I ill DAILY EVENING ALBANY DEMOCRAT. VOL. I. ALBANY, OR., SATURDAY, AUGUST 4,1888. Wm. Fortmiller, NO 78 A A & A - -FUNERAL DIRECTOR.- Prompt Att8ntion-Fir3t-clas3 Hsarss ZsVAftar business hours oall at rosldenoe cornar Fifili ami Hiker streets. -v. IE YAQU1NA ROUTE. Oregon Paciflo Railroad gju Davalopm nit Com piny Sloani ship Lino. 225 KI1LE3 SilSflTftS. " LB20 HOURS LESS TIM than by any o'.hor route. Fir-it-olaHs throutrii pjnuuior and freight lino from Portland and nil points liutlio Willamette Valluy to and from San 1 Francisco, Cal. ffillamotts River Lin3 of Steamors. The "Win. M. Hoag," 'J im "N. S, Bent ley," The "Throe Sisters" are in service for both passenger and freight trallio be twoon Corvallisand Portland and inter mediate points, loavinx Coiimanv'r wharf. Uorvallis, and Mors. Jiulina'n A (Jo's wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front St., Port land, threo times a week as follows : NOKl'll HULNU. .caveCorvaliis. Mon.. Wed. and Kridav. 10:UOA. M. Uave Albany, Monday, Wed. ami Friday, 1':0U Noon Arrive Portland, Tuo., Tliu. and Saturday, .6:30 P. 11, SOUTH DOUNO. Leave 1'ortland, Mon., Wod. and Friday, 8:00 A, M, l.eave Alliany, Tuo., Thurs. and Saturday, 1:20 l. M, Arrive Corvallis, Tue., Thu. and Halurduy, 4:20 P. M. Boats make close connection at Albanv vilh trains of the Oregon Paciiio Railroad. TIMK aullEOULK. (oxcciit Sunday.) lOrve Albany, 1:09 P. N, j Leave Yaquina, 6:45 A, u. ,eave Corvallis. l:10p. M. Leave Curvallis.lufi A.M. Arrivo Yaquina, 6:J0 r. M. Arrivo Albany, 11:10 A. M, O. A O. trains connect at Albanv and Corvallis. The above trains oonnootat iaouiua with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between laquina ana in prancisoo, SAILING DATES . fKOX HAS FRANCISCO. KKOll YAO.UIKA Willamotte Valley, August utb. ninaiuuue vaney, August linn. A'lllaiuuttu Valluy, August SflHh. August 4th Au.-mi lull August 24th The Company .corves tbt right to change sailing dates without notice. ' N. it. Passu II IT firs from Por.lanri and Willamette Valley points oin maku olose wnnecmn witu me trains ot the Yaquina ruuia at, iviuiny ur uorvailH, ami it uos liuod to Siu-l'Vanjisaj should arrange to arrive at Vanuiu t tlia ovdnin bjtora date ofsailiug. , assoaier ami 1', r-Ulit itatM nlwarallme Lowest. For Inform ition apply luil J Stuart, Freight and Ticket Auut, Albany, o: to C 11 Uneven, Jr., U. F. 1'. Agl Urogun OoveiulHil'jnl Uo 'SM Moutiromory ., San r'ranmse.1, Cal, c. 41. UOUUIt, A, U. F. and P. Agent, Oregon PauQclt KUu. CorvallM, ur, OVrMJ fJ CAllfmiA -nVia.- Soatiiaru Paoiflo Uompny's Lino. Tiiu .ur. An t.stt itoii r. p. m. Lwivo l'.trtland Arrivo 10: W Ay o.uo v 11 loavo Aib.my . Ljavti 7;U5 a 11 7:0am I Arrivo Hati Fniii'-hco l,onvo ():B0 r M lica:. rAi.iKxci.;.i mxixn vwux (excot Sunday). ii:i)'J a m I Leave "rVrtiana . Arnvu'l a:4p i m iioivo Albany Lwvo Xl;aft a h 'i-iu v m j Arrivo Kuirono IjOhvo j 0 ,"00 a M LOtVL I'ASSKxaKa TILAIXH DAILY, K .TV KIT II USD AT. A III P M I LeAVO Aliuny 3:.'xl p H Arrivo Lolnnuit 12:.VJpm i Leave Albany I : J'J ' m I Arrivo Lubuuuu . Arrivo t ;4;i a M Love J u:u0 a m Arrivo 2:40 p M Luavo 2;UU PilLLMASi SUFFtr SLEEPEHSl Tourist Sleapiag Oars f .Ice jiu n iautio'i l it cnn(l('lni I'hmch fter4, ntIn!iRtl i.i liprcHt rrutim. KKDTEEV I'tHtrLlVI ASO ClXtlVALLlS. m Viu THAI dailt (oxjopt Sunday.) OAV I U: e m Lo:tVO Arrive I'.jrttrtild Unrv tlllri Arrive &.IS ? M l,9ve I 1:;W IV 1 0 1 (Successor to N. H. Alien & Co.) Jla now receiving new goods in every lino. Old goods sold out. Judge Chctter II. Krum, one of the lead ing lawyers of St. Louis, and a life-long re publican, made a speech the other night be fore a democratic club of that city announ cing his purpose to support Cleveland. He says he can not stand the '"ree whisky" platform of the republicans. He believes in cheaper necessaries of life and taxed whiskv. Cburcta Directory XCIMS1 TA4IK4 DAILY (exojp. Sunday. T I Leave Portland Arrive I 9:00 A u I'M r Arrl-e M 'Minnvllle Lave 5.45 a m At Albany n 1 CorvalHs connoot with trains ol wo; in rautub Kaiiruau il.ir full luforuiitijil rerarjlng .ratu, m .pj, ou, "Ion Ooinpany'l Agent, i i , 4 R. KOE1ILKII, . P. KOORR9, Hum r Asi't O. F. and P. A - Everything New, with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, cenaiotiag uf DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, n FURNISHING GOOIXS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROGERE propose f' hava aa o.i'Oi'V"'; v a Htook line at ever ".fought to Al bany, with all b New Novelties and Latest Styles and a. tlu-v aie mnufueiUK.il. All mi custtHiiui's and tiieiids t-f tlie liouee and He well Lew oum, ure uoidiallyj l!ivi-.e, ,u c) ,,,( u,s,ec(, stock t,d itices. I uo Sot Propose Ra To Undersold. . W .F. HEAD, Suctutor. i" 3S. Ii. iiliii- 1 1 57 First Street, Albany, Or ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE , ALBANY, OREGON, 1888, 1889. Fir Term Opens Scptcmbrr lSlli, ISKS A lull corps of instructors, CLASSICAL," SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses of tudy arranned to uia-jt th- need of all grades of students, ," Special inducements offered to ttudeuis ': ' from abroad. : t ;. Tultlou ranges from Jj.50 to &I2,VJ Board in private fauuWea at low rates. Kooms lor solf-boanllng at small ex'ns6. A careful supervision ezercisud over stu dents away from home, fall term opens September 7th. For. circular and full particulars address the President,. lUKV. ILUKKT N. CONUIT. Albany.'Orsg in U. I'.CucitoH. Proachingevory Sabbath, morning and evening by Kev. F G. Ir. vine, D. IX Sabbath School at 2:30 p. u Prayer meeting every VVednessday evening. &VANQBLICAL UncttCH. Preaching on Sab bath at 11.00 A. ,, and 7 P. M. Sabbath School 10:00. Prayer meeting every Wed nesday evening 7:30. 8. E. Davis, pastor. All ar? invited, CouoEEOATiOKALCHPHi:H.-Sorvice8eveiy Sabbath morninv, and evening. Sabbath School at 12:13. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening of each week. Kev. H. V. Kominger, Pastor. M. E. CllrjRl'H.SrilTTH Prft.,if, iw.rv Sabbath morninn- nt 1 I n'plnpk a. M vA 7 o'clock p. m. Snbbath School at 10 o'clock A. M. Prayer meeting Thursday evening' at 7 o'clock. Itev. G. V. Iiound, Pastor. M. E.CllURClI. Preaehin morning an4 evening. Song servico in tho oveniig betoro sermon. Sabbath School at 2:30 p m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day e renins Kbv. JI. ?. WebbpaEtor. Prbsbiieuian Ceurcii. Sirvice every Sabbath morning and evening in Chnrch cor. Broadalbin and Fifth Sts. Sunday School uiiineaiaveiy alter tne morning service, rrayer meeting every Y ednesday evening. Rev E It Pritchard, pastor. Fir-ST Baptist CiitJRCH. Preaching every Street. Sabbath School immediately after morning services. I'rayer meeting eve" Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. " ,. Trnmbell, pastor. Catholic Church.. Service erery Sun- of tho month service at Eugene City. Rev. Lams metayer, Kector. . PftflTPHTlVK TToTafrtl, I r rnn C... 1 oes are held in St. Peters Episcopal Church every alternate Sunday, morning and even ing Stliil.vaAhAnl o.on . l?.:.i-.. evening servioevnn oyery Friday preceding tio Quuunjf service, ah are lovitea 10 ai tend Christian- Ponrth Sibbnth. and evening. S, S. 10 a. m... German At f7nllp.. i.iaimI 9 n m J B. Braun, Pastor. n o m lUTp III Ip aUfOaFilVil'AU Villi J Attorney at Law, Oinco, Odd Fellow's.Temple, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. All business will receivo prompt attention I m now receiving my annuo and summei CrcbS goods. Call early and secure barga ns . ; W. i . HEAD. I IRE FOIt SICK HEADACHE, Uo voa want a remedr for B'llousness. Pironlea on the face, a id a sure cure tir sick headache, ask M A. Miller, the Druggist, tor Dr. Ooi.ni's Liver Pills n.y aiu ur a U030 samples free, lull Dox 25 oents C.J.DILLOi, Wil )'j:s 4f.B,M VUK I'UaEFl OF --FURNITURE, PBOPEIBTOBS Albany Trunk and Dray Co., Nc, 1. U0I1 hit lie 1 wit 1 1'ir.i ml lipit.-h FOSHAY & MASON, VIMSIOM Alls MTA1L- Druggists and Booksellers, s i' Ageuts for John B, Alden's publications, jrbich we sell i( publisher's prices with ;osUgoadJtd, ALBANY, OKKCION. L, W. CLARK, Portrait ' Fiiotographer. Muillo corner Sfoomf and Ferry 8ti-fl'uis near Opera lioiiso.. Ground floor. ; Children's pictures a specialty, LBANY, . . 0REG0". mii IVilLLo, JOHN A. CRAWFOUD, Propirfctor, "STiT. f.L fnrnl-h tacks to fanners and If receive wheat at. ihe usual rates of storage. The highest market price paid for same. Best Masrnolla flour always on liand,for saie or exchange at reasonable rates. JOHN A. CRAWFORD. FllANCIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF Albany Soda Works And Stanufact.urersj.of . CHOICE CONFEuTIONERY, We are how prep irod to pell at wholi. sale, always fresh and pure at Portland firkvs to dealers. We also keep a t't I ' ine of Nuts and Tropical . Fruits. CIGARS AND TOBACCO TELEGRAPHIC MEWS Through f'ri-lKlit. Sax Francisco, Aug. 3.A. N.Towne general manager of the Souther Pacific' t ompany, is reported .-, t.,i . ... - a poor opinion of the prospects for through freight business over the Cniifr.r.,1, . gnt freight budn th.T. w s' slTrZ gonVc too low Jor theTroPh To' to become a comneiiin -n, l V "" make its tariffs in accordancVwith renuir" olb' i'hI-in.testa.te -nce itTo't competitor "SCT 10 btCme Fate of a Blackmailer. Sax Fraxcisco. Aucr. t vi.r.i.i.. manager of a Aveeklv oaher rii,.,i .k n-.. terfnse, entered the private office of ex- . orjames u. Fair in the Nevada bank, buildlna this afternnnn , nlt tnr ho ii , ' ium l"e sena tor he had prepared an article reflecting greatly upon the Senator's private cha act er.and which he said he proposed to p,!b ish in his naoer un nu a' , V. u"sn r,rocl Tl I b"-" -JWJUO lor ltSSUp- prcsMoii. The Senator did tot stop to con sider the proposition, but struck the black mailer a nowerfnl ht j i. , V . . , ,,u KnocKea nun down in a corner. Eisfelder h . ren,,PH'!;'Wl?r,;VOlVer butthe "r resumed the atfnrir t. i . . me i an maoe a he ''PaSSinS 'hrouBh a whfch w..,m-".nJUAn.ber o clerks- "ho also 0;,,,,cu nlm to tne 8treet Thirteen People Darned. New York, Aug. 3.Thirteen people ere burned to death In n !........ aJlen'"" .W B?-ry: this ,. Yu ""re uurnea so bad v hat they w,l probably die, were removed rZ 'f,OSpit2,S- Tne hous ramshackle nffmr hj,t.. ai. .... .li.,. -."uucii in uie miauie ot Kinross. San Francisco. Aur t Th ,u. departure of W. H. Kinross, director of the r irst fresby terian church choir and the al leged connection of Miss Addie Cassidy with the case, is still Ihe engrossing subject or conversation in ri,oi,ij'. . , , . . ""iuu,iiiui exclu sive social circles. Kinross and Miss Cas- iuy wm stood well with the reilgious peo ple in Oak and n.J ..,. . r. i i-vn. uigiuuKcd among the fashionable musical people of Oakland. I hey were also invited to visit chorist gath erings on Nob hill So., i.-raAi t. ed that the clai-'cstine departure of Kin- m n n .1 If!.. i ' . .' u i:SK,av is tne result of an mtimacv that lias caused trouble before thouch knowlerltrp nf this fo... 1 . confined to a few. In Paris. Paris, Aug-. 3. The president of the French Agricultural Society hasmadea re : port regarding losses caused by the recent rains. He says that the hay crop has been destroyed and that the peasants are com pelled to kill their aniinals.bcing unable to feed them. lie also says corn cannot ripen, lA'iaiunaic rouing ano the vintage this year will be inferior. He estimates the loss to agriculture al 500,0001,000 fraucs.and says if the bad weather continues a month longer the crisis will exterd to enormous dimensions. Coming to Oregon. San FRANcisco,Aug. 3. Joe McAiliffe, champion heavyweight pugilist of the coast.nnd several other well known fight ers, leave the city shortly to make a tour of the state nnd"Orcgon. They will give an exhibition here Saturday, August nth, and McAuliffe makes an offer of $100 to any man who will stand up before him for four rounds. JUS. WEBBER'S Barber Shop Is now located.' until he' eels Into nw Koshay A Mason building, Just n of No. 2's Engine house, where old ucw oustoinars are lotien to cell on Jiurc Storms. Chicago, Aug. 3. A storm which pass ed over the city this evening was the sever est of the season. Numerous treesonthe "boulevards were blown down, but no seri ous damage was done in the city proper. In the southwestern subuibs the havoc was greater. A barn at the stock yaids was struck by lightning and set on fire, and 20 horses were burned; loss $150,000. A rumor was afloat that a pleasure yacht had been lost in the lake off Hyde park, but the report could not be verified The LaSalle street tunnel under Chicago filled with water to the depth of six feet. Travel was Impeded un til the water was pumped out. In Lake vie w a boy wan struck by lightning and in stantly killed. Two horse were aho struck by lightning and demolished. F. AI, french kw railroad tune. 4iii rim. ItchMi, Pile re known byniois'ure like ptcspTt. t.m ftrrKhmnkverydiMifrcvtible itching after ftt tintf wftrm. TliU fuitn as wlt m BiiiiU, bleed! Pfg anl iinjtni.linif Pilei jlthlat oiiOm lo the cpviication vt Ur. boHaiiko't. Ml runnly, tii( hact directly upon thf prt uifcctwl, ttbB'TbiriK the tumoni. allayini; th ttitene itthimt nul tffeitnfr ft permaiiert t-ure. 60 cwiu, Address Ihe Ur Uohuiko Medicine Co , Ilqu Ojttold h3 M, A. Uiller.