Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 11, 1904, Image 5

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1 -.if, -
.' .
'kVtMti in the Peetofflce At Marahfield
V as Second Claie Matter.
BilltOr And Manager
Tff , :
.. -(
0. W. WOODWARD, Foreman
DAILYi Uy mall, for a(1yaiic payment
only, 30 cent a month; 4 month for
lr.ee. When not t4i(T In Advance the
frlce ! so cent per month, atralglit.
siued every morning except Monday.
lulled Every Saturday. Terrna: In Ad
vance, (1.30 a Year, 1.00 Six Months.
s The Hvvniiig Pont of Saturday do
' Vot something over a column to tho
COAST MAIL, It circulation and ita
editor. All thin in answer to our mild
suggestion that those acquainted with
tlm olronmntnncon could iro)xrly hIxo
up tho ntaudurd of business honor in
volved in tho Pont'n statement that
"tho circulation of the Count Mail is
Wm than 400 coiIim" For thu Iksiio
fit of tliorto wlio do not know tlio cir
UuuiNtauofa wo will oxjilatn that tho
Imrty whoxonamo npearnari "huxluivw
uinuaKvr" of tho Pont wax conuoctod
with tho COAST MAIL until April
Ho', having given on April '.'Oth tho
flrnt intimation that ho Intended to
Muyor that connection.
Ntw the Pout in utiabib' to aeo any
bruach of buHlueHa honor ill till jutrty
making thlfljtatemeut qtidtnl almve,
Whether thu ntatuirtit, Uottd bo true
or fabio. Well wo tlou'to toipect tho
PMt to Hon it. Tllo I'(t 1m evidently
not a dbti'ritli hutting judge in anch
NoVv an td tllb actual circulation of
tlio COAST MAIL, it U not noccwary
tpr Olb wUtoV to mako any owora ntate
menu There are leuty of ooplo who
.can rouioulldr the flgunvt given them
(inly a tow mouth hIiico by tho pre
Hont htutnoHri ntnuagcr of the Pont.
No longer ug than .February ho ob
tained riignaturori to quito a uumlwr
of now contractu. No doubt )to told
tho oxAot oironlat(ou then, ami art wo
havo the printed UMttraucn; that
ho "Will not cheat. its(Ujo
by lying alxut ita circulation", of
Oourrto hia word at that time nLto wan
Rowland tho COAST MAIL'S circu
latlon tuuHt Ixi Homowlioro from 800
wp. .
Ah1o tho circulation of thu Pbrtti
Wo do not care to hazard a tinmm
Wheu onn of tho gentlemen who wore
woYkiug tt up 100 and tlio other1 Raid
70,0, on tho Huld wiuio day, we gavo up
tho puKzlotNoithor do we cilro, for ob
Vlourt renHoifn, to enter into ii content to
wo whluh etui Hwear to the larger clr
.qulutjon. Wl;pn,lfc jfoiuos to actual
paying nuWcHberrf'tho COAST MAIL
lyui liioro thitH any other dully in Oroi
$m nouth of iikilu Tlio paying
dulworibern nrb'tho ouly bnea of value
to ndvortiHprrt.HrfPaporrt printed and
thrown alidiit tlio utroota 011 into tho
bay uro not ti'loglttutatd IhiHIh for ad
vbrtlnlug r"atort. 1 !i
,'fOnS word of .'a .'poiSionrtI liitturo.
'i'llo Pont'rt HtatomUu't that tho liookn of
tho corjwratldn, of whldh tho, Pot
d,ooa not even neVhl t liilow tHo name,
' jjdo not Mhbv that hla one nKaro (Mr.
pevarM) inixlid hr("i,irt nhnlwolut
falHehoou without Hittntow of exouite.
t On the tot)jtrar)Y,jtho bookn of the
cMwrarJnyti tQVYUtytoip nwutlnj
that tho Hkjc'k in queatfoa,inirti(l';fiir' in
foil, and Wlillo tho preaent buaiuean
Manager of the Poflt did ho book kfrep
ittK la ihin ofltee, thrbooka weTd'a.''
way opek ii tifr lHftjmiUiJ, and if lie
oonld Ki auderetand thewi it wan not
thejfanlt of, tta),j&okktop6h
Further, wa will say that there in no
balance Handing against Mr; Levar
oii Wia lx6kn of the Coo Uy Fob.
Unhing Company.
The Innio Post sayst "Tho Pout do
Hlre to Hfiy emphatically that com
pariijouof the general repuation of
Mr, Hofer and Mr. Levar wonld no
bo vory favnrablo to the latter gtUe
mat. Thwi it adda t "The ' Poat
not desire to entr Into personal jtlon"
On ifa first pago it olaimn a circu
lation of J0H8,ant1 t)ien addn in ita edi
torial columns that "IT WILL NOT
ItONS It lying about it circulation",
If tho jxxple of C004 couuty do not,
oil Monday next, elect John S. Coke to
rereHont thorn in tlio upper Iioum of
tho Oregon legiHlatnro, they will make
a gravloua mlitako. Witliout wiah
lng to eaat any refloctioita on Mr.
Coke' opiwuent, it may bo rrnld that
any unhlHMd oompAriaoH of the two
men muat reanlt in favor of the
former. Not only ia Mr. Coke juatly
eutltled to the nobrlquot of "Honent
John", but hla ability ia of a high
order, he ia a gentleman by habit and
liwtluct, hlrt public ttpirit ha Iteen
demoiutrAted repeatelly in thl com
muuity. The only point on which tho
opposition ban harped Iihh been tho
fact that Mr, Coke waa ouoo a Deato
orat. liut ito many good men havo
ohauged their iwlltlcal allegiauco at
tho dictates of their honeat conviction
that no ouo can really find in it any
indication of moral or Intellectual
lack. In fact, it ia quito tho reverne.
Mr. Coke la thoroughly identified
'with the beat Interfax of CooA.oouuty.
Ho in ouo of our iH-omluent men, aud
hia election an Heuafap vrill only lw one
ritvp ii) a career which ia certain to re
fleet credit on, the county In which ho
grow to manhood, aud in which hlrt lot
hart been oat.
Tho county and tho jwrty will honor
thcniHolveri by placing Johu 8. Coke u
thoofllcoto which he honorably nspirea.
Moudny will decide tho quwitiou ah
to whom aro to lie awarded the offices.
In thia laat iaauo beforo tho vote In
biwt, tho MAIL will nay that it nln
corely hoppa for tho oloclon of every
Republican candidate. Thin papor in
Mrougly Inclined toward iudopeu
dance in politicd, to tho extnt that it
would not advise ita readerx to vote
for .thd proverbial "yollow dog".
That uJHjof votera are of tho hauio
wind ban; utrmig tendency to keep
partlea olonu ii.U( Ut not an u restraining
innence on tho machluo, where a
ntaohluO'tixlHta. But iu thin cano no
Republican can Jiavo any coiyiolouo
Iouh d6ruplon ngainnt voting for fc'ery
man ou hiy.tioket. No better neloction
wan ever presented for the approval of
tho people. It in a clean ticket from
top to bottom. Votu ' it without
noratuhlng, ' .
Bo- coUHlntent. You can not conala
teiittytpte1 fyr tlio; locul tsption law:
and' tiieh vAte any thing but'tlVo Pro
hibition .ticket, for no-called "local op
tlou'.' jnprohlbltlpn, a'xuahing. And
uh the present Domoih-atlu candida'to'
for rcprpaoutn,tivQ no forcibly exjireaHed
it in the'COAST MAIL o April", IQth,
. ! I
11)02, Vhenhpwin a, prohlbitlouint:
"Sluco it in n fact that thin country in
govorued a tho ylll o.tho peopie ex
pcfuweci. uirwijHM pufi-so owhhishtiouii,
it lieoomon ueceryiay for a Frohibltip'ii
i x ' ' j- 11 A tii . '
parry w piiiorqn, rn lnoiuiuiiou
' Dr". MoCorn'iao in in Ooqallle City
Oil tniftiiWM todays
Dr. J. 8. Oook and wif,,?! JJtajnliw,
www ylalKng in the olty'today.
J. A. Sawyer, the postmaster at
Allegany, in a busbies visitor in the
city today. '
- ).''
W, L. Vealc-h In a Medford jmninesfl
man who' in today registered at Jho
Bianco of thin olty. '
t, Tho nchoonor Mildred flnifihed load
wUh lumber at tho Depot wharf
-a,ul waH towcd to " ih" mtanlng.
K. O 1
it, Marak leaven on the north lund
Alliance,j?And will viU Illiaplu, ex
peothUfc toUfealweut a1x)tt Htx wjeokH.
- 0-' -
Win. J. Mot and wife, of Itoae
barg, arevialtliigon tho bay today
and faro gacataof tho Central hotci."
John Bayder aad roh George, wbo
have been ylaitlBfcin San Krancleco fcr
acme tine returned on tho Breakwater
Common aeute haa Htruck Cooa in n
now place, and a lady waa eoeu In
to-u thia morning riding on hornoaok
in tho rational tyle.
Wm. Ford, tlio PaUlflo Hardwaaro &
Stoell man," ia among tho San Ifr-an
oImco commercial niftn who havo head
quartern at the Blanco today.
W. J. Butler 106 tho city for Port
land lurtt nifrht, ifoluif out by wfltf of
the Drain ntage route, Ho expec-ta to
bo gone aovera'l riaya and may viait
Lewiiiton, Idalio trlitlo a.way.
Allan rearl walker, of Bandon, ar
rived iu thia olty by yeatorday'a ItTain
from, Coqullle,' ia tedriy a gnent o f the
Central, aud wiUlSKre liy tomorrow'!
north bound AITfance' for" FortlaneL
J. S. Coke drove over' to Coqu tile
jrwtwlay and rotAru&T lnt Ui'ht. 3Je
wan nccompauleA'on hk retur.'i by H.
Lockhart, who wciit over yustenLay
morning to be preaobt at the -official
count of tho Coon county UAllotu.
Runty M.ike'a Diry, JaHc 16, 1 Ml
When it cornea to eatin'" X man don't
uevor wait to aee if hia ueighbiir in
golu' to eat hia dUnler flnrt befon. he
enta Idn atrlke out for ycwraelf an'
don't tag your neighbor erehant' in
wliat he doon.
O. F. Martla and! wife of Coqall le
ui.y arriyeu id MAranqeia yeaierdav ut t
til the return trip flY the Kreakwate r
whw they will enUetj'aa jMrneagera far
San f ranclwo. Frdfe1 8ab Frawiieo,
Mri. Martin will continue her trarelB
acroM the continent and An to Europe
where she. eoea to Vklt her old hose ia
U. L. Gray, of Mrtlo 't'oinf, wh o
ban tho contract for imin'tlflg" the nceu ..
ery for tho opera house" iu the lie, v
MBdouio tomple, haa Wgthi hbi Worl t
and in progressing nVcoly. Ao hw4
alreudy oompietod. the dAV onrtalp;,
which in a beautttnl ao'aue of" an old
Italian ruin. T.'he outline 6f H beauti
ful ntreot ncoae. l uow tlug applied J.
to tho flrnt ntr.ge curtain tiu'tt. Avill le
fluishexl alut Monday Mr, Gray
will havo iU work don'o lii time for
tho grnnO opening of thff.hll by tho
Keane (Jo, who uro oxpebteO Itero on
the. co,mlug 4th of Jttlj'
- ----
A N W Club MeeilKf
Tho A. N. W. Olilb oUveued in
regular nennloii at tlib hbme,pf Mrn. O.
J. Seoloy yeaterday af truqot. After
the unuaL routine Of Inutiiitys, and tho
rejiorta oi tha trotrerai ()jnmittee), tho
tilub watt treated to ii lloipsbi iunohv
eoa by tAe font ladten bx the tooenuiittee
on eutertaftltaant. , y v
,p to'he hour of'lifuqjjaou, "the uaual
lmp auk tllguUy o (ho -olUb wero
maintained, thouglt! akortty afterward
tho olokbf formal feleerti was, din
oart!ed'"fiid a very". rarS fUtifa" for
auoh an'oddasfoi w-tnii8tao in
the form '. of at p0lii4l Klacjifesa! in
whioh the Mtrre,oTaUi rif"o'JjjkTeu
JadiaV took aa, .aotlvepart, at . the
name time. It in wild by one of th
mmhtiin yvho -WAg-ptmAit that: if aewe
of he ItepablioaB argamen'ta oi this
uidutinnipn conld have been preneated
to the pablio lefcre the election, the
ni'AJo'rlHen woald uadoaledly have
xm taneh -differ MtU
Alex ila.ll will go North on the
Alllancr and expect to kpiad the
Summer j.a Portland working At hi
trade of Wirpenter, reinrning to the bay
nextfalf. . " ,
travel by Sea
Arrivals; by Breakwater from San
Francleco Jnno 10: U II Mcl'bereon
and wife, Miss Kither Lando, J Ii
Bernstein, Mra W H (Iregg, Mlia Ena
RoMoa. A Mahoney, T A Walker, Chaa
Adami, and wife. Mrs Chaa Wintor,
II A Allen. L Snyder, J J McOoo, W P
Whitley, Jno Snyder Geo Snyder, Jae
H Flanairan and wife.
11 1 ii 1 in ii.
Card of Thanks
Wo dcalro to r'akft thia method of ex
tondjtgaur heartfelt thanka to- tho
many dear friends Who have no, kindly
dtood near to comfort and aaeiflt tin
during our lato IxirciiVemcnt of a lov
ingyeon and brother.
Very respectfully,
Mr. and Mm. J. L. Lcnuoh and family.
Humor , Philosophy
f ;.:: tr
Copyright. 1991. by Duncan M. Smith.
It in when the corner grocer cuts off
Credit that the trust question la tho
moKt troublesome.
A man may not be as innocent as W
hwkt when bis wUo asks him to ex
plain just how the races are played.
'As between $
Man and a-cjgar
the cigar WU0
haa th 1i-at
drawing powers.
Lota of ,Iaiy
people Ioa 'the
comfort of 'their
HrorkJng hard to
And excuses for
If vegetables were as Industrious as
wecda, gardeala:''w&uld cause men to
uao less words not. permissible in po
lite society.
It is only in theory that the average
man knows there Is plenty of room at
tic top.
A woman would rather go shopping
than vote, unless she bos a new elec
tion suit
W)icn they discover that a microbe
cauncs dreams, what will you do for
cheap amusement?
In tho spring tho modern young man
docn nut have timo to tnkohis fancy
off money getting.
Unle Has the Fad.
Of breakfast foods the list includes
Varieties surprising;
As friend in need to healttvthcy lead
And with a iecd Burprlfist;.
The chopped hay deal, the. raw oatmeal
l'rciuirctl in (Scottish hlshlasda.
Supplant fried ham. but Uncla Sam
Make his lirst meal oil lilauds.
Jlo acorns to ent digested Wheat,
,11 ran minh and combinations
Thut others tnko rich blood.to make,
"When they awake, 'for rations.
ih. atrongcr stuff for Uncle bluflt
1 1 Is money is inveatod, , ;
pr islands are vith him at bar
And easily digested. "
Cut up as law or eaten raw
Or fried or boiled or basted.
And piping hot, they reach the spot
A morsel not untasted. , . , ,
JCor docs ho prato about ls weight
And boast to every caller. j
Sut he can pass beforo the gloss
And watch himself grow taller.
He receded the floaty, v ,.
"It mo soil you a letter written m
Abraham Lincoln to my iCatbcr," snlu
tho needy individual, "It ia warradtetl
to bo. genulno, pud I only part sMi H
becauno I need the inoney."
"What do you' want for itr" AskcU
tho prosperous looking clUion.
"Ouo buudred dollars; not 'a cent ls,'
aud if I were jiot hard up moaey
would not buy it."
"Give you fifteen cent' said tbo'
man carelessly. , ,
, "It's yourn," said the soeoV, Individ
ual. '
The man took' tho letter aikl banded
eTer the! change, nnd the Axly utdl
yldual reraarke'd, as a pn,T)ng shot,
'.Tke,tlm4.jsWt wrltlag it h Vrorth
really iudro thttti that." -
f iV .
.fHft. MMfti-Vi
.ia t'.'KIt.V,. ,, JIU'" j
Have yew itntrAM rm1,T "
1-fitwt, greatHt' tMstV M rta , 1
.More thim coal tht-ataKJa weth
Dm oiie bring a optklng 'mitri.
i ' "''"'
AU4 the thins that it en,i4o '
MaMly WeuM ail a book; v , .-' , .
Anything Wat bww tM cook i
K tlw tehw we aore aVe true.
With 4wmlM it iua tvni t
Cures eensumiKieA while, you watt
And In' iaaaner up to data
MatfaMera iWerolws by Ut'9 ten.
Wrinkloe, patehes, fr'eekies, tati
Cannot in the Holiib fratln
If you have a lngls kraln f '
Of UiJs newest Wend U wiit '
Bunrlars It w)ll .hold at bay. ,
atranae &oa frighten frdm te yard,
Always ket the butter hard;
Coax, O19 wayward hess to lay;
Kcatiy cut the children's hair,
WaH the windows, eerub the Aotr.
Hun on errands to the rtwe, '
Dally sseur the sltvsrwars.
firmly, but with grim intent,
Jnr'a agents through the gate,
-Keep th .family recqrd straight,
XtusUs rouad and .pay the ent.
Thli'ty rHIllfene, not 'a sou
Iss for one grain, C. O. D,
13ut it's worth It, you ean see
If tho tales w'eiiear aro true.
Their, course ott true lere bad, been
rough and stormy. Jtt had run along
over bricks and bampa and nacbarted
rocka until at times tne nun kwsV de
spaired of ever reacklag the tmf ha
ven of matrimony. '
Never bad there been so contrary a
drl since Eve lightly told Adam that
there were others when be, wm iMelbi
ed to get gay. t
She was as imnl'tp ylwind'as tlijd
guest at a fafbkmable board lng bouse,
Whatever be4SU waa, wrongj and tbe
things that he neglected were Just
what sh was dying for.
Rivals' "dlO. not see why he fooled
around'af ter aglrl who treated him so,
but tho Vsrse she treated him tbe
moro he lo"Wjj-her.
But now lnKa all over, and he had
her where heparan, theoretically, boss
of tlio job. ..Tbsrwore married.
"Darling,'' SkeVM, "why did you
treat me, no?''vi
"I don't know," she" replied, "but I
will never do it again."
Sho did knbw,, but the secret was
locked in her breast ami she had lost
the combination. Sho. bad treated men
kindly before and had discovered that
it did not werk.
'"" a flSBRSSlMr SaBVlBtSS
A" aan
V "Was out for a
"U. wrar
Wiwro- sMonson
.woat 'to? A
lie saxapled a
Then turned Ja
Too tough wore
Ta Give WtA k
"What became of Tengh jBddle, who
who went west to,grew ap with the
country t" ,,
"They planted him:"
'- -r "J
Diddt Apflr fa Was, ,
"What do ydii tbiak of this tbeer
that we eat too mucker-
"It never origlsateat.at mir boarding
A ITaraedykw,
T eat to -.
Not live to sat. ' .,
But stUl at thaef . ':Jl
A man you neetv
Wko seesaar te-'lhlnk h
We Uve to drts(..
Fee Joy?
"Mr. Banks, I'll screaai if you klM
me." '
"Will you' be so doHgbied as alt
thatr ' ., fc
Just a feint
"At what cafe do you eatf
"Not at any. I only have enough
money to eat at a restaurant."
, .
Be cleW, may
child, and reb
ably you .will
h a-sJMte&with
are .so coaaao
polftaai tha'-t
they'laaist oa
having eaBlea
la ere, than
one language.
-- i
, If time were really money, wetnen
would never deny their years. '
. The keae begbw to vast s(meuaQ
irii? shaded . . "
b- .
i A :baby: cries 0i general riaclple.
;it ia thenir way Lit, bak'.gettlng
.sa 0 "nJT
tMH)SlMj (' JY
Mc; ijiJMH-gTrTMi Kmmummif m
sn'sJLgtiViQB ebwcklaf-lt j'ardund 'and
boBcig'ttlabat V ' .'.''.; '
Seeteig 'li bellerlH,-. but it does not ab
wa ftYftr..tW3UH tipped
U located, "- ' '; U ''
iShQ-a Wltk'y WVopic'tlnicd tblaks
t , , l V f ' , tr . lj 1 '
wlMMwflii. ' '
sH swplnH W M BtWrrPPiTBW"l f
toll.pkye m a trak mWh ' , , &
,.T- ;. Bj, ,fc , ., i.'w
Heals to a Ink. ? vN
ewr awaara
rttnf W rC "fakh
works .the dear.pe)j te a lakeh,
v 1
? waits Impatient and (a fear. ,
Beeause, alas, th ttsu Is w
To mm tan, stuK far wfcteh sIm seat
Hm' lover ccntss areimft tewlglit. ,
Sne deosn't Hats' ihssm' Mm .waft.
But. Alt: taMjLailt law kr te'aLvW
How oaa MH.aa ts keee the ffofit
HWie gave hW fk a4 fcado Mea'ar
In haste to whsr preW'e 4H.
Iter hak'e dark rests Im'1 Justlty ,.
Hr pebaasw u sleitaa gW. : v
' . . .Chiasjei Ms Mtojl. , V"
IJnt V ceuM faru,ioMjt aW
The weaker was a. nhert, steuirman
with .an edraest parpee 'BleaieMng i
his eye aad arfghbaUl as)ei zMaten
.ing on tke tep ofL bis head, "V
3fnry Ann MeGtftf,the fair, heart'
less trlfler to" whowthi aHlfUl'woMs
were addressed, gave aa"impaUeat
sigh. t
"WeM, maybe," sto repHeearttely,
as though the fate' of a life were net
hanglBg e her wereW: 'Terhape I
could. Go out aad at a icdWbn ddlhtrs
and come back aad tHc te .' t y
Percy-Perolard greund.hto leetkyWot
with' the patent lastrameat. e terture
audi as thetdeatlsts use to embitter
the 70g Mvea of their vktlB, bat
against; each ether;, as ew aneestork
used te dec when they were obliged by
atent eceasjtty te eat vaeeeked 'gTalB
back U the mlety twiHght days ef tti
raee, , Wtcheiat a word be stalked fertli
in(o the4 darknetM. t,
Percy Ferohird was a mi&i&. action.
He looked at, bis WAtch. iMfas 10.30.
Jy laMatght he bad organised, a. trust
ia cahbatfs, plants and bad' eleetadbtea
aelf presldoBt Ilia ebjeet bad beeei at
tained. He wuf,worth a aaiiUeei.
Percy cauld bantfy wart fer;the. gray
dawn of the tsorMas,'t will tier by
telephone. '
"I have th teUUe," w-w ail that be
Mary Aaa McGtea4s ;ket her aartlsas
air as a bright 1hft kuMM Ms raietber ia
a crowd just after' behas berrowed a
dollar from her. ttbe, began te take as
tatersst Is
eace wMh tblBMurrhgsj )f,h sb4
asid.. t "
It was mw Irrjr tia. "staj-,
nay," he reftted, aad tbewe was a rlsg
of trlvathpb In bk a4eesjr ttak llt;
tWefcs aw fchstl have tftve "sesb' I eai
wait a httfsd
girto." Aad be
and nug eff.
say ylek.bf the
tatam dsVa. ! 1 isl
" f
Xs had beoi. tasibt
That K was host totrUtlw tnrtk.
Brcauso or that iMtMiwt Wish
Te waste his osTerts oats4fiK,aoh.
. ,
rres tbaee, wmvmym'M siat to
ge te, so he did w eart beet ,Me.'
ThsWthositB thstr
ow down to steao, we're- tola. , .
Tk4lkxoVw .).)
Hew DM
'A fool aad has.aaesiar are seoa
sftrted." T";- '
hljre ever bay as aseawy
km tbe XiU;
"Jenka terthsre is a coming poet."t
"Glad yea waraed me. I will be ;ea
Bay guard afaiast a touch." ' V; , f
Wbea hope plays the races It in aiC
te-IwaeaaJy;ea.eUeii.. ,x ,K Ji;-' 4
An tuMirSi bImwi iwiforci uldulirht. U,
'eendwlve to norwili cdndft'iojia.fbr botk
bead aad, Vsm m Wkf JMHHbV, , (I
1 " -' ' M
It la a wise baby that puts in Ibi?
pare aeoaaeuta trylng.to leok like iffJl
Love laughs,! ai,. lock:. J
amlths, but the dluiiioiwi
to turn tbelables on the
little fellow
A MaLdi tua a LA
wim .ammm ti; j
IS Vl;
alsmjKAA Sta BBBaUakali I tAsltf BhkSsl ''
e bar part aad an .
haabsser ec gooil Jwa
haeat oa the part ,',aC
a time leariawg may a- a MgNa
thing',' bat k, sssnes, haadf ,te"baer'
i. ...... k .. .w ' . ' .'.51
I'.'v - - r- - v "- vgtlT
:. A'Vt'saBn -a7 mm m I
- 4
J. i
I"",mr' ...,r .'
i: ,!ini-,i57-
.letoaooriTMt 1
iwwBwj ueaier nan own kuowii
j Cf. o J
wamu bat . gtbfA wmiwmm I -
TTar. vwi. rJPasBiBWM ir
amsBBBdaiBBBSBTBBsir.tckaa, - rjs.i3ntr aavasv am
1 1
i'JI , . ;
- . "..-!
lflrJ4M$M4PMRf& f'Ww1-3'-?1!"' -
;,,. . "" ",1H ':..-1" "-"i-- ' -a.