Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 27, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    m i
NO 38
" 't.
The War.
London, April 21. Gene. Chermslde
and Ruudell met Boera near Dendrop.
Fought till dark 1. lib the artillery, tem
porarily silencing Boer guns. Metnuens
orce was ordered to return Swurlz Kop
Fontein Bash .. It waa attacked enroutef
with a me Iosbbs.
Trouble Brewing.
Washington, April 21. I-. ia reported
un'esB Saltan acta booo tbe f urkieb min
ister be given passports.
Giant Mash 8 lbs. lor lOcts., ' is very
O.'E. Brownell
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
nv r r r p i . i i iui i t
3 I .--(
Isn't Posted.
Constantinople, April 21. The Amer
ican represeD'atives had long conference
with Sultan. Tbe letter disclaims knowl
edge strains! relations with (J. S.
Stopped by Rains.
London. April. 21. The BloemfonLin
correspondent of the Morning Post, tele
graphing Thursday April 19, says :
mere is aireaDV a SO loot flood of tbe
Caledon River. which is reported to be
still rising;. All the drifts on the Modder
river are impassable. Xrathcis tempo
rarily interrupted southward tue water
having washed the ballast from the line
of the raiiway. The icoantry about Bio-
emtontein is so deep in mud fat the
farmers' c .rts are unable to reach tbe
Armor Plate Bill.
Washington, April 20- Ao ft result of
a protracted ptrujrgle in the House today
the provision oi tue naval appropriation
ottixo enable the Secretary cf the Navy
to contract i,for armor for battleships
Maine, umo and Missouri, now awaiting
their armor equipment at $545 per ton,
tlie price asked Krupp armor, is out of
the bill, as is the provision to repeal the
$300 limitation placed upon tbe price of
armor by the current law.
The Nicaigua Bill.
Washington, April 20. It ija impossi
ble to learn whether the action of the
House committee today on .the Nicara
gua canal bill means that the Senate
will take up the measure as soon as -it
ptisBes the House. Tbe demand of 250
members for the consideration of the
bill was more than Henderson could re
siBt, and the result is ihe amended hill
in conformito with practically what tbe
Hay-Pauncefote tieaty provides.
w Disastrous Floods.
New Orleans April 20. New Orleans
has ceased to regard the flood situation
as a temporary inconvenience. As time
has passed and as the full scope -of the
disaster when visited this section of the
oonntry iu. he excessive rains which be
gan in the early days of (the week and
still continue baa been learned, the con
viction has been irrestibly brought home
that a calamity of appalling Imagnitudo
has been experienced. -
Usual Renubllcan MuJdle.
Nashvilie, April 20. Tennessee wii
nave two rrptimican tickets in tue neia
in the cominer state election. Lieewise
two seta of delegates will go to the Na
tional convention at Philadelphia
expectedthe state convention split 'here
toclav, tue Kvaus contingent waiKine
out rnd holding a convention of their
. Heavy Roads.
London, April 21 General Chermeidl
end General Ruudle are moving over tbe
aodd.n roads. Rain waa. stirl fallin,
when ther wint irjtolcamp Thur8day af.
ternoon, 18 miles west of DeWet's Porp
1 No-To-Pw for Fifty Cent
Guaranteed tobacco habit euro, maln went
taea strons, blood pure. Nta. 41. AU druggist&
There is talk of an encampment of tbe
new National Guard resimentof Oregon.
If there Is one no place in Oregon offers
betier advantages than Albany. A few
years ago Albany was second choice.
This year it should be first choice.
A Haleey report says the T. J. Black
warehouses in that place were sold at
auction for $1, tbe buyer, Robert Ander
son, assuming all obligations. This is
an illustration of what politics does for a
man. Few federal office holders escape
that fate, Salem Journal.
Tbe Wizard Oil Co. gave an entertain
ment here Monday evening. Their ar
rival was unannounced consequently the
audionce was composed largely of vacant
Beats. Tbe entertainment waB very good
but not a bottle of medicine waa pur
chased. The company packet up and
left for Harrisburg on Tuesday's local.
Junction Times. . 4
There was $197.05 left of the estate of
the late W. T. Itadir, who died in tbe
mountains In Clatsop county several
months ago. Radir waa well-known in
Albany as a rustler, but after all his
rustling he left nothing to show for it.
The new Albany local Is making the
trip on time. It brings a through mail
pouch from Portland, and through the
courtesy of postmaster Train the mail iB
distributed tbe same evening, proving a
great convenience, to the public, which
is appreciated.
The drama lo be presented by the De
gree of Honor on Friday next will be un
der tbe direction of Miss I.illie Crawford.
Those selected for the various characters
are working hard to perfect their lines
ana each seems well ntted tor tue part
assigned. Admission 25 cents. ;
Thirteen young Indies and two young
men went to Oorvallia last night to at
tend tbe basket hall game between the
O. A. G. girls and tbe girls of Obemawa.
O. A. O. aa usual won 31 to 4 playing a
beautiful game. Their basket thrower
in a marvel. Tbe Indian girls did near
ly as good field work. They were chap
eroned by Mies Millie Dohse, a resident
oi Albany at one time.
From the E. A: .,
' Mr. Scioggin has purchased twi Ioib
on tbe corner of Second and Asb streets,
formerly occupied by tbe old school
bouBe, and will build a nice residence
upon the same. -
W. E. Parrlsh, of Sodaville, a success
ful young school teacher, has decided to
take up a new line of work. He will
leave in a few-days for Mount Vernon,
Grant county, where he will clerk in a
Rev. G. W. Grannie, of Salem, will
deliver an address in this city next Moo
Hay evening, on fraternal insurance.
Rev. Grannie is a member of tbe grand
lodge of Un'ted Artisans.
Re. A J. Adams, who has been pas
tor of the Presbyterian church at Cleve
land, Wash , for several years, has ac-
ceptea a can to tne pastorate oi the
Presbyterian church at Milton, Or., and
is preparing to move to the latter place.
Jpba R. Barrt arrived here Wednes
day fro$3 Douglaa Island, Alaska, where
he has been Jor a year or two. He will
spend a few weeks with his folka, near
this place, and then go to Cape Nome.
Dr. Barr leaves this evening for Ash
land, where he will meet ex Governor
Bob Taylor and accompany him in his
lecture tour through tbe state. Tne
noted lecturer will be under the man
agement of Dr. Burr and W. J, Garty, of
this city, while in Oregon." '
V To Cure a Cold in One Day -
Take Laxativh Bromo Quimink Tab
let!. All druggists refuni the money if
fails tocura. E. W. Gkovk's signature
on each bjx. 25a. .
Lr H H Haden, euinjiit, a la. savs, "1
think Kodol Dyspasia Cure a sulendid
medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my con6d I
ence in it grows with contluued use. it
digests what you eat and quickly cures
dyspepsia and indigestion. For pale by
Fosbay tc Mason.
Laflrippe with its alter effects, annually
destroys thousands of people. It may be
quicky cured by One Minute Cough Cure,
theonly remedy that pr"du"es iinniodiate
results in coughs, colds, crup, bronoaitis,
pneuinouia and throat and lung troubles,
t will prevent consumption. For sale by
Fosbay & Mason.
Canned Asparagrus
At O E Bbowxel
Don't Tob&eco Spit alia Kuinse f onr Mis Awtf.
To quit tobacco easily tmd forever, be mag
netlc. full ot lire, nerve and visor, take No-To-Bnc.
the nonder-iTorker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists. 60e or SI. Cureguaran
teed. Booklet and sunipie free. Address
Sterling Itemed? Co.. Uhlnago )r New York;
Bdacata Tour How-Is Wich Ciuoarts.
Cnndy Cnthnrtlc. cure eonqtlpation forever,
iftn 5o. If 0.0.0 fall, arrutlsurnmd money.
Stnc.tlv uusmess .
French the jeweler.
Will & Stark, jewelers.
Go to Verick's shaving and hair cut
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to every
now Are t onr Kidney t
Dr. Hobbs' Spariik jb Pl'ilscure all kidney ills. Sam
lo f reo. Add. BterllDR Romedj Co.. Cbicaffo or N. 7.
The Non-Irritating
Keay to take, easy to operate r 4
Hood's Pills
Gov. Bob Taylor. "The eloquent
peroration which ended the lecture found
the people not in the least tired, but
sorry that the beautiful picture of words
nad Deen loiuea away ana tuiteu irom
their view." Ohatttnooga News. At
AiDaoy, April i.
O R Winn, ct'tv ticket agent. Tickets
to all points in the east. . ; '
I hnve been ualn CAHOABETt and aa
a mild and effective Jaxatlvo tber are simply won
derful. My daughter and I were bothered with
sick stomach and our breath was Terr bad. After
taking a few doses of Cascareta we bare Improved
wonderfully. Tboy are a great help In the family."
WlMlltr.MlNA KlflET,.
1137 Blttenhouse Bt., Cincinnati, Ohio. '
Ileasant. PrJfaable Potent, Tate Good. Do
Good, NenrHf oUen, Wvaken, or Gripe. lOe, Us, 600.
Werlhg Htmtiy CosaptB?, ChtMC, loatr.ll, Rw Tfrk. SIB
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
, and has been made under his per
sonal fin-nArvisinn since its infancy.!
Allow no one to deceive you in this..
'All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex-I
pertinents that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.)
... ..... -. ...
Castorla is 'a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops i
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It i
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic1"-4
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea, and Wind
: Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ;
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
cenuini: CASTORIATalways
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Uue For Over 30 Years.
IIA-TA-RAP SoldtMid .guaranteed by all drag-IIVIU-DAb
gists to CVKfiTuhMiooJiablir .
Dawson's d'sMg.
Has moved to First Street, next to the Bank,
$ 50 Bulb Syringes reduced to $ 45
75 " " ' " 44 67
1 00 " " u " 89
125 ; 44 " 44 113
1 so 44 44 44 " 1 35
Our $1 75 Special Red Rubber re
duced to $1 45.
$i 00 Fountain Syiinges for $ 89
1 25 . ';,44---:-;; " " 1 13
1 50 .. 44 44 44 1 35
200 44 44 44 1 75
Our Special Rapid Flow for $2 25
the best Syringe in the market.
Best, Cheapest and Handiest Dru Store in Albany
All our goods as guaranteed or money refunded.
Great reduction during April
A if