I'.' S"'": "''ivM;'tV'UA,,l -ti.-n. V ,- ' I , f -, t rfv rti'4 ; - - t - -. v. - ' Aw W "nT ffr m r. 1'tt.:i H ,.'lt,J.-i '"! vA1 4 ullHiliaUnO 1, I ' f I l t I' J i w& w 1 II I H II i H fv sj - s - JHumor Phil6ophy I j WJNCAN " Copyright. Ittl. by Duncan M. Smith. t THB GARDENING FEVER. gome microbe workcth In ft man . When sprlnatlme rolls around Ahd nmkw him fonaulato a plan To till tho mellow around lie want a trardcn or hU own On which to lavish care. . Where handmade lettuce may bo crown And all euch dainty fare. . Ho knows that ho can wield a rake Just like n hired man And feels assured his skin will tako A lovtlycoat of tan. i 'And when he sot down to his work What stories he tan hatch To tell tho omce,boy nnd clerk About hla garden patch I 3ru.cn let him hare his little sport 1 -'And let him plant his seeds; ,Wa know the harvest will be short And mostly run to weeds. And that the outcome's sure to be, Unless he has rood luck. Ttn dollar worth of energy i For ton cents' worth1! truck. Ftk of the Man Who "Went to WdHc In a Small Village Jived' Man' who was so worthies that no as uo Btoclt Horrible Example for the Entire Ponnlatlon- UI&-, Wife was .a n,nu , Ifasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat went by Ely's Cream Ualm, which U agree ably aromatic Is la received tlrouch. Uio nostrils, cleanses and heals tho .staple sur f.A nnr xrhlcli it diffuses Itself. Druggists Fell the 50c alio; Trial sgza by mail, 10 cent. Test It ana yon are sura io couvuiuo the treatment. Announcement. To accommiKUto those who are partial to tho use of atomisers la apjdying liquids liqidd form, which will bo known as Ely's , Uquia crsasa ijm. a r? Js'iuijj m sprajinR tube Is 75 cents. Druggists or by inaiL The liquid form embodies thamed. icinal properties of tho polid preparation. FREE TRAlNgBOATS JO ALL POINTS '7 THE BAY r c ' 4TH OF JULY! COOS RIVERITES NORTH BENDITES EMPIRE CITYITES and MYRTLE POINTITES come to Marhffeld on the Fourth of July and have a good time Everything is free. Thie space donated by J. Proees JR.S. L. S. ADAMS, Of Galveston, Texn. "Wine of Ctrdui li Indeed aloilnj to tired wpmen. Having suffered for "wn-yfwWrveJknrtr nd bear. Inj.down paiai, end having tried ev wal docton and different remedies wllh no sucuii, your Wise of Ctrdui wee the only thln wkleh helped roe, d eveauially cured me Itieemedto build up the weak ptrli, jtrenjthen the yiim and correct IrreijularilieJ. ' By "tired vomen" JTrs. Adams means nervous vomen who have disordered menses, falling c tho woinb, o-arian troubles or any of thesa aibients that women have. You can cure .vourseH at homo with "i'SBroat women's remedy, Wi no of Cardui, im, 0f Cardui lias ouroa thougani4 nf Mma iui.iMi. lifctorshavofailedtobenrnt. Why druffcisU have 81.00 bottles. For "any stomach, liver or bowel ditor. dar Thedford's Black-Drauslit ahoaJd be tufed. V gT0 SB '' 7 ! I II I " ' ' " ' - .. .11. i II , 4 U 9sU&fb ' HW es3 Ul: CARDUI sss - " - - - M JU Tono nlcturo oC MIsortr'rintT lilk Chil dren wcrhauled (o MJeet hthYo'n thq Stt.Hir.- Although ostensibly Looking for "Work He hnd such a lCcr Kyo Hint ho Always w It n lllock5 Avfny nnd dodgt ed It by going nrodud Another street. Quo Day some of the, Yillngo Cut TJps to lnwo Full with lljiin caused koiuo I'leccs to bo printed lit' tife l.ocnl Taper referring' to- him u a Leading Qltlxon. They nls' Induced tho Editor to interview blur jon" tho Questions of the Day nYnl when tho Governor was L'asslug th'tbugh the Town they took him over to tho Depot and Introduced Him us a Coadng Mum In a fuw Weeks hs Cliost protruded until llllll Matched. Ids Tattered Gar ments! nnd hla 11 etui Swelled l'crccp tlbly, cntulng no Kndof Merriment among tho Jesters who only worked the harder to Convince Hkir that tho World could not ltovolvo on Us Axis WlUiout His Written Consent. X Heal Kstato Mim consulted mm1 In, Itepanl to n new Subdivision nnd tho, Elevator mnn Gravely naked him If ho thought It would Iks Wise to sell Wheat or Hold for a, Hnlse. After this Hare Sport. had continued: for a few weeks longer tho Man began to take It so Seriously that ho 'Secured n stenily Job nml went to work. Month For Results be, a Booster. . . HIj ProcUrity. -ja he going to tafce the stump thia rfl, j v, down. ou watch him." Old sod New. An old umbrella, never fear. Will stay with you through the year;, ltut one- that' nlce.and bright and new Is gona before the week Is through. One Sure Way. "It' ft' Impossible for ua to bco our selves as others sec us." 'Kvcr' try running for office?" j Explained. I "Uncle, how does It seem to bo In lovor' 'Ob, llko being In love." PERT PARAGRAPHS. if' ail the good were to die young where would wo get our presidents? Mudo to order weather would suit some people. not Soma':peoplo hur ry o " that Uiey overtake m 1 f o r ruties that right fully belong to n coming generation. There nro a lot of people who, If not fools, nre ex ceedingly c 1 e vc r I uctors. There nro men who will dyo for a womun when their halrbeglns to ubow 'traces of white- A dog without a tall tunst feel an' though he were in the deaf and dumb class. Do not tako- the campaign orator too Kcriously. lie Li, probably paid to be-' ' JIcvo tho things that ho 'says. Kven in Kero'a cuho Ui6ro aro mitigat ing circumstances, ire didn't play the cornet while Homo burned. When a' woniah drives n man to drink ho would probably havo found tho way nlouo all right. It Is easy to be a philosopher 'If yon happen to own d trust A man with n pull calmly ta'kes'nll tho credit of his Hiicccsa to himself.' I After pcoplo havo learned -' by ox- t perlenco- tho proprieties of ' gasollnb they nro often not In a poaltlo'ri'-tb use tho experience. Conversation la not it iost art'ln tlio barber shop. Sometime n wnnt,nri. proypn nlinl'r restorer when a mnn losea hls'wlg-. ' ' Ono a d v a n tnge about eat ing at a ten cent restaurant that appeals to riomo of our millionaires is tho fact that It is not ncccs sary to tip tho waiter. No lady bar- ber. wjll cut i friend If Hho is a real lady. to Thefo would not ber6iminl! the top ,ff ajl.pjt tbopedpW wfioirtarteu':fbr it cJrvr- rzWxM & M - """"""trrTt" . It has licn.dVDcovcrctl tHnt goln Jill 8wlmtnln(t Is tho, JirnUhleot excwlkoi but not for tho boy whoo tmMher find It ottt. A laty man can always And plenty of tluio to loso Uoio. Sympathy that costs no money ,1s hardly worth currying home with you, Don't you pity tho man that tho Klrl marries ouc of pity? . Somellrnca a iUtllt does not 'qtllt smoking when tho doctor tells hm to InvnuBu of n fltiHplclon that his wlto has th & doctor Ittlbiid. Rlfibt In Style. Oh, Marr has a new sprlns hat Just for her head designed, A verr dreant it la at that One at tho UlKhtmaro kind And as sweet Mary passes by The women U with envy die Some peaches, cherries, two or threa Large pears and apples red. As though K fruit store Jauntily Were sitting on her head As she goes sailing down the nUlo To let folks see the latest style. Oh. Uary has a new sprlnrr "lid" Drought over from Puree. A regular frutt cart pyramid Perched up where all can see. It nits you with such sweet delight You almost want to take a bite But still ,11 lacks a thing or two A pumpkin placed on high And melons plump would make the view More pleasing to the eye, But may she next year have the luck To get It trimmed with gunm truck. He Cot the Order. "No, wo don't want to try, a now 'brand of cereal." "Ono moment, madam," legj;cd the nollcltor. 'This food is prcpaml espe cially fot men. It Is called I'onoyup nnd la Intended to rebuild tho lcpluted Hystcms of overworked buslnois men. It Is goarantced to transform tl: e worst dyspeptic into d genial humuti being. nleaaant cuoukU to nleaao a club woman. "It Is further warranted thai a six -weeks' diet of thla food will cause a man to pay all Ids' wl'fo's hill in-ompt- Ir. cheerfully and without Protect. Ho has been known to tlrKe upon hli. fain ily a vLilt to summer resorts, volun tarily making handsomo allow uncos for all expenses. This last Is not guar anteed, nnd I only mention It to show tho wonderful potentialities of I'-oney-up. "However, wo do minranteo auich amiability as will mako bill paying n pleasure and aprlng housecleauluff a continuous vaudcvlllo or tho money re funded." "Bridget," said tbo lady, "sco that tho atoreroqm Is clean nnd dry. Vdli may I'on tako my order for two tons of 'oneyup.1 Apcropriatef ', , It seems the country's anthems Are aomowhat In dlegrauo. A nevr one on the dollar rerliaps would fit tho case. "Woulil critics dare to call It trash Soppaso tbo theme wcro clammy cash? Plenty to Choose From. ' "Tho man I marry must bo worth $l,OOO,00C 1." "You forgot that with bucIj an amount o f money n man could take his pick." '. No Expensive Honors. "Do yo- u thluk the general will got in tbo ha 11 of fame?" "Not JC thcro Is any rent to pay, ho won't" , Changed His Mind. II fcaro 1 ho was not worthy of Vier, Not tit to iruard her life. But that was when he waa her loycr; Not wh :n sho vao-hls wife. T 00 Strong For Him. ' "Did Uio tramp-eat those Iwanii?" "Ho refu sod them. He aald 11 waif too hard w or! : to digest them." Easy. a egg not an egg'" ay." When you buy it on "When Is a "That Js a 0 fho bargain "couUtcr," When am in I hard up hods glad of fho opportm dty to mako a equaro meal out of a t'on nd flteakt Tho old st lying, ft Tool for luck, docs not specify what k'lnd of luck. Western boom villages think Now Vork a slow towd becauso It has no public square. , May wcathor lias ft hard time 'In ll,v ?,K: Ihg up1 to tho char, w actor given u oy :4viho m'tfg'ajsluc ". poofs. i . . vS -rtfWSffl!!'. n flk'l rWtTXWS: M u .'.: U1 via lwc wmm w&: Tho picaHurcH ot making Rnrdcn tc treat lis tlio 8ohAoi adVnhccs. Kadiro is1 a aafo Kuldo,,for thQ man who doesn't know chough )o como In when It rulus generally needs a bath. tfools and children should not bo blnuicd for tolling tlio trutli, Thoy do not know any butter". . It la claimed that flirting dovolopn a man. It may also bankrupt him. Instead of offering n reward, Carno glo cullld get plenty of heroes by ndver tlslug for men to work at It at thu rate of about $3 U day. fr no'jj More marrlagea would bo hnppy if the girl had to first pass a civil serv ice examination to prnvo that sho was not troubled with cold foot Away With It. Wo pinch and sweat nnd acrnpe and save And labor like a galley slave. And when wo'vp got our little pllo .Wo And that It ta not worth while. Hy days we gather tin a slore, Our nlshts we spend in getting more. And nil to what unworthy end? That some great-great-grandchild may spend. We pinch a dollar till It squirms, Endangering Its husky germs. And when we have It stowed away X'trhaps ws go und die next day. X-et others seek the fllthy dross: AVe know lis gain Is only loss. Why should we wish for overmuch Whvn w hiive friends whom wo can touch? Best of Motives. ' ' , , Shrieks, agonizing and blood curdling, rang out on tho startled nlr, as though Home ono overpowered In n life and death struggle had cried out In a lant hope that homo fellow mnn would hear and rush to his aid. Wlndowa Hew up nnd men nnd women looked wildly about but oho man. heedless ot dnuger, rushed to ward tho wood abed from which thu wounds r.-ero Issuing. Just iih ho nrrlvcd a man walked out of tho door with a grim sutllo on his fnco and a nkato strap over his shoul der. "Iletii licking your boy, neighbor?" asked tho nowcomer in a voice thut was not at all reassuring. "Ifa nobody's busliicmi but my own If I have," replied tho man Ucliantly. "I waa lust coming to avo If you wcro needing any help," said nolphbor, who hud mot up With tho the bo: ' a tlmo or two. In Texas. A horse thief from a halter strong Swung once upon a time, Hut he by ono who came along Was cut down In his prime. Still Warmer. "What makes grundpa so downhenrt' cd? Ho was so oluted a abort tlmo ago over tho fact that ho was l(a years old." "Another old man of 1M years caimi along.and mado him ICC lu tbo shade." j. ' Looking Ahead. "You nro worth your weight In ra- clhittil" exclaimed tho enthusiastic young man to tho girl ho adored. jfow well llxed wu will be." replied tho practical young thing, "If I should over grow to bo as llcsby as mamma." ' Not Progressive. "Threo bottles of this will mako your wlfo feel llko n now woman." "Keep it, I don't euro to liavo my wlfo putting on Hup'rior aim because aho la a now wouiati." Only the Money. Tho hours I've ajxmt In wooing" I do not wish them back, . But all the cash spent on my niasli . Would It were, la my sack. A Ccod Reason. Charley Why do you want .w'omau HUffniL'O? May-I'd like to have a buggy tido onco a year after I am married. ' Too Soon For Him. 'Tn.'in what year waa tho wiir of 1812?" ' "I don't remeinlicr. I wasn't Jiorn until lBol)." 4. - " To pay an' ho gouH n uuudlulrin must piny aa J10 goes. , A hoMtf trad iv can eo iho faults lu u hrt'ao nftcr ho ha a traded off ttie uulmal. 4 . It Is because tho polllco nro ed carrv leas -that campaign cigars are not run In as suspicious qhanultera. . I; , . f ..i. .i. urn i SHH HAS DOND IT BEFORE. With crafty eye the old black lion Itcgnrds your garden plot And watches for the moment when Tho Knto unlatched she'll spot, And then Into your garden fair Bhe'll dodge and have a plcnlo there. Ban calls with duckings low her brood Of unfledged chickens spry, And, though they are unskilled nnd crude. ' They maka tho gravel fly. WUh chirp nnd cheep they flutter round Ami cover every Inch ot ground. Thoy do not full to recomlKo Your choicest beds and plats. And thereto every chicken flics And fensta 011 marrowfats. They wallow all the onions out And gobble up each tiny, sprout. . Wllh energy they pick and scratch And twitter us they raid, And very noon that garden patch All desolate In laid. Serenely then that old black hen 1 ler forces tnnrshals out auutn. Thought It Was a Hint. Jobdlck had been calling on tho girl for a month ami, though ho had not re ceived much encouragement, yet ho had a hopeful heart tinder hla $-.78 vest, and ho know that fair ladles wero won only by pntlonco and Christmas presents. With a confidence hardly Justified ,by his experience, ho bounded up tho steps of her father's housu and rang tho door bell. Tho beautiful fclrl opened tho door and forgot to say "Como In." Instead of that sho observed pointedly, "Mr. Jobdlck, you would confer a favor by taking n walk and unver coming back." When ho had recovered from his stir prlsu ho atnrtod to nrguo tho mattor with her, and hor father hearing thu nolxo camo to tho front and materially assisted Jolxllck down tho brond, mnr bio steps with tho toe of his boot. Tho girl's cousin, who was waiting at tho gate, handed him a couple of tho latest things on thu market la upper cuts; her small brother, Inking thu cue, began to throw stones at him and tho hired man turned loose thu dog. As Jobdlck mov ed briskly down tbo street, slightly nulled lu temper, ho mused to himself, v.N'ow If I wuru at all superstitious I might havo tlio notion thnt I was not wanted at that house." I . An Afterthought. In winter, when we long for spring Its pressing date to keep, Wo think not how lawn mowers sing Just when we want to sleep. Was Responsible, boasts of being u self "Ho rnado mnn." "Very considerate of charge It up to nature." hlni not 4 " to That Was Easy. "Henry, If your undo had $3 and gavo you ?l, what would ho then havuV I "Heart failure" . yi ,; h. ?!!i They Were Calves'. v '( In. spile of all his toll and pains i' He could not get on top, Tor money could not purchase brains Rave In tho butcher shop. t.v Thev Need It. "A fool and ills money aro soon parted." "True, but tho oil companies have to live." P t Wanted an Inducement. "My man, you should voto tbo I'ro lilbltlou ticket." "Iluy mo a drink, nnd I will." PERT PARAGRAPHS. Tlio man who h a it pus h enough to get a pull usually h 11 e c o o d s In making a good luinl. e Tho man who Is too atrong to work Is geiior nlly Just about atrong enough to cut. It la not necessary to invent In flying machines lu order to mako riches tako wings. . Ah long as a man pays tho bills bo will bo apt to havo a decided oplnlou about his wlfa'H bonnets. , , Thcro Is no place llko como homes except tho Held of battle. Money will not buy an appetite, but It will purchuso tho things to satisfy oiio. Tlioro aro not words enough In tho language to explain how It 1h to tho Ivan who has never been lu lovo, Dtillglitetl. Dolly Woro you pleased when Char ley proposed? i'oUy-rioaHcd? I camo pretty near giving him our college yell, ruck. , a Many bow HW'cotly 'lb tho gardonot when hla roaca art in bloom.-cliool-mastor. ..,,...''', BofnlnlUVwould not ifoV rod-tot tovo becuusa stove aw bUt of oata In modern o'u-M, x ', -v 'ji, ir L Kr yri i..niM4 "- e --Tt f CONDENSED DISPATCHERS Mrs. fJanniul IV (Humour),,, wlfo of Marie Twain Is ihmjl, lit I'lorjmuw. Hteaiiier Tidal lu with. llv jinildwl workmen nlxmrd sunk lu QiU'ci.mtowii linrlior. All rioiuuod. Urltlidi bnttlfalilp PrlntuM of Walt ordered to Tanglar. tjeimtor Ltalluy will lx tomHrury anil John Hharp Williams permanent uhairinnn of tho Ponioorutlo national unuventtoti. Two vrglmiuits of l'mijalrsjind nuu battery of a oomjmuy of Hapjairji 01 ilet cil to Join tho YoiuiHhusluiiul Th'tbot oxpodll Inn. All 111 1 iron il linen north of l'ort Worth tied up by novoro storniH of pitot weelc, rlvorrt and hiiiiiII HtreauiH nut of Ixmks; crop lows heavy. Martini law in Iiasaulmas county, Colo. raotloally lifted by govqmor's urilerr). , Counsel for IIiiitIiuiiii Hied in United StntcH Circuit amamlcd bill lu suit to reatralu irroiKMed pro rata plan of distribution of awaits of Heuurlty Co. HpauUli nteamer Avllea ashora at Terieera. Total wreck. Crew and Iii(tengcr saved. Now Creek ateamcr Covluthla ro ported sunk near Dueaondlo rock, Ualatl. rourtvoii of thirty-eight , aUmrd saved. Hleamer IJritnlu snuk in collUlon with riteamor l'lugl wmth of Flamhtro bend, Civw lalidiil. -M ii'ew York. Corouur'n lniUivtt, mi donili of JJoolnmikcr Yuuug adjourned on motion of dlHtrlei attorney till 1'rl day. Hail for Nan i'attetxui fixed at five thousand Ihtii furnUhed. Dlvoret eauo of Captuiii Jerome Madden, UnlUil Wtnlot Army, vs IMltli .Maddun, )mHtMiuud on ruuerit of (hifeiiMt (ill Auguitt -Utli. Duko and Duiihew of Vuleiiony jue paring to hover marriugo relntioiiri. The Duuhueri was fouuiuiy Helen Mor ton, daughter of the erwtwlillo vice prisident and governor. fencer Young buritMl today. Nan l'attursou Htill In jnil. TiotiMMhlnK of Tore. Ypuug Wlf (sobblng)-I will not bo quiet 1 Ilefom wo woro married you said I had a charming flow of lan guage. Young HusbandAnd no you havo, dear, it not only flown, but dntilies, leaps, bounds, roars, gora over) cataracts and mill sluices, and thcro Is an oec.iHlounl watoispout as well, I Your Heart May Bo Weak. One Popson in Four Has a WeaKJHeart. Ono of tho surest slans of a weak heart lit ithortno.s 0! breath after oxcrclsc. Your hourt In not able to pump the blood fust (inouch to your tunas. Homo of tho other symptoms of lloart Troublo nro: ruins In the Hide, Haqk nnd Hhouldcr; Fainting or Weak fipcllaj Dry Cough: Hwclllnr of Foot and Ankloa Cold IVut or Hands. No ono can afford to nllow a wrak heart to go without modlcluo, because weak heart menun poor circulation, and poor circulation monnu weak luntre, wlomacli, liver, kldnuya, oto. If, thcroforo, you nusprct heart trouUlo, bcKln takliur Dr, Mlluu' Now Heart Cure. Tin Hiiott Curo will do you food, as It Is a splendid tonlo for tho blood and nerves, and will rovltivljro your ontno py-tuni. Finally, roniember, Dr, Mlleo' New Ileurt Curo Is sold uudor a guarantoo that tho flrut bottlo will do you oood. If It dooea't your money back. "J was iwillcled with. heart troiiblo for thrco yonrs. I vould lo miparorftly nil rlalit. nnd without n nionioiiVs warnlna would full nH thuiiali shot. Tho uttaoks who fruauent, und n torrlblo dread pos ftcuiird mo. an 1 novcr kuow when or where, nor undor wliat conditions t would bo attacked, and whether I, would survlvo thorn. I consulted und was trontid by nomo of tho, most eminent rthyjilrlnns of tho ntato. Not llndlna ro. ilef from this nour'o, I began tnklna Dl', Wims- JVOW iJoari vura, unci neirnn to Improvo nt onco. I usod ton bottles. Willi CII unilifiy Luii-n 1 1 ui, 11- i. iiiiv". jiw4 Jlllll nil nt tunic for llvu vonrH." MHH. jpiiN DKiaanACic, i.t'ipulo. o. xiT'i'C' Wrlto to us for Frco ffrlnl Pain Pl'lfi t,,( Now Bolontjjlo Itejnedy tii Also, Bymptflin BJank. Our -Bpeclalist will dlnBivoa.your .ciimo. toll you ,what Is wronjr, and how to rlalit It, Frod. Pit. MILtlH MKIMCA1. CO limn .nntiiLin lar.irii Afi'l' INn. tUIV.WIlWlUMMf .....T f .. i eat tttcrt. I i .S f-lh? t -4 j j'-wj' M&'irz'zzi m:$r.'i-iiJ - '- & , t 'riMelt tW--.--. Y j v '"t"-"WW, "" "nVe rn"wm"'''Wii' ism l- $ . ,v