Daily evening Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-1888, October 01, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Democrat
Monday Evening;, October 1, 1888
SYITfcH WUTHJlia, ftlitjr Ami PuMUheri.
Published every lUy in the wook.
(SumUys excepted.)
yolivorotl by cwior pur wook 9 .15
lly mail, per year. .... .... 6.00
lly mul, iHirmuii'.h . bO
One year, in itlrarice $.00
Oneyoar, at end of year ,'. 2,60
Six montlii, in advaney 1.00
Entered at tho Pint Oillteat Albany, Or
at Heooud-eluNH mail matter.
In Jaii.. Last evening a young man full
of ein was cnus'nir some disturbance on
First Street, when Policeman Wm, N. Mil
kier arrested him.and was about to take liim
to the Caliboosc, when a young man, the
"pal" of the first mentioned fellow, who
afterwards gave his nameasChas. Ilannon,
stepped up and ordered Mr. Miller to leave
the fellow alone. Mr. Miller then endeav
ored to arrest Ifannon.when he resisted In
i a very fierce manner. In the squabble that
'followed Mr. Miller was jerked against a
,post,and fell.dHocating an arm at the elbow.
-With the assistance of 6ome bystanders
Tboth of the men were arrested, Ilannon on
ly after a hard struggle. He was taken to
the County jail and was afterwards exam
ined before lustice Humphrey under the
charge of resisting a police officer and held
io await the action of the Grand Jury un
der $5C 3 bonds, in default of which he Is
bow at the County jail. The other fellow,
.Vh had a pass on the O. P. to the front,
as given his liberty under condition that
be leave the city which hedid. Theoffense
Committed by Ilannon is punishable by
imprisonment for two to ten years.
Bettiso. Belting this year Is gcneral
y on a big scale, very few small bets be
ing heard of. One such one was that made
py two Albany men a few days ago on Cal'
ornla giving Harrison 5000 majority and
r the same amount on the general result.
the following big bets are reported by the
Portland News : "Yesterday M. A. Gunst
Co.'s Mr Julius Levy, of Montana, bet
1000 with a Harrison man who lives in
Portland that Cleveland wou'd continue to
hold down the Presidents chair for four
rears longer. Billy Ayrcs, llie sporting
kpltalist, bet J J Maloney, of Montana,
Koo mat lien, iiarnson wm give thieve
nd a rest, rroin a private letter from M
Gunst in San Francisco, It is learneil
Bat he has $65,000 deposited In his hands
await the result 01 the Presidential elcc-
A Field Here. The following para
aphis having its rounds of the press and
published with the view to pointing a
oral. What is done in this line In New
Bark can, and In days to come, will be
ne In the W'llamelte valley. We are
lit just beginning to learn what can be
ne here in the fruit line. Here is the ar-
le referred to: "Within forty miles of
pchester, N. Y., the'eare more than 1,5c
Lilt evaporators, xrom the small farm
luse dryer, of a capacity of twenty-five
ivhelsa day, to the large steam evupor-
rs, dry lng 8c J to Io,cx 3 bushels of ap
is each 24 hours. The evaporators
re employment during the autumn and
rly winter moil hs to at least 30,ocd hands,
10 average from $5 to $13, a week, ac-
rding to experience and usefulness."
rh iNTErEsnva Fact Little chunks of
Ibon rosy be seen evory day under our
ctric lights lo't by the electric li;;ht man
er changing caudles. His an interesting
t that of tneie 1 .tie carbons there aie
),000 burned evory nijht in the United
!ites. O; these 100,000 are manufactured
Clere'aod, Ohio. , iix yiin ago all the
'tons bu'ned ia tbe country were made io
inlo roo.n in Beaton. Now there are
nty carboa furnaces in I'srelsnd aiooe.
k carbons are made of what is left afer
is leird ; this is ground into fine powder
lalUlepitca beinz.added, the stuff is
ssed ia moulds sad then burned ia a fur-
t the Bay. The run of salmon at
hay last night was the largest of the
ion. The boats averaged about fif'.y
ersides. ' Altogether this season the
rage run has been rather small, but the
tent change In the wealher seems to
t a good effect on the full. The Wll-
fis cannery, owing to its superior ncis,
Ut been doing much the largest business.
fyNEER Gone. Martin Werts, an old
sioent of Linn county living at Tanjen
Ex-Got. 8. F. Chadwick is in the city.
The Mechanics' Uirnpena on Thursday.
Dr E L Irvine, of Salem, is io the city.
Wheat went up to 75 cents this forenoon.
There is not a woman in the state peniten
tiary. A slight rain fill Saturday evening and
A sign in Portland is said to read "Mrs,
De Praus mot-a physicians."
About one thousand people hare been vac
cinated stand around MoMinnville.
Dr MuAiistar has moved into Judg
Strahan's residence nn Calipooia street.
Two mules were token up yesterday by
thA police and await an owrnir in thisoity.
County Recorder Davis is lying seriously
ill at his home in this city with typhoid fever.
Dr I N Wooille, of this oity, recently ob
tained a patou'. on an improved doubletree
for wagons.
The California train arrives at 6:25 in the
morning, twenty minutes earlier than here
tofoie. The county jail is baieg greatly improved
and made safer. Hoffmrn & Co are doing the
cement work.
This afternoon Dr G W Maston removed
from Mr A P Tollivor a large fibrous tujiorj
as large as a hens egg.
One Bill Green was arrested Saturday
evening for disturbing the Salvation Army
and fined $5 and costs,
Dr Maston recoived a tcbgram this after
noon to go to Halsey to attend a son of Hon
T J Black, who is very sick.
Mr and Mrs Alonzo Grannan, are in the
city the guests of Mrs E It Cheedle . Mrs O
was formerly Miss Cheedle. They will go
east in a few weeks.
George Miller, who was brought to the
peniteutiary yesterday from Baker cennty
for borre stealing is only about twenty years
old. Ho is in for two years. -Journal.
Mr F rod Godloy, of Portland, a former resi
dent of Albany, has been in the city. we
understand that in a few days he will lead
one of Liun county's fairest daughters to tbe
Mrs George Elliott, a decrepit, weak miud
ed old lady, was brought down from Craw
fordsyilleatd this afternoon was declared In
sane by a commission of physicians and ill
be taken to the asylum at Salem to-morrow.
"Hazlett, the 'journeyman printer,' is in
Lane oounty snatching boos instead of anti
mony " Ea. You're off. He gave np that
ui.1.10 rauKet ana is now nopping trom tie to
tie on the West Side. We gave him the bit
for crossing the ferry oursolvea.
Who says rents aie coming down in Port
land ? A man named Shetland, who owns
several little houses on Hood street, for
which he has been charging $8 a mouth rent,
took the breath away from his tenants this
weca by announcing that after the end ot
September they must each pay $20 a month
or move I H'efcome.
Monday tbe lollowinir named vouno- law
students will come up from Portland for ex
amination before the supreme court fur ad
mission to the bar; Sanderson Reed, Har
old Pilkington, Henry F MeClure, Harry
Hogue, J F Booths, J G McGinn, S M Ship,
ley, G W Rowan. Journal.
No Chuck. Mr. E. J. Cameron, the
Corvallis sprin'.er, writes in the following
very gentlemanly manner in reference to
the reports made here, and published in
the Democrat, that the race here was a
"chuck" affair. We like the ring of his
letter, which makes It look very much as if
he were not In the "chuck" business, and
perhaps Mr. Eoff is the same kind of a man
We hope so, It is a fact that in case like,
this men who lose are apt to cry "chuck'
the first thing : "I wish to say for Mr. Eoff
that his principal backer of Portland, said
in my presence that Euff made his time all
right, and there were three stop watches
held on him on the race ground and no
complaint was then heard. I believe Mr.
Eoff '.o be a gentleman and I do not believe
he would do any such work. If Albany
boys saw fit to back Mr. Eoff, I certainly
was not to blame, as I told all who asked
me in legard to the race that I should beat
him if possible. How well I kept my prom
ise Is well known ; and furthermore I have
never run a "chuck" race in my life and do
not propose to. Mr. Eoff, or no one else
h?s a-ked mc to run another race, in Port
land or elsewhere. I am ready to match
Mr Eoff at any time and place, any distance
for $503 aside. Respectfully, E. G. Cameron."
yesterdiy of heart disease, aged 70
, 11 months and 1 dnvn The funeral
be preac'.ied at his late residence t-
trow morning at 10 o'clock and the
"in iaue piace at the Albany ceme-
i one o clock P, M.
Bujom. Io the yards of C. C. Cheery
p R. Parkes, on F rat Street, may be
aeveral chesry trees in bloom. This is a
only seen in saoh a eouot.-y as the Wil
its Valley, and is oiethat opens the
0' strangers eve'y tirr-e. lathe slsnj
ioa of the day, it breaks them np.
fa now reoeiving my spring and summei
I OnnAm 1 1 . 1 1 - ... 1 , .
vuriy.Buti secure uarga n
vr. r . head.
Vicious Animal. On last Wednesday
Frank Crabtree and Henry Cyrus of the
Ferks were up on the headquarters of
Crabtree Creek, when they killed an old
bear and two cubs. When they brought
them Into camp a mare, one of their team,
caught the bear scent,which seemed to mad
den her. Mr. Crabtree In passing near her
received a kick on the leg which knocked
him down, but broke no bone. When they
i :turned home and came to unhitch the
mare she seemed as madly vicious as at
first, i letcher Crabtree.an old gentleman
73 years aid, took the animal and led her
into the barn, when she reared and struck
Mm twice In the face and once on the crown
of the head, knocking him down. He was
picked up and carried into the house, where
he remained unconscious for more than an
hour.but finally was restored to conscious-
ness,when it was found that no bones were
broken. Frank thinks his meat was more
like dear meat than bear meat.
Halsey, Sept. 39th, i88S.
The time has come when It is absolutely
necessary for the teacher to train the heart
as well as the head. It Is not enough to
teach the subjects of the text-book,but it is
of the utmost importance that a sound
morality be taught as well.
There are many gross evils permeating
our body politic, which threaten to break
forth into a pestilence that shall carry
death and desolation before it and lay was'a
the glory of our nation's honor. Simultan
eously with the voice of the teacher is heard
the voice of the American demagoijue--the
curse of curses by which a free gov
ern mentis cursed. A communistic element
is at work in our county, the spirit of which
is carried out, would dissolve society, bre il-.
up citizenship, place our homes at llir
mercy of vagabonds and tramps, and rrnd -r
our fields and gardens a trackless waj-ie.
The great cry of the homes is "reforms" in
politics, temperance, education and relig
ion. Hut how is this reform t be a'.'com
plished i It is manifestly fie wot K of tie
teacher. If he dtes not tle work it uiii
never be done. If the vast amount ol
preaching and howling about reform by
shams and quacks couid be stopped, and all
of our energies, time and means, that are
now expended to little or no ptirpose,could
be devoted to the education and training of
the children in virtue, honesty, truthful
ness and sobriety a reform such as the
world has never known would speedily
come. But we can not hope for great re
sults soon. Revolutions and reformations
are not the work of a day, but of years and
often centuries. What is done In the mat
ter of reform must be done through the
agencies of our schools, and tbe work will
be laborious and slow. Upon the should
ers of our 350,0c 3 teachers rests the burden.
The role of the reformer is forced upon us.
The youth are to be trained for society
and cilii.enship. The teacher has assumed
that responsibility, and if he prove false to
.is trusts, oocj and the world will .not Hold
him guiltless. Teachers, are we prepared
to do this work, or do we need reforming ?
May Gouhelp us, asteachersof the young,
to begin this great reformation in our own
hearts, and then carry it with such burning
enthusiasm into our schools that our pupi s
will catch the spirit from us, and then re
form will indeed have been commenced in
G. F. Russell.
Woven Wire Works Thos. Holman
of this city, says the Slaletma, has pur
chased a portion of the wire works appar-
atus of C. Bush at Albany, and a part of
the machinery has already been shipped
to Salem, where it will be employed by
Mr. Holman for making wire screens for
his cleaners, and for such other work as he
may be called upon to do.
J. P. Wallace, Physician and Surgeon, A!-
' bany, Or.
Hotel Arrivals.
Revere House. E Reynolds; T I
Black, Halsev; C B Douglas, Portland; C
C Bonar; C F Marden, Pa; W E Hurd; H
Hewitt, Portland; P F Brady, Colorado
Springs; T Wilson. Portland: D Wilson.
East Portland ; J L Warner, J Olson ; Geo
Kj awui, u r k Kj a vvnite; w rl Moore,
I Bellinger; J L Dodson, Shedd; J H
Blake, Shedd : S I Clemmens : 1 Anderson.
Portland ; C W Winter, Eugene; W K
x rice,jacKsonviiie; rt x cole; v a jncu
grass, Corvallis; I R Myers. R Cole. Stay
ton; Dr Aubrey and family.'city ; O "B
Douglass, Portland; H R Knouff, W Cart
er, city; J Doherty, Salem; L Easterhouse,
city; F Simpson, city; W F McCarty, S F;
a Koacn; Sacramento; j i Parkinson,
Portland; A Richardson, .Salem; Mrs M
Hume, Yaquina City; H B Chase; C An
derson ; Dr E O Smith and wife. Portland :
S F Chadwlck, Salem; A I Weiler, S F;
vy ri oaie, city.
St. Charles. S J Clemmens ; M Lons
berry,Hubbard ; H L Brown, Suver ; Jesse
Diaaer.aneaa ; c La forest, Unas woods,
Julius Joseph, D O Woodworth.G L Black
man and family, A W Marks, Albany ; W
Funsey, Rochester, III ; J McCarthy and
family, Montague : J J Searle.E B McCain,
Rock Creek; C H Robbuis.Pliil ; T E Her
ren, Turner ; W H Shepherd, I-'red C God
ly.Clyde McCoy.Halsey ; A H Black.Port
land ; Rufus Thompson and wife.city ; G
W Luper.L F Smith.Tangent ; D R Hodg
es, N Adams.
Russ House. G C Bacon, Mrs Murray.
J Burns, 11 Burr, J C Bovle, E J Menden-
hall, J McKnaD, rortiana ;J liradtnrd ; W
L Smith, Mrs G Dickinson and child, Ya
quina ; F W Conners, F M Conn, Long
Creek ; T Batchelor, A S McPhail, S F ;
U W Hewitt ; 11 Shelton ; B Wallace ;
D Wilson ; T Nichols, A Denney, Leban
on ; J Smith ; S Bertschinger ; J T.rown j
C Longhead ; R M Perval ; J L Larson,
Shedd ; J H Blaker ; I T Kearns, Sissons ;
Miss L Shrum, Roseburg ; J B Fryreur,
city ; J Phillips, Hombrook, Cal ; R W
XNicnois, urani ; j Aicvartney and
family, Montague, Cat ; J Unger ; s Bark
er and family, city : E A Whltefield ; C
Rohwen, city ; D Jones, Penn ; J Smith 1
J B Keeny, Brownvllle ; W S Cogdell ; C
Marpie ; r amitn ; 1 1 uustar, city ; v
C Cox, Santiam ; E F Joseph ; j Crouch ;
A W Palrley ; J D Geibbs, W A Ansborn,
L01 Angeles ; Jas Singleton, Cal ; John
Phillips, San Diego ; A Mantner, SF ; J B
Williams, Oakland ; W L Gllhom ; Alex
McLean, Pa ; S H Burson, Ashland ; T G
Hsgan, Jefferson ; C F George, Marion ; J
Foster, Coivallls ; J McNaughton jJCon
don ; A L Bridgefarmer, Tangent ; M
Purcevill and wife, R Renfrew, Linn Co ;
H Trine, Newport.
DlscnAttrtRD WilliamPage, charged with
the murder of Wm firown, at Cdrns was dis
charged from arrest at the preliminary ex
amination, the evidence a'l tjudiog to show
the homicide was committed ia silf-defense,
which was according to the account given in
the Democat at the time.
Wanted. By a gentleman of moder
ate means and property, to correspond
with a young lady not over 20, with a view
to matrimony. No triflers need answer.
Address "Sincere," Democrat office.
Who. A well-known Salem young man
wilt be married to an Albany belle next
Thursday,at that place. Statesman.
Dr. M. H. Ellis, phyaieian aid surgeon
Albany, Oregon. Calls made in eity or
Wheat, 73 cents.
New fall goods at Read's.
See those new jeraies at W. F. Read's. '
Six shaves for a dollar at L. Viereck'a
New ribbon all shade, 0d styles at Read'a
A full lino nf !...- 1..1. -- :. .... ..
"'. auics at Vf, f .
Another L.f f U..11 i . n .. ,
SUnard'.: " Cr0Wne11 41
Goods at nnat at. f T XT..-,.- ..
, , .wumcnu s, at me
old Young store.
,u B, MI'wi'a and ask to see
those ?0 suits for men.
A clean 1 towal fr every customer at L
Viereck a barber shop.
Id a cftlm ink au.... . . -, , . -r ,
, , ---.j mn iB uuot. in dry
goods W. F. Read is leader.
If you want to save from 10 to 25 per cent
by your goods of V. p. Kead .
'w68 fr 'lollar ekn
every customer, at mos. Jones
liareainsin general merchandise at M J
Monteith's at the old Young store.
Tbe ch-apest place to buy men's under
wear m tne state 1. .t A B. Mellwain's.
W. F.Iloadcanand nill sell dry goods
cheaper than any liouse in Albany. Call and
sou for yourjelf. '
Goods not sold for less than cost, coods net
given away. But good honest goods sold at
a reasonable profit at W. F. Read's.
J A Archibald, agent Singer Manufaotur
bany 0r0PP0't8 dd Fellow TemP'. AL
The Keeset HoitSE.-After the tie race
Saturday loeween the Keenvm) a-.i...
tZST! P for a
ed. It was won by the Keeney horse.
$20,000 Rewauo. A fl,,. t .
s rnui at, Wie
rostoffice announces that Mrs. Henrietta
euw.iipay S'JO.OOOfor the arrest andde
,r0t B- Tascott, the supposed
murderer of her husband. It pains us to
?he0n;.n:yWeWilliD,'1 P""""' S
TotiieLadies.I have received my
full stock of Fall and Winter millinery.
Have secured the services of Miss Smith,
a Portland trimmer. Will be pleased to
show goods at any time.
IdaM. Brush,
Successor to Mrs. E. J. O'Connor.
Albany Opera House.
Saturday, Oct Oth.
appearance of tbe universal fivoritos
and a nnmnanir nt intaiiimm i
: 1 ' w iiituiiis,vu lauioa suu
Kdntlemen. Producing Marcus Clark's
and InigoTyrrell's great drama of hu
"His Natural Life."
New and Elegant Scenery, Hagnlllceal Cos
tumes, Wondermi Meebanteal t'snlrlv -anees.Ia
Clear and Concise Play,
Pathos and Dumor In Har
monium Blending.
Seat now on sale at Blackman's. Not
the prices.
-A-ND 750,
The amount of delinquent taxes that is
placed in my hands for immediate collection,
is about $28, 000. They run from the year
1883 up to 1S8S. By order of the County
Court I am oompelled to collect the delin
ouent taxes, with mil.. . ...1 n,
1 , . ' . tmiHi. xieaao
make immediate payment and save mileage.
ouu u pm, Uon c come lortnwitn and set
tle their taTea T i, ...
- - yu wd gUUUB
and chattels of such delinquent taxes.
I oars Truly,
John Smallmojj,
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Girl Wanted To do general house
work. Inquire of C. J. Dillion, opposite J.
G. Cherry's foundry, or at Democrat office.
New Goods
' , r ..