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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1904)
HlfPllU. WfiftSiiX4 nfc. , V V- j ..j..V1 .;f, -r- w qu -j -y- i .? J - A. ns?sT! v. News of DBNIKD HISWFOROKMKNTS JiOirdon. July 1 Tho Control XwV f. iWuntbiirit coiTCimlcnt win, Tvo hmtfrpd HumImw wcdftntwort lust i l itl In military circle that Jl3W wtrttt wiwtwtml Kuropntktn has Iwii denied ndrtitiomtl , .iwi ."rt Towtfn Tlwj. t forces, ho having asked for a qimrtfr! , A pinion of thp .norlawtttfrn col ol n million, owlup to the burden nl- at: t of the Japaiitat nrBiy h won mnd.ron the country, nnd liitonl,1WiSstal,oIUui:i i mlWnortliwwt ultuhv. ' f "P ShnUiMB. Kmttttr hM i dtywttUi report up uussian l'osmui; inmsxAUiiK miBJiiiaHehoniUiirni. l!om July l-The Jiiaa lection ; ' $ !' " 'husraitlmt tho Japan amy i..oc &J 'itro ccenutol l' Shni'.. now almoin touch with Knropat. j pain amy of & Jl ' Lin's cmnmnuica'.io. Tho Riifclw'uwnilvMldwaKMtl. lMittoant Lino Ynnjr i said to I . ' ' .. , TobH July A trrcti of l?uh:n ueoominp ntennb!e . sriscfcc. .be Japan out iost nl Mo 'i&SSlAKS WITHDRAW TROQl- thK'.ln ytm Monday, but won n- Tolao, July 1 Knropfttkln idui vn7. Jotts 80 kUloHXMW'oiiudiiil,. Wiickol burg nro hnrriodly withdraw- T.te JupatHiM eamlti"s worts oaly five. to luc their troops from Cni Claws in aa tc:davor to arrivo nt Lino Ynajr :n lime to s t!:e JnpaiNo, ndvnncins trr the height o2 Tuns Kins- , AVAL FIOJiiT QttsfcaJt'tv 1 Tho wiptain of tho i ' " ' " v.'vr' , , hteemcr ClHftUiw juit nrrlwl . rOK)rt V. Jupuntwu float of two ImttJo- t rod five iTulMsw, wore acHvoly vseil, iroeuaiably with the Rxu.' 'M.n,fleeMhouPh..,iHi0Onld not I "rve . a - L tii " - it - " ""r?h'.r-. J SiUAUBON ilKTURN ' r. ItJfcrolmrj:. July I Skt-ydlotf mwt. froBi,, Vlndivwtok that tJn- V.fcrtcj " wqnadnoji which bombarded 6u Saa r!vCTiJel Ui?y todiy. J . , HEAVY F&fTXKG ; ... in.X'eieriiuurf;, Jiwy i-uom (iillasky reiwrtH that th5 Jt.imno- in the aeichborhooil of Port Arthur, en . . . , the ar,thT dellveren thTifb niuuooaartnl 'tf.vanfcioii Monat D'avtlasn rriw Kreat los. . p , Oa Jhe hc.-na day the Jnpaue.-e Iwx- lurried tho from Syobindas bay if iixiuujiiu.ii. w.,. ....if, i.ic .uj.ii 'he Scivlyai retired to ,Lun Waa..y. Mhich the Juj)nni',uv:tkod Bad were auin ippuUeO. Ou the Mime d?y t l,n-p forca of the enemy uttachad AnriV iimii;!a, tea miler- from Port Artbnr, ju.-Uaaking the Rnwiuiw, who ret'ro', I m-Ski joi lo t r j .-A ,rtzt Jnii.inwo.f(rc?i('inisrehiar .pern ft.iluy .to Houiuin with icon::- i TV..ln.l K.Ja 1.a TNttt eln ! .ria ALL MUST FIGHT . , 'Cheofoo, July 2 A rujwit if"rem ' Port Arthur thin mornini: hit j ;fcnt ' thn RuHblaa authoritiM ther)V iaei clanuri all IheyihoirS in the tv:i, uiu fled the AXfr, and' the lest of ,hei niM.-'ail) tea's iaehidiaK over able ) died man, have l.'eoa eat out to th( : treaehen yi3j'.r?io evirtont tJion.Kn , that a ful''nmuit Vom t'w land i.ldej 1 1 'a ni'nui.t. " I TALK F INTER VKNTICX Iteyc, Jslyvfi h'evernl jHtjtv. i-i! i.t ro ' t:a;a 'inr the ioubh ato oxeh- t' v t.a,..iart:.e m9M a:o uxta r- i. ;ows wiwittnu ouject or tnutni; w. .. i ..,,ct::oneeflr-Hu.p,lo:,6?.hr.. UimiiiX'o Far Kant doint: ihi t-.'.uy fceayn, to nttomjit fi-ind!) :... r-' vention. ii,, RUSSIAN SUCCESS ". Poftivl r-v-July 2 Tlas rourhe iu .u.. rejw i thnt thoRusjIan forces ' liavo eiijitured Talien, Motion LiiiK and l'V3) CJm ChoK piojses out of which ' Hoy wero fouled by thu Jtijmueto on' Tuesday last. Loudon, July C Tho Central News' 'J'tiklo oomwjwudont rojiovtj that l:o j iOntriil 4;oltunu of .thoj. Jajiu:wo Jlvs; army now cocr.pies n linn urnrly i) the War uiiU'' it) Ig!i lwel alotlini mi nnd :Teiki jww. . Vhc tirni!Ilcl I'lituiin. I 'Cyjni ie ttt ikiUimIuiii nstil liyUnH'y J nnlc or int! nchl nro cousktwwl ly ItWt JlCnjllo ts) Ih.' Rbotit the not JMll iujotts of knuw ii sntRtniKK. This Is , i!) prror. T!.cy nrt the nwtt rr.r!l!y ct'::' : cf nil Hioiii. bet the most lotrt. Onv ilrrji of pnro jrnwle nvM :I-ch1 Ii th ciV of n laro Uoi: wl!I U w,th1 wo fcHWdft n.j sueh a 'tow? will ! a njr.a. Iiut tlwre lt an . Mf ljnT.;.na,.m!tli p.'rt of n ?r.ln tf whk-h will hill n iimwJpthJl ?"l "-mrl. 1h. w'tlio do .Ml,,t th,. i'i liii iv.' S.p.j4 U0 t!nu3 : a toxic rh Brrph jpil Kiieliiili. Thre ls '"" ""' Hjtwon tho -inclosit ail the modern Greok tonsu.s tlmti U)two?n Chnnvvr'1 KdIU.'i anl Mlis,,b of wtay- p Lw. "Hwe Ii a promWns ulnluc ileal In vluVt I want to Kx y in nn f.-c j, Coor." -"No. thank-. I Lare li hit !n ki the ground tlocr of nilnliiK Ul be-! fore only to Vw droned Uotrr. lata thv j basemunt.- j Sac Kasw It.' I "WIhtc this country aaa tl prwt i lvrntnp hi to lu abonac of raw MKitwhU." Krv material! I ahotsltl say no.1 imUfltvt from th line of yaun umm who hnvo bon calllnc ou me tills win-, trr . i New Uw For i hem. I 'Itllnki fh tV.t tU"re l ft fortuntf m ni iifn i J. i f im inem inoroiiKn ly tralneir' ' "Tralno.t f- what to ly (s.s:" ..No. to Hojph ,, the weN In the an!ea aiwl lw;ve tjie phuitA" AfJorjJ Jt '-What la the manor with Mrs. J":7''i" "Nfrrous prostration." -I rtMn't know Jones had ns much :iwv n nil that." " " m . a. i . .1. v,pT v ' ', idS3J7fti i:-"- t I Iiav .-rl rtinitrm in - M tfCUtbVrH kt Stock and Poultry Mcdl.yj IHtTI l -..-.. .v w yw 1 . VLI L (ir.t tul wi p'e. zul lo ny thet I ntvu & A "T',w'S',"w','l "-1 $'" " ki bitit04 ljitm. I hurtiiy rtcsm. S it ccr. it u w . Mrs u iwcx. J. B. UUSHER. St. Uwh. Mo icic i.Jt ( y- Jtry tttotfld ot hu i wex A any more than ktck )rriM naoold expect to be cul by food. ( hen your utoclc -mA jKwItry ztp i-k yivtt them uud icii e. Uun't. t'.uff iv in with worth t, Uf V food . ("ulnad the bowsU and tir up t.'.e torpid lm-r and tho animal ht i iiA, if u lxi poiiN lie to cure it. lllack'Draucfht fitotk tti.u i'ounry .Memtme unload? tho bowel i and niin un the torniil Jfver. It cares every of stock if taKen in time, net-tiro u w-tent can of Hlstck-Draiittht Slotk and Poultrv Medicine and it will ikiv for itself fi'ti t'uataover. Hcr-eawo.-k better. Cows civo more Jinlk. Ilo'fj L'aix. I b. Aiidl'.slayi oraetutt. It solve the t rohleiii of jt.aL'inj,' a niuch blopd, I .leih and vnwjy aj ponblo o-iV of tho K.nalk-.t :i- lotuit of foxl, .Con-' auined. i'uy a can front your deafer. 2? " mn-MrJ "N IJ4 . Lt jmw rwM j 3 fir' k Woman and International Arbitration lly M. CAH.UY THOMAS, Prctltlcnt of Nryn Mwr Collrd .?! . AWTHrLYATTOXAL ) dr movoinonts ii which wo may look for rapid promos WUEX WOAL1CX BliGlX T,0 'JJAKK A D15KP Jvli TNTKUEST LiN" NATIONAL ANH JNTKK NATIONAL AFFAIUS. , Thoro nro nmnv reasons for thinking ilils, hut I will mention only tho threo moat, iijiportant: I'i rat, yromon suitor far inoro.fronj tho CONSKQUJi.OKS of war than num. 1 fool wry puro that, if men hntl to stay at )iomo nnd wateh ami pray nyIuIo their yWq6 ami daughters fought they would not ho as willing to go to war as they nro now. Those of us who remember hearing southern women toll of their agony of helplessness, waiting for nowa that was always bml news, while their fathers and brothers nnd lovers yero away from thqm lighting nnd of courso it was just as hard for women in the north must realize that IN VAR WO.MKX IIAVK AlUCir Till. 1IAKDKU KOl.K. , Sepond, war destroys n groat (hvil that women as iv tox ean moat for. 1 have sometime wondered whether tho happy position of American women, tho honor in which thev are held bv American men nul tho deference showu them, which U really peculiar to Amerien and QtPKKSSKS KVKKY KCKKIUNJCU who comes to this coun try, is not due to the fact, that in tho past wo have not had standing armies, so thnt otir sons nnd brothers and lovors have not lx-n sepa rated from homo life at tho most formative period of their live and Oiompcllod to Hvo together in military barracks, w'lioro circumRtances Mem to inakq it almost uunvoidnblo for them to lead u life that fop ever afterward lowers their rwpoct for women. t H After living four yonrs in Gormnrry nnd Frnncd, t reached the conclusion that much in tho attitude of (iermnus ami K ranchmen KAtrnrd women, which is so immeasurably different from tho attitude of Aiuertam men toward American women, .MAY HIC KX PLA1XKD BY MILITARY CONSCU11TIOX and all its dis nstrotis consequences for tho homo lifo of a nation. Third, women in the past have led lives at home, carefully guarded from a groat deal that i.s 'unpleasant and this will always li the ease for a largo number of women in the future and they are therefore more sen.Mtivo than moil to tho unrighteousness of war. ' THEREFORE VHEN WOMEN COME TO EXERCISE A DIRECT INFLUENCE ON AFFAIRS THEY WILL, I BELIEVE, EXERCISE AN INFLUENCE ON THE SIDE OF ARBITRATION THAT WILL PROVE T.O BE WELL NIGH IRRESISTIBLE. The Interisland Traffic Of tfee Philippines Dy W. II. TArT. Scrrepry of Wr f u V ' t'W not tho civil governmcnt.of the Philippines winkod at Wv ti,e atimilation of native and foreign vescl that -is, of tfrjcpfc foreign corporatioim tvan.'-forring their vessols to Aiueri iStf? L"u ,1 ''''!'mn eoutyiiuii tho intcrislnnd trade of thu jtffBZHzP vhm inrM (jQrjj-j) X0T have BEEN CAR- i PilED ON. Tho situation is that of fenliiifr a starving man. Tho interchange ( cf cotumo Mtics of the different iilamU is a ncceM-ity. Tt is likely that ii a i?yi"M of small ii::es proiaileu tho SAIE ships that arc now nrajred in t'-e trafiie would continue to handle it in violation of tho fMn-twMo laws. If the vessel? that have been permitted in this fashion fo earry fri'it were ylmt out, I don't know what would happen, i the r;:oPLE :on.i) not get along, . The State Shanks Wonlan -( . , With ttte Criminal! " " By MjJ.Ln DEIUycpA. PrcolcJcnt Lqiiil .SurtTjtfo Leitfuo, A rjO'i dfrnnchisod, stands iu"li falso( position to tho'; wf governimJut. f6w can sho comciontioUsJiy1 teach a child j .u iHJiHK- biiiiu wiiicii iJxoi)j. wjto jicr, which raiiKj; her ehurncte'r' nnd hor intclligcnco with that,' of a C'RLM-i IXAL and tlio UJiYATm? . '( ' " " mm There is no truth in Iwr lessons of others' rights when her hoys may go forward to tho franohiwj and' iiur girls have to fiieo tho fact that, til though irmenalde to1 iill'ilio', i... ... . . . ! ' conditions ot tho govci'nment, they linvo AJ3S0LUTJSLX T0 VOJCJC in tlio laws which coirtTol tlioso conditions. "5"'' "' IT IS THE DAIL.V INJUSTICE 0F AN ENFRANCHISED CLA3S RULING A DISFRANCHISED CLASS, A PUBLIC ACKNOWLEDGMENT CF THE ARI8T0CRACY OF SEX. ' f f Tho mother of'tiio future, taking hor rightful plnc'o, rcwjpii.iiig her duties to tho state as supplementing tlioso of her h'ome, will go into tho jury box and for tho first time n woninn who 'lias brolten the law will be judged by A JURY 01? llEJt VFAmii. 'Tho judged chair will be open to woman's ability, and tho power of woman's opinion may bo crystallized into law. ty ' THE DAY WILLCOME WHEN NO PUBLIC OPINION, NO VOICE OF CARDINAL Off JKllVd, 'Wt) AfiDITRARY RESTRAINT OF STATE,' SHALL DARE TO LIMIT Hfin INTFI I inuwrp no- nuveoeeDC wi-miit HnR usefulness;' :.V1 nrbitrntlon Is, I think, onh of tho .1 of iustice for nil and clinsiduhitiorr' -it. .- ' f' '. Wl - i Why Manual Labor Is Indispensable SfTMOWEVKH striuigo and 5filAi ,ivo xn luxu' ",low WW H tinuu to livu m wnli m& :4ml lotibt for a jnomont mm before jour conscience, before Clod, and therefore it is essential and MOST IjSKFUL TO aIANKIND and that my activity, hqwover useful it.-mijy seeiu to some people,, loses, I hppo no.t all, but oorlaiidy tho greatest portion of its flmi? eanco, through not allowing tho moat important sign of tho S1N0JJK 1TY of w.hat 1 preach. ( f , A short timo ago a clover and religious Americauj, Wiljiam Jen wings Uryan, was in my house, and asked, me why J cqnsiilor.common manual labor, indispensable. 1 told hiiu Unit, firstly, it Is a hign of aiiieoro KECQCINITION 01? THE QUALITY OE tf)X, see (jndly, that it brings us nearer to the majority of the workingi,pooplo, from whom wo are fenced oif by a wall, if wuj profit by their need; thirdly, Unit it gives us tho highest bliss and peace of conscience, vhiqh no sincere man utilizing thu work of slaves has or can ever have, i . i i i J In education, physical ns well ns mnfitnl, T r,upposo. Hint thu most important thing is notitd TOKOE anything on ehjldron; all the mow in this necessary) when it comes to tho most important subject re ligious education. r . Just-arf it is useless and harmfn? to feed -a child whon it does "nob want to cat or to force a child to study subjects which do not interest it and wluch are unnecessary lo it, so it is oven more harmful to teach children religious conceptions about which they do not nky and hi niont oases 'formulate them crudely and thus DESTROY THAT RE LIGIOUS ATTITUDE toward lifo which at this timo may perbnp uuuousciouily develop and establish itself in tho child All that Ia necessary, it seems to mo, is jo answer, but to answer TRUTl I l'MJ LI A , tiho questions asked by u child. It seems very simple to answer truth Sully tho religious questions' of achild but in reality only he can do 'A who Im3 nusworod to himself truthfully religious quo.itjon-ubout f'tod, life, death, good and evil, those very qhostions which children. always ask so clearly and definitely. ' AND HERE COMES TRU3 THAT WHICH I HAVE ALWAYC THOUGHT REGARDING EDUCATION THAT THE ESSENCE QF EDU CATING CHILDREN CON8I8T8 IN EDUCATING ONESELF. HOWEVEn 3TRANGE THAT MAY SEEM, THIS EDUCATION OF SELF IS THE MOST PdWERPUL TOOL OP THE PARENTS' INFLUENCE OVER I - THEIR CHILDREN. I'tirtmip Spent un lliilloiia. Porty thotiMiiid jxainiU wuh ild by Iiiil.i XIY. for one net of biittoiix for a waistcoat. Thin monarch hail u jkwI. tlvo iminhIoii for biittouri, and lu the year WN" he ent a very law ninount on thlrt hobby. Aiiioiik the Iteum of his expenditure two are worthy of note AiU'UKt, 10S.'. two dlnmni(J buttons 07,."iUl francii; vvpntytl)' diamond buttons .VMl,703 francs. It lo eHtlmatinl llmt durhiK bin lifetime he Hpeut ll. X).C4X) ou buttous alone, and that at n tlim when the empire of l'rahco wna lu i) Htate of baikruptey. ivith the Mkiti ot KnnHtiy ornencq of them wove a litter, ffi which,, the body was placed. The pathetic Utile proamnion moved lu tbQ solemn, liiHcrulnble forent. , When the troo had fulP-n It had rniHlied throucli the top of nnothur, leitVliiK RUHpendcd In the bnuichefl of the latter n Ioiik. heavy llinb. A nllht Uti-otu IL lleurv 1'iiul w .Murln Aiitntnrtln'a Slinwt. .inrlo Antolielto'rt lucu ahawl, which khe Karo on tho NeafTold to her father eoiifi'rtHor, tho Ahbo do POrme, Ui Htlll lu oxIritL-nco. The nbhe, who einlfniti ed, left it at Ida death to tho 1'rclnto Ktrohnch lu ISroHlau. It has wince patm ed throiiKh tho hiuidiv of two or thieo clerKyinciiiund was ilutihy pruienled to the ehiireh nt Nennedorf by 1'iutor IlelnriC'liH, , i Kfil it I'urorllo l'lnw t'nliir. I Red seeniH to ho tho most popular ot national rotors If lhij,"t may ho iiMcd.iiH1 erlterlons Of tho twouty-ilvo leadlnaf national Ihi;, ulnelnu have nil In them. The .um cannot bo iUl of any , other color. The chief IIjik Unit ur4l uiai-Ued wllh ud ire thuio or tho nult-' id itt.ttiM.i KtiKbind, Krmu;9, Oonnuny, t AiiKtrja, Italy, ;Hpaln. Detftnarlc, Ilel'l kIiiiii, Mjvodcii, Kwltxorlaud, Ttlr.'y, Me.lco, Olille. i' tuid Vene'un'il. I A SrmplMiii. Tomrtlx -Wliat rvitwin have you for thluklritf you fiavo hay fever? Ilnjitx ' llecaii80 every timo I meet a khih I widow I HiicczOt-iChlciiRti Jourtiul. -. , i EnthrjdiiHtlr mediocrity often ihihscii for iiihyit, A 'it)l HnliHno lamot more , nutritious than. a cold sauHae,A Imt It ( In mora highly tntluht at I'tu'Vu Whon n bad Prnl)y returns ahovo It into tho slot muchlho. Fow doctors have Jfpr tlwlr motto, "Let well onotiRb alotio.M Whon a wonuBlni;oB In wuulilnj! ,v)U could hardly provo It by ,tlus ntylo-of hot hat uh 1m pscii hlontf tho utrot j lly COUNT tUO TOLSTOI lifHl unkind it njay somn that J, who in.VHolf l0 'tt,vv (,t'l0l'rt, (i) con l ll) il ll0,llly hucauso J, do not that your lifo is a good ojip good " . . A Softer Druth. "I never could lovo a man with whither." , "Vou'ro projiidlcod. They nro tnueh pleaiauter to love than one with it heard of two dayn' Krowth." , Dsjdly intuit. , "Thnt man 1 wuh Judt tnlkln to he Mtllitl toe, and 1 Hlmll newr speftk to him npilu." "Did ho null you to no to work'" ' One Gxccpllon. ''Don'.t you iK'llovii tho trtinla hould be HinnMliPilV' , -All oxeept the ewt truL" The Mnmmoth nnd the Alosquito ,T "V ra Wlmt li' come to (.i lu tlioimxudi of yen m'ciiin h.inll)"ircdll)U'. 1'riinltiw m in, u winkllnif In comp.iriiinii 'o moilctn litr.ii, wax ulik to cotuiiicr the i.-irc moil. Mv! of lliiiii.iiul of yenm o, nucli nn the Adiiiinwlli, nnd to dny they nre dritd fori (vi : yit the 'iiiniuitiltn nnd fly hnvo tievi't lii'iti i.-oiifttirml. It in now timo for the HckntlflWclcvlHC mclhodn for kill, iuc the uioquilo nit'd fly, no they will t:o to Join tie iii.oatitntu and the mounter lliiriN, Tin iaopiltoct nnd flli'H are dan y, roa I'liciab it titan hecmnie.tliey prend (.oiit.iuioii The tnopilto often c.i.trlcH thu (fitniof iiiiil.n in with IiIn hltc, The home. lly.iipfe'dH ciTiim of dihcnHr jivcr our food, Thi'M! I'lictcriil Krriih, ever loOitlii for the weak Hpol, And a plate la, our lilood, and tin ii wc MifTcr from Ktlp, cnUrrh, con ituriptioii, or iiiul.irin, J)r, It V. Pierce, chief cotniulthifr phyid clan to the Iavalldii' Hotel mid Huruicnl IiiHlitillei at lluintlo, N. Y Hnyti: "There voald hoio tcrlp epidemics the Kernm of' coiiminiptlmi,' on nuiUrlih would Had no place In the liuinnti ecouoiay, If the blood were pure, If the lurlcA. heart and other ortratii were fed oa uiiod blood, I'oIhoiiu hIioiiIu not be ullowcil to ccutauUtc hi the 1i1it il Ik ttnfm It la tial In tnt ti itill laxutlVe ut' ItffYrt'Wicc """J I k iw fin. .fm "" ' mwHn,iitm a weeK," Mien u vcKclalltif 'lnintlvc on Dr. l'lerce' PlenHiiat Pllll'trt eOilUiCk'liot thhiK which could liaiin mr njfnitiii. ie wyHiciu. i j'or piutiiiK me mood m oruor, ww n.i n tlxHiic.biiilderntid tonic for tlionunciikiaed by courIis coliU, caturrli, if rip, nothing will build flic up quicker thin J)r, Plurcu'n Golden I)lncovery, Thin U a med icine innilc entirely of root nttd herbs ' without thu tine of alcohol, Dr. Piercc'H Medlcnl Advlier Ii ncnt free on receipt of Ntiiiupt to py cxpeuNc of TiiUlUhjc only. Send tt "one-cent ntarurw for paper covered, or 31 itauips for clotu iMiidlnto Or. tt. V. I'lcrco, MuiTalo, K. Y. a (or jm &?a& wMgavrriCTaa3