--4h -tmit.tXi , rvt f, VOL. 1. DAILY EVENING ALBANY DEMOCRAT. Win. Fortmiller, ALBANY, OK., MONDAY, AUGUST (I, 1888. NO 79 I ' Mf 3V mm FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse "After buslnen hour call at resk'.once mm aim natter streets. YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad if jo Development Company's Steam uMn r i 225 nHIi.ES SH38Ti?. 20 HOUiflS LESS than by any otli'jr routs. First-nlftq (In- : . - fSSw!!?fro,n V:)rllun,i nd ii points In the Willamette Valley to ami from Nan Willamette River Line of Steamers. ins -iv in. ai. iioaj," The "X S Bent, ley 'The-Turoo Sixers'' are Tn service for both passenger ami freight tralllo bo- I I., it t . roTunna and Inter mediate points, loavlng Comnanv'r wharf. iVr k?' "n'' Mo""- Hiilman Co's i ;, ., Bnu aUiS f"nt St., Port- uuiin a wboK as follow : 7 (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) Is now receiving new goods in every line. Old goods .old out. NO ltTH HOUND. T.Avai!firt-iili Mim uCTi . .. ... : " Lf : -' "u. itu niuiiy, U;(WA. U. Um Allwiiv. Monday, Wed. and Friday, 100 Soon r mu, mi amruy, oiaOF. M, Everything-New with New Prices xiuwer Lnan JUver Offered in Albany, SOUTH UOUNO. Leave rortlaml, Mon., Wed. and Friday, 8:00 A, M. I . .7 '". ww oaiuruay, 1:20 p. M. Arrive Curvalll, Tu.., Tim. and Saturday, :a) Will consisting of hjr licet. urS)vrin",ia" LXl;!C' '7' at a. 't Sat- urday" Chapter' 8- "". 4 Sat evLngP-' atO F-IIa. T.ursday evening0- F" 31 tnelr Wednesday evl. W ,l ",eir ha' Mondv v. UI a. uua'. United Friends of the Pacific, at O F Hall, 1st and 3rd Fridays. DR. Sll HA I.lrt to .he tan'to. perfect;; h. 1Z ?Tl'"?'L A1'"''' f ,'.'-. .SCV'' t-'oi..un.i.,, Coul-1,,. Cold. wi'Z KK PILES. In .arm. Tt.u, fnV .,1 .,, . " ? "er S": Inir .arm. Thi. K-.r?"?"'!.. ,f ""w S'- prulrudi,,,. Pile,, ,lc ; "" - " t! and ianko' I'iU r,.....i.. i"iMon 01 ltn.1. .nolo . . . .. vwj uuiiiieciion at AiDanv '""" me Oregon raoitlo Kailroad. TIMK8JHKUULK. (except Sand..) Lerr. Albany, im r. M, j Leave Yaqalna, e:5a,. - ... r, Lave vorvallu,lU:Ufi A.H. Arrlv. Yaqulna, 6:3U r. a. Arm. Albauy, ll:io a. a, Corvallis. 'lhe above trains connect at 7'V, i"euregon Llevelonineut luiii naani M.n V..n..iD r . 1W11.HUU, SAILING DATES . T.AHKKH. lHI)a . fKAMcmUQ. ,,0, Willamette Valley, Auziuttlth 1 , .TiT Vill.,.ttt yalleV, - AmlMh. aS'i nuiameiie V alley, Aiitfuatsuil,. AnXut J4tb m rr B 1.0. niLuuut notice. miii . -. -.j. a nuiu rortiana and Wlllainptte Valley point can make olo30 conneotl.'rf with mo train of the Yanuina fP" , r' or orv4lli, and It dea- linad to Sin trancmcj ahould arrange to of gailiiig muuveninu oemre date aueaxer ami F.eUJu Kate. a!wiiyaue ruaet Aireul, AJIiany, or to C II tlaell, Jr., O. K. h- if uf '"I'nwi.t Co., 3M M.iiitiimcry v. v. uil.;iv (A fl V .n.l D . . Oreoii IViUc It Rtio. Cur'vallU, O.-. 0iilLViJ fj u'AUrJi.JIA -.VIA-. Soutliera PaciSj Coaipaay's Line. 1 oi Ij:w,m aIjav 'J hi. Ki i.icUi 1, .IS haurj OAOIrUllSIA KXI'KKI. 1i.llJS;i)AII,V. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, MA S. OAP FURNISHING GOODS, BUU I S. SHOES AND GROCERE pronoHS fr hava n. . i bany, with all 2 a oca -r nne . ever .rou?bt tj Al- New Novelties and Latest Styles auil Hi thnv ant n...,,fJn,.,r,.j a m ..i rices. " '" e-11 ".ect wonk ai.d I uo Not Propose Re To Uiidersold. W .F. BEAD, br.H...t..'. ia; ""..0,,". 'M application of th. r V,c"" ' directly upon lntep, lil.i,,:. .'j 2 ' " tumor, allayine the 1 am nmv rn(.ivin n.. ij vpnuo ana aummpi t re., good. Call early and .eeare Larg.7. r. ItKAD. CIRE FOR SICK HEADACHE. TELEGRAPJIIC L'EWS Aa Auirrlraa CeN If. Ottawa, An?. iti,. ..... . . contract for the con ve Z " J U,e loan American firm . rJnc':o wnichmT the L rZX WMhat of Canadian:' ' Krlcfn?0"'- OI the firm ia-K- ir. I trrMns, one day laid? LreCVCd..,hecntract, ,0? nouc?.H .1" and when we an- further than Pu" ct 8ounf ' rUI? 00 "is contract U'hiu ' We wcrc Siven mat-. XVh,le -e really d5 nn en.m7fcg Ut of ".'"e Canadian trov- fact more hbcral tha', to us i ! government ' '"e L t"le,S States Oregon. fuh dt BROKE. toe lumber irnm n.-.iv. VT ,n f...v to bulldnr. .n.i . '.. 9 0811 .furnish or ficUhimr r""lara- na- el"" LUMBER, furnkhld at' a iVr!f- Any l"tlty can be rjDAR POSTS, BOXWC LATH, PICKETS AUil lumhnrrtf nil n- rrAMMERIIBROS., s.iu;h J W r. a. 1 Loavo l',.rtlan.l .lyj."-1 8n y,.ncltt Wv; ijS North Arrive j 10:40 AH Lcavo I 7:05 a a A-ULrAaMxaaaTuitDAiLV (oxeept Sunday) S.IH) A a I Leavo P.rtland l'':illll. I Mm All liMI) r 1 Arrive Ewrene Arm 11:15 r 3 iave 1 ii;3fl a a f-'iave I IIIKlii 57 First Street, Albany, Or. ,-"frtMryt'tfiff""Tiwnnfimmiiii mmnn Ho, (0 tlie Mountains. LOCAL PAgSKyOKH TKMSU DAILY, KXCKPT HU.IAV. a: 11) P M I L'javo 1 a I tun v :f,t) p m Arrive Lvliiiiion 12 'AiP ;'M I'M I laeaVA Arrive Lclnuuu Arrlvo i fAA a 11 Lunve f a U Arrive i 2:4'p m lve 2;(Mph PULLMAh BUFFfT SLEEPtRS. Tourist Sleeping Oars or rtcr tiit a u. it mi HcRjui.nnn Pmici KCM, ntttiRhftl 1 1 IWiireMTrjil.M. Wrvl fililn Ia:vll. rTKfi INurLll AM) CtMtVALLltf, 0 A U M tL tai DAibr (e ,. Strnday.) tr.'V6 Arrive '.irtUid C irvillii Arrivw 1 0:l,i Uv I 1:) XXP.-IH.I9 TllAIMl DAII.T (cXCjp. Sll ld l,V. I:.'iUii i i.a,ci. d. iii TT7 " "." l'.Tr"- At AtK.n. 1 . . . , ............ .... u.-wmo vuumov. wi.n muni 01 (re. in Facia. Kailroad r r full Inform itlon reu-dlng .ratei, ai o, etc on Comjwny'a Ayent.1 B. KOK.1II.KI), . p. tOER1 : An't) P. r. i d P. Ar Th. ntidANliin..! 1. ..... 1 . .. ...... ....u,7 . 1...t..id lu'inaKe rami trln wirl. an.t.. I. . ... t . banon to al In lrit on the V, V. tt C, M v. uuiwinii iitiuaiiou ad'l I'lNO IjaKO. Al parties desiring to avail themselves ,f this means of reaohing the motiutains will call on, or address tut undersigned at Lsbau on, Charges reasonable. L. K. Bltooi.-i, FRANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works. And Manufacturei-6of- CHOICE CONFEuTIONERT. HrA..a.A..n.nn....l ...II u.a . "o'f mu-rw t rill HI Wlltllb .In r.nl. I T . . 1 0oid. ntn r n iitrau nuw uuio b rortlBDa rirtoH to dealers, Wo also keep a full tneof Huts and Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO RedCrownMills ISOM, LANSING & CO., PROPR'S, NEW PROCESS XLOUR SUPERIOR 0R FAMf'.JKS ANT) BAKERS USE. BEST tfTORAGP FACILITIES. Eiphftst Rict, in Cash fo W MILLS, ' JOHN A. CRAWFOED, Propirotor. kaL' r.. .t'oraJ60;1-"'. "-nl i-wof for same. Pr., ,td nRt Mairnnlia Hour oln-ar. on hsi d for sale or i-xcImiil-b hi, ru. :.. ' . 1 Ior c.- mum rntcg. JOHNA.ClUViiORO. FOR SALE. At very low ratiw. Lumber, Shingles, lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. . . waau uii a'AU gui m east of O. A C. awitcd. V. W, CHOWDER. JOS. WEBBER'S Barbrr JSJi Ih now IrwatAf) i.ndi i , "?w 1 :!rh?.v ''"Hding. just n ofNo'sKnglr. bfe, wl.eV old now outomera are in M,f In , , Notice to Contractor's. Notice i. hereby gi,vu tli,t at the next regular term nf th. I'..,,.... . A" n.7...t . I - i "mnip.iu.er( mtllrt fur l.imi ...iiint.. fl... ... . . . . k i. . ,, . v,i,x"n, r.t iifiieiaat the Court linnso in itha city .f Allnv on Wednwlavtha 8th day f Atuaat, 1888, denied tilnna. .iiffiilinfi.n. , V. ' and bid will be reeeiv.-d i.'r l,.,ildi,',a bridge roail about mm h r n..i. . .i. . r ... , . . , . . . r "ini in ivenaaus ir . . j . !! ''" f,'Bt nd j j". ",""J"rl"" Dunning nf a cov ered hnilge aorom ThomeaCnekat the point where th old.briHip- Imnwn a. the DeV.ney bridge atond, raid bridge to Im AO feet loni ; . '' and 16 feet .dei ,h cl.arin,ide. Ail. bid. mint be bled h the Clerk on or before 1 o'clock, P. ni "f lhe abc.ve mentioned day. The bid"'' th ril!nt ,0 ny Dnil. hv ..f tl.. r1.. . .1.:. ... , . t . ' ".vuu (in osn a.y oi July, A. D. 18S8. . E. E. MOXTAOUE, County Clerk. Slieridnn riiiu!. XoN'Qt ITT, Mass A Sign's death nccur",, Previous io a sudJen . .p' m' -naiiirice or heart adure at about 5:3o this evening ,h "c had been no nrcionitr,r.c . ...... the Geneml S""!"." ll,a" u"al, and full sunnlv of J le took a a!ly,and the docto and hi. f'ep ,occaslon hopeful spirits T At o h a"Uy Wereln hcSrt fail J ::.j?A?:3 the mptoms of O'Reilly and r.7.,u y aPPeared and Drs. be doneffl'f"'1 ' esP'.' "hat could condition of comnle c'al 'V. 6ank int0 a at 10:20 breach? e,u"c"iousness,and fc .,,3 rtSt, The Old Cabin. formeYSV,L,'E' A"- S-Thc old "Wn formerly occupied by John W. Mackay of onanza fame when he mined at fi ! this cifvon" 10 '59'has bren broufih' t .i If .tne ay to San Francisco. tv exh hft . t .St.et ,".P the Sierra coun used at the .!.. vf.ker w nich Mackay cabin will . ; I , occupation of the 11. ,. 1 ?lso be '''own. The cabin ha. Allegheny City as an object of Interest. Y. hn Did It ? " Helena, Auj?. c.a m,.i. . milted In Missoula county September! ii7,the victim beimr r,n. r:. ..i.-.u. body subseniionf I,. u.i r . .. the river. A i nanfed DanleT S court held .TM lr". 5r,.n ,.,,.. i r: """ juuge ue vvoit ,,,, " --"iiipiication has arisen orPl -si ie CP"r.t J'' " 1,"'r Rent to o Rr.it vd 'amt-8 C- Henlev,()scco.a. I o k county, Nebraska, and dated July 2S. Th iCo nmu. iion )nfnrin(.dlhe J,, hee, '"urdercrof Cicori;; Gerlr had been catitureil n.. ...i ...... . Ll.r..,i . no wassateiv lv I ',t '".Ja'i V'e Montana authorities me matter. I'rnlt f iv Oivaoii. Sax l"sAi.'i,t , Aug. 5. ..-Carloatl ship ment of fruit from thi cilv to Oregon arc Becoming numerous. A carlcad of grapes and peaches left for Portland last night. K. M. Freneh keepu nulruad time. Wanted. We h CI pay 40 cents per roll for clinic hipping butter. Thompson & Waters. Notice to Farmers. All parties wanting any dishes for hnr. vest can secure great bargains from us, as wc ore closing out this line of goods. Thompson- & Waters. mwm & WJ30WARD. lioiaaopuhic Physicians 6 Surgeons li.l.it i f-.ni i t.tvi.if ,.r fi ... -..! Kiim.il Mi.t .Uii ln,M ,Iw,.ly." nCu "'' y M""",,"1 and Office in the Fiimi Block. Successor toE. IV. Lanh,,. DEALER IN ' DRUGS. Mrnioiurs- C H E M I C A LS, BR J H S. SOAPS, COMBS, ' ALBANY. OKKH0X. J