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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
F P. NUTTING, Ed. and Prop. Entered at the PoMOIfloeat Albany Jregoc, second olua mall matter. Children How sad it is to see weak children boys and girls who are pale and thin. I hey can not enjoy the sports of child hood, neither are they able to Drofit bv school life. Thev I are indeed to be pitied. But ii i t it. incie is iui urcin. Scott's Emulsion has helped such children for over a quarter or a century. Your doctor will tell you it is both food and medicine to them. They begin to pick up at once under lis use. Their color improves, the tlesh becomes more firm, the weight increases and all the full life and vigor of childhood returns again. At all druindsts; 50c. and fi.oo. SCOTT & IiOW.NE, Uieniiits, Nr York. Armory Hall THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MAY 3 and 4. EDISON'S Marvelous Reproduction of Ihe World Famous :::Passion Play Ae presented In Ober Ammergau every ten years. An Additional Feature ol Absorbing Iutorett. The War Fought Over Again Showing with Life-Liko Mo' ion Bom bardments, Engagements, and Incid ents in the late war And Illustrated Songs. Pricos, 25c. 85c and 60o. p-ni KAr.K A cond farm ot 228 acres. 125 acroB in cultivation, orchard, lirst class buildings and goon water, situat ed two miles west oi Millers. For par ticulars call on tho owner at tho pluco, CllAllLKS Wrtzbi.. COWS. 20 milch cowa (or oale. Inquire oi II. Rryaut. Mr. Gradwohl's Business. I wiah to inlorm tho general public that 1 liavo come to tho conclusio'i that mv businoss will bo in tho future Whole ealo and Retail Grocery, and that 1 will not add liquora or patent medicine as I intondod to do, but 1 will keep on selling nil my goods at reduced pricos lor not cash. , I also call the attontion ot tho gonoral Fublic and all my customora to tho coffeo offer for loss price fur not cash, tho eamo as 1 sold for (omiit prices as stated. Mocha and Java coffeo HOc per lb., reg ular prico 40o. My favorite coffeo 15c per lb., regular price 25c. I desiro to buy aoiuo fggs cither in trade or casn. Sugar wholosalo and retail price sub ioct to the change of tho market. Albany, Or., April 10, MUX). JULIUS GHADWOIIL. Buy your. Hardware anj Tinware .Men ani Grass Seetls OF Ohling & Hulburt. 3i ' CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Notice Is hejeby given that funds are on hand to pay city warrants hob. i to M inchi.ivt, of the Issue ot 1899. Inter. est on said warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany, Or., Dec. 27, 1809. A. K. Pahkkk, City Treasurer. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, Just dawn Second troet. Good weight and prompt altnd ion. designs ' ' ADVICC At TO PATENTABILITY CD EE Notice In " lDTntlT A " fltr r Niwik "Hnw lAnbtain faUnta" mm mm CSarftt avxkraU. No fM till patent la second. ', t. . 1IS6EBS, Piltal l awytf , WsshliistM, D C, Weak A Prehlstoi Ic Man. Editor Democrat: A man by the name of H . W. Corbett, living in Portland, who carries aoout bim tbe mar.a of a prehistoric age, lias written a letter to tbe Portland Oregou- ian calling eitention to the contents of an address issued by tbe Republican Central committee of Oregon in 1859. The antiquated old gentleman says be publishes it now "when sound motley democrats of the Tbomas U. Benton type in tbe good old dayB of sound democracy areliniog up with sound money republi cans.'' Mr. Corhett tells a truth more significant than he knew, and far more damaging to (.old bug republicanism Han if the same truth bad been told by a demorrat. Now, who wete Ibe eound money democrats of 1859? It Ib quite evident tbat Mr. Corbett lias forgotten or be never would have introduced the matter. Now the ironey in use in 1859 was silver and gold, and the paper issue of state banks. Democrats in that day were called hard money men (not sound moDey) because they were opposed to paper money. Tbe wbigs were in favor of national banks and consequent issue of paper money. Democrats were op posed to paper money and bence were called bard money men. For more than: Uty five years pritr to 1659 the govern ment of the United States had been en gaged in the fiee and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the ratio of 10 to 1, and all these sound money democrats of that time that Mr. Corbett referij to were ardently in favor ol gold and silver thus coined by the government. These eound money democrats were all bimetallists just as Bryan and tbe great party be re presents now are. They were just as different in their vUwb on tbe question of money from the gold bug republicans of today as the true democrala of today differ from the republicans of today. A8 Mr. Corbett seems to be utterly ignorant of the history of tbe times that he refers to, we takeleasure in informing him that at that time there bad been no leg islation bj congreBB unftiendly to silver. Silver was passing among tbe people everywhere throughout the United States just as freely as was gold, and no designing men, wholly actuated by sel fishness bad attempted to commit tbe crime tbat wbb afterwards consummated Id 1873. From the time when the free coinage law waa passed by congress in 1782 to tbe time when free coinage wse discontinued in 1873, (a period of 81 yearB) there bad been nothing wrong with Bilvor. It had caueed no dittrub ance iu the financial world. It bad r.o enemies. It Btood as high in the esti mation of the people ae did gold. i completely and effectually performed the functions of money equally with gold And even when the mailed! band of the money shark was ruthlessly laid upon the free coinage law in 1873, sliver wbb then at a premium over gold. Silver was never a cheap money nor a depreci ated money until republican legislation made It so. Legislation as uufriendly to gold aa that which has been heaped up against silver would equally depreci ate gold . Mr. Corbett eeeirB to felicitate himself with the idea that the so-called gold bug democrats will again line up with Mc ICinley republicans as tliey did in 189G. If he thus believes let bim at once be uadecaived. Foi a more disgusted set of men cannot be fonnd anywhere or at any tune than these relf came democrats who voted for McK.nley in 1S98. Andeveiy where throughout the country they are hustling back to get into the democratic bund wagon. Mr. Corbett evidentlv es teems this democrattis vote thai was enst against Mr. Bryan in 1890 as of vital sig' niflcance, and so it is for it was Ibat vote tbat saved McKinley. highly or ninety per cent of this vote will be cast for Mr. Bryan this year and thus safely land bim in I he White House. Again must this truth be impressed upon the mind of Mr Corbett: Tho democrats of 1859 whom he calls aound'money democrats held identically the same money views with reference to silver and gold aa do the Bryan democrats of today. Fin.a. $100 Reward $100. Tho roaders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there ie at leaet one dreaded disease that science nas Deep able to cure in all its stages, and tbat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie the on ly positive cure known to the medical fratvrnity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional 'reatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken inttrually, acting directly upon the blood and mucoua surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the ilni'HPo, and giving the patient atrengtn by building up the constitution and as sisting nature In doing its work. The pr pnetors nave so mucn laitn in its curxtive powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, fonu lor Hit oi testimonials. Address, F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0, Sold br druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Fishing Ratks, Fine catches of trout are being made now in al! tbe mountain pi reams. The CAE. has made a rate of one and third lare to all points to ac commodate fishermen. Call at genertl olllcu for ordora for reduced tatts. Before netting Married Call at Will A Starki for your ongngement or wedding ring. An elegant stock to select from. The Oregoniaa sera plainly that tbe charge of imperialism so repeatedly brought against its party is having a tel ling effect upon the minds of all sober thinking people. Thecharga la one of great moment to all who love a demo cratic or republican form of government. The abrogation of tbe fundamental prin ciples found in the Declaration of Inde pendence and the constitution of the United States is eo vitally serioae tbat thous ands of tbe moBt patriotic repobli- ana of tbe land are raising tbeir warn ing voices in tbe most solemn manner aga'nst it. Tbe attempt to belittle tbete republican protests will only t6nd to In crease tbe earnestness and seal of t'-ose who make them . There cau be no donbt tbat iLcje tbousanda of republicans have jiiBt came' for their alarm. The Oregon- ian has declared, and truly; too, tbat to impotfl a tariff duty upon soode shipped from for to Rico to any otber part of tbe United Stales would be tbe very worst kind of imperialism. It is a matter oi wonder then that tbe more patriotic of tbe republicans are alarmed at Hie ion psrialiatic tendency of tbe policy ot tbe McKinley administration? Not at all. Tbe only world ar is that a far- greater number are no! raising their. voicee against the tendency. TbiB policy. of' imperialism and the malignant injury visited upon tbe mataes by thetiuetsare to be the vital issues of the campaign now opening up. Several republican papers without any authority whatever for it are making the statement tbat Dr. Bernard Daly ie a gold democrat and a banker. Tbe statement ie made purely to influence silver repub licans to turn back to Tongue, who made one of the beBt bl-metalic arguments in bis Oregonian letter ever made in Oregon, But it will not work, for tbey know that tbe statement is falee. Mr. Daly is net a gold democrat, nor is he a banker any more than owning some s'ock in a bank makes him one. Several men in Albany own bank stock who aronot called bankers- He is a bl-metallBt and a reason able man in all bis positions, an honest. upright gentleman, wbo through his excellent practice and fair dealing has accumulated a good property, iocluding some bank stock. People are no longer prejudiced by statements of tLis charac -ter, tbe animons of which Is plain. ! The union ticket In this toULty le a good one for voters ts stand by. It 1b ! made up ol honorable, competent men,! and there will be no occasion for drop ping the name of a Binsle one when the voter's ballot is cast on election day . Mcsic Misa Muarea riurmeatei eacher of pinnc or organ. System tbe' Mason touch and tachniaue. " Resirienrp ' ' Fifth otraot, opposite U t" church. I m Cme Coi.xiijciun ' Take CuscaroU) Ciuidy CiHlnu tla-, 109 ct2,7a 1 ii rover, Sleeplessness marks the very climax of human suffering. It is only a step removed from insanity. When sleep no longer restores the exhausted nature, the struggle with disease cannot last long. The starting point of the nervous dis orders which produce ill - health and sleeplessness, is generally a diseased condition of the womanly organ. Re store these organs to sound health and the appetite comes back, the day's work no longer wearies, and sleep is sound and refreshing. Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription cures diseases of the wom anly organs. It stops the drains which weaken women ; it heals the inflamma tion and ulceration, and cures female weakness. There is no alcohol in v Favorite Pre scription" and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. It is a temperance medicine. " My health hns twen poor for many years and X had taken a great deal of tnedicioc, but It did me no (food," writes Mrs. Rose Kennedy, of BpringblufT, Adami Co., Wis. "Last August my health wat very poor; I had no nppclite and could not tlttp. I wrote to Dr. Pierce and he kindly advised me to take his 'Favorite Pre scriptlon.' 1 took five bottles of the ' Prescrip tion ' and one bottle of the ' Golden Medical Dis covery,' and I feel like a new woman." Cure sick headache by using Doctor jnerce s neasaiu tenets. OUR CAPACITY UlUiequnlcd In the Valley. OUR WORK Is UnaurpasitM- - In Oregon. Wti have the best stock ic select, from and our prices 8to always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Allmuy. The Pri. iter Sleep." HAS JUST FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING STORE Baltimore Block. Albany, Oregon. v and invite- the Jaub'ic to call and examine . tit odd and jtu'.i 8 refore purchasing elsewhere. 1 heti8a fri e to th'idw purchasing undertaking good6 from me. Tdi-i linne, B'ack No. 401. Tempting' and delirious aru the I rnul, 10I s, cakes, pastry. huns and r it-s 'hat are made from the Magnolia flour. It is the lie use wife's delight, and enables her lo show htr skill in baking in w hue, light and dainty food. The Magnolia flour is the best made, and will give more nutriment ta tbe bag than any flour milled. Magnolia Mills. "iwosctisvnii j vi A SINGLE THOUGH I and that thought, after full coneidera tion, was that it would in every way. be . to their advantage, to tiade with F. E. Allen & Co. bream e they always have the fat op the land in fine eatables of all kinds. We have mild California CheeFe and the celebrated Woodland Cheese and we pride ourselves on the best Coffee in the city. Just opened up a line lot of eastern Hams arrt BreaelifflBt Bacon. ; See our Bhow window for Dried Fruits and Table t'elicacies. In Bhort we are prepared to furnith you the beet goods to be had at Pfaeonable Price. ; . F. E. ALLEN & CO. Try Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. NEW STORE A new line of Groceries and Provielona, etc., recently opened at former Milloy aiand corner 2nd Jackeon. Market price for country produce. General delivery for city. Telephone 132. Youa patron age ia respectfully solicited." ROT A N OPENED A Our Dressers and kindred goods outshine all others They adorn any room in which they are placed. Their beautiful carvings and nub finish in white maple make them especially suitable to accompany Iron and liruss beds. New gold oak lets just received . ALBANY FURNITURE C0; Masonic Temple BulUing. SPRINGTIME PLEASURES for healib and enjoyment are sure to be sought on a good bicycle, and there is nono that can beat the 1900 Crescent or Sterling wheels. Many follow but none :eau the Uiescent or Sterling wheelBany . where. They are always ahead and maintain their superiority over any on the market. Careful, honest and skilled .construction and speed 4b the secret of iteauccesa. We have them at $20.00 to HOPKINS BROS. AT ALBANY. 11 1 ZS) & C. C. PARKER. The Best Photographs In Albany by the Long: Photo Co., In Fromaii Brick, The le tding gallery of Aloany. The onlv-up-to-date lirst claea studio in town. Al) work to Dieaao. MAK1ELONG Prop. LINN CO- ABSTRACT COMP Albany Oreeon. Officei Bans of Oregon Building. Only aet of Abstracts uf Linn County, r'onpiete Ret of maps and ptata Littler & Littler DENM Broadalbin St., Albtiny, Or. Jao. Colline D D S A. Jack Hodgee D D S COLLINS & HODGES Dentists, vdd FeLow'a Temple, Albany, O.. That Tooth neede attention!! Remember it can be filled or extracted without, nam ;ll oy DR. ADAMS. DR. J. L. HILL, rhyaician and Surgeon Hill Block - .- - Albany, Or. Stanley Stewart, BKYCLEREPAIRIHG, llffl LIGHT MACHINE BEK LVVOEK GUARANTEED. To the Music LovingPublic. Those f!nntpmnlfltinf alri k study of muslo will find it to their intei eat to investigate the advantages offered bv Albanv flnll branches are taught: VOICE, PIANO, ORGAN, VTOT.TW fJTTT'PAP HUwnnTTM CORNET, HARMONY, fiOTTNTERPflTVT rmtDncimo and HISTORY OP MUSIC. Mr. Wirt!!, Musical Director, is a grad. uate of tbe Chicago Conservatory of Mu sic, and has studied with such artists aa Cl 1. rti .u. ir-... ., accuyctn, mtrgieiub, jvoeiung, naiK, tiar- wnnH. Huff. Hnrl fli Into n L -i IT , .umv ii. mora, these men are masters in their respect ive utiijui.i.uicui,is aim musiciana 01 world- Mrs. Wirt.5!. insfrnr.rir tn imn.l . ia a pupil of Mr. William Nelson Burritt who is known to be one of the beet voice fPflHifirfl in Amavw.a tnAntt m- n ..... 1 studied eight years in Italy and aeverai The methoda used in Albany College Conservatory are the latest and most ap proved, being the combined result oi superior instruction received, experience, and the acquaintance with the methoda of our eastern conservatories. Tuition reasonable. Pupils may'entei at any time. Fall term opens Sept. 19, 1899. For further infnrmnrtn Aan 1 . v.. vuvruu. dress Pressident Wallace Howe Lea. THE K. O. T. M. every Saturday evening at K. O. T. M. null. V t a a J . n L' H I L 1 . ; . . . : 1 u(- iuiuuk aiiiuuiM inviipn. 0. S. HARNISH, Commander. MODKHN WOODMEN OF AMEKICA "uaiut:i.'E v.amp iio. 0460 meet every aenond and fourth Saturdaya of each month n the G. A. R. hall. Vieitinir membere are invited. C. Q. Borkhart, V. O. E R Buston clerk. M. Senders & Co. Hay ?nd Oat Warehouses -p eevoatb and Railroad Streets. We are prepared to take on storage taled har. will hnn ... i T quanlty at top market pre. SAOKB FURNI3liSi, v.-ta bought In car lota at any shin ping point. r M. SENDERS & CO. Insurance, Hay. Grain rnd Worl. ' H. F. rierrill TN8URANCE AND LOAN AGENT 1 Collections promptly attended to cif espondence aolicitej. Office in Dim. bat building. 7V