mmm RI5w55!wSi mmmmmm .wnm-mrr: ''SK-f JOU! fcfrrgfr liaiWtjMtfJifili'!1 fi " - EuJJ.a,i&OWI Re i i I Fv W 1 p 1j 1 f: : 1 (' MU II H' Old- Sayings7 Which Are False M r a. LESLIE FRAN K - TT ' " " . - -fr- nrr- FUL, UUSr'ICIOUM, "NAGGING." WO.MAN WOULD NOT BE PUNISHED FOR MEr'VlIGHTSOF TEMPERAS A MAN WOULD 'DE FOR SIM' ILAR CONDUCT. ' Eneh'Wx has its own class of faults, ami doubtless tho temptation to those "ftiulU is fur' stronger in thu olnsVwhiuh has u sort of hereditary right to thorn than in any othor. Tlhoy dillcr owontinlly, tluvo faults of men and wonion do. mid vory often (hoy ulnsh all the more OX ACCOUNT OK TlltiSK miWUIiNt'lCS. "-Mall's wrong tendencies rnn injto vieoe more or lew eonroo and degrading, I t . .) . p 1 i .!. I.... 1IKBE . itroni nuuiv Uiiuo luiv. boon 8nid ' - "',' ' ' '"" "'ru '"' ' r."'w m often u4 ilthvl.v that tlioy Imvo t hut takou j 'l 'tHiWo. lb. AWCKDLV 1AU d of.on my rtqU. f ,'" fl '""' "' o,vu,, 1 U u, I lb. not ; . , , . f i.!, ,... a.,,,,.. ' unless wo call jealousy one, bui tlioy are eapttblo of jnnkiug -lifo It w one of the funny fhiou of this vory funny V.M,,.. .,., . ... ,, . .,' . . .,,. m av wi.w i ,7 ...... ' 1 VI ( II. K If A Ml. ! tr mi iv fn iniiimnli,-i! In iHMnnmtn Willi world to enunciates thco inaNime with tlio air ot liuv- itnj ni'iiiiui uu j,i'roi,wv it in i vniii.'a iiiviii. a iniiu under certain conditiont of excitement and provocation . . tt ing juat originated some especially smart new maxim. i.v ;.istaiim if vrnna iiinii fhows n tendency to ro uu iruju . o.v-4 ...., " " ... ,.ii ....v, n ' 1S Pt to heeoino coartie and brutal, iio Aveur, lie uuuff'i the lurni home Jiud e omctluifl of tlio o'id, becone "n globo trot tor to a , , . r ijnrao imu w yii.v..i - . 4 .i.... ture about, he tulle lu wifo Mho i.- n lol, or ft liar, or ft .'nld, ml n-eater or leac extent, he warned that n rolling .-tone gat how no , ...,. ,. ,, ,. ... , . .. ., ,,'.., 0retur vi ivnm v. , .,,. ...,. llt,,i t.'.unt her with cruel iiwultK. lie vwiblv. to hor eve if not to his ino." thut i to v. tie movim; man will not inquire monoj una ......Ivim l-m v v mow, iuut w wy, v f .,., m,,,,' tq , pnn. own, slept down from Ins position AS -MAN AMJ (lKMIJiuMA noiition. Xow, AVK AiX KNO TIIAL Illlo lb A iitu J . ,, ,-. iJUSikiuti. 'v i. j niul luu,inu n nmitnf nl lxhi'm iiioI Irtutlititi ivAUW I UAL illio ao a iiw - - . . ,. ,. . . i i it. . twin jt. uiiivv nti vuiv.i vk k-'vt4i iiiiii iniiiiiiiit D1G10US rALSEHOOi). It IS the moving innn, u.o pu.nor, uo . hjv hiutler, tho ruftler, or trl oterrr ! he may be called. o succeed. , ,wl ..' a tV. Ktttianl ruvHmi. moilPV nili lnilUCUCO. 1 HO UUItlttU . . . . - ' . ... aiiu v -- i-.--.-..-.- ? - bowldor gatliera moss indeed, buMt u Uie nios But opposckI to this w another proverb cqi vouth have over homelv vnis, a statement tier tun true in oiuvko- , r , - , . , , ,. . youm uac ocr nonwn i, siw. j i wiMULdit unou bv race ami thai souso mojirn's time but not at all true uow. for it is in quiet ami seclusion , . i . i spcaro s tune, oui noi ai an u-hc u . i (1 jjoj mmi .. n?snja a nmn wj(,t c0Vl,r Ionian leU Ioohu at lioino or college, or in some 8.rt of retireiuont, that to, u ' . . , , ai imjiuo, or cuirgv. oi .wmi jur j na jftV Qut jUjJ jr(1(, gtri.ngti, jH)ii hor and wits moan into oct and mental iroccMoa, go on the bewt, tuid tho - . ... , , .. . .ii. ,i. . .,-rtlin ' 'av her at his feet. wJpntist tlio ehomwt. tlio nhiloabnlicr, the lecturer or tlio preachor eC4CIlUSt, U10 U10im. Ui IiUJOBOMr, .,,) i -hnt , TWO MEN OR TWO WOMEN RARELY, IF EVER. STIR EACH would come to great grief if ho had not lowe sort ol homo to shut ,nRZs?0NSl3LE wrath A3 an an- himscJi into. But the nonular savintr which ju now annoys mo tho most U nnn thnt vonr frieixk alwave prcrcut to vou in tinier of troublo ' and perplexitv. cenerallr offering it with a aort of Ivenevolcut and orfnncton- air. a if it wero a pice of religious consolation or a won ; u w Uk? custom or um? 9m Mnin 1 CRY WOMAN CAN DRIVE AN ANORY MAN. 1 SPANSH NAMES. Prvn'iti; j Welcome. Tlu.y Cmiir to ! 5 lrrply -J wnilt tlin KMIItU t tl0 tOXlRtf M-nttrril IKrr (iillforiiln. lutifiU'llk In till HllUp." "WlinfH tliv piUi-rJ ou UHtti 10 ikj 'iHtluim are cotiiliiK tj ,.,.. .' t . ..... Ill nf or;-i4 vxilnrs to tuuiv lnt nrtvr tlio w jmrtUiilnr. proved reciio for happiness, a sort f paiinca for oen ill ol spurt, J fw vhww ftM w(1jwl lJl(, Un. . ,.M. w, r,HtliJ mind or bodv. It I? sometimes expressed in ono form, sometimes 1)U W,icn tlio cnuipiil tlim. In tlji- nmy for u wwk." i 1 ..!. :.i .s Hilt TUIVfl f'mil' TO Uni WHO ' ninnui r n jcrtiit hiiihIkt f 111H Jtllaiw another, but tho idoa v, ALL lIIl.NCd tOAlL 1U 11UL nu W( mw i& ' 1 i4v 4T aJ' S MHS. LEROY JONES, WHO MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED. Not Ii.ii lieu Mrn. U-my .Ihih-. n lmiMl.nt nihI i-nltli Xi- 'i ""'; wtMiian. left iwT IHWW umU-r ramllii4 I'lrt-MtiwlaiH- himI wk WU.-r fmiiiil IIMiift tn n hrtll iMtlttHMii In h wmrtty --t,Hn .,. Km wmh I--;.iiII.-- a nil 1 ml tnMlimriHl to wH work m h irvH(. Tli ihrwloimiraia lmlloinl "t nor Mtlwl hol Ikiwiw nltwtwl. Shovt per. WltM f '. P n.'ll It H'of court l Mil In cliVN. nut t aetal nur !' wop lilrH! 1 trtuM twtnr alOl or. .WATrs.' ntul oiMnmH Sniilti ynini1- Imvo Ihvii wntU'rwl ovit Callfoiiiln. , tlmt Sign ol Youtli. "How oW I Mb .NmkHV ...!.. ....... I... yj.uiiif I liw.t1 "nini mipt jt iiwij .M.Hiw ... riio min who ItuvM a clrl n llv o-nt ,.1W. ..uinit wlmi llw mnn ihiihi Im lllne dlh of li'o orwim U imt apt to ut a wntni t. iroiiHI imirry." I Hwoml clinnco to troat Iiit. A uwrrfMl nMtrrli of t imtiiit nlllw rowltI tlUelow the fart tlmt Immimi rleaolttK w not litrpntnl l-y nmn. WhM It i iliwlml n (iiimtnI attonkl 1 iiarHcttlarly HAvntn. tlio fn mfl alMrorw abotilil tw irofW.tMi. nl h.iniorlM. Tl vrtronn Willi a trim aakle ! 1 ..t 1.1I1MI n mini l rvonAvt. 23 is moro likelv, upon hiinself and his own interest. "All wings , mn own niax.-i. c r ms . ... t- t . 1 1 1 m 1 . i.-.,.U n,l 1v. Ijivt-San I.uIk I'.t'.v niul Snn I.nN OIN- como to him who wait," wlnpvrs the pr child to heroolt, ami sac jw jS(nl LolU tC, K,U. nll Sll,v, .1 .1- 1 -.'I .1.. W A I'I'C ....ill tl... man nitlior TrtnrrtTW tho I T tin. llUlimil. also Sllll .lltnil C'll'l other girl or drift out of her horizon altogether. 1 ,t wnH llim,wi ...s,iostrn Scnorn tie Ion CUncf f ..11 n..ttaw ic tlw. Invn tlmt erimivq ton Into. tllC CKU1C I V i l.. fliir ijulv of till1 .MlCOl. with which a weary heart recognize that it has spent itself for nnugh , 'Sy SuSalrJ ; has givon its PURE GOLD Ol BASEST DROSS, and thnt ,., u , ..Ani;,.iuS. 1 now, whon it is bankrupt and diouraged and hopeless, horo is tho ; aZZt object to which it s!k .'.1 hrv tnrud; here is tho diamond of puroat , fc.ttL.m,.,lt on the tllvlile Jwtweua thu, .water which it should have purehaawl with all ita woalth; liore Is tho ' .s,m OuhrlH Hinl Poiiimia xalleys-Smi ' . . , . ijiiiuis. $nii Diiiins, Ihj It known, win XJNE opportunity litn has held f.r the Imppine of that poor sorrow- ( mv (f ta, wo . wll wvrv crcmw M heart, and it ha- come too late. TOO LATK! at either akk of jj-tim-tlie one who ' .. ..I.,. 1 ... I... lit' till. - ,.. r. i nifu ie tuc ;i-""i i "- ' :.- AMn Rl r.H flHR XMfc. KU j U r '-.IC MllW wvn liJ l.'fc. Jk . -' . f- . t- r- f aJuu,i. .t.1 ..t k Mrr''TWrf(.M 5. aff27 r; I V W '-1 .jitti. ,. -titt!iKastw.v.x. -r-: v jwbn Aft ... v V TRUE AND MOST FREQUENT TRANSLATION OF THAT GLITTERING GENERALITY, "ALL THINGS COME TO HIM WHO WAITS." The Pastor of the Future By ProfctHor ALBION V. SMALL. University of Chlcntfo - T TCTT1 e: HE paistor of the future will not Ixj merely a preacher. HE WILL BE A SOCIAL WORKER. The most of his work will not be done on Sunday. His WEEIiDAYS will be busy a3 hi- Sundays. The work of tho mimiter will be moro like tho ork now being done by Jane Addams and Professor Graham Taylor in tho x'ial settlements. Perhap tho minister ia destined to becomo the iLTDDLEMAX botwr-i tho employer and tho employed. , win 11 he hlwiiM inter Into pnnitlie. , He 1h the patron tmlnt or rouijorn. 1 n ( wiy this nnine citine to be ulveii to the San Galnivl valley vIUiiku wbm thus: In early ihtys n puiK f Mexican, horx? thloviM ImhI their "lair" In n eanyon there, which watt HUlisetpiently 1 referred, to bx the ltoJiJient' eanyon, or the ittnyon of Snn UlinaK. W'ncii trie huiita To rnllroml ctime alow; imil I11I1I out tho htulioii mere me nnine m the canyon was iitloptetl; licnco K.'t: UlHiait. I.os Anijeles Thaeu. l"ps .,ai..e5c.: yAen tiwaw HO. UK vz A3r'ss mmsiK t&BBmL. &m& v AWAY Is Osera of 1 4 t'ai I 1 iCN ? W2 7ff lif ffi ' r u 1 satser: !S 3 m K tti frterrfc y V4 rs u. 'r5 & RsKciir Fn Prsmlyms . rf3 Nl- -S L-2 R3 av . , CHANGING A QUARTER. JiJ: The Faults of Men and Those of Women By Mrs. F?.ANK LESLIE J5 'TSETlTiri i' ii. 1 ,.. . ..,. i..ll f .r..i tl,. iilmrrilios nrn !rJJV 111111. IV iiiu uiirniuiii. w.w i ! "- .-.w., ..- :?' ''vCXS.T Lli m UK1 vnrlotiH wnv It can bo done remilroH a capital of 7f cents. If a fellow wanted plenty of coin for his quarter he'd tax you for twenty-five pennlefl. On tho other hand, tho nmn who wanted tho leaat loose elinnye for hl quarter would como at you for two dimes and a nlcHel. Tho chap who wanted a di versity of coin In his change would got Into you for two five cent plices, one dime and live pennies, which would allow him to Jlnglo copper, sil ver and nickel in his Jeans. Others might ask you to produce four nickels and ilvo pennies, three nickels and ten pennies, two nickels and fifteen pen nies or ono nickel and twenty pennies. If you escaped theso ticmandu you full of women," i id a bhrowd obervor in ono of tho daily printo lately. J lis statement was u broad ono, but after all convoys a truth of which women may perhaps, be too proud. ItT .l..Ji I..,. ,-..,,.. .!- l.nwMnAtnn MflI Clnlllnt mY yr -xa-i II Ullieil tlOJl I if UllltUJll, iMiiuuiiia ihih ",,""' -- -- ... ...uv. vni ,r - "umul ' mlL-lit ho ronuested to como up with rceorts, to be suro, but thou ono must remember lUbl JJtJjN i ftvo nicV:oln, threo nickels ami ono WANTT TO Thov do l'o to church a Kood deal, Imt thoy take dime, ono nlcuoi, ono mmo mm ie .en plcnsuro in doing it. Virtuo and' vice are, after all, COMPARA TIVE terms, and tho temperament of tho individual comes in to modify mo3t decisions. On ono of tho occasions when I helped to swoll tho congregation of women at church I heard what seemed to mo a most sonhiblo and rational theory propounded by tho preacher. Ho was talking of tho judgment, and ho said that tho Judgo was not going, like an earthly magistrate, to apply an iron, law TO EVERY CASE ALIKE, but to!considor each culprit's temperament, opportunities and environ ment. , . . , . , MEN, FOR INSTANCE,, WOULD NOTDE 80 SEVERELY JUDGED -FOR .'FREQUENTING BARROOMS AS WOMEN WOULD, .AND A FRET- lllllll', , l,,kM V...W ....-.- . nles, ono dlmo nnd fifteen pennies or two dimes and ilvo pennies, 'incro nro Just twelve wxys of "breaking" a quar ter In current United States coin, anfl to bo there with the goods for any demand you would require twenty-llvo pennies, two dimes and flvo nickels In all, 70 cents." Philadelphia Tress, A now BUlt Is" opt to Ijo noisy In tha It calls loudly for new ehoea and a wifl. hat. Persoverance la a quality not com mendablo In crying bablctf. Moro men would bo wealthy 11,1110!? wives' plana to suvo money material-lted. It Jlny lit- Ilo ii it TiiclTn Witya tun TnkP Seventy Cent. "How much money docs It tnko to make ehamro for a ouarterV queried ;j8j , the man whose fad is freak inathe- j manes. ' iweiuy-uu eemn, n imi'ii away out. to ciiaugo n quarter in mu i ', t ii i H fi !l i. liW mW,t 4 "-MifiSSP g Jhf- Ui& wv " Vo9i Like iCaarVVV 25. ft JM i cfdpjjju Llji&nt& t"4 lIZJrJU u JLZ'fyiy jZ A IIZlTWM- 2S3LM 'X. u 'kukm Tt.. Err.flfti ir v .v V V v ? " "r u I H H ( II &irnci m Rave RwarileiS 820,308.00 Presidaniial VcSa Ce:i)aiji wrMutEL,vxmu&.iJcv.7nix svujtiirjauamtv.titcnw ' jxum CetU 'i .on Caffeo uwr- '.. n r GrwlWorM'.; Fa t fltl'.rA--21 u pt-'tj-v Kt thtKiU, ! '; :.. 't'j ill it tl'.cu: V' '.Le i r . . juyrt, - . a i. . . aa.i ..I.r. ..--. -- l Plvc Lion -Heads cut Irom Lion frv".,'r.,K wwt,.i wiwnwi.-vnirt. U rorf.M PaclsuKcs and a 2 cent JK'' iwWh, iov ', "' 'v'w l" "" '' fltamp entitle you (In addition to ffiWSw&k v.iooy ' the rejalar free premiums) to AJfS ia 11 rtr,.,B, -j.jjit : Wf,MV.' fJ ono vote. The a-cent alnmp cov- BLsV vj ' " M lor !'.di.i. I .r .-... ' .riTtt. j er. our ncknowledcmcnt to you 0 51 " ! . W lliX. M thnt your estimate la recorded. i jLiZju ',, 14, . k-tv flfti ! Vou can ,,,,.1 u many nil. JP J. '; ..; r'Ji rS! f! mates tza ueslrcd, a'm2 etc., a; folk, vj. H , w fiyenfl FSif4 Prize af esS90GQ.60 ,i.ij.t-mjalwirikliiii'iwiilaimwi4aK.Mi will b-) awarded to ths one who la nearest correct on both our World's Fair and PmI dcntlal Voto Contecte, V.'c tiko r tf-r f 5.000 00 Rjitclul Cash Ptlfi to Orocere ClcrkK. (I'rtrltcul.irs In onl: caw 01 M'jn ceiiec; 'Ui l'rltea- ;o I'rlJiBU- ano rrizif, 1U00 rrlrcft- t 1 1 1'lrst yrl-i 1. V,V? --''. 1 Uir.uilll 'risil . .vyv ; 1 I'uu- aoo.oo " 'iCU-V ! 1 lorVucn- 100.00 " . .0'?,.' G.00 .our.ih. 1 . n-initaini r ininrfTfi -ffiHf -ir - fiow Would Your $ame Lock on Ono oYFuwioOc: . . a . .in. it ... .... I- .. i, u.,1 . 1 1 Kvcrvbody iiscn coffee. If y.u will ue ftT.V fori' r.K long cnouga 10 Ret ncnv.Bir.: --i w.m :i. ...i '" ' S',,i1J convinced thero Is no oilier Mich Value for the money. Then you will talx no other- nd i.m. :'b ' w,,,fdHl'A WE IVE B0TE-S FREE PREMIUM Mm 0Mm ?uT.-.tiO Compete Detailed Particulars In hvorj CcKago c? ATL'Jtt. AiVit. Mi ?isrTBtt inKSt7 awao' B P1 H t'3 HWM DC. k . yrw ri iT-ii .. K k'.TrA.r 14 tt.ft u maajvii ex -a; m m xw n vMnrtlftJIW ftPlftt? CO.-. fCOPJTP.ST OEP'T.) iii'j r.1 iiMgyii! wmtui1 iniVrTrraiiwwaTiiwrrnwwfKnrrTifimrr :.H IT.5i' rat.151 R-'HITI ' ' ru ''f " 'f.j n 1 jr--. IW toli:. ftWiSWiL' ...; l MMm3