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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1900)
As the Devil Would Do. The editor of the AtchiB o Champion ouicluded be would bave tiia paper run tar a week aa tbe devil wouIJ run it and waHe to various prominent mea over tbe xtate (or tbeir opinions as to bow they thought his Satanio Majesty would fetudle the Job. Among tlioso who an .vered was ' cx-G ivernor John P. Bt. -Tohn, who Baid : "'I have received yours of the 29th ult, i-akuiu me to itive ray opinion as to -"IXow the devil would run a paper,' an - da reply hereto I deBire first to congratu, Late you on your excellent judgment in 9.cliiiK me to answer that question, for xy familiarity with his Satanic Majesty -enables me to impart to you a lot.ol Evirnjation that the ordinary pious man - knows but little about. "'Tlie first thinir the devil would do would be to write an immense Balulaio er. He would give it an intense relm- tOJia tone, tie would shout for "Old -tflory," and scream for liberty. Rod plfcb into the Mormons, but would not say a word about the thousands of slaved and our government salaried Sultan and 2rr8 seventeen wives under the protection joS tlie American flat on th Island of alu. He woulu openly favor bimetal Eem', and eecietly worn to put the ov- erntueiit on a single gold standard. He would talk long and loud about 'people's cooiiey,' but place them at the mercy of ede national banks to get it. He would declare that tbe Cubans 'were and ol - light ought to be free,' and then refuBe them their freedom.. He. would de nounce fraud and then send word to tbu canners of rotten beef to clean up and sret ready to he whitewashed. He would aland quietly by and without even a. protest see the organized trusts rob tbe baudrede of trillions annually and call it prosperity. . He' would advocate tbe 4vying of a high tariff tax on the poor min'i food and clotliine and tell him it vae protection .,. He would be as quiet At a graveyard while we were burning -negroe nt the Btake, and punching their yes out with a red hot iron, here in our own country , but would mako his ' col ttaius speak in thunder tones in favor of acuJint our soldiers eight thousand miles from home to shoot our civilization and Milwaukee beer into the Filipinos. In . desperate frenzied effort of a powerful monarchy which has been a robber and oppressor of weak nations, to crush by 6rute force a brave people In South Afri ca who are struggling, as our forefathers straggled four generations ago for' the light of self government, the devil would oe on the side of the Monarchy and gloat over tho downfall ol the republic. He would take his position in hie newspaper that by the Providence ol God, Porto Jico was the property of the United States and that her people were our peo ple and by this same Divine Providence, and by cry of benevol-nt assimilation And to impress upon the Porto RicanB . the lesson, that 'Whom the Lord "lovetb He chnatieth,' he would put a fifteen per cant tariff on the products cf their labor; He would indulge in- long prayers for Cau-'perance and editorially wiuk at the Klondike joiutists to close up during the dull season, but throw their doors wide apoii again just before the veterans' neat pav day. lie would Bland lor Mc Kinley and bitterly denounce Bryan, and finally hW Satanic Majesty would xuakri a will in which he would provide, that in caBe of his deaili or removal from the United States, his nwspaper ahoulj Cm turned over to Mark Hanna. John P. St. John. t'n.m tbe Washington Star. A miurned artillery i.llie- r ol the Ilol triaii army has invited a minibor of otlic era and engineers to an exhibition at 'Antwerp of an invention he contondB will lovolutionize warfare. The inventor, sa Mr Reuliug, says that his invention iB u deiullv that the army against which it 5s di oiit?d would be entiroly destroyed io n lew miiuitos. It iBa spocion of bomb, loadixt with a terrible explosivo, the jioiik of which I ho 'nventor hao net yet -livuVeil. lie hns proiuisoil to give in oir -tihle proof of the destruciive pow - -ere " II o invention belore ox perls. O ron the t:an Jul eun i t " of the most singular things in cur mlit'cs le the attitude of some of publican organs on the l'orto Hi I'lesiion. A mouth ago thoy were mcing the tariff down there a, the f all evil N iw they are saying it wisest and best thing possible. I m c-iunty's low tax levy Is a good lo keep. Take the state govern 'mm the republicans and at least -c mills ran be taken off from what it i i w. The Mute levy is too high, made o 1 KaAt numerous g aits jassed by the legislature. K n if one does succumb to the eym VM lie pleas of a Hilda Hobson when it r ' nes to voting for any one for office the are many other considerations. Never believe thing told about a cati'tidate until vou have thoroughly In vea'iutted it. Mare talk aud newspaper tenons are not enough. Don't scratch a tingle man on the un an ticket. They are all good men . Sharp Points. By Sqhibbs. There will be do army reorganization and no ship eobsidy eteal at this eesiion at least. The Democratic Senators bave served notice on the Republicans that unlets they piomise not lo try to paeB them until next winter, filibustering will be resorted to against every measure that cornea up in (he Senafc. The Republi cans bave yielded. Thus tLe inability of the Senate to close debate is sometimes of real vlue to the country after all. '' Every party bath its own griefs and every heart knoweth its own sorrows. Representative Sibley bts gone ever to the Republicans and Senator Wellington has come over to the Democrats. Each party can now condole with tl e other on it b accessions. So far as we have heard, the Hon. Grover Cleve land has not yet refused to run for the Vice Preside As was feared, the ''looters" n thi Senate have blocked the legislation so earnestly asked by the President, rather ilianput any obstacles in the way of the executive council of Porto Rico in serv ing pie where it will do the most gcod Conventions may make platforms but events make issues and these for this fall are already made up. Hanua has recovered IiIb health and is going to Washington shortly. It iB lucky that he did not want Washington to come to him. . Former minister Terrel Bays that there a more thau doubt as to tbe justice of our Jaims againBl Turkey, end that the President has been forced by religiouB intolerance to prosecute them. This may be true, but if it is, tbe forcing was moBt willing. The whole affair eeeuis to have been as outrAgeottB and deliberate a bid for political capital to neutralize tbe denunciations of the prohibitionists as ever occurred in the history of this coun try. . j ,:' i We are using the wrong Maxims on the Filipinos ' The bullets pf that brand should be transformed into other maxims like the golden rule. No pro, can really measure the conse quences of an action. Thus flanna ex pected a campaign fund from the Bhip owners this fall for paBBing the Bhipping gilt enterprise bill. But Wanamaker ef teed him a million dollars for the cam. paign fund to yole against Q i iv for e senate Now Quay says the shipping steal shall not pass. Consequently. flanna will not get bis fund. Teddy is about to start on a swing around the circle in order to further dis courage bis boom for the Vice presiden tial. nomination. Mara Hanna says that McKinley has always been in touch with the1 republi can arty. Wouldn't it be. more accu rate to say that the republican party bat always been touching him for colonial loot. The Prosperous. From the Eugene Journal. Hops that coat the grower about 8 cents per pound, wit' out counting anything for land, taxe-e interest on the money in vested, or care and trouble, have sold in Eugene this week for five cents, This is a fair sample of the present era of pros perlty for the prosperous. The prosper ous are thj owners of ship yards and steamships that profit from millious ol dollars "pent in war in the South sea is lands; the great iron founderies that double the price of nails, barbed wire, hardware and everything need by farm ers, shopkeepers aud common people, and make $40,000 ,000 a year, doubling every dollar Inveatod : the Standard Oil inacr- nilfofl IvIlA ioa tttn nn.. nl nll extort liom poor consumers ?80,000,000 1 a yoar, and have banks holding ti)0.000, -' 000 ol the noonles monev free of lnt,t " i ""r I..,, '"- i tllftir rtnruld in all nurla nt II. a ...wl.l n. "-- ..i. niio iuo nuuu Ufa a great profit, and are asking for a subsidy ol $100,000,000 of the peopleB money and will get it if the Hannaite Republicans can pass the bill; the army officers iu McKinley'e war and members of special Commissions on $10,000 a year salaries and as much more for expenses, making about$150.000 lor each roving commission appointed to give a fat job to favorites to do nothing; the officers in Cuba, Porto Rico, and everywhere that a place can be found, who get the salaries fixed by law aud as much more for extra pay. The prosperous are Viry prosperous. They number one tenth, perhaps of tho Ameri can people. The remaining nine tenths are not in it.- ' ! "Honest'' John Wanamaker has again eervod his country well. It will b'j re membered that he bought )he Pot-master-generalship in Harrison's rabinet with a $ 100,000 contribution to the cam paign fund. Now he has bought Hanna's vote against Quay by a million dollar contribution to the McKinley campaign fund, Pennsylvania is safe anyhow, and Quay can't hurt the Republican party much outside that state, whlln ti.o ,ii. lions of dollars will be handy for use else- where. Oo of lbs Salt Lake papor speaks of a rumored wedding in that city. I8 it pos ible that Roberts is gringlo take another spouse. The l pgicttl Course. Albany, May 7. Editor Democrat: . . And no comes tbe Herald and laye the charge to the door of Mr. Daly, the democratic candidate for congreee, of beirg a gold standard man. Of course as every intelligent person knows, tbie is not true. . But for the purpose of traciBg tbe faot to a legitimate eoiling, it will be admitted thaliie is a gold bug. now, wnai is tne logical course to pur sue? The Herald is in favor of the gold standard and has been for a good many years. Vt ith that paper the gold bug principle Is the highest moral virtue and the free coinage is little less tban crimi nal. . Tongue is only a recent convert from the free coinage doctrine. In fact many people think bis conversion to the gold bug view was a mere sham, adop ted meiely for tbe purpose of getting bark to congress. Taking tbe only rea' sonable view cf the case, it is very evi dent that tbe Herald should rush in with great zeal to support Mr. Daly, the go'd standa'd man, as against Tongue, the pretended convert. " ' x. For "pure cusscdneBs" the dog poieon- er Is at the hend. Dewey will probably be elected sher iff of Douglas county. .'.- There may not be much sno in the mountains but when it comes time to rain wewcotwi'l be in it. TheMedford Mail says we are in the' filth month of the new cehturv. ' The. BMujuitHiciuu on too juau is an. right. With Wallace McOammant in their midBt it is verv inconsistent for Portland republicans to accuse Bryan of tulking A La Grande man writes to Eugene that 100,000 is too much for a eubBidv tor a beet sugar factory. That he will put one in lor 8U,000. Did you ever. uAt Windsor, Canada, resolutions have been passed expressing sympathy , for A'lumaldo, and two messengers anno:nt. ed to take tbem to him. As Aquinaldo is said to be dead it is probable Canada is about as near hirn as the messengers Among .the men mentioned for the vice presidency on tho. republican ticket is ex-minister to Siam, John Barrett, a former Portland newspaper reporter. eustern paper uiu tins, not an Oregon paper. Fortunately for the world gen erally it is only a meution. -y A Lakeview paper charges Mr. Daly with having been born in Ireland, a charge that is true. . But Tongue was born lurtber away Irom tho Unitad mates than-Ireland. - He. -was bonti.' in England. Vote for the man born nea'rr est the United States. . While J. A. Jeffreys was district at torney of the first district he prosecuted the middle-of-the road editor of the Ashland Record on the charge of dis turbing a meotimr. Now the Record man is making all manner of charges against Jeffreys. Tho animus is plain. The republican papers continue to charge Mr. Daly with being a gold Btandard democrat and a batik presi dent As a good many republicans are looking for an excuse to bolt Tongue this ought to satisfy them. As a matter of fact though Daly is not and has not ueon a gold standard democrat. The person who doe3u't register this year will miss a good deal on the presi dential campaign alone, as according to a mathematical exchange there are eight aels of candidates to vote for: Bryan Bnd McKinley, Duey all aloue, prohi bitionist, mi Idle of-lhe-roader. Debs, Sigle taxir unci Hobson on a "glory" platform. , tl0vcrl,Jr 1'eard from his lct- J?" fnt to tlia rreaide"t Speaker Hondewon in favor o f the Indian War retary acknowledged tho receipt of the letter, and speaker Henderson said : "I have given tho subject matter of vour letter considerable thought. It is a bad time to urge tins at present, with our tromeiidous burdens of nppiopriations, although something may bo done in thi Congress, if not at this session." When some ol tho appropriations that have been nindo are considered this excuse will bo vory thin to tho Indian War Veterans. They nt least think that the house should have been permitted to bo the judges in the matter and not one man, The Portland police have the sime opinion he'd by Chief of Police Coatep of this city, tlint the Lottie Smith in Al bany recently raising funds for her com mercial education, is noi the notoiious Hilda Hobson, but another faka just as bad. The Dkmotrat man continues to think it is the same Hilda. The Portland Telegram claims that on a recent visit of the ladies basket hall toim of the Portland Y. M. O. A. to Cor vallis to compete with tlie team of O A O , Professor Ringler and the team waj treated to discourtesies by Borne ol tbe students and rowdy element of the town President Gatch informed Professor Ringler that the mauer would not go unnoticed. Tlie merchants ol Roseburg have agreed to cIobo their stores at 7 o'clock except on Saturday evenings, when tbev will close not later than 8 o'clock, with a provision for a fine of $25 for street im provement tor every violaiirn of it, a'so to close on Sunday Belling no goods ex cept in case of death, with a fine ol $50 for street improvements. A rompanjlwlth capital Jot $17,000 has been organized to build an opera house in Baker city. Baker and Albany lost their opera houses about the B.une lime. Now let Albany uicvo. The Boers Ret re iting . London. Mt 9. Lord Roberta making better progress than anyone had uartu io nope, anu is meeting with suc cess at all points. The Bo;rs, following their customary practice, bad evacuated their positions on tne vet river during Saturday night As Lord Rober s, advancing along the railway, and General Hamilton 20 m lies to the east, threatened the two wings of tne isoer lorces, it could not bo surpris ing to hear that they had also evacuated winuurg. , Bryan and Tonne. Chicago, May 6, Tho Chronicle to' morrow will say : . uryan and iowne that was the way the probable Democratic, Populisric and Lincoln Kipiioiican National ticket trained up as the result of a con'oronce yssterday afternoon between leaders of the three parties at the Sherman House. ihti presidential nomination was not discussed, that being a foregone conclu sicn. i . Boers 1 riven. ' " ' Warkelton, Mav 6. Yesterday G3n oral Barton drove from 2000 to 3000 Bo ers from hilly positions nt Rooidan wnere -ney awaited mem. They re treated aliur stiff lighting leaving a num berofdeadoh the field. The British casualties wereeshght. General Barton id sun pursuing. Fatal Storms. Kansas City. Mav 0. Half a .lnzen distinct tornadoes occurred in Central Kansas this afternoon follon-inn a dav of exceediugly high t-mperature. Two people are Known to have been killed and three injured. Wires aro down in the affected districts making it impossible accurately to sum up the damage. Immense Hail Stones. Omaha. May 6. A snecisl to the Ben from Beav?r City, eiveg further details of the VVileonvilfe tornado. Many farm houses were destroyed. The hail btons were as large as baccballs and nn driven through ru fs. Tne twisters ap peared after the d .in uriment and took a northeastly course; li wus funnel shaped ami did damage uvir a large area. . A Crazy Resolution. Coludiiss. May 6. At services n elim- inury r-o ins uenerai uonlerenso of in. M. E church resolutions indomino the position of Great Britain in her war with the Boers were unanimously adop ted and declare that we deprecate war between nations, vet we hnariilv in. dorse the action of England in her efforts of teaching these misguided people the true lesson or our Uhristian civilization. Befoi e the Committee. Washington, May 7 The senate com mittee on interoceanic canal held a meet ing today and discussed the Ni canal bill, which passed the house last week. No action was taicen and the com mittee will meet again , WedneBdny to consider the meacure further. ." Under the Constitution. St. Paul. Mav 7. Snd'm t.nptimn in- day filed in the U S circuit court his de cision on the application of Rafeal Oritz a'Portq Rican to be released from the Minnesota state's rtriann flrii-r maa convicted by a military tribunal in Por to Rico for the murder of a United States Boldier and condemed to die. The sen tence was commuted to life imprison ment. . The Boeis Plan. London. Mav 8 Th Ttnoro ,r. where retiring befo-e the British, except on tue Nnial fronteir and at JIafekintr to the inner circle of tbpir ,i Do They appear determined not to fight un-' til the Lroonstad hills are reached. .L.oru Koberts is exDected to An anntb. er 40 or 50 miles, and then wait for a time in order to bring up supplies and to repair the railway. To Dnll Ears. Washington. Mav 7 At tn,u'o sion of the senate. Teller rlelivnmrl speech in which he strongly urged the ,,nlu1 w caiciiu its Fympainy to the Boers in the contest aitu ti.a Tt-:t;ei. The adoption of his resolution of sympa thy, he miintained could not be consid ered as an unfriendly act by the government. ; Aqulrnldo Again. Manila. Mav 7.-Telporam.t ra;.j herefrom General Young report that Aatunaldo has reioinnrl t.ha rahul rcH Tiuo in the north and thny havereossem- uieu u cunsiaoraoie lorce in the moun tains. General Young desiref to strike them belore it rains and asks for rein forcements. The tenor nt tl.o ,lloil. leads to the belief that General Young is confident Aquin Ido is with Tino. Fur G;iil, GkANT'sPasS ll.iv 7. Crinli. TJo. today helo the liveliest city election in it6 history and polled 452 votes, beinit largest vote so far cast. Th t.rini,i contest was over the office of Mayor, the candidates being W T Coburn, the pres ent incumbent end II O Kinnev,!presi dent of tho Sugar Pino Door & turn ber Co. H O Kinney was elected, a Hiatim.! victory for good government. 44 No Eye Like the Master's Eye." Yoa are master of your health, and if yoa do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order, Hood's Sar saparilla will purify it. It is the specif! o remedy for troubles of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. Kidneys "My kidneys troubled me, and on advice took Hood's Sarsaparllla which gave prompt relief, better appetite. ' My sleep Is refreshing. It cured my wife . tlso." Michael Boylk, 3473 Denny Street, Pittsburg, l'a. - Scrofulous Humor-" I was In terrible , condition from the Itching and burning of scrofulous humor. Grew worse under treatment of several doctors. Took Hood's Sarsaparllla and Hood's Pills. These cured me thoroughly." J. J. Little, Fulton, N. Y. W O . . . .Pf Hood' Ptlli curo llTor 111 ; th nop Irritating ftn4 nTycthrtiQ to Uk with tiood'i SaritypkrlltC A Red Hot Address.: The Indian War Veterans generally are getting up in arms, figuratively speaking, because of the failure of th government, to give them their dues, so nobly earned in the building up of tuis country. At a meeting in Salem yester day an address assigned by Cant. E'gin and Secretary Northcut contains tte fol lowing:' "That we must oreanize and tret everv vote of the veteranB and tbeir friends to vote together for our interest. ' It is now thirty yearB since we went to our coun try's reecue. and. what have we received 7 Comparatively nothing. xou should show how many votes we have. Knock somebody down that is in our way, and. then they will want to now What the old fellows want Thnv think we are dead, or if not dead, we ave so little Bense, that they can fool ub plenty, If the Grand Armv of the Republic had not have bad votes, ana used mem, .vouia mere nave Deen anything said apout tbeir patriotism? When a mem ber of congreaB is in political accord witb tne house of representatives, and does nothing for us, see that he Btaysat home next time. Then and not until then wiil you get what is justly your dusB." ttiThough spoken fourteen years ago, Comrades, we ask you, were not tbe words of our first Grand Commander, Col. T. B. W. Wait, prophetic wordt? Have we received anything, and is there any prospect that we will ever? Every two years just belore election we get a dose of Mr. Tojgue's taffy, spread on thicx with Oohnel Wood's confidential-assurance mop, that in a few months at the furthest we will bi looked after to oat beait's content. ft iB now forty-four years that we have been seeking recognition in vain; now let us appeal to our comrades and friends to stand by ub, and for Bnide congress men's scalps. Len7o ivoo a Btone un turned nor a vote uncast againBt tliose do nothing vcongTeeBmeny- whothink that with a littb taffy just before eleotion they can tool ns until we have all passed lute our graves, and then the future his torian will write: "Seven thousand In dian War Veterans of the Pacific North west, within fifty years, all passed into their graves without recognition, that very small politicians might go lo con gress." . , : A Good Joke Washington, May 8 It is not expect ed that the national republican commit tee will lend any financial aid to the Oragon campaign. Chairman Hanna pointB out that it has no? been custom ary ty loud assistance of this sort, and that with the shortage that exists this year in the campaign funds he does not gee how such a contribution can be made. The Populists Sioux Falls, May 8. The populist national committee met tonight and "af ter a brief session decided that P.'l. Kingdell, of Mnneaota, ahould act as temporary chairman of the committee; R E Bray of Oklahoma, as secretary and Eugene Smith of Illinois fand Leo Vin cent of Colorado, as assistant secretaries Manila, May 8. The insurgents killed thiee and wounded seven Americans at Barotac, Pany Island, St. Louis, May 8. 2600 car operators are on strike and rioting is reported. Al the cars are tied up, Washington,. May 8 $3,000,000 is or dered added to the pension Met. Caps Town, May 8. Roberts advance is demoralizing the Boers. Boers are expected to make stand at Zand River. London, May 7. Lord Roberts report ed crossing the Vet river. Ho lias capt ured a Maxim guujand 24 prisonei 8. Jufffrson, May 7. Mrs, Ruby Loon ey, a pioneer of IS43, died this forenoon, eged 92 years. SEND US ONE DOLLAR WfUUR $38.50 sm TFLERGAPHIC The War , London, May 9. The Boers are offer ingjittle resistance lo Roberts. Bridge repaired Vet and Vaal. Rivers will delay several days. Boers have deserted Lady brand and Frickebirg, lest retreat to Transvaal might be cut off. At Zand river many Boers are giving . up their guns and noises, chiming bilter hied, between freestaters and tranevaalers Gives Himself Up ' London, Ky., May 9. Jim Howard, Gobel's alleged assassin, gofs to Frank fort today to surrender. . Miners Trouble Wilkesbarre, May 9. Twenty men were hurt today at. Butionwood mine. The Btrikers are b- ating off tbe wort. men, V . At St Louis' ' .' Sr Louis, May 9. --No elreet cars are running, franchise is revoked for non compliance with ordinance,, One otOur Wars. St. Louis. Mav 8. l.liodoiio,! 1,0. suited from the strike of the employes 'of the St. Louis Transit Co. A bov was shot today by a non-union conductor wno was trying to push his car through the crowd. In a fracas further down, a motorman wos sariniiaiv fnt;,-a.i u.: - thrown by some one in the crowd. A man was shot at Grand and Franklin avonues, tonight and another : near the crossing of the. Suburan tracks on Tay lor avenue, a big crowdgaj.lieaed. Robert's movements London. Mnv o Pnii- r. ish cavalry watered their horsis at the f Monday twenty-five miles beyond Smaldee!. where Lord Roberts continues to date his dispatches, ocouts, who have been oniirr.i,in,, i. country for milei along the river. The enemy are laagered in an unknown force on lne north bank. Thus ihe British advance guard is within forty-five miles of Kr-jonetad . ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned nun hMn flul.. n pointed by the eonntv cnnrl nf T.ln ty, Oregon, administratrix ol the estate of Samuel King, Deceased. All persons hav ing claimi against said estate are hereby required to present same wilh proper vouchers 10 the undesigned at tbe office of yaieon. r irst National bank build ing, Albany, Oregon, within six months Irom Ihe date hereof. ihiB ii7ih day of April, 1900. . RDTH" TCrMll lnn,inl,t.L B. 0. Watson, and L. L. Swan, iiiiorneys tor Admistratrix. NOTIfJE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the under. igced adminintml. n,ik the will annexed, of tho estate of John uuu'unn anu raeooe uatemau, deceased bna filed bis final account with the County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the court has fixed Tuesday, the 5th day of June, 1900, at the hour of One o'clock p, ai., of said dav .'or the henriim n coant and the final sctt'eu.ent of said es tate. iny and uli persons having ob jectionsto Ihe same are hereby notified to io pieneni at saiu time and p'ace aid make the same. Dated this Ihe I9th day of April, 1900, PiTEIl B ITH Elt, Adm r wilh the will annpirpH nt and Pheobe Batemnn, deceased. W SATUERKORD Jx WVATT, Att'ys for Adm'r. CTT THIS IB. v.OLTASU GLIB JTV LS WITH ."da'r SPECIAL HIGH GRADE JtTBJ $38.50 STOCK SADDLE bx might C. O. II. .ubject to cumln.tlaii. YOU CAW EXAMINE M r?Tmn,ttnwt .. ., -rr: det, and ir found pcrlectly MtUniclory, ox.etlr m repmentcd, An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle .nd the equal of saddle. Bold eTerywhore at from PKV&S OUR PRICE,. $38.50, 1m tbe 1.00 deport, or 37.&0, u. 1 Ireiuhl cnannSo This Saddle Is made on a 154 or 16-inch Gflnillnn I ariaaiNa rxm Nelson Heavy Steol Fork.... rrJLLJY 8K,VECTKI RAWHIUE COVERED cr B-lnch oxbow brftxs bound, udeilred. Will m.4 bwd uitlc athf nrlt n)fnd, TREE IS WADE EXTRA STRONG swrti.tMnehiontr lined, iinch witle Ucptlrrup leather, lV-lneh tie strni. extra lonir on near Plde, t-fnch U liucltl on offside, heavy cotton twitted MaxJcan .ltich front cinch, heavy cotton bolting flanVclnrh, connecting strap. Loon teat, seat and jockey all one piece. ' ELEGANT HAND RAISED STAMPING as llla.traled. Wrll,t or Baddlt .hont So p.,lnd.i Wmtiri'MiX " ltuti X?ViJgH ft VEHICLE. HARNESS AND SADDLE CATALOGUE, ihowing a lull line ol Coodo, and Rinchar OulSlnltheloweilpriCBlereraurjIeil. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICA60, ILL l". a Cb. an l.n.tlt rBlUUs.-Ulaa.)