Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 27, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    If P. NUTTING, Ed., and Prop.
Soured st tbe Post Offlos at Albany
Jregon, s second olais mall matter.
Bushels ot Money
Thrown away Of women annually in tbe
purchase of cosmetics, lotions and piw
dera, none ol which ever accomplishes
ita object. Beauty depends on healthy
blood and gold digestion, aucb as Karl's
Clover Root Tea guarantees yon (or 25
eta. and 60 eta, per packmen. Take t and
we guarantee your complexion. For sale
by Fred Dawson .
Nothing Ltite It.
Ton should remember that no other
medicine is like Sbiloh's Consumption
Cure in auv respoct. If other remedies
have failed ti relieve your cough or cold,
that is all the more reason why you
should trv Shiloh'e. Always sold under
a positive guarantee. If it does not be.p
you, the druggist mutt give back your
mouey. 25 cts., 50 ots., and $l.00ja bot
tle, or sale by Frei Dawson.
Music Miss Milarea Burmeatei
eacher of plane or organ. System tbs
Mason touch and techniaue. Residence
Fifth olrsot, opposite U P church.
If your liver is out of order, causing
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart
burn, or Constipation, take a dose of
Hood's Pills
On retiring, and tomorrow your di
gestive organs will bo regulated and
you will be bright, active and ready
for any kind of work. This has
been the experience of others; it
will bo youw. HOOD'S PILLS are
sold by all medicine dealers, io cts.
COWS. 20 milch cows for sale. Inquire
of H . Bryant.
Notice is hereby given that fundi are
on band to pay city warrants Noe. 1 to
8? inclusive of the issue ol 1809. Inter
est on said warrants will cease with the
dale of this notice.
Albany, Or., Dec. 27, 1899.
A. li. Parker, City Treasurer.
4o Per Gent.
Reduction on
Extra 10 per cent discount for
Spot Cnsn.
We have the best $25 00 sewing ma
chine on the market. Send for circular.
New, warranted machines for $22.00.
Second hand machines 'or J5, $0, $8 and
$10. Machines rented and repaired at
reasonable prices.
Our Stock of ;
Was never bo varied in assortment.
We have PlanoB lor people of limited
means, to $1,000 Oh ickoriug Grands.
(Jot our prices before buying and save
money thereby.
Mr. Gradwohl's Business.
I wish to inlorm the general publio
that 1 have como to tlio conclusion that
mi businnea will he in the future Whole
sale and Retail Grocery, and that 1 will
not add liquors or patent mudicine as I
intemlod to do, but 1 will keopon selling
all my goods at reduced prices for net
I also call the attention of tho genoral
publio and nil my customers to the coffee
1 otter lor loss prico lor not cbbii, me
same as 1 sold for foimr prices as stated.
Mocha and Java coffeo 80c per lb., reg
ular prico 4uc, My lavorite cotieo ioc
per lb., regular price zuc.
3 cans Finest Tomatoes 25c.
I desire to buy soma eggs olther in
irnuo or cash.
Sugar wholesale and retail price sub
ject to tlio chango of tho market.
Albany, Or., April 10, 'UOO.
" . :
Buy your.
' Hardware ami Tinware
Harden and Grass Seeds
. OF
Ohling & Hulburt.
rorioE is herkdy:oiven that
the annual nieetisu of tho Albany
Mining A Millina Co. will be held at the
office of C.U. Ilurkhart on April num.
1900, nt 4 o'clock p. m. of said da for the
purpose of electing soyn serve
(or one year and the transition of such
oilier business at may legally come before
rueoiing. By order of the direeters.
C. U. Uurkhaht, Presidint.
C. E. Bjwwmiu., Scoretary, ,
a GiKc uwuwi usr.a wua;ic-arLuu
ought to have considerable pall. Ex.
VT tf ... .J -I... Tn.. knf it ..nnlii
muD op in uauouur.
Oen. Botha (pronounced Boat a) is a
farmer, and modestly claiire to mow
more about sheep raising than lie does
about fighting. Be is only thirty-six
years of age and almost every year of
that time be has spent in raising abeep
and cattle on the large range of land in
tbe Vryheid district of the Transvaal
When tbe Porto Rico tariff bill was
introduced Mr. Tongue was against it,
but be barkened lo tbe threats of the
protected greed of tbe country and
changed bis coat and toted for it
Whie it was pending theOregoniao un-
hesita'ingly informed him he could not
be elected if he vote! far it. Tbat paper
further declared that if eougress passed
tbat bill it would be tbe worst form of
imperialism ttat our national legislature
could impose upon tbat island. Will,
congress passsd the bill and now tbe
Oregonian congratulates tbe republican
convention for renominating Mr. Tongue,
Such is tbe politics of the republican
leaders of today . Is it a matter of Bur
prise tbat the raok and file of that party
is disgusted to an ixtent never before
known? Surely thete is'some balm yet
in Qilead. ' '
A Hard Hit.
From the Cleveland Plaindealer.
It appears that President McKinley
lost no. time In affixing bis signature to
the Puerto Rico bill, which was jammed
through the house without consideration
alter being condemned in the strongest
language by prominent Republican
members in cauruB and its passage pro
tested against by a great majority of
leading republican papers in all parts of
tbe United States.
' The bill in He tariff section, is in flag
rant violation of what the president
himself had declared to be a "plain
duty" to the people of Pverto Rico. In
its administrative section it is not only
out of harmony with tbe American sys
tem of government but is Buhversive cf
tbe essential principles of that By stem.
It oreatea a satrapy Instead of establish
ing a republican form of government.
It places "the People of Puerto Rico"
not only outside' of tbe constitution, but
at the mercy of alien officials f it if the
People of Puerto Rico are not in the
United States, then the citizens of tbe
United States who are to bold the gov
erning offices must necessarily be aliens
to the people ol Puerto Rico.
., In this the bill is in violation of tbe
principles on which the American re
public was fouoded; In repugnance to
the principles professed by the founders
of the repub lean parly; in opposition
to the principles which William McKin
ley as campaign speaker, as congrest
man, and as president has protected and
defended. Yet when this bill of abomi
nations came to him he was evidently in
feverish baste to sign it.
Making Senators,
Most of tbe Senators are likely to pre
fer election by the legislatures, at the
present, and it is questionable whether
the legislatures of three-fourths of tbe
slateB will be willing to abdicate tbe
power they now poeess of choosing sena
tors. Philadelphia Times.
It is easy to read the opinion ol iepre
eentativee concerning the present method
o! election' Tbe unsavory Montana case
has removed any doubts that they may
have had as to the unwiBdom of leaving
the election of senator to the legislature.
Chicago Tribune
Will the senators dare to put their pop
ularity with the people to an honest test
and vote with the houBe, or do they . fear
the outcome ol such an extent that tbey
will refute their constituents an oppor
tunity to re-elect them by direct ballot?
New York Journal. ;
The opinion has become very common
that there would be an abler class of
men in the senate if they were elected
dlrect.y by the people. Perhaps this
would be ttue only In the exception1
cases. Taken as a whole, the member
ship of the senate reaches a high stand
ard, and always has done so. Buffalo
The Clark case lias no doubt had some
effeot in remirding the bouse that a
change in the methods of choosing tbe
senators Is adviaible; but If the change
oau be secured without amending the
const. tution would it not be wiser to
leave that respected document untouoh'
ed? Brooklyn Citiien.
This and That
Smlley's Gloan Printing.
Open till 12 o'ciock p.m.atSletter's.
Sr. J. H. Krekine is now in the Foster
Block, 2ud story.
For sale, good carpeting, 33 oenla per
rard. by T. 8. Alexander, east end oiSlh
The taut tneatji nfnll kinit. nnrl mnn
tre&trnont at the Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, just djwn Second
troet. Unod weight and prompt attend
Before Getting Mnrried
Call at Will A
Starke tor your engagement or wedding .
ring. An elegant stock to select from. I
Around the Wc rid, ; ,
Tbe British and Foreign Bible society
U ninety-six years old.
Glasgow ban shout 80,000 of population
mare than Liverpool .
British locomotive firms have work on
band lor twelve to eighteen months.
Cape Town is ordinarily calculate! as
twenty-two days diiUut from Southamp
ton. The smallest colonial pension is paid
to Matin Wbitiki, a Maori, who Las 6
psnce a day for life .
Sandalwood, which sometimes fleas
bosbman's fire, is exported to China tor
idol insence.
Ten years ago New South Wales and
Victoria were about equal in population,
but tbe former is now considerably ahead
of Its sister colony.
On June 15 t' e eeatof the national gov
ernment in Washington will have beep
occupied 100 years, end a grand celebra
tion is being planned to commemorate
tbe evest . .
Tbe borough of tbe Bronx has increas
ed in size from about 36 0C0 the popula
tion in 1875, one year after annexation to
New York to 250,000, the estimated
population now. ' ,
Tre records show that since the New
York city cemelerv, or potttr's field, was
founded in 1869, 110,751 bodies have been
burif'd there. Last year's cbntribution
waa 4.877. V.t$ft ' '
Among the sights at the Paris exhibi
tion will be the 'Horrors of War" build.
ing, which M. De Bloch is fitting up
with pictures, models and other means
of inciting feelir.g ovainat warfare. .
A dummy clock haB been p'liced on
Independence hall in Philadelphia, at the
point where a real clork marked the tin.e
in other days. Its bands point to the
hour when the declaration was signed.
The Ferris wheel was composed of 2,200
tons of iron and steel, and contained
thousands of separate pieces. While on
the midway it carried 1,750,000 people
and made about $825,000 gross receipts.
.Statistics have bten published to show
that brain workers are long lived. Fivs
hundred and tbirty eminent men and
women of the present century were taker,
and their duia'iou of life gives an average ,'
of sixty-eight fears and eight months. I
A Woman's Eyes
Will tell her love, though every other
feature be hidden under the. oriental
Yashmak. A woman's eves are eauallv
eloquent as to her health. She con teach
her lips to laugh in spite of pain, but the
eyes will never be partner in that deceit.
uecp Hollows, dark
circles, wrinkles at
tneu corners, .tell
the story of . pain
and sleeplessness.
Much of the nerv
ousness, sleeoless-
ness and suffering
in general, endured
by women, is
caused by a dis
eased condition of
the womanly, or
gans. When that
diseased condition
is cured there are
no more hollow,
dark ringed eyes.
Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription
cures irregularity,
inflammation, ul
ceration, and fe
male weakness,
stops enfeebling
drains, strengthens
the nervous system
and eives to the
mother health for her duties, and happi
ness in their performance. , :
" My niece wns troubled with female weakness
for about .four years before I asked for your ad-,
vice," writes Mr. T. W. McGregor, of 6atf St. aud
Princeton Ave., Chicago, Ilia. You advised her
to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which
she did faithfully for nine months, and now we
must acknowledge to you that she is a well wont'
an. We cannot thank you enough for the cure.
We have recommended your medicine to all our
friends, aud believe it to be a wonderful dis.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, paper
covers, sent free on receipt of ai one
cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only.
The cloth-bound volume for stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
$100 Reward $100. '
'The readers of this paper will be,
S leased to learn that there is at least one
readed disease I hat Bcience has bten
able to cure in all its stages, and tbat is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie the on
ly positive cure known to tbe medical
fraternity. Catarrh beltg a conelitu-1
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's t atarrh Cure is taken '
intbrually, acting directly upon the blood j
and mucous surfaces of the system, '
thereby destroying the foundation of the 1
disease, and giving the patient strength 1
by buildiug up the constitution and as
sisting nature in doing its wnrk. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers that thev offer One Hun. 1
dred Dollars for any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
' Address, -
F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold br druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Tills are tbe beBt.
-ro euro Coi.Niipitiioii Turover. '
..T?HS Cam'iirets Cuiiuvi'uitmttic. lOcorSSc,
It C G. C. tall to cur., .'rutfu'- s refund tr.onv.
TRUSSES, 65c, $L25. AND UP
65e '
I wcroai vauns, leu Uan oue-thlnl
the prlo chit-tit'.! t' others, nd W(
IUAMNTEC TO fit lilt rHltCTlf fei
n.ia.rj,ralli o;tll.ft,Wi, or our l.U .
5 H...r.UJ. U..ik I,., illustrated .bore, cut this
eel. out and srnUton.wltholS BrslUI. rates ,
!??.Iiyr h " vou hn. tn
whether rupture l.lsnr ot sniKllt also suto
around the body on a line with the
am we will aend either tr.,- to you with the under
f ii"?Ti." " " ! Iran., lael
m . - . tl,," our arlee,youcn return It and we
will r.turn yotir money.
rira,.M, tneluittnthe s- tttt.nn U Trw in tc
that ear.. at-..l ... .l,l.a..ll hie . fD
and delicious are the I read, rol s, cakes,
pastry, buns and pics that are made from
the Magnolia flour. It ib the house
wife's delight, and enables her to show
htr skill in baking in whue, light and
dainty food. The Magnolia flour is the
beet made, and will give more nutriment
tj the bag than any flour milled.
Magnolia Mills.
"lVOCl'l.SnH liUT
and that thought, after full coneidcra
tion, was that it would in every way. be
to their advantage, to trade with F. E.
I Allen & Co. became they a'wayn have
j the fat of tub lans in fine eatables of all
kinds. We have mild California Cheese
and the celebrated Woodland Cheese and
we pride ourselves on the best Coffee in
tne cityi Just opened up a line lot of
. Eastern Hams ard Breaskfast Bacon'
I See our show w'ndow for Dried 'Fruits.
and Table delicacies. In short we are
prepared to furnith you the beetgoodE
to be oau at tfeaeonatue trice.
Try Parker Bros.
For the best Groceries,
Baked Goods, and
Fresh Produce and Fruits.
...A New Store...
A new line of Groceries and Provisions, etc., now opened at 2nd and
Jackson streets. Old Uilloy stand market price lorconntry produce.
. .We have regular city delivery. Telephone to Black 132. Your patron
age respectfully solicited. -
, Vary cordially,
Notice to Stockholders.
the Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders ol Albany Farmers Co., will be
held at tbe otlice cf said company in
Albany, Linu county, Oregon, on the
15th day of May, 1900, at One
o'clock p. m. of said day, f ir the purpose
pose of electing seven (7) directors to
serve lor the trm of one year, and the
transction ot such other business as may
come before the mer-tine .
Done by older ol the Board of Direct
ore. M. H. Wilds, President.
Pres. B. Marshall, Secretary.
FOR SALE: A limited amount of dry
2nd growth fir wood. Delivered for
(2,50 cash. :
C. B. Sctti.kmikr
Albany Ore.
Our Dressers
and kindred goods outshine all others.
Tbey adorn any room in which they are
placed. Their beautiful carvings and
rich finish in white maple make them
especially suitable to accompany Iron
and Brass beds.
New gold oak seta Just received .
Masonic Temple Buil 'ing,
for health and enjoyment are sure to be
sought oh a good bicycle, and there is
bone that can beat the 1900 Crescent or
Sterling wheels. Many follow but none
lead the Crescent or Sterling wheels any
where. Ibey are always ahead and
maintain their superiority over any on
tbe market. Careful, honest and skilled
construction and speed is the secret of
its success. We have them at $20.00 to
Painting and Paper Hanging.
Residence In Pierce Building.
First class work guaranteed.
Paper banging 15 cents per rol I.
References furnished.
For Bargains-
In Farm Lands, Timber Lands and
Oity Property, call on or write
Albany, Oregon
T. J. SHUs.
Attorney at Us, No'aiy Public.
Collections and settlen-.ei t of estates a
specialty. Office upstairs over post office.
. L (TV
50 j. j. j Ufa u yr .r
The Best
In Albany by the
Long Photo Co.,
In Fromac Brick.
The leading gallery of Albany.
The only-up-to-date first class
studio in town.
All work to nleaso.
Albany Oregon.
Office! Bonk of Oregon Building.
Only set of Abstracts of Linn County,
''ompete set of mnps and plats
Littler & Littler
Broadalbin St.,
Albtiny, Or.
Goo. Collins D D S
' A. Jack Hodges D D S
Jdd FeUow's Temple, Albany, Oc
That Tooth
needs attentions
Mmm or extracted without, naiu
i I.-.. K xiumHin iipr ir. pnn nan an
Physician and Surgeon
.'Hill Block - - - Albany, Or.
Stanley Stewart,
To the Music
Those cnntomnlnriniv tolrlnra .k
study of muslo will find it to their inter
est to investigate the advantages offered
hv AlhnnV rinllana TU rllnnj
-j j wv..upu. ua iviiuiYjas
branches are taught:
Mr.'Wirtz, Musical Director, isa grad.
uate of the Chicago Conservatory of Mu
sic, and has studied with such artists as
finaKnanlr fZlnnfnt. IT III
ubi.uui., uicgiciu., xoeiiiiig, raiK, uar
wnnd. Icnff. nnrl tho lnf a n v n-l Vr
These men are masters in their respect-
no uouai buicuw buu musicians ox world
wide fame.
Mrs. Wirtz, instructor in vocal musit,
is a pupil of Mr. William Nelson Burritt
.wuu in niiuau m ue one oi tns Dest voice
teACllArfl in .rulair .1 !.....
' , . . VUttJ. Oil. uuiim
studiRd eiirnfc vhtd m .nj
years in London.
ine metuoas used tn Albany College
Conservatory are the latest and moat ap
proved, being the combined result of
silnftrinr !nftt.rnrr.inn MKaimul Ar..:AHA
and the acquaintance with the methods
v vjui caawiu uuuHervawries.
luition reasonable. Pupils may'entei
at any time. '
iall term openB Sept. 19, 1898.
Vnr lllrthflr infnmno.iM, 11 .
.u.w.u.a.iuu unit Ull UrSQ.
Pressident Wallace Howe Lee.
THE K. O. T. M.
every Saturday evening at K, O. T. M.
hall. Vlflitintr Rninlitu lni.J
C. S. HABNISH, Commander.
iuauiei.'e wmp no. 64(55 meet every
second and fourth Saturdays of each
month in the G. A. R. hall. Vleiting
members are invited.
C. G. BomrnAR-r V n
E R HnsTOHclerk.
M. Senders & Co,
Hay and Oat Warehouses
Seventh and Railroad Stieets.
We are prepared to take or storage
bcled haw - win hn t .
' ju' www in anv
quanlty at top market prior.
vta bought in car lota at any shin
ping point. 1 v
Insurance, Hay, Grain fad Wool.
H. F. rierrill
1 Lollections nromplly attended to, cor.
espondence solicited. Office in Duto.
at building.
If v