ALBANY DAILY EVENING DEMOCRAT. VOL. J. ALBANY, OH., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1888. HO 174 Southern Paoiflo Company's Line. TUB JIT. t!Ki.-itA BCDfE. u. brtnM Aluinj And 8 FrwclflJ, 5 bouri OAurouu Ufiui lk,uss HAlLT 8oh ..00 P. M. I Usv. Portland Arrive I 10:45 A M :l)ri Uw Albany f J:S t J:40 A u Arriv. San tV.ucIsM Leav. 7,00 r M LOIAbrASSSSOSATRAWS BA11.V ( Buud.y). 8700 AH fLoav. IMrttaad 12:40 pm I Lt. Albany 2:40 pm Arriv. fcuiwn. Arriv. 3:45 r V JjOAVe I A M LoAV. 1 ao A -!Tr7.o, SU.1.AT. 8:20 r 0:01 r. 12:60 PM liDrl "lSvJ Albany Arriv. Lebanon Loav. Albany Arriv. LobAnon Arriv. I 6:45 a m Loav. 6:00 A 11 Arrival 2:45 r M Lcuv. 2:00 r u PULLMAN BUFFEr SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars or letianiX1" ! eed-fJlaM rassen sen, aUaeel t BxproM Train.. irtit uie aviti.ior. BETWEEN PrLAJIB ASH COKtALMB. t.aim DAII.T (ox:pt Sunday,) , . u i 1-ortlAud Arriv. o:lo r m ISV. I Arrive Corvallis L...Q I 1:30 kipi.m TtAlK. oailt (cxopt Sunday. ZiUpmi La r. 1'ortlAnd Arriv. I 9:00 A H Sim ri I A?.'". McMlnUTlll. Lw. I 5.46 A H AtA'aAiir ml CorvAllls connect with train, ot Ores in Facia. BAllroAd ThroUBhtlototito ll point. southland oat yla CalilOIIUA. F.rtuli lntorBtlon rezardlnf rate., map., .tc, Mil on Cornnany'. Ajreut, City Elactiou Notice. Notice is h.rsby given that the annual eleotion, in aud for tbe city of Albany, Lion oonnty, Oregon, will be held Monday the 3rd day ot December, A. D, 1GSS, for the urpose of olscting the fallowing municipal oilier., to-wit : ilirahnl, Treasurer, three Councilmen, one from each ward in said city. The polling place, will be a. follow. : First ward. County Clerk', office ; Second ward, County Treasurer', offio ; Third ward.Farra era' Warehouse office. The following named persons have been appointed by the Council as Judge, and Clerk, of said ul.ction : Fir.t ward: Judge., David Froman, Martin Payne, N T Moore ; Clerk., TJStite., O VV Watts, Sacond ward : Judges, L Sender., W M Ketohum, Geo Knor ; Clerk., J K Wyatt, Cal Burk 'A?; ?hira ward ' Jus, John Isom, N C W Euley, B A Irvine ; Clerk., W II Warner, W E Kelly. Said election will begiu at 9 o'clock in the morning and continue without closing the poll., until 6 o'clock in the evening of the above mentioned day and date. By order of the Council, made November 13th, 1888. N. J. Hestoh, Recorder of the City of Albany. Albany, Or., Nov. 17th, 19S8. 1 ;'E YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Haiiroaa, con Development Company's Steam- ship Line. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. w,rt.olasa through passenger ana freih Une from Portland and all point In the Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco, Cal Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Win. M. Hoag," The -'N. 8, Bent ,,' The "Three Slaters" are in service to? both passenger and freight traffic i be ween Corvallis and Portland odiar mediat points, leaving Company'.' wharf Oorvallis, and Messrs. Hulinan fc Co s wharf Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., tort land, three times a wwk as follow : NORTH BOUrlU. "t -v CirvAllis, MomlAys, Wednesday, and Frl cUa?a m. Albany, :Wvm. Arn.os.t JalMi So m Yuoad.,, Tnuwday and Mtur d.yMila.m. bQUTU liuuau. i TZl . , d.i.i. U,v. Portland Mondays, rjaiem iuhuv( Arnv.lcorvAlluiAt3;b0p, m, Boats make olose connection at Alban with trains of the Oregon Pacllio Kailroad TIMB SOUBDm'B- ( aundays.) Lnr. Albany, 1:00 r. a, Leave Corvaliia, 1:40 P.M. Arrive Yaqulna, 5:30 F. H. Leavo Yaqutna, 0:15 A.M. i (!, A.M. Arriv. Albany, 11:10 A. M, O. C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company'. Cine of Steamships between Yaquina and Sin I'raucisco. SIICIN'U DATES . riioii sa. raAscisco. PRO. TAItUl.A Will.m.iu v.ll.v. Thu. Dee. Cth Wed. Dec. 12lh WillAraetw Vallev. Mon. Dec Mon. Dec i4th vYillaiueti. Valloy, sun. Dcj. 80.h. The Compay corves the rlghtj to cuane sailing uLoa wimuui N. II. Pasomrars from Pur;lna and WllUmotto Va:loy points can make olose connection with the trains or the Yaquina route at Albinv or Corvallis, and il des tinsd to in h'MiiciHc j sluiuld arrange to irrive at Yaquina the evening before c"ate of sailing. Iluaenacr aud F.cUut Rat, nlvray. lidwcnl. , . . , SForlnlonnUlon anily to U J Smart, Freight .anil Tioket Aiunt, Albanv, or to O 11 llasa'oll, Jr., O. r. A V. Airt Oroou Development Oo 04 Monttfomery San frAiioi a i. Oil, !. i- lll-Ui, A. U. f. nd P. Ajent, 0,:i racll; K it 0.. Dervallle Revere House; ALBANY, . - , - OREGON j CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up In flrst-class style. Table, supplied with the beat In tbe market. Nice sleeping apartments. Sample rooms for commercial travelers, (arrive C.aeh to and frant th"W SUPERIOR LINES OF IAQRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS ATUDE YOE & ROBSON'S. Wanted. Four good, reliable men to sell the Im proved Singer. Team and wagon furn ished, Address, The Singer M.'fg Co, J. A, Abohibald, Agent, Albany, Or. CArpfti.. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will .ell a good grade of Brussel. carpet for 6o cent.; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets from 4 cent, to 50 cents. Carrie large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window .hades. A. B. McIlwaih Farsst Grove, Or,, Marob 8th. I have been troubled many years with weakness of th kidneys and have tried many different remedies sought aid from different hysioians and even changaa olimatB to obtain relief, but have met with indifferent snooess. Hearing through a friend of the value of the Oregon Kidney Tea, I obtained a box ot It and have i rived more benefit from It than from any thing else I have yet found. J. T, Buff. Sold by Foshay A Mason. CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE, Do you want a remedy for B'liouinem, Pimple, on the fail,, and A aure cure for lick headache, ask Dr. Uuif and Ben, the Drugg-iei, fr'. Live . mi., iry a uoee, sample, ire. iuu ux zo cent, . G. L. BUGKMAN, Successor to E. W. Liwpdon. DEALERfJIN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS, ETC. I'm jolly and fat, though 1 neodn't say that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's no flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you ean see I'm a'l there. I ' smile and I laugh, I joke and I chaff; s I refuse to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi ness lies, so I'll up and confess what you never could guess. A good thing to eat is always a treat, which will make you as sweet as our sugar eured meat, makes you feel so oontent with the money spent that you'r bound to fael glad ; and you couldn't get mad though a man just as thin as a rail or a pin was ta pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if youi'e pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a show to sell you right low, you will feel suoh a thrill of con tentment until youll wish you were fat to enjoy more of that For the feeling's immeuse and you'll Bhow your good Sfnse by buying , groceries,pro visions and orockery of W T - s .... Wallace & Tiioinpsoij's Fat Man, Plinn Block, Albany, Or. CARPENTER AND JOINER. The nndsrsigne l is prepared to do Jail kinds of work in his line in flrst-olasa or, dar and with promptneM. Addroas I'. O box 87 or call at corner of 9lh and Maple tree ts, I. N, Smith, New Wash House. Lee Chinaman, who lived in this town for m.ny years and was .0 wull liked by every- , , I .. ..,! mnA will mm ii n . n.w uuuy iia. hiuimbu - " "- t -r waah honse the first of September, one door sooth ot the never nonae. iea uur,nwi work and want, everybody to get Jtheir washing don by him. . PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES AT DEY0E & ROBSON'S. L, W. CLARK, Portrait Photographer. Sturiln orner Stcond aud Ferry Streets near Opera Hons. Ground floor. Children's pictures a specialty. The wife of a well known Iron operator in Pennsylyanla Is beautiful, witty and ac complished, but she bite, her finjer nail.. She .ay. she cannot help it. She acquir ed the habit in childhood, and ha. tried every mean, to break it up, but without success. At time, she ha. succeeded in resisting the inclination until all her finger nail, are triumphantly long, but invariably they disappear as if by magic the first time she is disturbed,annoyed or rendered nerv ous. She does not know when she bites them. She suddenly finds them all gone. Her doctors tell her the lubit is incurable except for very strong willed phlegmatic person.. Many a man is saved from the company of the defiled and the defiling by the sweet ness and l'ght of a cheery home. Many a woman, in the possession of a house which invites the actualization of her womanly concepts of the amenities of decorative art, finds the cares of the household no drudg ery and her work lightened and brighten- eu ny tne cheerfulness of her environment. Human nature is always more or less in fluenced by environment, and the house wnicn one Builds and lives in has much to do in shaping his character and disposition. II ' SIM I The Leailer of Corvallis is now issuer! semi-weekly and is a sprightly newsp aper. every citizen ot lienton county should sus tain tnis enterprise. A. J. R8SSITER.V. S Qraluat3 of Ontario Veterinary College,' Is prepared to treat dls.ases of all do mestlo animals on scisotlBo principle. Residence and office two doors east ot Optra House. Albany. Fine line of Guns and good stock of Ammuni tion at Deyoe . and Rob GOLDEN RULE BA2AAU. Cash Goesa Lo.g Ways at Julias Gradwoh 1's I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories in Europe, and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of my cash retail prices : H dozen unhandled tea cup. and saucer., 3S cts. dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers, 45 cts. J4 dozen handled coffee cups and sau cers, TO CtS. J4 dozen seven inch dinner plates, 45 cts. These goods are all iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods. These prices arc ior aay .. Julius Gradwohl, TELEGRAPHIC FSWS Cmi.'jrnU. San Frakcisco, Nov. 13. The official canvass of the vote o; tlil. -iiv pleted to-night. Cleveland receive. 38,704. Harrison s.,.7o3, Curt!. 437 ; prchibm' combined with scattering vctes,37 Clunie, , .s.t,,ru irom zr.e rum con gressional distilst.recriv. 13,537. Phelps rep., i2,672,giving Cluniea majority 02855! A Cold Wavo la Ifew Yc-k. Canajoharie, N. Y., Nov. 23. Ice in the Erie canal was broken up by an Ice breaker to-day. The thermometer this """"B wa below zero in the Mohawk Good Bye, Saekvllle. Wasiiixcto.v.Nov. 23. -Lord Sackvillc and hisdaughters,and Mr. and Mrs. Cham- S'i1'1' fr NW York on the ' o'clock Fvln ,J '1 I' a."d to-mo"ow will sail for France in the steamer La Bourgoyne.There w"ie arg! """J'" 0f Prominent people! ncluding many of the diplomatic corps, at the station to see them off. 1 An Uprising. San Francisco, Nov. 23.The .teamer Rio De Janeiro arrived from Hong Kong and Yokohama yesterday A correspondent of the 'ch,m J,7stat , ea that an unr t nrr un. .i . n 7 ' rcsu" eenously. Regis tration and re-measurement of the riceand suear districts in th ...n. j ... ,L."l,l, yui ana west OI Z S',i" P?v 'or .ome- h. An j ",crease taxation, and .... .v- e l , W111 against the author ities, especully the imperial commission- How rtftan do we hear onr frlAnila mv "Oh I am feeling pretty well but have a Piu in me oaca mac 1 suppose will soon pass away." Bnt does it pass anayT No, not often, unless assisted by some good remedy. Pain in the back Is frequently followed by weakness, flushing of the body, mucous and milky discharges, eruptions on tbe face and neck, dizziness, loss of appetite, general debility and Bright' diseas of tbe kidneys. If yon have any of these avmDtoma da not dalav butsave time, money and health by using wreauu jviuiioy jes js is sale ana speedy remedy, For sale by Foshay A Mason. DIt.KO.AN-KO in hi. new discovery for Consumption, suc ceeded in producing a medicine wliioh ii ac knowledged by all to be simply marvelous. It ia exceedingly pleasant to the taste, per fectly harmless, and doe. not sicken. In all cases of oases of Consumption. Coughs,Colds Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, and Pains in the Chest, it hn. given universal satisfaction. Drttosankn's Conrrh and Luno Syrnp is .old at SO cents by Dr Uuiss A: Son. a ' FO PILES. Itchiiitf Piles re known by m tisiaro HVo f.- nplr Iuu prcd'icinixftvery iliBafreeiabl6 itchlnjf after in? warm. This form as well m Blind. Heed In and prutrudlnf Pilot, yield at onc to tho application of Dr. Bosanko'i Pile remvvJy, w.iich act directly upon thf parts affected, abr-rbing- the tumors, allaying the lnteniM itchin? anil efltjctinff a permaueDt cure, 60 ceniB. Auuress ine ir uosanico AiMlcine t o Piqu O. bold by lr. G'liss and Son. ACADE3IY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Conduced by tho Si.1t.9r3 of St, Benedict. This Acadomy Is Incorporate J and au thorized by the State to confer academlo honors. noAnniNo scnooL pkb term. Board and tuition $40.00 Musio, insrtumental, theorotioal aud vocal with u.e of piano and organ 15 00 (Jultar 12 00 Zlthem 12 00 Drawing and painting 8.00 Fancy wort and mending free to boarders, Tuition In tolct day school ranges from 15 to f 10. Normal Instruction of aspirants for teacher's certificate, a specialty. Graduating fee, f 10. For further particulars apply at the Academy, WARE OF ALL KINDS AT son's. Special bargains DEYOE & ROBSON'S, Offlclal Vote. New York.Nov. 2? Th'itnni ... In New York state. as 1... .u- state board of canvassers to day 1, as fol- lows, the hlfrh.. A 1 . . - , ...B... .u ,Uwes numDer 01 vote, received by any elector being given: WS!?" 64-387 i democratic, 636,07 e ; prohibition, 30 28,: socialist 2068; union labor, 627; united labor elector, at large Pushing Things, Chicago, Nov. 23It Is officially Btated here that the Canadian Pacific will build a w.i0 etrio1!. con"lin with the Wabash system, thereby gaining entrance f" be,cominP competitor for Western buisness in the United States, Reelected. Indianapolis, Nov. 23. Powerly was reelected general master workman this Morri."? bUKnearI nulmou. vote. ,n" iL-Whcat'of Iowa. wa e'ected general worthy foreman. The general wcrctary and treasurer will be elected thi. Can you Imagine any aliment that will mako a fc-ood natured person so Deavi.h ever w?tSS? ThBr? U no rMou. - 3Ty f ny one, 8hould suffer from in. ToXP m' lon Dr Haley's Dandelion tnlr, , o!Z h ,Very on know'' is r i 1 , u b8 ao sa""y obtained. For sal by Fohny A Mason. Ladies, rto not rnln you romploxlion by in ana of poisonous cosmetics and face powdera. If your faco Is red or sunburned, II you aro so unfortunate as to have pim ply or blotches 011 the neck and face Du turd a Sppolflo wlI1 not COTer tunn ke B coat or paint but will most effectively re move all blemishes from iho akin and re store them to it natural youthful bloom. for sale by fiwlmy t Ma'soo, Pk.vdi.ton, Orngon, Jannary, 12 Having snlfored with my kidney's I was induced to try the Oreen Kidricy Tea whicu reli jyed mo In a Rhort time. I take pleasure in recommending it to the pub lic as a safe rcm.dv for kidney ilililciil t'es, Okoiior W. IUilky, County judge of Umatilla. We will sell jou groceries oheni er than any .tore in town. BnowNKu. Stasard. Now raiseas, curronts.cition, lemons and orange, received at Wallaon & Tlicmpton's. All ainrls of woo'eu drevs goods are 25 per rMit nhAr.nvp llt.n t.l,At u'.,. n b.u ...n r.. stock i. all fresh, consequently we can give yery low prices. W. F. Read. Winter wraps, aro not riorvcd in the great sale. This will he the greatest oppor unity ever offered to bay a stylish wrap at low prior. Mo.vrm-rii & Skitknbach. TS?J WARE AND HARD- SECURE PRICES. NO I'ROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS AT DEY01 & R0BS0N