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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
Farm Journal 5 Years. Pay up and gel both papers at pries ut We want iuore new subscribers to our Weekly, we therefore continue our ar .xa.Ke3iunt w'ln 11,9 Farm IournhJ jT wliicu we can senl the Dkmoohat and the farm Journal 5 years, both for $1 .25. And we mk) the same off ;rto ail old subscrib . who will pr all arrearages and on eear in advance. Vou know what ours is and the Farm iourial ii a gom -practical, progressive ctaw, honeit, useful papar full cf omp'.ion. full of sunshine, with an ira n io circulation anion, the best peupl Teryh3re. Yououtfbt to take it. Diily su'iicriosri p lying in advance -a also secure is. Vurethan War. Ill i Ins I Mi kil'ed by war.bat hundred f th n till in killed by consumption Tliit9 win' I b) n djnths at all ciuied by tliis terrible duene, if psoplo could be mii to ui lirsUn 1 thit Sliiioh s Cough ,nd Cjnimption Onre le a Bure remedy if t, aic-m in the early stages 25 cts, 50 eta, ndl 00 a bottle. Drugists will retund the money if a cure is not effected, lor ale by Fred Dawson . California Seed; Given Away. Until Augrit 1. 19)3, anyone tonding mamo and f'lll addriut, with 10 cents in aiaiu'w to defray postage, packing, etc., will recaivd l'ltKB a package containg a eliotio ejection of first flower or vegetable ejd Ailarjof the daiMt Californa var iety, grown at this place. All we ask of you U that waen the? are grown and ma tured, you will tell your neighbors or frinads th it the seeds caun from us. State which you p efer, fbwer or vegetable -seeds. ii I fMOtfD Sc ROBERTS SEED CO., Box 2d6, Santa Paula, Cal. Itlishels ot Money TClirown a ay oy women annually i l the ,'purciuse of cosmetics, lotions and p 'Ar dors, nun ) ol which ever accomplishes iteobjeiit B uutr depends on healthy -3loo I and 1 1 digestion, such as Karl's tilovar ltot feu guarantees you for 25 ts. an;l 50 cts. por packauo. Take .t and we cuura'itea your complexion. For sale by bred Dawson. Nothinu Line It. You Bhould remember that no other Cure in auv respect. If other remedies .have tailed t roliBve yourcough or cold, .lmt is all tne more reason why you should trv Shiloh'a. Always eold under a positive guirantee. it it does not ne.p you, the druggist muet give back your money. 25 els., 50 cts., and $1.00. a bot tle, .-'or sale by Fre l Dawson. Ileauty In mood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No 3cauly without it. Cnscnrcts, Candy Cathar tic clean yonv blood and keep ii, clean, by Rf.irciiiir mi the Inzv liver and driving all im purities Irom the Dotly. jiegin lo-ciay 10 rxinish iiimoles. boils. blotclict. blackheads, nnd that siekly biliuus complexion by taking tkiHearets, beauty lor ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction glliirnnteed, 10c, 25;, 50c. ' mow Arc 1 mir Kulnpy. 1 Dr. lIolt'SiiarHk is Pills puroftll ktilney Ills. Sam. lofri'0. ie. UterlliiK Ki3iuuil.v Oj..CliL:it:oor N. Albany Minuet. Wheat 43 'outs. Oats 27 . Kvcgs 11 cents. Butter Into 17 conts. Potatoes cents. ' Hams 15 ctaU. Sides 10 cents, Shoulders 8 cents. WHITE SEWING MACHINE, Bran now, taken on tulvortii'iiiK, (or snlo choap. No old machine? noadod. Call on tho Dkmociiat man. HUNT N&TIOAAIj BANF, or r.s4.HT,oaaao) Preildont . f loPronltlnt , LFMNN 8 B TOUNO wh,!, W. LANOUON TRANSACTS A OBN BRAb banVlnfcoriof ACCOUNTS KKPT abject to check IOUT RX011ANUR RiUlirph.o lr Dtlftr, U s Nevr Yr,- San ' ranolico.Chlr ago and PoitU ..t. COTtONi 1 ADR on (ortbl rmi s a R TOURt K V i nooDwm L. rLnrWJ C B, Flihn. "Notice of First Meeting of Creditors In the District Court of the United ita'i's for the District of '..'regno: In tho matter of J. V. Pipe,, in bankruptcy. To the creditors of S. V. Pipe, of ' Albany.Orogon, ia tho county of Linn ani district aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOI'ICE IS HKUKUY GIVEN THAT on tho 12th day of Apiil, A D 1900. the said J. Y. Piuu whs dulv adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will hi held at Albany. Ore j. &a 10 luv office, on the 80th day ol April, A (., 1000, at One o'clock in the mfternoon, at which time tho said creditors nay uttend, prove their claims, aproint a trustee. Mamine tho bankrujt, and trar. act such other business as may properly 1 -come uetoro Bain mpering. Dated April 10, 1900. II. Bbtant, Referee in Bankruptcy ,:"1"r""1"1 urn ItrllKblo (hthhi o( ft nuvhftnU'.ftl or Inrentlm mind lrlrlns ft trip to tlio lnrl KmpnuItloDi with go4 AftiftrT fttiil psix-mri nftld, ihoulJ write t(i VaIkNT UKIOUD. It iH I mo re Md. ftrviU with yea whtthar yoa rontlnnft fh 4ijt nrtnii aitri, atpeii n tine. Darlfl lh bluod. r- vturei lint miiho)d.j-Tl Btwobotci Oftkot you ronrT lllEiold, 400.00 in ntAiin.&trTnH m ii x rftairuru. tiuj This Paper One Year. SHAKE INlTOTSHOES Allen' Foot-Ei8f, powder. It curei painful, smarting, nervoui feet and in growing naili, and inatantly takes th sting out of corns and bJnians. It's the greateet comfort diecivery of the age Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel eaiy. It is a certain enre for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet, Try it today. Sold by all drusgists and shoe stores. By mail for 25o in tamps. Trial packages FREE. A Vress, Alien SOlnistead, Le Hoy, N. Y. Oldjbiko Ratkb. Weeaiy Dkuocbat ,nd Examiner $2.60 and Thrice-a-week .Vorld $2.00; and Republic $1.75: and Oregonian $2.25 and San Francisco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly Journal 2.00 Is Th's Plain Enougli? If you havj a nagging' cugu and are losing li ish, go to a drurf stoie, and get a bottle of Shiloh'a Consumption Cure Take two-thirdi of it and then, if you are not benefittel, return the bcttle to the druggist, and be will return the money. Isn't that fair? No one could ask more. 25 cts, 50 cts and $1.00. For sale by Fred Dawson. A Few Pointers. Tae recent statistics of the number of deaths, sh jff ill it the Urge mijority die with oi np'aoa. tnia disease may omraancj with an appirently harmless ciugh whicicin b; curel instantly by Kemp's 13 Minn for the Throat and Lings, which is guiriiteid t" cire an! relieve all cassj; I'rics25j. aid 50j. For sale by all drurists l'he Excitement Not Over.,.l ll.a :1..ii jlrtj dill ..Anlin uea aal d lily sc res of peiple cill for a bottle of Kin j'a B tlsain for the Throat and Lua js for the cure of Cougha, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis aal Consumption, Kemp's Balsam, the BtandarJ family re- fails to give entire satisfaction. Price 25c. and olio. A Gii.d Tiling. Our ftreal-Grand notbers' garrets con tained the s line herbs of all healing foond in Karl's Clover Root Tea. They gave onrancestirs strength, kept the blood pure, and will do the same for yoj if you say so. I'nce Via cts anil 5J cts. r or sale by r red Dawson . CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Che Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TRY ALLEN'S F00T-EASE A powder to be shakrn into the shoes. Your feet feel swollen, nervous and not. and get tired easily. If vou havs smart ing teet or tigbt shoes, try Allen's r oo. Kase. It cools the feet and makes walk- ngeasv. Cures Bwohen, sweating feet, ngrowing nails, blisters and callous spot; ttelioves corus and bunions of all pain an gives rest, and comfort. Try it toda S lu by all druggists and bUoo stores f 2 )c t'rial package free Address, All Ulimteul, Li Roy, N. Y. Muaic Mise tailarea BurmeBtei eacherof pianc or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence (nftb o'.FWt, opposite U P church. Corvallis & Eastern Railroafl. TIME CARD. No. 2 For Yaquina : Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. vorvaius l :oo p. m, " arrivea Yaquina.,., 7:25 p. m, No. 1 Returning: Leavos Yaquina .", ,. 6:00 a. m, " Corvallis 11:30 a. in, Arrivea Albany 12:15 p. m, No. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m, Arrivea Detroit 11:30 a. ni, No. 4 Meturning: Leaves Detroit 12:20 p. in Arrives Aioany 0:4a p. m. One and two connect at Albanv nnd Corvallie with Southern l'acitic trains, giving direct service to and from New port ana adjacent Deacnen. Trains for the mountains arrive at De troit at noon, giving ample time to reaoh camping grounds on the Breitenbusb and Santiain rivers the same day. .E.DWIN CTONH, II . L. Wai.iikn, Manager. T. F. & P. A. J. TuHNKit, Agent, Albany. LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany W R Bilyeii, FobIibj A Maeon block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO block, J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearoe block Judge U 11 Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank building. L H Moatanve, Pearce block, J C Powell, P 0 block. O E Sox, PO block. L L bwaon, Bank building. H 0 Watson, bank building. Weatherford A Wyatt, Bank bnlldlu W bltney A Newport, Cuslck block . Q W Wright, PO block. ' Lebnuon.'' . f M (iarland. Brownsville A A Tuseing. $icio. TJ Wilson. PATENTS DESIGNS TRADE. MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS ODlAINcD f ADV1CK AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice In " Inventive Age " Book "slow to obtain Patents" FREE r CIWtroM mMmitV. No fee till patent la secured. I iiMTi smciiy comment mi. Annresc, CATARRH OF THE STOMACH Ii a chronic disease. There U an influaau tioD of the tuDor coating of the ftomich. A thick, ropy mncoi foma and tbli cauiee the more pronounced symptoms. It remains In the stomach and decomposes. Then, ol course, digestion can not he properly perform ed. The great vegetable remedy Ht'DTAH never falls to effect a care. HUD VAN can be had of all druggists for 60o. pe. package. Study youi 67mpt)mscarefulIyfrom thlschart. Eachnum her represents a symptom or a group of symp torn s. You have the symptoms. Use HUD VAN and they will disappear. THE SYMPTOMS ARE: 1. BILIOUS HEADACHE. This Is more pronounced In the morning HUD YAM will relieve the headache. 2-3. BED AND WATERY EYES. HUDYAN will cause the redness to dlsap sppear and make the eyes assume their nor mal, healthy appearance. 4. COATED TONGUE AND jOH TID BREATH AND BAD TASTE IN THE MOUTH. HUDYAN will clear the tongue, maice the breath pure and sweet and cause the bad tasto to disappear. 5. PAIN AND TENDERNE3S IN THE STOMACH. This Is due to indiges tion. HUDYAN will cause the food to be come perfectly digested and the pain and tenderness will disappear. 6. ENLARGEMENT OP THE LIVER. HUDYAN will lessen theconges tlon and reduce the enlarged liver to Us nor mal size. HUDYAN will relieve you of the above symptoms and make you well. Do not delay. Go to your druggist at once and procure a package of HUDYAN for 600. or 6 for 12.50. If your druggist does not keep It, send direct to the HUDYAN RBBIEDY COMPANY, Ban Francisco, Cal., and they will send It to yon. Vou can consult the great HUDYAN DOCTORS KRiilC. Do not forget that. Call and see them if you wish. You may call and Bee them, or write, as you desire. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cor. 8tookton, Msrket snd Ellis Sti., Bap Francisco, Cal. VOTE FOR For congroBBman Dr. B. Daily, of Luke county. For (ood and dairy commissioner Wil liam Shulmeric, or Washington county. For presidential electors Walter Pierce nf Pendleton, Dell Stuart of Portland, Ernest Kroner of Portland and John Whltaker of Benton countv. For district attorney John A. Jeffreys ol Salem. Representatives J J Whitney, Montague nnd W II Injiam Cuuntv judge H M Palmer Sheriff Ueo McHdrsue. Olerk W F Hammer Recorder Ed Meeker, Assessor T J. luderson. Treasurer it B Miller Superintendent W I.Jackson Commissioner H Ii Sprenger Surveyor T A Kigge. Coroner G Norman 0 B Tf.KMS. JiLV Diimc kat, 25 cents per mouth 13.00 per yea. ,in advance, 30c pertnonth not in advance. By carrier, lOo pel week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over montliB. Single copies 5o. Wkkkly. $1.25 In advance; $1.50 at end f year; $1.75 for second year; $2.00 for fchird and proceeding years, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five new subscribers at 15.00. 'Our Native Herb Tablets," The- Breat Riood Purifier, Kidney and Liver Regulator. Guaranteed by our REGISTERED GUARANTEE to cure all diseases aris ing from Imi-ukx Blood and iniative Livxk or Kiunkvs. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00 HIE DOLLAR BACK IF YOU ARE NOTCURHD. I have used"Our Native Herb Tablets" for Constipation and Liver Trouble of over twenty years' standing. They cured me alier all oilier remedies lalleil. AL bkrt Cadokbt, Overseer, Bolder City Mills, Fall Kfver, Mass. THE AL0NZ0 0. BLISS CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS ftl B Case, Agent, Albany, Or Medicine mailed upon receipt 31 price. 0!i:5 WVH TONG CO, Second St ear Lyon street, Albany. Sells Chi . i i i i hum n, Chinese dial n it nil. FOSHAY k MASON j Wholesale A Retail ,' DRUQBISTS ASD BOOKSEUH ALBANT. OR SOON. Pore DruRS and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books .a Ut the Market, f:1 Thomas Brink Hu the oldest established Furnitnr . Home in the city. lie keeps the . finest stock of Furniture in the val ley. Give him call aril look over bis fine goods and get bis prices be fore you buy. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor, ALBANY COLLEGE -OFFERS A HighGrade College Education To every boy and girl that has the ambition to attain one. The course is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, "ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES The Course leads ud to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the Couiincrial Cou has now become a Business College Equal to anything in tbe State N illustrated catalogue. Board at the Students Club at actual coot j.riee. Far particulars write Albany, Oregon. GO EAST VIA GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY Shortest anil Qflidu Line To St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapol s Chicago and all points lijst. Through Palece and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Bullet Smoking Libiary Can Daily trains; fist time; service and scenery unequalrd. TicKels to points Eiit via Portland and the Great North cm By., on sale at O. R. & N . Dock (nice, Southern PaciBc Depot Ticket OfFo . Albany, or Great Northern Ticket Oilice. 122 Third Street, Portland. For Rates, Folders anu full informa tion regarding Eastern Trip, call on or AiUress, A. U. C. Dekniston, City Pass, and Ticket Agent, Portland. OUR CAPACITY la Uiiequnled In the Valley. OE WORK ' Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. ie have the best stock u select from and our prices sro alwavs the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, A Hi auv. The Pri. iter SIX PER CENT LOANS. I have a limited amount of money to loan on first-class farm security or improved business property in Albany. Interest six por cent for particulars call ou or address. H. F. Merrill, Democrat building. Albany, Oregon ' URFFT RAILWAY NOTlnF. fW on ant ms;J&& bend name km a,;. 'wrvrtf i Tub motor on tbe Albaoj Street UnU will connect promptj with all tmin ton (rom the depot, day and aicrbt. Special trfpi will be rjadc at tpeof rate. H. Moons,, Conduct Lounges, Couches Bedroom suits, coerce and fine Rockers, Baby Carriages, Go carte Budding, Spring mattresses, Matting Side boards, tine extension tables etc. Qilct sale aal smil1 profit THOROUGH - HISTORY WALLACE HOWE LEE, President The Miners' and Prospectors' Favorite. Unaffected Ly cold Winchester A?- uscd by eve: sold eveiyv.".;erc. ana aaaress on a postal card for trated catalogue. 143-page illus It is free. Winchester Repeating Arms Co. NEW HAVEN. CONN. 418 Market St., San Francisco, Col. . AND S00 PACIFIC LINE. Direct route to and from all iiite. 1 pnnt8 and Europe through theGRANL EST SCENERY in America. Through Erst class sleeping and touris cars from coast to ST PAUL TORONTO MONTREAL BOSTON Without Change. Koyal Mail Staistt Lines -TO- CHINA, JAPAN and AISTALIA For full information regarding rale etc apply to S. N. STEELS, H. H. ABBOTT, Albany, Ore. A sent Portland, Ore. E. J. COYLE, A. G. P. A. Vancouver, B. O. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. 1TB SKLL IU1B StTlTlHkS Is mU ut hlrttrrM05o to $3,25, tfct aqakl r OUR OFFER Cot thl oul nA Mud wmp of the ezwt wntcd, nd cut It out as near the root u possible, IdcIom r ipMlkl ftif et4 t I triU titni to pay pMMire, maa win mnt ik iium w (h year hlr tutt, and tend to you by Dftll, poitpaid, and If you are not perfcclly Uf : ed, return It and we will Immediately wi"w yourmoner. Oarkll Offer FrlMMrailiwtt -o. witch ID-ln. long, long stem, 650 short stom, OOo t-OB.tS-ln.lonp;, short stem, $I.2S 3-os. Ct-lD. long, short stem, SIOOl S-oa. It-la. long.ehortttem, S2.2Sf 94-ot. t-ln. wi iuhk 10 aiguen graae on tae market. Ortr eteiM r pfUI priMt. Tr Maty nlaraoa If ya ar aat SIm Writ for Pre Catalogue of lalrQooda. Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO. fine. Chleaaft. nta Ce. n ttaretUy rail -t al tae. SCavpatstTidTrJulo Martf oValrrM and all r!-J I ent bnMnrsi conduct f Moderrie Fees, f c rntlmotlcl,lmwiTifiorj)hoto. Woaviselfl Sicnta'-lo froof ch-ir-TC Onr fwnotdue tillr IatenttartiiT 1. A I'amplilet ' Uow toOb tuii Iatcnts." mth cost of same lr ihon- ud foteiD enontnet sent froa. Jartsa, a a. skow & co. Op. Pas nt Crriov WAHtNOTi ft). D: C.J 11, M. -r It T J Bridge Notice. Notice is hereby given that at a regu lar meeting of the Common Council of the city of Albany, Oregon, beld on the 13th day ot February, 1900, the follow ing resolution was adopted and order made. Ruolved, That the wagon bridge now located in the city ot Albanv and extend ing across the Willamette river and be ing partially in Lion and Beaton count ies at this time unsafe to be used by tke traveling public. Therefore it is hereby ordered by the Common Council of the city of Albany that all travel be suspended on said bridge irom this time until further no tice given by the said council and that due notice be given to the public of the suspension of travel over and along said bridge by publishing a copy of this reso lution and order in the Albany Demo chat a newspaper ol geueral emulation in Linn and Benton conn ties Oregon, dur ing the pleasure of s-Id Council and fur ther by posting printej copies of this resolution and order at the approaches of said bridge on either Bide thereof in conspicuous places. Done by order ii tbe Common Coun cil of the city of Albany, Oregon. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and, caused to be affixed tbe seal of said city. This Hth day of February, A. D. 19C0. W. H. Davis, Mavor. L. Sj Attest: J. S. Van WijiKi.E, Kecorder of the city ol Albany, Or. SOUTH and EAST VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC Shasta Route. Trains leave Albany for Portland and way stations at 4:47 am, 7:00a"mand 3 .OS. p m. Leave Portland...... 8:30am 8:30pm " Albany. ... . ..12:85 pm 11:30 pm Arrive Ashland 12:30 a in 12:05 a m " Sacramen'o . . 5:U0 p in 4:35 am " San Francisco. 7:45 p m 8:lo a m Arrive 0den 5:45 a m ll:4f a m " Denver 9:00a ni 8:10am " Kansas City . . 7:25 a m 7:25 a ni " Chicago 7 :45 a tu 0:30 a m Arrive Los Anpelea. . 1:20 p in 7:00 a m " El Paso 6:00 pm 6:00 pm " Fort Worth... 6:30am 6:30 am " City of Mexico 9:55 a m 10:30 a m " Houston 3:35 am 3:35 am " New Orleans. . 6:25 p m 6.25 pm " Washington .. 6:42 a m 6:42 am " New York.... 12:43 pm 12.43pm Pullman and Tourists cars on both trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ugden and 101 Paso, and tourist cars to Cnicago 8t Louis, New Orleans and Washington. ' Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japm, Cbira, Philippines, Central and South America. . See C K. Froxk agent at Albany sta tion or nddreps C. H. MAKKHAM, (x. V. A. Portland, Or. Fast Salt Lake, Denver,? Jb'ast Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail 8pm sas City, 6t Louis, 6 :46 p m Chicago and EaBt. Spokane Walla Walla, Spok- Spokan lyer ane, Minneapolis, St F'ye 3:45 pm Paul, Duluth, Mil- 8.00 am waukee, Chicago, & East. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 D m For San Francisco Sail every five days 8 p i COLUMBIA RIVER i p m Sunday. 8TEAMER8. Ex SuSdav Saturday To Astoria and Way- Dunaay iOpm Landings. 8 a m WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 n ExSun, Oregon City, Newberg, Ex St Sun Salem, lutlepeadennn and Wiy-Land's 7am WILLAMETTE AND Tuesday, YAMHILL RIV i'hurs., Oregon City, Dayton, and Sat. and Way-Lands. 8:30 pm Mondsv Wed. and Sat 8am WILLAMETTE EIV. 4 :30 p m Tuesday Portland to Corvallis Monday ?0'. and wy-landings. Wed., and bat- and Fri Lt Riparia uv 1n:2i1am sS?. faily Riparia to Lewiston Daily W. II. HURLBUET. Gen. Pass. Agent. O. G. RAWLINGS, Agent Albany, Portland, Or. HEW VORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week ditiou 18 Pages a Week . . . . . . 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar bll.fcrdrvfrr MeraaieD.jexrcpigaa 4 Tbe Thrice-a-Week Edition of Then kh xobk World is first among1 all "weekly' i papers in site, frequency of publication and the fresbr.s, accuracy and variety ol its coi. tents, lt bis all the merits of a irreat $6 daily at : he price of a dolla weekly. Its political newiis promrt.coj)