Albany Market. Whent-75c, Oats 25c Butter 3d m per lb. Eggs ISc Hay -9.00. PotstosH .13 nts ,ur hushe!. Beef on foot, 3' jV ..pples J ) cants per bu. 1'orlc j per II .resael. Bacon ham il'ic shoulders, 7i Hittsa lUc. Lard 12jperlb. Vlour 1.25 per bbl. Ohickens 2.50 per doi. Feed bran, 1 1.00 per ton? shorts, 18. middling,,"?. Chor W. ' Conrad Meyer. PSOPKiKTOS OK -STAR BAKERY, ' Cnrusr Braadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN Cauaeil Fruits, Cauiieii .Heats, Glassware, lueciisvrarc, Dried Frill t, Vegetables, Tobuccu, Cigars, Sugar, Splce, Collee. Tea, Etc,, Etc., In fact everything that is kept ia a gan ra! variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for all kinds OF PRODUCE. Linn runty Bank, COWAN', RALSTON & CO., Successor to Cowan d Cuslek.) ALBANY OREGON. TRANSACTS a funeral luuking business. DRYW$I;.!mRPrsm sw YnA R,n Cisco and Portland, Oregon, LOAN MOW E Yon approved security. RECEIVE deports subec. to check. OLt.TIONiflntrartol tolas will receive pro mo ei:u:i. THRESHERS AMD ENGINES. The celobrate.i eauiues. Boni.ratoraW.inrt mills manufactured by Uussell di Co. of Massillon, Ohio, are now soli by in. Tboy are fast taking the lead in tbA auey anu lnrarmoiy tiro saflsfut". . on UTinmr fox. Oregon State Fair ! A. J. RQSS3TER, V. Grafluat8 of Ontario Veterinary College, Iip.-3.w)l to trnt disssvns of all do inestlcan'nuls onsmDtiil) principles. Resideus-j an o:H n f,v dirjent of Opera El-jim. Atbny, MGALISTER & WOODWARD. Homeopathic Piiysicians & Surgeon1" Obstetric, Treatment of Chronic Pis eased ot woman and children a specialty All calls proiuilly attended day and night. CfFice ia IheFlinn Block. J. P. HAIL, Albany, Or., Agent for Columbia Bicycles and Tricvcles. New stock c iSS3 pattern bicycles just received. Bargains in second hand wheels all sizes and pi ices. Call and examine stock or bend for catalogue iiee BROKE. the lumber monopoly. We can furnish to builders and contractors, rough, clear or urisninp LUMBER, - ou short notice. This lumber Is cut from the beHjpeilow fir, rafted from th3 cele brated McKinz.s umber raeious auci manu tortured it Co burg. A.ny quantity cau be lurnistiea at Aioay at low prices, it nols uo re :113a Jitioa as to quality CEDAR POSTS. BOXING LATH, PICKETS andlumbarof all kinds on ouryard con- slant) V. Don't order without seeing or hearing "loin m. We will saj'e yon money. HAMMER BROS.. lbiu Liun Uo Ui First National Bank OF AMiaM, OKEliOX.g ' I'reV.dent L. FUN'N Vice IVwidenl a, K, IDI NO Cashier ...lit.O. fc, UHAMOJ.KLAlX Ate'. Cafiiior JAS. I'. iMWfcLL TS N'3ACT3 A 0 EN E ft A L banking budi:iKs. A JC'OUX TS KEPf subject to heek. SIOHT KXU.'IAN'nB and telegraph k- tranter, sol on ew iortc, Sa:i rnnciucu, uiiicjiifu atu rui Orison. MADEon tivoriblo terms. 0IRKCTOK4,' J. 15 YofXO, G30, E ClUMBSKLAl U K Blaix, L. Klis, WaIjTKR E Tt'RRKLL, FOSHAY t MASON, TlOLlJOii AMD RSrAll . Draggiiitsand booksellers, oat!i for John B. Ahleu's pubtlcatlonH, T.jiua ffdauiui p'oiidtmr'a pnoao wita a j:i;i;eao J.ia. AI.B1XI, OUEUOSI. NotiG3 of Final Sattla.ment, '.'Ntti i n ifti' mvoa r!it tte under - siJiied, a liniuiitiutor uf the estate of 8am- uei T. Harris, deoeaaej, h tiled ii Honl aj'junt with the crk of the count v court tor Litia ouuty, Oieou, aiut tho count v . ccurt ha? tixed tUc HIH Day of HcptmiM-r, t. At tia h.tur of nun o'clock r. M., of said (day to n Jar ohj40tioa to tua timl account it any. acuto ;,ttle kaiU estate. J. If. Peeuy, Ailiniuistratnr. at very low rates. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Pasts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Call for prices at yard on 6th St,, a east of O. dt C. switch. W. W, CROIVDEH. GRAND Excursion East ! VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC R.R. Cheapest rate ever made from the l'acilic Coast to the East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all points in Oregon anu wasu.Dgion lerruory to COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL AM) CHICAGO. Tickets for sale September 3, 4 and 5. Good to return to October Slst. TUE2Sth Annual Slate Fair will be held on the fair grounds near balom commencing on the 1TTII OF SEPTEMBER, And ontlnuing one week. Cash pre miums 10 the amount of $1B,000 Will be awarded for Agricultural, mechanical and stock ex hibits, works of art and fancy work and trials of speed. me premiums onereu nave been in reused in many cases, and new classes have been added. No enlry fee charged In tlivUliina J, K, L, and Q. A nir.frniriccnt Held of horses entered, and thero will bo splendid contests of run ning and trotting each day. 1 ho different transmutation enmpauies will make liberal reduction In fares and relghts. fpecial attention Is called to the tirem urns offered for county exhibits of grains grasses and fruits. Entries will bo received In the Sucre tary's office in fUlpin, beginning six days before tho fair, an 1 on tho fair grounds irom r iiday hplnre mih lair, rersnns do siring to exlilliit huliuii:is.r, K, O, H and H are lequoled to make l!ieir entries on Friday and Satt-ird.iy tiefore tho fair if iHissiblp. All emrie cloo on Mondav. septtmoer 1,111, ui :au p. 111. PRICES CF ADMI33!0H Coupon tii'Uc. fur mou (six days) $2.50 Coupon ticket for women (six days). ..$1,00 i'y ncKei iur men tic, Day ticket lor women 2"c. tickets to t.:e gram! stand at the race track for nmlesover 12 years Ladies to the Kraut stand freo. Those doMrhig to purchase booths will apply to the Secretary, earSeud to the Secretary at Salem for a prt'inuiin 11st. J, T. GRKGCi, Sonretarv, EVERYBODY WONDERS how wo do it ; yet if the world only knew of Inn nrgy, grit and cnterpu have displayed in colli cting ki.cIi niHrtiicvnt riitplny of staple und fancy pluto stock of ito we CV ot,. cciies it would not ba BiiririM.d. W Iikvh tho larijest, finpst and mnat com- ever brought into city, and wo ure goina to sell at prices l'.elow sny tiling ever before ofl'eieil in this place. You may think tliia u rush nesertinn but if o 1 will call and examine the quality of our gor.ds and Get Our Prices C. J. DILLON k CO., you will be convinced that wo havo not over-i siimated ouiMdven. Kcmembcr we arebujinour goodd largely .liitc from hist liandf, tin ruby savin u pioGts of the midiile men, Hud our con.iuhi d cf tw.dy cuh bus I'uabled us to buy our gooila remarkably cher.p, yi-ttn-g ihn l.ei.iut cf .ill discounts ucd re. bates, placing us in a position w ht ie we tun iiicii.fH io ihi-m biul not (licv to 111 'I ncreoy unvays iuiijj mc .tlKjT.KHS TV- and never allowing our hocus 10 gr., v nneit oin and stale wait no , l.: LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETC, pioBts. Ibese are the leasons why we demio your patronage and why we en joy anca a ncaimy iraup. non-o iuu'ru nxnniy 10 our stock. a lull and com plete line ot Crockery and Glass Ware. These foods we bought direct from Eastern factories, thus securing the latest aeBigns at prices way uown. 1 nere gucus nave to tie sein to be appreciated Farmers having produce to sell will at all times lecnivo the ton ot the marke'. for good prodnce, and your patronage is earnestly solicited. These facts xe Join the G. A, ft. special train carrying vregou anu wasiungion 'territory Department to the 22ND NATIONAL ENCAPMENT, G.A.R. which meets in Columhns, September 12th, 1888. This rate is open for everybody. Not necessary to be a G, A. It,' in order to cot this cheap ticket. Parties desiring to do so can have use of free boilhs in tourist sleeping cars, rot further information call on or address A, D. C1JARLTOX, Asst. Gen. Pass, Agt. N. P. R. K., 'o, '1 asl.lngton Ml,, Portland, Or, WILL BROS, Haulers in all the latosl im nrovod Pianos. urai:, aiwmg niacnines, uuns. Also a full line of warranted Razors, ltulctier and rocket Knives, Tim best kind of Sdwing machine oil, needle and extras, for all machines. Ail remurimr ntatlv and reaiouabiy dons. II. .1. MtNTIIORX, I'rjn. S. t'AHIIAIt, VlOJ Pft'l. II. S Cook, S c. 1J. U. MOOKKI TlDA, Tlic'Jregon Laud Company OrHtiizwl ftirthuimrpitio ofbuyliijj nwl oellinjr red ewlatn, advet MHiiijj '.liu Will iniette Valley in all of the IciultiiLf nowsr. ipois of the United States, Kjnplovin Kasttern ai(eut to direct home Bi;ekyrd h the V il'iam ette Valley, ami Iwmo aitentn hi all tho jrincinl towns of Marion, Tolk, Linn, Iknton, Clackaniaa and Vamhltl coiuititR to b'.I in loaning: hnnil?r int-, Oilit-o in the Tito li'iildin- one door west of St-iw- art A Hoy's, General Joh Work, Dressing and Sawing Lumber, Repairing, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of rustic flooring, Factory ut loot of Lyon Street. Sew and Second Hand Sta Owing to tiie increased demands of our I business wo have teen compelled to move I Into a larger store and we can now be I found next door to S. K, Young, whers I ws will be pleased to see cur pitrons. If I you-neei any stoves, furnituro, tinware, crockery, clocks, c:irp'3;s, pictures, fruit ars, trunks, books, rillor spates, sadille-i, , -".ii n,,i. ) uave tue "juintio stock, more feront and n a tides you cm nit do ;oous man any three stuics ut the ku.d ia Albany, and prices that beat theni all neiter tan si i m r r-A-ni ico tutn you . wv candowi:h inn p.irciiaoorexnang5 WOJiTIi LISTENING TO l. GOTTLIEB 123 First Street, Albany, Or, WALLACE & THOMPSON New Wash House. Lee Ciioaman, who lived in this lwu for marjy ycarfc ami wia so woU liked liv evnrv. body has rcturoed and will open up a new wash house the Knit uf September, one door south ot the unvure House. Ja-o dots ffood work and wmtH cv.rryboJy to cet their ashing done by him. JOHN BRICGS, FLOBI8T, A'.BAHY 0R: Roses a Spun alty. C'j noHry lot pUuied and attended o 1 I BINDING TWINE. We start In this, season with fiO.ono fiounds or absolutely pure manilla bind ng twine, which we will soil nt as low a puce as the quality of the g.inds will sd mlt There is very little of the pure In the marker, and a great deal of poor twine is being offered at low prions. We would l e glad to till your outers for the bast nrBirKT .t soi. ALBANY IN3TITUT ALBANY, OREGON.' 1888, 188Q. Find Term Open a rirptt'iubpr IHh. IHS8 A lull eorpa of instrucUirn, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tudy arranged to meet tb' need of all grades of students. Spra'ttl inducements offered to students front abroad. Tuition ranges from 5,50 to 812.50. Board In private fami'iea at low rates. Kooms lor aeil-boarrtlnsr at small exrense. A careful supervision exorcised over stu. dents away from home. Fall term opens September 7th. For circulars and full particulars addross the President. UKV. ELBERT N. OMI1T. Albany, Oregon Fiinu'a new Block-, Allauy,. Oregon Portrdit Photographer. Stunio corner Second and Ferry Streets nearupora House, urounu iioor. Children's pictures a specialty, LBANY, . OREGON XOTICK. My wife. Jenctte F knlly.lhavinit left my bed nd board without any just ause, I here by warn all persons not to trual her on mv accnuat for I will not be respon,b!e for any debt of her contraction. MiiiiAKi. Kei.i.t, Aug 22, 1S38. City Drug Store. A lull Mock o( DRIT.S, TATENT, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND DRUSHES constantly 0n hand. A new and .complete line of SCHOOL BOOKS, TABLETS AND STATIONERY, PENCILS, ETC. - Physicians and Family Prescriptions Carefully Prepared, . , CHOICE DOMESTIC AXD IMPORTED CIGARS. DR. CUISS & SON 4