DAILY EVENING ALBANY DEMOCRAT. VOL. I. ALBANY, OR., THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1888. NO G4 Win, Fortmillei &Co FUNERAL DIREGTOIIS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse -Afior butlnBHH hours call at resilience cornor Fifth and U.ikar streets, THE YAQU1NA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Mroad, Or-ism Djvalop.mnt Otr.piny's Steam ship I.lno. 225 RULES SJIDltTiER. 20 H0U8S LESS TIKIE than by any o'.li.-ir ran to. Pint-alms Mi rU'j!i riminji.- and I'roljrht linn from Portland and all points In tlio WilUm:il Va'.lny to uinl Ironi fcan I-rancisco, tal. ffillamstts F.ivar Lino of Staers. Thn'UVm. M. Ho.if." Tin "X. H. Ilont- ier." Tho "Tlirou .Sisters" aro In service lor both passenger mi'l freight tradit) bo Iwnnn Clurvaliia and Portland and ln'.or- niniliate pointM, leaving Company'' wharf, (lorvnllis. ami Messrs. Ilillinan fc Co's wharf, Nos. 200 and li'Jii Front St., Port land, throe times a weak an follow : Noll i n IKll NU. Ijave CorvalN. Mon., Wod. and Friday, 1U:UJA, 1. Iieave Albany, Monday, Wed. .ncl Friday, Noun Arrive Portland, l'liu., TUu. aud Saturday, 6:30 F. It. SOUTH IIOUNu. i.unva li.trtl.nd. Muti.. Weil, and Fridav. 8:00 A. M Alhanv. Tn... Thuri, and Saturday. l:a) It. M. Arrive Corvalli. Tue.. Thu. and Saturday, 4: Al I. VI. lioats make close connection at Albany with trains oftbeOrogon faclllo Kallroau, TIMK MUIIKUULK. (except Sunday..) Urv. Albany, 1:00 r. , Leave CorvaliK, l:IOr, y. Arrive Yauliia, i-M r. a Leave Yaquina, fl:46 A,M. I,eave uorvalll..lu:3: A.M. Arrive Albany, 11:10 A. a, O. U. trains oonuoot at Albany and Corvallls. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company's Liine or oieauisuips uutwocu x aquina anil san rraucisoo, NAILING DATES . KltOU S S rRAXCISCO. fKO rAUUI.XA Willamette Valley, Willamette Valley, A'illaniette Valley, Willamette Valley. June Snd July 3rd Jul i Isth July 2Mb. June 2Slh. July l:l.h. Juiy 24th, to The Company .oeryes he right change sailinu dates without notice. N. li. Passuiiirers from i'.ir.Umi and Willamotto Va ley uoints cut make dose connecxi.'ii with tha trains of the Vttimlua route at Albany or Uorvalus, antl it uos lined to an b'faujisu ahmild arrange to arrive ut i.iiiiiu.a the uvuiiin ooioro date ol tailing. awutvr anil I'.elgril lisle, always me I.UWI'Xl. F.ir iiiforni iliiiri iv;i:ly to vj J Htu:irl, Freight and Vwin'. Aruiit, AJnuiy, .- to C II Harwell, Jr., O. t A l .V,'l ltfn Dui'otopinci.l i a n .-.I'MU-miery St., rran'.-isco, Cil. 1'. J. Ilvtl f .. 1. F. and 1". A'enl, iirorou l'dcnlc It a Co. u-rvaiu., DtAn gag. mi (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) Is now receiving mw poodB in every lino. Old goods old out. pi.ijj The total cost of the National Republi can Convention, not including what it cost Alcr and .Sherman to hold the Southern vote, lias been footed up, and amounts to $300,000. 1S40 Log cabin and hard cider Chinese wall and free whiskv. tSSS- 8.VK) ::kvai;) Everything- New, with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, consisting uf DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES lly I'. t'nliPii. Will any Republican solve .he following problem for inc ? Why is it that the Repub lican wool buyers who think that Harrison will be elected and that the Mills bill will not pass, and consequently no tariff taken off wool, have been and are now offering less for wool than I am, who believes that Cleveland will be elected and that the re nues of the government will be reduced to a point to meet the just demands of the government onlv r Jnordertosatisfv Your self who pays the least price look around and come to me lat to ascertain my figure. An extra price paid for a few full blooded democratic fleeces for James Ci. Hlaine to spin yarns on this fall when he comes to Oregon, at P. Coiiex. ' S'jcia!.. A tea and chicken pie social i to be given at the M. E. Parsonl;e on Friday evening by the ladies of that church. A general invitation is extended. The so cial bepins at :.v o'clock. Ice cream so cial in the evening. Tea and chicken pie, 15 cents ; ice creamand cake, 15 cents. SfRVEYiti. Mr. K. T. T. Fisher is pre parcel to cio surveying ot all kinds at rca sonablc rates. lie has complete copies of held notes and township plats in the coun tv. Adrcss .Miller a station, l.inn count Or. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A VatT.iout. St. AL-CiUKTiN-E, July iS. A waterspout came in from the ocean and passed over the city, upsitting boats on the river, wreck ing several buildings near the sea-wall and tearing up streets. A small steamer moor ed at the sea-wall was raised thirty feet in the air and tossed upon land. Several row boats suffered the same fate. Fortunatelv no lives were lost. Several drayloads of lish were secured' on the streets after the waterspout had passed. Hop Gowero. L'tica, N Y., July 18. The state hop growers association, in session to-day, de clared themselves political opponents hen ceforth of any man unfriendly to hops, until aim ucvr. ChlRajCPll. Washington, July iS. The United States consul at Victoria, IJ. C., reports to the state department that there has been a renewed influx of Chinese into British Col umbia, arrivals from Mav to July 8 num bering 1854 persons. Most of the immi- rantsare provided with return certificates by the United States custom office, and an on their way to San Francisco. Many of these certificates, he savs. are fraudulent. and the holders have made several atlcm? iu tiuss uic nnc near v ancouver. Dr. M. II. Kllis. physicii'i and surgeon Albany, Oregon. Culls imde in city or country. I am now receiving my sprinti suit nutnmei Cress goods. Call early and secure barga ns W, F. Reap. Patronize home industry. Try one of Joseph's 5-ceot cigar. First of his own make. I propose t bany, with at' have 1 eo-i n swn;!c swrv liim as -vr brought to Al- New Novelties and Latest Styles unti ilivl hi A .CM.-1 as On, ,11c UM. i(..c!i.f I'll All t'l'.i c is ,)iJif r- hi i t'rimiiU oi'tlio hutititt huiI iihj cn stuck UI,(I Sauthopa Pacific Company's Line. rm: til. Hiii-ti xorr:. v. m. I Ln.o r.irt'aii.l Alinny Han K unv.Ufi Arrive Ijf.lVO .North 10:40 All 7:0,'. a M I l:.1iJ P M W-1 a M I I.CHu I JHDPJI J AVO V.wrx 1 Arrive iWlUiul Arrive I .l:4f t H AltAiiy KlltUIK' IjtriaVL I 0 t0 A M IJJCAI. rAHSKVdK.t TtlAIN'S DAILY, BXCFPT RUKHAV. i.W P M I I.IUV0 ::.p m I Arruo I Luavt) Arrivd A 11 wny fit)uiiua AlltHiiy Arnvo Arrive l-cave I iM A M I (f.'M A M I SiiH P m rnrn 9 I'M I w . m I ; PULLMAN BUFFET SI Touri3t Sleeping Oars fur rriiin uuiiiilion ol Srrnil-'las Vmrnr Km. allarlieil I. KMirrss Trull... Vest aide I.lvlslnn. ItSrtTKEN I'OUrtlU ANU ClIUVAll.lS. Do liii! Propose Be To Un Jersoid. W .F. READ, iSC'.'.B'll' 0 X. It. All(.n i Co 57 First Street, Albany, Or. New and Second Hand Store! i n.Viltsais daily (os sept Sunday.) Oak I.S r m Lav. ! ArrUo ijrtlnd Crv illi. Arrlvo LtitiVtf QM r s 1:30 M iinni r:i ixs D ii.T (mo jps Suniliy. C.MJru I "I'SJ r s Loave Arri-e r.irlland MoMinnvlll. Arrive I l):00 A H 1,-uvt-1 t.tb A AUAIbany tn l Corvallls connect with tralin ol 0rr( tn l'.Jint, llailroad For lull luforriitlon rezarJInj rtea, maps, etc., on Ooniaiiy'e Airent. R. KORHLKR, . P. BO? Md.,.t AM't?.;l'. andP.Ar Owing to t "'0 incriasd demands o'our business wo liavo l.oon co.-npellod to move Into a Inrgor stovo and wo can nov bej fouml nxt door to S. K, Young, whr.-ij o, will I. ,ilasod to seo our nitrons. If you need any stove'i, furiiltura, .tlnwt.io, oroekry, clo-.iks, eirpsta, plcturos, jfrnlt n, trunks, hooks, roller skatos. ddle, saws, planes, cto anil a thousand dif ferent and usa a tlo'os you on n.rt do better this -il l nf H in Fivii.!l mo thin you can do with us on a purchase or exohangi, L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First 8trDot,'A!bany,'Or. at very low lalro. Lumber, Shmglos, Latli, Pnsts, . Pickets, Fonco Trimmings, Sash,Door3 and Blinds. t:.iil for prices a'. yr.l oiij'fitti St ax uat of O. A C switch, W. W, CS0WDR. ::t! V t IMLES. Itching I'ilei are k'ww.-iS m UMire like ' nresplra t!on, pruducingf a very dimirreeble Itching after get titiK warm. This form a. well as Ulind, llleedirpan protruding Piles, yield at once to the bpnlication Or. lltwaiiko'g lilu remly, which ncu directly up o ilir p-rts nT'.uted, ah. rbinsr the tumors, allaying fn udeii... iurti ox and effctinir a iierimiiei-t cure, he nf.. Add 'e.-i The llr Ituaukj SlcJicino Cj , II 6U u. aold by M. A, Miller. qua A full line of Dr. Price Cream Baking aod delicious flavoring extracts at V ALLACK & I HOMIUS S. fastest on Kpcoril. Blu alo, July iS. The bay mare Belle Hamlin trotted a trial half mile heat yes terday afternoon, at the Buffalo driving park, in I xi2,a2 x5 gait. This beats the world, Maud S. included. A Sharp Detective. Chicago, July iS. Another sensation was sprung on the defense in the Q dynam ite case to-day. John Wilson, one of the ' prisoners who was arrested with Brocker ick and Bowles as anarchist conspirators, and as a brotherhood engineer, coolly left his seat iu the group, of which Brokerlck and Baucreisen were members,and walked over to the side of the room where the prosecuting attorney sits. Wilson took a chair beside Mr. JJawes, attorney for the Burlington Co., and began to chat in a friendly manner. Then it was developed that Wilson was not an engineer, not a brotherhood man, and not even Wilson. His name is John Milligan, and he is a Pinker ton deteclive.and not only in the case, but it appears that he has had the confidence of all the prisoners and their attorneys. 8U. KOX4X HII In hfon;r tl.Hiiivurv fr Consuniptlun. wiec-fvled In uriM.ucitrif a mclicire which U ackn twUMirwl Itv nti to bo Htniply imvrvdl .m. It id rX tjtfumirl.v pleasant to iim tu-iw, iitti-.tKiilv harnik-hs, a a tloes not fi:ken 111 Hll UU-tM ) '.H,Htltt)li't.l. L'DlUtl, ( lit I el, Wll'Mtp iiiK '"iiirl). Cr.m;, Hrvitctii'.id. an.l Pb'iik ii the Chest, it Iiih 'ivt'ii univers.il eV4,.ifa:ti-(ii. Or ItuKHitkuS ai.J Lmi; .ni is muM it iW twnu by ,U. A Millvr. :-l3 .fli fei W'M- JOS. WEBBER'S Barber Shop Is now located, until ho netslnio tlu new Foshay it Mason building, just north of No.2'a Kngiue house, where old and new outcmers are l iMiofl to call on him JN17ERSITT OF OREGON. , EUGENE CITY. Next tessloll begins on Monday lbs 17th of Mpptemoer, lMttS. ProH scholarship from every county in the Stale, Appiy to your County superintendent. Four courses : classical. Scientific. lihersry and a abort Kngllsh yOUrs. in which there is no Le.thi, Ureek, French or lieriuan. t he Unglish is pro-(liiln,ntly a litisiness Course, For catalogues or oilier lulormailon, addresd J. W. JOUSSON, .'resident. AjlNNVILLE (bUEGE SVlcMinnvili?, Or. Twiyoii:K. i.f yii.lv of lour years each, two if thr-e e'.r. rtr-.i vsnr two yosrs. Cimd rnou -i in Cil 'nlilimr 0:1 lirst ll.ior, a;ij.i ninn l'.- m'h i-.i.iiih, reserv- o,l t.P trmivr ii'ii)!lM. O l SfiCOnti and third fl i'ir f .r y -u u num. H.wding hipnn.c;it in Lamm -n: t.'rresipon done nvi;d K( frvH ii ibicue address T, il. lirouiiMOiI. Porr.r iu sin ii 1 i-orni llB'trilpMrn M'l-'l Chl'di 'iiV .i iur LBANV. utond and Ferry Streets M ;r.,md llo r. liecialiy, 0HEG0N. Poor Mnrksmon. San" Francisco, Julv iS. In a chase after Thos. Murphy this morning, who was discovered burglarizing a house on Jones street, twenty-four shots were fired by po licemen, none of them taking effect. The burglar was finally captured in an alley, where he had secreted himself. Walla W'Ai.LA.July iS.Frank E Hod kin, an inMirance man of Portland, was robbed of $40 at the Simon house Tuesday night. There was another attempt at burgiary early this morning, but the burg lar was pushed out of a second-story win dow by the man whose room he tried to roll. The burglars- are sappoed to be some of the numerous tramps infesting tilts section. Fine ruixiH. and plain tii kles at V ALLACK & TiIOMPOS's. 11 1- tint lU'f'u live in ?le mrktt at Wali.ack A Ti:Oi!iNOS".S. ..t.uiiilh!. 1'r.u'iical T.iiliK'iiis:. .Suinni'-r tti.it fa.l &uit8 and pai.ts in ntiy liruinptly ai ,1 liii 11 tr. Ma Oregon. street, Albauy, Tiitt Orr-n liltcii Purim-r ia nature'a own n m.-iv. m. l cl.uulii b uw to tlio exclunion (f .-ill nsUT nii'tlicinuM iu H dipnucs of th I) 1 yiyt want ft ronvfly f.r l)'ll-muic", Pimpk's un tho facr, u tl 11 ouro nr.: f.ir wick tioulHulie, iw.lt M A. Millir, flic hriefajtur., (..r Hr. oumii'm Livtr I'lUn, uiiiy aid l.tr a ciom iHUiileii tn-f. Uilih -J., ctnt. New embroidery just received at W F llo. ti. i:KST d CrownMills l,.Mvi i.. I'lH'IfS. Ki- I..M S 1 KlllUK "K AIIMW A Xl rt "u- I'Sh. ?tic la Cnah f W In-ill S iliii-'l'Utit fcdv anut-.er colc:t.ti. I. k r .3. F. m?MLl, B A1T3CBE, ALBANY, - - - OREGON. 1 New York, San Francisco and Sell txer.;i Portland. fiuy note, &ia', cnunty ainl c'ty warrant!. He civetlt:Krt.iuuiitjtKi WchwK. Interest altvwiU cm time drjHMitt. Collection will r'm.vrrmnil attention. ' Correal "jndfiK nillclte.!. Kiroamt tiui-iiie liKurainw '1awJ In rclia!.l3 ccm tPf Offlo huiim from 8 a. in. 3 m di.