r ALB DAILY EVENING ,A !f o, ANY DEMOCRAT. VOL. I. Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF- STAR AAKtillY, Corner Broadalbin and First Sts., -DEALER IN- Cunuetl Fruits, GliMMwnro, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, NuRiir, . t.'oflpo, Etc,, 'u ileal Mentis, tuccnswitrc, Vctfi'tublcs, Clears, SkIccs, Ten, Etc., !i In fiat ovorything that is kot in gen i ral varloty and grocery store. II igboxt J market price paid for J, ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. ! THE YAQULVA ROUTE. i Oregon Pacific Railroad, Oregon DuVclopinent Company's SUatn '"a ship Lino. i -225 MILES SHORTER. 20 LWU33 LESS TIHE j than by nny otlior route. First-class through passengor "ami It freight line from Portland ami nil points S ). in the Willamette Valley to ami from Su a Francisco, (Jul. Willamette River Line of Steamers. The "Wm. M. Iloatf," The "N. S, Kent ley," The "Throe Sialers" aro in service for both passenger and freight Iralllu be tween Corvallis and Portland mid in'.er mediate points, leaving Company's wharf, Corvallis, and Messrs. llulinan Co'a wharf, Nog. 200 and 421 Front tit., Tort land, threo times a w.ck as follows : N'UKTll 1MIND. Leave Corvallis, Moll., Wftl. and Friday, 10.UOA, M. Leave AlbatiVt Monday, Wed. and Friday, 12:00 Noon Arrive I'orllaud, Tue., Thu, and Saturday, 6:30 P. M. A south isouno. Leave Portland, Mon., Wed. and Friday, 8:00 A. M, Leave Albany. Tue.. Thura. and Salurduv. l::iu n. M. Arrive Corvallis, Tue., Tim. and Saturday, 4:20 i M. TlAnt. nifllcA olnnA f-nnnpelinn nt Albany with trains of theUrogon Paul lie Kailroaii, TIME HOHKDUI.K. (except Sundays.) Leave Albany, 1:00 F. M, ; Leave Yanulna, tl::loA,M. Leave Corvallis, 1:17 r, u. I.eave Curvallia.lOS a,u. Arrive Ynniilna, Vf'l) r. x. Arrive AlVity, 11:16 a. H, O. dc C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Company's Line of Steamships between Yaquina and iian Francisco, MAILING DATES . MTKAMKUS, raOll SAK FRA.NCIHCU. KHOH rAljLINA Willamette Valley, Ajiril 21th. Mav Oth. Willamette Valley, May luih. May K.th Willamette Valley. iUy nisi. May Stli, Willamette Valley, May Slat. The Company '.ooryex .lie right to ohange sailing dates without notice. N. 11. Passengers from Por.Utiu and Willamette Valley points can make close connection witlniie traius of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallis, and il des tined to San Francisco should arrange to arrive at Vaquiua the evening before date of sailing. Passenger and F.rlalu Itules ninny I lie Lowrsl. . For information apply to U J Stuart, Freight and Tic'.:et Alicnt, Albany, or to C II liaswcll, Jr., O. F. A P. A(fl Oregon buvelopmenl Co,, 334 Miiitiromery St., San Francisco, Cal, u. u. IIMi,K, A. (1. F. and 1. Airtnt, Oregon Tatillc It It Co. Corvallis, Or. ' OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA ' Oregon & California It. 11, AND CONS FACTIONS. Tin: n r. siiisri jioiti:. o Time between Albany and Sat, Fmnciac., 85 hours. OALirOHNIA KXPRXtM 1, (INS DAILY. 8u'.li Srth" 4.00 r. M. I Loave .'urtlunj Arrivo I 10:41) a H 8.05 rN Uav Allwuiy Lvave 7:U.r. A M 7:40 A if I Arrivo Pan Fi mclcvco bcave I :;t0 r H r LOCAL rAH8N0KR TKAI.VS UAILY (except Sl.tnl.ty). 8:00 A H Lcava Iv.rtlutM 12:40 P u leav Albany 8:40 PM I Arrivo Kiwii Arrive I 'a.Abf m liouve I 11:;!.') a m ItCKve B .-00 A M LOCAL PASSHNOKR TKAINH DAILY, KXCKIT Ht'NDAY, 8:10 P U B:n(lP M Arrive Allmnv Lc bun on 12:.ri0 P u I Jyeve Albany 1::rI i'M J Arrive Lebanon -T Airive 1 1:4; a h l.cava I h.W a M Arrive ( H:4fip m Leiive I 2:0ii v u 1 PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. i;TIIIIV HLKKI'KIIS lor Hrroml 4 laa fnKPiiarrn n nil llirnuli Inline I Kr.K or IIAUtiE, Weal klile Llvlalon. ItWBH l1nTI,Al AVI) 'HIVALLIH, ALBANY, Oil., jMONDAY, 3IAY 7, 1888. rJ '( ' , i y if NO. 1. 7 (Successor to N. II. Allen & Co.) Ig now iccciving new goods in every line. Old goods aold out. mmmy ItWa-i.fc'ZaWUliU r4 y Everything" New, with New Price Lower than Ever Offered ' in Albany, consist:.!'' tf DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS CAPS FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GROCERIES. I pnipofiB to have os complete a stock ' li.i i, evHr brou-litti V. -any, with nil tlm New Novelties and Latest Styles ami as tlioy aie niamifaclnicd. All old cnstomem and f.icds of lliu !.,. and sa well onvs, ure cidnilly i..vit-d f... (a!l and inHpcoc stock and iici'?. I Do Not Propose To Re Undersold. W 1. HEAD, MAiltrais dailt (ea:ept Sunday.) t?3 A M i Arrirt Fiirtland Corrtllit Arrive I 0:15 P m 1t 1:90 PM XXPHKM TRAILS DAILY (eXOipl 8UOdy .) VO PM I Iavi 00PM I Arrl-o Portland MuMlnnvilla Arrive 9:00 A H lave A.4S A M At AlbtHY tnd CorvftlHi eoi.nMt wlih trtvi. j refon roilU lUilroxi 1 For full hiforniAtion PcKrJk) rates, supt. etc., II nn l'AmlwhT,i Airatlit r... ...r., . r R. KOF.I1LER, Manaffer. K. P. Roaxiw, . PuiAnilt. 57 First, 'Street, Albany, Or. Julius Joseph CRGCIEH AfiO TOBACCONIST. Gl FIEST ST., Next lo Burkhnrt & K onev's lteal I'tUto lllcc ALBANY, OREGON. First National Bank OF A I.HAN 1 1 OREGON. President I.. Fi.'X'N Vice President S, K. YolM, Casbier..... ....(IhO. K. CIIASIBKItl.AIN TRANSACTS A OENERALhankni(buliie. ACCOUNTS KEPT aubject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and teleirraphlo traimror, dull' on New York, San FranciKO, Chicago and Portl Oregon. COLLECTIONS MADE on fayorable tenut. DIHIICTOIia. w. E. YOUXO, Oro, R CnAMBBRLAIH L. K Bl.Allf, L. Fl.l!t, Waltrh E Ti'rhiill, SncofBor lo X. II. Ailt-r. i Ch Sew and Second Hand Store Owing to tlio inon ased limnandu of onr l)ninoxs wo have Loan coinpnllud to move into a larger store and wo can now be found nxt door to S. K, Yonnjr, whore wo will be phased to see cur palrnns. II joui.eodany sVoves, fiirulturo, tinware, crockery, olocki, carpo'.a, pictures, frnlt Jars, trnnkn, hooks, rollor akalea, addp, aaws, plinoi, etc and a thousand dir. ferent and use a Helen yon can ml do better thin aids f San Pranclaoo tlinn you ran do wllh u on apurohaeorexohange, M. FRAr.KL.PJ & CO. 123 F.rM f'tiect, Albany, Or. CROSSED & ALLEN. PEOPBIETOBS Albany Track and Dray Co,, Nc, 1. Good, handled with rare and dlipatoh. Cliii kcn lliisllc. TELEGRA1TJ IIC NEWS. A young mail clotlictl in the garb of a log sawyer atood on the bride that .pan the loaiiiin,. water, of Cocnnk Creck.atthe foot ol auiliill Acmie. llilie pmportioned form win inatclilos and his tiirKid muscle, spoke hi Brcnt mrength. Ilia hair.black as the raven's wing.hnng i wnvJf ringlets over a brow of hlh intellectual mould ; his even, dark us the Kjrvptlan night, .hone with a lij,'lit that only comes to the eyes of one in whose bosom surges and foams the fatal love vtaves.that makes the strong man weak. To-night he whispered : '-I must know my fate to-niht. 1 shall lay my heart nnd my cross-cut saw nt the feet of one of the no blest women that ever hanged her hair or seta hen on nineteen eggs." The sound of footsteps fell on h:i ear and into his pres ence stepjied a vision of loveliness that would have quickened pulsation of the calmest heart to have looked uon. I ler lithe, willowy form was fenced in with calico fencing, bought of C. 11. Montague, of Leb anon, tihe wore the standard bustle of the period arm in arm with its half sMcr, the (ireiian Ivnd. Her hair, black and gloisv, hung in billowy masses from herregal head ; her eyes, large and tortuous, would have vied in blackness with those of an India I'lincess ; her cheeks had the delicate lint of thu damask rose ; her lips, ripe and full, reminded one of the heart of the passion ilower grown in the tropical garden, of the lCa:,t. The young man, with a cry of joy, sprang to her side, and In a voice tliatcouid be heard above the roar of the torrent he told her that he loved her will, a love strong er than a stone fence nnd that life w ithout her angelic presence would be a howling waste swept by a cyclone of misery and de spair. "Henry," cried the fair maiden in a voice choked with emotion and spruce gum, "gladly would I be thine, but the fates have willed that 1 must be another's ; ye,darlin&, before the setting of another sun the orange blossoms will deck my brow and 1 will be llie loving, constant wife of the lumber stacker, noblest and best of men." she twittered as she glued her lips to his inus lache, "forgive me if my words give you pain, I will be your friend, your sister." "Stop,"lie cried in a voice terse with agony, his whole soul looking out of his gleaming eyes, "false hearted traitoress, do you know that you have inibittered my whole life, do you know that for weeks,yea,montlis,I have been faded on your shape, and that every fern that those seven by nine feet of yours tread on Is dearer to me than life itself. Go," he walled, and as she turned to depart he fell with a hollow moan upon the bridge. ,itr lit tl.e tiwrnln-nnlig'.it hh -ii-ii-ml. found him clasping in his aims the fatal cross cut saw. Henry Ross Deakins of the Fifth Ward was elected I'ros. Attorney of the llristle at the last election. A grand ball was given by the Chicken Bristle gun and rod club at the Wigwam on Friday night ot last week. Music by the well known and ellicient orchestra of 11. Ross l)eakins,of this citv. Mr. S. R. Claypool, of Chrystal Valley, will start for Kustcrn Oregon the first of May. Sam's many friends wish him a pleasant journey and safe return. Judge Davenport has not yet taken the oath of olHce. Messrs, Hale llackenstoand Sid Dorris.of your city, were at the llristle last week on a fishing excursion. They lamL-d several line rout. The Sabbath S.:hoal at Liberty church Is prooresslng finely. The at'en-'aiu'e is large an. I much Interest is m inifcsted by ali who attend. Preaching the first Sunday tof every month by Rev. D. C. McFarland. limcK Dust. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF Works, And Manufacturers ol CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, W ar t w prvp-rpil to at wholo waif, always frt-sii hm'I pur hi Portland firicfrM ut tlo.iinrN, We h!mi keep a full ini ill' Huta and Tropical Fruits, s ou ft -- C!QAR AND TOBACCO ib-piirrimMit is ram-'' Wo keep the vo-., tint. i.;.tk .! Ai.nA..i.. mid oliHwina In! num. iiKMirscliHiini slid lirier piptw tlial In a duluihi to Kiuukfri, Notice. Wc have appointed Mr. S. A. DcVancy, of Waterloo as our Agent in Linn county for LatvK of prepared by Prof. Parson's of I larvard University rsfressly for farmrrs and butincss mm. Endorsed by the chief and associated justices of the Suprcm. Ilench. Is pronounced by thousands of the clearest headed business ineu of the coun try as a book w hich Ihey can not afford lo tf-ailkoul. We ask an investigation o its merits. Agents wanted in every county In the State. W. P. Grant, Publisher. (Agent for Western and Pacific Slates.) 3ioV,4 California St., Join Francisco, Cal. it, 1!, ACCIOKKT. Mui NT Cakmix, Pcnn., May 0. Be tween ten and eleven o'clock last night a terrible accident occurred on the Philadel phia and Reading railroad, between this city and Locust Gap. A freight train,con sisting of seventy-five cars bound r Wil liauisport became disconnected by break ing ef cotipUng. The engine and three cars ran lutif a mile before the crew dis covered that the train was divided. The first section awaited the arrival ol seennd at the foot of a heavy grade and two brake men losing control of the second scetion,it dashed into the first section causing an ex plosion in the third car, w hich was loaded witli Dupant powder. Thirty persons were injured or killed. The !o in r.ioney is estimated at $7t;,ooo. WHAT A SKT OF TI'.KTll lilt). Ni-:v Yoiik, May 6. Mrs. Frances Mur ry, residing in West Fortieth street, 40 years of uge.a native of England, died Fri day in the New York hospital under very pcculiarcircumstances. A week ago Mrs. Murry was at the supper table with her husband, Alexander, when he made some remark which caused her to laugh. In the midst of the excitement her husband was startled to see her clutch her throat and gasp. He sprang to her assistance and was horrified to find she had swallowed four false teeth and the plate to which they were at tached. SI'IMNTI'.Si TilAVKIdSU. Sax FKANcisco.May 6. It was reported that Frank Lewis, the Corvallis, Oregon, sprinter.was in this fity last week, -tewisis a seventy -five yard sprinter and it is thought he dropped into town incognito on the an nouncement that a professional handicap wouid be given here next month. JIST RIlillT. Salt L.kh, May 6. The Territorial Democratic Convention was held yesterday at Ogtlen. Craig Chambers and Charley Williams were chosen as delegates to the St. Louis National Convention. Resolutions rei'w.e.p?2d dclm :.i that tla denioc. uts of Utah cannot affiliate with Mormons. number of Mormons were present at the convention as delegates, but the Committee on credentials refused to recognize them. It is therefore probable that the Mormons will hold an independent convention. OVEIS FKNt'lNli. Hei.exa, M. T., May 6. A report has reached here of a terrible shooting scrape on Willow creek, about seven miles south of this place, in which S T Milrov and brother were dangerouslv.if not fatally shot by Pat Dooley.his son Johnny James Camp bell and Blair King. Tne cause is said to have been a dispute about fencing land. i,;:. a will Xstv Vt:; .;, May (. The will of the late R.coeCtink la-j-'st d's:overed, dated Uti ca, Mav, iSf)",leavesliiseiilire estate, valued at $150,000, to Mrs Conkling. WKDPED. ' Los Axi;m.i:s, May . Ex-Governor of California, John G. Dmvnjy, was married last evening nt the cathedral to Mrs. Rose V. Kellv The affair was conducted very quiet ly and the news was only learned to-day. !;;. (il-.Ait'S'.s APP0NT.M ENT-J. Hon. John M. Gearin will address the citizens of the Slate on political issues at the following places and times. Local coin niLtcca are requested to see that suitable arrangements are made in 'regard to pro viding a hall nnd accommodations fc speaking : Oregon Citv. Thursday, May 10, 2 p, m. Salem, Thursday, May 10, S p. m. Albany, Fridiiy," May 11, 8 p. in. lCugene Citv, Saturday, May, 1 2, 1 p. 111. Oakland, Monday, May 14, 1 :3 P- '. RosebuiL', Monday, May 14, S p. in. Grant's Pass, Tuesday, .May 15, 2 p. 111. Jacksonville, Wednesday, Mav 16, 8 p.m. Ashland, Wednesday, May 16, 1 :30 p. 111. Newport, Thursday, May 17, S p. m. Corvallis, Friday, "May is. - p. m. Independence, Saturday, May 19, 2 p. in. Dallas, Saturdav, Mav' 19, t p. m. McMinnville, Niondav. .Vny 21,8 p. m. Lnfavctte, Monday, May ii, 1:30 p.m. 1 lillshoro, Tuesday, May 22, 2 p. m. East Portland, We'tlncsday.May 23,8 p.m. St. Helens, Thusday, May 248 p,m. Alhina, Friday, Ma"v 25, 8 p m. Astoria, Saturday, Slav 2li, 8 p. in. Marshficld, Tues'day, May 29, 8 p. m. Gervais, Friday, June I, 8 p. m. Portland, Saturday, June 2, 8 p. m? Gov. Pennoycr will speak with Mr. Gcarln at Pendicton, The Dalles, Oregon City, Salem, Astoria and Portland, at the hour named in the above list. A. Bush, Chairman Dem. State Central Com. 4 .... 4 .