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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1900)
:Sbarp Points. " Uow woiilU Bullei'a "Ohriatnua In n i .11 i .. - .. .1 O .. 1 lnl Mfi. ara on Duller" look In parallel col- Something like an hundred millions o' .vrernuient money le now loaned out among the banks, and this will be -rfxrbleil before the election. No Interest ie paid for it. What is troubling Mark H anna now is the percentage that the ' imnke ought to be required to pay to the 4copaign fund In return for this. ' Virginia has been persuaded to aban- ixjQ her iufntion oi giving a man hunt aritli blood hounds. We hasten to as sure the country, however, that ihe fcant wai not arranged in order to csp- tare a republican vice presidential can- The Sullen evidently doesn't realize what it means to be up against tbi -rapienuiu uipiornacy ' Ol oeuriry any It is worth remembering that a War. Tea also Ml at Bunker Hill, the "Spion 4k-op ui me AuieriutkU revuiuLiuu. The republicans are boasting that they SurS'kept all their pledges to the coin - tcy, hut most people think they ought to itke off at least 15 per out of the claim Why doesn't Secretary Hay send Gen . er . ... .. 1. , . t .. ni,u 4iIA c.,H.n Turkey ? The General succeeded very mil with the Sultan of Sulu. Let him Er-Seoretary Alger, it seems, in sue c3ratd a system of making allowances to armji officers In Cuba, in the face of the more or less open disapproval of everyone who knew of it. But Secretary Boot continued It and is responsible for iti isontinuance. This administration is great in coining (rfiraees It baB given us "plain duty", '"criminal aggression", "benevolent as similation" and now it adds "supple auealaiy allowance" as distinguished -from "additional salary '' Why not call ipadtjs spades, and be done with it? The "Oleo" fight In Congress is .row ing warm and it is quite possible that a new campaign Issue may grow out of it. Fowertul interests are working on each da and are giving warning that they utund to carry their point, or to make eorue one know why not next fall. How numerous millionaires are nowa days may be inferred from the fact that -George Smith, a man of whom the pub lic never beard, recently died, and his eUte paid 5,000,OO0 to Great Britain, 3,000,000 to Uncle Sam, and $2,030,000 to th state of Now York as Inheritance Sautes. In obedience to the overwhelming feeling of the country, the republican llouew hanldeclded to make a bluff at re pealing some of the war taxes. Since Secretary Gage slated that the surplus this year will bs $72,000,000 and next year $34,000,000 something bad to bj be an, though it Is safe to say nothing wil' be finialied at this session. The peo ple demand the repeal of the stamp taxes and the brewers that of the increamd tax on beer. Both cannot be granted, and in -the fear of losing voles one Bide or the other, the republicans will do nothing. "liobo" auys it was Suiter's fault that ihe operations at Spion Kop did not ucceed- Evidently he thinks that the Etoers bad nothing to do with the mat ter. For District At.orney. John A. Jeffrey, ti e union nomine for the "00100 of district attorney, came to Oregon when a boy of five years of age, and has resided here ever since. He is now in his tbirtytecond year. After ac quiring a thorough general education, be began the study of law and was in due time admitted to the bar. His pleasing addre8S,high native talents and fine mor al character Boon brought him into the active practice of his profession. He rap idly developed into a lawyer of marked ability. H represented his county in the legislature in 1895, and although then quite young, he took rank with the bes- debatars in the house. His success be fore juries made him a prominent candi date for district attorney for the lint dis trict, and he was elected. He proved himsell an able, industrious and consci encious officer, deserving and winning flattering success. Mr. Jeffrey is one o the best public speakers in the state. His opponents do not question his abil ity nor his fitncea for the oflice. It is admitted that Mr. Jeffrey will poll a very laigo vote where be is known regardless of politics, a very stiking proof of his peculiar fitness for the office. From the Eugene Journal. The selection by the Democrats of this diitr.'cr, of Senator Bernard Daly of Lake view for their nominee for Congreer is one of the best nominations made by any party in the stale- He is a gentleman or uroat affability, is broad-minded, intelli gent and diplomatic and would represent tins district in Cougr-88 to its honor and benefit. Hie popularity in his own dis trict has been attested to by the large vote he has received in excess of his party vole. The Ddeli'y to the adminis tration ol the present incumbent, Bon Tboa. H. Tongue gives iiim rank only as an admin'iKtration candidate pure and simple and by their acts be must stand or fall. Indications point strongly to the fact that the administration has lost hundreds of thousands of adherents in the United otateB, due chiefly to (he pol icy of imperial'sm, territorial expansion and consequent militarism, to say noth ing of its total surrender to the national banks and money power. Such beinn the case, .Senator Dalystands an excellent cuance of representing this district in Congress during the next two years at least. .. Prom the Rotaunrii Review. - Two years ao Grafter T, A. Wood ut out a letter to tun old Indian War Veterans telling them that llioy would et their pheir pensions if they voted for I'hoa Tongue for congressmai1, Naw he tells tbeuuhey will simuly have to wait indefinitely. A better plan would de to vote lur Dr. Daly lor congressman and hvs be represented by a man ot recog nized ability. .. The President lock the second etep in lie plot to loot Porto Rico whea he ask ed Congre.tq to exter.d the Urine ol the military officers there until August. By that time Uaugresj will have, adjourned .. and the carpet-hag govorninect will not even have to ha coutirmed by the Sena to before they begin to hand around tli ranuhiies to the men who had them selected lor their poets. The strength behind W. J. Bryau i the confidence that the people have iu the man, says the K-al Uregonian. They believe that lie is sincere, that he is in earnest, that he will do what he sav?. A great body of voters feel that tie stands alone among the leaders in both parlies as being more in sympathy with the plain people than with (he privileged and Ihe plutocrat. They know that he is not In (lie toils ol the trustB, syndicates and roinbines, and that the Money Devil has no Btrings on liiin. Bryan le a fieo man, free iu the anie sense as was Abraham Lincoln when he waa elected president of the United States In 1S00. There is no hero worship about it. More than hall the people lavor the principles ho advo cates and have abeohite confidence Iu fais honesty, lurlopendenes and courage. He may be an idol, but he ie not a hero. The people are with him because fit y to certain that he wiih . tiiem . The Alau tor Congress. From the Eugene Journal. Dr. Bernard Dally, the union nominee far Representative in Congress from. the First Congressional District from Oregon, served in the Oregon House of Represen tatives in 1893, and in the State Senate in 1897 and 1899. In the gerymander made by the Republicans in the last Lgiela- ture his county Lake will have no Sen ator, and Lane will have oDly one, iu ettad of two. The object was to get rid of all euoh men as Daly and put doubt ful counties along with those that were supposed to be sure for "the party of pro- great" ihe party that changes its prin ciples at every convention from pro to con, or from any principle to any old thing to get votes. Dr. Daly made a line record iu tho Legislature and rank ed among the ablest men in the Sfnate If elected te Congress be will make an able and faithful Representative of the people. That he will be elected there is scarcely room for doubt. In 189(1 Tongue received 19,355 votes and was elected by a plurality ot 03 votes over W S Vandor- burg, while Jefferson Myers received 7.914 and N V ChriBtenson 1,350 votes. Iu 1898 Tongue received 21,324 votes and waB elected over R M Veatch by a plural ity of 2,037 votes, and J L Hill receiyed 1,833 and IL 11 Peuereon 1,113 votes. Had it not been for Ihe excitement over the Spanish ar and the unlimited lying by imported epoaaors and hired local liarB, who bowled everywhere and all the tune it was necessary to vote tin Republican ticket to Bupport the'govern meut in its war against a foreign nation, Veatch would bavo bieu elected by tho combined vote ol two years before for Vauderburg and Myers, which would have given him about,000 majority, and tho Union Stato tickot would Lave been elected by majorities ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 votes. Assuming that the war racket cannot again be played on the people and that conditions have settled back to something lice tbev were in 1890, with Ihe Vauderburg aud Mvois vote uow united againtt Tonguo, Daly cbould he elected by a lare h i jt Jugglery.' . The Antl-jauteen law is one of the plainest on the books. It reads : "That no officer or private soldier shall be detailed to sell Intoxicating drink as a bartender or otherwise, in any post, exchange or canteen, nor shall any other person be required or allowed to sell Buch liquors in any encampment or fort, or on any premises uted for mil itary purposes by tht United States; aud the secretary o war Is direc'.ed In issue euch general order as may be nec essary to bring the provisions of t.iis Section into full force and effect." An eastern religious paper says ol The lecretary ol war, instead of en forcing this plain law, Bought a. way of retarding its operation and of evading its enurcemeut. Although no question bad been raised as to.its meaning it was submitted to the Attorney General, who by a forced construction and the most palpablejugRiery, conetrued the law so as to make it perpitoale the very system of in'quity which it was enacted to sup press. Ihe ribald elements of the coun try, received the opinion with a thrill of drunken joy and lauded Mr. Griggs, not for bis legal wisdom, but for his ehrewd ness iu outwitting the authors of the law. be opinion in effect made fools of our law g'vers in CongresB, and was a base insult to the common sense of the Christian people of our nation. In th e way the canteen, discredited as an insti tution, outlawed by Congreso, and con demned by the moral senBe ol the Amer ican people is perpetuated by a fraud to which the pres cient, aftertmg months of evasion, has at laet set his seal . That thiB fraud was perpetuattd to make the administration solid wilb the whiskey vote, there can be no question. The conviction is forced, even upon . the friends of the president, that the course ot bis administration toward the canteen has been determined by a desire to win and bold (lie wbiekey vote. It may surprise some people to learn that a modern Atlantic liner "must earr about 180,000 clear per (rip belore a penny of profit i made. In tbe British isles, during the present century, seven instances have been re corded in which the bride has married the best man by mistake. "Hie Baltimore & Ohio haB built a new dock at Curtis bay, in tbe CheBapeake, 800 feet long and 70 fett wide, to afford facilities for loading eight vessels at one time. . Recent investigations have shown that there are in the stateof Maryland at leaet 28,000 voters who could not meet an edu cational test. should one be required, as haa been proposed, ,-, ,. -. Even republicans pretend to ahrink ghaet from the enciinous powers they have conleirod on the l'orto liican gov- nrtif.iot.t II, af will Analtln tl,nf little island to be bound hand and foot and delivered ovor to ihe franchise grab bers. The bolter minded of them would ike to undo part ol their work, but it is too late. The trusts and the corpora tions that made the republican party will not relax their grip uow when their reward is at baud, l'orto Rico must put up with her masters as beet she may. The poor despise, . . The rich man craves, and -' " ' All men carry to their graves. Shakespeare, The answer 1b nothing. Of course Albany will celebrate the 4th of July this year. This is our year for it, and we are prepared to make trie eagle scream. A tramp haa sued a railroad in Wash ington for damages received in an acci dent. -His argument is that not having out bun off as he should have been the company was responsible for damages. it would ostaonsn a good precedent ior the country if he recovered. . Fred T. Men ill, the rustling bicycle man of Portland, is running for council man in one of the wards. He is running big advertisements of his candidacy in the papcrn at a cost that would make a Willamette valley candidate open his eyes. Morrill ought to be elected as an oxamp'o to tendcrfect. Albany neens an athletic training school to prepare people for the arduouB task of getting through the S P. yard over and under I lie cars to the depot. Seriously the proper place for a yard is on tbe lurtlier sine ot a depot trom a city. There is a fine place this side of our s. t . yard lor the depot. Since being admitted to the bar Mr Hart has been in the. school business practically all ol the five yeats, four years as county school superintendent of Polk county. A Dallas man recently said that he had never tried a case in his life, and had appeared in but few wkh liia partner. The active practice has all been by his partner while Mr. Hart at tended to the duties of county school superintendent, which anyone iamili-r with the office knows takes all of ones time to fill well. A good man person ally He nas Had no experience luting a man for the important office of district attorney, Among tho beautiful eights of the vai ley according to the Portland Telegram are dog wood and other blossoms. Next. ' TELEGRAPHIC Alaska Bill Passed. Washington, JMay 1. After having been und?r consideration more than two months, the Alaskan civil code Intl .wbb paBSed by the Senate today. Carter, to do this, wtttidrew the amendment relat ing to alien location of mining cairns and all other points in dispute. The ooers Vctive. London, May 1, 3.50 a. m. The Boers are bow showing uncommon' activity west of Bloemfontein. They are in force betwten Fourteen Streams and Kimber ley. Snnday they occupied Windsorten wi at of the railway, and now threaten in interrupt the communication of the l'ritish force at Wa' ronton to the north This too at a time when General Hunter is about to Btart on a 200 mile march for Mafeking pronably with 5000 men. No strike Yet. Buffalo, April 30. With the ultima turn that waB to have been given today deterred, the status o the strike oi the car-repairers of the New Yo k - Cen'ral Railroad in unchanged tonight, except ing so far aa the action of President Cal loway in onsenting t""at Superintend ent Wait of the motive power depart ment shall meet in conference with the members of the executive committee, has tended to crrate a belief among i lie strikers that the company is disposed to pursued conciliatory policy. . Interested a ebt Washington, April 30 When Hawaii was annexed ro this country, it had a bonded debt of about 4.0oO,UOO, draw- inga heavy rate of interest. This d!bt still exists, but, under the act signed by the f resident today it is to De resumed by the United States. Against a Sinter Republic. Washington, April 20. Again tcday the question of expressing sympathy for the Boeru wa- thrust on the attention of tbe Senate. Thi' time it came up on a motion 'o proceed lo the consideration of the resolution introduced by Pettigrew which was before tli- S -nate last Satur day. The motion waa iiit "'ed 29 to 20. Immense Instil u c:. . New York, April 30 Frank II Pr-avev of Minneapolis, Minn-, Iks obui. " in surance in tlie Mutual Life Iiibui ,ii'- Oompanv rf New York, to the amouii. to f l,uuu,uuu, the annual premium on the policy being $38,390. This is the larcreat annual premium payable on one policy ever received by any life insurance com pany. Botha at Pretoria. Ladvbmitii, April 30. The countrv north of Sunday's River seems compara tively ciear oi ioera. General Louis Botha has returned to Pretoria to lesume the supreme com maud of the 'i ansvaal forces. Kniiiand Dissapoiiited. London, April 30. The only dispatch from Lord Roberts published yesterday was the usual list of deaths and sickneaa. The flood of newspaper dispatches today describing the recent operationa throws no light whatever upon the present posi tion of affairs, or upon the grest ques tion as to when the main advance la to begin. The Standard's announcement than General French's cavalry is return ing to Bloemfontein is clear proof that there is no further hope of catching the Good for Pingi ee. Detroit, April 29. Governor Pingrce assorted in an interview today that .the hope of the people in thiB years general elections is in tbe democratic party. The Governor has always hitherto been an independent republican. Speaking of the increasing power of tiustB, Gov ernor Pingree said : - There is no nse in hoping that the re publican party will do anything wih them. A Big Strike. Buffalo, April 2t. The striking em ployee of the Nnw York Control have given toe company until 1 o'clock to morrow afternoon to srant their rin- mande. If the concessions are not made by that time it is the intention o! the strike leiiDers to extend the strike, and they predict tl.nt it will be the largest in tut, uiabuijr ui ittiiruaua ill bun oast. The Methodists. Chicago, April 28. Next Wednesday the great internal ccuncii of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, commonly known as the general couference, will -osii i.o ,na,ibj-.,iiLu tjununuuiliui 863 sion in this city. It will be comnnnsrl of about 700 delegates from all the states and territories o the united States and Irom Mexico, South America, Japan, China, Philippine Islands. India, Italy, iinu:t uuu uuruutiiy. Nine Killed. Paris, April 2!). An accident within the exposition gi.-nnda caused the death of nine persons a . I injured nine. A temporary bridge, unable to withstand the bunday crowd, broke. Three Drowned. Seattle, April 29. Mrs.lMattie Lar. sen and her two children. Ruth, aonrt R and a 3 year old son, were drowned from a saimont which capaized today 2 miles off Port Gamble, a mill town 35 milea trom here. .Lara Laraon, husband and tatuor, oareiy escaped death with them A Fight Ahead. London, Moy 2, Fighting, heavier that any since Ladpamith, seems to be imminent near Thabanchu. The dis patches of Lord Roberts, dated Monday and Tuesday, show that th Roer rear guard, stubbornly rdsisting hia advance forced the Britiah Saturday and Sunday to act chiefly on tne defensive. The Nome Rush. Seattle. Mav 1. The rueh to Cape Nome is fairly under way. Seattle tlks of little else. The Klondike is not for gotten, but as a staple for conversation, commercial expectation and profitable realization, it lasted a little over two years, and then gave way to a brighter dream. The strbeta are fnll of people, who are going to Nome or who are inter ested in somebody else who is going to Nome and who busily rush around to see that the northward movement in begun with a becoming send off. Washington, May 1. Present admin istration officials continue! for Porto Rico. Dole is anDointed first nresrdent Hawaii. Salt LAKE.May 1 In case of Roberts accused unlawful cohabitation the jurv disagreed. London, May 1. fhe Boers are blow ing up tbe railroad south of Mafeking Tbe town will hold out another month. Bloemfontain, May 1, The Boers made pereietent attacks Saturday and Sunday on Tbabancb i and were re markably aggressive. London, April 30 The Boers only left Thabanchu for better positions. Th. British casualtiie at Thabanchu are light Steamer Aurona sails for England with four-hundred sick soldiers. Constantinople, April SO. If the Porte doeBn't act on indemnity claim this week American representatives will renew demands. Washington, April 30. Boera svm. pathy resolution- lost in senate twenty to twenty-nine. Oregon senators ab sent. Times have changed since Mark Ban na laid he wruld elect a yellow dog this fall. Now the 0. O. P. le franticall earching for a mm who is popnla enough to be named lor Vice President with seme hope ol causing the Porto liican matter to bo lorgotten. It is tbe business ol the newspaper to' advise everybody to trade at home, to support home inlustries. The mer chants like this. Some of (hem don't know how to reciprocate, and according to an exchange Bend away for their printing, newspapers, e(c, Nine transcontinental trains will leave Portland daily alter May 3, by way of the O. R. & N., Southern Pacific. Burl ing, Northern Pacific, Great Northern and O'nadlan Pacific. Portland is con siderable ol a railroad town itself. When a man wants to atlvertiso bis business in Portland ho runs for coun cilman, In this way Mr. Fred Merrill is making a big hit lor councilman. Not I to be outdone by a common bicycle man, 1.1.1). Mver the 'cigar man la running in dependently for councilman in anothor i 1 ward. 44 No Eye Like the Master's Eye You are master of your health, and if you do not attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order, Hood's Sar- saparilla ivill purify it. it is tho specific remedy for troubles ot the blood, Kidneys, Doweis or liver. Kldnevs "My kidneys troubled me, and on advice took Kocd's Sarsaparllla which gave prompt relief, better appetite. My sleep Is refreshing. It cured my wife lso." MicHAKL tloYLC, tHiJ Denny btrcet, rlttsbnrg, Pa. Scrofulous Humor-" Iwas In terrible condition from tbe itching and burning ot scrofulous humor. Grew worse under treatment of several doctors. Took Hood's Sarsaparllla and Hood's Tills. These cured me thoroughly." J. J. Little, Fulton, N. Y. ' Hood' Mill eurtt llTr llli I the non-lrrlutinR ftnd 9UJ ct"hrUo to tak with Hood'l Srtprlll. No-To-l3c ror Firty Centa Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, . ..t Baeo stroKK. blood pure. COo. SI. AU druggista After Alo.iey. WA8H1NGTOL, May 1 The membera of the Oregon delegation are Btill making efforta to secure faeorable action for the improvement of the mouth of the Colum bia River. It is known that any attempt to secure an appropiation in the snndry civil bill will be fought very hard, and, therefore all efforts are being directed to securing the emergency appropriation. Forest Fires, Marinette, Mav 1. Forest firea in Northern Michigan and Wisconsin have destroyed one village and threatened several others. Tbe dry timdet is prov ing easy prey to tne names, wmcn is high wind has s oread over a wide area. lAmca, the town destroyed, bad a popu lation oi zuu. mere was a store, ceaar yard, Btation and 15 or 20 bouses. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned baa been duly ap pointed by the sounty court of Linn coun ty, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of Samuel King, Deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby required to present sarap with proper vouchers to the undersigned at tbe office of H O Wataon, First National bank build ing, Albany, Oregon, within six months Irom the date hereof. This 27th day of April, 1900 Roth Kino, Administratrix. H. O. Watson, and L. L. Swan, Attorneys for Admistratrix. NOTluE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of John Bateman and Pheobe Bnleman, deceased has filed bis fine! account with tbe County Clerk of Linn couniy, Oregon, and the court has fixed Tuesday, the 5th day of June, 1900, at the hour of One o'clock p. m., of said day .'or the hearing o said ac count and (he final settlement of said es tate. Any and all persons having ob jections to the same are hereby notified -to be present at said time and place ard make tbe same. Dated this (he 19th flay of April,' 1900. , , - Peter Bithkr, Adm r with the will annexed of John ann Pheobe Bateman, deceased. WEATHKRFORD& WYATT, Att'y8 for Adm'r. S f.':; , lU u, ..III"!. 4. If-. 11 M , 11 It -In: I Pr, J- att i'u.Ll-. Kiv.n NftlSFpq4-. y-'Vr 'CHICAGO IllDSAT ivs tu'il will prevent him ir m ': e-xtdohil 'row tn order, hn lii lit- on ui,j-;..:ng to your t. i 1 .(jO. to vos-t.i-e lone Is Sj cvt ili. k.. a. mi.. rzpt.H t- intif-t ,u for nu-jln ynuon nc-hthn rrrlsht, Tho Ulx lionk lull pay tilt 31 ctnia postage, and Ibc Bin Honk r!II he nt la j. u MiUr t) mEii roatpald,antl If you tlnn't thfnk It U worth 100 times tha IScetiV. you jentl. ar.n Key to the lowest wholesale prices of everytlilnff.eaj BO and wt-will Imrnrtllilrlj rrlnrn juur 15 rrnli. what Tin: iiiEs says ahoit this CATArmjrFi "It is a monument of business information." Mtnueutiulis (Minn Trflmne. "A wonderful piece of work." Washlnifton National Tribune. p The CotaloRite is a wonder." Mnnchenlcr ( N. H. j Union. "Senrx. Itocbtick & Co. is one of the largest houses of its Kind It ChlcBiio." Chirnno Inter Ocean. i i.i uiKcainiopue lorma one or tne unescsiioppiug mediums iosj t into a district." noyce'8 Monthly, Chlcajio. 'The witnioirue 1h certainly a inerclmiKliHo encyclopmrtlii." Chicairo Enworth Herald. la ' "h"""1 he navs .(1 compollhiK theiiHoof tli is catnlojuotn nil puhlic schools." The Iton. G. A. Routhtoun, WO colli cl ilUOtO thoilHAiiil nf Hhiillsr .nfrnnto R.n.l 1 .1 .... ..J in I. - .u i .. j i 1. 1 . -Arldreu, SEARS. ROEBUCK A. SO. flnn.V CHIftAnn II I IMni.Q II. ft A. BOGGLE BOOKS A & r A Firm Library ot uneqiialkd value Practical, lip-iu-date. Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Priuitj auJ beautifully Illustrated By -J A COO D ICO LB No. l-BiR.e ll.KSE BOOK A'lalioiii i(o :uf"U (-ii.iium-Sciise Trentise. vith orer 74 iiillrltl.itlJUs . I. jltlllvlitl'll Ik iTUC Su Cell la No. 2 BIGGLE VERK BOOK All about growm, Small Fruits rerd nnd len:u how t varieties nud U-o otner illustration. 1 1 ice. 'o Ceuis. No. 3 niQO:.E POULTRV BOOK Ali about l'utillry ; the best Poultry L"otk in esii-'f-nce tolls ercrythiuf ; wkli23 colored life-Iikt-n rotmciirus of nil the principal breeds: with U'3 Ulitr illusiratiouu. I'rice, 50 Cents No. 4 BiaGLfe COW BOOK AH about Cows and the Dairy Busineai ; having Ofrrent ale, contains 8 colored life-like reproduction of each breed, with 133 other illustrations. I'rice, 50 Cents. ' Nc 6-BIQGLB SWINE BOOK itstout. All about Hors Breed in r, Feeding, Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over 80 Kmililnt naif tones aud other engravings. Price, 50 Otitis TheBIQOLE BOOKS are unique.oriRinal.weful votn.cvfr " saw anything likethem Boprncticnl.toFeiifible. '1 .-y ore having an enormous sale Eat Vet, Noith :-.i.d South. Everyone who keeps a How. Cow, l!'v r Chicken, or prows Small Fruits, omht to scliI not away for the BlUOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURRA Is rout papet made for ynu and not a mi flit 01a. it is me ercaT nuuea-iown mt-t quit-niter you-havr-nid-it ."arm and I IS 2. l. T ixjiini -nuwn nutne-u:ir-"n repr - the world- the f America -tiaviua cviTinuiliiro aii4 a-hail t-gm..i i taut..- Any ONE Cf the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FT'. Jrr-N.' a YEARS (remainder 01 tioct . iooo, ioi uoa and -c. ti ilt he t! t u.i to any addrrss tor A DOLLAR BILL . Sample of FARM JOLRNAL &nd circulnr descrUnu j UHiCiLL t.lih irv TVtLMPR ATKINSON I Hll.APFXPHIJ