Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, July 09, 1904, Image 7

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personal ai?d
(From Hiittmluy'ii Dally.)
Tint Areata willed for Hum FranolM'o
Tim Bioaliwittor arrived
from Him
FniuoUoo this morning.
! amm mi rir
Dr. Mlngus ihiulu u profuMHjonril
vlnli In UoqiiUle Otty today. ''
Miss Maud Colin, who wiw qulto 111
yo'sluvduy, la riijMirted eomowhat Imtfoi'
Who uvur unw
whom onu wit 10
the othor?
jiulr of hvlim of
year Utyv thnil
U. . Minor hiki wlfo, of Hun Fran
pIkjo, arrived on lh liroukwiitur tiiU
'in on 1 1 ife, nud n m rtglHtorud nt thu
11. Mluhmdlmnt., 7)10 haft been oni
ployed for tin pmrt jeer an deckhand
niid flttnimn on tho uttmnur Alort, has
nttlgned bin potdtloti.
Mm. ,. M. Vitiidorwort mid dangli
tor, MN.'l.wihi"iiBii, or Siihiin, arrived
011 tho Breakwater tu visit ,Mw. V.
sister, Mrs. M. It.
lolittlv liom.
Smith1 and othur
Tin Rov. 1). T. Kuiuiuorvlllo, J'nwld
ding 151 dor of tho (ImuU I'ms dUtrlet,
arrived tin the tmln from Myrtle,
1'ulnt yeatenUy mid oiHidmitod nr
vict nt tho .M. K, choi oh lunt night.
Mrs. M. II. Dudley, wlfoof Munagur
Dudloy of tin .!. ICohiiu Co., nrrlvud
In I III city frum Now York toJuy.
Sim onmo ly wiiy of Sao Francisco
mid wu it ptMatniftur 011 thu steamer
Mrs. J. T. Odlvor mid daughter
rtortud yesterday by way of Drain for
Myrtle Crunk, I (mights ooiuity, where
thwy will spend thu summer visiting
ridatlvo and friends.
"For yours fit was after mo con
tiiumiirily", writtn l A. Gulli'dgc,
Vm-bon-i. Ala. "I had a turriblo
mine of I'll., catwlng -1 tumors,
Whuii nil failed Mnokltii's Arnica
Sulvt. Mir.Hl hh.m Equally good for
Uuum nml Mil uolim mid piiins; Onjy
itn' itt all dnigk-Utn.
Tho mail rvom lliwohurx arrived lot
iitiiK Mt V o'olottk. Thin In thu roc-ci-ii,
mnl it imlmat-. the Uind or Mir
v In mi aio HHtUtiK froiu the pioeent
font motors.
duo. Wekorumi 1h San Knuiulioo
man who wh niong tho Break
water's pHAwngera to Marslillold
Kd Guiidlulliigur, a iopulur San
FriitioiHim oomnieielul man, arrived
mi t idivv'n Mmikwiitur and may I at
found at thu Hotel C'uutral.
S. K. Hhuddon, a San FrauolHoo
Imsinwrt man, win nmoiiK thu ihw-uMi
Hi or thu llrwikwater today, Ho 1h
Ht iMiiK at tht Itlatieo.
Thu many rrliuiiU of Mr. and Mir,
K, ('. Colo will ! liituvi'Htiid In know
liiK that a win wnu horn to thuin on
.7 linn ailrd, and niothor and ohlld am
doliiK wall.
Wo avo aiithuntloally iiiforiiiud that
II. .SoiiKHtaohuu will oiioratu tho
Marrihllolil cuunory with a full forco
lhl.i Kuason. '
JJ. llolduriuiiii 1h u Siui FriinolHuo
mini who arvlvud in tho city via tho
ovorhmd ronto Irom UoaoburK, yustur.
day and iw now Htuyluj; at tho Cuntral.
W. C. HuudurHuii nud wifu, of Myrtlo
J'olut, woro imiwoiiBoiM on tho Areata
and havo hIiioo itn an-lval yoalordny
boon KUiwta of tho Ilotul Contral.
JThiwohuvo boon dlrttrlbuted in tho
S; DanlolHon and family, rcaidouiH fullnwiiiK annev; To poiwmal in-
of Cooh river, arrived from tho nit)' , qwlrni 15,000; To Oiokou Infovnmtion
livvoahafliiv'M Areata and loft for.Uuvoau -1,000; To IiumiRrntlmi Do-
tliolr homo thlrt niorniiiK.
K. Yf iifior frQm WEAKNESS, take
X j VUllVl . Strenith-Giver.'J.yno's Tonic Verii
it f rtji. uxourHlfiti frm U.ji.liu oily lo
Haiulon whuio thuy nru blllufl (0 jly .
toululit ' ' '
H !
en...... ,...( H,..,i nir,.,. v..i, .. i.nir...i '
that Iiiih no Hiijiui'lor,
Tuhiihono for it frou'riii
h'lH no i)qmil.
Hiiiniilo mill liifjfinlt ,
11 ... ., I. r. 11 At I
Trnvol py Son
1'anuiiKur lint of Areata imuth Ik)uiii1,
Kriday, July 1, 1001: M JIIkiuwoii
.MIhh Hmriri, K D DiuuiKaii (J Lnird
Mi'H Laird It Mamiu (turtrudu Diuini
tt Wohhur.
Quartorly Conforonco
Thu Hov. 1). T. .Suiniiiurvillu will
hold th) fourth quarturly foiiforunci'
In tho M. 15. olmroh huro ttmiorrow.
Duvotioual HorvloM froiu 8 ti 8:0
t. 111. and lttiHlnurt-4 wHriiou aftorwardf.
All thu uiuiiilHirri mid friumlH iuvitud
Oniuurn and ooinmlttcrt of tho
church will pluimo havo written ro
Thu Doctor will prwioh horo Sun
day at 11 a.m. and fi p.m. mill in tho
I'ri'ubyU'rluu uhurch at North IUimI
ut !l p. 111. All mu ouvUY.Uy lu
Letter List
Idnt of unclaimed let turn rumain
iiiK in thu Marshlluld, Oniiui PtNrt
qdli'oJuly lnt, II10I. rorwiiw cnlllui;
ftr tho (muuo will dHou nay adrartiaml
and imy onu cunt for
Irttor tjalltid tor.
uiioh advert If w
Aiik'uh John, Hrown duo W, lUjrlinr
Mm K, Qimdl WilUmu, Clark J,
tJrawford William, Da via Mrs, Dowa
W U, I.'ckunhoir Win, l-'llloil AiirvIo,
J'ox Hunry, Hood Mltw Dorthii, (luthrio
1-',T 'J, Hauuuiu J O, Hulll V O, Hill
lilliiK Umjri, Hill Mrs Mary, Howoll
Win, JakaliMon Aloxmidur, .lolnuu-on
(Jtto, Ivoltou'H !l MiiHiual '-', Kultou
MrriSiiHiiu, Kliif, S II, I,i'(llov Kuiimi,
Mucuni Alhort, Nyo O II, Ntwhltt Win
NiohollH .Minx (ItHirma, Oir (loo W,
Orro Karl, Orro Hharla-i, Orro John,
UrliiiK H, Pjirrty H W Suiitli W
J, Strand ltov O, Suiith Mva F A,
Hanrord Mimi Mauilu, Silvio S Filohi,
ThomiiH Nuthauiol, Thoiui.son Owrn,
Thulix AuKunt, Whitoly .Mi-m W A,
Wright Mrs (luoiKia, Yojinjc J M,
W. U.UU11T1S l'.M.
Tho huitlottt and iniKhticf littluthini;
that ovor wan itiiidu in Dr. Kiupt' Kow
Llfo IMIIh. Tht'jto pills ohiiUKo woiik-
lll'Hrt llliO HtrcllKtll, llHtlUMllurtrt !Tlf(l"o1l
ovkj', Irtiiiu-fiip Into niontal jmwi'r.
Tfiuy'ro womlruful In building up tho
hualth. Only ','fio per Ihx. Sold by
ill driiKKhdH,
Of the Coos Bay Chamber of Com
merce for Year 19034
l Wo Imvo printed and ont out
j 'JO.OQO foldura dosorlptlvo of Coon Bay
and Ita roHouruea, mid havo on hand
5,000 of rtuoh folduvrt for dlHtrllmtlon.
iv i" njwim nil- iinuii. j awn uy fjnauiDW ut uoiiunoroo.
B. K. HHHIiDON I Wo linro roenrwl u iipiiroiirin.
Uxo imlvo millliiK (tKiint. ,., it 1 , , ,
' (j yVotd" lw tl(m of WiBOO for tho drwlKlnjf oi
.. I I'ony frimiKli hIhiiiI.
Tho A. W. W. ulubwho jjiivh thwlrj B Wo have paUliouHd OoiiKrcw for
minital idonio on South Uofl rivw a now iroet tor tho Imjirovomnt or
yortturday ntport an attundanco ol or Coon Day Imiv mid horlxrr, etilllnK for
HlMy iiorHOiiH mid a vory jihmmuit ot 11 niomi low tldo lilli or thirty foot
ln. Uahln, hoat ridiiiK and luuoh'ou thu lr and twunty-ttvo fwrt in tl
woro 11111011K tho fuatururi tlwt wnt to Innur Imrlior, Iwt wct ninldd to h
iniiko up tho jood tlmu. ,ouro tio wiino at lb last mmlcn of
(OoitBroan lor tho mown that o Rlvor
Tho ettoaiuov Dniitkwator arrlroilJMiid Ilavlwr hill was jnmmmI, but Vo
in thu hay from San Kranolaoo at 11 havo tho iiiNiiirniitt of the Oregon dole
oV.look liirtl uvouliiK, nuikliiK th vny. untinn that thin project will ho adopt
ao from lir to tmr in oxat'lly 80 1 nt thu noxt minii or Conftretv.
hoinH. Hhulludup for tho nixht Id1 0Wo havo tnkwi HfcttjM to havo the
tho lowor hay ami oamo On up'T'u. H. 3df SnvitiK station iiiotoiI
Maifthlluld thia uiorniiij,'. dooklin; at froiu lt jiroaanfc loeatltm t Charloa
hur umial placo In thin city about 8 ton Day.
o'olouk. Shu hrliiKrf !I0 pinoUKOTH and ; 7 Wo hnr) otulouvorwl to auouri'
100 toon of frui,'ht. tho oonntmotlon of a hrlilKB uerom;
I flu. tm.nMl nf S'lllHl 1llL'll.
I partmont Southern Paoill'o Co. O.OOOs'of this eity, wna ji iuuwoubov on tho
To t. Iuln KxiKMtltloit Jl,000 To
O'oiiimuioial oj7(ii!ilzatloim mid othur
'dlHlrihntliiK modltiiiiM in Hiuall loiri
! a,0(l(),
' U-V Imvo rocolvcd and muworcd
rr SI.00II powmal n,ulriurt rulatlvo
l ' Uo0" J3,,y' .
,!'J II'''"l'0 ' l'00" uounly
hn Ieon hicroiiHod over 'J, 000, and wo
,H,lloV" imi ,l & u,n,,y of tlMW0
J" 'opiu mivu uuuu luouuuu iu ooiuu m
(Jooh county thruogli tho aieiioy of tlm
... .. ' . . . ...
8 Wo havo tukun stojw to havo tho
mail wtrviuo improved by having a
niKlit olurk in tho ItonaburK mwI olllco,
thua avoitliuK n dulay or from !' to IS
liotirri in tho out oiiiK mril.
II v havo aKrtiritcd in ovurv project
which, In our opinion, would rwlouiid
ft tho Iwnollt of Coos D(y or It) inhab-
HuHjiuctlully vubuiittcd,
(Kroin Tucitlny'a Dnlly.)
Wm. I. Ktiif,', of Ko.iunurf,', may lm
found at tho Central today.
J. A. Smith and floury Sohofor nru
Kukuiiu uiuu whou umiHM upjioar on
tin) Tllnnoo roiatur today.
M1m A mm Ijurd U oiiatud on thu
Alllmiuo from I'orlluud, to vlnit Mr.
Mnry 1'. Canijiball.
lino. A. Tlionia.s of Kureka, in a
Coon llay'vialtor today. His nanio up
puarn on tho doekot at thu Blanco.
('apt. Meudula, or tho tlnis hhil
lfcuiltn, mado a llyiiiff trip to the lowur
Imy with ooal for tho U. S. Life Suv
iiiK Htntiou totlay.
Alburt Cnuipboll will rattirn from
hlrt St. Louis trip on tho Alliance.
Willie Hnrnott irt ojcpootwl to oomo y
way of Son KranciMCO.
1 . -
Mi. S. Maooou, of Sturltoa, Cnl.,
airivod on thu Hrtmkwator to make an
extended vldt to hur daughter, MvsO.
T, Coleman, of thin city.
Oeo. SmitJi, a wealthy farmer or
Doiih'lnri oounty, arrived this niorn
iiiK to visit Ida daughter, Jin. P. K.
Chaa. Lando uud Dolnirt. Dillard
mado it -0 milu rtnlilnK oxouvrtiou up
iHthiuua slouuh yiteturday, returning
latu in tho evoning with uohing bauks
and a ntwiy kltton.
Tho town ia illllng up with puuplo
today in a way that promUas an hn
nienso crowd hero for Monday. A
largo number of Coqulllo people camo
ovor on today 'n train.
Tho utago dvlvow on tho Coo.s Day
wagon road now drivo all tho wuy
through to Itosoburg, throu men bidng
employed, and eauh man laying oil" ov
ury third trip. Tho run in now. mado
with daylight to uparo.
Tho tug Hunter, Captain Cornwall,
of Gardiner, arrived in tho bay last
night and, loaded with merchandise
and other 1th of July goods, loft on' her
return voyngo for tho Umpquit early
this morning.
Miss Anna Johanson, of San Fran
eisco, cousin of tho JUsaoa Kickworth
Wf f 11 jft
Ilrnakwntor and comrei to Hjiend tho
HJi'imiiur with her relative here, Ifor
arrival was a glad surpriHO for liar
cohhIiih, who lmd no Idea that bJio wam
coming until thoy noticed Jior niiiiio in
tho Drcakwutor pamonger lint, publihh
d in tho COAST MAIL hint Thursday.
iMlH-i .TohmiKeii hat a drew uiakur'a
jwrJjprH in tho city .
PueiiKOT list, nf fteamar Draakr
WAtttr Irnnnd for San Francisco, H.itur
day July 2nd: Mr Dlokons mid wlfo,
8 Tj lirlglit, Wolf, .T J McCu, H
Adlor, C Jtuokot, Capt Fletcher, J3
iMooMO, It It I'orntrr, I Chnndlor, "W
Cliandlw, .7 C McDmignl, .7 W l'oni
bor, Nora Millor, V 'i'iiniiieriniiii, M C
Tiiniiiuriiian, nnekmon, .Mini Irene
HoImoii, IS Cijmo, A Muttner, It Dud
ley, .7 Forging, J Ufkea, Wiliam
DumihiK, George Powell, M Oku S
Hngaki, John Gilligati.
"I wrmld oongh nearly all niRht
long,'' write Mr Chno. Applogate,
of Alexandria, Jnil., and could Imrdly
get any fdeep. I had oonantuption ho
tmrt that it I walked u block I would
cough and Hpit IiIixmI, bnt, when all
other m1icinM faileil, three bottles
of Dr. KingV $ew Dlscorory wholly
cnTudmunnttl gained fi6 .ponmlu."
It 'h alwolutoly guaranteed to cure
Coughs, Cohlrf, La Grip.,' JJronchitic,
mul all Throat mid Lung Troublon.
Price B0o and $1.00. Trial bottles
frett at all druggist.
Street Decorated
Tho decoration of Front atreot com
menced yetterduy mid has oontiuued ,
today until the thoroughfare is woll
lined with young trees, giving it a de
cidedly holiday upiKmrance.
BuhIui'ps houses arc also decorating
their fronts, Euguuu Kean, having
lat'ii tho llrst to load off, tho 'Broiler
second uud.Lockhuxt'a Pharniucy Ixiing
a Irt) in the front or tho proce.iion.
Ten Days Lay off
Wm. Ford, trnveliug salesman lor
the Pacific Hardware & Steel Co., or
San Frnnclr-eo, has secured u ten dnys'
"lay-nlf" from his house mid will
spend tho timo with Marshfleid friends
on a hunting nud fishing excursion
out of thi city. In the lnterinm Mra
Ford will undergo an operation try
Dr. E. K. Straw, who has takon tho
contract to chaugo thu partitions mid
otlierwlse remodel the interior depart
ment of Ids iiom. After tho nosu haa
Ixioii hanled down to ita proper placo
and straightoued out sufficiently to be
flighted over once more our commer
cial .friend will Undoubtedly "make
good" with his old reputation as a
hunter of large gamu.
Tasteful Decorations
Among the decorations of Front
street liualnoss honuo-i, tho palm easily
goes to Eugene Koun, who has put u
groat deal of work into beautifying
tho front of his shoo sliop, with very
plonsiug results. He has constructed
tin arch of greenery across tho aide
walk, containing live different kinds of
flowers and Howoring shrubs. Theno
tiro all native Oregou produoto and
Imvo been gathered by Mr. Kenn on
tho hills niKir town. With a tasteful
inter-mixture of flags nud hunting thoy
form a very pirtty sight, and Eugene
Kean can well feel proud of tho result
of his elfoit.
After IVlany Day9
Alwut twolvo years ngo, a lady liv
ing near tho Coos Buy creamery lost
a gold ring, et with mi amethyst,
which she valued highly. Iurtofnti
gnblo search failed to discover its
whuru bouts, and It was finally given
up as irrecoverable.
Curiously enough, a week or so ngo,
tho people now living on tho placo ac
cidentally found tho almost forgotten
ring, lying whero it had boon uncover
ed by some hurtaco change.
Killed Largo Panther
Frank Rogers and. Floyd Coll'olt
killed u largo panther yesterday even
ing back of Cy Noah's pluoo on Coos
Tho varmint had killed two calves
tho night bofro, mid yesterday Floyd
Colfolt sunt up for Frank Rogers to
conio down -with his limiting . dogs.
Tho latter camo down on tho Tele
phone, and tho dogs woro put on tho
trail. Tho panther was closo by hav
ing ovldontly returned for a lunch.
and ho was txeed in about 30 uiinutoe.
Tho guns of the bold hynterfi then
mado short work of hid pauthorshi).
Ho weighed iiljont 1C0 jionudd mid
wns in flue condition.
Theflo dog of Mr. Rokoth' nro death
on all varmints, and" ninny wildcat!!
and panthers, on wld! a hoaro, havp
mot thoir death with thu help of tho
(From Vodnesday'i" l5allyT5
Mr. mid Mrs. .T. U. Dnlley, of
Coqulllo, woro greeting 'old frfdndU In
town yJttirtlny.
K. C.Dmnent and three of Ids boys
were-drcr from CMyrtlo Point to tn!(0 '
in tho Fourtll of July. '
" , ,' - !
The life Having crew woro up from :
En's i-jwer uny yonorony aim took part .
in the wator carnival.
A bU ball gniue, four lights and- a
twenty round foot raco were thp ut
treotloim at the ItodtttaiUfti JPpxJc ?&
have ball game plnyei) lwro ren-'
. -r t... ii i 1, L.
between Mnnshiield uud Nartli
Desd amounted to
a wiore of 8 to 3
fvor of tho Bend.
Mies Jo Beyer:?, of Sumner, who has
boeu teaching school ii.i Koseburg, was
it imesonger on the incoming Alliance
from Portland.
Tho steamer AUinnco nrriyed from
Portland 3'oterdny xuoniiug nut! lii nd j
! Tlf?UOl tf uflll fen fifltl 1tVlHl!eWft Ma
Mr. F. II. Fay, 1st assistant Light'
house ke9per, nt the Umpqtm light)
homo is u bnsiuotM visitor on the Bay ',
Mrs. Frank Bnrnes, of Gardiner, is
visiting with relatives in North Bend
this week uud yas among tho peoplo
front North Bend who attended tho
celebration exercises hero yesterday.
Th prize of u tank of gasoliuo
offered by tho Standard Oil Co. for the
best decorated launch hi tho wuter
carnival last evening was divided by
tho Meteor and the Teddy.
Tho Jniucs Kenno company last
night played to the largest nudionoe
that Marsbflelci has over turned out to
u thentrioul performance of any kind. '
It is ostimated by aonio that' over SO.Qi
people wore xircdent.
Mrs. Q. W. Loggic, of New What-i
com, Vi'iiuk., arrived on tho last All!-!
uiioo from Portland and is now visit-'
ing with htr mother and sister in ii is'
Any one finding a petition to tho leg
islature, which was lost on tliQ"ba$6
boll grounds yeaterday will confer a
favor by lea ing it with Hail and Hull
or at MoPhorsou and Ginger's,
Miss Leouolda Lic4triama of Ton
mile, was brought to this city last Fri
day to undergo uu operation for appen
dicitis. Tho operation wub performed
last Saturday by Dr. Horsfall and as
wo go ta piossi today tho young Indy
patient-iivu fair way to .-cccro.. ,
John Colguu, aged 01 ycuvs, was or
orated on by Dr. McCorniao for. appen
dicitis last Saturday and is today rant
ing vory nicely. This is tho"fcocond
operation Mr.Colganhau uudei'goae for
this malady, a completo operatiou at
ouo time boing unsafe on account of
his age.
A Mud Bnth
Considerable excitement was caused
Monday afternoon by littl,, Mary
Woodward, daughter of Mr. itxib Mrs.
Geo. Woodward, falling through tho
wharf at tho pavilion. whero'Vt "plank
had been raised for tho pprjioso of
swooping trash through. ,tb 3 opening.
Fortunately the tidtj wui4,Qnt and no
timbers woro iy tho yy so the littlo
gud hud a soft plaejptcf light and oil
capod with a mud bath, F. S. Dow
and n youim; gentloni'iui from North
Bend going gallantly to tho rescue.
Travel by Sen
Ptt93pugqv ,Hst j)f 8tj)".mer AlHaaco ,
am ving'fiW Portland July -Hit, 100i:.
Miss AI K Jones, B Aiellott, Samj
Ilaudseker and wife, Roy .Bartoll, Mies i
Jessie iiarteit, Mva Bhenlev.
Clark nud wife, Mri G W Loggle, ilel-
. . vr- - ."ituvtow
on nndAdoloLogglo.J Taylor, J Ingrain
and wifo, Miss Swansou, O V GuCt
dingu and wifo, Frqd Hofar, Geo T- -ergon,
and wlfo MIrs Jco Bcyci, t
Clnpp niid wlfo, Tint D N, G M L u.
lev. Mins Cnrtis. Mra Grit .Tones'. Mrs
jCrtVuiingh, JflM D?ftdloy, Mnrk Gettyl
Mim Getty, R M Watson, O Tlunnoiw
and 5 2nd ojatw,
Buggy C&pslzod
Whilo Tom Mchl and J. P. Uuyovrf
were driving from Coquilio city to
this placo to nttond tho celolmttion
yesterday moniing In rounding a sharp
9"rvo 1" the road tho buggy struck n
tm,1l d turned ovor throwing thorn
out and bruising them up considera-
bly, They pulled theniselvcs together,
howevor, and drovo on to this city
whore tliey had their wounds dre-tted
by Dr. iMeCormnc and wore still able
to whoop tilings up for old glory.
cwo camo to light that for per-
aisteut and unmerciful torture has pei'
JiuI "oyov
nick, of Cr
j- .LirM i
been equalled. Joe C!o!.-
lusa, Calif, writei: i'o-
years i oimurc! msuucrauio puiu
from Rhonmatlsni and nothing relieved
nie'though I tried everything kno'T .
I camo ncross Electric Bittors and it's
tho greatest mediciuo on earth for that
trouble. A few liottles of it complete
ly cured me." Just as good for Live?
mid Kidney tronblcs nud go. ..rnldotill
ity. Only 50c. Satisfaction go :
teed by nil druggists.
ir. r. XJiLtOX, Mnntct .
Will MuKi! fllcuulnr 'l'rlt-
;saw FiUNcisco
I -cap.ryi:;g-
Oregon Coal
Navigation Co ,
F.S.DOW, Agent. Marshfleid, Urezn'j
S.O. CO. Autfhr TCuiira Ci'. O ,
PJnMO nxnii Q Uniivni-i
rldllajiali (B DlJIlUt 1 1
DlKKCTOItS : T. JL Sheri
dan. J. V.Uomicit; 1'KBS.:
and. II. Flanagan,. VJOK
PltES.: U. .F. Williams,
Capital, 850,000.
(tW !
Comer of Front and A Streets,
I HOTEL. lollcm aihors of public .t
tonage. New beda and iprinc mattrcjka.,
havo beeo placed in Rlmost cviry Bleeping
room oi this home and neither trouble nor ex.
penne it spared to keen everything in first. clal
order. TliKMS-
Roard and Lodulng. per week t" (M
Hoard, ner week 4 nf
fEiugTb mvnla ;5i
250 VEARS'
Trade Mabku
Anrona lendlnR a iketrh and description n)i7
Milcllr "cirtaln our opinion free "bftber .
!i,'.y.''J'' ?.". .K?.53S affl' i' SSSSoAm
u"'VPW,v,.YiJ-.i - ii anrint tuitentk
-ffi.Sa Taken tErouSh llunS t6. Welvc
... . lMi ana
ires uiucs hkvhv v vv,viw." "ri
tntcLil nttlt. without cbaree, Wtno
Siknimc jmatsaa.
" '"rancS okvefU tfUL, VNWobbwu, 11,0.
WIHmJLJL'JJgawffiggl.-ri... -., , aaummmuf.wmmt
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