Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 11, 1904, Image 8

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Personal apd
Absolut elr Hrir
is no substitute
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
"Editing" a boiler plate Woman's
Pago mutt be a very strenuous occupa
Itobt. Burns,' who alto cad,
left tne city for his home on
Hojrce this morning.
and was,
the lower
.1. D. Laird, an enterprising rancher
of Brewster Vallej is trading 'with
!artbfield merchants today.
Attorneys Beabrook and McKnlght
started for Silem this Morning on bust
ncis before the Supreme Court.
E. J. Wgoser, and W. L. Vagroua
capitalist of epokane, Washington ar
"rived in oar city yesterday asd are so
jburning at the Arliagtoa.
Dick Are you ever going to pay me
lhat Jot Tom Sare dime at a time;
come right eloa and nave a cigar on
nae. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
For sick headache tako Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablet and
a quick "bare ifl certain For sale by
John Preus.
"Do her family approve of her ambi
tion to go upon the operatic stage?"
"Urn er yee asd no. That is. they
approve of her goisg away to e!ng."
'Detroit Free Press.
A very pretty little surprise party
was given to Mrs. J. D. Tbeebatn, who
ii a guest of Mrs. P. M. Wilber in this
cilr, list evening. The friends, though
orexpeclrd, were received in royal style
and highly entertained at w"blit and
other games until the hour of departure
when dainty refreshments were Mired.
Off Fer St Levis
Bay Tibbetts, Wm. Burnett and Al.
,bert Campbell, left on their bicycles for
t. Louis and tba great World's Fair
yesterday they rode out of this cty at
oce o'clock in the afternoon, and ex
pected to maks their real start on the
bng journey, from Myrtle Point at 4
o'clock this morning. Their route will
hy by way of Rotebnrg, Portland, Boise
City and Omaha, Tbey have promised
.to furnish their friends with a report of
their travels each day.
Botrd Meets
The MarBhfield Chamber ol Com
merce mot at their rooms here last night
and among other adoptions of import
ant measures decided to use their in
jlutnce toward getting the navy depart
ment to send cne or two gun boats and
a iDouitor to Coos Bay as a feature of
the big celebration Marsbfield is going
to give on the coming 4th of July.
it was also decided to enter at once
,lnto tho arrangements for giving the
steamer Breakwater a grand reception
,on her arrival here next Friday,
Allegany Items
Owlp; tp the bad weather Wednesday
.there was no services at Allegany.
Mr. ,Blake and Carrie Bremer are
.among the new mumps catea.
Mrs. yincamp, is not improving
Allegany School delayed opening he
Icause MiM'Ad,aW was unfortunate in
not arriving lUiitll Wednesday evening.
Several of Allegany people attended
,aoratlHi IHy exercises in Marsbfield.
Tbe Grevua at Allagany were tasUely
i i i ii i9mHmmsmimm
li. ii ft
The Breakwater
'Tii following extract are from San
Francteoo papers of recent date and are
regarding the new steamer Breakwater
won to fcr added to Mt fleet now ply
leg between lata port and Ban Fraa
clteo: The steamer Breakwater, piir
chased at New Orleans by J. D. Sprock
ets & Bros, for the Cooa Bay, route, coa
neottag with this city, and lately
brought to this Coast by Captain
Ucorge Seamans, bar been greatly im
proved daring the last few weeks At the
Riedon Iron Works. She is now re
garded as the boat of the smaller coast
ing steamers in the Pacific, and will
toon be placed in commission.
The eplended steamer Breakwater is
nearly completed and will ba pat Into
commission about the first of June. It
is expected tjjat the new ship will be
one cf ttio finest vessels in the com
pany's lino and will ply between this
port and Coos JJay and will carry
passenger asd freight. CaIL '
The steamer Breakwater leaves San
Francisco tomorrow afternoon at 5 n. m.
for Com Bay, awl will arrive ht-re at 8
a. in. Friday. The Marsbfield Hand
will leave here at 7:30 oa the steamer
Flyer, and the North Bend Band will
leave North Bead on the steamer
Cruiser, and will meet the new steamer
at the fottr and escort her up the' bay to
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
The Ladles Art Club will meet on
Juno lQtbat tho hgniQ of Mi. Bur
ultt. Martin Bren started this morning
for Portland, as delegate to the Grand
Chapter Royal Arch' Mao:u.
3. S. Falrcbilds has finished the work
of repairing an I remodeling the resi
dence of Mrs. Toot; Hirst, and she now
has a yery nest and modern dwelling.
Tho Coo Bay Marble and. .Grahtie
Works are toduy being moved from
tho old location near, the foot of A
street, back to the slough near the
foot of 3rd.
It is reported that there will hardly
be a half crop of strawberries, this year
owing to blight that has attackeJ the
vinep.on WIrth Bros, patch alone over
half tho vines being killed outright.
The steamer Breakwater sails from
Sao Francisco this afternoon and 'will
arrive in Marehfield Friday early in the
forenoon. Tickets for the return voyage
are now on sale at the Spreckles Comp
any's warehouee.
Father Donnelley, who bas been in
New York since the first of the present
year, returned today, coming in by way
of Drain and the Gardiner stage. He
announces that he will be in this city
next Sunday.
Among the third class post edicts
which hove recently received an In
crease (n the saleries on account of
their growing business was Marsbfield.
Postmaster W. 2. Curtis receiving an
increase of $100 per year. His
was raised from $1000 to $1700.
Tho tug Roberts, Capt. Johnson, of
Florence, arrived in the buy last
nighty ooming down for the little stea
mer LiHlan whioli has been employed
with the Government dredger on the
lower lwty The Roberts brought tho
families of Captains Johnson and
Chri4tiisou, and a small consignment
of freight from the. Siuslaw. She will
louve with the Lillian tomorrow morn
Mr. J W Turner, of Truhurt, Vn,
says, that Chamberluiu's Stomach and
Liver tablets have done him more
good than anything ho could get from
tho doctor If anypliysclau in this
country was able to compound a medi
cine that would produce such gratify
lug results in cases of stoniabh trouble,
blllbuidie-M or conntlpntiouhlH whole
time would bo used in DreBrtribcr this
,tue&lcine For sale by John Preuaa ,
" 3E V'TuBT
JJLJSlXliS a r.?
Will k Uld t
I Tho Ateauvxr Cwirlim cleared (or Smx
IHhoisdo ycfltilnlay afternoon. Thlii
will bo hvvr laife trip for homo tlaio, n
sMwlll U) lid up a&tt thoroughly
ovcrhaul(Hl v"d riqwirwl. Ifc l vxpw)t'
in Umt alio vl bu liold up nbout tvo
Moving Picture Show
Tho moving plotnw riiow Klv last
evening inl.00. 1 ball draw a
fHlr Hudicuco and gnvo good wttln
faction. Tho gmmophouo did fairly
good "vvork undox tho manlpulntlon of
hh luxKrlenccd hand and tho pluture
maohlno in ntrlotly first oUm and is
handlol with oonsumtuato Hkill. Tho
viowa boUifltiU aud moving won) fnh,
niid very fow If any hud been aeon
here before. There aw mauy ploturo
allows which aro aJqiply fakea, and
Manthfiold has lieou Hold by
Homo of
them ; tho MAIL thoruforo tnkon plea
suro in rocoomiucudlng tho Stwl A
Freolaml uutvrtuiuiuont as a Ktriotly
legitimate propoaltlon nud well
worth tho pric.o,of admission.
Mischief Caused By Statistics
Harper's Baxaar
The announcement that tho director
, . ...
of ale "coupons" has iweu obliged
to pnt up tho ptlco of meals to $1.50
a week honcofloth nud that at the old
price of a dollar or so loew, tho col
lege has lost $30,000 a year, will
donbtltwri fill tho hearts of many pa
tient housekeeper with unspoken
gratitude. Fur years tho American
housewifehuB been suffering from tho
baleful aotlvity of tho man of statis
tics, who provci conclusively iu tho
columns of tmdless periodicals Unit
$3 a week will feed any ixxly royally,
and that a delightful dinner ina'y be
given forf$2.50, including flowers.
A periodical ostensibly devoted to
the iutcrcsta of the American homo
once publisher! statistics sho-iug how
1 ... . p . .
n man and wife and two children had
lived comfortably on $200 a year.
The mbery caused by theso statis
tics over tho wholo broad laud, is be
youd computation.
"A doctor here has sued me for
$12.50, which I claimed was excessive
for a caso of cholera morbus," says It.
White, of Conoholla, Cal. "At tho
trial he praised his medical skill and
medicine. I asked him if it was not
Chamberlain's Coliu, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy he used as I had good
reason to believe it was, and he would
not aay under oath that it was not."
Kb doctor could use a bettor romody
than this in a case of cholera morbus,
it never faila. Sold by John Pruosd.
More Improvements Ordered-Spfiiik-to
be Added
At tho mooting of the Marsbfield
City board held last night several im
portant improvements to the city w.ere
Ordered. Tho subject of establishing
a complete sewer system iii the city
was dlscmwed with tho result that the
surveys were ordered to begin at onco
in Murshfield.
A sprinkler, water tank and gasoline
engine wero ordered with plaus for es
tablishing the water station - near thu
city Jhnll on the water front. Salt
water is to bo used.
The opeuiug of Front street, from
tho end of thu present improvements
neur 8th out to tho city limits was
(From Thursday's Dplly.)
II. Lockbart, is in Coqullle City
businees today.
The steamer Areata sailed from
Francisco at 10 o'clock this a. ra.
S, C. Brown and Arthur HodglnB
went to Sumner this morning to begin
a large contract of painting for Capt.
Tho steamer Alliance will be due here
from San Francisco tomorrow and-Is
advertidsd to sail for Portland next
Saturday morning.
F. M. Kriedburc and family, accom.
pan lad by Mss Beatnis are spending a
fuwdairaat F.nuian'a atnvaJ nn .F.nnm
' s m-- - ,..v -mj.vuojub UWW. Ul UUh .UH UHIIU iilO VVOU
river ib hopes of benefiting Mr. F rejd- organised and maistaiaed under some-
Drg ntaiiu. ii
Vk is Mid that K lady fcp1tittiltnt W
bought a larga tract of Oregon timber
lani. It is not known whether Jer
purtvunao was directed by the splrlta or
good, judgmmnrt, (tlf lw spirit iustl
gated tho movo, hho shoultVstiok to tho
spirits, ab the inveJjtmont will doubt.
Ism prcvq a gQo one.
A telephone msge received from
Ilotebnrc lt evening stated that.
Albert Oampbelf, liny TibUotti Atl
AVm. Bentltt, the Marshtlold boys who
recently luft this city on bicycles for Ht.
Xouls, arrive In Koturg in due tlmo
Tuesday and left that city, north bourii
for Portland yesterday ttlorniug. They
expeqted tq reach Eugene justnlgbt.
A Fjsli Story
This Is, pssoutially tho pra of "com.
bine,'1 but tho (ollo'lng combination
atory of fish and lumber, fathered by
ftho Dally Now, of Galveston, Texas.
ia rifroshlnply uuiciuo:' ,'JAt tho
Klrby L'umbtir Gomiwuy'H mill a log
was linuled up, put on (he carriago,
and Avhon the third board foil on tho
Uvo rollers two big outfjsh tumbled out
of a hollow that tho saw had out into.
Tho larger of tho two weighed twenty
flvo pounds, Bothwero fat nud as the
saw hnd not scratched thoin, they
; iiuuuHiwt iirouim uuni oao OI tno crow
pat u ploco of Uuo tlirouRh holp giU
J lloundervd around nutilono of tho crow
nud carried tlwm below.'
Raits Were Equalized
(Pugot Sound Lumberman)
In spite of 'Wall street fights for rail,
road control there is evidently a spirit
of co-operation iu the praotlcal
operations of tho roads. For lmtanco:
a fow month since California roads
making a bettor rato on doors to
the Atlautlo Coast titan Uin roads
wero giving tho door makers of
Washington and Oregou. A roquust
was njado for a roilnotlou to oquallxo
tho rate. Afttr some time and con
Mldnrnliln nnrrnnniif1niinn fu mIu
. . . 1W, .. , , t, , , , it
wero made tho satuo, by raisiuif tho
California rates. It might bo well for
lumbcrmuu to copy railroad methods.
NoRespector of Persons
(Pugot Sound Lumberman)
A saw mill is no respecter of per
sons, as u judge in Seattlo rtcently
discovered. A personal Injury suit
was up boforo him. In order to un
derstand tho workings of a gang edger
ho took the jury into a saw mill.
Tho jury managed to keep out of tho
way, but a four inch canj caught the
judge amidships and Btartnd another
personal damage caso. For a miuuto
his life was not worth much. A for
tunate turn saved him wlth'ouly a fow
bruisoH aud a litto loss of dignity,
Tho next day he threw tho caso ho was
trying out of court. Motto: Ex
ample beats proonp even when ap
plied to the court.
The Sepond Evening
The Steal & Frecland Moving Pic
turo Co. closed its two nights' engage
ment at I. O. O.F. hall in this city
Hint, iiiiu. xuu iiviouuuuuu lur -""ilM.r
last evening was exceptionally largo
and the company met with general
satisfaction ou tho part of tho audi
ence. Tho illustrated songs wero good,
though the moving pictures wero tho
real entertainment, aud tho "Attack
on Port Arthur," presented last night
was in itself, worth tho prico of ad
mission. Tills company puts ou a
very good show of its oIohh, ra will be
testified by those who saw tho "Trip
to the Moon" and tho "Midiiightt
Alarm" of tho first evening, uud
who were present on tho second eve
ning, whon tho program was greatly
changed and many now foatores in
troduced, Will Give Grand Ball
The Marsbfield Fire Department
Band have announced that they will
give a grand ball at Odd Fellows hall in
this dity next Saturday evening June
11th. Tho affair la to bo givon as a
band benefit, the not proceeds going to
wards purchasing paraphanalla and
equipments for the band. Music will
ba famished by the Klrkman Orchestra,
a swell programs will be arranged and
a highly pleasurable evening is insared
all who attend. The selling of tho
tickets will ba in the hands of the band
boys and every patriotic Marshflelder
who is solicited should buy one whether
he dances or not. This band has been
wjjiat disoirg(s)g tdiawitaB and, it
mliluty of tlflsMoJr'h to len III sup.
i nml eis'uragitnent to thtlr effort!
by a liberal turnout next Saturday even
log, Tho good tlmo that Is, Insured
will bu well worth tho prloo o( ndmli
Fouath of July Committee
Carnival Contest
Tho Marslilletd Hh r July Commit
too mot at their rooms in tho Louklmrt
building hero attain Inst night. Tho
feature of all thojroportswus that
turned in by tho Marshfield. Chamber
of Commerce which uppoars olsuwhoru
In this issue. Plans for oixmlng tho
contest of olcctlng tho carnival quoen
and UtMldcsa of Liberty wore discussed
at ooiwldorablo loiiKth, and It was fili
ally decided" to open thu uaiuimigu
today by establishing Ijooths at differ
ent places In tho city, inviting all tho
neighboring towns to put put oaudl
dates and begin the salb of voting
coupons at once. It was nnuouncod
last night that tho grand water oar
nival would tako placu in thu evening
and would bo followed by the llro
Tim 4th of July Commltteo Is dolug
a grand work and tho town has taken
up tho matter in a systematio mniunn'
that moans success.
Wonderful things are done for tho
human ldy by surgery. Organs Bro
token out and scraiHHl aud iktllshetl
and put back, or they may bo removed
entirely; bones aro spliced; pipes
tako tho place of tlesonsod seotlous of
volus; antisoptio dressing ore applied
to -wounds, bruises, burns and liko in
juries Itoforcl nullnmtion sets in, which
causes tliem to Jionl wihtont matur
ation Hud in ouo third tho tlmo re-cm-ml
by tho old treatmout. Chain,
berlaln's Pain Balm acts on tho muo
principle. It Is an antisoptio aud
whou applied to such Injuries, caust
them to heal very quickly. It also
allays the pain aud soreness. Keep a
bottle of Pain Balm in your homo
aud it will save you tlmo aud money,
not to mention tho inconvenience nud
suffering which such injuries outail.
lor solo by John Frous.
Oregon Delegation at Work-
Secretary Moody Favorable
Will Notify Squadron
From telogmms rocolved by tho
Chamber of Commerce in tills city late
yesterday evening and early this mom
ing, high hopes are now entertained
that a iwtlon of tho Pacific squadron
may lw nent to Marsbfield to partici
pate in tho grand colobatlou this city
Will hold ou tho coming 1th of July.
Tho general celebration committee
mot lest night to coutinuo its prostra
tions and to receive the rojwrts of all
affiliating organizations in tho city.
As a report from tho Murshfield Cham.
of Commerce on its elforts to se-
ouro a cruiser aud gunlwat to be pres
ent on the occasion and to tako part in
tho water curuiviil, tho following tele
grams wero handed in:
IfcMoburg, Or. June 0, 1001.
Chamber of Commerce,
Marshflold, Or.
,. Have just tolergaphed socy navy ear
nestly urging cruiser or gunlwat to
participate at ensuing Fourth Jply
celebration at Maishfiold.
Astoria, Or. Juno 7 llipi,
Coos Bay Clmmlxir Commerce,
Marshflold, Or.
I have this day wired tho Sooy, of
tho Navy earnestly urgiug (hut a crpl
sor or gunlwat bo detailed to purtinl
pate in your Fourth of Jply cole
Washington, D. O. Juua 8, 1JJ01.
Mrashfiold Chamber of Commerce,
Marshflold Or. '
Telegram received. Will do all in
my, power to seouro cruiser or gunljoat
to participate iu tho Fourth of July
' Washington, D. O. June 8, 1001
Marsafleld Chamber of Cotoaiww,
ill tho
' "" I m
.. i i.i i- - -i i i i iii riM. i n m iii i.'i ii i ran
. y ' V W
Sometimes tho Jmlr Is not
properly nourished. It stiffen
for food, starves. Then "it
falls out, turns prematurely
gray., Ayor's Hair Vigor Is a
Hair Vigor
hair food. It feeds, nourishes,
The. har stops fnlllnR, crows
long and heavy, and all dan
druff disappears.
"Mr hlr ,wi om!n otil I'rrll.lr. !m
iinii io toiiiii it. nut Artt't liir
Yinor rptniuir iioi.u inn (ainux.iilia alio
(TlluiTtl in ii.iiiiki coinr
Una tr II It ,V.nn ff....ll..M l fl
wmtlW M) Ul III (4,.l.r AIMII .11 W.
VIM btU.
4, r, AYBH CO.,
Poor Hair
Marshflold, Or.
Will refer your request to Command
er iu chief of Pacific miuadroii, duo to
arrive at PuKd Hound Juno 110th, -with
directions to oomjdy if prnoi
ticable. ' -
Wo oik'U the forms to glvo tho fol.
lowiug ofllolnl flKiirort of tho untjor.
ities iu Coosoouty, Juat phoned in fixjuj,
tho county seat: -
Dinger Hermann 53d
Moor r.01 llalley 601
Hamilton Ml '-
Broxvn 101" " -
..i . ... .
riercti oo j ,
Sherwood Oil
Hormnmi 46 i
Hallier 87 '
Watson MtO
Dulloy I7tl
Thrift Mil
Bunch Oil i
McCulloch 171-
Landslide for Her;
ator Close
According to tho oufjlolal return's
received hero up to a Into hour' Ih'ls
afternoon, Coos county is Republican
by a nlco llttlo majority. Blngcr'Hcr
manu has carried tho county by som(
thing over BOO votes. Tho raoo for
joint senator Is very close, thongfi
latest returns show John S. Coke, tho
Ropuhlioau, nomiuee, to n nbout ton
votes iu tho load. With one known
exception the full Republican county
ticket has l)eeii elected Thu joint rep
rofluntatlvo nlso is conceded to tho
Democrats. Looal option, It Is
thought, has carried -tho county by a
small majority. Tho Flat Salary Am.
endment wns ilefoatud and direct
primary law carried. y
STONELAKE-Marshfleld . Oregon','
Juno I Hi, to tho wife of the laid Matt
Stonelako n daughter,
MiNNON-At Jimptro City, Or. Juno 7i
Loyd Lonnon, of brain fover.
Our Monthly PubllcatlM
will keep you posted oa bur
work and methods, JUailii
Free to the
of aay responsible bouse..
;, j , jtn4f V'
.Xj.4 ill IfflUal.lH.tfrJt'HirifrlVfrnK
- V1 WMWlj
" " ' 'Jt jl'""w ft-