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About Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1900)
v ; " :7r':7:;::---'- n ti"v f 1 II the Benat? decided itiat" Clark's Uims to a seat art foul, slioold it not 4eide that Qaay'i claim are Baby 1- la the list of valuable products Brown ia Puerto Eico, no meotloa baa bo far -been made of tbe campaign fundi . ' Why doesn't the oonple that has) Just J. , 'been married by the telegraph, try llv , .ing by telephone ? -Great Britain is getting a good deal ,'of -valuable echooling in South Africa. The flueallon is whether ehe la not paying too dearly (or it? "Naturally the Philadelphia Bchoolboj'B chose a New York messenger to carry "tbelr good wishes to Oom Paul. A Phil . aulelphia boy would have had whisker before he got there. 'aeeplte the praises of tbe newppaper - correspondents who went along, tlie Naval Board bas decided not to use theSamp--son double turrets on any other battle--ehipe built for tbe United States. Perhaps Oom Paul ia right in Baying that war . Iiaa only begun, and cer tainly it Is a fact that the British tax -payer has only begun to pay the bill. Which will reaJi Porto Rico first, the "trade and nrosDeritv which ehe needs nd which was guaranteed to her by General Miles, or a lot of Carpetbaggers. In ohoosing a chairman for the Phila delphia convention, tbe republicans have to consider wbcru they can select with? out losing the confidence of tbe Puerto Bican-sbip'subsidytanff-ring. Correspondente;with Gen. Roberts ca "ble that he has the Bjers just wbore lie wants them. Possibly I General Buller bad tuem j ist where he wanted them before the attack on Splonkop.; The House has pasBed a bill lor a con stitutional amendment lor the direct oleotion of Senators oy a very large ma jority. Now it will be interesting to see . what the Senate will do with It. " ' " Now a soldier In the Philippines has been caved by a plug of tobacco in his pocket, wbioh. Btopped a . bullet that would otherwiBe have gone tbrouiih him. ; ' While this IB not an ergiment agairie-. carrying Testaments,, neither :. dow . it prove that the tobacco trust is a jpifil and benevolent Institution. i Since MiBS lioeaios anhounoed -her ..iiilit reasons for not bavlpn. married.and caoped them with a ninetu 10 me eueui that he had never bad a proposal, offers of marriage have been Bowing in upon bor at the rate ol a doaen a dav. Adver tising did it. Tbe senate committeon commerce has decided to force the ship subsidy sten through that body, regardless of the fao that the recent republican eenate caucus decided not l take it up at this seEBlon. It seems that the ship builders refuse to ' contribute to the fall campaign fund un less they are given at least this much 'as earnest of the good faith of the republi can party'. ..ABoy'aViewoflt.. ... I A High School boy In I Grande, John Walsh was given at prise for the best es say oh the Boers. Here is part of It, and right to tbe point.' "England has driven the Boers from tbe caoe to tbe Transvaal. There ia no other land to which tbey can flee from English .tyranny. Toey are driven to tbe last ditch, and tbe world looks on tbe awful spectacle of' 375,000,000 of peo pie making cruel and relenllm.. war on 375 ,00 J uod-fearing firmer?. . . "In order to Justify this cruel and bar barous war in tbe eyes of tbe civilized world, the English with their old timed cunning and hypocrisy proclaimed to tbe world that this war was taken in tbe name of civilization, and through a sub sidized press and representative!, pub lished to the world some documentB which since the opening of hostilities' have proven to be infamous lies. ' In speaking of tbe English in this article, I refer only to the stock-Jobbers, mine-owners and other unscrupulous politicians led by Joseph Chamberlain, the Judas who betrayed that grand old man, Gladstone, when he was mr-king tbe grandest fight of bis life for human liberty, 'Home Rule for Ireland. "England's claim 'that tbe present war was brought about in the Interest of the Outlandew' is hypocritical in the extreme, unleai sbe mesns by the Out' landers a few rich mine-owners and stock-jobbers. It is an indisputable fact that ooe-bt-If of the BritiBh Outlanders and all of the Outlanders from other countiies took up arms in behalf of the Boer cause against England, and today 16,000 ol these Outlanders are fighting heroically in tbe Boer ranks to escape the so-called blessings of liberty and eqality that England is trying to force on tuem, knowing full well that if Eng land isanccebslul in destroying the South African republics, the Same methods will be adnptdd there by the English as at Kimberley where all the work is done by Negroes for about 75c per man. While tbe mine work in the Transvaal is done entirely by white labor, the lowest rate of pay being about three dollars per day, and the Boer laws will not permit a Kaffir to take tbe place of a white man. This Is why tbe mineowners deBire the English laws to govern. "The whole world knows how unscrup uloue tbe English are in (heir methods. They will stoop t3 any dishonor to ac complish their object, when that object is to annex territory to the British em pire. - "Wherever gold Is discovered there you will find tbe Englishman. The Rue sian Alaskan boundary was never dis puted till, gold was discovered and then tbe.ngtishman set up his claim . , Be member the -Venezala question . when our patriotic president, Grover -Cleve land, compelled Mr. Salisbury to submit the question to arbitration after be had refused to do bo. We all know the . re sult. If Grover Cleveland represented a country like the Transvaal would Balis bury submit? We bear a great deal about the Outlanders being taxed. Com' pare the tax in the TranBvaal, where it is only 6 per cent, to Canadian tex againet American Outlanders where it is 30 per cent almost anr.B'raHon. Hon. J. J. Whitney. Tbe nomination of jadiie Whitney by tbe County Central Committee for repre tentative is a very fortunate one. Be is just tbe man for the place. His splendid record in tbe last state legislature entiti . him to the position. The record is one bat aor one can Insptct. lie stood in with the people- According to the opin ion of tbe Silem Journal which lias pre sented tbi record the standing of Judge Whitney was one of the best in. tbe legiel lature. As a matter of . faat . in .severs cases where the Journal gave a mirk against him it was in .'.an unimportant matter, and tbe opinion of just as . good men would have placed it to bis credit. Hie record shows that 'be' was on the side of tbe people in every instance.' Not a single case wheJe the interests of tbe masses were at stake can be given where he did Dot vote wilh them. - He was against-the i horde of graft? that were constantly betore tbe legiela tore and used bis beet efforts against them, being one of the- principal instru ments in the defeat of several. In con nection with the matter it may be said that Mr, Whitney and Mr. Palmer work ed shoulder to shoulder, uninfluenced by tbe usual hack scratching tactics resorted to get votes for pet 'measure? with the to graft label on them, 'i'be legislator needs just ruch men as Judge Whitney. A man of absolute integrity he Ib always fearless for what be believes to be right In bis long public career not acaae can be named where he did not act from up right motives. Such men are rare now daya. We need more of them, and can not afford to keep any of them at home TELEGRAPHIC "The Prefident Bays that he Is going to allot the P.irto Kican jobs to good men and not to politicians. Yet, before the bill was even signed there was flood ol applicants at the Wnito House, each bringing his influence along with him, begging for the posts. If the Preside can withstand this flood he can do more than his former performances warrant the country in expecting. M. Burton, ot Onto, repuollcan repr, - sentutive from Senator Hanna'e home oity, objected for the second tfme to. the consideration cl the Nicaraguan canal bill by the House. Further, the Senate has voted down a motion to taka it up in that body. Yet McKinley bas the nerve to pretend to be solicitous as to Its fate and U urging tbe Canal Commission to hurry up aud submit a preliminary report. But the American people can't be fooled all tbe lime. Several musbipon towns are springing up in eastern Oregon in the Sumpter district. A fine opportunity to invest money with a view of leaving it there. The republican. ..papers through the state seem to be wonderfully solicitoue ior members of the people's party and tbe perpetuity of their name. Odd, isn't Some Portland 'people claim to have felt an earthquake yesterday morning about 5 o'clock. Something etronger than Bull Run water baa evidently been going the rounds Ibern. Tbe furniture stores close at 6 :30, the butcher shops at 7 o'clock, the grocerios, clotbing etoree, eta., at i :iu, tne arug stores and barbershops at 8 o'clock. Every town of any -importance in western Oregon will liave a creamery within a few yeare. This is destined to be the creamery eection of the coast. Let tbe good work go on. There will be a market for all that will be made. It is-an interesting fact that trains are runningintOjFortlani in a manner that will be of ' matefol Benefit to the"buei neesbf the city.. Albany people though will' not need to go there to do their trading. Iha stores of this city are up-to-date in every reVpect and people' who make their money here will spend it here lovallv. Don't send away for thinge you can get at borne fust as godd and general ly at lower prices. . . Referring to the recent failure of Rev Sheldon to run a 'newspaper as Uhrlet would do ijt, Sam Jones says: "It would be hard to run a church or a home as Jesus would run it, much less a newspaper. Tne truth of the matter is. 1 don't known a man on earm wno can run himself as Jo9ue teaches - h'm to run himself, much lees one who can jump into a new field for just one week, and such a field as the daily newspapers occupy in the United States." Some Lincoln Sayings. "Asa result of war, corporations havo been enthroned and an era of corruption iu high places will follow and the monov power cf the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working iipou th prejudices of the pooplo until all wealth is aggregated in a tew bands and the re pimlic is destroyed. "1 feol at this moment more anxiety for the safoty of mv country than ever before, even in (he midst of car. God grant that mv suspicion may prove groundless." Ke man is good to govern an other man without that other's consent. When the while man governs himself that is self-goernmenl; but when he governs liimst'll and also governs another man, that is more than self -government i-that is dnapotiem. The assertion that "all men areoreated equal" was ot no practical use in effect ing our separation from Great Britain ; and it was placed In the Declaration not for that, but for future use. Its anthoiB meant it to he -as, thank God, It is now proving itcelf- a stumbling block lo all those who In after tlmea might seek to turn t free people back Into the hateful paths of despotism. Ihey knew the pronenessof proaperty to breed tryauts, aud they meant whoa such should reap pear in this fair land and commence their vocation, that thoy should find left for liem at least one, hard nut tck. Adispatch from New York yesterday told about an elephant being choked to death on account ot us vicious habits. Another big elephant, famous under tbe narasof G 0. P. is also being seve ly choktd because of. divers shortcomings suoh as standing In with the trusts and monopolies, doing business outside of the constitution, robbing the people by unjust tariff laws, etc. The outlook Is splendid 'or this elephant to be knocked out next November. It is said that figures never lie, but they evidently do in Lane count? what ever is the record - elsewhere. The Reg ister makes the present -indebtedness of the county ns 417,000 end tbe Guard makes it $118 0( 0 with bright prospects of bein a good deal more at the end of the year. The Guard is. really nearest correct, a the RegiBter figures the taxes being collected as resources without figuring the rnnningexpeuses while they are being ojllected. , That is, its figuring is BlabBide'd. 1 ' " The republican barrels are boins filled up as fast as possible from the coffers of llio trusts for tbe coming preeldential campaign. This Is no josh, to use the language of the street boy, but is a fact. Millions of dollars will be spent to reelect McKinloy, put up by men and corpora tions who need hliu and his brother Ab ner in their lnuin.HS. Urran's clean record makee hard pick ing for the opposition papers. So tbey spend their time in ridiculing him. in caricatures andj ikes. Such things are getting tiresome to the masses, but they. hare learned by experience, and will vote their convictions. Dewey need't be disappointed it time proves that be can't run any better than he did at Manila. The Eugene UuarJ says: T. A grand commander Indian War ans, writes an old veteran of this follows : "The speaker Das so far turned our pension bill down. Tbe veterans are mad that Is puttlug it mildly X have brouiilit all the pressure there is to bear in helping the lull through," Wood has about as much influence as Tongue and bctb togither nit. . Wood, Voter. city as A tramp on sliding inuron the break' beam of a passing train proudly remark ed to several stanuing near wno saw the act: "I alwavs take the lower berth of the Pullman when 1 travsl." Politics' have begun to get warm in Eastern Oregon. Tho La Grande Chronicle says: Malcolm A. Mood? lines up alongside of Wm. B. Smith like n tallow aip against an eioctrio arc ugnt. Because Editor Hendricks, ot the Sa lem Statesman, ex-chairman ot the con gressional committee, refuses to Bupport part ot the republican ticket of Marion county prominent republicans of Salem reluso to subscribe to the congressional campaign fund and Chairman Harris, according to the report that comes from Snlem, found hard picking for funds from. that direction. Thi Equaro in front of the court houso will no longer bo an open place. Tho work of building it up was beun this in mine, and other buildings may be expected to follow. A finer residence location could not be dosird. For many years it has been the hope ol the city that this coma do purcnasea ana made a publio park, but the financial condition ol the cltv renders this im possible, a fact to be regmttea. Even if built up to residences it might well be made of a nark character, ns is done in '.large cities by leaving' walks through the center and having well kept open lawns. Why not, Plenty ot Boerv. London, April 21- The strong -body of reinforcements which' Lord Roberts sent to assist tbe relief of Wepener and to endeavor to envelop and cut off the Boers from a retreat northward furnish es further evidence that the Boers are assembled in much larger forces s round Wepener than had hitherto been sup posed whatever may be the difficulties of roads and rains, the Boers always ap pear to have guns and sometimes big ones, where they want them, A Capture. Boer Camp, Thabancuo, Orange Free Flute, April 22, Kooertson lower Aim im ri'iiorted to have been captured April ol, and it is said tbal the Cape Mounetd Hides have lost during the siege 120 men out of 500. The British prisoners defy the burehers to canture Colonel Dalgetye camp, even u the iiritign are not rein- toroaa. a suroris'ns number oi rela tives are fighting ou opposite sides at Wepener. Big Floods. T.niiiKvri.T.u. Anril 23. Tho rains con tinue throughout the flood districts of the Soutn and danger to lives and prop erty is becoming moae grave. It was thought Saturday the crisis was passed, out in manp U caltses the rain is falling again with increased violence. It :was estimated last Saturdav that $3,000,000 worth of private property had alreafly Dten aeBtroyea. The Canal Bill. Washington, Apail 23. At the open ing of the House today, upon request of Aepburn, rep. Ia., chirmn of the in terstate and foreigh commerce commit the unanimous consent was given to set aside May 1 and 2 for consideration of the Nicaragua Canal bill. Hepburn said that one day would be given for general do Dale ana one :tr amendment under the five' minute rule. Will Rebuild; Constantinople April 23. An imper ial trade has been proiiiu uted authoriz' ine the rebuildine ol the iro rv o' the American miBsionaiies at Kin. -ont and the construction of ao annex U, :i.c Rob erts college at Constantinople. uig Mohair Sale- Corvallis, April 23. A pool compris ing 2931 fleeces of mohair, was Isold here Saturday. The purchasers were F. L. Miller and S. L. Kline, local merchants, and the price paid was 28 cents per lb. The total weight of the lot would be about 10,000 pounds. Fightina Expected. London, April 23, 5 a. m. It )a quite probable that by thiB time General Run die has fought a decisive battle with the Boers. He entrenched himself Saturday to await the arrival of General Campbell with the Sixteenth Brigade. That com mander arrived Saturday evening, and news may therefore be expected a, auy moment, it is still impossiD e to ascer tain the position of affairs at Bloemfon toin. The Boer Strength. London, April 23 The Lourenco Mar- quesjeorrssrondent of. the Times says : -Information received from responsible sources show that at one time the two republics had 105.000 men in the field in cluding the Colonial rebels. According to tbe same informant, they can still muster 80,000, oj which 5,0,000 are in the Free State, 10,000 are in. the Biggarsberg district and -15,000 in., the . district of Fourteen Streams. . :. : ' Enterprising Boers- Kimiierley, April 22. A letter from Bloemfontein says that the Free 'Staters are coining money out ot the Kritish oc- cunation. Bread iis two shillings a loaf sugar 2 shillings and 6 pence per pound, ana uwiss unite s sniuings a t'n. utaor articleo are proportionately high. More than' Kver. Manila, April 22. Last week was one ot the bloodiest ot tho war since the nrst day s fighting around Manila, authentic reno'ts, mostly oflioial, showing a total ol 378 Filipinos killed, 12 officers and 244 men rrntureuu, and many more wonnd ed. Probably the week's work finished 1000 insurgents. The American loss was nine killed and 10 wounded. , This Week's Business. " London, April 22.The major portion of the time of tf-e House will prodably neconRumea- in- -consiueration oi tue Postoffice app opriation bill. Tomorrow is District of Columbia day, and the com ins reiuay is set apart lor private Den sion bills. The bill appropriating $1000- 000 fur the militia of the several states may come up during the week. Free Silv r Prosperity. City op Mexico, April 22. Statistics showing great gains m Mexican . trade ana revenues nave been published. In 15 pears tbe gold value of lmDorts has risen from $23,250,000 annually to $51,- uuu.uuu. xne exports wuicn are reckon ed on a silver basis have risen from $40 725.0C0 to $148,000,000. The total - Fe eral revenue has risen from $37,821,000 o 9ou,jo,uw- More JapsT" - Victoria, April 24. The EmDress of China baa arrived in port with 600 Jap anese on uonru. one is nem in quaran tine. One thousand and fifty have been lanoea irom tne israemer, 1-14 ol them bound for Portland, and tbe remainder for Tacoms, Vancouver and Seattle. Robert's Net London. April 25. The reoorts Chat the aeige ol Wepener has been practical- y raiseu were apparently premature. Che Boer attack upon Colonel Daleetv's northern position as described from Ma seru, was probably a final attempt to rush the garrison before securing a eafe retreat, aud as Colonel Dalgety success fully repulsed the attack, lit'le further anxiety is felt on bis account. Lord Roberts bas now spread a net with some 40 000 or more men and 150 guns, covering the whole western semi circle around tWepener. Too Much ve 1 for Hanna Washington, April 24. There is a street deal of ill-feeling' toward Uanna and the Administration among the friends of Quay and a great deal of uclv talk ie indulged in as to the motives that actuated Manna in pairing against Uuay when it was understood air along that he bad been for him. The fact is, Han na felt that the republicans could not carry any Buch load as the seating of uuay wouia entail. Clark Will Resign New Yore, April 24 The Herald sayB: , William A. Clark of Montana, will re- r.ign his seat in the United States senate ibe communication by which he will known to the senate his intentions bas already been prepared, Ii'inay be held unti' late in the session but it will be handed in before the senate bas acted upon the report of the committee Plenty of Fighting . Manila, April 24 Early on the morn ing of the 7th, several hundred Tagalos and Visayans attacked a battalion of the Fortieth infantry at Oagayan, on the north coast of Mindanao. Our casual ties were 2 killed 11 wounded; enemy's loss, 52 killed, 18 wounded and captured. ... iOo aOreat Scale London. April 24. Winston Churchill , wires from Wakkerstrom. Combined operations on a great scale ire now in crogrss and General Run- dle'a force is still confrohting Jtbe Boer position betore lie Wl s Dorp. - Oakville. Mr. N. P. Slate was in our town last week on business. ' A school teacher was explainlue to some small children tbe difference be tween the words "sit" and "set." Says he: "If I were to. Bet a hen what would the hen do?" 'A bright.-little Johnnie answered: "Hatch." . ' : MisB Ethel Barton, ot Albany, and MrB. Mida Windom made us a pleasant call laBt Saturday. A large meteor was seen in the south east one evening last ireek just at sua down. It was so bright sb to be clearly seen in the day light. - - TbeD. L. C. has received four replies from their letters .to candidates for tbe legislature. One. considers other matters more important but will vote to submit tbe amendment. One says: -'The will of tbe majority should always be super ior to that of individuals." Another cays: "Tbe closer government, can be brought to tbe people the better." We feel hopeful that good may result from tbe organizing .of Direct Legislation Clubs.- Gandida&a are on the move and are all haDpy audieel confidant that they . win get mere.'-" , , . 5 Tbe O. L. O. bas disorganized until after election as each member wants to learn all he can from the candidates. The fruit growers are not feeling well over the prospect of the prune crop. Petite pruneB and Bartlett pears seem to be all right also Borne varieties of cher ries. '. . Little Rose Bcd. ' London, April 24. Gen. Rnndle fonnd more Boers than he expected- at Dewet dorp, and awaits help before attacking. A hard fight ie expected at Thabanshu wuure uoers are strong. Pretoria, April 24. Tbe Federals continue fighting. Young General Oron- je reports attacking the British near Bosbop.drivingBritish tocopjeand chas ing them in the direction of Boshop. Leedwkop, Ap'll 24. The Boers are puzzled by pole-care w stacbics. In hur ried retreat thev forget seme rifles and mmunition. Dewet continues to bold the water works. Washington, April 23. The Senate Committee finds Clark not duly elected, on account of briberies attempted by his agents and be will have to give up bis seat. Pretoria, April 23, Heavy fighting is Dewett's Drop with no re sults yet. Nearly ten kindB of weather today, in eluding a hall storm. At Brownsville it ia reported that there was nearly an inch ofeleotjsn the; ground;--; -v. i 4-'a -.,. .. California Seeds Given Away, - Until AueuBt 1. 1900. anyone eendinu name and I'll! address, with 10 centB in a.auibs to defray 'postage, packing, etc.. will receive free a package contuirjg a choice selection of first flower or vegetable seed. ' All are of tbe finest Cahforna var iety, grown at this place. All we ask of you is tbat when tbev are grown and ma tured, you will, tell your neighbors or friends that the seeds came from us. State., which you'p.-efer, flower or vegetable R.i. MOHD& ROBERTS SEED CO.,' " ' ' Box 286, Senta Paula, Cal. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT.- NOTfOBIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undenigned administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Johni Bateman and Pheobe Bateman, deceased, -has filed his final account with tbe County Clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the" court has fixed Tuesday, the 5th day of June, 1900, at the hour of One o'clock p, m.. Of said day :or the bearing o said ac count and the final sett ement of said es tate. Any and all persons having ob jections to the same are hereby notified to he present at said time and place and make the same. Dated this the 19th day of April, 1900. PaTEB Bitheb. Adm'r with the will . annexed of John ' and Pheobe Bateman, deceased. WKATBBRfORD & WYATT, Att'ys for Adm'r. '' SENS i?ao ps i.-:.r.'-tr -. t::!it 4- y . ..i.t f f-iti.:- . perfect I; y 11 v ;. n'-Nr-ui; ;.. - --iu? I to .u... 1 . r; Ubicl.a tin.i), tlii I rll ;i;t:tI'VJ- J!.l;;i v.'L' ;-i--rj?r-:-- r - iYi:iM!:.Mtnt.i,- Ht .v.; a i Ol'ter Pricft ';1!).:0 - - - jour frntrliL iii.-til t" . . . and O- -.'!tt ivifli -' -V tl: ::.. r vi - J : i : : . -.tiii!tl: f.-iW IV.U tereireiownwiurtUioh.'A-itij.ic-i. ilIVE IT.lfttE M0;JT;'S' T.MAI in ytjr own pome, euia we win rr i.rti roiirtw-.uany nay ,u ..c ..jj; Wtlilled. WsjMli iliBVraot r uml graiWor Senilis Bitltiii. nt id. SO, S10.0U, ll.UO, 1-J.OOand ti, nil fullv tlsCribt':l in f.tir lro Sib Job lUrltlne talalopue. but !&.& f nr tMs t1WV DaSt tAIll.VKT lIL'liiHOIi U tu ifrcuLCML vtituo ever o:u'. ti i osiy htitnr, i 1 H&itffe.- .,KKX-.,lUJt-Al 111 M EM too 6 ' ' VT '"X T ! Ci J ,)T T'1'"" concerns ii inai-i.ini'fi uiiUL-rvurioiisnmiifts, arlonsln il Iti filfuvo And lenmnhg ni .'.'i;!;;.! ami v U-i are not. li;ts oyury r.i:.'i:,t oil'i: iVEHKXT, Kvi:ry fiin,. J'.'iNTtitf vvv::v innir iiitAUK ?i. :itri s(uk, w:tk tub rzzZ 'msa'hm i 'AM bcL in uteri uiuiur out btij. :,cuttlil. ,.." ir'SSfjf (PI Mn COLID QUARTER SAWED OAK pROP&ESK CflllMET,pi.iiiit4. " One illustrftiion Bhbwfl machine vXSKzTfd -"j"-" iuiJitB iioiu Biuij to ueuaea m r wiur unit, iuk iKjLSa opd,,iti1B otliei-openwith full iDnpth table and bead In place for iKrfBeiVli1?' f,,,'1'';,,,r,Ialtisn0 ilteleloa frame, carved, paneled, cm- ruititrs. ntliiiHtnl.lo trcnrlln. iTpniifnARmvth rnn r.., vi -. . 'i . m.k IWvfl iiObhill WtllPr.adiU3tal)le bearings, nntpntrj-nslnn llhflnitnr.lmnmTArllnaH ST.O wlwel, atUustublo pressure foot, Improved shuttlecarrier, patent needle bar. !J3J pMHnnr-'iT-ru, ntm it uap-noratlj drcarated and ran men ted ani baaUrDllv f-.l! bicbeltnuKir. CUARANTEED thelltrlileatrniiDlDK. oat dorabl and aaarv BnUeleMtD'l'lnr.i3v.i!e. Kterj hnunn aUaehuent U farnttBed Aad. mix 'Tt-haV. , i straction Book teHsjiisthowanynnecanrunitanddoeilherplarnorHJ I i muii ui miv-j n vih tears- is BBUlWlia evorj mntuilic, IT COSTS YOU NUTHlNft w"lilliiMBlM. compare Itwltb I.OO. and than If convinced that too are an vine r3.00 to sMn.oo. nnv rmir tntrrhr amnt thn oik xn m TO RKTllRM YOUH lB.&0 If n tarty time within three months vou 6a v vou ore nob satisfied. OBDBB TO-DIX SOIt'T DJ5LAY. (Scars, Roebuck A (Jo. art thornuvlilv reliable. Editor. Address. SEAR.K OF.BUCK & CO. (inc.) Chicago, 111. ; BIGliL E 'BO llii "Every Wett Man Hath His III Day. A doctor's examination might show that kidneys, liver and stomach are normal, ,. bat the doctor cannot analyze the blood upon which these organs depend. Mood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood. It cures you when "a bit off" or when seriously afflicted. It never disappoints- Dyspepsia" My husband had dyspep sia and Hood's Sarsaparilla cured him. Our little boy was nervous and the baby bad ulcerous sores. It cured both." Mas. Kuha Debs, Portage, Pa. Indigestion-" I could not eat tor some months on account of distress and Indiges tion. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured me so that I can ent and eleep well." M rts. O. A. Guntz, Taylor and Walnut Bts., Wilmington, Del. Hoodl Pllli care llvgr U ; tb non-lrrlutlng and on It catfcartle to take with Hood 'a Saraapartiu. A Farm Library of nneaualled value Practical, Op-to-date, Dinclsc and Comprehensive- Hand somcly Printed and Beautiful! Iiiclrated By JACOU HIGGLE No. 1-BKJGLE HOR5B BOOK Allnbout Horses a Coiumon-Sensc TrenHse. willi over 7j illustrations ; a standard work I rice 50 C.uu No. 2 DIOatE BERRY BOOK AH about growiUj Small Fruits read end lenin bfw ; tomaiusjcolorea Ue-Hke reprotlucticns-ot nlllt uiujf varieties nod too otner illuslratious. nice, oCcts.' No. 3 BIGOLE POULTRY BOOK AH about Foultry ; the bent 1'ouHry Kack In esis!-r. tells everything ; witha3 colored iift -liki'rcvrodiict.ns - of all the principal breeds; with 103 other illustraUyna. Price, 50 Cents, u "... No. 4 BIOOLB COW 'BOOK ' AH about Cows and the I-niry But-lnm ' tiRvlui? & re at sale; contains 8 colored llfc-likerepi txHicttou" nt each breed, with 133 other i!luUatkoi. trice, y Ceuts Nc 6 BIQQLB SWINE BOOK Just out, All about Hoffs Breeding, FcdUiF, Tin'-ch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains owr &o It-dtiUtiU half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents TheBIOOLB BOOKS are unique ,oriRlnnl.u-cful vonr.ever saw anything like them so practical, Fosensifcle 1 ney are having an enormous sale East, West, North rnd South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, oupht to send right - away for the BIOOLB BOOKS The FARM JOURNA Is your paper, made for yon and not a misfit J old. 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