nt AiW "" ' " . , UEEII V TAACT MAII I1'1'"'1 " ft:wt Miriuklor. The stwi VVfcCKL 1 vUAul lU A !L,pri:.kloi is invnvinlly tho mlvimrc, i lli!lL Igunrdof ooinuiorolnl prominence nnd ' (iirniltist'fi ftOMrtll ! . I !)..... r....l.l.... 1 I.. .1... r.. ' MAKSllHEI.TJ, OREGO U:4nO o .f.-fc ni Mr.tshfioid M 3ond Class -latter. COOC ItAV PUBL1GHING CO., M i i V. C LEVAR, Edflor find Manager. G. W. WOODWARD, Foreman TELEPHONE MAIN 451. oDnVo Six?? monthT 1 Svo Umust. of nec,ity. act xery Sj.oo. wncn not paid in aar.ipce isc price la 50 cents per mouth, tr&iht. Isstfd every racrrlng except Monday WEEKLY Issued Every Saturday. Terms: In Ad Vance, 51.50a Yesr, 5i.oo Six Months PKRCY LUN COUNT. Brother Levnr ii;iif:iuo the few render- o. ib Co.t Slhil can't count, eo ho roHUinw t Ninnt for them. But still ople iviti!ne :o stop their tinlscript'.ijks xio jw Cot Mall himI bur the Tost. 'Why don't tliey H-twi to Feicy, tiie 'V.ah txy"! HO is ,c IMrticnU.-; h onpbt to be a bio to oount ccramtely. Poet. As the previotn oount doos not v.m to U' inti'f.'Ctary, haw ate a few lip un on SotorUny't Pot and COAST MAIU rh'3 the tatter wa. at a preat disdvu;f.e from '.ho fct that its pisoliw) enpiacAV on h strike nonrly nil the forenoon. Of K'imine prep dL-pfttchos, ooiuitif; ry wir' Evening Post I2S Lines oast Mail 176 . 'f pruttuied pres dipAtchtt, coiuIhk by mail from New Ygrk, and pet niarkwl June 11th; Evening Post 162 Lines Coast Mail fcone Of local news, exclusive of nil pay matter, of nil mention of tho Kuipire Stock Co., nnd even of the church notices: Evening Post 35 Lines Coast Mail 2EJ2 IT PRINTS THK NEWS SOME TIMES, Of course the Coast Mail prints the news of the twin towns, But romo way or another it failtji to print k im portant u piece of news us the trnnsfer of tho electric lipht plant. The Pout printed the story of this transfer last Thureday. Post. If our readers will look in their (AuistMuil of about six weeks ago they will find that item of news. THE STREET SPRINKLER Wo note with considerable pride that Marshlield has received, and is now pjwntinj,', its fiit street sprinkler. Our wise and eflicieut city board has so ordained and it is red leather. At last this one important step, introduc tory to our great march of progrcM, has lx?eu made. Never before has the common council of the city of Marshiield in rt-gular session pusr-ed jm ordinance or euacted a measure that has ho improved us with its pro found wisdom. We look upon this great movo as the final uwnkening of our oity from n louj,', deep sleep. It Is, WO might say, the elfulgeut aurora of a beautiful morning, bom to awak-. en iv groat commercial activity in our midst nnd mark the day of our coro nation aa ti bity. No oity over amounted to anything . ithont u etroot sprinkler. Search v. hero yon may in tho dingy records of the dead past and ivo defy you to point to a singlo instance where a town I t.4 aa mAa . n.wtl.ltirv lAr.v. V 1 jim eiei wuuwu tw wijiumj wv.v.u inotiopolllll tnsnion. ix w uio iorc- 'runner, tho drum major, fio John tho ; u-p(in u wor0t ,, , m.w,irt tho iM 'tu follow. Thurotoro wo chronicle, j with much pride, tho glad news thut tlmro on tho ovo or the Republican mi Msrsliflold has nt lust tinl-wi Into lino tionnl eonvontlon. was 11 ,,grnovlnc,, I with the the gioat procession of our ...1 .l . ..... mmou 8 uiucs now inHijmi una uivuu hlKhwnv to fauus ' till. while wo aw justly lu-oml of our city council, and its iniivrtant move has met with our hoartiot an- tt-iviil iittil v fnMv rttiiHyi thilt ill vrit to., i. -,..- .....- ,.-... --- ! mattors of this kind our juvut IokIsIh- slowly and with K?oat cine; cunrtUiiK at all times agalsut the iH."vsllilUtls of ovordolnj; the job and sproadiiiK it ou ttn thickly in tho th-st oouie, theto .ire a few little featurc-i that havo MHiuiii:ly boon overlooked by our hon- orablo Iwinl in this mutter and Hi re- pnrd to which we should like very much to otror n few snufjustions lefon thisaifnlris pcrmuuently fttlwl and ..a f !... ,,;.,'.. ...'... ,.r A,.. m .. uut.u.uv r....t. .. v v ,..,.1,1 t,. .mIk,,,,,,,. I, v ,,..,, amount to this: In tho work and oy iucident to such a move a, get ting this great measure on fwt, the council has overlooked tho fact that tho peculiarities of this climate arc such that men who follow out of door pursuit-; must at all timw bo provided .igsiiL-t the r.iin. In their deep thought and atteutiou to others more important matters connected witli the .oir.nir they have neglect oil to authorize the clerk to order with the sprinkler a storm proof cover for the huio and an oil skin suit and high rubber loots for tho driver. While these little features of theniselvse can have no par ticular bearing on the good results from the sprinkler, they might excite adverse comment on the part of our jealous neighbors aud cuu.-o them to critisize as as being cheap. And, auywnv, we can't ntlord to have our new street sprinkler going up and down the strets of Marshfield, with tho proud and dignified driver lurched unprotected uiou his high seat, ex-po-etl to the drenching element of our climate when, by the exiwuditure of a few extra dollars, this noble bene factor of a struggling commonwealth may be made comfortable in his ex ulted position, guiding with steady rein, (in steady rftin) this advance guard of our great procession, mnrch ing onward to commercial fame. We would therefore suggest that the city council look into this mutter with out delay nud remedy the omis-ilou pointed out ubove. THE COAST MAIL FALLS IN A TRAP The Post het a trap and the Coast Mail fell headlong into it. The Post u few days since primed an editorial un der the" caption "The Post's news Ser vice." The article mude reference to the actual amount of news matter printed daily in The Post. . The Mail immediately got out its hammer and tongs and attempted to draw n com parison of the aotuul nmntar of lines of news printed iu the daily papers of the twin towns. This brought the in tention of tho few jeoplo who read the Count Mail to the matterand most of them read the Pont so they may Ixj expected to compare the two papers for themselves. That is just what tho Post desires. It will mean an in creased patronage ot this paper. Smoke u Brother Levar. There aro more cob pipes" where that one came : from Post Now, thut shows how easy it is to bomihtiike.nl Wo had an ideu that the Count Muil net the trap and tho Post fell in to it. Wo know that if wo were prinriug a lot of grape viuo telegrams and trying to palm them off ou our reuders uh gonuino telegraphic dispatches, we wouldn't be able to persuado ourselves thut the party who exposed us wuh falling into a trap thereby; , - Ji-W t - - lluwovor. If It tn nny mitiMrnotloit Urjtlio MuUV t'lirlwn copy of tho H tholVwt to look nt tho mutter In that patches Considering tlio hii't Ihnt light wo will gratify It uKiitn. Tho tho convention adjourned over until ill. .1... ...... .1.1.. .11...... ..!.. t ...1..I...1 1... it... 1...1.... oU llltim.1,4 llfll'l llllll lllllltllll I' leiogrupiiio uispnieu pruned ny inc. roiiny sia nuoou-n ...... ...... . Post Saturday on Its first page with it hmrimrts to have boon sent, It Is unto umblo column hoitd, purporting to bo ' muit trvm Chicago oil that tiny, and protending to describe th tho situation ' lro anil simple. It was wvttton Ui,rioi nufnod bus tho rtohost moil In ill Vi VitrL tl limuf. II Wtlallf llllitlirt. v .. .. .v.- ,w v..,., ! for t was iuiiIUmI In that city on JiuiiU(tlou Htli. Comiwro It with the Count MiiIKhJ disnatoh of tho sitiitu ihitolino and onJNATlJD THKOlKUtK ItUDMKVKl.T ti uitntu utilittV. nt'nrv IlliKiif wOlltth nunuuv p...-jvvu i ....v. - ......... ( was toloKraihotl fi-om ChicKo on tlio day it n,.,,! I the Mall. Then von will .sou tho rtilioronco twtweon th real and tho sham. If you still h.ivo;tho spoech dullvui!, ytwliuilny, It Is a doubts. comiuo tho two with omo of( tho larpo outside dnilins whloh are oblil to show nio respect for th' iiitolliKonco of their nmdoiN. . , u is true that the gnrnt and only P.,. u ,,,W,IK of ,ho Nrth j vul Mhd Uniioli rrtf t- I - lodd, with T. said that "tho Amurchui iooplo lik ; aloiiRli canal Is a K"'d 'iio. The people tnw ,,r' " " ,1m' oiiIiik, ai a to bo himibupKinl:" but ol thorn 'f tht section time rals.il a jurlKWclortj of tin clidrrntnuioxerolMH. is a limit. The Coast Mall declines to ! sum of nton.-y for tho putHvo of 1)m. Mr. U-wln. who hns full charKo of tho . .,. 1.... .v... ........1.. ., (..,. 11,... w!iin win. iiib l'T'"" -- "".'. ..-..,....,......, ..1 ... ,1... ..i . tide. Ootid evening. Mr. Editor of tho Coast Mail. Sojou don't us an nu iliary telegraph -wrviee. How in the world do you keep inwiisl on known luture events throughout the world? it must lw a groat school of journalism you attended- -driving n delivery wugou. Post. No wo don't u.-o an "auxiliary" telegraph service that is not a tele graphic service in any sense of tho word but i simply a fako and fraud gotten up to bo u-ed by papers that are willing to humbug tholr readers to make a great showing at $! per month, and that i cooked up in New York and mailed out n week or two uhoifd of the day onwhlch it is dated. We give our renders tho genuine account of current events, written after not 11 week or two before the events hapicu. Yes, the editor of the Const Mini once drove 11 delivery wagon in Salem nnd he held hi- job until he quit it voluntarily. It may bo said also, par enthetically, that, ns delivery man, ho had the entree of Salem's lv.st houses, u much-covetel privilege denied to some. However, that was only a sort W . j.repartory school part or the training 111 , common honesty which commenced iu h Coos Bay logging camp, ami which now prevents the Coast Mall from at tempting to palm oif fako telegrams as the real thing. Happily, tho inliueuyo of the "school of journalism" which inculcates u contempt for the bruins of newspaper readers never took 11 very strong hold on tho present editor of tho Coast Mull. JOURNALISM EXTRAORDINARY. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT WILL BE PARTYS' STANDARD BEAR ER," uunouncos our esteemed evening contemporary of yesterday in a flaring headline, clear across the top of tho first page. What 11 pleasing surprise this will be to the anxious readers of that paper, although the suddenness of tho announcement of such an impoi t- ant fact, hitherto unsuspected, may cuuso some of them to die of heart fall- ure Just underneath that headline tho announcement is made in blackfuco type, also extending across tho page: "THE FORMAL NOMINATION OF THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRES IDENTMAY BE MADE TONIGHT. ROOSEVELT AND FAIRBANKS WILL BE THE TICKET." This also Ih exoluslvo, probably by one of the longest grapevine wires on tha world, for it dot not appear In Co sny that no otho paper In Amotion published anything ltko It. ' Aiiotlior thl. ik showing tho superior iTfiowii gathering facilities lit tho com- timud of tlio paper whloh wo imi no thin sco'. km i behind It, Is in tho puhll. of tho nominating Ht ooh, lutiHtuccd thusly: "HON. KllANIC !ll.i 'K N'O.Ml KOK I'KKSIUKNT DK Till t'NITKI) STATICS IN TllK KOhl.DWlNd LAN MUAUK:" As tho noiiiinxtloii wits not uiitdo, nor jummI w.iKovthat thin wtw hIso "o. 'flusivo." COUNTY SllOl'l.n J1KM1 TIjo sufctrostiou tht the county tint; ill tho canitl. which it In under ." . .. . . hukhi will iM)(r K'roHt iwneiit to uwij"" ; .,-.- 1 section, Uith in tho way of a hiK'hWMy , ,, ,. .,,..,, ,.i u,,.i tt, .,. , ""' "" ""fN" v....., ... OJ.f... print ion from tho county will Ihj do- voted tti a good purposo in helping th woik along. DEAD BODIES NEARLY ALL nPAA'rnm' nLCUY lH LD ' J -- From Scene of Slocum Horror New York. June a:t-Tho great bulk or the Slocum dead have now been found, and the dbcovery of UmIIm jito- ceeds more slowlv. ',Up tot. this morn - ing tho total waSil, of which fl70 ,.,.,,.. , , ,, were identified. A hundred jiolioi.iiiHii today largnn to canviis the striokoii district in 1111 endeavor to compile a ,,,,.. luuM.riito lUi of tlio missliiL' iiimu nucuriito list ot tnu missim,. Twelve funuraln warn urrangwd for today, PRELIMINARIES FOR RELEASE ARRANGED Washington, June -'H A dispatch reached the Stiite DejHi.tmuut this morning from Consul Oeuernl Cum more to tho elfout tluil Shoik .dial has consented to nut us iutermitdinry in tho release of J'erdlcaris and Var ley and tho transfer of the cash ran- S01II. A ennrior tins been Mint to Kaistill . ' by th (government saying tho money, J J ' for tho release of tho prisoners whose , releuso was duiuanded will Is. sent to 'dial's village. ! A Now Building Tho work of laying tho foundation ; for a new building on the vacant lot nt tho corner of Broadway and 0 street began this morning. Tho now structure will bo built and owned by 'i-4 f1s.stjilf1iis.ii if Uo ti II 9teuir VH. Liuiiwiimui, in .itt t iiiiikiowi, aud the construction is under tho sup ervision of Otto A. Sohetter, tlun Western Union operator at this place. Tho hi.o of tho building will bo fiOxfiTi feet, will bo a two story frame and will bo used us a furniture store by M. 1'. Gulovhon. Elishu Riggs, who cftmo hero a fow dnyH ago with IiIh son Edward, who is interested iu tho eleotrio light works, will start for his home near Aurora, Oregon, tomorrow. (Prom Thurmlny'ii Dally.) ELABORATE PLANS FOR WATER CARNAL Queen's Barpto Lead Parali" Tlilrteen Original Slatos be Represented As tho day drawn Hour at linueTitlioi plans and piopavatlous for latMhinhl'ri jjnmd ttli of .lulyoolobratlou ai'o"fiuK rapidly brought t 1 a ohwe. Knoll em iiiltteo is workliiK jwiihmnly at lilwvn p4iiiloular HMlKiimiiit and the VImIo Klfnlr is itunliiK nli'iiK wuh the oxuot rt mid nKnlarlty of olnokwork. Tho latest fuatu'o uf tin-,'tuiiiiiK feeih-al fur which all thn linp'uinnt arfn!o ItientM lmvo lwu perfected. ftt lo jKUtwl 011 today when T. ,1. 1.0V is itiinomieiNl to the oluiirinnii. J. A. .Mftteou, ol thf pMitnal cmiimitUu his ipliiiwfor fotidui'tliiK tho wmr Oiiml WHIUT I'llllIIVHI, IIB llllll I1MI II -.jr... .. 1...I I I... I ..I. ..I.L.M. ,li,.tHll.l-,uwlt.lr wnrk I llin outline of his program nnd report to the general uouunltteo has U01 waited with considers bio ImreM. Jlo an uomwo that the. launch parade will form at dock near ICagh-s hall shortly ftur dark. Tho line up will ctuislet of a herald, tho Jmii w-eiloii, thir teen launche representing tho thl 1 teen original colonies mid an eoit repre- UeittltiK tho levels and Clerk o.Ni-wilb jtion. Th herald l to bo profweely ' dtfor'iiled with ttaxs aud will miiTV h numb, r of shi:11 boys who v to lire "" -'"Mill' and cMokfin s tho parade mores np the wster front. T!ie tui-su Iwrgo . which is to l three dt-eks, will ! nrriiK-i lui a thrown upon, the upHr dock for the Unenu and lwimer. The moj look will carrv th Queen's .itt'iidiinti and . will lie rlehlv decora t-l with 'Hoiers j anil IUicm, while trmu the low el "fleck imuiber of lsvs will tmru "ooM-n-d , UKhti wi(, np( llllllUlH. KlH.h of ,j, .,!,.. lminehi-s rojiuMiitlng tho original coloni'H will U decornteil j with colonsl light-. Hags and flower, and ls.ar the l ,.d uanuof ,bl, .t,,,., 'it reiiresents. The last section ot , ' .... 1 i. 1 , tho parade will contain the LeM and . (.. rk imr.,H iM..vrini; two direct do - it.uirK i-arK. im .inm, i" mn tno MMMHMIl, f th.fa.....iiH . xplor-ns and two native Indian e-eorts ill their orig- ' ..r...... ..t-. 1 ..- Is. richly festooned iu banners, flowers, Hags, crests and seals, and cobued Uglits will mini irom tne wnarvi "i it pusses along. The parade will move from the wharf at Eagles hall, up tho Water front t th foot of A street ami buck, and tlio water ourumil will oho . i t h a magnificent diplay of firework. C. ;. Carter, of Myrtle I'olnr, Is reg istered at tin. lilaiico hero today ' .T. Slgliu, who was a visitor in tho city yesterday, returned to his, home this inoiiriug. 1 u 1 1 f Andrew Olcsoti, of Lnnglois, is 11 ' i.luU.e ill tint Mitt.' liitliiV Ullil tti Vittflti. i .,,,,,.,., i oiliril ill iiiu x.v,ii.i... I Alexander Htauff . ., their son, Glum. I'. wjj. () jor j.,,,, Jug's train. o nnd win, aiiiiU and Staiill and his by this morn Wirh.-v Simrhtlrand wifo.'orCoqulllo, who have Is'.tu visiting with friends in Marehfiold this week, returned home this morning, o Martin Walloon, tho pojmlnr com merolal man of Portland, who pays . , , I f . mi iillu. luMll lltn t.twill.iv .n.n. .w j, ... j ... terviuwing Marshfield business, men today. His headriinrterH are at the Control. A very pleasant excursion given in honor of Miss Esther Lundo by Albert Bear, was enjoyed by 11 Jolly ..! if iiiiuo) tLi1i. iiykI ilntN ilium. Ulllll IU ;Wllil Mn;llll llJiil uiutt uhii- I oronsliist evening. Tho party drove , T, , . . . 1 11 1 . Id IVOUIty I'Ollll, wilUiU It outiumun camp supper was served, returning by tho light o' tho moon in the weo small hours of tho morning. The Social Whirl l'ltOdllKMHUliUlUIKKTH Tho lliial n'Kiilur ini-otliiK or tint l'roftnw olub for this club year wuh hold at tho homo of iMlMJ Muslo l'Uok worth, Tuesday iiflornoon. AIIIioiikIi tlmni was not a full at. tendance, I ho nonunion wns a cry pluui nut and urolltablo one. 1 ' . ' , , .. I lie lilHK ol 1 110 niHiuess isiiuio 1110 club was disposed of, tho vest holiur left In tho hands of competent commit- tees, Miss ICIslo llonnolt wnn elected to momborshlp In tho olub. Tho principal feat 1110 of tho piograui was a oaiofully proparod puMr on tho t'anr, by Mrs. Nicholson. Tho supplementary rending was from "Stoddard's Leetuies oil Russia" by Mim. K. L. ('. l-'nrrln, followed by soiiio liitoiivoiiig itoiiis ooiiceriilng tho iiioiiiiioh's life and habits by Mrs. Tower and Mrs. Nlclmlnoii, Itoll call was iisKiudiHl to with some very Ismiitiful (iiotatioiis. Although the I'logreos club Is yet lit tti-iiifauot, It has alioady done sumo xery eroilitalile work. The program for next year is one that must prove of gnnt interest and prollt, and tho ioimoI era sro aiitlcimtiUK with much pleasure tho renewal of club work in SepteiuU'l". The 11 10 hi be re of llm Hub will hold tbelr rlrst aiimml plenio at Koeky Point nevt Tinwlay. The club bus bnudi liare tieen invll'sl and Ihoso at txitdliig will l-e gl"U a royal gtssl time, with jttl the kind of lunch they enjoy. The trip will ! made by ti-aiu starting at H:)lo a. 01. and loturiiing .flir 11 plenio supjK-r iu the evening. Another oltl Lnnd Mark u old resnli'iice known a tho "D iinniilvr" which hae for year been 11 fMi.itllnr laudiiiHrk mi North slottgh and whloh whs occupied by a family ly tho nam" of Slmuiotw, was destroy- .(I by lire jotordy afternoon at I oYI.-ok. Mr. Simiiiona woe In Marsh- Held t the ilmeofthe tt- and as them was no one near tho building oxeejit his wifo ami two small ohildrnii, every. ,,K they hud In tho hou-i was biinnsl. T)e lire is snpsHnd to have orlgi- nal.il from a sjmrk falling from tie. ehlmney into the dry moss ... the ""n- n o ' ,. o 1-, , lr . . , , j. - How and wife, who have t'en vwllllw lbM WHWt ,.,i..u l-luw Man- ,( m,m(, m, jht evening. They made the round trip with a buggy and rejs.rt the toads iu very good con- ditlim. Itobt. Mnrsdeii, who has n coutraet for carrying milk to tho now ooiidoii snry nt Norh Hum!, will run his gaso line liiuueh Dixie from the forks ot CMr iiv.tr to North Hand two times 11 day during the siimiiior season. .las. Wiilenn, Hie newly elected conn- ty clerk, left for the county seat this morning. Mr. Wutsoii goes over to faiiiiliiirio himself .with the duties ol tho office to which he has just been . . .. 1 l'1'H'l'MI. Juno 'i" the A. N. Y. Club iiietut Mrs. ! Rochou's iu regular suhIoii, After the usual older of btisiuiwa tho hosleas .... 1 ,,,i;,,(ina iiiii,.,iu,n Tint mi- until outing of tho olub will tnliu place ou Juno .'ID when the Indies will have a picnic on Coos river. Their next meet ing will bo hold with J Mrs. K. K. Jones. Iteil a I'liviirKe Tlnif Color, Med seems to i the most popular of iiiillnii.il colors, If Hags may he used us (Merlons, or tin, twenty five leading lialloiiul Hags uliietivii halo red In ll'eiii. The same caiiuol be wald or nny other color. The chief lings that arc marked with icd are those of the Unit, ed SlntcH, Jhiglniiil, IVniieo, Germany, Austria, I Inly, Spain, Deiinuirk, IM glum. Sweden, .Switzerland. Turkey, .Mo.-.lco, Chile, Poriiimii ind Vonesuoln. Mnrln Aiitoliirdn's Hlonvl. Mario Antoinette's liieo Hhawl, which nhu gavo ou tho acaffold to her father confcHsor, the Abbo do l()r.iu, Is still Iu existence. The abbe, who emlgnit- im v............ - . Mt It at his death to tho Prelato Htrohach In HreHlaii. It has since pauH- ed through tho hands of two or throo clergymen and wait Unfitly presented to the church at Noiinwlort: by Puutor Uolqrlcuo.. . - . ..