in the city to-day wilh a big chunk of silver from one of hie mines. The Oil. has retired from the Walla Walla Statesman, which he has edited for many years, until 1893, but will retain an interest i the paper. Mr. E. C. Pentland, of Independence, for many years editor of the West Side, was in the city. Ibis forenoon an bis way home from Southern Oregon in the in terest of the Telegram. He is very en thusiastic over the country around Ash land and Medford.both aa toclimale and nusmess prospects. Mr. Pentland has been appointed enumerator of the census for Independence. Justice W. J. Stennti. n ill enumerate the census at Haisey. The Pendleton E. O. publishes as ad-' vertisements both the u nionanilrepubli.!""," L',"""1 ",D can tickets, The E. O is a d.mocratic paper hieil l,o in .ii y,a. . I cumbed "oled0ugoisonoAr!b Myauhr,T w ' tare' Cn J ,i;.l (, J. . I Int-ft' finO Arttl a tarn ArtX'a nml fenm too much poison. A- Jtffrey passed through Albany PT.f:,io.ri n,k T. .,!,. v, i - th'a afternoon for Scio, where ho will SoSxZ.'- Wt at republican, as some tuouirhl. His brotii. : t'c"'uu" er U the republican. Merrill Bros, have recovered their $60 " Z1, "V B'YBn UP unrelormed It was captured in Port-1 , GeorKe Maston is carrying his right land with the tubing at the fork cut in 2snd a "linK ths result of a broken two' evidently deliberately. , finger from catching the hand between Four fine horses were shippe 1 on the ' th" "-I" "d pIoc.k,e' ?' bloycle Ruth this morning, two by Pete Riley ' . r8, v' RelJ let yeBterday on a boughtof Mr. Berwick the street car man ','!er brother, at Moro, Oregon, for $190, consigned to Sheriff FrazUr, of MrS,- tei'1 W1" "rwards visit relatives Portland, and two immense fellows for 1,1 IinKen,) a"d Lebanon. Weston Lead George Piper of Seattle, shipped by Mr. ,er' Lanedon. j Drn.bavenport, of Lebanon, left this Not content with a law business, hop ' moTiiug for Seattle, where he will join yard, wheat ranch and numerous other 8n old friend, a physician,1 on a two fields, A C. Woodcock, of Eugene, has raonlr!B trip to Alaska. They will only just purchased at sheiiff sale the famous B 6 Jar as Sitka, but they j will take Bellknan snrincs on the McKenin. in cluding 10? acres. Price, $1,200. Wod cocn may never own the .world but he Is fast getting hold of Lane county. The Mav festiva' will be held at Sa lem this week. On Wednesday nieht there will he a popular concert with the uiouen orchestra of Portland as a pro minent attraction, on Thur-dav night "St. Paul," on Friday night "The Crea tion." Several will attend from Albany to witness, not to participate The Recister ouotea the Al aid as authority that the 14.60 mills tax levied in i. inn-county is not enough. But the Hera'd does not reciprocate the courtesy by quoting the Register's con tention that the 23.60 mills tax levied in Lane county is not IOj much. The Her ald knows that the Linn county people are not in lovs with the idea of paying high taxe, and that such a statement would scare voters from the Linn county Republican ticket in droves The Re publicans are already in a hopeless minority down in Linn, but the Herald will not scare the rest of them away by any such fjolishness Eugene .Guard. As the 14,' mill tax will leave no. esti-. mated balance of over $9,000 for safety the people of Linn county appreciate the smallness ol it, and the good judg ment displayed in not making it any larger. iNoCne Hubt. Considerable excite ment was occasioned last night by the Bring of what sounded like a revolver rn Second street. All manner of reports have been ci'culated In reference toil One was that an n't-mpt wai made to hoot some one. The T'Emucuat man has traced the item un aid lin ls that it rasiereck firing a palept bomb liiat beati anvthint ever mail fnr nr.ioa Tho Sugar Bowl lias the exclusive agency fcr it for Albany. Remember thij on- the 4tn. TUESDAY. What Pluck Has Done. , For the pat sixteen vein Norria A , Rowe's Big Trained Animal Shows has V,. k.. . Vi . I been,be, ' 'he American public. First starting with a few djge anda ldmg little by little, until it is today the largest and BUCC t.l A nmvlil To make this show n-hat it jj today meant persev9rence and pluck. Norris & Rowe Diet many reverses, but w.iu an louominatatite will power and and honest business method? they have made a fortune and a name for them selves in their particular line, that can not be eclipsed by any amusement insti tution. The shows will exhibit in this city on Wednesday afternoon and night, under their enormous waterproof tents which will be located centrally A grand free spectacular staeet carnival and child ren's fairyland parade will be given at 11' o clock on the morning of theexbibiti n. The well known optician, Dr. Lowe, will be in Albaoy again soon Those who need glaesee should wait lor him. Susan Thorpe died at Baker City re cently at the age of 66 years. She was a daughter of Tlios. Humphre vs of Jordan, Linn county. The county clerk's office will be opened tonight SB leng as uy one wishes for teg iEtration. Quite a number registered list night from this city. ', Oyer thirty Independence people are preparing to leave for Cape Nome, having einbibed the gold lever. On account ot Albany's prospeorus condition there is little talk ol an exoduB to Nome. A. M. Crawford, of Ro.eburg, who viae recently in Albany defending Horace Mckinley on the charge !of suborna tion o' perjury, was himstlf last Satur day arrested on the charge of perjury on complaint of his former law partner Orawford is chairman of the republican county central committee of Douglas county. The district attorney insisted on dismissing the case, but the prosecut ing witness declared that he liar the documentary proof, and tne motion to dismiss was merely a matter of po'itics Oakville. Mr James Allen, ol Crook county, is visiting friends here. The candidates on the union ticket commenced the campaign here. The principal speakers are Whitney and Montague on tho legislative ticket and H. M. Palmer the candidate for county judge. We congratulate the union party in selecting Mr. Palmer. Th affairB ol the county will be all right while in his care. The voters seem to think that with a Palm-er in the judge'B office and a Hammer in t lie clerks office Linn county's affairs will be carried on all right. . Mr, Amos Bogue died May 7, at 11 :45 a.m. Mr. Bogue was one of the old settlers of this county and was respected oy all ho know. him. , - . ... . J Little Rose Biii). I!.!, King Bpentr,: Sunday in'-Eugene, Mrs. A. TV- Blackburn in in Portland on a visit. . ; " Tel Piper is now doing Doliticol work on the Oretronian. - Dr. Davis returned last night from a trip to Portland.. . . . MissOlgn Hewitt is visiting In Salem the guest of Judge Burnett. plr.i'Tl i . y . '.. 18 r rom ocrat, stated. Hon. and Mrs. Tim Davenport of Sil- verton will leave in a few days to visit JfL6' ?';Mted Sn Hmer D8VeDp0rt in "H 1 OHE. verton will leave in a few days to visit . "rs. b, li. Moe was taken dangerously their time in seeing the Bights Mi s Jane Mo-ris, daughter o' A. D. Morris of this city, formerly of the Alh any and tialetn Echo Ij, for the past two years in the Seattle B ' reported to ub lying aangerousiy ill wun the append ,icilis' faot.ber many friends here will egret learning, Dr. T. W. Karra, mayor nf Eugene and chairman ol the co-igres.ional re publican committee, and Mrs. Acleha Rich, were married in Portland recently. It n ill he remembered lint a divotce was granled Dr. Harris and his former wife a few months ago. , Hon. H. B. Miller, consul to Chiang Kiang, arrived in Eugene yesterday and will leave Thuradry for his field of la bir. He haB a former Harvard student as ah interpreter. Chiang Kiang i about 1500 miles in er or from Shanghai. He will be accompanied by bis daughter Miss Laura. . The statement going the rounds of the papers that C. H. Wa ker ii not the old est native sod in Oregon, that honor being accorded to Joseph LaBonte, of Hi. Panl, Marion conntv, is mialeaJing. Mr. Walker invaribl? cltlmB to be the oldest white native son, knowing there were men on the Indian reservatinna innrli older than he. We are informed Mr. i.aBjntels at least a half blood, his lather being a French Canadian, bis mother an aboriginal native daughter. In the election at Silverton yesterday the ijfue n the closing of the stores on Sundiy. The anti-closing people won Silverton is noted as a center of infidel ity. The bape ball meeting arranged for to morrow night will be hel TliuiKlay nitm instead, at moBier at Kennedy's ' Mr. W - N. Phillips has the Dkmo-; crat'h thahks (or the first home cherries ol the season Olson Buried. Mr. M. B. Case, returned today from Sweet Home, where he had been with John M. Olson, whose body was found five miles from his cabin last Friday in stead of half a mile as stated. A coron er's jury was called before a justice. The evidence snowf o that he Had died from exhaustion. 1'apers and a pin on him showed him to be a member of the Mac cabees of Duluth, Minn., from which place he came about a year ago to Aiuauy. ne was uuripii veateninv under theauspiens of the Lebanon lodgo. His body was found by Jack Keeney and Ed Simons, who will receive ilie reward of $150. DcedB: D H to W H:Sma!l.!160 acres 10 E lnatoni Chas W Thomas to Henry Oar- uioay, ion pores iu Ji 0 $ 1500 Abner Lewis to Chas Chaffer, 183 acres 32OO Mary Greenhalzh to Jas Green- halzh, 1U0 acres 1 Jas Greenhalzh to Marv Green rn)zh,60 aores Hot 'bl 35 H's 2nd ad Albanv 1 Abner Lewis to Obon H Bonn, 109 acres 1-JOO IT S to R G Hibbard, 160 acres 10 n patent morigages lor $3uu and $ jUU. Chatel mortgage for $160, Bill of sale. S A NickerBon to Mrs M F. B Dowintr, !.: interest in rlaninr 11. n. chinery, $800. Registration over 4400. Vote 1898. 4,229. A peculiar incident occurred near Mos cow, Idaho, a few nights ago, when the passenger train was brought to a sudden stop oy a oicycte headlight. red lay lor, of Tollman. waB ridine home from Moscow on his bicycle and bad one ol the new large headlightB. The wagon road parallels the railroad for some dis tance and classes the latter at a curve around a sharp noint. The passenger train was running a, a good rate of speed when 'Javlur's headlight hova in e-uht. apporently on the railroad track, a snort uieiance auean. engineer uorey Bound ed two Bharn whistles, aoolied the air Draaee and Drought the train to a euu- den Biop, to aou the cause of the alarm was only a bicycle lamp. . . , According to the wee'tlv croD reoort issued from Portland the recent rains have been beneficial. About the UBual acreage of spring wheat has been sown, fall grain is thrifty, oats are doing nice ly, hops are doing well but a good many neids have been plowed up, Kruit has ueen doing well. The census of Albanv will be taken bv Gale S. Hill in the eastern part, A. M. uicKiuson in ine wetiern part, to tne limitBaad by Will V. Merrill, .outside the limits in west Albanv. Senator Daly, of Lakeview,' candidate lor congress on the Union ticket, came up to. Salem, and if spending a f jw days Beeng personal friends and party leaders. He finds the strongest' encouragement wherever he goeB and believes that the opposition will carry this district and ccme near carrying the stale. Although a banker, Dr. Daly is an enthusiastic tnpporter of Bryan and believes that he will be elected president this fall. His oank is a private bank and has a record for never having brought a suit or fore closed a moitgagee. Salem Journal. A tiaveling artibt has been doine busi ness in the Twecdale blocs: pa.nting in oil while you wait. lie is unto his busi ness. . 3HERIFFSALE By virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of ILe state of Oregon, for the county of Linn, to me directed and dtted the 20th day of April, 1900, in a cer tain suit in the justice court of the s ate of Oregon for the county of Linn, district No One, wherein John Fcshay and D, P. Ma son, partners doing business under , the name and style Foshay He Mason recoyered of judgment on the 10th day of January, lo'js, amioBt mcnaru nurres ior tne sum of $24 60 witb interest tbereon at the rate of tt per cent par annum from the 23rd day of March, 1899, aad the further 6uni of 66 cost now due; which said judg ment was enrolled and dock: ted in the cleiks om.e of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for th county of Linn, on the 23ru day of March, 1899, and as com manded in said execution, I did on the 28th day of April duly levy upon the fol lowing oescunea premues to-wit: Beginning on the left bank of the San tmn river in Section 3 in Tonnsbio 10 Sou'.h Range 3 West of the Willamette mei'tlian in Linn county; Oregon, at the extreme Northern corner of the Donation Land C aim of Milton Hale and wife Claim No 67 in said IVwuship and range and running thence South 15.67 chains, thence East llOd'ainr, thonce South degrees East 18 28 chains, I homo Won 21.35 chains, to the Western line of said claim, theuco South 35 18 chains m re cr less to a point 1.25 cbain9,South of the line batweeo sections 3and 10 in said township, thence EaBt parallel with (aid aeciion line, 20 chains, mure or less to a point dus Soutn of the wclinn corner betweeu said sections 3 and 10, thence North 18 chaibB, tnence Bast 9.09 chains, thence South 13 drgrexa 10 minutes E lot 14.38 chains, thence Kant 7 chains, to the Kunt bjundry of said 0 aim JNo, t)7,then:e Nor'h WoBterlv following the meanders of said river as claim was surveyo by' the United States to the place ol beginning contain ing I3li acres more or lens save and ex cept therefrom 25 acres described a fo'- lows: Beginning at a pcint 6 rods South of he line between rections 3 and 10 in Slid township and range and running thence North 72 rods, thence East 9 09 chains, to ths Santiam river, theuc'- Northerly following the meanders rf ala iver 40 rah, tuen;e Weft 60 rods, thence South 112 rods, thane East '?3M rods 10 the place of b, ginning, , And notice ia nereby given that 1 will un , ; ; Saturday.tlic day of June, 1001), at the hour nf One 0 click p, in.'of'a:d day, at tntMtront door or the court buue in the city of Albany, L'nn county, Ore gon, sell at public auctioo, In the highest bidder, for CBsb in hand,' the above rle scribed real pr perty tu ralii-fy said judg ment and all costs. May lit, 1900. ' ' ' I A, MtlNKKItB, ' ' Sheriff of Linn Co , Or. ' May Festival Program. Wednesday night, May 9tb. Opening concert. Artists: The Hidden String Quartet, composed of Reginald L. Hid den, Mrs. Reginald I,' Hidden, Anton Zilm and Ferdinand Conrad : Miss Rita Hansen, contralto, Eugene; Miss Ethel M. Raymond, soprano, Salem j LeRoy L. Gesner, violinist, and Edwara W. Til eon, pianist, Salem. Thursday night Mendelsohn's Ora torio, 3t. Paul, conducted by Mr, Fran cesco Seley. Soloists, chorus and or chestra. Friday night Hayden's OrtO"-io, Thrf Creation, conducted by Mr. . Gifford Nash, of Euge-ie. Soloists, chorus and orchestra. At the M. L. church In Salem . Farmers ! Look Here! I Bit arrancetnAiit. u-irh ti.a cini. a.; ...... .u uvctbO UglL cultural college, a Farmer's institute will U- I..IJ it 1 . . 00 uem ui uranu rraine grange hall. Frldav and Saturday, June 29 and 30 1900. A program will be published in due time. Everybody invited. Come and camp out and let us have a jolly, good time, ' feast of reason and a Bow of soul." O. L Siiaw TlIOS. FltOMAN. O. H. Walkeb. Committee. The Next Congressman. Dr. B. Daly, of Lakeview, nominee of the domocrata and people's party for congressman of thia district, is in the city today visitiug hie constituantsliere. He ie a fine appearing gentloman and one of the districts brightest men. Though a stockholder iu a privale bank at Lake view, which never even sued a patron, he is a blmetallst and has been right along. He is 11 m-.n of broad views and pro gressive in everv sense of the word. There is little doubt of bis election. The Statu S. S. -The" Oregon State Sunday-Bchool Convention will be beld in Portland Juno 13-15, 1900. The fol lowing world-wide Sunday-school work ere will be present: Marion Lawrence of Toledo, O , General Secretary of the International Snnday-scliool Convention, Dr. J. L. Hurlbnt, of New York, Gener al Secretary of the Sunday-school Union of the MethodiBt Episcopal Church, Dr. R. G. Seymour, of Philadelphia, lible and MiBBionary Secretary of the Baptist Publication Society, Rev. Alexander Henry, J, Arthur Johnson, of Sunday School Times, E.O, Excell, who has led the rauBic at the gteat conventions for many years.. Enlertaiument will bs provided for all delega e;. Letter Lis.t. Following is th list of letters remaining In the Postolfice at Albany, Linn county, Ojegon, May 8, 1900, Persons .calling for these letters uiust give the dute on whicb advertised : Boettger, H E Douglas, W H Kerr, S P McClnre, J D Crawford, Mrs Relle Hanna, VI r I) J Jennings, Mr Clyde Perlu, Rev T W Robertson. Mrs Garden I'owell O M sternei Mr Bud Kaymonri. Mrs Perry Van'Orlruck, Nellie Wallers, Martin Tiylor.Ex-Gov Bob 2 White. Mrs Asbery Van Genton, Miss Ethel 1 ' 8 S. Tbain, P. M. MARRIED. HfNCKLEY MORRIS. In Seattle, on wennesoav, May 2nd, iuu. Mr. Wal ter Raleigh Hb-ckley and Miss Minnie Bell Morris, daughter of A. D. Morris of this city Relatives and friends extend their hearty congratulations. BORI. HUGHES. Ou Tuesday morning, May b, iuuu, to air.and Mrs. Lee Hughes, of near Albany, a boy, weight 11 pounds. All doing well. Scrofula In its thousands, of forms Is the moat ter rible affliction of tho human race. Salt rheum, sores, eruptions, bolls, all hnmora, swollings, etc., Originate In Its foal taint, and aro cured by the great and only True Blood Purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla. The advanced theory of today that tuber culosis, or consumption, is curable by proper nutrition, care and purifying the blood, finds confirmation In tho experi ence of many who have been cured by Hood's Sarsa pari. la Hood's Pills euro sick headache, 250. 4o Per Cent. Reduction on "NEW HOME" , AND "pOMESTIC" ' ..LeW (n machines.... Extra ,10 Rer cent discount for ' jt T . Spoicitsn. We have the best $25 00 sewing ma chine on the market - . Send for circular, New, warranted machines for 122 nfl. Second hand machines for $5, $6, $8 anil $10,, Mnchi.iea rented and repaired ut reasonable prices. - .."IK,;, O- ' , ' ' . Our Stock of ,. PIANOS AND ORGANS Was nev'-r to varied in assortment. We have Pianos lor people nf limited mean., to $1,000 Ohickeiing Grands. Get our nrices belore buying and cave money thereby. n. U. WILL, Albany.