Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 11, 1904, Image 3

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Meagre Report From
The Scene
Yashima,,Reported Sunk at Talienwan-RPS-
stens Plan to Catch Japs Between
Two Fires
Choefoo, Juno 7 Am nttnck from
land nnil Hint im Port Arthur occurred
last night mill early today, according
to rcjwirts reaching lioro.
A Chlniftt) junk wiih tho first to bring
tin) news. Tito sailor ri(irt tlitit thu
Japanese trlod to advance ly hind,
tho fleet helping in thu movuinunU
A raiiinnnt of thu Russian Port Arthur
llmt camo ont of the linrlxn' in nil at
tonipt to reixil tho Japatiesu warships.
plhvr reports tend to confirm tint
junk rumors, Indicating that n naval
Imttlo lum lxfu fought in tlio gulf of
J'vohlll. Steamers passing Lnlo Blum
promontory outli of Port Arthur
, hoard firing, whllo rvpprt froui Teng
uliun stato that heavy firing sx heard
there from olovuii p. iu. to tyo n. m.
Voxels fn)in Min Too Irtlau.ds con
flnri those rujHirtu, whllo residents of
thu hills huru statu that thoy aw
tiiirthuH iu thu direction indicated.
Tokio, Juno 7 Toko rejKirts fori'
ouo mines discovered and oxploded in
' ' thu past two days in Tnliunwnn bay,
" XJliiiiuso, formerly Riuwiun pilots,
LoIdk usud.
' ' taiirtoM, Juno 7 A Cliuufon dispatch
assorts that tho Japanese ship Hunk in
Tnlluuwan hay wan thu battleship
Yaihiuia, hut thin is mo. credited an
Togo makes no mention lu his rojort
noting tho clearing of tho iuIium.
Tokio, Juno 7 Dispatches say
u Rurtrtlun wiroleiM menwtKO from Port
Arthur linn Iwou intercepted by tho
Jiipmit'rtu which iiidlcaU'H a Ruiwian
United Stiiton Laud Oftloo,
Roaoburg, Oregon May ill,
' Notloo is hoi-oby given that in com -
pllanco witji provlrtlonn of tho act of
1 Congress of Juno II, 1878, entitled "An
act for tho milo of timber laudn in tho
States. of California, Oregon, Novndn
and Wiirthlngton Territory, "Jus extend-
od to all tho Public Land States, by
net of August 1, 181)2, James A.Cobb,
of Roriubuvg, county of DougltiH, Stato
of Oregon, hurt thlrt day tiled In thin
Oflleu hirt sworn Stlltoment JMO. mm,
r.iv Mm litiruhasu ot tho SKi of seo-
tlonKo. 91, In Towiirthip No. 20, , South, Kungo No, 1Q Wosb, and will , OTt inuiaiis, who hnvo Mover been nc
South ItiiUKO No. 10 Wont, mul ivlU olfw proof to hIiow that tho laud , orodltod with superabundant wits, have
offer proof to show that tho land sought is moro vuluablo for its timber for limny j.0rs employed n method Of
sought In more valuable for lt timber or Htoyo than for agricultural pur-, tymK tllolr hortfCj, (o uoioa ju tho
or Htono than for agrloultural puvpos- iwsert, and to osUiblirth her olaiiu to Krmuui that is clever, uulquo and of
oh, and to establish bin claim to said said land before tho Reglstor and Ro-1 focUve. Tho operutlon of tying n horso
v land before tho Register and Reoolvor oolvor of this oflleo at Rosoburg Ore-1 t0 ft holo B00lua ,.n tinnrncUcablo and
' ql thin onieo at Rosoburg, Oregon on
Tuesday, tho JlOtli day oi aujoihii "" usv, ww. ,
Ho MiiMiCti un witnesses, W. L. Cobb, ' Sho namos ns wltMoasoa: W. L.Cobb,
J. W, Povtorlleld, Jacob Rogers, and J. "V. Porterileld, Jacob Rogers, Bon
lieujamin Gottor, of Rosoburg, Oregon, jamin Getter, of Rosoburg, Oregon,
'' Any and all persoiirt. olabuing ad- Any and all persons claiming ad-'
verselv tho nbovo desorlbort lands are
requested.. U) (Ho their ohlnirt in thlrt
ofllbo'tmov before said 110th day of
August, 1001.
'QffU.iiP t rP lininoES.
V i'i.
jdot to act Hiinultouoouttly with Kuro
Kitklu in u planned attack on tho Jap
nnoso from rear .and front) to anitihl
Into tho ontlrc force.
Art n result of tho information, nil
until o division In being dlspatpljod
from Tokio, part Of which vM lapd
at Dalny and (hn remainder' at Kin
chow. Tho JnpiUHMti cxjieot to have
an army of two hundred t hour and
ready hy tho end of tho wook to
meet nny emergency.
Rome, Juno 7 Thu commander of
the Itallim Kiiundron lu Eastern witters
says that Guuural Atunguta irt propar
lug to tako jMnxoual command iff thu
Jnpnm'tti force in Manchuria, while
Oku will command tho iiimult of Port
reporter's may go
Mukden, June 7 Newspaper com)'
HI)iidenH have been granted poruibi
slon to proceed houth.
Ohoefoo, Juno 7 A troop of Con
buck llhH Ihmjh routed by n forco of
Japaniuo near Takushuu.
.OfllpoiH of ii Junk just arrived deny
tin riqrtirt that n Ju-mnl'so Hhlp was
Hunk oir TaIIomwiim.
Cracow, Juno 7 sooialtHt papeni
herb publirth tho ulk'K'ed text of tho
Czur'H teleorati to Knropatkin HtnUnj,'
that "tho honor of thu Ruthin nmm
cUuiiiuiiltt that Port Arthur bo hold,"
'and ordering him to concentrate lib
' eirovtn to that end.
........ ..........M....
United State.4 LundOHlce,
Ro.ioburg,Oregoii,May31, 1001
Notice in hereby given that in com
. pllauco with tho provJHioua of tho act
of Oongnwrt of Juno SI, 1878, entitled
; "An not for tho sale of timber lands
1n tho States of Callforniu, Oregon,
Nevada aiuUVarthington Territory, " as
exetndod to all UioPubllo Laud Statoj
by not of August i, 1803, Sarah F.
Cobb, of Rosoburg, county of Douglas,
Statu of Oregon, has this day Hied In
this oflleo hor sworn Htutomont No.
jojuo, iur uio piirunnsu m a oi
Section jno. at, m iownfimp jno. SO!
gon on Tuesdiiy, tho uotli day or Aug-
vorseiy too a novo uesoriDen lands aro
roquestwuto 1U their olalms m thlrt
oflleo ,oinor. gboforo said 110th day of
August;, mui. 0
. . ,. J. ABRIDGES
London Newspaper
Man a Victim
london, Jnno 7-rA Sbaiighai Wang
dJHpatch addrt rtome moro detailo to
tho reirtod kllllug of iiuwrtpaper cor-
rortjKJUdontrt KtJKjl, of tho Loudwi Tol-
egra))h, and Brludlo.of tho Dully Mnlf
They jwero llrwl on by Ohlnrao sol.
diero whllo In b juuk between Swan
taitz and Ercllno. Etzol wnn killed
but Brinrllo bi roiwrted afe. They
were inverttigating tho movomcnbi of
banditti. KtwiPrt father liven nt San
Diego, California.
Supreme Court Up
holds Peabody
Denver, Colo., June 0 Tho State
Supremo court today refued tho writ
of hiibeiM corj'U-i for Moyor, I'rurtldent
of thu Wwtcru Federation of Minern,
and upheld Governor Pealwdy in de.
olnring martial law in Son Mignol
couuty una imprlrtonlng Jioycr nurt
other uulonititrt. Mover vomnlim in
tho bull Hn iudofiuutoly, '
Son Frauoiflco, Juno 7 Tho Paoiflo
Mail freighter Algoa struck n ledge of
roukrt at Point Bouitn thirt morning
tearing a great holo iu her side. Sho
got off without nHslrttauco nud readied
tho wharf with thirteen feet of water
in hor forward held. Tho cargo is
badly damaged.
Newport, Juno 7 Tho Holland Hub
murine, af tor lioing twolvo bourn mib
uiorgod M'lth her crow oamo to tlio
Hurfaoo at olovu this morning. Tho
teat irt declared satlrtfaotoi-jv
tIic n Homo to a Hole.
T t... i.nn,. .nnv..i-.i that the de'
ilnpos.slblo one, for there is Bomethlnff
decidedly ihtanglblo and uiisubatautlul
ubout tho hole. Tho operation pc
formed lu thlK way: Kueellngon tho
hot sands, tho Indliuui dtg with their
luin.dH until they huvo niado u holo
ubout' two foet dcop. They then tie. au'
lmmciiBo knot In tho end of tho halter
ropo, iOWor it into' tho bottom, of .the'
hole, fill tho holo with sand and then
f,m n.i u.., .,,. H.',.nW'rt.V.rtW
juuiii iiiiii KiLift&&ji iiiiuii ah uaa&aa fe-v vv
oVVr tho. knot ia about its hard as atiml
Hiouo, lomuou JiuBQiine.
As to Jeffries Request
. lor Delay
San Frunoiftco, Cal,, Jupo 7 Je
'rlcrt' request for a two weeks' pontpono-
uieut of IiIh light with Monroe 1h var
iously viewed la JooaJ wportlng pfrclefl,
Some of the fight followern afreet to
boliove it U a move to flconre letter
oddn, while thoo who have uoea tho
champion training deoloro it impoa
niblo for him to bo fit by the 17th,
having difficulty iu getting bin wind
into nhapo, dcfipite the glowing ac
oounU of tho preati agontfl regarding
hirt gpurrnl condition. Another theory
in that tho wholo affair hi framed up
to nrouHo more intereat in tho contort.
' Tlio fact rcmainn good, however,
that Jeffrie hnn been doing too much
playing, but good judgox say it in not
noccHsary for him to bo in better con
dition thnii he is now to defeat tho
Sultan Expected From
His Capital
Washington, June 0 Admiral Chad
wick cables from Tangier that the
British minister has requested hit
government to send a battleship tot
Tho Sultfiu is expected to arrive
from Fez, nud tho general opinion is
that the foroo in tho harbor should cot
be reduced.
Montreal, Juno 7 -One hundred and
twenty Btndonts in tho United States
havo been passed by tho Oxford board
as eligiblo for tho Rdodes scholar
shijw, iuoludlug the following: M. H.
B. Dowing, Farnhaui Grifflths, Clin
on Judy, W. J. Murgrovo, Bovorloy
Sullen, W. C. Crittondon, Mouroo,
Doutso, of California; Q, H. Foster,
L. H.Gipsau, of Idaho; Harvoy B.
Deusiuoro, of Oregon; H. Jncobsou, of
Utah ; J. M. Johnson, Llowyn Rails
back, of WuHhiugtoM.
Water Spout'iu Texas
xori. YOrii, ouuu, i -n nivoj
struck Enloo today. Half ft milo of
tho Texas Midland track washed
away, hundreds Of aores v.'ero inuu
putod and tho oltizOnrf foreed to' seek
rofugo in tho tree tops. Tho livo
otook loss is heavy.
.Hlo (Just cngaKcd)-What do you
think Edwin' said' last Might? That If
ho had to chooses olthcr mo or 10v000
he wouldn'JLoYcn JookuOt Jh?.."10"0
yMay (still u'alUngF-Dcar, loyal followl
Severe Measures Put
in Force ;
Federation Repudiates
Denver, Colo. Juno 0 Delegate to
the Western Federation convention'
and offloers of that orgauizatloij in
Denver are oghast at the terrible out
rago at Indopeniinco this morning ini
open expressions of sympathy for tho
unfortunate non unionists are heard
on every side. Tlio wholesale murder
is vigouroaly codemned, and. Secretary-
Treasurer W. D. Haywood said that
the man or men reapoiwiblo for thq
crime should bo given short shift. . '
"Wo believe in fighting for every
thing wo believe ia right" said Mr.
Haywood thbi afternoon, "and fighting
most vigorously, but no one ever ac
cused this organization of murder. I
want it distinctly understood that
tho federation Is opposed to anything
like that which happened at Cripplo
Creek today and I hope the guilty
parties, if the explosion is tho result
of a conspiracy, will be- punished tq
tho full oxtent of the law.
"Our advices from camp aro meagre
and none of us care to make an ex
tended statement. It is barely possible
that the explosion waa the result of
an accident of some kind. We have
alreadv sent dotectives to make an In
vestigation for us."
Victor, Colo. Juno CTho injured
aro J. A. Bodlee, faco head and inter
nally; O. Clarence Allen, leg broken;
John Gnyvby, both legs broken; Ed
ward Holland, legs broken; Phillip
Cliandler, ankle broken and hurt inter"-
A number of blood Hodnds havo ar
rived, and are trying to pick up the
trial of the murderers, suspticta will
surely bo lynched If apprehended now.
E. P. Van Atto, ouo of fche party
who cscuped injury, said: "We had
been at tho sution al3nt two minutes
when tho explosion occurred. I
seemed to tfio to come from under the
platform; I was thrown seven tyflve
foet. ShurtlilT Shift hud not reached
the depot but was hurrying down.
All of tho twentyflvo men 'on the plat
form wero non tuliou. Only two or
threo bodies of my comrades could
be recognized. Tho balanoo wad just
blood and masses of flesh"
Victor, Colo. June 7 At nine this"
morning tho district had almost ro
sumed its normal condition of quiet.
Tho suspension of City Marshall O'Con
nor, tlio forcing of Sheriff Robertson
and Coroner Dornu to resign, placing
tho city under military control, whole
sale arrests of unionists and the an
nouncement by tho authorities that no
quartor wonld bo showil to any ouo
ovidenclug a disposition to pfakb
trouble, served to restore peuco and,
order out of chaos.
Tho authorities now liave tho flitu
atlon iu huudf uud there aro sufilclout;
troops and dsputiea on tho groiiud to
maintain order:" STioritF Boll, this
morning announced that all citizens
must go unarmed, disobedience, of
which means arrest by tlio military.
Full casualties of tho explosion thus
far iuoludes ilfteon, uud fourteen
wouuded, John Callerwpod ouo of thu'
most prominent union leadors iu.cauip
is among tho lattor.
Tho vigilnncd commlttoo organized
yesterday is still ut work iu tho small
towns of tho district, arresting union
ists and bringing them to Viotor,
where, thoy nro, placed under heavy
military guard, TJioso urre-sto will
continue until ovory uiau of influence
in union oirclos is a irisouor, when,
it is ' understood, tliey will bo placed
aboard' n special' audydoported.
Unon return of (the boveruor tomor
row fron St, Lo'ulsj is bolieved that
martial law will bo declared und
kent iu forco indefluately. Tho Mine
.Owuo- fendf , .pitlzansj; Alliaooo af
formulatiug'plausvil6ug this line,
(inofficial Figufesfup
to Date
i ,
Indicate Burns.. Alsb
Schiller Hermann Safe
as a
ffdliier.-Ahead so Far
if? Reported
Portland, Ore. Julio 7 Incomplek
VI f I,
returns' of the entire" stato up to uoofc,
indicate that the Republicans carried
nearly everything iucludug Congress
man Binger Hermann, although by
not as large a majority as was expect
ed. Local option amendment in the
state has also carried.
Up to time of gojsg topresa thbj
afternoon, returns, from Coos and
Curry .counties were very Incomplete,
as received inthbrclty.
Fpr.CpngresB.the lait retarafl bhowj
Hermann, 1010, and Vetch 878 with
eight big precincts hi Cooa and, most
of Curry county fcto hear from.
Moore is running away in Cooa and
will carry Iwth counties by a large
majority. The vote for circuit judge
as already reported give .Hailtoa
1223, Potter, 7 74,- with nine small
precbucw in Cooa yet to hr from.
For joint. (Senator, the reported vote
stands lioa for Coke and 1181 fpr
Sherwood with several largely Demo
cratic precinote yet to hear froHi.
With S?barvood's pmscat majority of
78 his Pl'cotidn is Oouceui'd, and his
majority vr.er Coke, estimated at
from 100 to 150-
Ten precincts 'from Coo and Carry
give Barm o2fl and Pieroe 400.
Returns frm Carry county show th$
Democrat's nomine 75 ahead,
His election isconceded.
With Missouri, Prosper, Souh
slough, Dora, Enchanted, Lake, Nor
way, Holland and Cealedo precincts
in Coos county yet unheard from, tho
vote for sherilf stands, GaUler, 1075,
and Siglin, 1030. The race will be
olose, though some are 'estimating Gal
lier's majority to bo in tho neighbor
hood of 100 votes.
Tho returns on olerk arei Watson 1008
wiih La wrenco 013 and" eight Demo
emtio preoiuotrt to Jiear from. Ftor
representative Hermann polled H10
agalust 708 for Leej and will proba
bly bo elected by.a little over 200.
J. T. Thrift "will bo elected county
assessor by u large majority, tho race
for Bheriff will bo oloso tho Republi-
cuua elect tho coroner aud tho precinct
olucora or .MitysnneKftrH jjomocratiq.
,fc In the raco for oo'mmiwibner for a
years, i A. Auaerson siigntiy in me
lead, uud will $iu.
Now,yofk, Juno O-Firo Jthty morn
iug gutted tho, sevort story 'areh
Of MoKessou A-Co-jdruggtetSj d, the
building oaouuiod by thp.Hof: fnll
?VP. Co., Siorry. HnUJiiJ
Aooiatiqn.x.Tho UfM lp.a q
tor of a million..
i 1W,'
1 VY
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t niai,w iwiimi
UPMWllllllMiWiil.l t" ' " " '
. iX-rtia.ax.-.f.-atottwaar
.".." VR.,