Daily evening Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-1888, June 05, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    Daily Democrat
Tuesday Evening, Juno 5, 1888.
BTITIvS .t NilTrillU. Keillors ami rubllahera.
PuMbliixl evory day I" Ilia wrote.
(Huiidtys excepted.)
Dullvorod liy eiarlor per wook I .16
lly until, or ytmr .j
Uy mill, Mir inuliUi &u
One year, In advance $2.00
Unayuur,at end ul year 'W
Hit liiulitlw, 111 advanuu 1-W
EnteroJ nl the I'wt OlUat Albany, Or
au ueconil-cUws mail matter.
Muon fruit jars at F. L. Kenton's.
Or J VV Harris, of F.uione City, is in the
1 he Sisters etiturtaiuincnts are always en
No. l's will hold their annual election of
officers to-night.
Mr, Canterberry. of Teias, a relative of
Judge Strahau, is in the city.
Dr. O'Toole a reported rnnch worse, and
probaoly cannot live long.
Gen. Sheridan grew muoh werte last even
ing, and came near dying,
Mrs. Burmeater and children, of Halt
Lake City, are in the oity the guests of Mrs.
Burmostor's aiat.r in-law, Mrs. Houok.
613 votes were cast in the two Albany's
yesterday, 134 more than two years ago. It
speaks lor itself
F. L. Kenton keeps seven varieties of fine
roast enffoe any of which he is pleased to
grind for customers without extra charge.
Win. Uiohards, arrived in Albany a dt-y or
Attkmi-t to Hhkak J aii., Saturday,
three prisoners in the county jail, who
were In the corridor, where they were al
lowed to remain during Hie day, attempted
to break jail, by sawing the bars off In the
front door of the corridor. They succeed
ed In getting erne bar completely off.whleh
was more than, they intended, and had
stuck It nn nrraln with tallow, when the
l,lilant pve of Sheriff Smith discovered
the trick, and they were all placed in their I
cells for safe keeping. Morgan, thelloff-1
man il Ffeiller tuiet ; Hie man wno at
tempted to burglurize Llvlngtone's house,
and the man who robbed the loggers camp
near Jefferson were the ones interested in
the affair. The two half-breedt had noth
ing to do with it.
The Rock Crkkk Akfaik. A gentle
man from Rock Creek says the man or
men who shot at Chas. Thomas arc not
and probably will not be known. It is claim
ed that there is an organized vigMaiits
'l committee, consisting of five to twenty
,;. men, who propose to protect their homes,
l which he claims have been threatened by
the Thomas Brothers. 1 le says strong state
ments have been madc,rnd serious trouble
' is feared. A number of arrests will prob
. ably be made, at least are threatened.
fi Mouf. CoLUMHiAs. Yesterday, Z. II.
Rudd, of Peoria, was in town and took
- home with lilin a new 52 inch Columbia
light roadster bicycle, which he bought of
j P, Hail, the Columbia agent at Albany
. Zone believes, like the majority of riders,
' that the best is always the cheapest, and
conseuuentlv rides a Columbia. Mr. Hail
also reports selling another Columbia to
Charlie Parks, of this city.
I "Clbm." You all remember "Clem,"
. Clement, Mr. Clement. Along in 18S0,
efore and after he sang bass, in Albany,
.'and was a good fellow generally, and as
, poor as a door mouse. He went to Taco
i ma, embarked In the real estate business
f and invested some bin self, a short time
$ ago he sold out for the neat sum of
000, and hence Is now a rich man, which
y serves him just right. There are many In
i Albany vho will rejoice at "Clem's" de
1 servedly good fortune.
Election CioAits. Probably as useless
X an Institution as there is in the world is
"' the box of election cigars. Yesterday a box
went off in a few minutes,mostly to Benlon
county voters, and In one case one mnn
alone ina few minutei succeeded in cap-
t turing fourteen. This is simply a sample
''.of the way the tiling goes.
Resigned. Rev. Roniinger, the able
' pastorofthe Congregational Church, last
Sabbath handed in his resignation, to take
effect by the 1st of September, or sooner In
Case the pulpit shall be supplied. Key.
Rominger making this move on account of
having been offered the pastorate of the
Congregational Church of East Portland
under very favorable circumstances.
' An Effort. There seems to be a com
bined effort among the transcontinental
'Jinesto prevent the completion of the Ore
,'gon Pacific through to Boise City. The
" late act of the Southern Pacific p-ovld'ng
that all freight delivered to that road must
. be paid before being turned over to Ihe O.
1 P. is one of the pieces In the program to
. j injure the road,
'i Paymaster. Monday morning Pay
. I master Hogue of the Oregon Pacific, was
,4 in the city and made the attachecs of the
f road happy by paying for two months la
jj bor, leaving only n small amount due.
I The road is just about as prompt as any
H of the Oregon R. R's.
J ' While Pic king Cherries. Yesterday
i while picking cherries, this side of Millers,
i the iS year old son of E. T. T. Fisher, fell
I nut of a tree to the ground, breaking his
i right arm. Dr, Wallace was.sent for and
;jj attended him.
Si-miEN Death This morning, Mr.
i5 I Fanning.a pioneer and old lind respected
' citizen of I. inn county, had sat down to
'Ml lirnnL-f... K.l . .. ,.C
I coffee when lie fell over, dying instantly.
Lightning. The lighting last week
. J struck a fence post in the yard of Mr. Ry
t'j an, at Tangent, completely shattering It.
i It is a very rare occurrence for lightning
: I to strike in Oregon.
Tournaments. It Is fully decided that
the regular State tournament will be held
at Seattle. Portland, though will hold a
special tournament.
j At Cost. C. B. Roland St Co.. of this
I city, are selling their ontire stook at cost.
iuuii wanting oargaws snouia cauearry.
two ago from Crook county, sad will remain
about two months, when. he will be accom
panied home by his father.
A cordial invitation is extended to tho
pahlio to call ard examine the goods and
prices at F. L. Kenton's store near tha post
ollio One hundred boxes of premium Savon
map received by F. L. Kenton direct from
the factory. This reap is A. No. 1, and will
be sold at $1 per box.
List Saturday Mr. Skaar bought a nine
acre tract on Dr. Maaton a Wavarly fruit
farm, which he will improve, decorate with
a bouse and make his home.
A Democrat man laat night witnessed an
alectriu motor do its first buzzing in tba job
office of J II Burkhart. It is a fine machine.
ami when regulated will no deubt tto geod
Crops are looking fine in this part. Pros
pects are good for a good yield.
Mr. R. N. Thompson s baby,! still alive,
The fruit crop promises a very large
yield In this part.
In one more week the public school of
North Brownsville will close for a time.
Mr, fo Morris, of Scio, was in town one
day last week, like to come quite otten for
somecausc to sec Her.
Mr. Robert Cochi an health has been
uite poor for some time, but is now im-roving.
Mrs. W. T. Cochran lias gone to the
Soda Springs to benefit her health. Hope
that she may recover.
Mrs. W. O. Washburn started for San
Francisco accompanied by her husband for
medical aid.
We have had a heavy fall of rain in the
last day or two.
The election of officers of Callapooia
Lodge No. 43, I. O. O. F. : N. G, A. L.
Kirk ; O G, Mut Farley ; Secretary, J
Foster ; Treasurer, W R Kirk. Donated
to the Orphan's Home, $00.00.
Brownsville peope turned ort quite live
for the Ceburir picnic for the day being
bad. They reported a fine time, a few
runks seemed to be about.
South Brownsvi'le school will next be
taught by Mr. Boyer.
Mr. James II. Washburn and son we are
told have a fine lot of thoroughbred short
horned cattle.
Klrrtlon Notes
The entire Republican ticket was elected
in Multnomah county.
Hermann is probably elected by about 2CCC
Polk county ia reported to have given R:
publican n'ajoritiea, likewise Lane fcounty.
In the latter county, though Mickey is prob
ably elected .
II II Hewitt ia elected Prosecuting At
toraey of the Third district by about five
hundred majority. .
All together it was the closest election in
the history of Linn county.
The election yesterday wai as uncommon'
lv quiet one, remarkably good feeling pre'
yailing.. ine saloons in Aioany weraeiosed
tut there was no trouble to get all the
whiskey one wante
Juatices and Constables. Peter Hume
was elected Justice of the Peace in Browns
Tills and U V Standiah, ConaUble. The vote
in hast Albany was Geo H Humphrey, 2a0
Huston, 20. C(i liurkhait. 240 ; Conn,
217. In West Albany J J Beard received
137 for Juatioo and M E Brink, 153 ; for
Constable, A W Moies, 139 ; F M Westfall
153 J W Ellison was elected Justice
Shedd and lavid Crews Constable, Leban
on, Dr J H P Hope, Justice ; P McKnight,
Citnstublo. Halsey, V J Stewart, Justice
J U Bone, Const .hie. Waterloo. J 3 Ire
land, Justice ; It D Kluui, Constable,
Ou our editor I pa?e we give a tabulted
statement of the vote of Linn oounty
ucarly correet r- we could get it in the rush
of tho day. A we so to press Fox Valley is
to hear from. The indications is that the
whole Democratic t'eket is elected by aboat
there majorities .- Representatives. 300 ;
W hitney, for County Judge, 10 to 20 ; E E
Monta 'ue for Clerk, 75 : E E Davis, H;
corder, SO ; John Sinallman, Sheriff, GO, an
the remainder in majorities of 50 to 300.
To-morrow we will be able to Live the totals
with inajoriti-s.
St, lxiais Convention.
Convention was called to order by
Chairman Uarnum. Bishop dranberry de
nverlng the Invocation.
Convenlion selected Lieut. Gov. White.
of Col. temporary chairman.
Henry tyTaterson was named member o
committee on resolutions amid applause
Rcsolutionndoptcd ordering call of roll
to name committee.
Arthur Gormann, Lon Abbot, and Eu.
ward Cooper, named en committee with
Mr. Tatterson, of Colorado, presented
silver gavel to chairman.
Dakota was excluded from committee,
there being contest.
Gov. Greene offered resolutions making
Convention subject to rules ot last Con
vention so as to prevent changing vote im
til call of states was completed, adopted.
Convention adjourned until to-inorro
at 10 o clock, a. m.
Physician and Surgeon,
Omce cor. First and Ferry Streets,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office rooms 3 and 4. Foster'. Blo.k.
S011c6 up stairs in'Foster's Block.
Rom Jelly or Kintr nf Dnv ran h ht ..ih..
Mm, B llymwi, im door eut of Youtig'i:
I have.Mronfl hand McCormlck twine Umlcrand
a Kcond hand liutkeyo mover both tor aale at a bar
Kiu. one mile southeast ol Alhany.
Hunters and dosi that do not know the dlHtrenco
tw.weenanlieep and a Chintae pheasant are herebv
notified to keep off our farm eaat ol this city, or auf
ler tho consequence of an enforcement of the law
Wells Duo. Wells dug cn reasonahl
terms. Call en the un dersi entd or at thl
E. B. Davidson-
I'se Oregon Blood Partner new.
A Sunday School picnic was had at Mr.
John Nichols'ash grove, on last Tuesday,
which was a hne success.
A slight of hand performance show was
at the school house on Tuesday night.
Rock Hilt has a fine Sunday School and
is well attended eveiy Sunday under the
supervision of Mr. Smalt as Superintendent
and Miss Viola Temple as secretary.
Mrs. Vandcrpool, of Sodaville, was
buried in the new Rock Hill cemetery on
last Wednesdayon Mr. Dodge s Hill.
Camp-meeting commenced at Sodaville
Thursday under the management of Rev.
Jones, from near Salem. Rev. Kirkpatrick,
ot Lebanon will also commence a cimp
meeting at Sodaville the third week in
Sheep shearing is under progress in this
The fruit crop of this neighborhood
promises to be excellent.
Mr. Johnnie Carroll has iust come in
from acros3 the mountains for the purpose
of moving his family back with him.
Hay harvest is close at hand.
We notice several campers at Sodaville
the last week or two.
A party was had at Mr. Jim Marks on
Tuesday night, at which a good time in gen
eral wrs had.
Mr. William Temple was riding a horse
one day last week, when by some means
the Horse got lrlglitened"-nd hrew nun
off and bruised him coi.sidei ably.
A fresh supply of Cream Soda crackers
received to-day by F. L. Kenton.
.' Sf
Jesse Barr and wife are intending to.stnrt
east of the mountains nct Friday to visit
some of their children.
N. Shanks, of Crawfordsyillc has some
more cincers coming on his face. He had
twelve removed from his face last fal', and
two, three years ago.
Several parties in Sweet I Iome nre on
the bantiam at work developing a coal
mine discovered recently.
A. O. U. W, '
The following officers "were elected by
Safety Lodge, No. 13, A. O. U. W. to serve
the ensuing term :
M. W. O C Awbrey.
Foreman R Ii Vurik.
Overseer W E Kelley.
Recorder G W Dodder.
Financier E A Parker.
Receiver A Saylor.
Guide I W Chiswell.
I WM" Cowan.
O W A B Woodin.
Trustree Virgil Parker.
Medical examiners J L 1 1 ill and G W
Attend. Buy a ticket at Blackman's
for the entertainment to be given on next
Thursday by the pupils of our Lady of
Perpetual Help. The entertainment given
last year was one of the most enjoyable
ever held in Albany, and this one promises
to surpass it.
An immense number of suits of clothing, dress
and business, for men and boys, Prices low when
uality is considered,
A vory large stock of shoes and boots, a splen
did one to select from, as it contains all grades at
prices to suit,
Dozens of styles of the vory latest goods in
neckwear, and prices remarkably low. 50 cents
buys a necktie of splendid quality and 25 cents a
good one,
For Sale. One New Studebakcr wag
en 3Jf Indies spindle. Also neV set har
ness. Inquire at the Russ House.
J. II. Howard.
Man Comity District Lodge, I. (. (!. T.
The Linn County District Lodge, No. 2,
met in the hall of Santiam Idge, No. 375,
en the 1st, Inst.,' J. E. Knox, District Dep.
uty In the chair. After the usual prelim
inary order of business, Bro's J E Knox, J
L Archibald, W Abbott and others, favor
ed the meeting with sumc Interesting re
marks ln regard to the Prohibition party.
Able remarks were made by the members
of the Executive Committee, who thong'.t
it best to wa't until fall before procuring n
dis rict lecturer.
The night session was held openly.
Speeches were made by P.-of. Gilbert, J S
Morris, J E Knox, and a few others, who
strongly advocated the third party. The
audience was well entcr'alned with music,
etc. The next session of the District Lodge
will he held at Knox Butte an the first
Friday In October.
I, O. Robnett,
District Sec'y.
Weatiikr Report. For 24 hours, be
ginning at 7 o'clock, p. m.
Generally fair, higher temernture.
J. P. Wallace, Physician nnd Surgeon, Al
bany, Or.
Yoa will save monry by taking your tick
sewing-machine to the repairer, B F Persona
at Sixth and Jelferon Sts., Albany, Oregon.
Good sitisfaotiou or no pay.
liy doing a strictly cash business and keep
ing expenses tight 1 are enabled to sell goods
at very low prices. F. L. Kenton,
A full line of Br. Prices Cream Baking and
doliciou. flavorina extract, all siiss at
Wallace & Thompson's,
The Oreaon Blood Parilier is Nature's own
remedy, and should be used to the exclusion
of all other medicines in all diseases of the
stomach, liver and kidneys.
A variety of styles of hats hardly equalled this
side of Portland, and a stock of furnishing goods
extensive in its nature.
A stock of goods all together that speaks fo
itself on inspection.
Fosters Block. Albany. Or.
Having decided to o!oe oat ou business here.Ve will soli our
ng, Famishing Goods,' Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc.
At Cost !
Those wishing bargains will call early befora the steok is broken, as these
goods must be sold within the next 90 days.
C. B. Roland.& Co