DAILY EVENING ALBANY DEMOCRAT. VOL. I. ALBANY, Oil., THURSDAY, JUNE 81, 1888. NO40- Wm. Fortmiller & Co,, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attsntion-First-class Hearsa -Aitor business hours oall at resit'.enee corner Fifth ana IJaker streets. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. Oregon Paciflo Railroad, Orogou Development Company's Btoam Hlilp Lluo. 225 MILES SHORTER 20 HOURS LESS TIME than by any other route. First-class through passnugor and froight line from Portland and all points In the Willamette Valloy to ami from San Francisco, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Hoag," The "N. S, Bent ley," The "Throe Sisters" are In service for both passenger and frelitht tratllo be twoen Corvallis and Portland and Inter mediate points, leaving Company'!' wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs. Hulman ft Co's wuari, r.os. uoo and 202 Front St., Port laud, three times a week as follow : NOKTIl HOUND. Leave Corvallis, Moll., Wod. and Friday, 10:00 A, M. 1 Leave Albany, Monday, Wed. and Friday, 12:011 Noon I Arrive Portland, Tue., Thu, and Saturday, 6:30 P. M . SOUTH IIOUNO. 1 Leave l'ortland. Mon.. Wed. and Friday. S:0OA.M. f Leave Alliariy. Tuo.. Thura. and Saturday. 1:20 n. M. Arrive OonallU, Tu.., Thu. and Saturday, 4:20 KM. Hrtatfl makAnlORA nnnnm'tlnn At Alhanv with trains of tho Oregon Pacllio Railroad". TIME SCHKPULE. (except Sunday..) Leave Albany, 1:09 p. h, Leave Corvallis, 1:17 r. a. . Arrive YaiUiiia, 6:50 r. M Leave Yaqulna, 0:30 a,m. Leave Corvallii,tO:3S a,H. Arrive Albany, 11:16 a. h, " O. C. trains connect at Albany and f Corvallis. The above trains conneutat i Yaqula with the Oregon Development company's Line or Hteamsnips between Yaqulna and .San 1'ranclsco. NAILING HATES . srsAMsas. rauM has raAXclaco. raim tauuiha Willamette Valley, June 22nd June Hath. Willamette Valley, July 3rd July 1.1. Ii. Willamette Valley, July lHlh Juiy Mth, Willamette Valley. July mil. The Company Corves the right to change sailing dates without notice. N. U. Passengers from Portland and Willamette Va.loy points can make olose connection with the trains of the Yaqulna route at Albany or Corvallis, and li des tiu3i to San Francisijo should arrange to arrive at xaquiua tue evening Duture tiate ot SAiliUg. traasengcr anil F, right Hale, always me i Lowrsl. 1 For InformUlon aply to CI J Stuart, Freight and Ticket Aircill, Albany, or to C II llaswell, Jr., U. F. 1. A't Oreiron Development Co,, HM Montgomery San rrancieco, Cal, J. ii. IIOUI.E, A. O. F. and P. Agent, I Oregon PacWu It K Co. Uorvallia, Ur, OVERLAND TO CALIFQ3N1A Southern Paciflo Company's Line, tjik .nr. Hiiisri itoi tk. o iTinw batwmi AltiA'iy and Bar. FrtucUoi, 85 hour oamporxia Rxmens 1..11KS DAI i v Sou'.h i:ur.h 4 ik) p. m. Lttava PortKml Arrtvo I 10:411 A u ii-Mru I Ltfdvtj Alb my Luavo I 7:K A M 7:40 a M I Arrive 8.m Kmiictsco Leave I U:;t0 p M LOCAL PASHRXORIl THAIKH DAILY (VXCOItt SuntUy). 8:0(a M Leave Portia ml Arrive 3:4f p M 1-2:40 pm I Leave Albany Leave lll'Stt A U i:4UPM (Arrive Kilwnt) Leave 1 9 :00 a M LOCAL PAJWRSUKR TRA1XH DAILY, EXUXTT BUM DAY. 8:10 p M I Leav-i) K:M p M I Arrive 1:M)I 1 Leave l :.m c h I Arrive Alhiny Lobatioit Albuiy Lebanon Arnvu I 6:4; a H Leave 5:00 a m Arrive 214 pm Leave i!:Oj p m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. ourlst Slorpliij ar for Accoiumiination of Ser.oiiilt'la.s I'aasenurr., nUiicheil . ti Kxures Trains. West side Ivlvlalon. MAIL tkmi daily (exnpt Sunday.) Ill, F. READ, (Successor to N. H. Allen & Co.) la now iccoiving now goods in every line. Old goods iold out. TKMPKItANCE COLUMN. Edited by Allwny W, C. T, U. The Women's Christian Temperance Union of West Washington Territoiy, held their annual convention at La Cooser the 19th, 20th and 21'h of this month. Everything New,with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered in Albany, Mayor Hewitt, of X. Y. in his message to the Board of Aldermen says ; "A visit to the great charitable institutions maintained by the eity of New York, containing oyer 14,000 persons, will convince the mokt skep tical observer, that the chief canse of crime, sickness, and poverty, which fill these insti tutions with their tenants, U to be found in excessive indulgence in intoxicating drinks.' The first obstacles that we meet in our up ward march are those that are wrapped up in us. They come from what we call, in scien tific language heredity. How are we fioiog to get rid of them. There is but one way we must grow out of them. When we ap peal to a man to overcome the evils inherent jn him, we can appeal only to the manhood he possesses, whether it be much or little. And here is the field for our moral suasion in the temperaaca reform ; tho field for the Gospel minister ; the conscientious teacher ; the faithful father and mother. Before man can reach his highest estate, before he can feel that he is out of the slough ' of drunkenness and standing (irmly on the highway of happinesn. ho must in some way overcome the evil that is in him. If this be so, we, as christian temperance workers must labor with patience and perseverance to root out the evil, remembering that untiring ef fort for the individual, is as much needed as labor for the massec. TELEGEAPPIIIC NEYfS A Hail Koute. Washington, D. C, June JoReore. sentative Hermann presented to the Postmaster-General to day a petition from cltl. zens of Lane county,Oregon,askinEforthe v iiiuu route irom Ulen- tenta, along the Sinslaw river, to Wolf creek, at which point Mr. Hermann asked for the establishment of a postofhee and the appointment of A.T. Condray as post- oonsisliog DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, hats, caps,,;. furnishing goods, Boots, shoes and groceris I propose have as -ny, with nli t.a oonir'.', i. a stock li ,V hi briu New Novelties . and Latest Styles and as they are manufactured. All old customers and friends of the hoiia and as well uw ones, are umdially Invited to call and insi.ecb stock and xice. I Do Hot Propose fie To Undersold. W .F. READ, Siiceiisor lo N. H. A lion it C 57 First Street, Albany, Or: ta I Leave Portland Arrive I r a A', r K I Arrive Cirvtlli. Li)vel:M a hxprrm tk.uh dailt (exajpt Sunday. "0 r M I Leave Portland W ra Arri -e McMinnville Arrive I 9:00 a M Leave 6.I& A M AtAlhmv and Corratlit einnact with train, ol msrejfon ractnc nanroau For full Inform illon regarding ;rato, mipi, ate., on Company's Atfent. P. ROGERS, R. KORHLER, Manager. Asa'tU. K. and P. Ate FOKTIIE LADIES Bargains in Millinery, FINE TRIMMED U B0HSET3, FLOWERS.RIBBONS LACES, PLUMES, SATINS. VELVETS, ETC., At Very Low Figures. These good mustgi, o oome eany and get first choice, MRS.E.J.O'CONXER J, A. WINTER, A rhotogrephf r of experi'nce,ii in Brnwna villa for the summer, aau i v' make photoa iujall i and tyle. First National Bank OP AMtlM. OIIEUO.N. IVesldRiit L. FLIXN Vlco President S, E, VOL NO Cashier ....UtO. K. UUAMBKKLAIN TRANSACTS A OENERALbankinfrbuslrjesa. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and teloirraphie transfer, sold on New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Port! i Oreifon. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable terms. DIRKCTORS. m. E. Yorao, Gro, E CiiAMBRRbani L. E Blaix, l. Flirm, Waltrr E TrRRRUI., The specious plea of the liquor men is that they create a demand for labor, and give work to 600,000 persona. This is the pica of lattnrv-men. camblerf. ODium merchants, publishers of obscene literature, and was the pleaot tneoiil siaye-masiers. it is one urancu of trade against many honorable and useful industries. Were the (900,000,000 annually apsnt for lianor aooliea to the) comforts of life, it would afford employment for 300,000 addi tional persons, whose yearly wages would be $90,000,000, and there would be 8330,000, 000 additional capital demanded, $393,000, 0C0, of new materials requited, which at wholesale would yield to the annual income of our country, $788,000,000. Let our wise men tell the country that our national liquor bill is, year by J ear, three times a m.hcIi as eur people spend for bread, more ti.. n half the amount for clothior, and ii ora than tive times that for boots and shoes. Over against our 142,000 schools of learning ii-n are cnmnelied to Dlace 196.000 drinking places. We are forced to offset 8111,000,000 for education witn uuu,uuu,uw tor rum uu crime ; and 92.000 uleruvmea are opposed by 600,000 persons in tha liquor trade, who are licensed by our government. We could afford to suuport at the rate of 81,000 a year, each of the $(100,000, and we would then have a surplus of $300,000,000. Add to this financial waste that of hie, ot intellect, of love, of home and f heaven, all higher notives, and the inspiration to action is immeasurable At Cost. C. B. Roland & Co.. of mis city, are selling their eLt.re stock nt coit. Thoie wanting bargains should cill earl. .Not Favored. Chicago, June 20. The Oregonians were not as fortunate in securing scats as were the delegates from the neighboring states They were placed in the farthest seats from the presiding officer. Fatal Shooting at Elle nsburj;. Ellensbiro, W.T.June 20. Two men, Pitmun and Stoncfield, had a quarrel this atiernoon on the farm of Dr. Olmstead, near the city, over a bucking colt, when the farmer shot the latter in the stomach, fatal ly wounding him. A Big Storm . Helena, June 20. Repjrts are camine in from varios towns showing that the fircce and destuctive hailstorm which swept oevrDeer Lodge valley on Monday cover ed a very wide extent of territory. The damage in the section adjacent to Sun river was serious, and especially to crops. Hailstones an Inch in diameter were quick ly piled two or three inches deep, and where there was an obstruction thev lav even deeper. Cattle were driven by the pelting stones and ran bellowing over the plains. Off to the west it appeard as though sheets of ice were falling. Floods In Mexico. Mexico, June 20. There is a flood at Silao, on the line of the Mexican Central. Over 3o houses have fallen and many lives have been lost. There are serious freshets on the railway between Queretero and Leon. : Two forty foot spans were washed out near Trapmato. The branch from Silao to Guanajarato is cut In two places. There is high water on the branch to Guadalajara. The weather is still threat ening.and the prospect of an immediate re sumption of through business is not prom ising. Everything possible Is being done. San Francisco, June 20. During the past five years the Western Union system on the Pacific Coast has been more than doubled, and General Superintendent Jaynes says the next five years will doubt less see an increase fully as great. Thous ands of dollars are being spent eyery week by the company to make the service equal to the growing demands. New lines are now being built from this city to Portland, and from here to Los Angele,by the coast route, mere Is now a two-wire line to Portland, but the svtem will be doubled, and three wireswillbestrung.it is thought, Deiore tne next winter season Begins. JOS. WEBBER'S Barber Shop Is now located, until hn Kelaln o thi new Foshav A Mason building, just north of No. 2's Engine Housp, wlmrn old and ne w ctibicmns are inuten to call on linn RedCrownMills ISOJI, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. NEW PKOCRSS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAM1MKS AND BAKERS DSC BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. ; Highest Price in Cash fo . , , Wheat V ' V LBANYiOR. i BROKE. umber mon ipr.iy. Wo nan fui lilders and oon:r4ntor.i, r.gh. 1 fishing LUMBER, on short notlof. This Itimlwr is out from the hot. yellow fir, raltflj irom mo cele brated MoKinzle timber regions and manu factured it Cobnrg. Any quantity can be furnished at AlbaHy at low prices. It needs no recoramwdatiou as to quality CEDAR POSTS. BOXING LATH, PICKETS and Iii'uburof all kin N on our yard con stantly D i'i'i urdnr without anewg. or hearing lrm us. Wm will saye you '""ey' HAMMER BROS. Alb my Linn Co,. O. FOSHAY & MASON, , . . VtM.lLliS ard asrall- Druggists and Bookseller; Agents for John B. Alden'fl publications, blob wo sell at publiiher'a . ?r!oi with aostagead Jed. .1 v v.. ' r ' ALBANY, OREGON. DIt. ItO SAN HO In his n?w diicoverv fi r Consumption, succeeded in priKluciuir a medicine which is acknowledged by all to lie .imply niarveloun. It la exceedingly pleasant tn the tatte, jicrfcctly harmlena, ad doe. not .icken In all cases of Cunsumitlbm. Coui;bf. Colds, Whoop lug-Coujrh, Croup, Hrenchiils, and Ialn. in tbo Chest, 1. na. friven untvt-rtai anu.in..'iioii. it nosanaoe Oiiuuh and Luni S,rup U sold at M cent, by M. A. Miller, (i re roil iixes. Itching I'ilo are known by niois'ure Hko prcsplra tlon, prmliiciinr a very d'snirroeable itclilnir after irt-t tinir warm. Tllis form as well a. i'.lind, lileeillrgan prutrtl.linir Piles yield at once lo thj application o llr. llnMiiko's Pile remedy, which acta directly llion the psrls nlft-ted, aim .rbinjr the tUTi.ir. a'l.iyinir the Int-nse itching and tflcc'lni; a nermsne'-t cure. fd cents. Aitilren The lr U.aliko Medicine Co , Piqua, O. Sold bv M, A. M.llcr. W. MCLAUGHLIN. rashinimbte Tailor. Nc bby suits t.nd pants, cut and mad to order, from the latest line of tamplcs, direct from 'Frisco, a speciality. Cleaning ard repairing promptly done. Main Street, Albany, Oregon For Sale. One new set harness. Inquire at the Russ Hpusc. ' J. II. Howard. Wells Di g. Wells dug on reasonabl terms. Call on the undersigned or at t 111 office. E. B. Davidson Linn ' unty Bank, , COWAN, RALSTON & CO., , . (MicceMorv to Cowan A Ciulck.) - ALBANY - ' - OREGON. TRANSACTS ft grmiorml banking bunlneM. DRAW8IOHT DltKT3li Nuw Vrk. ttah Fro dco aviid Hortluiiii, Oretfuti. LOAN MOtSEY uu tiiruTe(1 ei-urliy. RECEIVE de)KflU tuhjeo to oh-cK. COtXECTIONS vntruitrd U Uf will rvcalvt pruniw vntUrti. " t. t; ff -T- -jr."