'"( I I N r !i I ' J I ; J ' ' if I .. -HiAx' If tinH" 1 personal apd BJJ II IK1MU Qnr Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work ABd sictbods, Hailed Frco to the ADVERTISING MAN of nay responsible house. & (From Saturday's Dolly.) The. Tug Hunter, CrttitM ii Cornwall of (fflrdiner, wai on the bay lb a morning. .. Knlmnk. wa a pajfencer frr in j San Knelonii ihr Arcaia tolay and J is registered hi the Ulaiice. J i O. G. Shaw, a .an Fracci'co com raerclsl man la a guest at the Central in this city f luoo tie arrival of the Areata tody. The MAIL has made man mL,. takes, but never the mistake of sizing j up tho saloon men of Marshdeld as a lot of lobpters. j Rudolph Wadekamper. a brother of ,,. ' , , , . iu.- adeknmper. the unfortunat man who died May 28th from the ' eifect of injuries received from a fal- ling tree, arrived today from his home - wu v t-j -rtT . t in at North lakima, Wash. Ho will ijgme np ino anaira oi aw aecexsea brother, who was possessed of coiwid- rablo property, and may have the re mains shipped to Rico county, Minn., their former home. I Democrats Hold Sally The Coos Bay Democrats met in a grand rally of their forces at the old town pavilion In North Bend last night. They ran free boats from Marsh field, and the North Bend Band was in attendance. Tho speakers of the eve uiag rero. Z. T . Siglin, A. J. Sher wood, E B. Sen brook and Robt. Burns. A very good turn-out and, an enthusiastic meeting is reported. ' Evangelistic ting's Evancelists McVeivh and Hart of the Moody Bible Institute Chicago. Hin a series of meetings June 5 at the Baptist Church, to continue for an indefinite time beginning each evening at 8 o'clock they have tut recently closed meetings at Cottage Grove and Eugene for the Cnmbeiltnd Prctbyterians. Rev. J. A. McVeigh, if a speaker of much vigor aod power preaching the truth of the Gospel with Symplicity, intersperced with incident and il'tntra tlon from an exc-erience of many vears service in evangelistic work. Mr, Cbas. H. Hart has chargeof the music, and will lead the sont; and praise service, singing Gospel Solos each evening with', pnllar nrmmnin muni. I guitar accompaniment. Holt BOIiebrake Dead , ftnd across tho front was suspended the ...... , ; Class Motto: "Conquering and Still to Hold Bonobrnke, the young man who'(. ,, was operated en for appendici.es in this U)"fluor city last Sunday, died at the city hos-1 The Proe1" whlohviw carried out pltal here this morning at OHO. MrJwithmt a displeasing feature, was uh oneb rake, whose borne is in Golden follows: dale, Washington, was in Marshfield i visiting friends and relati ves when the aucK oi sppenucues set in and it was .ouod by tho physicians that an immed iate operation was necessary. The operation was pprformed by Dr. Horsfall assisted by other physicians ol the city last Sunday and as the case waa a very complicated one it was thought best to notify the parontB of the unfor tunate young man that his condition was nry serious. Immediately on re ceipt of the messaga the parents, Di. and Mrs. Allen Oonehrake, started for this clty at once, arriving here last1 Monday, and were with their son up to the time of bis death. Mr. Bonebrake lacked bet a few weeks of being eighteen yeare of age and was a young man of the best moral habits aud one whose frxulty for msk- If r YfMI SMifsW from WEAKNESS -1-Vr" Ioqal uir filen.l-i rfmlirnl bun ex'temely iwpulsr willi nil who met hi-'". Tim temaiuti crt Miiibalincd this .......!.. .til lt t tl iKu n.iwt kiir liiu HH'K mm unit urn iiv . . IhiihhI AIUai.w will Ihi pArrlwi nek to iliu Washington home (or burial. Another nl the ro.U Republican rulliuj for which the local campaign In , Hits (ration ha lijonni ao thoroughly noted this joar wai nent a. tun puonc, ,qu,uo In Myrtle 1'olMt Inn nlht. Free trains wore In service from Marshllcld' . . . , . ,,. and way stations and overv point of tho surrounding country as represented . by a liberal turnout. Tho rally was ad-, vertised to take place t Hermann's i hall In that city but lone be lor m the ap-j pointed hour fur callim; the usr mblry to order it was found that t. o hall could not aceonimo.lato thu cm and. it was necessary to adhun to tl-, open .... . , Many candidates and promlnrnr. poll- ticlausofthe patty were present and soma iilthlr intertstlnc seeches mi the I leadim: ml Vctol the day wero made. ' i, r -J -V '' pt chase, J. S. Col." amf Alien R.jhaalweun dollght to MiimlUlelrt tor Joy were the leadiiiK rpeakor- ol tho many yearn, and Mlaa Witto la cer- evening. Tho Myrtle Point ImuiI waa tnlnly to bo n favorito. Her voice in in attendance and a very enthusiastic mooting is reported. STARTLING EVIDEN'CE Fresh testimony in great quantities Mu constantly coming in, dwlariug Dr. iiou and a,1(ij, to i nneqnnled. A recent letter from T. J. MoFarlaud, j Bcutorville, Va., serves ns oxnmplo. He writes: "I had lirouchitia for three years and doctored all tho time without being beuetitcd. Then I l)Cgnn tnkillR r. King's New Dia- eovery, and n few bottles wholly cured me." Equaly clfectivo in curing all Ln"K ud Throat troubles., Cousnnip. tion, Pneumonia and Grip. Guurnn by JoJm p druggiat. Trial 1h,mi0 free, regular sites 50 cents nud iM.OO. GRADUATING EXERCISES Of the '04 Class of the Marshfield Pub lic School The graduating oxerciscs of the Marshfield High School took; plnco in I. O. O. F. hall last evening ' in the presence of a large audience of highly pleased relatives and friends of tho graduates. The graduating class consisted of Delia P. Chapman, Eva M. Coke, Sam Marsden, V. Vivian Taylor and Stella Gulovsoq, all of whom were repre Hented on thu program. May Bennett, Nellie Tower, Ada Chapman and Bert Dimmick ncted as ushers, and on the stage wore seated the board of directors, J. T. McCor- mac. J. w. liennett ana iiuipn win CIerk John p. Hall iind Roy. i William Horsfall. The stago was tastefully arranged Overture,' "Sllver Dells," Hchlepegrel. Kirkman'a Orchestra. Processional March, "Jersey Carnival," Littlefleld, " Vocal Solo, Gypsy Maiden," Henry Parkor, Miss K. Witte. Invocation. Rev. Y. Horsfall. Salutation, "No Excellence without Great Labor," Delia D. Chapman. Oration, "Decision and Indecltdon of Character Contrasted," Eva M. Coke Presentation of Class Mantle, "Success the Reward of Effort." Sam MarsJen. Acceptance for Class of l005,-"Per- eeverance Wins," Hilda 8tcnholm. Vocal Solo, "Fleotlng Daya Waltz," H. Bailey. Mrs. C. W. Tower. Class Prophecy, V. Vivian Tavlor, Piano Duet, "Gallop do Concert." Sid aey Smith, Strenflhffiiver. -.?.- $ Mint Elckworth, Mrs. McPherson. Vallillotory, 'Conquering ami Still to Conquer' Stella H (lullovson. Selection, "Birth ol Love Walta," Molllnenx, Klrkman's Orchestra, Presentation ol Diplomas, ' Principal F. A. Uoldrn. thlsjsclrclion, March, "K.lunka," Sidney tli-, Smith, Klrkman's OrcnftMrn. The young people nil . atfc-pUted themselves very creditably, and It la wife to pay that the olnas of 0i la fnlly up to tho high standard to which, under Principal F. A. Golden, loonl tuatitution of lcnrniiiK ban our lit- tnMc, TJw Hnlutrttorv l,y Delia D. Chap . ,, , , ., ,. man was especially good In thought , , , .. , nuA ,1,c,tlou' ml woh of thu """W IW " to v pvond of her or his performance undor circumstances which canno6ont bo embarrassing to young people unaccustomed to public speaking. The class prophooy by V, Vivian TttJ.,or ww fuU ()f wUty nUwUmA which kept tho uudlaonco in a ripple ' ' ot , , , . ... Tho mnM,cI f-trwi qf tho progrttm getUB. Mra. C. W. Towor'a volco Hko liquid gold, and ahn hIujw with a .rvaexvo forco that la oxtraordluayr. Both ladles were encored aa waa also tho piano dnet of Mis Elukworth and Mra. McPherson. Kirkman'a orchestra treated tho as pcmbly to high class melody through out tho evening, This uew musical organltatlon vonld bo a credit to n town aeVeral times tho sleo of Mnrah f.eld, and it is a matter for congratu lntion that tho services of such an orchestra can bo secured hero. After tho exercises, tho fourth nu nual banquet of tho Alumni Associ ation was held at thcBroiler, at which class of 1001 was admitted into the Alumni. Miss Daisy Reedy, thu president, presided in a very charming and cap nble manner. John Krouholm wel comed tho new olass of 1001 and Miss Eva Coko responded. Tho followlug toasts wcro then proposed and re sponded to: "Tho American Girl," Margaret Anderson ; "Tho Alumni As sociation," Principal F. A. Golden; "Tho Marshfiold High School., "E. L. C. Farrinl"OurAb9unt Mombors", Maude Brown; 'T'ho Days That Aro Past", Rxim Tower; "Our Schools Bystem", Miss Bearnis. After singing tho old school songs and giving tho class yells, the happy throng dispersed, hoping to havo tunny more such joyful reunlons. An account of tho graduating ex ercises of tho eighth grade, which oo acurred In tho afternoon, received to lato for this issuemuch to our regret. (From Monday's. Daly.) Mrs. J. H. Price, of Allegany visited MarslTeld over night. Loyd Lennon, of Empire -is very ill of brain fever at his home in that city. Thos. Barclaw, of Myrtle Point, Is a guest at tho Central in this city today. 8. Lando, in moving Into his new quartern, the Dr. Tower cottago in south Marshfield, today. Jos, Barker, is an Ashland business man whose namo appears on tho regis ter of Ihe Central today. E. D. Baker, a Portland cigar bales man, Is making his headquarters at the Hotel Central In Marsbflold today. WORST OF ALL EXPERIENECS Can anything bo worse than to fool that every minute will be your last? Such was tho experience of Mrs. S. H. NewBom, Decatur, Ala., "For three years", she writes, "I endured Insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowoll trouble. Doath seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was in duced to try Electric Bitters and tho result whs miraculous. I improved at once and now I am completely recov ered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomuoh aiul Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only fiOo. It's guaranteed by John Prouss, Druggist. take th Maynp's . Tonic .yernufagt.' Phllpot A Johnnon, the patutcn, went tip Cooj rivet today lo paint Mrs. Lamlrlth't farm house. DRIVEN TO DESPERATION Living ut nn out ot tho way plnto.rt tuoto front ulvilluition, a fiuully la often driven to desimriitlou in cases of ncuidettt, resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, oto. Lay in u supply of Uuuklou's Avnleu Salvo. It's thu best of, etirth. Uoc, nt John PreuM Drug store. Tho MAIL is "some" on bonds, hut o inches ol hesd lo one Inch ot reading matter Is a little too rich (or our blood, ii, i. Jones aim nun uiuuards are Maxwell buslncsti tneii who ate vlstt'iig the mutropolls today and stopping nt thu Ulanco. Mrs. M. J. Elrod tuft for n short visit to valley points this morning. She went out by way of Gardiner aud the Drain route. J. V. Bennett, John Hall, and Mrs. f ranees McUlouu lull on tills mornings Brain stago for Salem to attend supreme court. F. M. Dormntt, who recently sold his lino ranch on Teniuito Lkke to thu Adams brothers, left on tho litot Areata (or San l-raucitco aud thu laud ol (lowers. A 4 12 Inch double column head over 0 single column Hues of reading certain ly ought to pteatu at least 1US8 people. 0. W. Pratt was noticed on tho streets today for tho 11 m tiino in sevural months. Ho is now ablo to uavu'atc very well in smooth going. Miss. Kulgler, who ha been teaching the third grade in thu Marshtleld High school during th past term, left for Engeue on this morclngs stage via Dralu. Miss Daisy Abornalhy, was a pat sougcr on thu Drain stagu enroute for Forest Grovo whoro sho goes to attend tho Kraduatine exercies of tbo Forest Grovo 11 igfi school. W. V. Havener, who has been repre senting tho Penh Mutual T.ifo Insurucce Company oti Coos bty for the past month left for his homo in Ashland this morning. Mrs. J. D. Tresham, ol Portland formorly teacher In tho Marshafltld high school arrived in th city by way ot tho overland route from tho valley weok and is now the guest of Mrs, P. M Wilber here. The steamer Czarina arrived In ljls bay from San Francisco at 4:30 this morning bringing 51 tons of freight for Marshfield and 24 for North Bend. Sho carried on her deck tho now bucket for the Larson Dredger. Evangelistic Meetings A good sired nudlcnc-j listened last nvoning to Evangsllsts McVeigh and Hart, speak and sing, at the oponing of the Special revivel meetings beginning nt the Baptist Church. Evangelistic Hart with thu bid ol a good choir led a song and praiso service for tho first half hour, that wan much enjoyed by all present, Mr. Hart also sang two gospel solos, using a guitar for accompaniment. Rev. McVeigh's messago for the even ing was "tho A. B. C. of tho Gospel," It was full of striking truths and telling incident that biought tho go'spol home to many hearts and many were Im pressed w'ith tho truths of tho message and all were pleased with tho tniet Ing, and the interest bolnt? manifested. These meetings continue each night this week, song and pialro servlco promptly at 8 and Gospel talk following. Tho public are cordially invited to all these services. - Sunday's Game What was by far tho belt ball of this season on the buy was played at tho Marshfield grounds yesterday when tho North Bond and Marshfield teams cross ed bata in a game resulting In a ecoro 14 to 11 In favor of Marshfiold, Though the day was all but a favor able orio, the attendance wbb vory liber al and every rooter of tho .bay shore was thero with bolls. The North Bond boys wore in good trim and lead out In tho flret few innings nf tho gamo with a Lou Dillon record, falling down only iu the pth and 0th. Features of thu game were many and well divided, though Uaflnoy'a pitching In thu 7, and 8,1111.1(1 iHndu thu big hit with thu grand stand, Tho olllolnl scoto wuh received loo Into for publication, LAST RALLY OF-REPUBLICANS ' ,. J Closed Campaign In a Grand Finish Good SpoochcQ Fine Music Free Ball As the grand llnlsh, thu Inst hent, tho ho mu tun of thu HopubllritiiH, tho John II. Mitchell Republican club of North Until! gave n grand rally, band concert and free dance lit thu old town pavilion ot that city last Satntday writing. Free boats 'to nccotnnwdnte thu .Varhhflold crowd nore In attoudntico and thu hull was tilled to "slnudlng room only". Tho North Bund band catno up to glvu an open air conceit on our ntreuta and escort the MaraHleld delegation down. Tho tally opened at tbo hall shortly alter eight o'clock with i baud selection which wan followed by thu opinilng nil dress delivered by I). L. l.oolbourrow, presidotit of the Mitchell Club andl acting chairman ul tho meullng. The speaker-) ol the evening were Jou Urn unit, John S. Coko and Mr. Browtioll of Clackmaa county. The rally which closed shortly after 10 o'clock, was followed by n grand Ireu dance which held a lingo portion ot (ho crowd until midnight A hlghiy enthusiastic meeting and a vory pleas ant evening la thu unflnuilons report of the 500, or more people wh? nuro pres ent. THAT THROBBING HEADACHE Would quickly leavu yon, if you nsed Dr.Kiug's New Life Pills. Thous- onds of snlfemrs havo proved their matchless merit for Sick aud Nervous Headaches. They make tiuru blood and build up your health. Only 35 c, money back If not cured. Sold by John Pruuas Druggist. ANOTHER MEETING OF CELEBRATION COMMITTEE . ij. p ... I Of MillOr uOIHnilUBiS, Reports Heard New Plans DIs- CUSSBlI Tho citizens' ith of July Com in It too mot at thu Chamlwr of Commurcu. rooms in this city again I-'rldny night unilmrrass him. Like Mr. Sherwood, and heard thu roports of thu several he devoted his tlmu to thu atU)iiiit to committees which wero apx)lnted at! show that natlnnal')x)litlcs had noth tho last meeting. Tho Commissary! lug to do with this election, going over Committee was thu first to report. precisely thu sumo ground and using This committee hnd found what it din-1 thu samo illustrations. Doing u resi iter to accommodnto n crowd Hko tho, dent of Marshlleld, however he uutur ono oxiocted could bo pro)jired nnd' Uy dovotod more tlmu to thu COAST served to n letter iidvnutngo If com jKwed chiefly of sliell fish, nud It wus therefore decided to give u jilaln alum and urab dinner with tor nnd coffee. bread and but Tho Decoration Coniinltteo was noxt Hcans should stand by their tiolcut, us to report, and announced that tlioy'rtuoh, and curiously unough, they hud arranged to decorate tho grounds, seemed to consider this u reason why tho pavilion and Front street from end to nnd. When a roport of tho Muslo Com mitteo was called for, they announced that arrangements had Imjcii made to havo IkiUi thu Marshfield and North Bend bauds in tho purudo and in at tendance at thu grounds during thu day. They announced that Kirk man's orchestra would furnish thu muslo nt tho dunce pavilion lioth in the day nud tho evening. Under thu head of siorts and amuse ments, tho next coniinltteo called for reported that tho full program before discussed hud Ixiou adopted and that in addition to this a bono contest bo tween tho Myrtle Point nnd Marshfield flro departments would ls given. Tho Coniinltteo on boats aud trains wero not ready to rojiort when called for, but stated that with their allow unco frco trains aud frco Ismts could bo arranged for and that tho contracts would bo rnado today, and that by thu next mooting tlioy would lx ublo to furnish thu general oommitteo with thu signed contracts and n full list of thu schedules and tlmo cards. This was tho last committee called for and after its roport tho convention went Into a general discussion of tho plana for tho celebration,,1'' It wuu, i doubled to tunica nppplUnitlnn through tho Oregon delegation to tho Navy Dtv pnrttnout for it gun hont or two nnd u monitor to Ihi sont I torn wipouliilly for thu oooiuilon, mid to invito niouilsirH of thu delegation to visit our olty nnd deliver thu orutfoiiH of thu day. Furl her pliuw of ontorUiliinitMit wovo dlfunuissod unit If i found pviiotloublii will Ik announced Inter, Thu nutting adjourned until noxt Wednesday night. THE DEMOCRATS' LAST STAND Round up the Cam paign With Lots of Eloquence Thu Domocrutlu rully In I. O. 0. V. hull Saturday night was fairly well atti'iidod, and was u rnthur eiithunluif tlo nlfalr, thanks to Jack Flaiiiigan who led tho iipplausu on tho slightest provocation. Judgo W. II. S . Hyde, tho old Dem ocratlu war-liorsv, who holds his ollloo in a strongly Republican town, with out op-Kmltlon, prvfldod and lutroddu ed tho scukurs, A. J. ShenviKid, E. lb Suuhrook and Robt. Burns, iu thu or der uaiued. The first part ot Mr. Sherwood's ml (Irciii was missed by the MAIL rvpro soututtvo, but when we oamu in ho was passing down tho Hue of Duiuourutlu caudldatiii and giving each a ulcu little suud'olf. Then ho devoted his powers to attempting to show that national politics should not Ih consid ered In this campaign; that tmtloiml jMilitlcs wcro like thu (lowers that bloom iu the spring, and hud nothing to do with thu cane. Tho greater part of his siK.'coh was devoted to this ono argument. Then ho talked about his own candidacy, nud pledged hiuiHulf, I in caso tho legislature should Isi Ha publican when thu noxt United States Betiator Is to Ix elected, to vote for tho "man who would do thu most for Coos county". This ho seemed to think put him iu a bettor position to solloit Repulionn votes than thu Republican caiiiiiuaio iiiuiHoir. Mr. Seabrook stnUvl that this was his J first apiwaruuoo lsforu u Marshfiold audience, but tho fact did not seem to MAIL for which tho MAIL wishes to I, oxpn-Hs its appreciation, particularly for the courtesy of Ills treatment. Itoth these, speakers demolished to their satisfaction tho idea that Rcpub- Republicans should vote thu Demo oratlo ticket, but no reason why Dem ocrats should voto tho Republican ticket, it Isiing understood that Ixith sides claim to havo tho "best ticket". Thu only argument madu was thu claim that Leo and Burns aro bettor "talkers" than Hermann ami Pierce. Rolsirt Burns, tho Curry county candidate for joint representa tive, was manifestly uinhurrasscd, nt first, but soon got his second wind. Ho ut least gavo a reason why ho should bo eleotcdi-that Mr. Hume was opKsud to him, Ah to tho soundness of this reason, tho voters will have given thoir verdict before this paper reaches its readers. Each of tho speakers conduoted him self w'ith decorum and treated his op inmuntH with thu utmost consideration. Even tho MAIL can iind no ground for complaint in tho treatment accorded it. To speak of tho MAIL us tho ' 'mouth-plouo of tho Republican party ' may ls n llttlo off coloi', but tho MAIL can corlalnly stand that if thu Republican party can, Thu Marshfield band aud Ivlrluuan's orohehtra furnished excellent music for tho occasion, and taken nil to gether," tlto lUiteiTlilod urny bo ' con grutulqiod on tho showing thuyujndiy i. -.? f 'ihg - W'WW',"' " r st'v.il&'-t-i-i)c;?Kzn-i---v'-'rjz " ?jw-t'ii&mwmrt -' '" ' .,. r jrT MfWV ' ' 1Li -7TX5rw-if ,nMp.tlv r-- wkl"' i