W-P..l DAILY EVENING ALBANY DEMOCRAT. VOL. I. ALBANY, OR., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1888. NO S)3 Wm. ForH SI FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse sr"After business hours c:ill at rosidenoe corner Fifth and Baker street:). IE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oreson Pacific Railroad jjon Development Company's ship LiDO. Steam- 225 HI J IE S SH9J.TE3. 20 HOURS LESS TIME llian by any otbor routs. First-clans through passingor and freight line from Portland and all points in the Willamotte Valloy to anil from San Francisco, C'al. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Win. M. Hoag," The "N. S, Bent ley," The "Three Sisters" are in service for both passenger anil frolght tnitllo be tween Corvallis and Portland and inter mediate points, leaving Company'! wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs. llulinan it C'o's wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Port land, three times a week as follows : NOUTH I1DUNI). UjavsUorvaulii, Mon., Wed. and Friday, 10:01) A, M. LAav. Albany, Monday, Wed. and Friday. 12:00 Noun , Arrive Portland, Tu., Thu. and Saturday, 1:30 P. II. SOUTH liUUXU. Leave Portland, Hon., Wed. and Friday, 8:00 A, M. Leav. Albany, Tue., Thura. and Saturday, 1:20 p. U. Arriv.Orvallia,Tue., Thu. and Saturday, 4:20 P.M. Boats make close connection at Albany with trains of the Oregon Paollio Railroadf, TIME HOHKDULK, (except Sunday.,) Lerre Albany, 1:00 r. M, Lmv. Corvallis, l:IOr, u. Arrlr. Yaquina, 5:30 r. H. Leav. Yaquina. 6:45 A.M. Leave Corvallis,10:36 a.m. Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. M, O. A C. trains oonneoc at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between Yaquina and San Francisco, HAILING DATES . FROM SAX PRAXCISCO. FROM YAO.UIXA Willamette Valley, August 9th. August 4th Willamette Valley. Aiuust 10th. August 14th n'illaniett. Valley, August 20th. August mth The Company ".joerves the rtghtjto cuange sailing aatea without notice. -N. ii. Passengers from Portland and Willamette Valley points can make close connection with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallis. and it des tined to S.tn Francisco should arrange to arrive at i aquiua the evening uoiore uate oi sailing. asseuger and Fi eight Kates always me Lowest. For Information apply to C J Stuart, Freight and Ticket Agent, Albany, or to C II Hasaell, Jr., O. P. A P. Agt Oregon Development Co,, 304 Montgomery tun rrancMco, ual. fj. fj. suallK, A. O. F. and P. Agent, Oregon Pacific K K Co. Corvallis, Or, qyerum to caufmIsIA; Southern Pasifla GamDany's Line. TiiR tir. s:usu route. i.ti j iijIa'.m.i .viiiaiy ani ait. I-'ruicl:.), S5 hourt OAt.iroa.NU axraaWi P.vilt. (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) Is now receiving new goods in every line. Old goods aold out. 8ou'.li North 4.00 p. ti. i Leava Portland Arrive f 10:40 a H:iHir H I UV0' Albany Lva-re I 7:05 A l 7:40 A M I Arrive San Fiaiu-irxj Leave I 9:'M r M L0"AL pisiaxaita TRMS8 daily (except Sunday). 8:00 "a j Uava" Jutland Arrive 3:45 U:f0m I Luvv Albany Leave I U;S6 A ;4UP Arrlvo Kuircno Leave 9 AO A L03AL PASMIN'OKR TRAIX8 DAILY, KSCBPT 8UMDAT. 3:10 P H I Leav-u 8:r.(Jt H I Arrive i:U0?M I Leave 1:30 .'ii I Arrive Albany Lebanon Albany Lebanon Arrive Leave Arrive Luave Every thing New with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, conniHtiag of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES a stock ever line as ever brought to Al propose to bave as ooni Vvo bany, with alt "in ' ! E ' i . i New Novelties - and Latest Styles and as tbev are manufactured. All old customers and friends of the bullet- and as well Lew ones, are cordiallr IDVitrrl la call and iusi.ect stock an iiice. '' ' ' I uo Hot Propose Re To Undersold. Brownsville. I. F. Venner returned from Prineville last week. Mr. Thatcher and family. of Salem, are Uiting with Mr. Croft. Mr. Krwin and wife, of Silvcrton, spent Sunday here with Mr. lilanchard. Miss Rovia Dodson. of Prineville. is visiting her many friends' In this vicinity. Mr. 1. Taylor who had his thiurh broken last April spent several days in our town last week. He is barely able to cet around by the aid of crutches. ' Messrs. J. II. Waters and W. C. Coolev returned last Tuesday from an extended trip in the mountains. They report having had a good time. Prof. Crawford, ex-Supt. Public Schools of Portland, is in our village. He comes to make his annual visit to his aged par ents, Dr. and Mrs. R. N. Crawford and especially to be in attendance at the cele bration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. L.rawiord, which aitair took place 1 utsday the 21st. Rob't Moore, votingest child of J. M. Moore and Minnie Stanard, youngest child t lion. A. w. stanard, are both sick witn fever. IJoth however are now improving, Sunday, Libbie I lowe, youngest child of M. Howe, fell from some steps leading over a fence and received quite a severe wound, dhe struck her upper hp on a stone causing her jaw-tceth to cut entirely through her cheek, making a gash ot about 5 mines UU IIIC (JUIMUC 01 11. R. N. Curl and family returned Sunday from a sojourn of a month in the Cascades. I hey hrst went to the popular Uelknap springs. Alter tinng of that place they iollowed the Alcnenzie across the moun tains and came back via the Sartiam route stopping at the resorts along this route Last Thursday Messrs. A. Tack Adams, Sam'l P. Barger and Win. Primley left for the mines, while Saturday, Messrs.tr. U Dyson, Hradley and Davis returned tnere from. The two first mentioned eentlemen are old miners recently from Idaho and they give It -as there opinion that there will be a prosperous mining camp in the Blue Ktver district. Prof. G. W. Stayton, Supt. of schools of Crook county arrived from Prineville last Thursday and went on to Portland next dav. Although times are dull out there rifie Prof, expects to have a good school at Prineville again this winter, he being rnn- cipal of the school there. One day last week as vour correspon dent was getting his daily mall, an aged man came in and inquired for the Demo crat. Not having one with me I referred him to the next doer, where I had just left one. He said he would soon can tnere tor it as he wanted to see what it had to say about Cleveland. He said he was sixty -one years old and had always voted the Repub lican ticket : but was going to vote for Cleveland this fall if heiived until the day of election. There are many more Repub licans in this vallev thinking just as this man does and will vote for Cleveland this fall. Our farmers are becoming tired pay ing heavy tribute to our manufacturing monoDoIies and our laboring man is no longer scared by the ci v of free trade for he sees there is already free trade in only thing he has to sell Labor. I TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Wheat Market. San Kb A-cisco,Aug. There is some agitation ingrain circles to-day .owing to a sudden and marked advance in the price of wheat. The market has been strength ened, and prices gradually advancing for several days, and this morning spot wheat in tne marKet readied ai.o per cental. The quotation for spot wheat a week ago was $141 X 33142;$. speculation was brisk tills morning. Buyer '88, wheat opened at $i.t4,and rose at once to $1.65, with lib eral sales from this figure. The advance was gradual till $1.6614 was reached.when there was a slight reaction and the market closed at $1.66. This option sold at $1.57?$ ft'.574 a week ago. At the afternoon session of the call board buyer '68 advanc ed to $i.6S,and closed strong at that figure. The Colored Miners. EI.LEXSUL-RC, W. T., Aug. 21. 'I he col ored miners imported from Illinois by the Northern Pacific Coal Company, to work on the new mine above Roslyn,.are at the mines, ana unuer tne protection of Sulli van's guards. There is considerable feel ing among the miners.but no open hostili ty. How long peace will continue there is no telling. Trouble may occur at any mo ment. A New Mall Route. WASHiNGTox.Aug. 21. Senator Dolph has been notified by the second assistant postmaster-ger.eral that a weekly mail has been established on the route from Silyer Lake to Prineville, and bids advertised for. Also that the service will be increased from once to twice a week on the route from Summer lake to Silver lake from Septem ber 1, 1SS8. Cyr-Ione. Washington, Aug. 21. A cyclone swept across the state this afternoon, about six milts below the city, cutting a path about 200 yards in width, levelling trees, orchards and out buildings, and doing dam age estimated at $150,000. One person Is reported kill id. In this city the buildings of Mablow Bros', Iron works were wrecked in an instant. Huge timbers were wreck ed and tossed about as though they had been straws. A workman employed In the works was killed by flying timbers. the Hoarding. Mrs. Houck Is now located just west of Cherry & Parkes foundry, where she is prepared to take weekly or day boarders. I am now receiving my spring and sutntnei t'ress iiond. Oall early ud swnre Wc n W. F.Read. Suct(-sir to N. H. A Hi 1 it Cor 57 First Street, Albany, Or. GRANt) Excursion East ! i:46 A 6:uo A H 2:4fiFll 2;IWr PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars ur Aecjta n .ulinq 0I 4rrinill'las liira xer. atlurnril 1,1 F.prr. Train.. Weal Side aVivialun. IKrrTKti ruHrLitfo AMD cosvallih. MAibTaaiff daily (axi.ptSuii'lay.) "(Ill buovo P.irtlati.l Arrlvo I 0:15 r a 4.2; t u Arrivo C-irvillts Loqvg 1:30 M lttRK49 ruAtTi daily (oxojpt Sunday. l::,um IJ0 PM Lsav. Arrl -e Portland HoMlnnvlll. Arrive I Lave I 0:00 a M 6.4S A M AtA'Attir and Corvallis catinout with trains ot Oral m 1'aclnt Railroad For toll Inform vtlon reTarJlnf .Yat.l, maps, etc., on Company's Airem. R. KOiHLF.R. . t. ROGERS, iiiwii a ur w J. GRADWOHL, ; Crockery," ' Glass 1 and Hardware OIL AND LE AD. Agricultural Implements Aciit ior Fire Marine Insurance K0HT..E.-!?- pmm n.R. Clionrest rt ever made from the Pacific Coat to thu East. $80 $80 $80 For round trip from all oolntn In Orvgon and wash ngion Territory to COLUMBUS, OHIO, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO. Tickets for sale September.' 3, 4 and 5. Orcd to roturn lo Ocioler 31st. On the Southern Boundary. Miss Amy Smith returned from Junc tion last week. Old Mr. Vo.idram Is recovering from his recent illnesss. We understand that him self and family will move to Albany this fall, In losing them we lose some of our most industrious neighbors. "Bud" Simmonds has been very low with tyyhoid fever, but Is slowly Improving. Miss Bonnie Thompson is visiting friend. ' In this neighborhood. Our made ever school house is becom ing quite an ornament to our district and there is now nothing to interfere with avlng a term of school this fall. Messrs. Vauchan and Phillip! will stait their thresher this morning .other machines have oeen running for more than a week. There is ccmplalning that some of the grain is over npe, the yield is only moder ately good. Mr. Mel Tavlor lost a horse last week, it was driven to Harrisburg and became sick nd went into the river and was drowned before they could get to it with a boat Mrs. S. G. Thompson, of Monroe, was visiting friends here the first of the week. Mr. Fred Deftcnbaclier has jumped a claim Inside of the Willoughy fence on the mountains, his holding it Is very rjouintu'. New embroidery last received at W F Read's 1 11 P. r WAGONS, HACKS AND BJGCIES. We are now irenta at this place for the celebrated wagons, haoKs and buggies made bvFlsh Bros , of Kaoino, Wis., and oan give better goods' and lower prices than ever before. Remember that we want your trade and will mako It an Ob-er-t for yon to come and sea n. KtewsPtASox. Join the O. K. R. e:-.oil -train carrying Oregon ami Wasdiliigiou territory . Department to the 22KD NATIONAL EMCAPMENT, G.A.R 1 which meets In I Dolcmljus, " Septsmbcr 12t.Ii, 1888 JOS. WEBBER'S Barber Shop until he ffflfi Into the Tea nnu li-tfalpil. new Fonhny A .Mwon building Jurt north of No.2' Knin hoes, where old end nttw ou-tomer are 1 .mre i wn un umi ThU r-i. Ih .miMi fur t-vervliony, Jot njct!ftry to heft Q, . k. m order to get this olflp tiokot. artl- rieetrlng to do AiMtihavn uite nf freH leith tn wmiim BlevpiU hhm Por fu ther information en!) uuor addrenn A. !. CHARMS N AMti Ghi Ym. Ant. N. t'. K , F a V.iwrilngtnn -M.. Pir:mid r, jirljaushlln, Prarttral TaiU ring. Sumnritrr aud fall f"iirf and psi tt in any tyle a npciMliiy. ami rfpnirlDg Srnmptly attendtd tt. Main stieit, Albany, Viitp 1:1 i .ted and pliiin pickles at VValics & Thompson's. pjln.iiize lnm. lnnUKiry. Try one o Jtmph's 5-ff.H cikiir'. tint vi hi own run imlcm. Ituhmif I'ilc are kmmn by moisture J, a.iir it.ii product iiif a utv ilnicreaitbie tichii if ftf r et luifwarm. Tliia forin an well m litii.d, Wee ili jT and protru-liiiif Filen yield at once to the apuUcAtion of Dr. Brtsnnko'si Wle ramnl-r, wlii. h act dtrectly upon lh pvrta affected, aberbln(r tht tuoiora, allaying the intense itch in and eflac'inir a permane'-t cure. 60 ee'ite. Add km The I'r Buiko Medicine Co , Itqu 0.-Id by M, A. Miller. DR. BO HAN KO In hla nw (Hioovery frr Consumi-lton, Buwcdetl In prnduciUKa mvd'eine whiuli i acknuwlixlycd by all ui be annl umreluus. It U exi.-ced.nvly plexrant to the taste, purb-vlly huniiUfd, a d drnw not sl-ken In all caiw u( C'tiiMinii'liMii. t'ouhit, ildi. Whmip iitcOouh, Cruup, Itrritubtii-i, ui Vnim in the bent. bm Kveii tmivi i-fal MtMa:t .iiti. lr Ituerko'a Ltijib and Lin 8.iti in nAA ttW umta b A Her. CX'RK FOlt NICK IIEAlA IIK. Do j 00 want a remd ft.r H Uohw-m., lin:plcatn the fact, a d a mr cure f.-r tick lHd-n.-hf, fk M A. Milkr.ihe lH'Ktrt. fur Pr. iJei.til'ii Uv.r Fill 11 v d tr a dMo aatujilm in-e tub b x ir gdu