Daily evening Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-1888, May 30, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    5) ally Democrat
Wednesday evaniai, Miy 30, 1383,
HI! I'M A SVTTWti, Kllt-r rihI .iihlWhen..
liiblIiliol every tUy In tho week.
(Siniil iys excL'ptcl )
!)i:livirt ly uiarlor per wouk.
Hy m:iil, por yc ir
Hy in iur tiwir.li
- 1 .If,
Oho yiar, hi advance
Ono yuar, at eml ul yuar. ,
Six iiiotitlii, in ulvittiue..
... S.fiO
.. l.UU
Knlorel at tlo Pint OiIi eat Albany, Or
an M(M!ul-cI:utH mail matter.
Fi.A; I'h KSHNTAruix.--About three
hundred invited g rests rushed into the
galleries of the Opera House lust evening'
on the occasion of tiic flag presentation to
F. Co. of this city. After an exhibition
drill by the Company Mist Mary Irvine
stepped to the front, accompanied by Mrs
Power with a flag, and in behalf of the
ladies of Albanv, in a very deliberate and
eloquent manner presented F. Company
with an elegant flag, one of the finest inthe
State, (which Is expected by every express)
shcsuld : "It is not necessary togivc utter
ance to sentiments of esteem and regard in
order that our friends may know that such
feelings exist in our thoughts. These are
communicated by means of nr unwritten
language. They are expressed without
artificial characters. They are known be
fore they are ever reduced to words ; and
yet from time beyond mention it has been
the custom to give expression to feelings of
esteem and deep regard by means of fitting
tokens as symbols of appreciative thought.
The ladies of Albany, with characteristic,
nbscrring powers, have noted with pride
the neat uniform in which Company "F"
has occasionally appeared. Feelings of
safety are awakened in looking upon the
complete stand of arms with which the
State has supplied the company. In com
menting upon the martial appearance of
their own sons, feelings of patriotism have
been stirred to fresnness of life and the de
sire has been awakened ta give formal ex
pression to their appreciation of the ser
vice upon which you have entered and the
devotion to your country's cause whic'i
you are manifesting. In noticing the en
tire absence from your ranks of that tri
colorcd emblem of our national life, they
have conceived the idea of giving cxpres.
sion to their sentiments toward you by
presenting you with this familiar emblem.
It is the same old flag that stirred to life the
patriotism of '76. That fired with devotion
the heroes who gave their lives in defense
of freedom. On the north and on the
south of our country it has more than once
waved in triumph over opposition. In the
midst of civil conflict, through fire and
smoke and baptism of blood, it has main
tained its way. God grant that in undis
turbed peace its folds may be ever and al
ways borne upon the breeze. But should
unseen danger awake the bugle call, while
in the freshness of your manhood you
stand in your ranks, we trust that the same
manly courage, the same noble self. sacri
fice, the same uncompromising courage,
will inspire your heartB and nerve your
energies to do and dare what our fore
fathers did." And then with a poetical ef
fusion handed the emblem to Capt. Irvine,
who had ridden swiftly from Crawfords
ville, thirty-live miles away, in the hot sun
of the afternoon to receive it. Capt. Irvine
in well worded sentences received the flag
on behalf of the Company. Then the large
number of guests took their seats in the
hall below and partook of n sumptuous re
past of strawberries and cake. It was one
of the most successful affairs in the history
of Albany.
A Honk Yeiturday noon while eating
dinner at an Albany restaurant a drummer
Attempted to swallow a leg of niuttoa, the
bone stuck in his throat, and he came near
choking to death. A physician was sent lor
and the bone extracted, much to the tourist's
Brick. 160,000 brick are ready far the
Strahan aud Pearco block, and will be
placed on the ground beginning to-morrow.
About 500,000 brick will be required in the
construction of tha black, which will be a
substantial two story building.
4th at Lebanon. At a citizens' meeting
a day or two ago the people of Lehannu de
cided to culehrate the coming 4th of Jely in
a beemnina manner. Kxcurtiun trains will
be run trim Albmv and it is proposed to
make the feathers fly frtm the oajjla.
A. Ckuk Makkk. Ycstnrday a first-elans
cigar maker arrivcil in the city from (Seattle
and is now established in Mr. Joseph's c:ar
factory. Smoker should patrnnizo home in.
stitutinas by gottiog their cigars of Joseph
Ho has neon making ns good a fivo cent
cigar as is manufactured.
Am ADi.KRss.Misj M A Buzzcll, a mis
sionary of China, will deliver an add rcss on
thesnhjoutnf foreign mission at the Baptist
chureli of Halsey, Friday, June I, at 8 p. m.
On Election Day, The ladies of the
Baptist Church will give a dinner on June
,4th (election dv) nt vv. C. T. U. Hall.
Dinner commencing at it a. 'm., followed
by lunch and social in evening. Tickets at
door 25 cents. Including dinner. Ice cream
or strawberiies extra.
Result uf a Feud.
Some time ago we mentioned the fact of
a serious trouble existing at Hock Creek, in
tills county, in which the '1". onus Brother
had b-:en warned to leave the community
by a vigihinl's "committee of 13," on ac
count of an old feud tliut has existed among
a few of the inhabitants there for some
time. Such has been the feeling that
Charles and William Thomas have never
left their home without a gun in their
hands. From a gentleman who just ar
rived frum there we learn the particulars
of a tragedy in connection with the affair
that occurred there yesterday forenoon.
About 10 o'clock Charles Thomas left the
Fluke place, oil Mad Creek, (the Fluke's
arc on the county, jfor the I'ost oflicc,which
is situated at the west end of the new Me
hama bridge. lie had gone about half the
distancc,prohahly half of a milc.wlicn three
masked men rose up from the bushes on a
ledge above Thomas and fired. Thomas
returned compliments with one shot, lie
claimed that three shots were fired at htm;
but parties tit the bridge store say only two.
One of them took effect in Thomas's left
shoulder, going clear through his body
and coming out in a downward course,
breaking the collar bone. Thomas yelled
and ran for Muke's, while the neighbors
around the bridge and vicinity rushed for
the scene of the firing.cverybody instantly
I understanding what was up. No clue or
iracc iv me assassins couiu DC xounn. wnc
of the Fluke's, with whom the Thomas's
were stopping, ran swiftly to a neighbors,
who was suspected of being a vigilant, but
found him peaceably weeding cabbages.
Physicians at Stayton were despatched for,
but had not arrived when our informant
left. The wound is thought to be very
dangerous if not fatal, llcretofoie the
Thomas brothers have always gone to the
Post office together ; but for some reason
Charles went alone on this occasion. In
tense excitement prevailed. A majority
of the citizens do not approve of the con
duct of the Thomases hcretoforc.nor of the
affair generally ; but this will naturally
give them sympathy. In the neighborhood
is the Post olficc, run by Mr. Robertson, a
store nt the cast end of the bridge in Marion
county, and down on the O. P. a saloon run
by J. E. Sorbin.and nearby several farmers
homes. In days past the" Thomases have
been in many quarrels, and from some of
them the tragedy has resulted.
The above is a rough draft of the scene
of the shooting, the star being about the
point of the tragedy. The main stream is
the .Santiam, aud the bridge can plainly be
seen crossing it, with the store at the north
and tha Postoftice at the south. Mad Creek
is at the right, with Fluke's house cast of it,
while Rock Creek is in the west. The O.
P. runs north of the bridge.
Fooi.ku Yesterday afternoon a Demo
crat man iu company with a friend waa
walking along First rtreet when he espied a
flue looking hor standing in front of J. J
Dnbruilln'n. as if ready to ba harnessed,
several men surrounding it with admiring
gszea. "Fiue looking horse," said tho D. M.,
'hall we go down aud seo it." As thoy
went towards the animal he expatiated to
his friend, who is j'.iot from the Kwt, about
the splendid animals wo hav in l.inn county.
As the animal didn't even whisk his tail and
considerable debris waa lying around, the
Dkmoi kat man soon saw that ho had beon
fooled and had boeii exeiteil oyer a "inmkl,"
but it Ha War.ty of a modrl, just roceivtd
hy Mr. Duliru.lle from tho E.it for disDlay
iu hie shop. It is life nz- and hl'o like,
mads (it ptpur and grav iu color. Wo uuder
staad it ia the only ou in the state. The
poose-Bion of it speaka for the enterprise, of
Mr. bubruilW who is always iu tkefroot. It
will pay our citizens to call and see this piece
of stature.
Ciikkxk, etc. A gentleman who has been
traveling through the county iuftrms us that
Mr. Iiichaid Cheadle, residing a mile beyond
Lei auon. ia putting up the fiueit cow barn in
Linn county. It is a large structure and
contains stanchion f ir eighty eows. Mr.
Cheadle noa- milks fifty cows a day, the
milk from which he manufactures into chocs,
the product of which amounts to live or six
huinired pounds a week. This he readily
ells through the Valley, experiencing no
trouble in li"ding a market for it. Mr.
Sppucor, and perhaps others, sells his cheese
in this city. On account of the large do.
mand ho intends t increase his businesr,
hence his now and mammoth barn.
Guanim: Picnic. A picnic given by
Tangent Grange, nssisted by other grang
ers and friends, wi 1 be hcid nt Ulevins
bridge, June 7th, iS3S. The exercises w ill
consist in vocal music, band music and
speaking. Ample preparations have been
made for nn interesting and profitable time
for all. Grangers are urged to bring their
badges. Bring baskets full. Everybody
come. Meet on the grounds promp'tly at
to o'clock a m. Uy order of the commit
tee. Mariued. On Tuesday afternoon, May
24. at the residenco of and hy Rev. H. P.
Wobh, Mr. John Edwards sod Miss 11. U.
Chancn, 0 Craw-fordsvillo.
At 10 o'clock to-d. h i profusion for tl.o
observation of morn 01 11 d.iy services formed
in front of too ft. A. It. hall aud marched
to tho cain'jtory iu tri.1 iu lowing ordei :
Flag bearer.
Martial llijiio.
"F" company.
Firing squad ft V. It.
Members ft. A. It an. I old sohli;rs.
Members W. It. (,'.
Mrs. Brink's el us m I school children.
Cltizuis on foot ind in carnas.
The proeossiou to rh; cemetery was a large
onp, characterized by ihopreseuce of a pro
fusion of llotvura, no in their glory.
A halt was made around the grave of Mar
tin Ift-ffron, the last to hi buried, when im
posing ceremonies wero had, conducted by
Commander Iter.ee. Misio was furnished
by a choir gotten up by the W It. C. and
by acUssof little girls undercharge of Mm
Briulc, whose sweet singing attracted general
attention. The address, a twenty minute
eflort, was delivered by Hon. I., II, Mou
tauye, and was ihteued to with earueit at
tention. Upon tho close of the extremes the
craves of Mr. tlHnij, t;pc. Arch Monteiih,
W. II. Crow, J. M Bor own ami Kobert
Carter, in tho city eninutury, and General
Mart V. Brown aud Capt. .Mathews in the
masonic cemetery, were formally decorated,
the gift of flowers for tiie purpose being very
large. The procession then returned to the
city and dispersed. The observance of tho
day was couducted in a very aucce' sful man
ner, the presence of "F" company adding
materially to the effect of the procession asd
Decoration day.
Fresh strawberries every morning at F. L.
Kon ton's.
Teachers' examination begins in this city
to-morrow noon.
D B Monteith is back from a trip to tho
Coer D'Alene mines.
The opera bouse was lighted by electricity
last night far ths lirst time.
A gentleman from Eugene says Lark Bil
yea is sure to he elected county clerk.
Miss Edith Harris, of Silcm, is in the
city, the guest of Mrs. Chas. Brush.
Ex-Governor Chadwick was iu the city
this morning on his way home from Douglas
Patronize home industry. Try one of
Joseph's 5-cent cigar?. Firit of his own
make. -.
Columbia Baking Powder warranted by
the manufacturers is soldat 25 cts per pound
by F. L. Ronton. 3 lbs. tins for bo cts.
There will be a big crcp of hay in Linn
county, the season for haiyesting being
nearly here. By the way we notice a largo
stock of an excellent mako of hay forks at
Stewart & Sox's
"F" company yesterday received from
Salem a regimental flag, made of blue silk,
wiiu me seal ot Urogon, hand work, in the
center. The emblem cost 3250 and is an ele
piece uf work. There are three in the state.
and "F" company is fortunate in being the
uag Dearer.
One day last week Mr. Omai Vernon's
team ran away throwing him out of the
wagon and breaking his leg below the
Knee. ur. nut reduced tne tracture and
the patients doing well.
P. Ryncs little daughter is quite sick.
Dr. Hartley has left Tangent for parts
un Known.
The R. R. hands working at track lav
ing here have all quit work.
Tramps are numerous in this vicinity and
steal every thing they can use or sell"
Girls how would you like to take the
arm of a young man who would stand on
ine imircti steps and smoke his cigarette.
That Raix. The rain signal yesterday
was all right after all ; but Albany did not
get the benefit. Parties in from the foot
hills sav they were visited by a- fine rain
mat uid inucu good.
Will Preach. Judge Green, of the
Supreme Court of W. T. a man who has
obtained quite a notoriety in the North
west, has announced that he will retire
from the legal business and enter the
ministry, lie will preach in the Baptist
Postponed. The S. S. picnic arranged
for next Saturday, mention of which was
made in our Monday Issue, has been post
ported indefinitely.
- Faixtbd. While at the decoration ser
vices nt the cemetery this forenoon Mr T
L Wallace, of "F." Co. fainted away and
had to be taken to his home in a carriage.
caused probably by his warm suit and the
sultry weatlier.
Uotel Arrivals,
Reus Hoi b. John Edwarda aad ladv,
Shodds; Willard Simmons; L J Vibbct, Pen
dleton; D P Stratton, Nowburgj E H Hend
erson; Spring Valley, Miun; ft C Tnrpine,
Portland; L 0 Orcutt, San Louis; S M Nor
ton; A Mensor, Eugene; Win Bruhn, Salem;
II Cannon, linseburg; Miss Dunn, Coryallis;
H Hudolph, Jacksonville; K Cameron; It S
Clark, Jackson, Pa; J It fteddes and wife.
Eock Creek; A Y Smith, Otkville; S Keith,
Uiier Crock; Charles Pat'.ison, Oakville;
Win Macosii.
Rkvurf. IIolsk. 0 II Whitnkcr, Port
land ; I A Bennett, Otegon ; Win Mo
Williams, Cincinnati ; Theo IJcrnhclm,
Portland ; Geo W Hendlcy, Portland ;
E B Manning, Portland ; " B E Cable,
Brownsville ; Jas Germanson,Mt Pleasant;
M Meger, New York.
For Sai.k. One New Studebnkcr wag
en il inches spindle. Alsonewsct har
ness. Inquire nt the Russ House.
J. II. Howard.
l'iKTp.A.M.F0llowing, we understand
is the team that will run at .Seattle from
this city, in the order in which they will
be placed on the cart : Al Long and Eph
Cameron, in the lead ; Bert Logn and
Milt Ilolman ; Harry Woodin nnd Burr
Sloan ; Jud Ross and Ed Moore, nozzle
men ; BHyeu and Will Stiles, tongue men ;
Win Kcece and Joe Watson, hydmnt men!
I he Democr at believes It is the fastest
team in the Northwest, and it will be at
the tournament whether at Seattle or Port,
land, winch is not yet settled.
I)i:o. ratio ltAl.i.v. Hon J K Weather
ford and Hon W R Bilyeu will speak at
Lobaiion lhursday night. Everybody turn
,, New embroidery just received at V !'
Road s
For Sai.e.-T wo 'safes, two platform
scales, two counter scales, one set store
amps, four show cases, for one-half on.
pal cost. v 0
Xotlee Is henv ;r.n o... . ....
srranls.lHccMita.rii.Ku.Uresir ' dty
N. J. llr-STMi, city Recorder,
Row Jelly or Kincrof Day can be had by callini on
Mrs. BHyuian. lutdour cut l Young's: '
.ilanrhM;'M'I McCormlc' '' "i-'srand
raoTi ..... ,""u,:l"!"novr both for alo at a bar
Kauk One nils suutheut ef Albany. "'
. G, Bl RKIlART.
Wells D.-Wclls dug on rcasonabl
office' enlhC u"d;r6'Sndoratthi
E. B. Davidson
I se Oregon nir.,,1 Purlllrr new.
Hiving decided t j clo0 out our business here, we will sell our
Wkatiikr Rkihirt. For 24 hours, be
ginning at 7 o'clock, p. in.
Local rains with lower temperature.
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc.
At Cost !
AWSS'Sar -ki8br0aeai BS these
C. B. Roland & Co.
An imm rse number of suits of clothing, dress
and business, for men and boys, Prices low when
quality is considered.
A V3tj large stock of shoes and boots, a splen
did one to select from, as it contains all grades at
prices to suit.
Dozens of styles of the vory latest goods in
neckwear, and prices remarkably low. 50 cents
buys a necktie of splendid quality and) 25 cents a
good one.
A variety of styles of hats hardly equalled this
3ide of Portland, and a stock of furnishing goods
extensive in its nature.
A stock of goods all together that speaks f o
itself on inspection.
Foster s Block, Albany. Or,