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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
HcmociiU. Defeat ct the Outset. The character of tbe case made by tbe Oregonian against protective tariff ou Imports from Porto Kico and tbe Philip pines presaged defeat from the begin ning. Tbat paper opened tbe attack by declaring tbat greed and selfishness were tbe Inspiring, motives actuating those who faored tbe tariff legislation, and tbe cbarge was true in every respect. To offset tbe plea for tbe tariff tbat paper bad only to take grouude tbat were not inspired by a spirit of greed, fbis it could have dooe and wiib success as sured beyond question. But It neglected and refused to do to, and bence lost its case, for tbe tariff lair lias been fastened upon the'necicB of tbe Porto Ricens and it will just as certainly be fastened upon te necks of tbe Filipinos, the Ore- gonian'a reason's. why vie tbould have free trade with ti e islands (Poitu Rico and tbe Philippine?) are just as selfish, and imbued with the spirit cf greed to as great an extent as are tbe reasons ol tbose who favored the tariff . In Febru ary tbat paper declaied with great earn estness that "if they (tbe protectionists) are to have their way about tbe tariff tbey may as well succeed. We have lit tle business in tbe Philippines any long' er now, unless it is to be a paying in vestment. If we are going to encourage trade between ihem and our homo ports, open our markets to them and their markets to us, well and good. Then there is a great future for us on the Pa cific ocean ! but if he profile of trade are to be cut off by the prohibit. v tariffs, we do not.'want the islands." This is tlieiOretonian's case in a nut shell. The riader will observe tbat tbere !u not a single hint here about the legal and constitutional rights and im. munities of the inlands. Tbe question whether tbey are entitled to same prlvi leges, rights and immunities 'which are voucneafed to the people of other terri lories of the United Stales, or whether tbe islands are to be held as vaBeal col onies, is not even hinted at by tbe Ore gonian ; but the selfish gieed of profit in trade is tbe only motive that seems to inspire that paper in its contention that tbe United Statue should hold the is lands. Its case ie nostionger than tbat cf tbe protectionists, and neither case is worthy of consideration by men who love oonetitut'opal liberty and who ere desirous of doing tbe riiiht thing in.'the eyes of the world. The Oregonian has insisted that to impose a tariff duty on imports from Porto llico and the Philip pines would be worse treatment than Spain gave them and it declared: "If we are going to deal worse with these new islands than Spun dealt with them it will hi money in our pockets and lus ter on our name to get rid of. them." Now, bow are thinking people to re gard this aUit nie of tho Oregon'an in view of the fart that congress has Im. posed tbe duly upon Porto R'oo imports, and will inevitably do so as to the Philippines. From the Scio News. Among the political announcfnienle this week will he found the card of Geo. W. Mcflargue, candidate rn the union ticket for tbe office of ilieriff. Mr. Me Ilargo'e isn native ol Linn county, havirg been born and reared on a farm five miles from Brownsville, and for the puot twenty-three years be has lived on a farm just outside of tbe city. For severa years pBt he bus been a member of the school hoard, of Brownsville, and has al ways taken a great Interest in education al woik. He Is an industrial and has never held public cilice, but baa al ways kept out of public. He is a lite long democrat and has the full confidence and esteem i f evetv member of bis party. Should be be eleded as sheriff of this county he will unquestionably make a good and efficient officer. Conuiikuational Fooi.viii.K. Tho La dies Industrial So iety of tho Congrega tional Church will givo a Socinblo at tho homo of Mrs. W. F. Kond on the evening April 1)0 A lunch will bo served una nileasnnt ovontng has been planned. A free vill offering will ho accepted. Tho public is cordhvly invited. SEND US ONE DOLLAP iBMttlf Kit F1KI1IH una mini) k- TL-i-t.1 n . .. ' - ........... v, irTiim u. ii.. tnqm lotiamlaa- nfin,mlneUutjour nvarral freight Jo pot, and ir in find It rifttllyaa rrprravnttd, ih rrir f , ,M ;,. . I Ml OUR PRIC iriairnn;rs. ih THE PARLOR OEM Im .7 ih TOMKb Uitraatata r nail. From til 8 hn, which It PiKrToddirfi-t from photoKni(h jroueiui f,.rm nnieldeaof In ImwiIIMI ,.penuie. lUdo from. olid quui-U'r LI sin KK I ast TUS 7.Z. "r . 'ira, (wrnniM. tj slip, full pntl bojt, btwUrtl irfti-r sltttn push u- mt thfr baadso.e 4tnn ftaa araasatali, ataklaf It ta VKIIV LATIHT HIYLK. TIIKrAltlOU IKH li fM hUli, It inch! long.13 Inch,. wtdf ",d J.h",b JW DlapaiM fori tmi Tai Hawiaat 1 OtUttH'enplcrf, 1 Ts Hoali; "I unanirsi NNUtltri HrrAt, I 91 f IT Vmrt HmI IrMli Krrde, 1 iiarwaiir nniuaiitfiNII Ml, 1 mltll Hlrk Mellow ispatB nmt, i n r nsiaias; Hn BsUdtoas rrlaclpU Blt. THE PARLOR GEM ctln cimiiitinf Oi C4t ttnltxl !lttll R4tt xhk'h ro only ued In tho hltih etttrmdilntruiiifitUinttHlrtti It ansa ad rompltn ud t htiaitaa, slao brtt loLkf Ip1, IrHhert, Pto., bdlowi of tho bttat rulilmrolnth, 3 plr tnil.vwa nt.n-k nd (Inert r titer In tiIici, THB PARI nnotu i. rn.i.i,i "ir:ni imio rrrnt n mirror, KtxUl frmoi, and rtrjr inodem linproi mUk frM a a aa artaa aUl ami Us Wt lUa book b11.k4. Wat Mu lutraf GUARANTEED 2B YEARS. J77."j"i Isaiip a, wrlUnn blndtii li toaf Biisirmntcfi. by the critund eomlltlnni ofwlik-li lfy wrt iflrra out rpitr H f r thartr. Try It on month and w v Bpfunrt your tnnopy If yon mrt not iirrftvlly mtisflrHl. TJ V.rAl?1. 35.80. OltDKH AT OM R. IMNT DKLAY, UU PUR RELIAdlLITY IS ESTABLISHED lf dfalt with uiMk youriirih'hlKrah,mi ut, m riU the puMlafacr of thli ppr or Mrr.o1Hi! Hank, or Torn rial. Hank, of cht.... .1 C, Hew York i or nr i'-Jl ny In -hlpKo. T tSf!' u.oa, orfupv rntlre r:v klookiln I'hlpwco, V'S peopl In our own tii.ijp- ikT a vaallal f atsr tlOO.oOU. one of the lanreit tmhifaa I ana mploy nvarly oo pooi la o Du lldl it f. Wt RILL At ft,M ul 4EAR8, RO'BUCK OO. (Inc.). Vultoa, Aa by Watenmnn. Watch tbe wise ones climb into tbe Brj an band wagon. The Porto Rican oi I will cause many as piring Hannaite Congress men to die yow ling!. Dewey will have an opportuniiy to wif. uess a gigantic Bryan demonstration in Chicago May I, Bince the passage of tbe Porto Rican bi'l a tired feeling Las crept over a major ily of the Haona'.tes in both houses .of Congress. Ask your local editor whether (he paper trust has advanced tbe price of printing paper, and then pay close attention to what be says . Bryan has evsented to visit Chicago and participate in the Dewey celehration on May 1. We will wager something tbat Dewey will d'scover that he is attending a Bryan celebration on tbat oicasion. Republican politicans now freely admit tbat nothing can sae he party from de feat unless tbe president can be induced to make some sort of a "grandstand" play in favor of the Boers on the eve of election in the nope of winning some of tbe Ger man vote who tmva left thi party on the issue of imperialism They realize tbat it will be necessary for th; president to enter into some Bort of an understanding with England tbat whatever may be said is purely for political purposes and for the purpose of continuine the Anglo-Ameri can secret alliance that now exis's. But it is doul :ul if England can afford to agree to any such move as the whole world CO' demns her policy in South Afri ca. General Roberts net had too raaov boles in it, too bin lo bold Boers. Some genius has figured out that tbe war in South Africa is coeting England f750 a minute. By all meane register. It is the only way to vote, and the man ie a clara wbo doesn't wish to vcte. ' The Philippine elephant continues to grow in siz. It is big enough for tbe biters G. 0. P. to be discerned. Tbe load Is a heavy one to carry. Mr. Tongue is making things worse by trying to explain bis vote for the Porto Rican tariff bill There is no explana tion that will eatisfy the maBseB. An unconstitutional act can't he explained away, The people want the Nicaragua canal, but will that help things these imperial istic days- Tbe people wanted tbe Porto Rinaua treated somewhat like tbe rest of the inhabitants of the United States, but that ib all tbe good it did. Mr. Hauna b.-at Mr. Quay for sen.itor and now Mr. Quay's friends will defeat Mr. Hanoi's subsidy bill, the biggest gralt before congreBs. The people are thuB treated to a double dose of good for tune. The more of this kind of throat cutting the better. Politics will not get so warm that we cannot Iflnd epace to congratulate tbe people of western Oregon on the foothold the croamery business ie getting here. It has come to stay. Forty cent wheat has opened the eyes of the people to ti e necessity ot diveraified farming and in this connection the creamery fits in like the bark on a true. The usual number of gratis are budding lor tbe next 1 gislature. Tbe r?cod of the past one is sufficient to show fie peo ple whom they can trust to fight the grafts in the next ouc. Wo need men who will not be influenced by tbe back scratching process of legislation in vogue in the past. You can depend upon MesBre. Whitney, Montague and Ingrain to wjrk nitainst grabs and tor the people. The more the world hears of tbe Boeri evenfiom tho British corresponded who have been captured by them, tbe more it Is impressed with their grand basio virtues and deeper trows its con demnation of those who made war upon them for the sake of a lew go'd specula, tcrs. . " nrtktrr1itj vo l. nu tad mat tit k tin If r!l prtr. WrM fnr fnar?U) DHpl.inMai v,m,tfc. CHICAOO. ILL. 41Mr T-VBKtS-SFI 117- S lift ""I'l-sW.i-M A .1 Sharp PolntH. . - Br BquIbbs. Senator Plan's resolution tbat the in surrection in tbe Philippines bad been overcome, appeared in tbe newspapers side by side with accounts of two desper ate altaos made on our troopa by tie "overcome" insurgents. Tbe report tbat Bryan is thinking 0 moving to Texas must be Incorrect, as it ie well Known tbat be Ib meditatiog on a move to Washington. This will be Dewey's second summer, and everyone knows that second cum mere are bard on babiea and heroes. What ie tbe difference between Kan sas City and Philadelphia? One bae 'balls to burn and tbe other bas no funds to burn . Now that gold bas been found in the Philippines, it will be impossible for the United States to try to govern it as a erown colony without the nek of having a war with Great Britain to settle tbe rights of her subjects tbere. The republicans object to .the word "imperialism" aa applied to tbe policy of the government towards tbe new pog aesions. But if it isn't Imperialism, wbatisit? Tbetssenca of Imperialism is tbe government of subject peoples witbout a voive in their own control by aliens. It Is not only in regard to Porto Eico that President ;McKinley bas changed front. He once raid tbat there would be no backward step in civil service re. fir m be took one. He declared that a war of conquest wculd be criml" nal aggression but be is waging one. Wbo would have thought tbat Britain needed tbe aid of Portugal to try to de feat the Boers? It is now asserted tbat tbe Duke d'Ar cos was tbe only ciplou at wbo (was in vited to tbe Chicago Manila Day cele bra ion. If thialproves true some one should be puniBhed for this inezcueable insult. If Adam bad tried to run for the Presidency and. bad slipped up, it's ten to ore he would have blamed It on his wife. Tbat ie man's nature. Will Dewey; answer tbe query ad' UreBaed to aim in the name of tbe dem. -ocratio national committee, asking whether he intends to support the can didate of the party in caee be himself is not nominated? Unless be does bis name should not be considered at all. Common honesty requires such a pledge from him. We don't want to be considered carp ing, but we would really like to be in formed bow a'man can be guilty of trea son or reoellion against the constitution which ieJesp.'iBsly declared not to ex tend to him. Senator Unnna'e declaration that Dew ey should have announced hie candidacy on April Fool's day will not appeal to the country, which will resent the coarseness of this slur upon a great man. Will the republicans reduce taxes? We trow not. Kith $130,000,000 to lend out witbout intereBt among favored banks for the next year, the Q.O. P. will never want for campaign funds . Why doesn't the Senate lake a leaf out of the book of the House and resolve in favor of the direct election of repre sentatives by the people, ins'ead of by means of contest proceedings in which the democrats invariably get the worBt ol it. It ia a lit' le cuiioua that both O U and Roberts protest that they have the ene my just where they want bim, but both add tbat it isn't quite safe nor advisable for ladies to visit the country just at present. It is a littlo puzzling 'to undeistand why the administration is preventing action on the Nicaragua Cann bill at this session of Congress, but perfectly plain tbat it is doing so, through its agents in both House and Senate, There ie some thing behind tie desire to postpone this legislation, which baa been endoised by all the politics! partUs and by the public sentiment of the country as well. Of course, Mr. McKinley ien'topenly antaj on iziog the Canal bill, but it waB admin istration Senators who voted down Sen ator Morgan's motion to take up the Canal bill, and it lias beenadminietration Representatives who have headed off Representative Hepburn's several at tempts to get a date set for its conaidera tion by the House. The following bas been respectfully dedicated to the commercial travelers out of a job, by Dr. Carlos Wright, Jos eph, Oregon. My country tit of thee." gweet Xand of liberty? Ollheeljing. find where onr job$ all died, nd ol the Gold BugfJ pride, What woe doth U8 l-etlde For tru$i$ are King. A DiiKKKKXT Vkrsios Of It. The Dksiocrat yesterday gave the view of a drummer in the city in which he stated that tho bottom bad dropped entirely I out of Sumpter.nnd property had decrens- ed in value. An Albany man interested in proiierty there received a letter today .from there in which it was stated that everything was all right, and that the f property owned by tho Albany mon bad , at least doubled in value. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS Tbis week bas seen tbe English and Boers at close quarters, but without any general engagement. ' A " small battle was in favor of tbe Boers. The general plans and Jmovemente of tbe soldiers though undoubtedly indicate an English victory in the future. The : a Pre toria, and Iwhen tbe English reach that city it will mean a long siege and fierce fighting before li e Boers are con quered , Aouther peace commission mLht well meet al Hague and talk of the beauty of psace betweeo nations and provide for plans for securing tbe tettlement of all matters of difference where nations die. agree. War is an outiage to civilization nd tbe people of tbe world should speak against it. Imports continue to come from tbe Philippines of fighting tbere between our eoldieiB and the Filipinos, and while onr losses are comparatively imall, mm from our ranks are continually picked off, besides many die from diseaee or go crazy. Tbe situation ia not a pleant one to contemplate, and yet the matter is oue we will probably have on onr hands hereafter, with a continual con tention wilh the natives. Tbe approach of the taking of the cen' B is is a matter of interest to everybody The machinery of tbe business is itself something of moment. Tbe preliminary work up to the taking of the census it self is as neceesary as the work of enum eration, elee It will not be done well nor correctly. Tbere Is considerable in the suggestion that the department does not wish men who have takun county assess ments because people have been in tbe habit of prevaricating to them and it would be embarrassing to them to report agai n to tbe same men in an entirely different case. When the census is tak en it is the custom for the person to give the amount of his property juet aB small as pcB3ible, whereas tbe government wants the exact facts, In order to make a better showing for tbe city, eounty or state. One aoesn'c need a glaee in order to see the point, and ap. predate the position of the government in making appointmenta. The machin ery is all oiled with a view oi having a correct enumertion, complete in all the details. ' The time of tbe year is approaching when the temptation for the small boy is to go in bathing in the river tefoie the conditions of the water and climate jus tify it. Don't, wait a little longer, there is a long summer before you. Don't you irHAn....;Bj.H-A.:n ..i. n,i.i) T ... z lias nuouuy, ueeu bneu ueru, luuamipu- tory rheumatism Bet in and .death fol lowed. Boys may well take the advice ol older people in such things. The steamboats have already begun to stir up (he mud in the bottom of the river much earlier than usual. This means that on account of a lack of snow in tbe mountains we are going to have a long, dry summer, and consequently a longer season than usual without boats here. Pleasant Thoughts. We seldom find persons whom we ac knowledge to be poeeBsed of good cense except tbose wbo agree with us in opin ion. Rochefoucauld. What is realy momentous with usie tte present, by which the future is Bbaned and colored. Whittior. Pride seems to be equally distributed; the man who owns tbe carriage and the man who drives it seem to have It just alike H. W. Shaw. lf principle ia good for any thing, it is worth living up to. Franklin. The man wbo proscrastioates, Strug glee with ruin, Hesiod. Who feels no ills should therefore fear them, and when fortune smiles be doubly cautions, lest destruction come remorBe less on bim and be fall unpitied, Shaae speare. We do not correct the man we hang; we correct others by .him. Montaigne. Women "always find their bittereBt foeB among their own sex J. Petit-Senn. Ii I can put one touch of a rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel tbat I have worked with God George Macdonald. Whoever is right, the persecutor muBt be wrong. William Pedn . It is Impossible tbat an ill-natured man can have a public spirit Pope. It la the condition of humanity to de sign what never,' will be done, and lo hope what will never will be attained. Johnson. Quick-witted men, remarkable for re partee, are, after all, rarely men of much solidity of character or ability. DsQnin cy. Closed Yester lay afternoon the fol lowing notice was posted on the door ol W. J. Oarty'e hank at Lebanon : "Un less I can get money immediately this bank will not onen." Mr. Oartv I been doing business on a very small scale J In tbe bank were email about $5,000, tbe liabilities about tOOOO. MISFITS. The vusta not only raise prices, but tbey are at tbe top in raising campaign funds. Tbe millionaire senators will not cut their own beads off by voting for tbe election of senators by tbe people. Mark Hanna didn't spend as much as Clark to become U. S. senator, hue be undoubtedly spent bis keg juet a9 cor ruptly. li berts, Clark and tiuay have now been thoroughly set down on. Let the good work continue. What ia the mat ter .of Hanna next. It ie about time that Mr. Otis reports the Philippine war over. In view of the amount of fighting going on there such a report is in order. The U. S. senate, which is famous as a deliberative bodv. recently Dassed eiguty pension Dills in lorty minutes, int. Albany scorcher isn t in it beside that. What does "E pluribus ununi" mean any way. Now tbat part of the U. 8. is declared outside of the constitution it will be necessorv to chance the transla tion ui mis iniuous pxpression. The campaign in Douglas county promises to be a fast one judging from the following from tbe Review: The Plaindealer stateB that its "decks are cleared for action." in other words it is ready to discbarge a. broadside of cam paign mud and hitti. A Salem constable makes $1400 a year, but he is a rustler and a Minto. The Chinese empire continues to be drawing to an end. It coes lack furth than any of tbe empires I. A. Macrum bas been appointed for est inspector. Having been railroad in spector he will no doubt be able to fi'l the position. Aboi't three hundred Elks attended cne canow minstrel entertainment in Portland, In honor of the order a spec ial taoieau was presented snowiug a for est scene by moonlight with elks moving among the trees. The surprise was loudly applauded. An American has discovered gold in Vigan, Luzon, Philippine islands. He eays Luzon will be as much of a co'd country some day as South Africa. Now look out for trouble between the Unitid S.ates and England, for wherever tbere ii gold there ia an itching in England's tingerB. When a mandieB in Bumpier of small- ijjwa um; uniinpfHiBB away iram ine present eruptive aisease, Keep up with the tiroes don't lag be hind, There's something new, and the best of its kind To be found in the ways that you read about For the world moves, and you'll find it out. Medford Enquirer: Eon. J. A. Jeffrey, the Union nominee for district attorney in the Third district, has many friends in this county, who bone to see him elected. He made the best district at torney this diBtrict hue ever had. Andrew Carnegie saya trusts are a benefit to rich and poor. Mr. Carnegie ib somewhat of a liar himself. That ball of a liar. The trusts are a benefit to the neb who run tbem but not to tbe poor wbo are charged double prioes for tuiugd wuu no corresponding increase in wages. The Eugene Register claims that Lane county roads are better than Linn coun ty roads. It is evidently talking through its hat. The roads of Lane and Linn are both lull ol muo and just as many get stuck there aa here during the ' ter. As a matter of fact the Linn nr.nn- ty roads have been greatly improved in bue met lew years. From the Scio NewB. Among the political announcements in this issue will be found the card of Mr Ed. Meeker, democratio nominee for the office of county recorder. Mr. Meeker is a native of this county, and has lived from bis childhood on a farm in Syracuse precinct, about two and one ball miles from Jeffereon. He bas never had any hand in politics until this year, when his friends put him forward for the office of county recorder. He went into the con vention without any pledges or political promises and was nominated by acclama tion, which faa plainly indicates the es teem In which he :a held by those who know him. He is amply qualified for the position he eeeks and ehonld be be successful will doubtless till tie office with mujli honor and credit both to him self and the people of the connty. This and That Smiley's Clean Printing. Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter'e. Dr. J. H. Erskine is now in the Foster Block, 2nd story. For sale, good carpeting, 33 cents per yard, by T. S. Alexander, east end olSth street. ine best meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany DremAd Ro tympany a maraec, just down Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ion. The Boers Driven. London, April 26 The war office pub lishes tbe following dispatch from Lord Roberts, datei Bloemfontein, April 26: General Ian Hamilton yesterday drove the enemy off a strong position as Israel Poort, by a well conceived turning move ment which was admirably carried out by General Ridly. commander of the Second Mounted Infantry Brigade, and General Smith Dorrien, commanding the Eightrenth Brigide. The troops are today advancing toward Thebanchii. An Tmmerse Fire. Ottawa, Ont., April 27. Five square miles of territory burned; over 250O dwellings, factories, millg, stores snd other buildines , destroyed, emailing a loss estimated to reach $20,0:0,000 and botween 12,000,000 and 15,000 men, wo men nd children homeless is Bumming up of the havoc wroght by the firejwhich has been raging at Hull and in O'tiwa since 11 o'clock yeterdav morning and at midnight was not completely under con trol. Bryan at Hand. Lincoln, April 26 William S. Bryan returned to his Lincoln home home to day and with tho exception of a week's campaigning in Michigan and Northern Ohio, beginning next Monday will re main here almost unterruptedly until after th democratic national conven tion. Mr. Bryan said this period of re-t and quiet was necessitated by his state of health which was excellent, but was in pursuance of a program mapped out some months ago. A Oaring Negro. Little Rock, April 27. A southbound St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern passenger train was held up by a negro bandit near Higgineon, 50 miles north of Little Rock at 1 o'clock this morning The negro had no visible confederates, and confined his ODerations to nna n... senger coach, compelling the pasBengur to hand over their va'uables at the point of alpiBtol. The bandit escaped. A Bin Sale. New York Anril 26. The Fifth nue hotel and tho Madison Square Tliea building next were sold in one parcel at public auction today for $4,225,000 the purchaser beine W. P. Eno. sin nf tho. or'ginal owner. Eight Hour Bill. Washington, Anril 27 The Hoimo committee on labor, at a special meeting iajuwv uireuLeu a luvoraoie report on the the Gardner eieht-bour bill, whir h attraoted mnch attention in lafior circles and among contractors for government worn, x no vote was unanimously in its luvor. The Boer Tactics. London. Aoril 26. It in now nnnnranf that the chances of Lord Roberts catch ing the retreating Boers in a net are very Blonder. The Boers have everywhere retired at the first nressua of thn I!rii;i advance, and hope that General Rundle would le able to induce them to remain at De Wet's Dorp until they had been forced to fight or surrounding has been disappointing, Of Course. Harbisddg. ADril 25. Tbe rennhl trjin State convention which was hnlrt in thia city today, cordially indorsed the admin loLiabiuu ui x-resiuem wimaiii juciunley and instructed the" deles tos tn thn Na. tional convention at Philadelphia to Bup port candidacy for renomihation. Alio uuuveuuon aiso aeciarea in lavor of. lie elen'ion of United Staten denat in the same manner that state officers are elected. Boers Retired. London. April 25 Tho war nfllno baa issued the followitm from Lord Rnlwtn dated Bloemfontein Ap 11 22. .inn enemy retired irom in front of Weoener 'ast niizht. nml thin mnmin fled northeastward along the Ladybrand Their number was between 4nnn nrf ouuu. A Good Res ui'. . WAsniNGios, April 25. One result of the defeat of Quay is the defeat ol the shipping bill. Several republican sena tors who are earnestly in favor of Quay have stated that they will inform) Sena tor Hanna on his return that the ship ping bill which is ia hia favorite meaeure will not receive their support, and that he need not attempt lo bring it up at th:s sesiljn. A Chicago Kiofs. Chicago, April 25. In a labor riot to night at Racino and Wellington avenues Peter Miller-was shot through the head and killed and six other men were mora or leBS injured. Miller, together with John McGuire, William Pottger, i Louis Lackiske and Jainea Gibbons.all of them union printors, waylaid three nonunion men who had taken their plrces in the Baker-Sawter Printing Co.'s office and attacked them. The populist paper in Sonthe-n Ore gon that attacked J. A. Jeffreys ail dis trict attorney is the Ashland Record, which is a popo republican paper, known as a mi.'dle-ot-the-roader, hence its ani mouB is plain. Mr. Jeffreys has been district attorney two yeara instead of four as tbe Democb4t erronioutly stated, and the best information is that he made an excellent official. The Ashland Rec ords hit doesn't count with people un derstanding that paper's position. In the mean time Mr Hart c ntinnootnhnU down the office of couni school super intendent of Polk ciun.v, not a very Rood position in which t., prepare for the active duties ol the diemct attorney's office. W asnington, April 27. The Turkish cables indicate a peremptory demand for payment of claims has been made bv our government, not far from an ultimatum. London, April 27. Gen. Roberts cables that Gen. Warren oae been ap. pointed uovernor of Uriq lalund. . The Boer army iBeetimalel at 30,900. London, April 26. The Boors accom plished great damage and succeeded in escaping Roberts' net unhurt. Youog Cron je is reported killed. ' Dv-blin, April 26. Victoria and the royal party for England at noon. Jackson, Mits., April 26. Scores of families are reported destitute in tha I overflowed districts.