X 0. ,.J i As DAILY EVENING ' ALBANY DEMOCRAT. , O A - VOL. I. ALBANY, OR., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1888. NO 1G1 Wm, Fortmiller, -FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse After business hours call at resldenoe corner Fifth and Baker streets. OYRUM T3 CAUFMMIA -.YIA-. Southarn Pacifls Company's Line, tc nr. n iita k.ut. ra bjtwia Alnny aiJ. Sa FrracUoj, 35 hour! OAUroaSIA IIFtUS 1UUSS BAILT sou ;ru i IM p. m. I Lnn Portland Arrive 10:40 A 86rM I Loav. Albinv Loav. 7:U5AM 7:10 AH Arriva San t'rancireo Laav. :30 r M L01AI. rASSSMGsa TaAl.il DAlnr (elc.pt Bundy). 8:00 A M I Leave Portland li:40 r M I Lea'. Albany 8:40 r H Arriv. Euirene Arrival 8:45 r a Leave I li;3& a m Leav. I 0 SO A K ukau rAssssosa nun dailt, ucirr sumdat. Leave Albany 8-58 m Arrive Lebanon 12:60 PM Lv Albany ID r M I Arrive Lebanon Arrive Leave Arrive Leave 6:45 a M 6:00 ah 2:45 r 2:00 TM PULLMAH BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping-Oars or Aee.ma.nal" el Seeeatl-Class rassea sen. attached le expreu raise. Wjial SMfl atlTlal.H. BETVTKEX rOBTLAH XHB tHUHIS, TRA1M DAILY (.X2.pt Sunday.) . I Portland Arrive I 6:15 r M ; a Arrive C.rvtllis I 1;J0 Birins tai .AIM (eiojpl Sunday. taniLaii' Portland Arriv. I 9:00 a h :S IS Ai. M.Minnvill. Leave 5.46 A u nnrvalH. connect with trains ot Oreg w Paclio Railroad , For full Intormatlon rejirdinr rates, map., etc, on Cmpany'a Atfent. R. KOKHLKR. . OOERS, MAlUJdf ' J. 1 1 f . Af "IHE YAQUINA ROUTE. - Oregon Pacific Railroad non Development Company's Steam- ship Line. j 225 RULES SHORTIES. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-class through passenger and freight line from Portland and all paints In the Willamette Valley to .ad from ban Francisco, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Hoag The -'N. S. Bent ey, The "Three Sisters" are In servioe forboth passenger and freight traino .be tween Uorvallis and Portland and inr mediate points, leaving Company'!' wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs. Huliuan Co s wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Port land, three times a week as follow : NORTH BOUND. Leav.Oorvallis. Uon., Wed. and Friday, 10:00 A, M. IS Albany kond.;, Wd. .d y,l! Arrive Porllaud, Tu.., Tail, au'l Saturday, 5. JO P. M. SOUTH BOUSO. Leave Portland, Hon., Wed. and Friday, ' i . .i in. rill...-, .n.l Uil t II ril.1V. 1".Q D. 11. Arriv Co-UU, Tue., lhu.aud Saturday, " M .i .iinn t A I han ilb trains of tbe Oregon Faoitio lUilroad TIMS 3J1IHDULK. (except SumUyB.) Lerve Albany. 1:00 r. a, , Leave CorvaUie, 1:10 r, a. arnve t equina, o.ow r. Leav. Yaquma, :5 A.M. Leav. uorraiiu,iu:oo a,i Arnv. Albauy, 11:10 A. 1 n fl. tmlu i'oniin;r, at AlbAny and nnrvllia. The aoove trains couneot at ,. Vaquin with the Oregu DsTfllopm.nt v;ompAiiy'. uine oi isieaununj" w1"1" laquina m l tau rranciscu. NAILI.N'U BATH1 . I'm jolly and fat, (hough l neodn't say that ; for a glance at my size and a look in my eyes, and you plainly can see there's do flies upon me. I'm a little bit short both ot breath and of hair, but from shoulders to knees you can see I'm all there. I i smile and I laugh, I juke and I chaff; i I refuse to be sad and l never get mad. But you'd never surmise where my happi- 1 ness lies, so I'll up and coDfaes what you -cover oould guess. A good thing to eat is f always a treat, which will make you as sweet I as our sugar eured meat,makes you feel so content f with the money spent that you'm bound to feel glaor; and you couldn't get mad though a nun just as thin us rail or a pin was to pull at your nose or tread on your toes. If you're fat or your'e lean, if youi'e ! pleasant or mean, just give W. & T. a show to sell you right low, yon will feel ' . suoh a thrill of con tentment until you'll ' - wish you were fat to enjoy more of that For the feeling's immense and you'll ' show your good sense by buying groceries, pro visions and ' crockery There are fishermen on the coast of Maine who are now fishing by electric lights. Aj Fulton Mai ket fish dealer was talking abou 1 his business to a reporter. "This is not a new departure," he continued, "but new ways of utilizing the lights have been dis covered. The old way was to plunge an Incandescent lamp into the water, the con nection being made with some source 'o electricity on board the fishing vessel When this was used in deepsea fishing it w;n found that the mains to the lamp often jot foul of the fishing tickle or the cable of the vessel, thereby destroying its use ftness. A Frenchman has surmounted the difficulty by adopting a lamp worked by a primary battery, the whole of which can be thrown overboard and zeaind when the trip Is ended. The batterv consis's of siz Bunsen cells, in which, howeve-, chromic acid is placed instead of nitric acid, former ly used. The cells are connected in tension with a twelve vole Edison lamp. The sue cess of the experiments lately had presages the genet al adoption by our coast fisher men of this new discovery. Bargains! Bargains! 1 Bargains! 1 1 Remember we are closing out our stock of boots and shoes and have yet some very desirable styles. Ceme and see for your selves and you will not regret it. Brownfll & Stanard. of W 6 T c3 Surveying Mr. E. T.T. Fisher is pr pared to do surveying of all kinds at lea- sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn county Or. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, School Books, lSWKR, FaOH SAS raAmCO. K' TAUflUA Willamette Velley, Nov. IstS am. "iitameit. vauey, nov. izmi ym. ffillemeu. Valley, Nov. 21th 10 a m Nnv. fith Nov. lath Nov. 30th The Company corves the rlghtj to Ohange sailing dates without notice. N r ua.uu.w..r frnm Por.Una and Will a molt- Vailatf nnint. I1AD make olOM oonnectbn with the trains of the Yaquina routs tt Albany or Oorvallis. and If des tinsd uj 8n Franc'isio should arrange to irrive at Yaquiua the evening before elate of .ailing. aswaur aaa Firlikt Kates always l . For Information apply to'cfj Stuart, Freight and rit.i ...., .n..... inn Huwell. Jr., O. F. P. Ajt o;eon De'velopmeut Co,, 04 Montirom.ry Sw FrAticiMO, Ual. C. C- aWiill, A. O. F. and P. Arent Oraro. PaoiHc a.aMo-,C.rvalll., O Wallace & Tliompsou's Fat JJfan, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. Gity Drug -A full Mock of- Perfumery, Toilet Soap, Brushes, Stationery, Tablets, etc. etc. 9 Choice Cigars. Presorij lius and family lecsipts carefully mepared. Whliljiu tuwu eall in and see us. DR. CUiSS Ml SON New and Second Hand Store Owing to the increased demands of onr business we have been compelled to move Into a larger store and we can now be found next door fo H. ,12,, Young, wherf we will be pleased to see our patrons. If you need any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, olocks, carpets, pictures, fruit ars, tienks, books, roller skates, saddles, saws, planes, eto and a thousand dif ferent and use a' tides you can not do bettor hissl l-ofSan Fraoil 100 than you can de with us on a purchase or exchange L. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or. D, R. N, BLACKBURN, Attorney at Law Office, Odd;Fllow's Temple, ALBANY, ORECON. Nothing is more disagreeable to a young lady or gentleman thaa to have the face cov ered with pimples.blaok head and blothohes. Datard's Specifift, the new skin remedy, will remove all disfiguration from the face and haode and produce a clear and beautiful complexion. Try it and be convinced. Sold by coshay & Mason. San Francisco, Oil., April 2nd. For several weeks my wife suffered severe ly with kidney affection of a very aggravat ed character, which seemed to defy all the usual retneiues. 1 finally tried tbe Ureeon Kidney Tea. ' The effect was an immediate improvement, and she has now entirely re covered her health. H. G. Prtce, Salesman at Cutting Co Do rou feel dragging sensation la tbe btak nd loins, are vou troubled with wakttf ilneaa, faintnoss at the pit of tbe stotuaohT Are you netvous or irritable ? It so we would advise you to try Oregon Kidney Tea, (purely vegeraoie.) it never falls to effect a permanent enre of kidney and urinary complaints. Sold by Foshay ana Mason. 7 O.ks cures rheumatism, neuralgia toothache. Foshay & Mason. Agents. and CUBE FOR SICK HEADACHE, Do you want a remedy for B'Housnew, Pimples on the tic, and a sure cure for rick headche, ask Dr. Quh and Son, the Drugjfisto, for Dr.Gei.ni' LW Pills, try a dose, sainples free full bx 25 cent, FOR PILES Itcbin-f Pile fcre known by m i-jtare like i twpir ion producing a yery diw-rreemble Itchinn; after ing warm. Tnto form u well as Blind, hie-sdlrff and Erotmdinjr Piles, yield at ones to the application f r. Bosanko'e Pile remrxly, walch acts directly upon th pwts affected, abirbing the tumors, allaying- the Intoiine itchlntr and effectina a nermmern cuff . cents. Address The Dr Bosanko W-M.i O. bold by Dr, G'lissand Son. TIIEGEiPHIC KEWd Next Boose, Washiotok,Nov. 8. Secretary McPherson of the republican congressional campaign committee this afternoon: "I cannot imagine what basis there is for the claim made in New York that the democrats will retain control of the house . AH inforformntlon ohioln able this morning Justifies me In expressing i.icjujjimuii mm me next nouse will consist of 173 republicans and iyj democrats. . Ilimeurl. . St. Louis, Nov. 8. Complete returns from eighty of the 114 counties In the slate and partial returns from the remafnder, shows that Cleveland's plurality will be about 25,000 and that of Francis for gover nor 9000. St. Louis complete gives Cleve land 25,63!. Harrison 31,916, Kimball 33,. 636. Wert Virginia. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 8. Dispatch es received to night from the capital of the state announces that the democratic state treasuree, Thompson, concedes the state to the republicans by 400 to 700 majority. Illinois. Chicago, Nov. 8 The republican state central committee reports that complete re turns from ninety counties in Illinois, and a carefuMestimate of the remaining twelve, gives Fifer for governor 13,000 plurality, Harrison's plurality is placed In the neigh borhood of 25,000. The Times claims, on unofficial returns from ninety-two counties, th,at Fifer's plu rality will be 5274, and Harrison's 19,920. California. San Francisco, Nov. 8. Complete re. turns from 1123 out of 1590 precincts in California, outside of San Francisco, give Harrison 87,596. Cleveland 76,922, Fisk 4059, Curtis 758. Supreme court Beatty 64,000, Works 75,258, Searls 69,270 Sulli van 69,418. The democratic majority In San Francis co will be less than 2000. .. - Bold ltobbe'ry. Downijjville, Cal., Nav. 8. The down stage was held up to-day at Ditch hill by a masked highwayman. Just as the stage ar rived at the top'of the hill, the robber ap peared in the road with a gun. drawn on the stagedrlver, whom he ordered to throw the mail bags and express box off the stage. After throwing them off, he was ordered to drive on. The express box, containing bullion and coin amounting to about $2500 was found rifled of Its contents. The mail bags were not found, v A posse is on the jrack of the robber. Hr.pcftil for Ireland, . Birmingham, Nov. 8. Gladstone re: celved an address from the Birmingham nationalists, in reply to which he said the Irish cause is no longer dependent upon one life, The liberal party had taken up home rule, and thev never yet had espous ed a greys cause without achieving success. liclii. Co , Piqu Bicycle foiSale A No. 1. second-hand 8 inoh Pall Bear ing Columbia in good repair for sale at a bar gain, bnquire 01 - Brownell Si Stanahd. New Wash llouse. . Lee Chinaman, who lived in this town for many years and was so well liked by every, body has returned and will open up a r.ew wash house the first of September, one door . l t .1.. D...M Hon... Lee doeslffood tOU.U U. 1 u .... . - - work and wants everybody to get Jtheur washing done by him. ALB1HT COLLEGJATS INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON.' 1883, 188Q- Plrst Term Onens Beplesober lilh, 1S8S. A full corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANO NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tudy arranged to meet tl?r nd of all grades of students. Special inducement! ojercd to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5,60 to 112,50. Board In private families at low rates. Rooms for self-boarding at small expense. A careful supervision exercised over stu dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. . For circulars and full particulars auurese tuv j iwiucuh - KEV. KLBEBT H, t'ONDIT. Albany, Oregon Thompson & Overman keeD the best har nesses. ' Nw Wash :House. H. Jo Chinaman has bought .r Am Iai near Schme.r'i has raevsd it 'to First Street. 8'dobre west of Mrs. Murray's hotel where he is prepared to do all kinds of lanndryjwork style, in Krsttlas. ... -lit an- i. a..""" RitHorthin the Cheaper! PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. I Portland, Oreoa.' it hint motion, ll . inilUrftT. 5uOfi . mm M rX any time. Cat ... - cf V jn.'V"Illnpf,,t ,r"' J. P. Wallace. Physician nd Surireon. bany. Or F. M. French keeps railroad time. Al- Bse ball pls.'era, At'ilnU. an J 'ill who take pny viicorond exeroHn should know that Dr, Henley's Diindalion Tunlo is a thorougn good h nicer, ic prod noes now vitality, strengths., tbe muscles and en ables them to perfrm twice tbe IHU4 amount ot work without looming fatlga eii. Sold by Foshay A Mon. Notice to Tax-Payers. otice Is her Vv clv.n. that I. or my Deputy, will meet th tnx-i'ayers of I.lnn county, Oregon, at v o'clock a. m. anu re main until 4 o'clo3k p. m. at their respHt iIva nlas nf vntinir in the several pre cincts, at the following tlrvie and plares for the purpose of collecting the tsxox lor 1HHX ; Kock Creek, Monday, Nov. ism, iuks, Fox Valley, Tuesday. Nov. Ilth 8!lo, Wednesday, Nov. 14th. Franklin unite, Tin rs lav, nov. 10111. Hantiam, Friday, NOV 10th Lebanon, Saturday, Nov. 17tli. Waterloo. Monday. Nov lfi.h. Llbertv. Tuesday. Nov 2(tth. Nweet Home, Wednesday. Nor. 2tst. , Brush Creek, Thursday, Nov.22nd. Cranfordsvllle, Frldav, Nov. fflrd. Browneville. Saturday, Nov. 24th. Center, Mondavi Nov. liflth Orleans. Tuesday, Nov. 27i h. Hvracurw, Wednesday. Nov. 28th. HarrisbiirK, Tbursdav. Nov. 2th. ' Halsey. Frlijav, Nov Hutu. Shedd, Satifrday, Pee. 1st. Fat Alhany Tuesday, Deo. 4ih, ' West A I ban v, Wednesday, 6th.: Prompt payment will be required. Pay your taxes and iiavo costs, JnB HMAul MO', Sheriff and Tx Collei tor, Dated, Oct J2nd, 188S. Boots amo Shoes. Call at A. B, Mc Ilwaln's and see the Indies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1 .50, former price $2. so A Democrat man has Keen the1 shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe for the former price. , All hiud.of woolen dress Ofd.are 25 te entit nlieajier than they wtle a year an. Oar stock is si! fruwh, cunsqn'iin ly we cau give very low prices, W..F. IlKAD. If ynu wxiit a olrnu bud fine smoke ask for I. Jo-e.h'ii home 111. de v. hits I. b r civars. Pornulliv mot eijc.r dealt rs and at J. Joseph's fsc'ory. Carpets. Cheaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three' ply car pet for 75. cents, and two ply carpets froir 40 cents to 50 cents. Carrlec large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. B. McIlwaim Fnrmers. if y a w.ut the bet larness aU hand mide, go to B L. Power, m xt to Dem oiTfct office.-