Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 18, 1904, Image 1

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MMfe m flHHMBt MA MKW H9 OMTMs M4: , .Mft t-L4HHrw B. jMrnmmmm.- .HL V .. ' mmW A- IHBM MMM
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Vol xxvi i,
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Another Step' in
Slocurri Tragedy
Death 'List Now Estimated from Eight Hun-
.i:ilied to.One Thousand---Search ton ..
Bodies Continues .
Now York, Jhu 17 At B:H0 lliix
tiiornhiR 50 jriJiiiI who lot tliulr
1 1 vim In tho Hlootim dIiithtor lmil Uon
fdriitlllod. Tlio ui)lilnntU!'(l mnnlnir
73. Hlx hiitiilml im rcixiru.l niltMttiK.
At tho ntoritun ro 107 Ihxum of
vhlci thU uioniliiK M'J wuro Iduntitlcd.
t.r... v
k, Juulji 7Auotli(ir Uij
ofi-N'-iii'mruitni7thv nlo
toward the
uum trngixly todny and r.00 deail Ho ill
thulr Into huuiiM nhroudod nnd uii.
OivH'.-d.for burial. A fow futicrulH will
- take ilnuo today but th Kruntur bulk
of tho doad h t0 tliuir lant raitiiifj
lao(M toiuurrow and Hntuliiy.
Tito Htrloki-n dlfttrlot In swathed in
' lilnclc, whltu nnd nnl ! orAiHj
hriii(,ii on tlio donrn of hundrodrt of
hmisw. Uroat orowdrt throng tho
dlfitrlot, many of whom Htoji at tho
hoiiHCrt of tho dead to jmy tlieir last
At tho itiorKiio thlri tuornlug tho
coroitor'H Hit nhowt'd 5110 Ixxliiti hud
Imiou rooowrod. Tho mujorlty of tho
dond bodiiH n.oovorol liavo Ihmmi Idou.
tidedj nuil nvnrly fiOO lwdlc.s rvoltifmoil
havo boon romovod by frli-ndH nnd nda
tlvcjj., Lv) than 100 bodlw rvnuiiiicd
on KiiHt aotli Htnmt lur at 10 thiri
niornlug, lint oonw of pcraoUH woro
again on hand looking for tliolr lout
Charged With Serious
Orlpplo Crook, Juno 17AHHlHtnut
UlHrlot Attorney Crump him wived
tho Hhoritf at Tellurido to hold Moy
,'tor, pnwldont of tlio Woflloni Fedora,
tlon.nmtil 11 wl-orot HorvioO mjont can
briuR ltlni ito. Cripplo, ' Crook. .Moyor
'willibo brftugh heroin t, wtm-uut
ulinrgbg him with, Mdlug uihI ftbet-
It 1h still extremely dl moult vto cntl
mato tho number of winning. Houu
cty ofllolnlH fltlck to ytwturdny'H ilg
nrort that ovor ft thousand jwrlshodj
which would rthnw nilMilng at least
four hundred. It id Iwliovcd. howovor,
that UiIa rn an oxnggoratioi), nnd that
when tho xtory 1h nil told tlio dead will
ibo fonJMkta, number S00.
I." HTmJ -Yif m 1.
01. .. ii i fir.i itid dftjitfvlllul tlin
aiiu iiiv.i j iniuiu ii.iv t(..i).i'i. i.iw
TUtMimo task of ncavcriug tho (xidieri
from tho wreck nnd, tho wittont of tho
Bound wro nt work early thin morn
ing. They woro flnding oorrwort moro
alowlyy Imt will Htiok to tho tnHk for
Homo dnyn yet. Tho wreck wil lw
thoroughly noarchol today. Tho
wTeokera bollovo ninny bodies will Ihi
found entangled in tho ixjrt iMiddlo
box. Uodieri nro now boiug recovered
in Kawt river, mile from tho ncono of
tho nuoidont.
Four Hoparato lnvoatigatlonu aro
nndor way looking into tho cannon of
tho Slooum (UHdHtcr to dotormiuo
fieorotury Cortolyou in lioro
SuorviHiug Itupoctor Uhler;
Attorney Joromo U making a rigid in
voHtlgatlon; JWro Mnrnhnl Soery U
also making an Inquiry j whilo tho
corouor'H iuquotit begin Monday.
Divor Rice at moon ronorted Umt
many bodlort nro in tho pnddlo box.
ling tho murder of Chus. HoOonnuo
and Jlolvin Book, who woro blown
up at tho Viudlontor ihluo by an in
fornal lunohino on Nov. 91. It in
rumorod that W. D. Huyv'ood, nooro.
tary of tho Fodorntiou, is aoouaod of
being 11 momber of nllogod tjouBplrnoy,
nnd n warrant in mtld to liavo been
Hout to Denver.
SortUlo, Juno 17 TIjo iron steam
ahlp Ohio tooklro at Moran'rt dQok nt
midnight, nnd tlio ,tortlV deck aft wns
destroyed. Tho loaa la 16000. Spou
innequi) oombuation in tlio linen room
wns tho oauHO. Tho yoaaol whs form
(irlyiu' Atulutid gi-ey houudi 8100 tons
re8?..r !, .- , h
Republican National
Convention t
Tries to Harmonize
lt. rlfe '
me racuons
i -U
' ly Silent
"-' B. .
.V f,
Hitt Boom Has-Sigpj
of Strength
Chicago, Juno 17 Behind olewwj
doora tho WIhcoiihIii dixpnto wan (ke '
up tlil morning- by tho Itepttblie
National Committee. Uhalrwfc)
I'ayno nurruiidercd tho chair to Bcol
ho that no charges of unfttlrnosrt oe
bo made. Both tho Lafollctt
BKKner factionn uro well Toir4ut'
That Itoortovolt'H chancca In "Wii
niny not bj jepordlzed, a eferong ifi
na uawK
No Itoooovelt picture in in eldenco
at Any Itopublioan headqunrtcrn,
whilo in marked oontrnHt Hanna
Vhotott nnd lithogrnpliH nro overywhero
displayed in profusion. Tho Preni
dent'H frlendn aro indignant over tho
apparent nlfght.
Two ohiKsoa of jHioplo nro hero
Fairbanks nnd h lot of oiaHomted pol-
itioiniM. With orerything depending
on Homo Htntcmout from him Senator
Fairbanks talks about tho -weather.
Fairbanks hoouis to on joy his peculiar
situation but ovon his frionds do not.
They nro expected to know something
but aro oompolled to admit that thoy
are not iu Ida confidence As a result .
tho situation Is constantly becoming!
more irritating.
Hlldn's namo is boing oiroulated nt
little moro freoly but it comes through
Scott. Tho Hltt boom appears to bo
strictly local.
Cnllom, who is behind Hltt, . said
to Fairbanks , this morning: ."What
nro you going to do? Mako up your
mind.' '
"I havo nothing to say", nusworod
"Thou I'm for Uitt," said tho Illi
nois senator.
"A good man, a very good man", ro
marked tho Indlnuau. '
Cullom afterwards said "I think ho
wants tho nomination, but ho wants
tob 0 ooaxed."
Congressman Homouway, of Indl
anla, this nftoruoou mndo tho follow
iug stntomont, bollovod to bo semi
onioinl: "Fairbanks will nccopt tho nomina
tion providing it is teudorod him but
ho will not do anything calculated to
indicate that ho i scoklng it." In
this oouuootioiv it is said by tho
friends of tho administration that tho
program is to ullow tho intitior to rest
until Sunday awaiting tho arrival
of othor, pojojiH, M'hoii U,dologntion of
thbso ropresontlng tlio ndmbilstrntion
yiU call on Fairbjiuks and offer their
support for tho nomination and Fair
banks will nccopt gracefully,
Dosplto tho general Fairbanks feel"
iug .there is nu, under ourrWifbftalkjjof
stampeding Ibe bonveutioafor Cajuiou.
i '' ' . ... - ., ( . - i
lit tho ohiborato ind extensivo
Jireparntioiw for 'tho forthcoming
.ffonrth of July celolrutiou in Jlarsh-
rtelrl, quite n feature of tho event will
.be tho ongagemeut of Ja tim Kenno
anjl Ills company who havo ieu en
wraod at a nenvy expeww to ojwtx tno
IwswMasbJiIo.frticrn Jiougo. "Jimmy"
CtJnnc us ho iu familiarly kn' mi, U
by no meuns a stranger to 1 ht xro
Itlents of Coos Bay. Originally a
resident of San Fronolsco, a hwt
many of bis boyhood summers cro
spent in Marshfleld and vi'liity,
wliero his friends and admirers Aro
When "Jimmy" Keanowcnt to New
York sorao twolvo years ago to tako
up tho theatrical profession, nothing
but tho vory brightest futuro was pre
dicted for him. That ho has fulfilled
tlio predictions and hopes of his many
frionds may bo host judged by tho
rapid riso ho has nado in his chosen
profession, standing today ns ho does,
ouo of tho most popular nnd best
known stnrs .in tho younger genera
tions of tlio stogo. ,,.
James Kenuo nnd Ills company to
day oooupy n position in tho theatri
cal world Bocoud to none. Tho young
star's oaroor bus been ouo grand
succession of successes and this season
ho is in control o what is noknowl
odged to bo tho strongest and most
oomplotoly oquippod traveling
theatrical orgnization on tho road.
Ouo of tlio eooreta of Mr. Keauo's
suoooss is his remarkablo versatility.
Whlto loading man for tho Castle
Thero nro people who when tho trwth
is being spoken havo to hajye an Inter
preter, '
. . . .....
V ;-, AZfijr J ,1;, ' ViflkSuE9
W ZM ', "' JrBmii '.'fr mSm " "v"i'.RrM!S
yM ,K-f ,t JgAjTjW JfhW lSr: "'1 1Wi ",J,5
v-.-W " iMW'J I'liUi Krv -. ; ,"' tjBr'- ijs
Squaro Co. u Boston, which position
ho occupied for three bucqwbIvq sea.
sons, no bold tho remarkablo record of
playing two hundred leading roles
without wlMug a single performs ncc.
From tho Castle Square he was spec
ially engaged by the faraons Americaa
star, 2Iiss JIcnricttA Cnmmmn to orig
inate the leading role in ilim Cross
man's greatest success- "Jlistrew
Nell". Tho Now STork critics, while
lavish In their praise of Miss Crossmau
and her production, wero nnahimous
in their admission that three- foartbs
of tlio Huccexrt of the production was
duo tp Mr. Kcano and hkt masterly
portrayal of tho leading nialo role.
After closing his season with Miss
Crossmau, ,Mr. Keauo was immediatey
engaged to broato tho leading part in
Sarah Coylo bemoyrio's famous come
dy "Tho Greatest Thing In tho
World". This lUeoo was afterwards
purchased f orMr, Keauo a$d ho wag
starred with great 4 success in tho play
by a prominent. Broadway manager.
For tho pnst-tw? seasons ho has been
starring in his own company in n
number of endtorn successes,- inolud?
iug "Heart and. Sword" ft 'romautio
drama nnd tho.. 'groat deteotivo play
"Sherlock Holmes," "V rplay famous
throughout tho vprld and tho play
with which Mr. Keauo and his com
pnny open tho now Masonio opera
jiouso in MajrshfioldV b1111? tho
Marshfleld engagement Mr. , Keauo
will prosent ft.yumbordf' hfs groatost
suocesses antWi'rnvtiU in tho tho.
atrlool lino is iyouii)li
The cosafort to be derived from'some
lokea. la Uut -Uwy. rnkht 1mv ba
iTSfM, . ,......,, ,u.:iu.. .
r w
Frenchman BeatSiBij
" Field
Hamburg, Juno 17 Emperor,-Will'-
Ham gave the (lag signal for tho . first
. "1
start at precisely 7 o'clock tills morn-
iug, and with a mighty cheer from
the assembled
lien W. I ttnionibl" wscu r . c
In tho lmiyjrlal pavUbv.
Kaiser were
esi?, Kingf.
of Wortembprg,
Qexnjnu Crdw:i
Pi'iHoe,' Grand, Dako Ernst Joulu, :of(
Hq, Grand Duka Frederick, Fran"
ois and numerous princes, who with
j : " .' k.
their suites, made, a striking group
... ....
In which gorgeous military unilormc
wero conspicuous features.
Near tlio starting lino on tho oppo- v
sito sides of tho race course were two
grand stands, each seating five thcus-'
and, packed with eager spectator
whilo twenty thousand more sight
seers wero assembled in tho grand en
closure, six miles in circumference.
Drawing lota for the order of start
ing, Jeoatzy, a German, secured the
first efcauco and led off on the Kaiser's
signal, when tiiacar'leapecilferward
ami in two seconus was ipt 10 viey
iu tlio crowded linf.
At intervals, of, seven
minutes cars
each , encoruRged ; by rounds
of applause.
Following Jenajzy came Edge, -Bug
laud, Werner, Austria, Blanpia, Italy,
Thery, France, Hau.tuvast5' BeligamJ
Baron Von Caters, Germany, Girling,
England, Brauu, Austria',
Italy, Dallerou, France,
Bolgiam, Opel;
Germany,. Jarrott,
Eugland, Warden, Austria, Stoere,
Italy Rougier, Franco, Baron Dccrawj
hez, Belgiam, and Dufaux, Swiss.
Opel was eqon out
with broken
- r
Hamburg, Juno 17 It is reportwi
that Jenatzy has killed a man along.
tho route
Hamburg, Juno i7
Fronolunuu, driving a RlpharBrasier,
car, won tho raco. s
T - .,
Hamburg, .June . nTbw . t
Jenatzy by but a few minutes, Ho
was glvon a rousing ovation and sever-,,
nl French ladies ombraoed and kissed
tlio victor. Tho Kaiser summoned
Thory to the imperial box audoengrfttt
ulated him,
Ther'stjino v'8 Ay our8 Wy
minutes, throo seconds. Jouay bU
hours, ono minute fcweuty-ono Beeonds,
Jenatzy arrivod first bt' bi3( aitfuai
jjunniug time was mor$ than.vfc
Semo girls tiro' so scnitlye tiftttg
can't bear to refuse a youn mM,am;.
rxMer lo bmk hte bank a
iaarryla Mm to bcJO W
,r . , U,'.BiilrH
V t
J. T. ,' J. .1 '.
V.- 4WW
vM 'h
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-J ,JUjL.wf,.