Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, July 09, 1904, Image 8

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i, VyMH. .. -y--
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personal apd
(Frrnt Thursday's Dally.)
Tho Areata sailed from San Francis
co at 1 .u, today.
Tho Ladles' Art Club will liolil
looting on Julv 8th nt the homo' Mr. Iiwloy, will spend some time in
' l.ii i
luJninn. i lcim"
-next mcoti
of Jin
F. Ilutehonson is n young journalist
from Texas who is on thu Hay at
Dr. Kvans Uio eye specialist, lett
.h diy for Coquille, Myrtle Point and
Usndon today.
Timothy Don is an Astoria man
h mny bo found nt tin Hotel Central
her toHr.
Scott Sheldon, a coal exjiert, of Los
Aug!?, la in the eity today and may
've found nt the Arlington.
'ieo. Seoley, of tho Umpqua Life
Spying station, was a business visitor
Aln,onr city last Saturday.
Win. Lnekstrom has pone up Catuh
.,i;iiie longh to liaild a Jinc dwolilng
9 hotiso on tho Alex Matson ranch.
j. W. Ballon is a visitor on the Hay
today from the Willamette valley, and
is registered at the Central.
Jos. Crr.'chfield is it gentleman from
Texas who arrived ou the Alliance
hist Monday and is now prospecting on '
tie Uay.
Walter Sinclair, of Coqnillo, who
visited our city on the 4th, was a pas-.
conger on today's traiu Jor tho county j
CihHUllHirlaiU S
When liilloos take
Stomach and Liver Tablets.
I iy John Preucs.
For tal
ML-s .Mabel Vaudecar. of Myrtle
Point, who has been visiting friend '' vo.. haj servetl notice upon Mr.
in this city for some week, left for ' nnlHr t,mt ,,tMvl11 couUK,t hU vlw'
lier home this morning. ' tlon on t,ie Pronuds that in North Bend
and n few other precincts a nutnOer of
C. Timmous, of Astoria, who owm unmjistuml and illegal votes amount
and is oienitiug tho Handon cannery, ing to more than Oalller's plurality
arrivtsl in this city Monday and left ' were iUod.
tor Baudon this morning. I .
H. W". Gardiner and H. C, Danuer,
if Uhipiiewn Falls, Wisconcin, are
ti.nl.-er mon who are staying nt th.
Hotel Central hero tolay. i
All thosg who have bills ngaiast tho
Fourth of July committee, will plc.ve
render t'-gin at onco to J. A. 'Matron,
ehairu a of the committee. 7 5 2t
At.7. Howard M. Browuell, who in
resiiso to an invitation went toLnng-S-lto
deliver the oration ou the 4th,
srued to this citj today.
Mrs. Tniver, a Myrtle Point lady
who has for the past few days Wen a
4e.1t at tho Forrey home, in this ciry.
to t by this morning's train for hou.8.
yul. Mayne, of San FrancLsco, is
exacted to arrive in this city by the
next Breakwater and during his stay
,t heveral days hero will W the gueit
pt his cousin, Mrs. Lizzie Adams,
Chan, Redmond, tho photographer,
whoie headquarters have for i-oiiie
time Wen at the Central in this city,
J- left by this morning's train forBaudon
.? and other piilnts alpng the ower
Passenger list of Krath Ixiund Alll
ance, Tuesday July5th, 1001 : T Jable,
() N Anderson, K L Miller, H Kline
iind wife, II S Stiugloy, Carl Amlernon
and J Sperry.
After the celebration the work uhu.
nlly begins. Tlio Hecoratiou Commit,
tee aro today busy clearing thu ever-
.as from our streets and taking
t.jwn the Hags and buntings at the
Frppt --' June's Carminative Balsam
JL j j ff The Standard Remedy for Summer Complaint, Cramps, Colic, Griping Pains, Sour
Stomach and Vomiting, also for Dysentery, Dlarrhosa or Looseness, Asiatic
Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and Cholera Infantum. JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM has been used with
great success for 73 years. We will send Free to any person who will enclose a two-cent stamp io
part payment for the mailing, a trial size bottle of JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM.
Write your Name, Town and State plainly to insure your getting the same.
i mn
I J. C. Taylor nm U.' M. Iiwloy, of
- Porthnd, are at the Arlington. Mr,
T1 wniwcnta Powors'Higley tf Co.,
'of CI icagonitd ValivtraNo, publishers
ltd "of o ueatlonal specialties, and with
Tl i Keane company presented mo
Hello of Kcntuckoy last evening to an
tiuniiii.tlv tiuiliuiu'o. Toniuht thov
will play the Highwayman, with Mr.
Konue 'in the uharootor of Captain
Swift. This is n grout play and should
lie s-eon ly all.
(I. W. Wheeler and K..T. Brlokninu.
who are getting up it directory of Coos
county and who have for some time
! Won staying at the Arlington in this
oily, left this morning tor Coquille
vlwro they have yet about ten days J
work ahead of them. "
MsiiRgfr V. U. Dudley and wife, of
the Jits. Koano. Co., left for Rosobug via
tlio wagon route this morning. Mr.
Dudley's company will follow him
next Sunday, and will play a two
nKjlUl. tllllrt i 0.slmrg next week
Tm.y from Roselmrg to Portland,
1 playing Eugene, Albany and Salem on .
the wa,
To tKoTrado
On account of sickness, the Ctws
Bay Candy factory is closed today.
The mnuagomeiit hopes to tw able to
irc'Open tne ousiuoss inn lew days,
' however, and when they do they will
be .-tocktsl well with all tho latest
lluds of fmicy enudies.
Contests tho Election
Z. T. Siglin. who in the late cam-
mlnn vtij tlio nimmrtlo iinmltiH for
xheritr in this eotinty, and who was
duteatel ly Stophuti Uallior, tho Re
!W-ii. JH.Lnino, with a plurality of
The Street Sports
It inv AmiAtifi rf fu f K nf TW
" v. "l ..... -w
teltiw"' of ' rcet
"x i-"lvmnntly left out, but
are given below:
100 yd.-, foot race, free for all, prize,
? 15 Frank Smith.
100 yds. foot race, lyys 15 years
and under flrst 5, cecond, 'J.50 John
Bnrnitt, Sidney Huruitt.
50 yds. fcx)t race loys 1-' years and
under llrst $H reeond ?2.50 Pat Flan
agan, Frank Bridges
Sflok race, lys 18 and under, llrst
5f second, 2.60 Frank Bridges, John
Oirls raco, 10 and under Jlrnt ?!J,
second, ?'J Jennie Tolofsou, Mary
Potato race, free for all, first 5,
second, $3.50 Sam Marcden, Walter
High jump 5 Dave Morgan.
ThU remedy is needed in almost ev
ery home Ijefore tlio summer is over.
It can always 16 depvwlod uikjii even
in tho most envere and dangerous
o.ihes. It is especially valuable for
iiiiiiiner disorders in children. It is
pleacant to take and never fails to give
prompt relief. Why not buy it now?
For bale by John Preuss,
Filling Up Again.
Acln tho faithful Sunday nchoot
Thu children Kuthr la.
Tho urchins know that, uu a ml.
In Juno jilcnlcu bexln.
Needed His Services.
"I don't see unythlng lately from tho
pen of Jeuklnd, who gave uuch proniloo
I'K nu linaglnatlvo writer."
"lie has a hotter tiling. Tho gas
coinpniiy heard of lilm and gave htio a
Job reading Ita metera."
Address: DR. D. JAYNE
"I wish to say it few words In pratso
of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and
Uiah;hoea Remedy," nays Mrs. Muttio
Hurgv, of Martinsville, a. "I suffer
ed from chronic diarrhoea for ton
years and (during that time tried varl
ons medicines without obtaining any
permanent relief, hast summer ouo of
ohlldreh was taken with oholuiu
interims, and I procured a Inittlo of
this remedy. Only two doses wero n;
dlliivd til L'tvu lur inthi liiltnf.
tj,MI ,i4W,Um1 to try the
medicine myself, and did not
"so all of ouo Kit tin before I was well
and! havo never sine Wen troubled
with that complaint. Oilo cannot say
too mueh in favor of that wonderful
medicine". This remedy Is for-sale
by John Preuss.
Hetoro a small audloueo last evening!
the James Konue1 Company presented
"Tho Highwayman" in 11 way that did
full justice to this noted play.
"The Highwayman" is n strong so
ciety comedy-drama, dealing with tho
life of a famous knight of tho road,
who trios to' give up his old life and
enter London society. By a strange
coincidence he meets his mother whom
he has not seen for years. He has In
come engaged to to tlio ueico of his
mother's husband, for hu is the illegit
imate offspring of her first love, his
father. Tho loy rait awa from him
when a child and found his way to Au
stralia, where lie beenmo a highway
man. It is during tho visit to Loudon
and his attempt to outer English socie
ty thnt ho is tripled through a former
enemy, who is now a servant in his
mother's home. Ho is dually hunted
to earth and in tho end takes Ids own
Those who attended last night can
congratnlatejhetuslvs that they caw
one of the tiiuut blt of acting to which
a Marshtiehl audience is likely to W
treated in ninny a day. We refer to
the MCcue when Swift's mother reveals
herself, nnd hu takes his departure.
Keane rose to real greatness and Miss
Hartley approached it closely. It is
no exaggeration to say that the audi
ence were held spellbound and motion
less, nnd there was not a sound or a
movement in the auditorium until the
ctrain was relieved by thy entrance ot
It is greatly to le regretted that
such a jierforiuMnee, that would draw
good houses in the most critical cities
of ttie laud, should go Wggiug in
This town now has an oisira house
to le proud of, but If we desire to cee
good theatrical companies uomo here
often we must iwitronize them when
they do come.
It is an oxiHjnslve projositioii tf
bring u high chics theatrical attrac-1
tlon here, and it will not of ton lo done )
unless the community does the right
Tonight Mr. Koano will present tho
weird, fa-clnating drama of Loudon
life, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".
The iowerful story by the famous
author, Robert Louis Stevenson, is too
well known to need repetition. Tim
weird ctory of Dr. Jekyll's misspent
life, the wonderful dual character of !
tho benevolent Dr. Jekyll mid tho
murderous Mr. Hyde, is probably the
uiont sensational feature over Intro
duood Into any drama. It is a mysti
fying, intensely a bsorblng, psychology
oal study. It rivets the entire atten
tion from tho moment tho curtain rises
until Its final fall. It leaves a power
fullyjdrawn picture engraven ujsm the
mind that time even cannot efface.
It more clearly portrays tlio good and
evil sides of life more surely and delin-
ately than any sermon ever preached
from the pulpit. It is always patron
ized by tho church and has as advo
cates many of tho leading theological
Sb SON, Philadelphia.
lights of tlio day. lo othei' play over
oivated half tho furor that this ttld
when llrst given to tho public by tho
omlijunt actor Rluhai;d Mansfield in
Now York olty, some fifteen years ago.
Ho iccontly presented It Hi Han Fmu
olsoo to tho largest audhmoo in tho his
tory of tho Columbia theatre, plainly
demonstrating that the play will never
Mr. Koano has also presented tho
play with tromoiuliiUH'Hueooss, playing
to tho largest audionoor in tho history
of Iho Uraud Opera house during a re.
cent engagement la Los Angeles.
Tomorrow Nat Hood win's amusing
comedy "In Missouri" will bo present
el. ' '
(From Friday' Dally.)
Sevoral Ufwpeelallies will Ihj inni'
ducod at thoHhow tonight. Don't
miss them.
1. P. tMdt, of the county seat, Is a
visitor hero today and may Ih found
at tho Central.
The sidewalk in front of the Palaco
chop house in receiving houio needed
repairs today.
Ed Gudleuilugei, tho popular San
Francisco commercial man is in our
city once more ami is a guest at tho
" A. Ulynn and E. II. EWrt, of .Mil
waukee, arrive!) in our city via Rose
burg wagon road, and aro staying at
tho Hotel Central.
Among other up-to-dato specialties,
Miss Lueo will slug Ramoiia at tho
performance tonight.
II. J. Van Lowiiu, of Parkurshurg, Is
a lmduoH visitor in our olty today.
His name may l noticed 011 tho Blan
co regi.tor.
W. (.'. Chase, chairman of the Coun
ty Republican Central Committee, ar
rived on today's train from the county
seat and is in tho city this afternoon.
L. F. Fink, proprietor of tlio Coos
Bay Candy Factory, who has Wen eon-
lined to his bet for several daya with
lumbago, is much improved today.
W. U. Douglas' new business block
is rapidly taking ou the appearance of
a store building and thu front is today
receiving its primary eoat of paint.
Through a letter to his father, Ray
TibbitM was heard from yosb-rday.
He is now with friends and relatives
in his old Eastern home, and is enjoy
ing llfo in the proper way.
(t.W.Wllcon, of Hooky Point, passed
through tho city this morning, en
route for MccKinley, where he goes to
spend a few days visiting his
friwid, Capt. 11. C. Wilcox,
A party of South Marshflohlors went
hlnckhcrrying ou Isthms slohgh yester
day, and returned with '.'0 gallons of
flue Isjrries. The foreman ou the
COAST MAIL acknowledges receipt of
0 nice ones.
There will be a joint installation of
the A. O. U. W: and D. of II. lodges
in North Bend tonight and several
members of the two orders in this olty
will go down to take part.
San Francisco, JulyA7 Tlio steamer
Breakwater wiled for Marshllold to
daywith tho following passengers! Mi
ll ILoekhitrt, K Weeks and wife, Hoy
P (triiitt.Mrs It 11 Hazard, Mrs Walter
II Smith, Mrs M JL Towor, Win Wag-
nor, Mrs Stifllor and children, Rev II
T Murray, R D Thome and wife,
Miss Shawl, Walter O 'Scott, F O
Johnson, Swan Nelson, Fred Stone,
Edward Arthur Bering, 1-' St Claire,
K Sutlow, A V Finila, Jessio A Nell',
May Morton, Mm -8 T Sohritnslor, and
children, Cloilo, Nettie Cioile, (Wm
O'Connell, Mrs H THflnadyj h F Hall.
Wants to qt Out
A. E. Buokun, vw is h"ld In tho
county jail under an Information (lied
last April, charging lriui with raping
his II year old daughter, has applied
to the ooiiiity court, through his attor
neys, MoKnlght oi Hoahrook, for 11
writ of habeas corpus. Tlio matter
will bo hoard before Judge llavlooker
011 tho loth Instant.
A Communication
Marshtiehl, Or., .July tl, UK) I.
Editor Dally Const Mall.
Deal Hlr:
Please allow uio a few linos of space
valuable tu your papor In which to ox
press a fuw opinions.
Tho con tiovorsy which Is going on
Initween your paper and 'tho North
Bend Post Is ludicrous In tho extreme.
It is really laughable to read tho ac
cusations that tho Post makes against
yon ami then pertisu your well dlreuted
and "facts" replies.
Some few weeks ago when the solici
tor for the Post visited the oitlrens of
Marshllold ami asked for their patron
age they received a good lift as the
managers will admit. Their editor
painted to us lu strong and llowey
words that tho Post would Iw tho Wst
paper lu Southern Oregon, and we,
loor suckers, believed him. Wo paid
lilnjrally for a bright, newsy sheet
an. I received a paper which would
honestly disgrace a high school. You
havo easily proven to uh that their
three dollar wire cervico is a delusion
aid 11 snare, and out side of that what
havo they?
Their eight page sheet is mainly
couiMwod of ads and tludr local news
service is nil.
I do not write this U'catiso I have It
in for the Post, but merely to Inform
you that the concensus of opinion is
that your pajmr is one hundred vv
cent Wtter than tho Post.
was rich. Of all the hot air friends Mr.
NHifborotigh certainly takes the cake.
Ouo Marshllold mail remarks in that
EDITION that North Bend will soon
take lu Marchlleld and Empire and
thus form ouo largo city. Wouldn't
that jar you? He certainly hasn't
sold his lots yet.
Such rot as was printed in that edi
tion simply hurts tho bay. People
come in from tho outside and cxeot
something grand, but when they strike
that "twill" of ours they simply cut
and run.
Thanking yon in advance for your
kindness in printing this letter and
assuring you that wo appreciate you
elforts in giving us a good paHr, j
will remain
Yours truly
Brillfgnt Little Company Sur
passes Previous Efforts
in Marshllold
Last night's iorfornianco of "Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", presented , by
thu James Kouno company, was wit
nessed by n goodly nnuiber of Marsh
Hold's best people. ,
In this play, the company area lnnwt
unanimously deolaerd to have anrpilss
ed all previous efforts.
Mr. Koanu'ri delineation of tho ohar
aotroof Dr. Jekylland his marvelous
transformations into tho flondish
Hyde, was nioro than fino; it was
great I Tho rolo is certainly a very
difficult and trying ouo, and it was
enacted in 11 manner exceeding thu
highest expectations of Mr. Roane's
The other parts wore admirably tak
en, and there was not tho slightest
break to mar tho full success of tho
Tonight, Tho Droll Mr. Spuuldiug,
one of the fuunest farCo comedies r on
tho stage. It deals with tlio trials and
tribulations of a, young man from ,thu
country who hires out as a Jprlvato huo
rotary to. an old gentleman from India
There are many funny complication
You can depend on Ayer's
Hnlr VlRor to restore color to
your urny luilr, every time.
Hollow directions nnd it never
falta to do this work. It stops
Hair Vigor
falllnRofthe linlr,nlso. There's
Ijrent sntlsfncilon In knowing
you nrc not no Inn to be disap
pointed. Isn't t)mt so?
Mr ImtV fmbxt mall It lmil "lilt", II
limit put on Imttlif nt -tiri't Hair VUr In
(Mum 11 In lit liiimvr 1U1I1, Hcli rnlni Voiir
iinir viKi-r i-r
It." -A.M. il
rtuliilr e "i wmhi inn
r 1 tint fur
llmiUAhi lluvkllKliiilll, fn '.
iji.ii. Mait
Fading Hair
and one laugh follows so rapidly upon
the other that the play Is consider d
ouo continuous scioam. '
Miss .Mayne will Introduce a Usual
nil song from "Tho Fortune Toller"
In which play she traveled to UqihIqii
with Alice Nellson, last ncason. There
will also bo specialties by Mr. West
and Miss I. nee.
lu addition to tho alsivo bill Mr.
Koano will present the dream .scene
(rout tho Boll.4, in three seem. This
s considered one of the most )Ntwvrftil
scene ever written.
I hate, I hollovo, Mold Ilfly Imixim ot
ChaiiilNirlaiu's Stomach and Liver
Tablets 011 the recommendation of olio
lady here, who llrst Umght 'a Isix of
1I10111 about a year ago. She never
tires of telling her uelghlMirs and
friends about the good tiallties of
thej.o Tablets. P. M. Shoie, DrugglM,
Roohester, lud. The pleasant purgiw
live elfeet of these Tablet makes them
a favorite with bulb's everywhere.
For sale by John Prous.
.ol IMil) Do lit MniirnirU,
lull riiiir Ifir riHiU.
The sewing lu the kimono eoustHts of
one small and one long stitch, a speed's
of artistic basting. There In reason In
this, for whenever the kimono Is wash
ed It Is ripped to pieces. This Is per
haps why the Jiipuiieoo, who bathe
dally, wear sueh dirty clothes, while
the Chinese, who bathe sometime.
wear such clean clothes. The kimono
Mrlpi are dabbed up ami down with,
out soap, scrubbed with a brush am)
are Ironed by dryliiit them eaiefully on
lioiird. One of the sights of a town
are these boards, with their strips of
silk leaning against the sides of '(he
The peasant women not only do the
homework, but out of door work u
well. Like tho coolies, they wear trou
sers nnd stand knee deep lu the slush
of tho rice paddles, guide tho witr
buffaloes at the plow or bind up thq
straw to dry on the trees. This U the
Jnpaneso Idea of a hnystack and makes,
tho trova look uh If they wero wearing
One of the novel sights In the old
women mowers, clipping the lawns,
with scissors as neatly as a lawn
mower and stopping now and thei)
to gossip over their tea. Both lu China
mid Jupau tho tending of silkworms
Is not only done by women, but Is re
garded an nn elegant duty. In China
each year the empress Inaugurates It
ceremonially, as thu emperor does tho
spring plowing. In each country thu
other Important Industry tjw tea
growing Is largely lu the haudti of wo
men. Trru flirnnun Allium!.
Aphasia, or tho loss of memory ot
comprehension of speech, Js n queer
complaint, A man who had forgotten
his sister's name always referred to
her as "that other woman," A person
apparently otherwise In perfect health
will substitute tho name of one nrtlclo
for another totally different In the most
ludicrous way.
Amusta la a form of aphasia which
prevents the patient from remember
ing music. One aniuslac, tiucmuu'loua
of the oddity, sang tho "Murselllalsu"
throughout to the syllables "tun, tan,
tan." On the other hand, another
nphaslae, also a Prcuchman, could
HpcuU bnt a single word, hut could
slug t!h ".MarHollJalBu" correctly
, Marriott
THRRY LINUR13N In Marshllold
Qr July a, lUOl.tFrank Terry and
Kato Lingrcn, jjey Thos. Irvino
r y.g- h imw.1.., .win