DAILY EVENING ALBANY DEMOCRAT. VOL. I. ALBANY, OR., WEDNESDAY, JULY 18,1888. NO C3 Wm, Fortmiller & Co,, n FUNEIl.VL DIRECTORS.- Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse $ar Aftor builnnis hour call at rosldenoe corner Fifth and lUkor Htreots. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Pacific Railroad, Orogpn Dsvelopinent Company' Stoauv ulilp Line. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-class through passenger anil freight line from Portland and all pointH In ttie Willamette Valley to and from San Francisco, Cab Willamette River Lina of Steamers. The "Win. M. lloag," The "N. 8, Bent ley," The "Three HUiorV are in service for both passnugor and freight tralllo be tween (Jorvallts and 1'ortland and inter mediate pointH, leaving Company'!' wharf, Corvallls, and Messrs. liutman & Co's wharf, Nos. 200 and 202 Front .St., Port land, three times a week as follow : F. READ, (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) Is now receiving new goods in every line. Old goods aotd out. &5SrcrcRS0N & C0..CC4O2 NORTH IIOUNO. Lmv. Uoryalli. Mem., Weil. ml Friday, 1U:0i)A, II. Leave Albany, Monday, vea. ami many, iz:uu noon Arrive Portland, Tile., Thu, and Saturday, 6:30 P. 11 . SOUTH IIOUNU. Leave Portland, Han., Wed. and Friday, 8:00 A, SI, Leave Albany, Tue., Thura. and Saturday, 1:20 p. XI, Arrive Conralli., Tue., Thu. and Saturday, 4:20 1. M. ltnolB malrAHnaA nnnnntttinn At Alhanv with trains of the Oregon Pacllio Kallroad". TIME He'll BDULK. (except Sunday..) Letv. Albany, 1:00 F. u, Leave uorvailia, i: w r, m . Arrive Yaquina, 6:30 r. m, Leave Yaquina, 0:46 a,M. Leave Uorvalli.,10:35 A,M. Arnv. Albany, 11:10 A M, O. dr. C. trains oonneai at Albany and Corvallls. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company's Line of (steamships between Yaquina anu nan rrancisoo. NAILING DATES . .riUMIIKS, moM SAM KKASCISUO. rKuMVAuuiwa Willamette Valley, June 22nd June 2Hlh. Wlllauielle Valley, July 3rd July L'lih. rVillatnette Valley, July luth July 24lh, Willamelt. Valley. July 2llth. Ivery thing- New, with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, conBistiag of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES The Company -corves ihe right to change Hailiug dates without notice. IN. li. rasiengars from Por.Una ana Willamette Vailey points can make close cjiiDouti.'u with tue trains of the Yaquina route at Albany or uorvaius, anu 11 ues lined to dan Fraucisco should arrange to arrive at lauuiua the evoniug oetora uate oi sailing. assrnger anit l-'.HKlit Kale always tne Lowest. For inform ition a'mlv bj C J Stuart. Freiirht and Ticket Aireut. AJbany, u.- to C II llastvell, Jr., O. F. A I1. AnM urejfon Development Cu 3)4 MoiilKoinery win rraueiecu, uai, j. uuhta, A. O. F. and P. Agent, Orof.ni Pacidc It It Co. Corvalna, Or, propose t" have as etvai ' liany, with all 'he OVEfiLAMJ Til CALIFJMIA Southern Pacific Company's Line. Tin-; nr. aiiisri loi rt. 3bjt.ii.i Al'.uny avi-l dau Finitoiac 35 hour OALiroRXU EXPRKff 11. UN PAILY, W P. m. Leave s:wr a I liuave ":W a M I Arrivo 1'orMaiiiI All)iiiy 8'tll KidllcUtJd Arrive Luave Leave North 10:40 AM 1Mb A H (i::lO f m tiJCAL PASHBNUKR TRAIMS DAILY (OXCOpt SUnd)). S.WkM tevo I ':4Upm Uave :4U PM I Arrive Portland Albany Arnvj tt:4ur Leave I 11.35 a Ijuavu I 0 .flO A lXIAL PAKHK.NURH TRAINS DAILT, KXl'RPT RL'SUAV. P M I l.uavo p h I Arrive ll-MfH I Leave l::w r u Arrive Aliuny Lttlttnuti A Many Letiunoa Arrnu 0:4f A M Leave 6:00 a Arrive i 2;4 P l.ouvo 2;lh p PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Oars ar Afcomtiinnatiuq l HcciiiiiWIim. rn..rn xrn, nllarunl In KviircuTr.tina. VmI Hllle IVSTlalun. I'UttrLtNO AVI 4'0-ltVALLlS M Alb trais DAll.r (ex eit Sunday.) J.1 I Llv Kirtland Arrive I 0:1A r a .tjs Arrive 0irvillia Loave 1:3" KIPRRM TRAISll UAILV (0X0Jlt Sunday: JJ ' leave rortland Arrive I 0:00 a a Arrl -e McMlnnvllle Lave ft.46 A a AlAlbanr an.l Corvallla connect with train. r't"i Hatlfls Kallroad r'orfull Informition reardlnir rate., map., .te. wuiiiaiiy . Ayent. R. KOKHLER. . P. ROQKRS, Manaiar AM'lfl .F. and P.'Art. II AltltlSO.N'S MOMiOI, Sl'PPOKTKIW. Cleveland, July 9. Sam Sing, a Chi nese laundryman,oi No. no Broadway, has applied for citizenship papers,' with the in tcntion.his wife said.of voting for Harrison next November. Sam is a good natured Chinaman of about 35 years of age, and has lived in this country about I Shears. I lis wife, a white woman, is about 10 years his junior. To a reporter Mrs. Sing said that a Chinaman on St. Clair street, a relative named Sing also, obtained citizenship pa pers,and when her husband heard of it he resolved to go and do likewise. Mrs. Sing said that she reads the evening papers, and that when she reads anything which concerns China or Chinamen, she reads it (or rather relates and explains it) to her husband. It was in this way that Sam ascertained that Harrison favors the China men and that Cleveland does not. Mrs. Sing, in answer to questions, said that she was born in Louisville, Ky., and married her husband six years ago at Jefferson ville, Tnd. They have no children. Sam has been in this country eighteen years and has become quite Americanized. He speaks and understands Englbm.does not wear the typical queue nor cork shoes and docs not intend to return to China. He has attend ed Christian services in this country and believes in the Christian religion. While the reporter was talking to Mrs. Sing, gam entered the laundry from the wash room. The reporter briefly explained his visit and said : "How will you vote, Sam,lf you get your papers ?" "I vote the Lcpublican ticket," he smil ingly answered. "You like Harrison.do you ?" "Oh, yes, I like Halison. Him velly good man." "When do you think you will get your naturalization papers ?" "I tink one week from next Klidav." CL'HIOUS FACTS. I a stock evHr line at ever brought to Al- New Novelties and Latest Styles 11 1, J as they are aintiiifaotut'fcii. All "hi Ciidtjiunrrt hm i tYimids of the hou,M and ba- well new one, nio cordially Invitrd to cull and inai eci. tnpl 11 ices Do lot Propose lis To Undersold. W 1. READ, licensor to N. H. Alien it Co 57 First Street, Albany, Or Ke and Second Hand Stare! for sale Owing to tiie Inert-used demands ofj'our business we have teen compelled to inovo Into a larger store and we can now be found next door to 8, E, Young, wheri we will be pleased to see our patron. II you nnod any stoves, furniture, .tinware, orockory, clojks, oarpjts, pictures, Jfrult ara, trunks, books, roller skato. .Addles, saws, planes, etc and a thousand dif ferent and us ft tides yon oso n.-rt do better this sld 1 nt San Praici 100 to til you can do with us on a purchase or exohange, L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First Street,lAlbany,"Or, at very low rates. Lumber, Shingles, 'Lath, Posts, Pickets, Fence Trimmings, Sash, Doors and Blinds. l!all f.ir prices a. yard on6th St,, as cast of O. Jd C switch. W. W, CROWDER. Cadillac, Mich., ha a barber who never talki. He ii deaf and daj-.b, An orange tree in the garde ne of Versailles it 450 years old. It wm planted by Eleanor of Castile in 1416. Another horse hao been fitted with specta cles. It belongs in Erie, and the restoration of its ability to sea distinctly is said to have ii)crer?"d the animal's value more than $100, Tt-e fabric known as Chinese c rasa-o loth is made from the fibre of nettles. The cloth is peculiarly glossy and transparent, and as belting for machinery has double the strength of leather. A Provide o co, II. I., inventor is now test ing ah organ with glass tubes, which, it is claimed, will be much superior to metal, both iti purity and volume of tone, and cheaper in tiie bargain. A wedding took place at St. Paul, Minn., last wets, where the groom was over six fet tall and the britle a little over two feet in height. During the ceremony the girt stood on a chair, her hi ad just reaching 1o the groom's shoulder. The Egyptian petroleum explorations on the Red Sea coast have some time ago been given up. It l sid the government spent in the neighborhood of $730,000 in theno ex ploitations, and has nothing to show in re turn f:tr thin very considerable outlay except worn machinery. Nut ire Notice is hereby given to every man and bov in Linn' county who wants a straw hat, or summer coat and vest. We are closing out these goods, away down below cost. Don't miss this great opportunity. Thompson Wafers." TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Bad Wreck. SoLERANTE,Cal.,July i7.A work train bound north collided with a freight train bound south.bctween this place and Pinda this morning. The collision took place In a sharply rounded cut, and the engineers did not see the other rrain until within a few yards of each other. The engineer and fireman on the freight train jumped and escaped with slight injuries. Engineer Buck of the work train also escaped bv jumping, but Fireman Fish was caught a"s the engines came together. The engines were completely telescoped, and when the workmen went to Fish's assistance they found him fastened under the wreck and enveloped in a cloud of escaping steam. Hcquietly asked the men to shut off the steam. The steam was shut off, but Fisli lay fastened under the wreck several hours, until a physician arrived. The leg had to be amputated before he could be released. The engines and cars arc almost a total wreck. Anarchist Again. CmcAoo, July By bold, timely ac tion, Inspector Bonficld this morning saved the lives of himself and Judges Garry and Grinnell. In a small frame house near Ashland Avenue and Thirtv-third street were found twelve dynamite'bombs, a re volver and knife, and as the owner of the articles stepped to the sidewalk he was ar rested by Bonfield in person and taken to the police station. Twoother arrests were made later. When questioned as to what the prisoners intended to do, Bonficld con fined himself to saying : "There was a conspiracy of long standing end it was about to be put into execution. They intended to use dynamite on Judge Garrv, Judge Grinnell and myself." The chief prisoner is an old-time anarchist, and was promin ent in the schemes of Haymarket times. River anil Harbor Bill. Washington, July 17. The conferrees on the river and harbor bill seem to have reached an impassable barrier, and will probably report a disagreement. The items in dispute are the Portage lake canal, the Beaver river, Penna.,dams,and the Monon gahela, Green and Barran improvement proposition. The house conferrees express a willingness to accept the Senate proposi. tion to purchase the Green and 'Barren property, but held out sturdily against the others. The Teachers. San FRAN-ciscoJuly 17. The Oregon headquarters In the Occidental hotel con tinue to have a very gay appearance. The members of the Oregon delegation are par ticularly energetic and are losing no oppor tunity for advertising the resources of their state. In the hall dividing their two suit es of apartments there have been spread out new pamphlets, books and illustrated circulars describing the resources of Oreg on, character, scenery and such particulars as intending settlers would be anxious to obtain. There has been a steady stream of callers to-day at the headquarters. All visitors are invited to register, and arc supplied with Oregon literatue, and also asked to sam le Oregon fruit, of which there is a more limited supply than the delegation' could wish. Tonsil on Maine. Washington, July 17. Senator Dolph has received an earnest invitation from the republican statecommittee,in Maine to par ticipate in the speaking during the cam paign in that state, which will open Au- ust 15 and close September o. tie has ac cepted, conditionally, and will make some speeches in Maine during the first days of September, if congress adjourns in time or the business of the senate will permit his absence for a lew davs. PatrouiKU home industry. Try one ui Jiiseph's d-cerjt cirj.irr. Ftret of hi. own ni;ike. JOS. WEBBER'S Barber Shop Is now located, until he Rets Into thj new Foshay fc Mason building, just north of No. 2's Engine house, where old and mew customers are lutlied to call on blm IIN1TERSIT7 OF OREGON. I EUGENE CITY. Next .esslun begins on Mnndavthe 17th of heptember, JH88. Free scholarship from every county in tbe State, Apply to your I'Uum.y ouperintenaent. Four courses : Classical, .Scientific I.iiersry and a abort English Course in which there la no Latin, Ureak, French or Uerman. Tim English Is pro-emln.ntlv a Business Course. For catalcgues or otuer luiuruimiorj, aouress J. W.JOHNSON, i-'resident. I am now receiving my spring and suuitnei v'ress good.. Cail early sud Kearo b.-irj-a us V. f . ItKAD. CUHG F0 Pll.ES. tti'htn I'iloiaru known Ur m tls'.nre Ilka ' rmspha Hon, pnNldciiitf a very diaairroealile tii-hing afMjr jcet tinjf warm. 'Mil. form a. well a Ulltid, hlcctlj g an m-olnnlinir Piles. vieW at onco to the aimlleation 0 br. Uotnnkn'a I'll, reminly, which act. directly nr n Lit nrtM atfneUHl. abs rbiusT tho turner, allaying tea Intense Itcliinir ami effoclliitf a nermiii.-t cure. Ml centa. "Aihlruii. The lr Btrtauk , Medicine Co , FK,ua O. Bold by .. A. Jllller, See imtjnrtHiit mlv of auotuer colun.u. I. K BriK,ka in A full lino of frr. Prices Cream link ing and delicti n fUvoiinir extract at Wau.aob & TllOHI- os s lH. IIO HAN-HO in hi. nw .ll.ivry tVr Onn.nrnptlon, .ncc-oiled In - u,iMn. which la ackniiw edifon by ah tohe.inii.lymarvelou. It la .Meedinnly Il,"nt to the laate, rfectly harmle.s, anil doea " .iean ln all . of (..n.umi.lion. fouifh . -". "g !.-., -w it....h i a ami Ialn. HI th. ChCft. 'V.- ..Viv.nal salWaetlon. I)r nonkcV. Stitch ami LunjrSjrup It t.ildstf-0 cents by M A alillur, Fine inixtd and platn pk-kltrn at VVai.glM'E & Thompson s. lit- t'islli utTrr iniltf nifikit bt Wai.lace tk I hosipson h. JtlrLnnzlilhi. Prnrtlral Tnlloing. Sumtii. r and U suits and pai.ts in any style a nifcility. Cleaning und rvninng promptly attendid to. Main street, Albany, Oregon. ' The Oregon Illuml PuriflVr is nature's own reineWy, and should Ire iied to the extension of all other medicines in all direatos of th stomach, liver and btitutyu. CURE FOR SU K II K AI 14 II Do you wi.ni a romnty for B llmunew, Pimi-tea on thu fact", R'ltl in re cure Itt sick hculnehe, ank M. A. Milltr.tlie Diiiuvlirt, for Ur. (Joi.nl Livt-r Pilt, only ftiii tor a duao, Mtnples freo. full box '25 cents. Nw embroidery just received at Re nt' W F ESTRAY G0W. From my resldsnoe in Albany a spotted oow red and white, twelve tear old, a part of her left horn crumbled olT, small sized bell, narrow strap. Will reward anyone for returning her to meat Albany Olsbt Fry, Sr.