Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, July 02, 1904, Image 1

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iU1 I lit g 1 ln
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Is Likely to Fetch up
Behind Bars
ill Get off the Bonds
of Boodlers
St. Louis, Juno 110 An indictment
will l vntvd by tho grand jury against
Col. Ed Ilittlnr on n ohnrgo of com
pounding a felony and bring iicUiwory
nft.T the faot to brilwry com mit
td by Charles J'. Klly.
liutliir 1m charged with aiding
Kelly to ecupo ami with ftirnUhing
la 1 tn uioiioy for traveling oxpeiwus in
Kuiom) to itvolil "turuliiK up" the men
v)io furiilhixl tlio bribe money for tho
lighting bill Mt-nl.
Si. IouU, Juno :I0 Col. Ed Hut lor,
titt) utllllonulro Democratic hoes who
WnvToted lNM)iUun him ifffTTiand
Chut, Gutl.e, who ti(tiifiMcil ycsler
ilny, implicating Duller in alleged
boodle deals.
Chin. Kelly, ox-rtpoakur of tint llnuso
ot Delegate who confe-nod yiirttcrilHy,
will iiNo lio loukcil up. The jhiIIuo
nay thut Outko mill Kelly hiivo Immii
threatened with iiHHiiHHlimtluii. Hut
l.ir rttivH hi will got 'll I ho ImiuiIh of thr
iillogfd lioodlorrt.
Aug. Schmidt's Condition
Tim following letter, jiiht leeeived,
will lutorc.'t lint friouilH of Aug,
Schmidt, who wiih committed to the
,.-ylnm tioiii thlH ilaeii hmt Hummer:
Salem, Or., June '.'Ttli, MIDI
.hrniiv White,
.MaiHhliold, Oregon.
Uer Sir:
I urn iiiHtvuetcd hy Dr. Calhreath to
inform you that Auguxt Schmidt in
Ht ill hero. Ho Iihh not osjireHiied any
aiixiitly or deniru to leave tint iiiHtitu
(Ion and in iiiiiuy riHpecH ho in uiuoli
hotter than formerly, hut there i ntil
a morhjd condition that romaiim with
him. At timeH ho hcciiih to ho fearful
of Hoiiut injury hefalliuK him and
otton timi'H will not want to go out of
tlio Imlhliug. Ho does not nay why
and will uot admit anything that
would piovo thirt to ho duo to deluHioual
control, though I am much iuoliiied
to think that it in ho. Wo think it
very iimwtioimlilu whether it would
ho proper lor him to leuvo while thin
condition oxiHtH, and think it would
ho hotter to hold him for a while yol.
Vuum truly,
W. 1). iMoNAUV
lindAHHt. PIivh.
To Log at Sumner
Tim ITltim Luiulntr Co. aro to- begin
bporatlons In their logging camp at
Sumner immediately after tho Fourth.
Tho work'will ho under tho direction
of O. J. Sceloy, and a largo force of
men will bo Htoudilyoinployed all twin
nuir. This will lio good iiowh for tho
residents of thoAllttlo burg turning tho
hills, and will nmko It somewhat live
lier in that peaceful settlement.
Thinks Parker will get
Says Bryan Cannot
run the Party
Ht. J.011.H, Juno 110 "Parker will
I mi nominated on tho eeond Imllot in
my opinion", Hitid Connor Scuato'vJ.
Turner, of ,inKu,n, , hi, .uornlnKrjQjpQgg pf Q ftU flgyy CllWan
"If it went not for Bryan's attitude, 1 o o
Parker would bo nominated on the
first Imllot, I believe. Unquestiona
bly, Bryan is going to exert u great
ileal of Influence in tlio convention,
hut tlio Democratic party in not going
to allow any ouo uiiin to run it, no
matter how much ho ii loved and ad
"Parker's refusal to Mihmit to Inter,
viowri whllu occupied in a judicial ig
nition, him added to hi) strength. Thu
mmtfmmmntm -m- -. .-.
Washington delegation will Iw for Par-
Lit with out it douht. Hearst's money
prevented the adoption of Instructions
hut thu oentiuiDiit is strong in Wash
ington and other Pacific count states
for Parker and a conservative plat
form. i U I
,. i ., r-j,
ruui vd riuiuii ;
n.i... t .,,.p mmi. . livi,lljlt.lllv
inodoHi hut cannot forK-ar noting the
rot that in yesterday' irtnuo it pub-'
lihhed lit'.' Unci more of genuine tele-
graphiu iuiwh than any other injur in
Oregon Houth of hugeue.
Of course when the linen are down
all day and no telegraphic dispatched
come through by wire, in wan the1
cmho on TueHilay, the MAIL Ih nt u dite
advantage compaied with papers that
have "wiivlem" Hervice, but we man
ago (o niiiko it up when tho line in
O. JC.
Marnhlleld, Or., June
.Ml, 11101.
To whom it may concern:
Thirt irt to certify that I have Hold
my lighting plant and ImsimwH in
Marnhflehl and all itccounH for nor
vico or goods furnished HUlequont to
iMay 1, 11)01, aro payable
to my i
Power Co.
0 80 2td wl
Tho Coos Hay
Light A;
F. M. Friodburg.
Tlio party of South Marshllelders
who were black berrying on Isthmus
slough yesterday, returned to town
heavily laden with tho delicious fruit
last night. A number of tho COAST
MAiiiiorco aoKnowiodgort receipt i
a berry,
S. J.Millor is a prosperous Coqulllo
ranohor who is visiting tho nay today
and may ho found at tho Blanco.
J. W. Uonnott has tho most vooifer
ous thanks of this olllco l'ov a liberal
supply of tho Hpleudid trout which
woro victims of his hook and lino on
his recent trip to Tenmile. If that is
tho sort of trout wo havo been hearing .
i 1
about, it is no woudor that Tenmilo
l'ak'oA'uro Considered tho Hportsnum's
Planning for Ultimatum
to Kuropatkin
Kuropatkiri's Retreat Nearly Cut Off
Vladivostok Squadron Active
Home, Juno HO A Tokio tclegTani
today Htaten that at a nieoting of the
Council of MiuUterri, hold thin
inir. thn Mikado irciriiu&. at
- FinldMur!mUOyani3, who,. .villvitJ
huiiio cluirge of the Japanese forcort iu
I tlm lluld, wiih altto prbHcntt it aviih dc
elded that attor the fall of Port Ar-
thur and tho RukhIiiii ovnuuation of
IjIiio Yang, Oyauui nhoutil addrcsn uu
j ultinintum to Kuropatkin asking him
. fo Hurronder nud thnH avoid further
Ijloodtdiod. It wiih hIho decided that
Oyamn Hhonld fond b oopy of tho nlti
livtu' t0 t' lowow. Should Kuro
patkin rofuno to Hurrendcr, tho Jupauwo
nutiuinato that thoy will bo iihio to
uui,ihite hin entire fonwn.
(Jheofoo, Juno 110 A dlnpatch ro
portn that the Jnpaneno aro euonutpud
eight nillert from Port Arthur. Tho
fortn of tho rival forces being vislhlo
to each other. Two llutwinu ofllcera
while trying to oriws tho Japanese
! linen were captured. Tho artillery to-
ltj t 'AUn VAViimitui) niw.-
Tokio. Juno 80 A telegram from
Gou S(m -tute-. fRt t,)0 JUlpfllnn Vln(1.
ivostok Hiiuadron appeared oir tlmt
place and began uu attack on tho town
thin morning.
Tokio, Juuo 80 It is officially auno
nuoed tlmt thirteen Russian vessels to-
day bombarded Gen Sun, Korea,
ing 100 sholls into tho town.
A UrMit DlfTermof.
At a dinner given by Governor J. K.
Vardamnn of Mississippi the subject of
toasts came tip.
"A very gowl tonst," said Governor
Yardauiau, "and ouo that comes heme
forclblyto nil men in Olllce, s'na once
proposed by tho learned Ashley Stock'
ton of Moutpulloi'. 'Iho 'occasion was
u faiowolf banquet to this governor of
Vermont, whoso term ot olllco was ox
piling. ' ''
" 'Hero,' said ABhley Stockton nt this
bauquot, 'Is thu' health of UU governors.
They como iu with h great d6al of op,;
position, but they go out with none lit
ML"'. .
U Rome, Juuo 80 Tho Minister of
the Marine ha a telegram from Tien
Ttdu Htatlug that it Is rumored there
that General Ma, the Chinese com-ftlamU-r,
han asked, authority, to cross
the river Liao nud occupy Now
CJiwaug. "i
Lino Yang, Juno J10 Kuroki. hav
ing forced tho Motieu Ling pass is ad
vancing toward thin place. Should
lie reach her ho will havo cut off
the retreat of Kuropatkin, who
is at Hnicheug.
Now Chwang, Juno 80 Tho Rus
sian torpedo dostroyer Liout. Rurnkolf
has arrived hero from Port Arthur
with dispatches for St. Petersburg,
having eluded the Jopanofo lleet.
St Petersburg, Juuo 30 Torrifio do
touations were heard in tho direction
of Kroustadt last night, and were im
mediately followed by a big conflagra
tion. It is belioved that tho arsenal
and ohomlol labratory has leen partly
blown up, No details aro obtainable.
St. Petersburg, Juuo 80 Geuoral
Stoessol, commanding at Port Arthur,
iu a dispatoh statos tlmt tho squadron
re-entered Port Arthur after repulsing
tho torpedo attacks. Ho moutious no
damago to tho Russiau Hhips.
Heavy rains aro failing over tho
ilelds,of military notion.
Plenty of Them.
Miss Crank Do you believe In abort
Miss Blank-Certainly. You can have
po many more In ouo year If they nro
Faith In 'the Government!
"Your Hying mnchiub would work
beautifully U It were not for one
"What Is that?" - ' l
, "TJUo,Jv of gravitation."
q'll npeal; to Senator Blank and have
It repealed, then."
Probably, by Jealous
Denver," Juno SO Dr. Eymour T.
Jarccki, former county physician, and
a prominent doctor, wair 'murdered at
his homo at 4 o'clock thin morning by
nn unknown person who called , tho
physician to the door and fired tlirdugh
the ficrccn.
Jarecki was assaulted and nearly'
killed a fevrmonths ago, but recused
after his recovery to give the name of
his assallunt. The police believe that
Jarecki incurred tho ill will of a cer
tain mnn whgsowife tho doctor treat
ed. Jarecki was married.
Comingon Breakwater
San Francisco, "June 20 Steam
er Breakwater sailed for CoohJ Buy
with tho following passengers: Mr
C D Miner and wife, H Nasburg, Miss
A Johansen, S F Sheldon, Lydia Leah
intmfMrs E M Daud, Vandvolt' Mrs
giflbach, Miss Sene Wetk, R B Sym
ington, F A Hutchinson, Mrs M B
Dudloy, Mr Guudelfflnger, H Stone,
Oliver Wilson, O N Anderson, N
Noilson, A M Simpson, Mrs Reed,
Miss Lakemau, Miss Hall, John Proc
tor, Miss Martin, Gus Wick and
wife, Mr Hansen, H R Reed, John
Akmau, Thomas Ganou.
Elsewhere in this issue will be no
ticed the advertisement of tho Bluuco
hotel for rooms with which to accom
modate our visitors in tho city on tho
night of July 1th. Those who havo
rooms which they can spare on this oc
casion should come to tho assistance
of tho hotels at once. Our visitors
must bo taken caro of.
Mrs. G. W. Loggio and two
children, of New Whutoom,
Wash., are e,xpeoted on tho next Alli
ance from Portland, to visit her moth
er and sisters, Mrs. McKuight, Mrs.
Hazard nud Mrs. Metliu.
O. E. Pettis representing tho Sher
win & Clay Music houso of San Fran
cisco is on the bay with a consign
ment of musical instruments. His
headquurtors aro at tho Blauco.
Walter Condrou and William Doyle,
who havo been gatheriug Chltteni
bark on Coos river, camo into town
with over a ton of this product yester
day and found a ready market for it
at good prices. ;
Tlio A. N. W. olub aro giving their
annual picnic on South Coos river to
day. With n largo bargo olaborntely
decorated, towed by Captain Holl
and's twin sorow lauuoh, they loft tho I
city at Q o'clock this morning.
Tho Firo cracker Ordinance, will bo
strictly enforced. .It will stand tho
.boys in hand to keep oil' tho main
streets with their firo crackers, to
avoid arrest.
King and Kaiser Want
Edward on His M
turn Voyage
Kiel, Juno 80 It is stated- id ofllcial
circles that tho conference between tho
Kaiser and King Edwitrd resulted iui
the conviction that tho motive of eacK
in the Far East is above suspicion and
both desire peace. )
They will cVop?rate to jiromoto n
termination of the war bnl sfithout
violation of their strict neutrality' or
making advances cither to tho Jap
anese or Russians.
Kiel.JJune 30 King Edward iitarted
today on his return voyage to England
aboard his steam yacht Victoria AU
bert. Tho German fleet fired a -royal
salute of 21 guns and tlio English
squadron respohdedl - nfxhtli .
!- r--i
Mins Maud Coko is very ill at lier
homojn'this city today.
-j l-ju
P: J: McDonald ii a Portland man
registered at tho Blanco today.
H. J. Hnuhart from Siui Friincinco
may be seen at tho Blanco today.
J. S. Masters, of Catching slough,
wn8 doing business In town today.
o '
The Areata arrived this af ternooii
from . San Francisco, having mado
tho record-breaking time of 1G Hours
from dock to dock.
Wtiere )lrarwhlj Are ITohlli!
There Is n notable law In forcv
most of .io largo Russian towns c .
corning horses that deserves spec ,
mention. Among the curious thing
that arrest the attention on arriving in
Mocow Is tho entire absence of whlpi?
among drivers of cabs, carriages and
nil sorts of vehicles,. Thero is a lawi
prohibiting their use. OJiero Is not a)
single whip In use in Moocow. Tlio ex.
eellent condition of tho horses attests
the benefit of this humane law. Noth
ing can exceed the beauty of tho sleek
and well groomed horses tfBed in tho
carrluges of Moscow.
. v " Coimclcnce.
Flerco as he was, tho Infamous
Chief Justice Jeffreys did not nlwiiya
escapo tho sting of a repnrtee He
went to a country asslzo onco where
nn old mnu with a great beard camo.
to give evidence, but had not tho good
fortune to please tho Judge, so ho
quarreled with his beard and said, "If
your conscience Is as largo ns your
beard yourfll swear anything." Tho old
blade was nettled and briskly returned,
"My lord, If. you go about meas '..vJ
consciences by beards your lordstrfp
has none.". , , ,
Imitative- Aulmol.
Somo animals havo wonderful pow
ors of imitation. Dogs brought up in
the company of cats havo been known
to acquire tho trick of licking tho
pnws and then washing tho face. Whed
n cat has been taught to sit up for her
food her kittens havo been known to
imitate her action. Darwin tell of a
cat that was in the habit of putting
her paw into tho mouth of a narrow,
milk pitcher every time she got', thtf
chance and then licking the cream off
her paw. Her kittens soon leaned the
sanwtiilck -