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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
Ladies Silk Waists. Good mate ril. Good wcrknohip. 'New styles. $7.00 to 110.00 each. Underskirts MerceomeJ cotloo. Looks like eiik. Weareiab well as silk. Popular colo- $1.60 to 2.6 each. Taffeline. For tine skirt linince and for ehirl waiets. Twelve shades. 60o per yard. S. E. YouiF&Son. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL id in Ashlaod veaierday on a trip m.n nirtrl Sllt-m nf O. A. Beam is rtDOrt- ed better, with eliancea Id hia lavgr, Hon. S. A. Dawaon left yesterday for ,-nnnt to adiust an insurance loss. Bishop Bowman 1). D., will Pfacn at the Evangelical ivuu'cu u a.uu.-j THE BAZAAR. MISFITS. Than are onlv filtv-four lawyers in Salem and only one night-watch on the ponce .orc. New Silk Waists Prettier than ever More. The Spring numbers are here. Beau tiful taffetas, elabo-ately tucked, again bid for favor. Such an imposing ar ray of waist prettiness as never was seen hereabouts before. L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. t COUNTY BUSINESS. Deeds filei: mi . at.: 1 t 1. ... n P Klnb .11 l.hjnn S lOOU D G McOl'aren to Burl Calloway, 4S0 acres nea' Brownsville 8500 o At D....An n n ThnmnRnn. 160 .,a. OH A. 100 Jaa Hereford to 8 H Bryan, 6.22 acres --- ; H O Obambeilaiu to Carrie Blain, irregular piece land 450 & Ilia nu . date 1882 Patent Hugh Harris to Wm tsneiton, one- ball interest in a biiitso. ...... Euth Adelia Xindall, three deeds of 40 acres, 48 acres and 40 acres to her sons H. L., O. M. and An Tindall Aa'ena Peukenbaugh to Amelia tiormley,8i.3 acres S M Cox to Samuel Nixon, 2 lots, . U...,hnio Thomas Newman of Satta Ctnz,'., to W H wmie, untnviuea n' 1. n l f rtt IRHQCBAfl . . 500 US It Milton W Yoeman, 160 MnrtBaces for $1600, 1500, $300 $1000, and1600. . Satisfaction 01 mortgages lur iuuu " $1100 & Chattl mortgages or $36, $55 and $400. When Traveling Whether on pleasure bent or butd-iess, take on every trip a bottle 'of eyrup of Fics. as it acts most pleasantly and ettect- .U. ...... ,.... livar hOWfllS. preventing f overs, headaches, and other r ..i-i C mIh in fid npnr. tortus or buhuchs. j-ua bottles by all leading druggists mna u'actured by the California fig Sprup Co on'y- . , .. .7 ,,-1 . " T,,,. will & Stark keep up with the times. They ..I., '.-.. ..h;. in" silverware. nave uia mw ",' 111 1RC& llimr BlU Wl jwiiw- r and up-to-aate. and YVttll puiJci "ou - o , shades. Look our line over before buy ing elsewhere, we save yuu uio.ioj. ".BURKitABT & Lee. eorvRiCRTl HIS JAW DROPPED and no wonder! It's enough to jar any one to have laundry work badly done. Avoid such unp!cas..nt experiences by justing your linen to ... wasn win niwyo '","" .. last vou two or three timeB as long as it would "f sent elsewhere That's the dif ference between right and wroiie meth ods. Note our rateB: Sh.rtB for 10 cents, collars 2c. ' ' MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNOKY. Phone 323. Mav 17lh at fi P. it w r..i: nl iIia Hurtifl Lumber Co., arrived in Albany this noon from a trip t I'ortiana. ii Til.a an1 ni.pA ininrd the bus llO.Uluuna j ,, , band of the lormer, the well-knon nmmmnr. at tbiB citv. last evening. Dr. Keene. Oregon s greatest polili- .'i.kimi.tI. Allmnff tlttR noon ciau, yaoocu ...vw6 j on his way to nia uome iu duuiuwu w- nn Irnm a trin to I'ortianu. J. N. Poindexter, who lias been nom- . I ..nno.ivar nf rVrwlr rnunfv nn luaieu lux Howu.v. ... .Z ' ,J tue democratic ticket, was sherifl of Lane county foi four years in me iu n. 1 , 11, Diuun.B .... ... . . j -- .. ..nmA.aii. nntliilntn tnr filierill ot UIB UOUlw-mw t 1 Jackson county. A good nominauon. Mr. W. S. I! 'Ken, the well-known in the city today. Mr. U'Ken says he ,o t nf noli tics in this campaign. ' .- License was issued at Corvallis for the i t n.n.. Hn-if. nd Pearl marrow ,v"""- " . 1 n,o W illbanus, me x reuiuny formed this afternoon in this city. Fred Harris secured the $bu Dicj cie at . :n u.A tauf nitvht in the nresence uiornn ,hh" n . of a large crowd, wUo were alBO enter tained Dy a gramapuuuc liuui t j Kann iHRiiPd for the marriM Ojli-tJOBO lino . i aug qI Walter B. Davis and Mibb Blanche ..... e o i l.J Tl.n AaFumnns WOfl ii. VVllBOn Ol oueuu. to be performed at that place this after noon. John McUourt will teBign b aasieiant na1 anH Min.5 Jennie B03tll will be appointed. Miss Booth is a Btenographer. Mr. McUourt will move to Pendleton to practice. The new cle k at Graham & Wella is Jasper Wyman. He hails from Albany, and arrived Monday. He will be on hand at the stoie during the absence, in ....,;.. nf Thomas JoneB. Times. IflBftlUV, .1 .;o rnuau nnrvalllR men. H. ttOWlSUHDl iui , L Holgate, Brady Burnett and Hank V:. onnn ntinentB to Allen nave rai - positions iu the census department at Washington. More than the rest of the valley togetneri .. . t tjmi loff thia mornintr for ,fnn,i a irtenHnc o( the Nat ional Medical Association, and to Lima, Ohio, where he win ueuver ." fore the Btate meuicai aaoucinwou. n ... nnoiani1 nf Ralem and Albany, has jbpuhI lth .position of Na lonal tjrganizer u . r - iroiuernoau, nov.u-. -- -ganization. Mr. Copeland will reside at Burley, wasuingiou. W. M. Wisdom, a """"," . u.i,,hihed Wisdom's Robertino. who has been in New YorB. tbe past ten years is ara S . he will have charge of Mr Fry's drug ,i,in, hia absence in Pane. Mrs.J. F. M hitlng ana onuuren th slm.rnmg on tue ooaiui 7LaZ! " " "Tlanrt there. - Miss Clara KeynoldB will reside with them. - The Ruth took a large ,io-u stream from Albany this morning 1. Ja. Powers to Salem, Chas. Ourran to Port land, Mr. Baltveit ana iuujhj', r" .; i..j'.;nin in thifl citv. to Washing- UCCU .OD.u.u . ton to reside, and others. , Linn ,. Rpnton .... Marion .... Polk Yambill ... Douglas ... Lane . ...14.50 mills. ....22.55 mills. . . . .22.50 mills. 21 CO mills, ....18 40 mills. ....22.00 mills, ....23.50 mills The Democrat has received a marked copy of a Pennsylvania paper in which four men are credited with a eaten ol zzo speckled trnut in a few hours. They 1 ai.1' i. mu. , .. Bn,.nrt big to the Stroudaburg, Pa., Daily limes U... . I n It I... a U1MU, UUli IU IIIO UKUWHAT U1KU lino M .. . n ,o nia nn n.4 fi.v it I. .. r m n 11 ronnln TO. T .u.w dwuuu. VU1 uonwuiuu . . .. . not be guilty of catching 225 trout that averaged less than a pound a piece, and -,f . I .. 1 .:maa Ik., The size of the catch too is not startling. Dogs and Ponies. Political Speaking". At the tollowine times and places the candidates nominated by the Democrat-fit-PKonle'i Partv convention of Linn coonty, Oregon, will address tbe people1 on tue political issues luvoiveu iu present campaign : llrlmna 11 T 7. 1 D DJ Tangent " 8, 1 p ni fcbedd " a, J P m Haieey " 10, 1pm Harricunrg " 11, 1 P m Other datoB to be named I'.ereaner. rfl.. ..nili.l.lA. nnmin.lail hv tlia rfl publican convention ol said county, are most earnestly ana respeciiui.y requco. ed to be present at said limes and placeB ana join in tneseirieuuiy aiecuHBioun uo lore me people upon tquai lurm. .Chairman Democratic Central Com. Chairman People's Party Central Com. The world's greatest living animal trainerB. Nnrrin i(r knnn. will exhihit their BlGf Trained Animal Rhowa iu this city next Wednesday afternoon aud nigut, unuer meir enormous waierpruui IDUM TfUIUll Will UU IUUUIGU bVUI.flll Pa,ln.m.niiaa mill h. ,in.n at 9 onn fi n m. A bew grand free spectacular Btreet carnival and children's fairyland parade will he riven nn thrt mnrninir of the ex- hihilinn af 1 1 n' at vahinh limn thn entire company of over 300 animal actors wm uo uetm. rrummeub umuug .mo season's special features are the grev. knnni ll.A R no. nnnu tan dem races, chariot races, the wonderful uoriuiiuaucBH Ul luo BUiaiietjti uiouunun : .un , .1 -n i i : 1 .. iu iud wuiiu, Biu, rur uuluivmiiiit aun diversity of abBtird tricks tbe multitude of monkeys with the Noma & Rowe's snows are uevon J tue power oi language IU UCDUUUOt YOUR EYES.- huyler's Chocolates J Tl v.Ann . . - AUU DUIIUUUB .... At F. H. Pfeiffer's. The hncBt tilings of the day. Fpb Sale. A comfortable, well built four room, furnished cottage at Nye Creek. This and That French the jeweler.'.' . Will & 3tark, jewelers. . Smiley's Clean Printing. . '. iiil i2 o'clock o.m.atStetter'e rr. .T. H. fcrskine is now in the FoBler Rlnck. 2nd storv. ' m ..,natincr. cenlS Cer vard, by T. 8. Alexander, east enu ototn street. nA.AvM.'a .haffiniranil hair CUt- UU IU Tw.AVnu B ting parlors for first claas w.orK. not and cold baths. Clean toweis to jv,. ci ner. LOST In Albany Sunday allernoon, a blaik aid glove, of value only to the owner. Please return to the Democrat oin., HEME WE ARE AGAIN with our pchedulfi Drices. Columblas $75 06' i an n iv TnprpnrA lltnmnml. In nthAr ntacpa besides South Africa, Will & Stark keep a choice line of goods in this line of rings, ear rings, studs, etc. 50 M An no. HartfordB 85 0 " SO C I Vedette 2& C ireunanie snw Aleo second band wheols, in good re pair, from $10.00 to $20.00. Bicycle riders, all over the world, ac cept tbe "Columbia" as tbe standard. We give you the beet value for jon imoney, anu iu ubbo ui ncviuem iuiiiibd . Eat Oramqes. Get them at 20c a doz jepairs promptly. STEWART & SOX IIDW. COi- At 0 E. Brc-unelle, Your home made beautiful with the pApmps latnat almrioa nf ,vall naner. Wa save DK8SM AK.1NU PAKLOKb you money. Bukhart & Lee. Choice Dried U rapes $a. At O. E. Brownnellu -Mrs. A nrioowAiwiiiu t xi-vjji3. iiiri". J E. Ketchum has opened dressmaking parlors over tho store of F. E. Allen A Co., and is prepared to do work in tin latest styles at reasonable prices, la dies Interested are invited to call. TTnm Ct T I... ,1.- ni. uw. uiur.. x.nimo iui ,11a milling election by getting some of Uncle Billy Wright's horseradish. It iB fresh, and tbe finest appetizer in the market. Biace up lor ine year, as tniB win do uncie Billp's last trip to Albany this season. FOR RENT. One of my stores. For . pnruijuiHtH can a. store. J. Gbaowohi,. Giant Mush 8 lbs. for lOcts., is very fine O. E. Browkell H. F. Mcllwain's Cash Store. MARRIED. PARKER KIRK. At the M. E. par- . . rr i j t eonage, in amany, on euuuujr r ! ternoon,at2 o'clock, by Rev. M. 0. nent and popular Wella Fargo expreaB and Hoeoburg, and Mibb Mapgio Kirk, native daughter of Linn county and aalimaKla innnn wnrTllltl. their future home in Portland,takiug the UCDl T irjlico wi unu; . . ivh--i " loaded down with expressions ' of good villi iroXQ'ine raiironu mu i 5 wepm, among whom the groom la universally Your Home made BeautifuL Is not your house showing (he marks of time? You can paint it now with tbree-fourtbe of the paint that will he required in another year or two. Is not tbe walls showing signs of torn and disfigured irper, yen can paper it now cheaper than you can in a year or bo. LetuB talk to you about paints, colors, and prices, we think that we can interest your especially in pur line of wall paper. The latest shades, - Burkhart & Lee. BORN. .1 ' : Km Prnf AlllMlpt Have tnem exuiuiuw ........ .,r-; BtarK oi mis uilj- poi"""' .-. here, who haa made the eves a apecm Btudy, andill fit them with ges that will ewe BuuBi." j--- -- weakening call and have a tin. ..... g- ycje an(J Machine tXpeftS Phone 41144 CHRYSANTHEMUMS FOR SALE -I , now offer lor sale a fine lot l s.rott, well rooted olants low'?""'"'" "U ' . . ! ... t .n,i Kast. orrnWII. All prnlsVrue'rrname "and ro. n frrn, Snebloomers.MP..rverv.ow;y . cor. 7th and R. K. tt e. t. Work called for and delivered prompt ly. ' We rent wheels and machines. Merrill Bros. Y. M. C. A. Building. r. i T. M. SDSclal meeting of the Lady Maocabeea will be held at their hall, this (Wednesday) evening, Hay A lor m itiitton and other neceeBary buBineBB. Uy order of the L,aay uonimao ior. T..r.v ltr apahres Attention Leiuten- ant Commander Banner Bearers and guardB will meet at ine.r m i j, 1900 at eight o'clock p. m. for drill work. By order of the Captain. T o. f. F. Attention. There will be : .. Hnnnn(. Aaaraa fliin eveuiuff. WOiR IU mo .ov.uu wb, --- - - " It is hoped the members will s turn out. Sojourning brothers cordially in vited to attend. .- H. UARHlfiS, OBUwmi;, . at.k Am Society. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society will be held ot the resilence pf Mrs. A. B. Woodin, on Tuursday, May 3rd, at 2:80 p. m. Seekers After Gold vvaicuea wi.i ai"aa the finest line to select from at Will & Starks.. Also a Buperior line ot the best makes of silver and nickel watches. Al ways see them before buying. "Persevere and Prosper " Take ,i 0 :i.n ralrMnllv nid it Will HOOD. S ouruBpnini" :- cure scrofula, Bait rheum, boils, pimples and all Diooa numum; nu ujr.Kpo.-, -. atiavr, nalarrh and that Ured. feel- llKWUi.i". ---- ir.g. it never aiBappuimo. Sick headache ia cured Dy noon s ru.s 5o. , . - Worse than War. tr .ni. .lnl'arf hv war .but hundred auuuiwi. lw u" " : .. ...1 .1 . ..a lrlllo.1 Uv mnaumation I. 1 3 uA A . ABlhB at all bv r inete wouiu uo u. - this terrible disease, Jt peopiocoo.u i madetounlerstand that Shtioh a Wugn and Consumption Cnre is a sure remedy it aann in the eariy stages j a, rirn itfllR will retund the money if a cure ts not tftected. tor sale by D rea uawson. WINKLER. At the Hotel Salem Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, May 1, 190D, to Prof, and Mrs. Emil L. Winkler, a ' daughter. Easy to Operate . Because purely vegetable-yet thor- ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory- Hood's Pills HAVENT SAID A WORD ABOUT SHOES for two weeks, but this weef I received a shipment of Ladies Tun. clcth top, Stylish Shoes which will sell at $.1.05 per pair. Thuy are a snrp. Verv Respectfully, J. A. WEAVER. THE FAIR. 23 Jewels In solid gold Setting "Special RailwaT 23 Jewels NewIModel Fine Train Hew Railwaf Deuber-Hampden Watches. The best Railroad watch made. ' See F. M. French, the Jeweler. Dr. Hobbj' Spanik ji'PIUi "ro all Wwllj B lo (teo. Aml-BmrllDg Hamedy Co.. Cl.lo.go or M. X. 1 Letter List. ,'niinwlr.Lr ia thi list of letters remaining in the Postoflice at Albany, Linn county, Oreiron. May 2. 1900, Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which advertised: Bollch.Plaho - Coo!ey, Miss Fay Dreurs, Mrs Llixie Davis, Harmon Davis, John Graff, Janrice O Garrison, J L Ganaird, R W Hournett, Evelyn Hoeye, Mae Kincade, George Lilie, Mrs Locy Mlbadr, Doston Mori is, M rs Ida Nashville Students Stevens, Wm Scott, Mrs O E Tqrke, Mrj AM Winkler, Charlie Wallace, Mr W O 8. 8. TAtN. P. M. NEW Clothing for men and boys, The latest styles in hats. Atine line of furnishing goods up with the date, Stylish and substantial boots and shoes, Everything at satisfactory prices. 1 ITS OOOO BUSINESS TO WtABt UAHANTEID CLOTHINS At the BLAIN CLOTHING Co's