Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 25, 1904, Image 1

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    w..,ti. .y.lrtji.i..'
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- .. ati., ,.it'u4VHirt
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No. 2
From Aiuinnl Heport of Clerk John
l Hall
Nuinlmr of persons between I mill 20
yim.it of nj(it residing in thu district ut
the tlmo of this report: male, 'Jlllt, fe
male, 2111, total, fi.'ll).
Number (if pit pi 1m lietwcou I and 20
yours (if ago (in .ogistor: male, '-Mi,
female, '.'OK, total 122.
Numtsir (i! iiii11m under U years of
u wo on register: mitlu 0, female, 0,
total, 0.
NumUir of teachers employed dur
Iiik Omi your: male, ), female, It, total.
NuiiiIrt of pornons Iwtwcuii J anil
'.'0 jours of age not attending any
school: male, Til, female, fill, total,
Number of jHirhonx Imtwwii I and
20 years of ago attending school out
side of district: mule. 2, female, 2,
totnl I.
Whole number of days attendance
during year: finH72.
AVerago iluily attoudniii'o'i'121.
Nttiuh"r of legal vuttmt foi school
purimxes in district at tliim of making
thin rjHtrt. estimated, .100. '
CiinIi on hanil at tlino of inakiiiK
Iitnt annual rejrort Juno la, ltlO.1,
Itm'elv(A from County TrtwiMiuer
Iroiu district tax $!M01.?H, fnini
county huIkhiI fund Jf :ir 1 0.:ir, from state
school funil 410IH.00, ami from rato
hill ami tuition, i:il.ir. total, -il'Jil.SH.
I'a id for teacher' wages $1M).'i. 13,
tor fuel anil school supplliis f.WO.Sfl,
for ropulrri anil liujirovliiK grounds
tltll. lit, for dork's salury $50, for all
other purpoii)lM.il. Total $M76. 10.
CiimIi on hand (sicolnl tax money)
Estimated value of s'ehoolhouscs and
grounds flHOOO, of school furniture
and apparatus $1M)0.
Amount of Insurance ,011 school
homes ii.d othir pnqmrty '000.
Average monthly salary of mnlu
to.udinrrtflll.il, of fuiutilc touchers
1 1. Aft.
'ictims'of the Slocum
.. . . j ( ,.
i Now York, Juno iMThol toal nam
ber bodies of viotinirt of tho Slocum din
lister veoovorod is now 008. Forty ro
iiiiiln unburied imd.uniiloutlilod.
Tho work on tho- hull of tho Sloouni
will bo completed today, but it is not
believed that any .novo corpses will bo
found. ,,
I'nun visits .undo by tho police to
1100 families, estimates of tho dead
and luiHriing aro now fixed at a Uttlo
- over 100 pontons.
A monster benefit for tho children
and Hullerors from tho disaster will
bo given at tho Grand Opera House
Mr. and Mrs. Vriudlmrg intend to
start iiuodiatoly after tho lth, for . a
.trip to the World's Jilr, Kidiig il'wt to
I'ugot Sound, wlioro they will mako a
hort etay.
bUDposea AtcacK m
Port Arthur
Checfoo, Jmiti 'J I Heavy firing was
heard in tlm dl.ucion of Port Arthur
hint .ilgtjiiud wan resumed this morn
lug. The tiring lust nlgl lusted sovurul
Imdon, .Itimi at A letter from St
PotorrtlntrK which Iiiih reached tho
oniclal auhori.lui hero MhIuh that tho
Krowl.iK. Uie Jattter lrt hIiowiiik
oxUryiumhy for tho liqxiiioMi and
deflanro to HuimIh.
Error of Judgement Which Intensi
fied the Slocum Horror
In their roKirM of the (Utuoritl Slo
uuui horror mini .of tho Now York
imcrrt in at ull lenient in Itfi criticiHtu
of the uiiihtt).' of the burned vtts
nel. The mineral opinion is that he
lost his head at (the critical moment,
and instead of ImauhiuK tho HtiHimer
at One Hundred and Thi.ty recoud
Htrevt whon the tho was flrnt discovered,
he headed her otf for n Kint
nearly two mihw away. A hood wind
laiiil tlio spent ot ti.o Ixial tliun swept,
tho Jinnies aft, with the terrible re
sults that have been ohmnicod. In
vivid oontrant to Captain Van Schav
iek's awful error of judgement was
tho )rompt action of Captain Kowlad,
of the Newark liner, C hestorW. Chap
In, which the day Iwforo the Slocum
disaster was driven full sjK'ed on tho
rocks at Hell Uaty in ordui' to avoid a
collision which might have cost hun
dreds of lives. The Nuw York news
papers credit Captain Kowlaud with
saving tho lives of his two hund.ed
passengers by his prompt action and
it is not imputable that, had any
man of similar judgement, and with
, ability to think and act quickly, been
in command of thu Slocuui, the.ro
would have been a much smaller death
roll. Tho world never knows how
many great casualties aro averted by i
tho presonoe, at tho right Jjiim aml
place, of u man or men who aro men
tally equipped for meeting enierg
puoios and mooting them quickly.
Childrons Day
Tho Methodist church is being pro
fusely decorated, in preparation for
tho "Children's Day" exercises of
next Sunday. Thu league room has
leeu thrown open and transformed in-
i .. i. . i ii" ...i. .1..
,u " "unvi "' huu"u-' "" '"" "'u
effect, when tho work is complete,
will bo charming. Both tho pastor
and Mrs. McPherson 'aro taking great
interest in tho Children's Day and it
promises to bo a great success.
Travol by Sea
Departures by stoamor Areata for
San lYanoisco, Thursday, Juno ail,
Miss M Millor, Miss L Miller, J S
Tucker, G JUokford, O Avkoriimu, .0
h Millei-, A 'Johnston, A O Young, P
Wilhoim, MrsP Wilhoim, a hoooiuI
Kills Hisy New Born Babe The
Mother Perhaps Accessory
to the Grime
News wan rccuivucl Imro tiiin morn
iiiK to tlio fllect that Karl Stcelo, u
Iialnttir ami jirlnior of, Coiiuille City,
hud lNen arrontod for thu iiiurdur of
h m-new lni cliild.
Tim COAST .MAIL ruiKrtr immwll.
tly culled Shenfl (lalliur to tho phone
" Co(iilllo City nnd obtained tho foU
,,,W,I,K l"l of the cutu:
.Steele, wlio Iiim for uome tiiim lxeu
omIoyt'it art i iirlutur in tho ofllco of
tj, Couillo City Iiullntin. wjih married
to a Coiuillu jirl aliout three months
ko and yiwturday afternoon at j:C
hhi wife gave birtli to n Hon.
' Dr. nuHrell.who attended .Mn. Stwlo
during her conllnement, wan appronch-
ed by Steele at tho critical moment
and wiih In'KkuiI to murder thu infnut
in duliverv ilinf tlm ..1,11,1 ,fM. iu.
done awny with and tho n.unu of bii'"tll,nvny BrnlfieH anA wound on
wife xlleildeil. Tl.,, ,ln,.r nf ..nr.
refu-ed, nml the baby wart bom, alive, I fonlly dealt. with,
lionlthy and fully develoed child. j Tho coroner was at once nammoncd
. Shortly after tho bivth or tho child, 'in,t a Jury ompnuelletL After a
Dr. HiiHiifU left tho litriirteiuid did not!hort investigation a verdict was
return for an hour. When ho ca.no r1eroJ to tho effect the child onme
baclc tho infant was .iiiHriing. Hu in to lot' from wotutln Jplliotcd on
quired of .Mr. and Mm. Steele nlxiut tnp l,el rtU(1 It was lwliM'ctl wounds
tho iimttur and could et no stitl.fnc- wcro ...ado bytho hands of Earl Steele.,
titm, ho he inuuediatuly notitied tho T!lu '"other refused to make nuy
authorities. iHtatement whatever as did also Steele'
Sherilf Uallior
. , , ,
reached tho house
shortly Imfore 5 o'clock and uoi.n: at1
The telegraph line being down today until
along in the afternoon, has choked off a good
part of our press dispatches, all of which come
by wire.
Our daily Cartoon sorvico.
"It takes nlno
"Possibly, but ono
EJaterife Roofing1 is in
enimi " umui inuiiiiiL-ii iuuiiiik
. ,m, . . .!,. ... i ...n
euturatrd and eoe.ol heavily with mineral
wool felt dry ehcot and a Ground Mica weather surface.
Uriln't you better inveatipito?
The Elaferite Roofing Go,
Tlilisroat Vogtatlo Vtldttcr. tho iiruicriptloa of a ftraou l'rouo'iphysloUti. wlllQUkklT
ouro jrou o( all utrvous diMMtt uil aerrou i'iVn83, nuch n ILoxt JIuuliuuiI, Invniu
ulii. l'nlua in tho II(kok, Troutb.luaa, Avrvuua Ixiblllty, I'lmplco,
IirHttiA. nf Vflal llfu. 4irillkft-'MIl
- nraruc'M.r'a
!V 11 1 V.HVi
alilmiiurittea. Clll'IIneXKitteniithciiaancl rotoia aliorffum Th roiion uflrur ara no
It the only knowtl rmntiiy
a ljf Hooiorau ueoauna ninaty per
U euro wltbont a nneratlai.
Inouor rtttaroatl If alx ho
(r GUtuiwaadtaitliiranlkU.
xa aotaUot ra'toancut
aura vriiaoni aa, pperana
onca to thu ln:drii(lu of tho womnn, ho
found Htcolu Hcutod near by and in
uonvorxation with Jicr. Uo inquired
of Steulo if a child had not been born
thcio that evening, and wati informed
that one had. lie then nnked if they
could jiroduco tho infant and btcele
'lwerjd him, no. He then unked the
. nu.ll.iH wife wherotho child wn,
,,n" received uo niiHwer from either
or tncin. bteelo wan then informed
tlisit, under tho circuniHtanow Jio
would have to bu hrtested',' rtud In re-
Yy to this Htnto.ne.it from thu nherilf,
Stole coldly answered, "very well."
IIc whh placed under nneat and
Htnrlt'(l for jnil, while n pirty begnn
ft hearch of tho PrciulrtWJ for tho mh.
i,IB vm,h A,ler tt Hhort HCftrch tho
,JO,1y of tho infant was found antler tho
i the head nhowcd that it hnd been
I who in his cell, afterwards, was in-
tormed of tho verdict of tho jury.
Steele has waived examination.
can break him."
a Class by Itself.
c o n'.t
iiiiiiuiiiiib. iu uuimmin ui
1..I- i. ...!... t
a lute eanvae.
rubber or KfcATEIUTE. It haa a
It never wears oat.
10 Worcester Bide:,
Portland, Oro.
cluuincj tho liter, (lit kidneya bml the utiry oriin? ot
itUfln.m thn llvnr. tin
nun .iui.iiniiun ifirua liih u.iua.i
rol0la aiiorsuni j n roiion luuarar ara not
troubladwithfroatntllla. CVIUUKM
couu arc irouoieu wnn i-rainiiiia. tivriuD.-
s. ovw iininoniaia.
6W0 ' toillmonUI. A writtuii (utranttu Bln and
euro, 81.00 boil m tor f.VW,"br will. 3oa Joi
to mnko a
CO P. . Bax t. ftn rrAlao, Cal.
For sale bv John Pruess.
WSU'lQm Coilo Vonht JonKh bridge last night he found it 1
TTllliaill OailO J dull Liiach a condition that he wow afr'aid to
at Kiel
jjjtaddlng and ;t hat there yraa apparent-
Kiel' Juno 24,-Commodore Plant' .! "J?1 J? ,proV:nt h hv f
. then blowing from turning it over Bifid-
America., yucut Ingomar, vritii Char- yise Into the(,lotIgh. Mr Dow hitche
ley Barr at tho helm.the German leor, his horse and walked ncrdw ith hbi
with Emperor William at the wheel, !wifo, and then went back out! Ipd jfoif
tho Empress yacht Induna and Herr hor, ttcro' afcr whlo'n 1,e l,ul1 !ll
Ballin's Hnuilmrg started tho most in-; Jf ove lfthnn.fL ,Ho "" thnt 0
, I has loarned this morning tbat a Call-
tercstlng of today's yacht races. jfornln fBmlly who wore Jngt BhoaJ
As tho four yatchs crossed the line, of him with a-wagon last night, and
thot.Emperor's stentorian voice could who had no Wnowletjg.- of ,ho condi
be heard shouting orders to tho, croV?. ptfoa ' the Vrijlffe. 4ovo out on to it
Tho GermanEmpre n full yacht- !fh thelr ri lxtoTO th Moticed thc
, ...... danger. Tliey came safely across but
ing costume was on tho deck of the ,r , ... , , A. i xi.
ilr. Dow Bays it is a miraclo that th.e
Iduna, accompanied by tho Crown ln.idg0 dId nofc nowu with them
Prince, while Herr Ballln watched his antler tho weight of their hoaV
quarcrmaster from a comfortable seat . wagon.
near tho wheel of his racer. Mr- think" that unleaa tbo to
, ,, , . , , . rt. rymen at Bandon are notified that ,thc
Prince Henry sailed his yacht Orion t . , ?. .. , -,
bridge is nnfcafe jrtid travolors air
in another race. ' warned to tako bme other routo, ii
Tho Ingomar won, ,HaPunr& second. ' , '
The JCaker's Meteor IcsT her top-.i90oly matterof a Bhort time until
mastrind was towed into harbor, Whilo ,B6mo one will be hurt whilo attempt-
tho Iduna abaudoneud tho race. ling to cross ater night, whioh in tbl
o ( usual time tfeat teams from that end
UArllvco'-' o-Wia
AT 4' A QT
A 1 lrnj 1
Washington, Juno 24 Consul Gen
eral Gummero cables tho Stato De
tpartment that a letter has been re
ceived from Perdicaris and Varley,
sating that they vill lcavo'thia morn-ting
from Lafouly and expect to ar:
rivo at Tangier tonight-. Tho ransom
money has been paid and tho captives
Fatal Train Wreek
Lima, Ohio, Juno 21 Two- Western
Ohio Traction Lino cars collided last
night a milo south of this place.
Laura Kohpou, aged 8 o'fV Spokane,
Wash., was killed, and throo others
probably fatally injured.
Well Billed
To "Bill lyto a oiroua" is an old
phrase often used by theatrioal man
agers when referring to an attraction
that has. boon extensively advertised.
Tho Keauo company that aro to appear
at tho new Masonic opera house for
tho opening July 2nd, aro billed liko
"two cirouses." At almost any streot
corner in Marshileld, ono may seo
some kind of a banner, lithograph or
picture of Mr. Keauo or ono of his
llays. Tho Keauo company by the
way havo boiuo of tho most elnbomto
printing of any attraction on tho rood.
It will bo rathor hard for any med
iocre attraction to follow them hero
and mako any kiud of a showing after
tho advertising matter that has been
put out for tholr coming ongngeiuen .
A Card of Thanks
Tho rolatives of tho late Robert
McDonald 'wish to oxprqss their ap
preciation of tho kindness and sym
pathy extondod by nelghbora and
friends at Hio time of th'eir lato' hoavj
' i . ,i , . . , ' (
Narrow Escape or Whole family
of Strangers
A ' ' ' 4
i 8. Dow, who lias just returncjl
overland from a trip down tho const,
informed a Coast Mail reporter thUt
morning that pp roaching tho Sont(i
attempt to" drive aoroiw it with hin rig.
ifo nays he examined thq bridge and
found it was almost' entirely withoat
of the road rtfach the bridge.
14 ttjn -.
Tho Golden Fnllsroud i iubxcollent
Vouditiou', .
i 7 ' Soalanticfj 6f .Ash, transacted
bVisiijs Jn Allega
iMlegany Tuestl:. ,..r, H
Grandma Vinbamp ir,' according
to latest reports, improving.
Mr. T. Blaine went to Catching
slough Wednesday on busiuess. t
Rev. Chos. TJJcPherson is expected'
in Allegany tonight, (Wednesday.) ,
Mrs. Gould spent a few' days in
JJurshfleld the first of tho week. ,
'deveral 'Allegany people; attended
tho Bho,vin MarahfleldSntniifiky nfghj.
Mr. find Mrs. Z. Thomas have near
ly recovered from thoir recent ill
nesses. . t
Several of ie school "bhildren at
tended tho Golden Falls school pionio
Virgil, Pay and Lottie Matson wotc
called to Murshfleld Sunday on ao
count of Robert McDonald's death, j
Mr. and Mrs.4 E. Grubb'l who have
been visiting Mrs. Grubbo'sfyarontB,
Btarted on their return honio Wednes
day, niornljiif . by the Scottaburg traiL
,l A godd attendauiio is reported at tHe
school mooting Monday. Geo. Stem.
merman was oleoted to succeed Mr.
.Thomas on tho board, and Mrs. M. D.
Price was ro-eleotod clerk. '
Fred Gage Info'' quite a light with a'u
angry bull Tuesday evening. He
Hucceedod'iu tying Jhe animal, re
ceiving no injury other than a sprained
Breakwater Arrives
Tho Bteamor Breakwator arrived in
tho bay lost night and reached Marsh.
Held this morning. She. brought l6s
,toua'of freight jj'd the following pas
s'eugor list: Mrs'JA Land, Mis Ka'r
tjpu, Airs u y liuimmns, v H JJYoely,
U Adler, Mrs W O'Dell) F B Rood,
IT.,,, T?U rn A Tf3.,lJ inr ' -L
Mrs EAssduVMisa Keanfe ChaB Greet)
and Geo Green,
Jtflart l,
Btif'T" """'"" '.
I-.. tjmMmmvmrmim