DAIUY EVENING ALBANY DEMOCRAT, VOL. I. Win. Fortrair, ALBANY, OR., TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1888. NO 80 FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse "Afcor business hour oU at resilience corner Finn ana Jiakor streets. IB 7 (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) Is now receiving new goods in every line. Old goods aold out. YAQULVA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad rfon Development Company's Steam ship Line. ' 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any olhsr routs. irt-olass throug-li pvMoiiKir and freight line from Portland and all points mi mo wiiiamette vuuoy to and from San Francisco, Cal. Willametto River Lino of Steamers. TI,'.e'.WmM- f." The "N. S, Bent ley," The "Three Sisters" are in service Tor both passenger anil freight tralllo be. tween Corvallisand Portland and Inter mediate points, leaving Company'? wharf. Corvallis, anil Messrs. Hulma'n dc Co's wharf, Nos. H00 and 202 Front St., Port land, three tlmos a weak as follows : NOltTH lilll'ND. Leave Corvallis, Mon., Wl. and Friday, lu:m) A, Al. Leave Albany, Monday, Wed, ana Friday, 12:00 Noon Arrive Portland, Tuo., Thu, and Saturday, 6:ao I, Al. SOUTH 1IOUNU. Lsave Portland, Mon., Wed. and Friday, 8:00 A M. Leave Albany, Tuo., Thura. and Saturday, 1:20 n. M Arrive Corvalli., Tue., Thu. and Saturduy, 4:20 1. M ltn.ta mffclfA ftlrtaa nnn.mUn n, ah ab Aiuanv with trains of the Oregon Paoiilo Railroad". TIMK.SCHKDULK, (except Sunday..) Lwve Albany, 1:00 r. M, i Leave Yaqulna, 6:15 a s Leava Corvallii, l:10r, a. Leave Vorvallu,10:3o a m Arrive Yaqulna, b;3 r. . Arrive Albany, 11:10 .'' O.AC, trains oonneot at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaqulna with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between Yaqulna and San Francisco, SAILING DATES . ariusitas. raos has fkajicihw. Km tahl'im.' Willamette Valley. Auiruatuth. Willamette Valley, AiiM loth. nnianuiHevaiiov, Ainust 2lHh. Aujru.t 4th August 14th Allium 24th The Company .ryes the rlghtjlto change sailing dates without notice. oAV, ""engara from Pordanci and Willamette Valley points can make close connect! jn wlthiho trains of the Yaqulna route at. Albany or Corvallis, aud i! des tined to San b rancisoo should arrange to arrive at Yaquiua the evening before date of sailing. aeuer anil K.eim.i j4tc. alrrayaJiue , , Luwcm. Ticket Agent, Albany, or to C II lla jll, Jr., G. F. u S 0"" boveloiiuei.t Oo So. Montipnuery hanrr.na.co.vUl. . ,'. Ua K, CA. O. P. and P. Afrent, Oiwroi. 1'auiitc U It Co. Corvalli Or. QYtrlU.J TJ CUJFJWA ' . -.VIA-, Southern Paoiflj flompany's'lme. he nr. siller i uuitk. 'O I'M i lijt-.,,, Ailuiyau s,. Fi tuoijon, 36 hour) OAUruMU KXPRSM l. 11.18 fpII,T. Vm I'.' ""' '"""'I Arrive io:40 a 1.1'ALl-aHH.aoiHTRAts. twitr (exejpt Sunday). 1"4!.Vii t'ortland Arrivr I 3:4575 sr.Jr iS?. i""" . 1"v I : am .-.I LAV Kii'.-cno ' We I) .00 a u LO0AI , PAHSKSOKii TIIAI.NI) OAlt.y, KKm SDSllAY. J:l r u Lav. AUnF 8: .l r Arm-. Lobanoi, Vif" 1 '"" Albany 1-JOrs Arrive Lluiou Arrivu i o:4:i a a Loave b:int a y Arrive 1 2:41 r m Leave I 2:0U r m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. ... Tourist Sleeping Oars or, ri-Jiii n mnlioii nt ?ti-c,iiii. la Pa.nca Krrj, nlturlii'.l 1 1 KxpreM Train.. . Wl Mlde L'lvlalon. KKriTEEV PUUrLlXH Al CiritfALLIIt, St VlL TRAI.V olt,v (ex eit Suihlay,) . ' a I l"nve I'.irllniid Arrive I 11:1,', r a Wf.f M ArrlfOorvtlll . L.avell:ilo a RtPRRM traik.4 DAibr (exc jp. Sunday. 4:iO p m i i.mbv. . . P.,m.n,i . '.,. , . . " r Arrl -e McMlnnvllle Uve Mii AtAV.wy n-l Corvallii coimoub with trains ot ur in Pacini, Kallroad Forfttll lurormttlon retrdlnif .ritt., nn, .etc., on Oomnany. Aelit. B. KOBIILER, . P. KIH1KR3, MvMgrjr; AM'tO. F. ail P. Ar Everything-New with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, GAPS, t FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERE PrODOSH have as anmr'.'.t . ol.!r pvurv lina ttd U . il t. ... , 1 v . j. uioujii to Al bany, with all ,a , ' V 1 New Novelties and Latest Styles and as th,,) are .n.nuf.ciurH,! All old cusu,Brs and Mends of the hoi.., and a. well new on, are cordiallyj ivited t0 oa and in 8t(Jcb d prices. ' ud Hot Propose Be To Undersold. W .F. HEAD, 57 First Street, Albany, Or! Ho, to the Mountains. The undersienod is prepared to make reuuiar trip with spriiin ImiK from Loo banon to allpnlntaon the V, V. ft C. M t. between Lebanon and Fish IjhIio. Al parties closirinoc to avail themselves i,f this means of roacliing the mountains will call on, or arldrass ths undersigned at Leban on, . Charges reasonable. Ij. K. Brooks, FHAIYCIS' PFEIFFER. PROPHIETOR OF- , Albany, Sodi Works. And Manufacturers.of- CH0I0E CONFEuTIONERY, .. We are now prop tred to Mil at wimU sale, always fresh and pure ' at Portland frlos to dealers, We also keep a full Ins of . "' Nuts and Tropical Fruits. CIGARS AND TOBACCO .Suci'fB vr to N. H. Allrr. Jc ( o RedCrownMills SOM, LANXIXG & CO., PROPR'S. (few rnocKss flour superior or rAMruxs ' ASn BAKHRfl USE, , I'EST STOllAGF VA.CJLITIES. . Ilig-hest Price in Cash fo Wheat FOR SALE. t very low rates. Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, . Sash, Doors and Blinds, Call fur prk-OTa'. yard on Jflth St,. , east of O. dt C switch. W. W, CROWDER. AN KYE OI'EXEIt. A few days since the editor of the Grant County (Minn.iW,nollerI in v. r the county on their choice for president. " .cguiar oanot box was used and each vot er was required to register his name. The u includes eighty-two voters of Scandina vian nationality and thirrv.fiv of u Those who voted comprise all the county and village officers, the full hnorHn ... commissioners and renreiintii. from fourteen of the eighteen township, of the county. Over loonf th tii for Blaine four years ago. . The vote was tasen ana counted in the Dresonrr of al representatives of each of the n.irti The following is the result on president : yicvciana 57:Blank 2 Harrison if. J'ske 20 Total'. ,,7 I The total vote of the countv this vra. will he about eleven times the mmk., polled on this s'.raw ballot. Thin wnuM Ir,. dicate the strenght of the presidential can didates in this countv to be as folio, , Cleveland 62;Kisfce. . . . Harrison .trjGlMai.fornpi-W ', There arc man y conservative Rn,,hi;. cans who are inclined to believe that Cleve land will carrv thp ,mi,. .i n j.,. ,j,.,m.ii uuinit the result of this straw ballot to be an eve opener. Four years aSo Cleveland secur. ed only one vote in this town and 13S in the whole countv. ' Mr. John Fitzgerald, the president of the Irish National League of America, is for tariff reform and low taxes. It is not pres umable that Mr. Fitzgertald owes anything to either the Cobden Club or the London Times. ' iooo. The Willamette Packintr rm pany of this city, want 1000 bushels of ,.. nomy mem at once if y m have them. Hotel Arrivals, Russ HouseA TPerkins,F M Mitch ell, city j E Grig-s. Brownsville : George Gibson : Lee llrnun . c Cleveland ; H Fergnson, Coos Bay ; I R Robert. H VMqv...ai . t xt a a,n-,U.,KinSsl? and wiei Red Bluff, Sylvester, Sodaviile ; E Chick, Portland : "-' oucui , si l. unagetarmer ; Geo Dickinson, J W Hodson, Salem : J Myers, Scio ; DeVVitt Salisbury.E S Lytle, Chico, Cal;AJ Rossiter, Salem. " Revere I Ioise. Alexander Parrish, Lebanon ; Ike Fogel, H Lang, Portland ; LM GlasgowTexas ; I Lamberun, Alaska; S Kline, Morris Milan, G Nathan, Geo P Morrow, S F : J VV Ryder, Ohio ; W H Smith, O P R R ; Dr Jay Tuttle, Astoria ; J II Waite ; O F Barton, Jefferson ; V S McKean ; M M Bean ; George Cutting, Sacramento ; Clias R Moulton, Boston ; ( T Keeny, Grants Pass : Cyrus Clingman, Peoria j Win P Jones.Oakland. See in.port.Dt adv of L another lolun.n. K ltrtiks in Fine mixed ami plain pickles at Wallace & Tiiompwix s. Jloljmjrhlin, Prartiral Tniinrlii:;. Suinmer and fall suits and pants in any stylo a speciality. Cleaning- ami n-psinng promptly atteuriti! tp, Main stieet, All .uv, Oreyon. Uverytl.ing Unght .ml nil,l nt M Frsnk n & Co', second hand siorx, A!li,n,y, Or. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Sheridan's Funeral. that Sheridan's burial will be in the Arlinc. LH1 i0"al cemetcT Saturday. There Wl"be no funeral service here. The foltnwinn mIII.. , ectcd by Gen;S&Xfame: ,, " 7 w-cr ui tne j. A. H In St' Lo 1. : v,cn-J.sePl'ullerton of ,--" ..ciary unaicott, and G. W. Childs. If E-ert, practical watchmaker ami iew lei. No. 1 fresh butter a Kenton's. THRESHERS AND ENSINES. The celebrate.) eftKini, seprnrors and saw mills uisuiilactiirf d b" Kussell A Co. of Mnstlllon, C1I0, are now .nlj hv lis. Ihoy are fat taking tho ed in ihe vauey and liiyarfanly giro Baliffartinn. Stkwaht A .''ox. WANTED. To rent by two experienced farmer WO or 4(W at ret " " ruin a rtn nn iernoni4 atiil scea lumnncn. i'hawimio lernn. Adilrofi O. M Oakrutt, . M7 S Front St.. FortUn.1. Oregon MAGNOLIA (WILLS, . JOHN A. CRAWFORD, Propiretor, "117" LT. furiil'h sacks to farmers and I? receive wheat at Ihe nsnal rates of imajio. The highest market prion paid for same. Best Masnnlla flour always on hand.for sa'e or exohsnge at reasonable rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. The Teachers. San- Francisco, Aug. 6.-The longest passenger train that has left this ct, over the California & Oregon since the opening of the line last winter.startc'd on its way to Portland this mornin". A feature f h. train was six Pullmancars Hllcu , i?n re turning teachers and their friends. There Rev6 TTJ:, ?"e by . 1 ,V.. iiiuotncr Dy A c Stockin. The train will go in two sections north of Marv.vlii r.B l '"O6econs return East via thi i Northern Pa'c g aTte visiting Portland. They are for the most part New Englanders. m0St and leav, Ti,--. m' Veonesday, , mmicaiaieiv lor a trio to lf,rr 7 w,u De aevoted to seeini? tnt ntw nt v a.i . m. f 0 . Y luwna, inursdav afternoon wil be spent in reaching Taci ma. Th(!v w n,. : .l- .? - . villain mere until Satur day morning and then start East After visiting Yellowstone park and other points they will reach Boston on the 24th of Au gust About I2opeople will leaJ. h. JL f ortland, but many other teachers have PoSandthaStheyJWm jin P-ty at WPtgedthenrd the Oregon Hatters. Washington, Aug. 6. Senator Pw, reported, with amendments, the bill appro oriatintr Jforwi tnr . butside'the bar o, the CuS riTePr Ore! f u,u 8 "''"PPraprlatlng $12,000 for alighthouse and fog signal at Patos island, vv. 1, and bills appropriating for lieht houses at Hccla head, Siuslawriver, fSre eon. and HravV horkr.. wr m 6o,ooo, respectively. 1 ne Dm tor the relief of the state of Ore iron for eoutrtnintc ,.t 1 ri 1 j; Y ? . wmuii Kujuiera lor the was of th i .......... adversely. " uccn reponea Advance in Sugar. San Francisco, Auff. 6 Tn.r .n advance of onc-eichth of a Ct?nt In nil trrnHpa of refined sugar Saturday, another advance of one-cight of a cent at 8 o'clock this morning.and a third advance of one-eighth v. win ,u o ciock. urv trranuated is now 7, cents a pound, and the market is very finr. In the afternoon there was another ad vance in siiiar of nn!i,i i.r . 1, ing three-eights of a cent to-day and one half cent since Saturday. Drv granulated now cents a pound. Killed By a First Blow. TrI'CKEK. AU".6. Oscnr I.eminlt L-illi.,1 a negra named Samuel Morris with a'blow of his fist last evening. The killina occur red in a saloon. Morris struck Legauit, who had not malesteti him. I,ei;aii!t struck him with his list squarely on tlie bridge of tlie nose. Pieces of hnnn u-.ri. ilriviM, Into the head, cau.-lng death in one hour. The coroner's jury completely exonerated Le gauit. Morris had served a term in San Uucentin. A Xew Hulrilay. S.urf.mexto, Aug.6 The governor has declared the day in which Calilornia was admitted intothc t'nion a legal holiday, lie will issue a proclamation this week. As admission day, September y, falls on Sun day, he has dcsiguaicd Monday, tlie loth, as the holiday. MCALI3TER Si TOWARD. Homeopathic Physicians S SurgeoLr tlti-tiii. 'I reallnvnt i.f r'l.r,...,.. It... eases nl viiiiaii mid clilidren a specially.. All chIIn rtrotnntlv stti.iiiln.1 .i.t, nUL.1. Office iu the Flinn Block. G. L. BUCK M AN, Successor to E. V. LaugJon. I)ELER IN DRUGS. MEDir.lNFfi SOAPS RniUDe aud evarythtnic kepi In Hrst ci'-s Drug ilore. Also a Huh .ifs-k of niaim. .ml organs. ALBANY. OREHON.