DAILY. EVENING ' ' ALBANY DEMOCRAT, VOL. J. ALBANY, OK., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, i888 Ilk Fortmiller. i ' I k.;..,,; NO 109 -FUNERAL DIllKCTOR. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse "Aftor busluon hours call at rosldenoe corner Fifth and liaker streeta. 0YERUN3 TO CALIFORNIA sra Facifla Company's Line. l as bitv.wi Allu-iy iviJ Fnudsci, 35 houn OAMKURSI.l KXPR1UH 1I.IISM IAILI", SuUt.ll 4. DO P. si, I Loavo 8:06 f M Uave 7:40 a M I Arrive P-ntUm! Albany 8aii Kfu'ii(.-n'.'i Arrive 14 ve Worth 10:40 au 7: a n !:;') p h LQ-AL PASMSNJKR TKAIXS b.WLY (uxuupt Sunday). ... , ve v'rtUml Arrive 3: r m ...... , hivwii IjBave I llTMA A u i arrive auirene Utw 0 no a !:IU P LOCAL PAS.HB.VUKK TKA1NH DAILY, Kit It IT Bl'NIHT. i'AO r M f Iuavt S;;rfp m J Arrive I'i'.iA) f h I Leave Arrive A I till iy Lelmiun Albany Arnve i laoave j Arrive Leave I 5:4. a M 6;iXJ a h PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars or AcconimonKtiini ol Seconder la PanNra Kcm, attached la Cxpreui Train. BETWEKX Weill hide 11 v 11 on. POHIXAXU AND COKVALM8, kAiltkain daily (ex pt Sunday.) 0 A M Leave .': e h j Arrive I'urtlatiil Arrive Loave 0:16 f i 1.30 i IXl-RKSS TSAIXM DAILY (CXOjpt 4:50 P m I ":0O i-h Leavo Arri"0 Portland McMlrmvUle Arrive I Lflaye 9:00 A a 6.46 A U At A'dany wl Corv&llls conn act With trmlm ol Orf in i'aciQb Kailroad For full information regarJInj -ate, m&pi, etc., ou Company' Ajfunt. It. KOE1ILKR, MjiUtdf . P. ROGERS, Au't j. r. Ana t. Atr '1E YAQUINA KOUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, Development Company' Stoun ship Lino '225 MILZS SH0J.1 3- 29 HOURS LESS TIE than by e.ny other routo. Firt-c!-n tltrouiiii pa-Munir-jr and freight Una from Portland anil all points m the Willamette vauuy lo aiM trom san rrancisco, Cal. Mamslta River Lina of Steamers. The "Win. M. Hoait The ''N. S, Hunt ley," Tue "Tbreo aistwrn" are In MHrvicp lor botti pa-isotiifer ami freight Lrailiu be tween Cor vail is ami Portland ami imer medinte noiuU. leaving Company' wharf Corvallia, ami Mourx, iluiuiriu A Co's wuarl, os. zou aiU mz iron. St., rori land, three times a wwsk as tullown : KOIU'li HOUiNU, Le.ivo Uorviiiliii, Moil., Wed, mil Frulnj, IolUj A, it. Leave Alluuiv, AlumUy, Wwl. and Kridny, 1:01) Nouiij Arnvo I'ortlaml, liiu., Tim, tuxi Saturday, &;J0 1'. M. SOUTH ItuL'NU. Leave lortland, M.m., Wod. and Frld:iy, 8:00 A.M. U-uve Albany, 1'uu., Tliur. anO Saturday, l:z0 . M. Airive Co-vuii5t Tue., Tliu. and Halurday, :ti 1. 11. UoiU make cloio ounnectiou at Alhauy an trains of tue Oregon PauilLo Kailroaii. TIMBdJHKOULi:. (ext-ojit MumUjs.) I.urve Albany, 1:oj p, jn, .eave Yaquinn, &Ao A,u, Li-rvi (Jvvilit, l:i)p, w. i(Mve (JurvHllid,IO:i a.m. Arrive vutna, p. h I Arrive Aluauy, ll;iO a. (J. O. tmiwa contioiL at Albuv and Corvalliit. The auovo traiiiH oouiieotut Vanning Willi tilt Ut m Devtuomnaut l Couipauy' Llnouf luainitiipi I'oiweeil 1n4u11iMa1ut.-3.tu rraiHisCu. FA'HI HAl r.tASCtac.1. VilUmoiteVilloy, SjU);i.ler in. ntllautt( Valley Hopiomihir Llih. AiIlAiuutle Valley btniterntMr 26ih. 4 MiiUjiutH)r 7lh biiU)iuber luili i ine onipuy ..,nrva .ha rliilil to banno nailing Jtu8 walioiit uotlus. 1.,: u- f4""" ff" Por-Und ana flWilUinetto Vailoy poiuu imii inkrt iiloae l;r)iiuBi!U.u wittt ma iraliis uf t;m Yaouiua fc-outu al Aiumy or Uorvallin, n( li do- . ..,,, mi ! arrautiH to irrivo at Vjqiiiu mo ovuinnn bufurd Uate i sailing a.Aofter anil F.elalit Italot nla Hie Forlnforinttlon .mtly t O J St'JArt. Freight lokol Aeiit, AlkJ.Miy, or to 0 K lluwdll, Jr., U. F. 1. Aire.,, oroKoo Ujvcloimuiit Uo 3)4 MonlKoraory r'riici.oi, Cal, C. . A. tl. F. and I'. Atrent, Ordirotl Paulric It It Co. CorvaltlM, Or, (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) Js now receiving new goods in every line. Old goods iold ont. ' " nm Ko ma tm r mm pa i mm- ,j m&m Everything-Newwith New Price s Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, oansintijg of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, m m m aaa ' HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES pro;OHO Lave i any, with ail '-.b C0-3 a mock HVHi- line ai "ever jroushc t) Al- New Novelties and Latest Styles as they atH uiHi.uthCiuifi!. All woli Lew olJt-B, ale CuutialJy invittd to call and ins tct- slock ani ud Hot Propose Be To Undersold, i -US5S W .F. EEAD. SucessoiJto.N. H. Alltn t o 57 First Street, Albany, Or,' txsneassssisis J. GRADWOHL, Crockery, Gla."s Wars and Hardware OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements Agciit lor Fire aotf Marine Insurance nr. J. V. Culberlson, principal physician and surgeon of the Central Surgical In firmary, of Indianapolis, Indiana, will visit proiessionally, Albany, Or., at the princi pal hotel, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept ii anu 12; hugene, Sept. 13 and n: Salem Sept. S, 9 and 10. All alllicted with any disease of the eye or ear, catarrh, cross eyes, club foot, spinal curvature, piles -..."..n. uncuo, eic.-, can con suit him free of charge. Artificial eyas in certcd. Remember dates. ' Military Bam K Co's. Erandmil: iary oau to be given Sept. 14, av"; be the event of the season for dancers nf ah...... and nei"hborini nlaces. If ately the recipient of an invitation do not i.tii iu .menu. I'arsnn .v Krnv'Gnn.i,..i of Portland, have been eneaued. uhirh i' sures splendid music. The boys are spar ing no pains or expense to make the affair perieci in every detail. Tickets withrmt supper $1.50. Ci.oi'Hixu A large and complete line of gents' clolhir.g and furnishing goods at A. 15. Mclhvain's. In the clnihincr Anmri- ment he has a large line of pants, tegular value, $5, which he will sell durin the coming week tor $2.50. Carpets. Cheaper than yon can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavy three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carnets from 40 cents to 50 cents. Carries a large line of oil cloths, linoleum and window shades. A. B. McIlwai j Boots axi Shoes. Call at A. B. Mc Ilwaln's and see the ladies' kid and pebble goat shoe, for $1.50, former price $2.50. A Democrat man has seen the shoe and can pronounce it a remarkably cheap shoe mi iiici price. For Sale. FUmiture, garden impl- ments, 2 cows, 2 calves, 2 horses, a wagon, hack and hnKK. Knnuireo T ir t ,j southeast of the city at once as cUtomoytQauinJ Look in our con.n- shuw window at the vases we give with oue of the best bakij g powders in the mirket. No luttcrv ehm: yon simply take your choice BliOWNELL & StAXARD. ITELE6RAPII0 KEAVS A Ilia Whrst 8 iifuie. Fargo, Dakota, Sej t. A scheme, the proportions of which at once stamp it as nothing more or less than a gigantic wheat trust possessing almost unlimited money is gradually being brought to light. The plan of this combination Is to purchase as near as possible all the wheat delivered for storage at any elevator on the northern railroads. 1 lie organization is said to com prise some of the heaviest moneved men in Iuluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Brainerd and other smaller towns in Minnesota.Far. go, Grand Forks. la and other points in Dakota. Altogether over thirty capitalists are said to be in the ,. ...u,iuuai amounts ranging from $10,000 to Sl.cco.nrv. The r.r;?. - ' a slight advance on ihe m-.i,.. or future delivery when necessary to se cure the desired purchase. This field of operations is confined to the wheat produc ing regions of the Northwest, and only , giuwchuretPKen. A Ills Fire. San Francisco, Sept. o. A disastrr,,,. fire broke out this afternoon in the sash and doo factory of Day, Iluber & Crocke, n Alain street. The entire fire department of the city was called out and the fire is on ly now under control. The burnt district embraces two whole blocks a hich were en tirely consumed and three blocks which are almost a total loss. The loss at present is estimated at $1,000,000. Cleveland's Utter of Acceptance. St. Louis, Sept. 9. The Republic will say editorially: President Cleveland's letter is by far the strongest campaign document that has yet appeared on either side, one that is bound to have a potent in fluence in determining the pesple's action upon the issues of the campaign, and it is perhaps the ablest letter accepting the presidential nomination thnt k. t 1 in any political annals. Close Call. San Francisco, Sept. 0. As the steam er uregon, OK. BO NAM HO In his new dlcoverr fcr nnn.umntlnn hMJ.J I- Pracf"!? med'eine which is acknowledged by ah ..."t"j i"u. i exceedingly plcasan the taste, perfectly harmles. ami Hiw nnt .ini.an In all caaea of OinaiimiiLifiii. f 'nu.rlia rv.t.1.. u'i. lnirC(iush, Croup, Brrnchills, and pilna in the Chest a Riven universal sallaraotion. lr Bosankoa uirh and I.unSrun la aolil t sn mhm k- 11. uias and Son. ' I im now receivinn nv anruiD ami aummei reas poods. Call early and secure liarea la W. P. Rkad. Social r.in in J. Oii Ion & CoV. H n-i 1 ; at 1 ruttii; Font Lyrn Street. Some Scmmhr Items. Fresh fruit, such as peaches, plums and atermclons, at Browne 1 & Stanard's. It pays toget your groceries at Brownell Stanard's. You get a five cent ticket w ith ever Si's orth of goods boucht at Brownell & Stan. ard's. splr FOB rii.K.i. Itchuitf l'ile aro known liy ni its'-tiro like linxtiicui a very d-sairrcoAlile Helling wnrm. 'I his form as wll ait IIHiid. lileciCi'Lr an.l armliiilr Piles, ylclil at onco to tho upnlication of Hofcatlko'a Pile reinedv. whh:li acta ilirllv o.,.,ti the p.rts affected, nlw rbin the tuinom, allavilliT the incuse Hi'hiinr ami cfrna'lnjr ;i ior"i.ue-t cure w Ai 1 runs The l)r Houiko .M.i:ch, (-0 lio,. fiiohl by Dr. titling and Hon. l.ariuins! Ilurains! t Haiyniiis! ! ! Remember we are closincout our stock f boots and shoes and have vet some very -iralile stvlcs. Come and see lor vour- lves and von will not regret it. Briiwxki.i. - Staxarii. Ncm' felloes ill IlcHd'. 1'ulroi.ize liiutie im Jo- pli s 5-cent eigiui'. ni.kn n ! r . I'ir.t BlROERS AND MOWERS. Farmers, remember that we tlii year have tbe Osborne Steel Frame Binders anil Mowors, the strongest, Ugliest run tiinir, and best made machine in the market, We can give yon Just as good terms as anyone, ami probably a little better ; at any rate oome and hod us be fore you buy. SrBWART it S11X. afternoon there was and exciting'scene on .iiiunguie isoor more passengers. Tbe weather was ouite fmrre ami ihick ,l suddenly those on deck were alarmed on, seeing a large steamer bearing down upon them. The captain sunded the whistle twice to indicate that the Clrpann wna cm. ing to the port side and the signal was re turned by the outgoing vessel, which was afterwards ascertained to be the Humbolt bound for Eureka. At this time the vessels wert not 200 yards apart and the Humbolt passed the Oregon so closely that a rope could easily have been thrown from the de;k of one vessel to the other. The Slinhix Trouble. Rosi.vn, Sept. 9 Affairs in Roslyn are at a complete standstill. No miners are working. The company will remove its mules from the mines lo Ellensburg. The suspension of work is for an indefinite period. .Superintendent Luck man has been superseded by a man named John Ander son. The miners still say they will not ac cept the terms of thecompany already an nounced. A Territorial Convention. Ki.i.ENsm R;, W. T. Sept. 9. The repub lican territorial convention, to be held here next Tuesday, has attracted very large ad vance guards of delegates and politicians. The hotels are already crowded, and al though it is Sunday there is nothing heard on all hands but politics and the settlement of the contest for the nomination for dele gate. The opinion is now that the nomination lies between Allen and Dunbar, but of course if Allen should not be able to. carry the day It is not positive that Dunbar will receive all Allen's strength. Waterloo. For solid enjoyment go to Waterloo, which is now on top Fine lo cality, fishing, liontin and bathing, and splendid accommodations at J. (1. Gross s His prices are reasonable. Horses fed at lowest possible rales. Mr. Gross will meet the 2 o'clock Lebanon 'rain or. Mondays and Saturdays: Cumpers can obtain sup plies at Mr. Gross' store. Novki.tiks. Mi Wnliuin Ki-riuul er has just ruceivnl the rineat line ,if eeni.r tallies tver lintlluht to AlnaiA . Tr-t were iiiaiiu (acted in Do'.roii. ami i.re 10-ve.l 1,1 itcipp, bcingf the laiest at lea for such tald-.. If yea would sea smue'hiug no urnl. r the un call and see these center tables. Pi;.:rnai tho Ctp- 'S.'WW -"-tunil, wreeo: See Thru. Some very line hall trees, or Ihat racks, a con biuatnm titfir, eleinnt in Ideeigr, una in make up. inn Hie thini, re -eiul l-y in. Fuiiniiilei.' 1 I . ,i:rlwl I-. ...1 ...... r . .. . . . .1 r iv. uws.'iie.tj. i'-n rlhtmC "e 'mmoii M.inii end ltmaiuiip DcP'rt- ,,,cn:. H:m.I-i.ih i 1 '.'! i' imy Imie. Calif 1 1 1 mi fi"-l -ii mi- ( f "i nshlp sent free. w""i'i.. Nec'r. a. r. amsthono. iti. BoARiHN(i. - -Mi s. I lout k is now located ust west of Cherry & Parkes foundry. w here she Is prepared Oav Doariiers, to take weekly or