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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1900)
Ladies Silk Waisls. Good material. Uood to $10.00 each. Undi rskirts Mfrremn'.l roilon. Looks like tiitt. Weareab well as tilk.- Popular colo-i. $1.60 to $2.25 each. Tuflfelihe. For tine f kiit lininiiE anri lor tbirt wtMBta. Twelve ehadee. SOr er yard. 8. E. Youn&Son. THE BAZAAR. New Silk Waists Prettier than ever More. Tne Spring numbers a e here. Beau iful taffetas, elaborately tucked, again bid for favor. Such an imposing ar ray of waist prettiness as never was seen hereabouts be'oro. ' L. E. & H. .!. HAMILTON. .0.VRHKfl - HIS JAW DROPPED and no wonder I It's ennngh to jar uny ouo to have laundry work badly done. Avoid nucb u-ipeas nt experiences by entrusting your linen to iiP. we wash will alwaB look its best, and will last yon two or three times as long as it would if tent elsewhere That's the rlif ference between righ' and rong meth ods. Note our ralep: Sl.irIB for 10 cents, collarE 24'; MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUXf-KY. Phone 33. YOUR EYES,- Have them examined by Prof. Augnot Stark of thiB city peimanentl. located here, who has made the eves a social study, and will fit them ith gln-"8 that o.iil rim satisfaction, if your eye- are .Uoni.ur call and have talk with him. CHRYSANTHEMUMS FOR now offer for rale a fine lot -AI.E -1 .f Btrnnt,'. well rooted olantsin forty van- lies in cluding the. latest and be-tar.iwn Alt p.ants true to name ai C iiro. n In m hne bloomers. .Piire vent low. Mrs. R. Mun iir cor 7th oi.d R. K. it'n-t--. 23 Jewels In solid gold Set tii g "Special Railway' Deuber-Hampden Watches. The best Railroad watch made. F. M. French, the Jeweler. KPrlrrObhip. New styles. 7.00 Stolk a watch. Jim Arnett waB ar rested tliis morning upon the charge of stealing a watch from Mr. Lutz a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Lutz was cutting wood in the timber, leaving bis coat and vest a snort distance away, when Jim paid him a visit, and s on after he U ft, lr. L. misted hie watch. He wan hroight before Justice Lovelee this afternoon, when he plead guilty , and turned his own watch over to Mr. Lulz, having thrown Mr. L.'s watch into the river at Eugene a few dayB ago. He was given the least possible sentence thirty days in the county jail. Attorney Gar land appeared for the ttate. Let anon E. A. A Fine Improvement. One of the most needed and best improvements being made in Albany is that by Mr. Robert Crawford to the livery Btable at Second and Washington streets. Besides raising the building a story in a more substantial way the filthy eubloundation has given place to a complete drainage Bystem. The value to the surrounding propi-rty cannot be estimated in dollars as a sanitary measure. While the ordi nance provides for improvements of a fourth of the value of a buil&ing in a case like this of such striking benefit it is not necessary to do any figuring. Instead ;f increasing the fire risk it has really decreaEed it. Notice. J'hn G. Woolev, the great lemperanes orator, will be present at the Thirteenth annual convention of Oregon Christian Endeavors. He baa a very en viable reputation as an o-ator and it will be a rare treat to hear him. In order to insure his presence a certain number of subscriptions for The Voice must be se cured. All thoBe subscribing for this pa per will be entitled to two reserved Beats at the lecture, whicn will be given Sab bath, May 17, e.t the U. P. church. All those desiring further information may speak to Mr. C. C. Bryant, chairman convention committee. mm m Bosiniss End At a meeting of Spec ial G Co., last evening the following civil officers were elected : O. A. Sears chair man, H. R. Saltmarsh secretary, Ralph McKechnie treasurer, E. O. Huston. Ed Stewart, Q E. PropBt, finance commit tee, J. A. t inch, a.. A. Grahuiu, Leslie Viereck armory committee, J. A. Finch hlttorian. Not a Quokdsi. Xhere 'not being a quorum last night the city council ad journed until the regular meeting on May 22. Councilman Pfeiffer wan at his ranch in the mountains, Councilman Richards wae ill and Councilman Whit ney did not arrive from the speaking at Tangent until too late. Informally Bill Shields cows and a few other import ant matters were discussed. A Changeable Worlci, But Will & Stark keep up with the times. They have the latet novolties in; silverware, cut glass, chains, souvenir spoons, etc. In fact their stock of jewelry is complete and up-to-date. huyler's Chocolates And Bonbons At F. H. Pfeiffer's. of the day. The finest things DYEING. Thore wishing any article, garment or material renovated by col oring, will find euon work promptly and carefully done, at reasonable prices, by Mbs. M.' Custer. Up stairs in Froman Block. J-nrf LLm I I wA.iL X. 11' "-Tl. Bicycle and Alachine Experts Work called for and delivered prompt ly. We rent wheels and machines. Merrill Bros. Y. M. C. A. Building. 23 Jewels New'Model Fine Train New Railway" 1 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL H. G. Colton, the in.urance nan is in the city.. Dr. Carter of Yaquine Bay, baa been in the city looking afUr business Blat ters. Squire Farrer. one of Salem's old time and popular ciiizens, was in Albany to day. E. E. Van Antwerp has been tustling in Albany for t Oregoniau. Tonight and Thursday threateu:ne with occasional shoners, stationary tem perature. Kiver4fcet. Those whodid not htur Mrs. Additon Thursday evening mieaeu an intellectual treat. cerkesiey iUal.) Daily Advocate J. F. Nixon, who has been at Murvj- ville, Mon., who is now in Harrisburg. has ordered his naDer chanced to Nome C'ty, where be will go in a few days, C. P. Burkhart arrived home last night from Tacoina, where he has been the past nine month? on a visit with rela tive.. F. P. Snutli.of Med. ord.uaeEed through Albany this afternoon bound ftr Phila delphia, Penn., with the determination to make the entire trip on bis bicycle. The Woodmen Dewey dince which wes postpohed on account of the Mnesa of Mr. A. O. Beam, will be given on Wednesday evening May 16, Mr. A. O, Beam fs slowly recovering from his long siege of pneumonia, and his manv friends will be glad to know is now sitting nr awhile each day. Owen, who was aleaill, has been on the street. -Mr.'and Mrs. Homer Nelson went on the Ruth this morning, Miss Edna Breck enridge and MrB. Nutting on the cars this afternoon to Salem to attend the May festival of the Willamette Choral Union, tonight and Thursday and Fri day nights. M's. E. W. Langdon will go tomorrow. Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Hood of Shedd left on Monday for Pennsvlvania, and expect to locate somewhere in that state, his boyhood home. Mrs. Hood, nee Davis, is a native Orcgonion. They take with them the best wiehesof many. In a recent letter to relatives in this city, Miss Ollie Thompson, pianist fori me American Troubadours, writes Irom Ho'el del Comedo, Cali'ornia, that she will not be able to Bnend her vacation at home this season. ' Although her con tract with the Troubadours bat been sat isfactorily fulfilled, it has been termin ated, and she has contracted as a. pianist lor nenry unimoyrs orchestra tor tne Beason, this organization having been se cured to furnish mueic at the above named hotel for thecoraing season. Mies Thompson has been very fortunate in se curing this positio.i, as it is one of the best organizations of its kind on the coast. She has lh- month of May for a vacation, but has decided to Bpend it in LoBAngles. Co. valli Gazette, At a recent Moral fete in Woodland, Calif., among the prominent participants was Mrs. E, L. Peacock, nee MiBB Ora McFarland, for many years a reBident ot Albany. A Woodland paper in a four or five column account of it makes the fol lowing mention of Mrs. Peacock: "The division of horseback riders was led by Mrs. E. h. Peacock and Miss Genevieve Ourtie.3. The former was mounted on a pretty coal black steed. Her saddl blanket collar as extended' in the form I Figs, as it acts mostpleunanlly and efiect of a solid mass of equistite red roses, ually on the kidteye, liver, ar.d bowels, . ias Cu rtiss had a Dinto mount not bo ' nrpveminu f overs, headaches, and other graceful as the mount of bar competitor, but she rode him well. Her decorations were white and green and very pretty." In the awarding of prizes was the follow- ing: Best decorated eaddle horse, to Mm. hi. I. Pnnrtnnb- a h ananm. heiHIa Ripe strawberries at Vieieck's Sugar Bowl. Try them. W. C. T7TjT institute. PROGRAM, THURSDAY, MAT 10. 12. Luncheon at the hall to visitors and delegates from abroad . 1:30 Devotional exercises, reciting the Crusade Psalm in cencert,singing the Crusade hymn, closing with the Lord's prayer in concert, led by Mrs. L. E. rllain. 1 :45. RepetitioT of declaration of principles and a Quez from the W. O. T. catechism, conducted by Mrs. Additon of Portland. 2:10. The value of our department plan, Mrs. Blain. 2:25. Our Weapona and How to Use Them, Mrs. Marks. 2:35. Our Battle for Sound Morality (a) Am 1 my Sister's Keeper, Mrs. Garrett. (b) Whose Son? Mrs. Hale. Music. S : 10. A pppc intmen t of comm i ttees on state paper, membership, reporting. 3.50. Clergymen's hour. Does ' the Prosperity ol the Church Demand that Active Temperance Work tiball Have a Prominent Place in Church Activities? Rev. Longbottom. (a) Need of Corelation of Effort, Dr. Wire. (b) Can the Church Banish the Sa loon? Rev. Sturtevant. ' (c) Christian Citizens'iip a Spiritual Duty, Kev. Holmes. ' (b) Vitml lBSues to be Espoused by tne unurcti and now snail biio urappie With Them, Rev. P.eed. Music. 4:10. Young people'ameeting. 4:10 Adjournment. 8 p. m. Address by Mrs. Additon in Baqliet church. Friday's program will 03 given to morrow. The Labor Question, from a temper ance standpoint, was ably handled by Mrs. Additon at W. O. T. , U. conven tion. Oreonian. Ripe elrawberrioB at Viereck's Sugar Bowl, iry tuem. "He that Seeks Finds." He that takes Hood's Sarsaparilla finds in its use pure olood, good appetite, good digestion and perfect health. It cures dyBpepaia, scrofula, salt rheum, boils, pimpler and all blood humors. , The favorite cathartic is Hood'n Pil'a. 25c. C. E. Brownell ' I is agent for the famous Chase a Sanborn Colfees. Lucions ripe Stawberries ever day at C. E..BB0W.NEL1S, Second SU MISFITS. Tb "Albany Tied Up," is tte head ing in theTeWgram. This refers to the boat. The city of Albany is progressing, with more houses needed for new corn ore. J The demand for bouses in Albany Is illustrated In the f rt that m a lvertise ment of a house to it-nt. itceivtd three answere before the advertiser ' eft for home in the evening a'ttr the paper whs out.. '! ,r t An Albany man told his relatives east that every man and woman here in Oregon wanted commercial expauistuu and prosperity, lhat la what, and we are doiug our best to get it. It is the kind of expanrion we need . Now that Mr. Tongue has secured for the Long Tom an open river with all the county bridges down, the people at Mon roe are talking about doing something with it in the way of having a regular boat. If it gets one boat a year it Kill do cell. Trade follows the fUg perhaps but taxation certain! does. The American Chamber of Commerce at Manila has cent to Congress a crotest anainet the destructive taxation in vogue there,. wuica, they say, is worse than ever en forced by Spain, A Wyoming paper recently published a sensational item about Kev. Gibson, of the famous bmmanuel church, San Francisco, bad died leaving a coufession of the murder of the two girls for which Durrant was hanged. Gibson continues to live to deny the story. The right man was undoubtedly hanged. : Dogs and Ponies. Norris & Howe's dog and animal show arrived in Albany this morning and pitched their tent on the court house ! square, watched by an admiring crowd of boys and girls as well as older people, Though here several times ueiore as much interest aeever has been taken. The parade, notwithstanding the rain of the morning and a superabundance of mud, was a fine one. The attendance at the afternoon entertainment was good and the exhibition flrBt-class, with sev eral new attractions, among others the famous Maj. Mite, who ia considerable of an aggregation himself. Tonight there will be another perform ance. Don't miss It. The Social Cldb. There will be a meeting in the city council chambers tomorro iv evening at 8 o'clock for the purpose of organizing the Social Club heretofore mentioned in the Democb vt. There are already seventy subscribers at $20 apiece. ' When Traveling Vhether on pleasure beot or business', talra nn pvnrv trin n. hottle of OVrllOof forms of sbkness. For sale in 50 cent I bottles by all leading druggists Man- ufaotnred by the California Fig Sprup Co, only. ' ; I ; ' . . ; . Tlierenre IMnmnnflS besijed South Africa,1 Will & Stark keep a choice line of goods in this, line of rings, ear rings, studs, etc. . . : We chip dritd beef to order in any quantity. O. E. Brownell. m m m Yoiir home made beautiful with Hie latest shades of wall paper. We save you money. Bukuart & Lee. FOR RENT. After May 20th house. barn and one block in West Aalbany, . -Enquire of L. W. Rose. NEW Clothing lor men and boys, The latest styles in hats. A tine line of furnishing goods up with the date, Stylish and substantial boots and shoes, Everything j, prices. At the COUNTY BUSINESS. Circuit court. Comnlalnt filed: Fran cea E Gray et al agt Martha A Coder el ul. Partition, Weatherford & Wyatt attorneys for plautiff. Admitted . to citizenthlp, George v.;wrae, uioi nnite, waiourg fjohuildt, Ed Kellennerger,. Jan Hawkins, 8 P Bach, Ernest Broders, Stephen Freer een and Frank Cawreo. Probate: E W Beeman appointed ad- miniBiraior joun o utson. Bond 114UU. Ed Washburn, Asa Hart and W H Da vis appointed appraisers. LJ Kin apuointel administrator es tate A U h.iug. Value property $1500. W b. Warner appointed admiuietrator estate L A Warner. Value property $2000. Kegietratton approximately 45C0. Deed filed with record, r. W B Ptacock to A H McCall. 277 acres 9 W 1 $4300 mortgages lor $220, $1430 and $70. Releases for $700 and $1500. Ohatel mot tgaees for 200. 800 and $1500. Seekers After Gold Watches will find the finest line to select from at Will & Marks. Also a superior line of the heat manes oi silver and nickel watches. Al ways see them before buying. Plenty of Tomato and Cabbage plants atC. E. Brownoll'a. Before Getting. Married , Call at Willi! Starke for your engagement or wedding nig. ixu eiuguub siock 10 select irom. i H. FMcllwain's Cash Store. Seventy Thousand Prescriptions No druggist can give you better service than wo do. No druggist can give yoa better drugs than we do. No druggist will sell you nt lower prices than we do. Burkhart & Lee. HAVENT RAID A WORD ABOUT for two weeks, but this wee I received a shipment of Ladies Tun. clt tli top, Stylish Shoes which will sell at f .1.05 per.pair. Thuy are a soep. Verv Respectfully, J. A. WEAVER. THE FAIR. at satisfactory UAHANTCCD CLOTHING BLAIN CLOTHING .Vsl'v-'. HERE WE ARE AGAIN with our schedule prices, ' ColumbiaB $75 trW 50 T 40 (Mr Hartfords 85 Ofr 30 Of Vedettes 25 08 Peunants 25 C AlcoBecond hand wheels, in good'nt pair, from $10.00 to $20 00. Bicycle risers, all over the world, in cept the "Columbia" as the standard. We give you the best value for yon money, and iu case of accident lurni.fe . jepnira promptly. STEWART & SOX IIUW. CO.; DRESSMAKING PA RLORS Mra.fS If. lTonl.,.m 1 J u. .-.dvvuuiu una ujjducu ii rCBHIIlH aiHJS - parlors over the Btore of F. E. Allen & Co., and is prepared to do work iD latest styles at reiBonable prices. L dife interested are invited ro call. is about the nunrher we have lilud tint we first started in the ('nig Int-iseajt Aa far as wo know i.o doctor line trr found any fault with cue of lliefe lilTf by ua. Don't you think a diuggist nix has filled that nu n 1 tr is 11 e ri hi liny fist to fill yours? , irsaooD BUBINK8ST0 wu