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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1900)
T --7 Democrat. VOL XXX V ALBANY, ORKGON, FRIDAY. MAY 11,1900 NO 40 Albany Brownsville. From tlie Times. H. B. Mover has temporarily closed his saw mili on tlie. Calapuoia. He baa between 41X1,000 and 500,000 feet of ex cellent lumber nhicb will 6liortly find its way to tlie valley, mostly to Browns ville, B. F. Cbilds left for Lafayette Tues day. He took bis cbeeee plant with bim and expects soon to be turning out more prize winning cheete. He will remove bis family to tbat city an coon as be can arrange for their reception. Hugh Fields sold bis hops thiB week to Faber&Noia. It's said the price was sufficient to rav for the tiwmle of haul ing them to the depot. Maters Moyer and Millisan also disposed uf thtir hops, to Mr. Hubbard, of Saleiv, receivicg 5 cents per pound tbeiefor. The supply of milk at the neamery is increasing. It now averaiiee over d.ouu pounds per day, and still there are a few who have noi commenced lritigi'g milk yet, but will commeme later. The creamery is going la bo a ureat tuccesB. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System EFFECTUALLY HABHUALCbHSTlPATlON I UMb w DrfiUAMEMTlV TELFGRAPH1C Oh to Prttori. Loneox, Mav 5. Tb Mounldd Infant; ry with lxT( Itooeris, amoug wnicn are the Canadi i..s, have picketed their ! horses on the south bank picketed .Vet River, 18 miles north of urandlorc. ine head of Lord RobertsB' colnmns bos bus advanced 32 miles from Karee Sid ing in two days, or 53 miles north of Bio euifontein. Little powder was spent. The British work was hard marcbihg, the Boers retiring out of the reach ot the British in the bills. A Big Fire. Spokane, May 4' Sandon, the secoud mining town of importance tn the Slocan district has been completely destroyed py tiro and nearly all of its 120 J people homeless and ruined. At 4 d. m. a train came in from San don, bringing a "number of thote who loat all iheir property. They roported that the total loss was between l(600,C00 and $1,000,000 while the insurance coum only have been about $26,000. Army Reorganizes . Washington, May 4. Today's session of the Senate was rendered especially notable by the passage, after a debate laitine three hours, of the Army reor ganization bill. In qilitary circles the measure is regarded as one of the most imnortantant of the present session. It ments of the army. It proposes to chenge the present system of permanent apyyintcrients in certain staff corps to one ol detail by a gradual process as I he officers In those corps go out of active service. Dewey in St. Louis. St. Louis, May 4. Ton thou-and Sun day school children waving 10,000 Amer ican flags cheered and eang sacred and patriotic scng in lienor of Admiral Dew oy Bt the public reception at the Expos Bition building toJay. The Proper Thing. Washington, May 4 In accordance wita General Otis' request to be allowed to return to the United States, the War Department today isened orders to re him, to takeaeffebt tomorrow, the date fixed by General Otis for bis sailing. Tbo orders designate Major-General Mai Arthur to succeed General Otis in com mand ol the division of the Philippines. A Drifting Office. Washington, May 4. It is saidthata definite arrangement has been reached that the Vice-Presidential nomination is not to be forced upon Governor Boose- velt, especially in view of the fact that he has declared that such action will meet a declination from him. HOME AND ABROAD. PERMANENTLY BVy THt SeNYINl-MANTD BS' t.v?t "Safe Bind. Safe Find." Fortifv yourself now by purilying and enriching yoiir blood and b'lilding up our system with Hood'B Snrpaparilla and you may ex pect good health throughout the coming season . O. M. Donaldson, Union candidate for congress from Second Oregon district in ISMS, died m Baker Uity, recently. Tbo county W. O. T. U. will meet in Albany May 10 and 11. BesideB Linn county workers, Mre. Addition, state lecturer, will be present. Upon petition the name of Thoe. Green, of Portland, will be placed on the union ticket for supreme judge. He Is highly spoken of as a lawyer and gentle man, E. S. Marsters, of Crawlordsville, after loBing about $20 worth of chickens and turkeys succeeded in klllingilie thief, the proper nay to dispose oi chicken thieves. It was a cougar, a yearliog, measuring five feet. A colonel is to bo elected for the new Oregon regiment. Tbere are Boveral can didates, among them Capts. Heath, May and foorman, of Philippine experience, While assisting in running off the weekly edition of the People's Press, Clam Hale caught bis fingers in the press, mashing ihem in a serious man ner, and ne 19 now taking a lew weens vacation, The new rock crusher, purchased by thecounty, is at the depot in this city. Ab Boon as it is set up, it will be operat ed in this vicinity, where road improve ment is badly needed. Crashed rock makes the best road nod, and our people should try to get all the benefit possible from the machine. Lebanon E. A. A great deal of fishing has been done tbis week from cat fishing to black bass and trout. As nearly as can be learned Dr. Leiuenger and E. J. TownBend are entitled to the booby prize, niter cruising along the Santiam for about a day catch, ing only tbeir hooks. John A. Jeffries will speak to tbe peo ple of Linn county on the issues of the day at Scio Tuesday evening next, at Leoantn Wednesday evening, at BrownB ville on Thursday evening, at Harris burg with the candidates on Friday after noon Aiay lun. near mm. Thn institute announced for across the river last night and today on account of tno Heavy runs naa ueon postponed until Saturday of neit week, May 12, wheu sessions will be held at 10:30 a m. and 1 p. m. A meeting was held last night but the attendance was small. The Vflquina News says tbe Democrat made several untrue statements about Tongue. That's what, everything is un true about Tongue tbat tsn t stated by eome paper with a string tied to Tongue's thumb. "Desired explanation" wilt not be swallowed by many people. It was learned last evenig that the woman in Bchool girl's dress, walking with crutches, was- the noiorius Hilda Hobson wbo was arrested for the theil' icio. From the Xers: Mrs. LambiOD, of Portland, deputy supreme commander of the L O. T. M., was in Bcio the latter part ot last week. A few salmon have made their ap pearance in the mill race, and as soon us ihey begin to come down in any great number there will be a g od deal of spoi t for our people in lauding them on dry ground. j Joseph Weselr, of this city, has turn ed his banl to the inventive art, and bis firBt attempt has proven a great succeBB. He I) sb lately applied for a patent for n new saw Bet, which ie indeed a very handv tool, and one that wl 1 eouie day prove to be a good seller. Miss Anna Mespelt, of Scio, appointed missionary to tbe Indian 'lerritorv and MisB Carrie O. Millapaugh missionary for Oregon were present during the as sembly. exercise Monday and addressed tbe pupils and gtve most excellent ad vice. They are working under the aus pices of the Baptist church, . Meesrj. Gaines and Camercn, of Lar- wood, have commenced work on a wagon road from Larwood to Roaring river falls, and Iihb proposed to move tbe Oameron mill from Orabtree to the new location near the falls. A lumber Hume will probably be built from the mill to Lar wood. and perhaps to "Crabtroo station in tbe future.; Died, in tbis city, Monday, April 30, 1900, Anna Pearl, Vile of F.I.Jones, aged 20 years, 1 month and 27 days. An na Pearl Bilveu was the daughter of Mr. and M rs, J . A. Bilyeu, and was born near this city, March 3, 1880, and lived here during her entite life. On May 8, 1897 she was married to F. I. Jones, of this city, and with him lived a happy and contented life. Two children were, born to them, Uladdii, the oldest, being two years old, and the youngest, a bright boy baby, was born March 18 of the present year. To Cure a Cold 111 One Day Take Laxativu Rnosto Quimisk Tab lkti. All dreggiats tefuni the nuney if it fails to euro. E. W. (3 no v it's signature is on each box. -5c. Ur It II Hadan, summit, a la. ssvb, "1 think Kodul Dyspepsia Cure a Bpleudid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my confid ence in it grows with, contiuued use." It diges:s what you eat and quickly cures dvupeps'a and indigestion. For rule by boshav & Mason. LaGripps with its alter effects, annually -Jestroys thousands uf people. It may be luict-y cured by One Minute Cough Cur the only remedy that prdu',es immediate remits in coughs, colds, croup, broncaitis, pneumouia and throat and lung troubles, t will prev.nt Cuimmiplion. for sale by Fnebay & Mason . Canned Asparagrus At 0 E Brownkl Don't Tobacco Silt aim Sbinkc Tour Lift AlTtr To quit tobacco easily nou forever, be muff, netie, lull of life, nervo mul vigor, take No-To line, tbo wnntlor-vrorlcer, lliut maUos vreaU men strong. All druggists, 60c or Si. Cure guaran teed, llooltlet and sample free. Addresn Sterling iteinedy Co., Cblaago r New Yorv. Fl-lurnto Your llownu With Cascarets. Cantly Ontlmrtlc, cure conitipation torever. ,n" i!5e. If'.,'. C. C fall. flrujilRta refund, money. ro Cure Constipation ?orover Take Cuscarets Cunily Cathartic 10c or 25a tf O. C. C. lull to cur ''ii PC1' j refund rrnnp. of a team from a Corvallis livery f'lv afterwards released. She went by the name of Lottie Smith here and found plenty of victims in Albany. These are days for keeping ones eyes opon. No-To-Pac for Firty Centa ; Guaranteed tobaoco habit cure. nialtw weak tueo fitror.ff. blood pure. AM druggists BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon haven't a regular, healthy movement of tbe bowels every day, you're nick, or will bo. Keep your bowels open, and bo well. Foroo, In tbe Bbape of Violent physio or pill poison, in dangerous. Tho smoothest, easiest, most porfoot way of keeping tbe bowels clear and eloau Is to take CANDY W F CATMAHTIC The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has fceOn in iso for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of , and has been made under his per sonal supervision slnco Its infancy. I Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes aro but Ex periments that trlllo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops' ' and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relievos Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. genuine CASTORrArALWAYS Bears the Signature of TVtADf MAR 11 MOItTtlllO Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Slekon, Woaken, or Gripe. 10c, B0c, 60a Write for free sample, rid booklet on health. Address Storting lUacdr C )', CMcag, Montr!, Hw Tsrk SSSa KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN T '1 The Kind You HaYe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CEHTAUW COMPANY. TT MUWBV STWCKT, NIWVOWK OITV. ' Buggy Paints. ffe carry Masury. They are considered by all painters to be tie best on tbe market. Kodaks our Special Bargains. We now have a full line of Paints House Paints 5 gal., 1 gal., 1-2 gal., qts. House paints for fixing your chairs, bedsteads etc. for 25c. Any Color Paints of all kinds and remember we have the best i Camera, i i i i i REGULAR $ 2 50 3 50 - 5 oo 5 oo io oo - 12 00 25 00 SPECIAL $ i 88 2 98 4 00 3 95 8 35 9 60 20 00 Complete! line of Photo sup plies at lowest prices. FAMILY PAINTS Qts pts , and 1-2 pts. Stains, Pts., 1-2 pts. Enamels Bicycle Enamels1 20c. a can. HE S3 Dawson's drug store mum v